• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 31: Battle Royale! part 1.

Author's Note:

Alright, so I have been catching a lot of flak for my supposed overpowering of the princesses in my story. This chapter as well as part 2 will hopefully quell those comments as I believe that I have come up with a good explanation for this. I realize I cannot please everyone but this is how I wanted my story to go. I am a DBZ fan as are all of you apparently so I'm just trying to balance everything out. And to those who are fans of Blueblood, well, brace yourselves but I promise it's all necessary.

[Canterlot - Day of the Crystal Festival - Celestia's POV.]

I was standing on my balcony as I gaze over the capital. So much has happened earlier in the week. We have received word from Twilight that Chrysalis and her forces have abducted one of our subjects. To say that my sister and I was outraged would be an understatement. Even worse was the fact that the abductee was little Scootaloo. Luna had demanded immediate retaliation. Unfortunately, we still have yet to discover a means to distinguish who is a changeling in disguise and who isn't. To make matters worse, it would appear that Sombra has been adding the changelings all along.

He is no doubt planning a resurgence, but that is all we know for now. Cadence has contacted us earlier saying that she is sending Princess Flurry Heart here to Canterlot with Sunburst. Sunburst had deduced that Sombra and Chrysalis would attack the Empire first before making their way to Equestria. In truth, I would rather be there with Cadence and the other's, but recent security breaches had left my hooves tied at the moment.

"Princess, the carriage escorting Princess Flurry Heart and her chaperone Sunburst are arriving right now," A solar guard informs me.

"And what of my sister?"

"She has taken your advice and took a short nap. She has informed us about awaking her within the hour," I was glad to hear this. Luna had barely got any sleep when Twilight first came to us about Scootaloo disappearance. She had been searching almost non-stop trying to locate her.

"Very good. Maintain a constant vigil and ensure that all the guards will be ready to deploy should the situation at the Empire worsens. I will see to Sunburst and Princess Flurry Heart," The guard saluted me and went on his way. I sighed and channeled my magic to meet our new arrival. These latest events are sure to be the most trying.

I rematerialized at the castle's front gate just as the carriage was landing. Sunburst slowly came out with young Flurry Heart in tow. He seemed to be struggling with a lot of baggage in his aura. I chuckled at this and decided to lighten his load. I lit up my horn and teleport the bags in question into the room they will be occupying.

"I see Cadence had spare not an expense for young Flurry Heart's stay,"

"Yes. The princess insisted on packing only the bare necessities," Sunburst replied as Flurry Heart flew from his grasp and into mine. I playfully tickled her belly which elicited a giggle from her.

"I'm glad she has taken her role as a mother so readily, but I must ask..." I began as my feature went grim. "What are the current affairs of the Empire? Has Sombra or Chrysalis made themselves known?"

"Not yet, your highness. Princess Cadence wanted Flurry Heart and me out of the Empire before any trouble started. It all quiet for now. But I am worried,"

"Why is that?"

"Spike and a filly by the name of Scootaloo had insisted that some stallion went to face Sombra alone. And he has yet to return. Although, I haven't the faintest idea what they mean by Ki energy?" My eyes instantly shot open at those words. It doesn't surprise me at all that Goku would face that tyrant after they foalnapped his student.

"I see. I know of the stallion, or rather, the man they are referring too. He goes by the name of Son Goku, and he is quite formidable. His apparent disappearance is very concerning,"

"If he is indeed as strong as you say then there shouldn't be any need to worry, is there?"

"Perhaps but it much too early to tell. For now, let us retire to your room. Young Flurry Heart is exhausted from her trip~" I cooed as Flurry Heart nuzzles in my arms. The two of us made our way into the castle. I sincerely hope the situation isn't as dire as it seems.

[Third Person POV.]

Hope And Chrysalis popped into existence in the lower district of Canterlot. Once there, the changeling queen immediately contacted her drones. "Changelings, your queen demands a status report!"

"Yes, your highness! Mere moments before your arrival, two ponies came into Canterlot. An amber unicorn with a red mane and a baby alicorn. The Celestia is currently escorting them through the castle," This got Chrysalis intrigued.

"The Crystal Princesses Foal is here? What good fortune. Love is always stronger when it comes from foals. Keep an eye on them. I want to know their every move. It will prove useful for when I shall confront Celestia,"

"Yes, my queen," The drone replied as the connection ended.

"What have you learned?" Hope asked.

"Just the keys to cementing my victory but nothing to worry you're pretty little umbrum loving head over," Chrysalis said as Hope frowns at the little jib.

"The umbrum is not what you believe them to be!" Hope spat out sternly.

Chrysalis waves her off. "Yes, yes, they have you completely enthralled around their little hooves, but that is not important right now. You must go and deal with the lunar princess. Celestia will be no challenge to me once I gather enough love. But both of them together will become an issue,"

Hope said nothing as she opens the case in her hands. The alicorn amulet seemed to gaze back at her as she studied it. It was of unique craftsmanship that anyone could appreciate. She felt a pull coming from the artifact, calling her, urging her to place it around her neck. She hesitated for a moment before she picked it up and ever so carefully placed on her person. Hope's body shudders from the sudden influx of power. She closes her eyes as if she was savoring a favorite treat. Chrysalis quirks her eyebrows at this reaction. The changeling queen fiendishly smiled as she thought of appropriate snide comment.

"So how was your first time~ Was it everything you could have hoped for?" Chrysalis said saucily. However, she was thrown off guard by what Hope said next.

"That, and so much more!' Hope said as open her eyes to reveal a set of crimson red irises. "I've never felt power like this before!"

"...Yes indeed. Now let us pay a royal visit to our dear host, shall we?" With that said, Chrysalis and Hope teleported to their respective targets.

"Ok let see here... Diapers, check. Bottles, check. Extra diapers, check. Spike, the brave and glorious chew toy, check And plenty of storybooks for nappy-time. It looks like our stay in Canterlot will be a fun one, huh Flurry Heart?" Sunburst beamed as Flurry engages in baby babble.

"You know, this is the first time I've been to Canterlot Castle. It'll be great to tour the place. I already have several famous hot spots to visit. Won't it be fun?" He said as he turned to Flurry Heart who tilts her head at the jubilant unicorn. "Hehehe.... Well, I'm sure it will be nothing to get so excited about," As Sunburst went back to rummaging through their supplies, a knock came from the door.

"Huh, now who could that be?" Sunburst pondered as he went to open the door. The sight of panting Sun princess was there to meet him.

"Sunburst! Has anypony come to see you?"

"Um, no, your highness. May I ask why?"

"Changelings has infiltrated our ranks. They were posing as the solar guard within the barracks. I need to ensure the little is unharmed!" Celestia said urgently.

"Of course princess, right this way!" Sunburst steps aside to allow the sun princess entry. She looks over Flurry Heart who looks back and reaches out at the familiar face. Celestia levitated the spike doll, and the young Princess was instantly taken by it. A very subtle flash of greenwashed over Celestia's eyes before she turned to Sunburst.

"Good, all is well but Sunburst; I must ask a certain favor of you?"

"Sure, my princess. What do you need?" Celestia got in close as she down into the eyes of the amber unicorn. A faint blush spread across Sunburst muzzle as the solar princess was inches from his face. Her watch as that mother smile began to part, and she went to speak.

"...Sleep..." Celestia said as her irises glowed green. Sunburst was confused for a moment before he felt very dizzy and fell asleep. Celestia quickly caught him in her aura before he could hit the ground. She floated him over to the armchair and turned her attention to the young crystal princess. There was a flash of green light that caught Flurry Hearts attention. She turned her head around and was delighted to see her mother standing in the room.

"Hello, my little bundle of joy. I am so glad to see you," 'Cadence' said as she picks the baby alicorn up. Flurry Heart squealed with excitement as she nuzzles into her mother's bosom. 'Cadence' gently caresses the little foal, humming a soft melody as a pinkie aura flowed from Flurry's tiny form and into herself. "This day is going to perfect. The type of day I dreamed of when I was small..."

Hope materialized in the castle corridors within the solar wing. She huffs in irritation at failing to at least be closer to her target. "No matter. I'm sure some these guards will be more than happy to give me directions," She thought to herself as she began her trek. Hope had to admit the interior was well designed. But she wasn't here for sightseeing. Chrysalis was here retribution. Turning another corner, Hope smiled with sadistic glee when she came across four solar guards.

"HALT! State your name and purpose here! This hallway is not open to anypony but the guards and castle attendants!"

"Oh, I got a little lost in this big castle. Do you mind giving me directions to the lunar wing?"

"Why would you need to head there? That sector of the castle off-limits to unauthorized personnel. I must ask that you come with us so that we may escort you out!"

Hope starts to pout a bit before smiling again. "That wasn't the answer I was looking for was I making a request!" Hope said as she blasted one of the guards straight into the wall. The beam tore right through the solar guard armor and left behind a significant scorch mark on his torso. The remaining guards immediately went on high alert.

"She assaulted a royal guard detain her now--" The guard didn't have a chance to finish as Hope envelope him in her aura and slammed him into the wall. The other two guards were now gawking at the sight of their companion's head embedded into the wall. Before they could react, Hope launched one guard into the ceiling where he dangled limply and taking hold of the last solar guard in her aura.

"Hmmm, what to do, what to do? Oh, I know..." Hope said as she increased the strength of her hold on her captive. The guard groans in pain as he felt a tremendous pressure crush down on him. Hope turns her sights on his left arm, and with a flick of her head, she violently twists the limb as if she was wringing out a towel. The guard howled in agony in response before Hope did the same process again with his leg. Another sickening crack rang out while the guard cried and whimpered.


Hope pauses as she recoiled at the begging. Her face was now stoic as she addressed the guard. "I only ask once more, and if you do not wish to spend the rest of your natural life as an invalid, then you will tell me where the lunar wing of the castle is!!!"

"Go down the hall, make two rights and three lefts, and you will be right in the middle of the lunar wing!!!" Satisfied with the information, Hope slams the solar guard hard into the floor rendering him unconscious. She briefly bats an eye at the carnage she had just wrought and continues down her path. It was not long before she found herself in the lunar sector of the castle. It was a stark contrast to the solar wing; perfectly befitting the moon princess. Hope quickly made her way to Luna's chamber where two lunar guards where station.

"Hey, you, stop! You are not allowed here--" Hope instantly envelops both guards in her aura and proceeds to slam them against each other several time before tossing them aside.

"So sorry but I just went through the same song and dance with solar guards not too long ago. I'd chat with somepony's that higher on the pay grade," Without further delay, Hope opens the door leading into Luna's chambers. She quickly found Luna lying on her large bed and approaches her. She was about to give the moon goddess a rude awakening when a sudden thought occurred.

"Engaging her here and now would only lead to more interruptions from the guards or even Celestia herself. I need to take her someplace where there will be no distractions and somewhere I will have the advantage. And I have the perfect place," Hope smiles darkly as she channels her magic. The amulet glowed as it amplified the spell. She encased both herself and Princess Luna within her aura as she got ready to perform her spell. Luna must have sensed the powerful magic at work and awoke from her slumber. The lunar princess only had a few moments to take everything in before both of the ponies disappeared in a flash of light.

[One hour later.]

"Another day, another insufferable noble with petty complaints. It still baffles me that I allowed this to happen in the first place..." Celestia thought as Day court concluded. She was almost glad that there was currently a crisis happening. Now she could focus her attention on the matters concerning the Crystal Empire. However, before the meeting could fully adjourn, a solar guard guarding the doorsteps forward.

"Apologies everypony but we have one more practitioner that wishes to speak," Everyone seemed confused by what the guard was saying.

"Now see here, day court has ended. If this pony wanted a chance to heard, then she should have been on time as the rest of us. Honestly, Aunty, this type of behavior shouldn't be allowed within the confines of these halls. Who is audacious enough to show up late and expect us to lend our ears," BlueBlood said as others supported him. Celestia let out a tired sigh. She was about to intervene before an argument broke out, but a new pony came through the doors.

"I had prior engagements to fulfill, but I assure all you of cretins that you will like what I have to say..." A black-furred green-maned earth pony mare said. She strolls up to the throne with an air of regality that Celestia has only seen in kings and queens. A fact supported by the most elegant dress that rivaled her own. Blueblood refocused himself and marched right up to the ebony mare.

"How dare you! Don't think masquerading as one of the higher social class makes you the same as us! I can see right through that gossiped up persona you're trying to pass off as nobility. You're lucky I am even speaking to you let alone Princess Celestia. I demand-- ACK?!?!?" Blueblood felt a hand grip his throat. He suddenly found himself lifted off the floor while the occupants all gasp at sight. Celestia quickly rose from her throne and tried to defuse the situation.

"I apologize for my nephew's rude comments. He is a stickler for courtroom decorum," Celestia said before her features turned firm. "However, I will not allow any violence in my presence. Release him so that we may speak like civilized ponies!" Her tone was firm and authoritative. However, Celestia became weary as the mare before broke out in cackling laughter.

"Oh, Celestia, this is so like you. Always the mediator. Always finding comprises and 'peaceful' resolution to any conflict that comes your way. It's no wonder you lost to me before. You're far too compassionate to show those lesser than yourself what real power is! If you did then perhaps you would garner more respect!" The mare spat out, and Celestia looked mortified. The pony tightens her grip on Blueblood throat as Celestia went to respond.

"I cannot fathom what you mean by my lost to you as this is the first we've met. And you will find that I am well respected within this castle as well as all of Equestria!"

"PFFT! If you held respect as you claim, then you would not see your kingdom come under constant threat. Your enemies attack because they know you are powerless to stop them. So you shift the burden of dealing with them onto that pathetic excuse of a princess and her friends!" Celestia took great offense to that and flared out her wings in a show of dominance.

"Enough! Release him, or I shall show you the power you believe I lack!" The mare responded by laughing once more before a green flame encases her form. Celestia's eyes went wide as the pony currently strangling her nephew wasn't a pony at all but instead a hated fugitive of the nation. Chrysalis had revealed herself to occupants of the as she drank in their stupefied expression before turning back to the sun princess. "I love revealing myself. The looks of shock and horror will never get old. Hello again, Celestia. You're looking as droll and demure as ever!"

"Whereas you're still as vile and despicable as ever! Do not think I will remain idle while you and your ilk harm my little ponies!" Chrysalis merely scoffs at Celestia's triad before she turns her attention to the stallion currently trying to pry her hand from his throat.

"Now? You truly believe ponies like this piece of filth are worth saving..." Chrysalis retorted as she jerks her hand, gripping Blueblood. "Let me show you the proper way to deal with pests!" At that moment, Chrysalis horn lit up, and magic gathered to her palm. Time slowed down for Celestia as she watched a powerful beam spell erupt from the changeling queen's hand and engulfs Bluebloods head. When the beam died down, Blueblood stood on his hooves for a moment before collapsing to the floor. All that remained of Bluebloods head was a smoky vapor trail blooming from the charred crater on his neck.

A shell-shocked solar alicorn slowly shifted her gaze from Bluebloods corpse to Chrysalis, who was feeling pretty satisfied with her deed. "You!? How could--" Celestia could barely get any words as the queen held little interest to her growing despair.

"Please spare me the theatrics. We both know I just did you a favor," Chrysalis said dismissively. In another instance, the changeling queen snaps her fingers, and some of the other occupants revealed themselves to changelings as well. The ponies in the room regained enough semblance to realize that more threats had just appeared and begun to panic. "Secure them all. Leave the alicorn to me!" Chrysalis smirks as she approached Celestia whose long flowing mane was blocking both of her eyes. Chrysalis raised her hand again and prepared a spell to rid herself of one nuisance finally. But what the changeling queen wasn't expecting was for Celestia to place a firm grip on her forearm suddenly.

"You wretched black-hearted fiend! How dare you..." Celestia said in a low dark tone. All of the ensuing chaos from the drones attempting to detain the other ponies in the courtroom had ceased. The had gone utterly silent as both ponies and changelings watch their respective leaders square off.

As Chrysalis struggles to free herself, she noticed that the temperature in the was rising. Then a sudden burning sensation grew on the appendage that Celestia hold. Chrysalis strives intensified as the pain started to build up. One could hear the sizzling and smell the aroma of burning chitin. Chrysalis grimaced as Celestia finally lifted her head so that her mane wasn't blocking her eyes. Gone was the motherly visage that Celestia always wore. What was starting back at the changeling was a face Celestia hadn't worn in over a millennium; Fury.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Celestia bellows as she reared her free hand back and clenched her fist as hard as she could. She then thrust it forward, straight into the midsection, and sent the insectoid crashing through the castle walls and out into the sky. Celestia quickly followed behind once the commotion had drawn more guards to the scene. Chrysalis recovers in time to avoid a solar beam that disintegrated the upper portion of a tower. She smiled, wickedly at the enraged sun goddess.

"My, my somepony's got a temper~ But please reframe from destroying any more of MY capital city," Chrysalis taunt as her drone dropped their disguises and flooded the streets below.

"FOUL WRETCH! I SHALL SEE YOU DEAD BEFORE YOU DESECRATE CANTERLOT!!! TO ARMS MY SOLAR GUARDS! REPEL THESE TRESPASSERS THAT SEEK TO THREATEN OUR HOME!!!" Celestia commanded with Royal Canterlot Voice. The guards heeded the call went on the counter-attack. Soon the city of Canterlot was filled with sounds of battle while Celestia and Chrysalis stared each other down high above the actions taking place.

Chrysalis crackles wildly at the declaration. "Aw Yes! The call to war! The sympathy of battle and the rampant emotions are filling the air! It's enough to make a girl cry. But you cannot win Celestia. Just as you fell to me before; you shall do so again, and there will be no miracles to save you this time!!!" Chrysalis horn lit up, and a blinding light covered her form. Moments later, Chrysalis donned a set of armor wielding a Spector as she took a battle stance.

Celestia gave an unimpressed snort before she summons her armor.

(This also shows the armor Luna will be wearing, but she will have a different weapon.)

With her sword at the ready, Celestia pointed her trident directly at her adversary while Chrysalis did the same. For a moment, everything went silent all around them. Nothing else seemed to exist. Celestia had a furious scowl on her face while Chrysalis held a sinister smirk. A piece of rubble from the tower that Celestia destroyed earlier fell to the ground. The impact seemed to act as a signal for the two powerhouses, and they proceeded to charge into one another. Chrysalis raised her specter high, whereas Celestia thrusts her trident forward. The resulting impact from their weapons colliding produced a potent shockwave stretching to Ponyville.

As they continue to struggle, Chrysalis decided to rile up the solar alicorn more. "Who would've thought that all it would take to get you to so roused would be to dispose of a worthless waste of a stallion," Chrysalis breaks the standoff and deliver a swift kick to Celestia's stomach to push her away. She pressed her advantage and used the short blade at the end of her specter to launch a flurry of slash attacks. Celestia was forced to block and deflect with her sword as Chrysalis was steadily gaining speed.

"The worth of a pony is not yours or anypony else's prerogative. The pony themselves must find that worth for themselves," Celestia countered as she parries a strike and swipes at Chrysalis with her trident. However, to her surprise, Chrysalis caught it in her palm.

"Is that so then please enlighten me as to why you do everything in your power to avoid that stallion!" Chrysalis replied, and Celestia's eyes went wide. The changeling queen smiles as she went on. "I've had my drones among you for an entire year, and they reported everything back to me. You claim him to be your nephew, yet you kept him away at an arm's length. He had no sway in any political decisions despite being a prince. Nor did you bother to take him with to any visits with other delegates. He doesn't even have a room in your castle. He lives in a mansion on the opposite end of Canterlot!"

Celestia physical recoils at the indisputable facts the queen had just brought up. Chrysalis saw this and pulls the trident closer. Celestia was jerked right into position for Chrysalis to bash her muzzle in with the blunt end of her specter. She tried to follow up with an overhead strike, but Celestia redirects the blow and follows up a knee to the face. But before she could connect, Chrysalis flaps her wings to gain altitude and evades. Celestia was in hot pursuit while firing multiple offensive spells that Chrysalis effortless evaded.

"Blueblood hasn't matured enough to handle the responsibility that comes with being a prince. And he was the one who chose that mansion, not I," Chrysalis spun around and fired multiple offensive spells of her own that canceled out Celestia's.

"You never bothered to change his ways. I can read emotions better than anypony alive. Underneath all that condescending attitude and smugness was a pathetic little colt that desperately wanted to feel involved. And underneath all your constant denials was a mare who was sick of his ineptitude!"

"SILENCE!!!" Celestia roared as she fires a massive beam of magic that barreled toward the insectoid. Chrysalis took the blade end of her specter cut right through the beam. "W-what!?" Celestia called out in shock before Chrysalis teleported behinds her and punches her into another tower. Celestia crashes through the ceiling and drops her weapons. She clutches her head and glares at the changeling queen who casually lands a few feet in front of her. To add insult to injury, Chrysalis assumes the form of Blueblood while mocking the sun princess further.

"You were so quick to cast me aside, auntie. I would have changed if you showed even the barest hint of attention to me. All I ever received from you was neglect and disgust. Just like Luna!" Chrysalis taunted as she morphed into her sister. Celestia gritted her teeth and charges forward. She threw a massive right hook at the faux Luna. But the blow was blocked as Chrysalis morphs into the mirror image of the sun goddess herself. "I wonder if Luna has any idea that you still hold fear of her,"

"Of course I don't--" Chrysalis cut Celestia reply short with a one-two combo to her face. She followed up with a liver blow that dented her armor and caused Celestia to stagger back.

"There's no sense in lying to yourself, 'Princess.' Your emotions reveal all. You can fool the entirety of Equestria, but you cannot do so with me!" 'Celestia' began to rain down the punishment on her doppelganger with a series of precise blows. Gradually, pieces of Celestia's armor were being stripped away as the assault continued. Celestia slammed into the wall of the tower. Most of her armor laid scattered in pieces all over the floor, and she sported a black eye and bruised lip. Chrysalis sent a massive haymaker that drove Celestia through the wall and back outside. The sun princess fell to the street level and tumbled across the ground. She got to her hands and knee and tried to stand up, but Chrysalis slams both of her hooves directly into the base of her wings and breaks them instantly.


"Your screams of anguish are so... Delightful~ But which hurts more? your body or the truth that you are everything I said you are; Weak!" Chrysalis said as she morphs back to her original form. "I bet despite your fears. You're currently wondering where exactly that wayward sister of yours is? Surely she would be eager to come to Canterlot defense especially since she missed out on the last invasion..." Chrysalis then grips Celestia by her horn and brings her up to eye level. "You are also probably wondering why I seem so much stronger than last time..." She then raises her arm and backhands the solar alicorn. A trail of blood flies from her lips and stains the ground.

"Y-you will not p-prevail!" Celestia said weakly.

"As if you're in a position to stop me," Chrysalis said as she threw Celestia head to the ground. "Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Your sister whereabouts, and my new found strength. The first one is easy. A cohort of mine has no doubt dealt with her by now. She used to be such a bore until she got her hands on that amulet," Celestia trembled at this. "And the second was a personal favorite. After all, the offspring of the crystal princess certainly lives up to that love moniker. I'm stronger now than I ever was at the royal wedding. The fall of Canterlot will be at the hoofs of a foal of the two ponies that once saved it! HA! Isn't that delicious irony?"

Celestia didn't respond; she had tuned out Chrysalis out the moment she mentioned she fed on Flurry Heart. "You would sink so low as to feed on foals?! Have you no shame?" She spat out with venom. Celestia tried to stand up again, but Chrysalis decided to help her and levitated her off the ground.

"I do what I please because I have the power to do so. Your ponies are nothing more than vessels for the love that we require. Other than that..." chrysalis said as she charged a powerful beam spell and aimed it right near her face. "You are inconsequential!" In a blink of an eye, Chrysalis released her store magic at point-blank range. Had this been any other member of the pony tribes than that blast would have surely been the end? However, even without her armor, an alicorn is remarkably resilient. The explosion did do sufficient damage. Celestia was blown back further down to the market district. All the feathers on her wing were burned off. Her armor was gone, and her body was littered with lacerations, staining her white coat. One of her eyelids had been swollen shut. Her crown sat beside her while her petrol had fallen a few feet away from her. Celestia one right eye widens in horror.

"N-no...! I must retrieve it..." Celestia said as she crawled to her regalia. Unfortunately, Chrysalis had landed in front of her. She furrowed her eyebrows at the sight before an amused smirk donned her features.

"Now this is a treat. Despite being made to crawl on the ground like a common dog, you still see yourself as a royal," Chrysalis then walks over the petrol and raises her specter with the blade pointed down. "It's time you stop living in delusions. I am the new governing authority in Canterlot!" With that said, she slams the blade onto the petrol, splitting the gold and the gem in half.

Celestia hung her head low as she rested on her knee's. "You have no idea what you've done..."

Chrysalis scoffed at this and pointed the blade at the defeated alicorn. "I'll be sure to find you some nice regalia to wear at your funeral!" She cackles again before turning her blade at Celestia. A manic grin was plastered on her face as she thrusts it forward.


The sound of metal scraping against metal rang out. Chrysalis stumbles back in awe as the blade at the end of specter snapped off and clattered against the ground. "W-What?" She asked as she stared at her edge in disbelief. She turns back to Celestia only to find that the sun princess was back on her hooves, and the damage she received earlier was healing at a rapid rate. Celestia regarded Chrysalis stunned reaction with a coy smile.

"You look surprised. I might even say shocked,"

"B-b-but I had you beat. You wasted all of your reserves!"

Celestia merely shakes her head at this. "Seems you don't know everything about as you thought. However, I won't deny that some of the things you've said. As much as I wish to be, I am not perfect. Ruling a kingdom is easy because I can detach myself when it comes to political decisions. This method does not mean I don't care for every one of my subjects. Although, when it comes to personal matters, it can be either mixed. I do still fear the nightmare's return but not because of the threat of that demon poses. I do not wish to raise my sword against my family ever again. As for Blueblood..." The sun princess features went solemn as she spoke with an air of melancholy.

Chrysalis went to attack as Celestia went on her monolog but Celestia, using speeds she had displayed since the battle started, dodge all of the changeling queen's attempts. Celestia caught her forearm, and that same burning sensation came back tenfold. Chrysalis hollered out as she focused her magic through the blunt end of her weapon to fire a beam spell. The solar diarchy saw this coming and swat the beam away much to Chrysalis' dismay.

"...As for him, I will freely admit that I had not been fair. He had changed from the playful little colt back in the earlier years. I allowed the wrong ponies to influence him, and he became the same elitist as the rest of the nobility. So I avoided him, but I always held hope that he would one day sit down with and talk things out. But now...!" Celestia took on a grim tone as she clutches harder on the changeling's forearm. "Now, because of you, I won't get that chance! This offense wasn't your first mistake, and your list of failures is staggering. But let us focus on the main one; namely, where you claimed I was weak!" Celestia reared back her fist and connected with a left hook to Chrysalis jawline. The blow explodes on impact, and Chrysalis found herself hurled through several market stands. Chrysalis quickly got back to a standing position and used a healing spell just as Celestia appeared before her.

"I don't blame you for coming to that conclusion. From an outside perspective, it would appear that my strength has waned because of my duties to Equestria and my duty to the world as a whole. But there is so much more than you could fathom..."

"STOP SPEAKING IN RIDDLES AND JUST TELL ME!!!" Chrysalis roared out as she lunged to strike Celestia with the blunt end of her specter only for her entire weapon to shatter upon impact. Chrysalis arrogance and self-assurance began to crumble as she gazes upon Celestia, and for the first time since the fighting started, she could not get a read on her emotions.

"My connection the sun expands further than just me simply moving it..." Celestia stated as her fur and mane began to glow. "Just as the planet permeates magic, so too is the sun. A nigh limitless source of power for me to draw upon," Soon Celestia's white fur coat had turned red. Her flowing mane and tail were now a crackling blue flame. And her eyes blazed a bright yellow. "The petrol that you so callously destroyed acted as an inhibitor to suppress the magic within the sun from constantly pouring into my being — of course, having all this power can be dangerous. Why do you think I limit myself to the Solaris commandments or why I wield my weapons and armor? It is to protect those around me. Even my most hated adversary!"

Chrysalis watched her opponent ascend to the air, and all the fighting seemed to have stopped. She looked around to see the ponies of Canterlot look on with renewed hope, and her drones shrink away in fear. "No, stop you fools stand and fight!" She ordered, but the drones did nothing to heed her commands. Chrysalis was interrupted as Celestia went on.

"Eventually, my body won't be able to contain this much power, and it would start to break down. Should that happen, I would release a devastating shockwave of magic that would wipe out this planet and beyond. It is a feat that could only be comparable to a Supernova. That...is what you may refer to me as from this point!"

Chrysalis gritted her teeth as she began to sweat profusely. The heat Supernova was generating was becoming unbearable for all parties involved. Chrysalis had enough and flew into the sky. "YOUR LITTLE TRANSFORMATION DOES NOT FRIGHTEN ME!" She bellows as she poured most of the magic into an offensive spell, hoping to topple the ascended alicorn. The beam grew to the size of a house, and without hesitation, Chrysalis flung the condensed ball of magic at her foe. Supernova stares at the attack with disinterest. She held her palm out and dispersed the magic altogether.

"Is that all you can muster from the stolen love of a Foal!?" Supernova said stoically, but there was a hint of venom in her words.

Chrysalis had begun to panic as she looked back to her drones who were still cowering in fear. She connected to her hive mind and amplified her commands. "ALL DRONE WITHIN THE CONFINES OF CANTERLOT ATTACK THE SUN PRINCESS! DEFEND YOUR QUEEN WITH YOUR VERY LIVES!!!" The drones were compelled to obey as they all the changelings within the city swarmed Supernova all at once. Chrysalis began to smile at the sight. However, that smile soon vanished when most of her drones disintegrated once they got too close. Chrysalis felt her hand trembling at the amount of power directed at her.

"In the end, this is who you truly are; a selfish being that would use others for your gain. Well, no more! As ruler of Equestria, I CAST YOU OUT!!!" With a wave of her hand, Supernova heat field expanded at an alarming rate. Engulf all the drones and the changeling queen within it. The light was so powerful that one could see it from the moon. When it finally subsided, all the drones had been reduced ashes. And all that remain of Chrysalis was the crown above her head and the armor she wore to battle. Supernova regarded the scene with pity as she gently floated down to her jewelry. A quick restoration spell later restores her regalia. She placed them back on and reverted to her standard form. The citizens and guards all cheer at their ruler's victory and approach.

"That was amazing, princess!!!"

"Trifling with the sun princess proved to be the changeling's folly!!!"


"Thank you, my little ponies, but we cannot rest now. I want all the guards to tend to the wounded. Understood?" Celestia commanded.

"Yes, your highness,"

Celestia instantly teleported to young Flurry Heart location. She found that Sunburst was snoring on an armchair while Flurry Heart herself was sleeping peacefully in the crib. In her Supernova form, Celestia could sense a ponies magic far more potently than average. So she knew that the foal in front of her was indeed the true crystal princess. The princess of the sun was about to wake Sunburst when a flash of magic went off behind. Celestia spun around with her magic at the ready but let out a relieved sigh when she saw that it was Luna carrying an unconscious pony over her shoulder.

"Hello, sister, I am glad you are unharmed," Luna said. Celestia furrows her brow at her little sister.

"Luna, you're speaking...normally?" Celestia said carefully.

Luna smiles for a bit before turning to the pony mumbling in her sleep. "Let's just say that I have been through some changes..."

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