• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 2,113 Views, 22 Comments

Equestria Girls 4: Save the Childhood Camp by throwing a Crystal Gala - Tennis Match Fan

When the Everfree Camp is endanger of shutting down, the Equestria Girls friend group decides to save it!

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Legend of Everfree, Part 4

The Dasher slammed her bags onto the ground and hopped onto the nearest bed she saw.

Bon Bon and Lyra quickly followed her inside.

"Since we're best friends, we should have our own bunkbed, just for us." Bon Bon grinned and sat down on the bed opposite of The Dasher's. "I call bottom."

"Good, because I'm definitely a top-bunk person," Lyra answered, winking at Bon Bon. "Or, you know, we could switch it up a bit..."

Pinkie Pie bounced into the cabin, swinging her arms gaily. "I guess I'm sleeping with The Dasher then!" Pinkie dropped her backpack on the floor and jumped into her bunk bed.

"Alright, let's set up our pillows," Lyra declared, pulling a fluffy headrest out of her duffel bag.

Meanwhile, in the other cabin, Fluttershy's unconscious body had been laid on one of the lower bunks. Glasses had picked the bunk above Flutters, and was in the process of encasing herself in an impenetrable pillow fort.

"Alrighty, folks, I suppose I'll take a top bunk," Applejack declared, tossing her hat into the bunk above Sunset's.

"Are you sure you want to sleep above Sunset?" Rarity asked, fluffing her hair in the mirror on the opposite side of the cabin. "She's been known to snore very loudly."

Sunset reddened. "Hey, that's no crime!"

Rarity sniffed. "And then, I suppose, I'll be sleeping by myself. Which is something I'm used to." Rarity sat down on her bed and promptly swapped her boots for a pair of chic sandals. She snapped, "Don't think I'm lonely over here, because I'm not!"

Applejack and Sunset exchanged glances, then shrugged.

The seven protagonists and two supporting characters met at the center of the campsite.

"Glad you girls are all set up," Gilda commented, nodding approvingly. "So at lunch, which is in a couple minutes, we're going to go around and introduce everybody. But here." She passed out clipboards to the group. "Write your name underneath any activity you want to participate in."

"Campfire songs?" Sunset mused, writing her name down.

"Pottery!" Pinkie Pie squealed, scribbling her name down beneath that and several other activities.

Rainbow took the clipboard from Pinkie. "No way am I missing ziplining!"

"Nature hikes sounds fun." Fluttershy smiled while Applejack looked on over her shoulder.

At that moment, Coloratura walked out of the main building, hunched over as if she had been struck.

"Miss Rara, are you okay?" Rarity asked, noticing.

Coloratura was surprised at Rarity's comment. She straightened up and smiled. "Of course, Rarity. I took a hiatus from my music career, and my manager wants me to get back to it."

"So you're leaving?" Applejack asked, raising The Eyebrow in concern.

Coloratura laughed. "I'm not going anywhere until the end of the camping trip."

Suddenly, one of the other camp counselors, a purple-haired girl Rarity recognized as a frequent customer, Amethyst Star, returned with a group of sophomore campers in tow.

"Gilda, Rara, we're all ready for lunch," Amethyst said, grinning.

Soon, more groups joined them for the lunch break.

"Alright, everyone!" Gilda took control as the 70+ campers settled down. "Not everyone has arrived at camp, but those who are here, we're gonna do a fun game! If you're left handed, go to the right side of camp! And if you're left-handed, go to the left side!"

There was a low murmur as the campers obeyed Gilda's command. Fluttershy and Glasses, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash traveled to the right side of the clearing, along with two or three or kids. The rest of the campers were right-handed.

"Hey, you know what's weird?" Fluttershy said, smiling at Glasses.

"What?" Glasses asked.

"The pony Twilight, your counterpart, used her right hand."

Meanwhile, Gilda was issuing more directions. "Left handed people, introduce yourselves to each other! And righties, further divide yourself. If you saw The Dress as white and gold, move to the right" -she gestured with her hand- "and if you saw it as blue and black, move to the left." When the groups were small enough to be satisfactory, GIlda continued, "Now introduce yourself to each other!"

Sunset, who was right-handed and saw the dress as white and gold, turned to a girl with pale skin and curly pink hair. "Hi, my name's Sunset Shimmer-"

"I'm Fluer De Lis," the other girl said, smiling wryly. "We participated in the Friendship Games together."


The Dasher was busy befriending a girl named Lightning Dust.

Glasses and Fluttershy, both introverted creatures, were sticking close together and watched as The Dasher and Lightning Dust talked. Only five other kids shared their rare handedness.

"Hi, I'm Soarin," one of the kids said. He had whispy blue hair and cheerful green eyes.

"I'm Twilight, but you can call me Glasses." Glasses smiled weakly and pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose.

"I'm Fluttershy," the butter-skinned girl whispered. "I like animals..."

"My name's Little Strongheart," said a second girl, who had skin and hair the color of squash.

"Mighty nice to meet you." Applejack grinned at her.

Pinkie Pie, on the other side of camp (blue and black) was talking to everyone in her group. "Hiya, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I like parties and cupcakes and X rated movies!" No one else could get a word in edge-wise.

Eventually, Gilda held up her hand. "Now that everyone has become acquainted with at least one or two new friends, the counselors are going to lead you on a nature hike!"

"That's right!" Coloratura added, stepping up next to the white-haired girl. "Everyone line up!"

As luck would have it, the left-handers, Glasses, Applejack, The Dasher, and Fluttershy ended up in the back of the line.

"I hope we get to see some baby tarantulas!" Fluttershy whispered excitedly as they walked.

"And I hope to find a rare specimen of moss!" Glasses said, grinning excitedly. "I left my field journal back in the cabin but I should be able to locate-"

"Lighten up and just enjoy the view," Applejack retorted. "Oopsies, hold on, I need to tie my shoe."

"We'll wait for you," the Dasher offered loyally.

The three girls waited for AJ to fix her footwear, wish kept them a few yards behind the rest of the group.

Applejack stood up, and suddenly gasped. "Something just grabbed my shoe!"

Everyone looked down in horror at the pink hand that clutched Applejack's left shoe.