• Published 18th May 2018
  • 5,225 Views, 368 Comments

Out of Time - Onomonopia

Equestria is out of time. But for a time traveler, there is always a few seconds to spare.

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The First Boss

As the smoke began to clear, Trunks found that he had indeed succeeded in blow apart the tower that Sombra had been standing on. And for a brief moment he thought that would be the end of things. However, after a moment he could feel the dark king's presences, so with a sigh he lowered himself all the way to the ground to confront Sombra once more.

"You...nearly killed me," the dark king said in a smokey form that was filled with darkness, with only his red eyes visible amongst the smoke.

"That was the idea," Trunks replied.

"But that is not how we do things! I taunt you, you say how you're here for justice or to free the ponies or anything like that, then I tell you how you're going to fail and reveal my plan to end good once and for all! Then you say something hopeful and pointless and then, only then, do we fight! It's like you have no respect for the time honored tradition that is heroes versus villains!" Sombra roared, far more upset about Trunk's actions than Trunks thought he would be.

"You're right. I don't care at all," Trunks replied before drawing his blade, noticing that the eyes within the smoke narrowed. "I'm here to kill you and free these ponies from the control you have over them. Anything else, be it words or boasts, is simply a waste of time. Now either leave your shadow form and let me kill you, or prepare to fight for your life. Your choice."

"Feh, this is the problem with the new generation. No respect for the classics. Very well, boy, to the death it is. Oh guards," Sombra said, turning over three hundred sets of eyes to Trunks. "Kill him."

Trunks had expected Sombra to use his soldiers to fight his battle, but as the soldiers began to lunge towards Trunks, the Saiyan warrior noticed that Sombra began to unleash spells of black magic from within his smokey form. Trunks deflected the spells with his blade, making sure to keep an eye on the dark king before turning most of his attention to the oncoming army.

He chopped one pony on the back of the neck and dropped him, before grabbing another by his horn and throwing him on the far side of the battlefield. He could hear Sombra laughing as the forces began to overwhelm Trunks, all the while firing more and more blasts of darkness into his own troops in hopes that he would strike Trunks. Not that the soldiers were really doing anything to Trunks. With his insane strength and resistance, none of their attacks were really doing anything to him. But what gave him concern was the way Sombra was willing to kill his own forces to be rid of Trunks. He couldn't let that happen.

In a blur of motion Trunks burst forth from the pile of dark ponies that had thrown their bodies onto him, flying straight towards Sombra's smoke form. Just to see if it would work he slashed at the smoke with his blade, but much like he predicted the blade passed harmlessly through the smoke. Yet Sombra had just barely begun to laugh before Trunks pointed an open hand towards Sombra, charging a ki blast in it.

'Celestia said that the light generated from my attacks would prevent Sombra from using his shadow form,' Trunks recalled before firing the blast of ki right into the center of the smoke monster. Sombra roared in anger as the light from the attack caused his shadows and smoke to vanish for a brief moment, allowing Trunks to see the faint outline of a pony within. 'And it seems she was right about that. Okay, time to light this guy up.'

With swift, rapid movements Trunks fired burst after burst of ki into Sombra's smoke form, completely illuminating the entire form within a matter of seconds. Sombra let out a curse as he struggled to keep his smoke form, but a moment later he reformed into a pony and fell to the ground.

The moment Sombra's actual body was vulnerable, Trunks moved in. Sombra barely had time to raise his eyes at Trunks before Trunks swung his sword down to where Sombra's neck met his shoulders. Trunks caught movement out of the corner of his eye and stopped his attack just in time to avoid cleaving in two one of the soldiers that had leapt in the way to defend his king. Trunks switched to his other hand and drove the blade down, but by then Sombra was already back in his shadow form, slinking away from Trunks.

"You do know that if you want to kill me you are going to have to do more than just run," Trunks told Sombra while flicking away the pony that had thrown himself in the way. Sombra's eyes narrowed and he tried to sputter out some kind of response, but he had barely gotten a syllable out before Trunks was lighting him up with more ki blasts.

More soldiers threw themselves in Trunks path to try to stop him from getting to Sombra, but Trunks had wised up to that strategy. With reflexes that made bullets look like they were standing still, Trunks aimed each of his shots perfectly around each and every pony that tried to stop him. Sombra let out a curse as he fell back into his physical form and this time Trunks wouldn't let him escape. Trunks threw out both hands and created a ki shockwave, blowing away all of the ponies close to him except for Sombra.

"Do not think you've won! I have an attack so powerful that-" Sombra's words died in his throat as Trunks plunged his blade through Sombra's chest, driving it up to the hilt before he finally stopped. Trunks then lifted the blade and the impaled Sombra with one hand, gazing into the dying kings eyes as he did so.

"Just shut up and die already," Trunks said coldly. Sombra looked from Trunks to the sword that was sticking into him before a weak laugh escaped the lips of the king.

"You...are nothing like the other heroes. You...are something else entirely," Sombra wheezed with one last laugh. "Oh, Clockwork is going to love you."

"Clockwork? Who the hell is that?" Trunks asked Sombra, but at that point Sombra's eyes began to close and he started to lean forward on Trunk's sword. Trunks snarled before he pointed a finger at Sombra and transferred the tiniest bit of ki into the dark king, giving him just a little bit more time. "Answer me! Who is Clockwork?!"

All Sombra did was smirk, before looking behind Trunks. "See for yourself."

Trunks whirled around and slashed behind him, cleaving Sombra in half as he did so and leaving his blade free once more. Yet despite having enough strength to cleave the moon in half, Trunks eyes went wide as the being standing behind him caught the blade with his thumb and index finger.

Trunks narrowed his eyes as he recognized the being. Metal limbs with gears and pistons moving within them. A top hat and a fancy looking coat with tails. A cane in one hand with a tiny, gold head of a creature he didn't recognize on the end of it. And a pair of horn rimmed glass on a metal face that had minute hands for a mustache. He may not have known who the being was, but he did know that this was the being he had seen before the world had...changed.

"Oh dear, you're not supposed to be here," the being said in a voice that was completely mechanical. "No, no, this will not do at all. He will not be happy with any interference."

Trunks pulled his blade back and managed to free it, but a patch of rust along the center caught his eye. Then, as he watched, the entire blade began to rust away in Trunks very hands. He dropped the sword to the ground and moments later it was nothing but rust. Trunks said nothing as he gazed back at the mechanical being,

"Are you Clockwork? That was what Sombra called you before he died," Trunks demanded to know.

"The one and the same," the being replied with a small bow and the tip of his hat. "But I am afraid that thanks to Sombra you have me at a disadvantage, good sir. Might I know your name as well?"

"No," Trunks said as he pointed a hand at Clockwork and fired a blast of ki at him. Yet to Trunks amazement, the moment the ki bolt left his hand it came to a halt it mid air. Trunks stared at it for a moment, waiting for it to move, but the ki blast hung there as if it was suspended in the air.

"Come now, none of that. We're wasting time and time is the one thing that we cannot waste," Clockwork said as he looked around. Trunks narrowed his eyes at the being, before taking a quick peek at his surroundings as well. To his utter shock, he found that it wasn't just his ki blast that wasn't moving. Nothing was moving. None of the soldiers were moving, their spells hung in the air like his ki. Even the two halves of Sombra's body hadn't hit the ground yet.

"He will not be happy about that. He was so looking forward to seeing how Sombra would win the war against Celestia," Clockwork said with a shake of his head, before shrugging his shoulders. "Then again, after a frightful incident with a Sombra in another time he does hate all Sombra's now, so I suppose he will not be that upset. Still, it is sad to know this was not the time."

"Okay, you are seriously confusing me right now," Trunks said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Are you...some kind of time manipulator or something like that? Because if you're not, then give me a moment to prepare myself for this fight to the death that I am certain that we're going to be having."

"Nonsense, I have no desire to fight you. At least, not at this time or place," Clockwork replied before noticing the confusion on Trunks face. "Ah, I see that you are confuse. Allow me to offer some respite. I am Clockwork, a being that is searching for something in this world. Or rather, in a timeline of this world."

"That didn't help in the slightest."

"Apologizes. Hmm, perhaps rather than tell you I should show you." Clockwork stamped his cane on the ground and the next thin Trunks knew the world had fallen away, replaced with a dark nothingness that swarmed all around them. The soldiers, the ground and sky, the two halves of Sombra, all of them had fallen away into the blackness. All Trunks could see now was Clockwork, who was standing before him.

"How odd. I know for certain that I wanted to freeze you in time along with everything else, but for some reason you are allowed to keep moving," Clockwork muttered. "Perhaps you exist outside of time like myself. How odd."

"So you are a time manipulator. You are the one who is responsible for the problems with the time stream in this world," Trunks muttered as he took up a fighting stance. "Why are you using your powers to tear apart the time stream of Equestria?!"

"My powers. Oh no, you are most mistaken. I am but the learner, with no real powers of his own. These powers come from my master," Clockwork corrected.

"Who is your master, then?"

"That would be me," said a voice from behind Trunks, who turned around in time to take a metal fist to the face that knocked him flat. "And you are another interference in my plans. Trunks. Time Patroller. Saiyan. About time you showed up."