• Published 18th May 2018
  • 5,225 Views, 368 Comments

Out of Time - Onomonopia

Equestria is out of time. But for a time traveler, there is always a few seconds to spare.

  • ...

Next Mission

Trunks and Starlight stood alone on a hilltop overlook Ponyville. Not an alternate timeline of Ponyville, not a Ponyville that had been taken over or destroyed: just the Ponyville that Starlight called home and the very first one Trunks had arrived in. The sight of the town allowed the both of them to let loose a sigh of relief. For gazing upon this town told them that their adventure was at an end, that the timeline was finally fixed.

"And with this, it's all over," Starlight said to Trunks. The wind caught her mane and caused it to flow behind her slightly, which in turn caused her to close her eyes and enjoy the moment. "I am never going to complain about this small little town ever again. Who knew how desperately you could miss someplace."

"I know how you feel. With all the time travel shenanigans, I have no idea how long I've been away from home, but I know that it's been too long," Trunks admitted with a small smile. "Of course, there's all the paperwork that I've got to fill out once i get back and the Supreme Kai is probably going to lose her mind when she hears about the almost unending time loop that we were all apart of. Thanks, by the way."

"For what?"

"For figuring out a way to break the loop. Actually, for figuring out a way to fix all of this," Trunks admitted with a bitter grin. "All throughout our journey I was so convinced that my way would work, that if we just eliminated our problems, then we would get what we needed in the end. But, as we both saw, my way was only keeping us trapped in that loop. And even when we broke free of the loop, my way, my power, wasn't enough to stop the Maestro. You did that. You stopped him."

"Come on Trunks, it was a team effort. I stopped him. You destroyed him...at least, those three versions of him," Starlight replied. She lowered her eyes and bit her lower lip, dark thoughts starting to creep across her mind. "Of course, that means he's still out there, doing to others what he did to us. Did we really win...or just prolong the inevitable?"

"Are you afraid he'll come back here one day?" Trunks asked.

"I doubt he can come back here. When we destroyed his bodies, I used almost all of the shattered magic I had to make sure that no being with shattered magic can leave or enter this reality. I think we're safe from him. It's the rest of reality that I'm worried about,"Starlight admitted. "But, as the barrier I've used keeps him out and me in, I really can't do anything about the other hims. But you can."

"What do you mean?"

"We both saw what he did to this world, Trunks. How many others is he keeping trapped in a loop? How many are just his playthings that he uses for his own self gain? How many of them need help?" Starlight asked. "And that's where you come in. You can do what I can't. You can go out there and fight him. You can help to free all of reality from his wrath and evil. Because no matter what he said to you, you are a hero. You are the hero that destroyed three Maestros."

"I see you've forgotten the part where he beat me close to death and then pulverized the shit out of me," Trunks reminded her.

"That was when he was ready for you. If I had to wager a guess, the other suits won't be anywhere close to as strong as you are," Starlight suggested, before shrugging her shoulders. "But that's just a guess. You won't know what happens until you go out there and try. And you're going to go out there, aren't you? I can see it in your face."

"I guess you know me better than I thought you did. Of course I'm going after him. As long as ki flows through my body, I will fight him. And I will win. That's what heroes do," Trunks smiled, clenching his fist with determination. "And sadly, I guess that brings my time on this world to an end. I was hoping when all of this was done that I could spend some time looking around your world, but-"

"Maestro won't wait for any of us. I know. Go save reality," Starlight nodded to Trunks. Trunks nodded in reply, before he reached backwards and grabbed the hilt of his sword. He hadn't even realized that it was back until they had arrvied in the true Equestria timeline. One last gift from Clockwork, he guessed. He drew the blade, looked at his reflection, before he looked down at Starlight. He then flipped the blade over and offered the handle to her.

"For you. You proved your as much of a time patroller as the rest of us. Let this be your badge of honor."

"Are you sure? That blade means a lot to you."

"And it would mean more if you had it. Just in case I ever run across you is this vast multiverse, I will be able to recognize you," Trunks said with a smile. He then reached inside of his coat and pulled out a small device, which he pressed a button on. "This is Trunks. Mission complete. Send me home."

A white light began to circle around Trunks feet, beginning the teleportation process to return to the time nest. He turned towards Starlight and saluted her one last time, before he vanished into the white light. Starlight waited a few moments after he was gone before she stood up and started to walk home, using her magic to place the sword on her back.

"Wow, what a ride. And considering this is Ponyville, odds are that won't be the weirdest thing that happens this week," she said with a laugh, before thinking about what had happened. "Man, could you image what would have happened had Trunks not shown up? I wonder how things would have gone without him here. I wonder..."

And for a brief moment, shattered magic crackled across her horn.


The light faded away and allowed Trunks to sigh as he looked around the time nest. Everything was as it should be, with the buildings all in place, the statues of heroes past standing tall in the courtyard and all of the patrollers...were gathered around the entrance to where the kai of time was, all of them chatting nervously with one another.

"What's going on?" Trunks asked them once had flown over.

"Trunks! Thank the Kai's you're back!" one of them said. "It's insane! There's someone in there who's tearing up the place! I've never seen a power like theirs! They're...they're going toe to toe with Goku and Vegeta!"

"No," Trunks whispered before he hurled himself through the portal to the kai of time's place, terrified that the Maestro had found his way to the time nest. He burst through the portal on the other side and took in the sight before him. The kai of time and her bird were hiding on his right, not too far from the portal entrance. The ground was decimated and the tree was covered in fire, while black storm clouds thundered overhead.

"Kai! What's going on?!" Trunks yelled over to her, gaining her attention.

"There's a warrior who I've never seen before tearing up the place! Goku and Vegeta tried to stop him and well..."

Just as the said this, lightning flashed across the sky and the entire time base shook as two beings slammed into each other with such force that Trunks was thrown off of his feet. He caught himself in the air and started to look around, barely able to see the two that were battling each other. He then caught a sense of his father's ki and glanced towards the left of the tree, spotting his father on the ground. Vegeta was roaring with rage, his hair and ki blue, and he was using all of his might to try to lift something off of his chest. But even with all of his power and all of his rage, he couldn't move that which pinned him to the ground.

Vegeta couldn't move the hammer.

Then the ground erupted not far from Trunks and he snapped his head towards the explosion of dirt to see Goku getting out of the ground. His hair was blue, his gi was shredded, numerous wounds were bleeding over his body and he had a smile on his face that told Trunks he was fighting seriously and was being pushed back. Goku noticed him and lifted a hand in greeting, before turning his eyes back towards the sky once more.

"Hiya Trunks. Picked a good time to show up. I might need a little help here," Goku admitted.

That was when Trunks felt every single one of his hairs stand on end and he turned his eyes towards the sky to see who Goku was fighting, for the being now floated over them. He wore silver armor beneath a black shirt, had a red flowing cape that was shredded and ripped, a winged helmet that was damaged and dented, and long, golden hair that flowed behind him.

But what Trunks truly saw was his power. For the power this being gave off was one the likes of which he had never felt. At first it felt godly, similar to that of Beerus and Zamasu. But the power this being gave off made theirs look small in comparison. That was when Trunks realized what this being was. This was not a god. This was the god of gods.

"Do you yield, Goku, son of Gohan?" the being asked Goku, divine power crackled along his body as he did so. "Surely you realize by now that your strength is no match for the Thor-Force. Give up and tell me of what I wish to know. Tell me where the Maestro is."

"Sorry, I've never heard of that guy before," Goku panted, his smile growing wider. "And there's no way I'm giving up against a foe this strong. Let's keep going."

"Very well," the being replied. He then raised his hand over his head, causing the world around the warriors to fill with a power and might the likes of which Trunks had never seen before. He knew if this battle kept going, that there might not be anything left of the time nest. But he also knew how to end the fight.

"I know of the Maestro!" Trunks roared up to the being. The being turned to look at Trunks and motioned for him to continue. "I fought him. He tried to destroy an entire timeline just to see what would happen. He trapped me and my friends in a timeloop. He...he slaughtered people mercilessly. I know of him. And I want him dead. And guessing from how hard you're trying to find him, you do to?"

The being narrowed his eyes at Trunks, before he lowered his hand and caused the storm to disappear. He then floated down in front of Trunks, his power subsiding and when he landed before Trunks, the Saiyan warrior could see his eyes. Eyes that gazed upon Trunks with interest.

"Your description of the Maestro is akin to that which I have heard. You have truly fought him, haven't you?" the warrior asked. He then extended his hand and the hammer flew off of Vegeta's chest, returning to the gods hands. He then extended his free hand to Trunks, a smile on his face. "Greeting, warrior who has fought Maestro. I am Thor. God of Asgard."

"I'm Trunks. Time patroller and hero of time," Trunks greeted back, shaking his hand. "If you've come here for the Maestro, then you've just missed him. He was...expelled from our timeline a while ago."

"That is fine, Trunks. We have a means of tracking him. He will not hide much longer from us," Thor revealed to Trunks, causing his eyes to widen in shock. "And I can tell from your tone that you have a grudge which you wish to settle against the Maestro. Join me. We could use another warrior with your strength to fight against his evil."

"I..." Trunks began, looking to the others. The Supreme Kai of Time nodded to him, Goku, with his regular hair, gave him a thumbs up. And then Trunks looked to Vegeta, who was staring angrily off to the side. "Father. What do you think?"

"I don't care what you decide. But I do know that a god with more power than any other god I've faced has asked you to aid him. It would be foolish to say no," Vegeta replied, before a thin smile crossed his face. "And clearly they need a real warrior to defeat this Maestro. I see why he asked you."

"Thanks," Trunks smiled, before turning back to Thor. "Alright. I'm in. What's next?"

"Simple, my friend. We go to the Maestro's home. We go after the real him."

Author's Note:

Time comes to an end eventually. And so do this story. But there is always something new to take its place. And for our next story, we return to a broken pegasus, who has lost not only her wing, but her will to fight. She is broken, beaten and lost her purpose. She needs a friend. She needs a mentor.

She needs a tiger

Comments ( 23 )

Good story.

I'm glad we're returning to that Rainbow Dash. That being left unresolved in any way was one of the most annoying parts of that story.

No idea who tiger refers to. More Streetfighter?

Ken from Street Fighter?

First of all nice ending. I can see why you said this story gave you problems, but I think this was more a pieces moving story then you realize. What you did here was give more insight into just who Meastro is personally. That being said I hope to see Meastro’s story in the future to see why he chose to fall instead of rise.

So is the next hero going to be Tiger Mask?

Great story. I see we are getting Sagat. I have to admit that it irked me beyond belief that Ryu tore Rainbow's wing off and everything went on as nothing happened. I mean hows the man teaching ponies when he maimed an element of harmony. There had to be repercussions and some form of resentment. I can't wait for this story.

This fic was amazing, I was sure surprised when he showed up in the Time Nest XD

I want a story with Sombre and Moon in that new Equestria

Will you ever do a allmight crossover

Since its "cripple dash" from the SF xover, I'm going to guess Sagat.

Also, yay for Thor showing up.

"I doubt he can come back here. When we destroyed his bodies, I used almost all of the shattered magic I had to make sure that no being with shattered magic can leave or enter this reality. I think we're safe from him. It's the rest of reality that I'm worried about,"Starlight admitted. "But, as the barrier I've used keeps him out and me in, I really can't do anything about the other hims. But you can."

Only Starlight can repel Maestro. Damn

Well now does inheriting Maestro's power make you automatically curious like Starlight? Is Starlight going to become evil now and team up with Maestro? Also wouldn't it be smarter to bring more than just Trunks? Surely the more Sayians the better right? Might as well bring Zeno Sama too. Great story though, wonder if we'll ever see Clockwork again.

Interestingly I think before Trunks heads off with Thor, they should both train some more. Trunks is very much outclassed against the Maestro at the moment, needing Starlight to help him fight him off and actually win. Before Trunks leaves, he needs to become a Super Saiyan God and then train with everyone enough to gain Blue and get used to it. It's the only way he'll be able to stand an actual fighting chance against the Maestro and actually help the others in the fight instead of getting Yamcha'd again and again against this guy if he gets focused on specifically like a weakest link sort of thing.

I think that's only because he can erase God's and universes I don't see Zeno being an actual fighter you know he's more of a nuke as in takes out everyone including allies

Tiger...Tiger....Tiger...I... actually have no goddamn idea who this could be. That's...That's a first. I usually guess it pretty damn quick, but I've got jack crap on this one.

When you say Tiger, this is the only thing I can think of.


So Tigress from Kung Fu Panda?

It has to be Sagat. I honestly don't see it being master Tigress. He usually sticks with video game characters or marvel and dc characters.

But I honestly I hope you do make an All Might story. Maybe when he is in his prime maybe?

That's not to say he won't leave his comfort zone. Plus I am pretty sure Sagat is a villain. A crime boss to be presise. Why would he help a broken pegasis?

-starts desperately searching for the next story- NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

EL tigre, you mean Manny Rivera?

Am I the only one here that is curious about being able to use shattered magic?

Still, it kinda breaks the immersion to have the characters use that instead of the established in universe Celestia.

Does Cell appear in this story?

Does anyone else believe that they will need to get at least one superman, or even better get superboy prime, to face the master, or even better the Merged Sentry.

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