• Published 18th May 2018
  • 5,225 Views, 368 Comments

Out of Time - Onomonopia

Equestria is out of time. But for a time traveler, there is always a few seconds to spare.

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Despite having wanted to kill each other a moment ago, Nightmare Moon and Starlight fired twin blasts of magic into the chest of the Maestro. Nightmare fought with Starlight because she realized at the moment that Maestro was the far bigger threat to her and her world. Starlight fought with Nightmare Moon simply because she didn't want to see mother and foal die. So for a moment they formed a truce and combined all of their might into bringing down the Maestro.

Their attacks did nothing to him.

Maestro walked through the magic as if the spells that could crack the planet were a soft breeze. Nightmare caught onto how the current situation was going to end and teleported herself farther back from where she had been standing, leaving Starlight alone to confront the Maestro.

"There is no need to fear for your life. At the moment, you interest me enough to keep you alive," Maestro told her, before he snapped his fingers and created a sphere of shattered magic around the mare. "But that is only if you continue on this path of erasing timelines and changing the future of this world. And if you cannot do that here, then I shall simply do it for you."

"As if it will be so easy!" Nightmare Moon roared as her body crackled with might. She let out a shriek that could pierce the heavens before she unleashed a blast of unbridled power at the Maestro. Maestro took the blast right to the face, but aside from burning away the upper half of his cloak, the attack might as well have missed him for all the damage it did. Nightmare's eyes widened in absolute disbelief at the fact that the Maestro was not only alive after taking a spell like that, but that he was walking towards her as if he hadn't noticed the attack.

"You are the same as all of your counterparts. You bellow, you rage, you deem how unfair the world it...and then you lose. It is who you are," Maestro said as he raised an arm towards Nightmare. She constructed a barrier around herself to stop the blast.

Maestro's spell pierced clean through the barrier and cleaved off Nightmare's wing, getting the alicorn of darkness to roar in agony as her wing ceased to be. Her fear and desire to protect her precious cargo forced the pain from her mind, allowing her to focus long enough to conjure another spell on the end of her horn. She was too late.

Maestro was on her in a moment. He grabbed Moon by the throat and hoisted her into the air, dangling her for a moment before driving her into the ground. Nightmare's horn flashed and created a cushion of magic for her to land on. Despite her magical cushion cancelling out the damage that her body would have suffered, Maestro simply tightened his grip on her neck and her vision nearly went black.

"Hmm, that was the longest that I've ever had a Nightmare Moon fight against me," Maestro noted. Nightmare's response was to fire one last, desperate spell into the face of Maestro. As with all of the others, it did nothing. Maestro then hoisted Nightmare Moon up once more, smirked at her efforts, and then blasted shattered magic into her. Nightmare went limp as the magic did it's job and a moment later her body crumbled away into dust, her crown dropping to the ground. "Not that it made any difference in the end."

"NO!" Starlight bellowed. Her horn nearly shattered under strain as she unleashed all of her power, even forbidden magic that she had sworn to never use again, into Maestro's barrier. The barrier shattered and a moment later Starlight lunged towards Maestro, who turned around in time to take one of her spells to the face. "What have you done?!"

"Ended this timeline, something you and Trunks should have done ages ago," Maestro pointed out. Starlight bellowed at his words and fired another blast of magic into Maestro's body. Maestro, in response, started to look around. "Where is that Saiyan, anyway? He should have come flying in at full power in a rage, just like all Saiyans do. Hmm, perhaps he's trying a bit of strategy. Ha. Saiyans do not strategize. He must be lost."

"I'm certain he'll be here any second now."


Spears of ki shot from Trunks extended hands towards the dark king, who in the span of moments managed to deflect, absorb, or dissipate the ki shots with the darkness around him. Sombra's response was to shoot his magic into the crystal platform at his hooves and shatter it into a swarm of shards, which he then had rain down on Trunks in a razor rain of death. Trunks blade moved faster than the crystals, dicing them into nothingness before he turned back towards Sombra once more.

Trunks, in his second form, was fast enough to be on Sombra in an instant, lashing out with his hand and wrapping it around Sombra's throat. Yet the moment his hand touched the dark king, memories of all of his friends and family being brutally murdered flashed before his eyes, before they were followed up by memories of him being decapitated, incinerated, ripped apart and straight up erased. Trunks let out a bellow of insanity as he held his hands to his head, his brain trying to fight the false memories that felt so real.

Sombra didn't waste the opening that he had made. His first act was to consume Trunk's blade in darkness, dissolving it into the shadows around them. He then fired little spheres of darkness into Trunks eyes, getting the Super Saiyan to roar in agony as he scratched at his eyes, trying to clear away the crippling blindness that now consumed his vision. Sombra then put everything he had into his horn, unleashing a blast of magic into Trunks chest at full force.

While the blast didn't do much damage, with Trunks being blind and still fighting memories that weren't real, the spell was strong enough to send Trunks tumbling backwards across what remained of the crystal platform. Yet in a moment he was back on his feet, the light of the ki that flowed through him burning the darkness out of his eyes. Those same eyes locked onto Sombra and a moment later his fist was coming down on the dark king, whose brain hadn't even processed that Trunks had move.


Trunks fist came to a dead halt at the words spoke, words spoken by a voice that he knew all too well. He blinked twice, before lowering his fist as he stared at Mai, who was standing in front of him. "Trunks, it's really you! I didn't think that I'd see you here! We thought that we lost you forever!"

"Mai?! But how can this be? You're not supposed to be here! And where's Sombra?!" Trunks asked Mai as his golden hair returned to its natural blue color and he reached out for her. Mai gave him an evil smile in return.

Mai then exploded in a colossal explosion of light, with the sound and flash of the detonation great enough to blind and deafen Trunks at the same time. He let out a cry he never heard as his hands clasped to his ears. A piercing blade of darkness ripped through his back knee, knocking Trunks to one knee as his hands grasped at where the pain was. He realized what had happened and returned to his Super Saiyan form a moment later, blinking hard and managing to regain some of his sight.

"You're done!" Trunks roared, lunging towards Sombra at a speed the king couldn't keep up with. But Trunks, the poor boy, had an habit of being predictable when he got angry. And Sombra knew what was coming. A small beam of purple light shone from Sombra's horn and caught Trunks right between the eyes, getting the saiyan to fall to the ground and skid to a halt.

"What's going on?" Trunks asked as he looked up. He then looked down at himself to find that he was glowing. "What's going on?! Why am I glowing?! Where am I and...and who am I?"

"You're dead."

Trunks roared in pain as shards of dark magic shredded his body, spraying blood as he was ripped apart. His golden form faded and he collapsed to the ground, before a massive tidal wave of magic swallowed him whole and bombarded his body with darkness. There was no light to see, no air to breathe and his entire body was being dissolved into the darkness. And he had no idea why.

'I'm...going to die,' he realized as he struggled, both to escape and remember who he was. 'Why is he trying to kill me. Did I say something to him? Is he someone whose evil. Maybe I hurt him. Or maybe he hates my-'

My. Mai. MAI!

Darkness was blasted apart as a light that could equal a star erupted from within, revealing Trunks and his golden hair that now went down to nearly his knees. His roar alone blasted back the darkness and the memory of his love restored his very own memory, along with the will and resolve to finish this. But as he looked up to see the king of darkness, he realized that even this power might not be enough.

Sombra was towering over Trunks, having infused himself with all of the darkness in the reality that they had been trapped in to turn himself into the darkness that made up the reality. He held the platform on which Trunks stood on the center of one of his massive hooves, his red eyes, each the size of a city narrowing as he started down his foe. Then his dark horn began to charge with power, shaking the entire realm to its core.

"FINE! LET'S GO!" Trunks bellowed as his muscle and aura exploded with a power that far eclipsed his second form from before. His golden aura was joined by a blue aura and an unbridled rage that further strengthened him, giving him enough power to even bring down gods. He then clasped his hands together in front of him, creating a sphere of power that crackled with both blue and gold light, a light strong enough to illuminate his half of the dark reality.



Both Sombra and Trunks bodies erupted with the most unchained versions of their greatest attacks. Sombra's shrieking hellfire of darkness ripped apart all of the light in its path with Trunks seraphic beacon of light decimated all darkness in its path. The two beams reached one another and for a moment Sombra's all consuming darkness and Trunks almighty light collided...and then Sombra's beam along with Sombra himself vanished completely, leaving Trunks Final Flash to rocket off into the furthest reaches of the dark realm.

The shock at Sombra's sudden disappearance was so great that he reverted back to his base form, glancing around with a confused look on his face. Then Sombra appeared across the crystal platform from Trunks, getting Trunks to take up a fighting stance. But the moment Trunks saw Sombra's face, he knew that the fight was over.

"No..." Sombra whispered, his horn glowing yet it was not doing what Sombra wanted it to. "No no no! Nightmare!"

In the blink of an eye Sombra tore open a portal back into the real world and rocketed through it, Trunks just managing to make it through as well thanks to his speed. The two of them burst forth back into the light, Trunks having to hold up a hand to shield himself from the light that blinded him, along with what everything else Sombra had done to his eyes. Sombra had no such moment of weakness, so he was allowed to take in the full sight of what awaited him back in the real world.

"Nightmare...Luna..." Sombra croaked in, his voice breaking as he fell to his knees. Trunks rubbed the blindness out of his eyes and finally took in what Sombra had seen...and it sent his heart sinking into his chest.

Maestro was standing over a bruised Starlight, his foot on her chest to keep her pinned to the ground. And near that same boot was a pile of dust, with a deep blue and black crown resting a top the dust pile. Maestro heard the noise and turned his head to see that Trunks had arrived. "Ah. There you are."

"Maestro...what have you DONE?!" Trunks bellowed as his Rage form returned once more, sending his power rocketing into the realm of obscene.

"What does it look like I've done? I've done what you were unable to," Maestro stated as a matter-of-fact. Trunks fist was on the side of his head a split second later and Maestro found himself in the side of a mountain. Trunks took just a moment to check to make sure that Starlight was okay before he prepared to go after Maestro...only for the world to start to fade to white around them.

"He...he actually did it. He killed her," Trunks whispered, horrified beyond belief. He then turned to look back at the dark king, who was kneeling next to ashes of his wife and his future. Trunks slowly walked over to Sombra, returning to his normal form and reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder, only to cease and lower it to his side. "Sombra...I'm...I'm..."

"A few minutes ago I thought that being erased completely was the worst thing that could happen to me. Now I welcome it with open arms," Sombra replied. His voice was not sad, nor angry or grieving. It was blank. Trunks lowered his head and grieved with Sombra for a moment, Starlight walking over next to them and bowing her head as well. Trunks then raised his head once more and placed his hand on Sombra's shoulder.

"I promise you that I'll kill him for this. For what he's did to them. You have my word," Trunks promised Sombra.

The dark king looked at Trunks for a moment as Sombra's own body began to fade away, the dark king being practically all that was left in the world at that point. Then his horn glowed faintly for a moment and Trunks felt traces of magic wrap around his body.

"One last spell. So you can follow him to the next timeline. So you can finally find out what he and Clockwork have been working so hard to find. And Trunks?" Sombra asked right before him and the rest of his world that he fought so hard to protect faded away into nothingness.

"Make him suffer."