• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 22: Lurking in the shadows.

Author's Note:

Done. Alright, this episode runs parallel to the last 3 episode to show you guys what the villains were doing during that time. Next episode will be the start of the tournament.

[Canterlot ballroom 10 p.m. - Third Person POV.]

"Equis Allied Tournament? What sort of event is that?" Queen Cream Puff said.

"It will be a contest to test the skills of the royal guard in the field of combat. However, it is not exclusive to the royal guard only. I offer the invitation to anypony that also wishes to participate," Celestia broadcast. She understood what she was to gather so far from Goku that he was a warrior. He enjoys pitted himself against powerful adversaries, so this was a golden opportunity.

"Seriously?! That sounds great!! You can count Spike and me in," Goku exclaimed. His declaration shocked everyone present, and excited chatter began to surface although Spike wasn't so enthusiastic.

"Hah! Wait for a second! Why did you include me?!" Spike asks, but it sounded more like a demand.

"A fighting tournament is a great way to improve yourself as a martial artist. Think of it as another stage in your training," Goku explained. This reasoning seemed to calm the anxious drake down.

"If the Ambassador is competing, then I shall as well," King Iron Hoof proclaimed, shocking the guest further. After what happened earlier in the Gala, Iron Hoof was chomping at the bit to see this alien's real prowess.

"While the prospect of this tournament sounds grand. There is something I wish to understand. What would we gain from this fight? I hope this is born from petty spite," Chief Zombiyoy inquires.

"This tournament holds no ill intent, my dear friend as for a reward. The royal diarchy of Equestria shall bestow the winner of the tournament any wish they shall desire that is within reason," Celestia stated as the chatter started an anew. "You may participate in yourself or choose a proxy. The venue will be in Canterlot after a few weeks. Now, is there any more questions?"

"Yeah, we should add a juniors division. I'm sure Scootaloo will want in this as well," Goku said.

Celestia seemed to ruminate the idea before she gave an approving nod. "I do not see a problem with this.," She said as Goku smile grew. It's been a while since the last world martial arts tournament, and he could barely contain himself.

"This is going to be exciting!" Goku said eagerly.

[A few months earlier - Chrysalises Hive.]

A loud pop erupted from inside the hive. Two figures stood at the epicenter of the teleportation spell and surveyed their surroundings. "It would appear Chrysalis is out at the moment," Hope said. Sombra took this opportunity to walk around. "Are you alright?"

Sombra didn't reply as he moves his hand against the throne. "Hmph, this feeble dwelling is best Chrysalis can offer?" Sombra said in an unimpressed tone. He looked back at Hope who stares back in concern.

"Forgive me, my liege. I am ever so sorry my hive couldn't meet your standards. But then again what possible standard could a dethroned king have," A condescending voice said. In a flash of green light, Queen Chrysalis teleported into the throne room. "At last, we meet, 'King Sombra,' you grace me with your presence," Chrysalis sarcasm and belittlement was not lost to the dark unicorn.

"I would suggest staying your tongue before I remove it from your mouth," Sombra snarled.

"And I suggest you remember where you're standing when posing a threat to a queen of thousands," Chrysalis shot back before she turns her glare onto Hope. "When you came to me about achieving what we changelings desire, I went along with it. I was expecting Equestria to already be in my hands with the amount of time my drones have put into your little scheme," Her face morphs into a scowl. "Instead, Equestria remains in the hands of the ponies. My changelings are still without love, and you brought back a pitiful excuse of a tyrant that was bested by a rock shaped like a heart, disgraceful!!!" Chrysalis spat out in disgust.

Sombra merely chuckles as he prepares his report. "You want to talk about disgraceful. Very well, let's talk about how you all but conquered Canterlot only to be defeated by the very force you need for sustenance. How did it feel to have victory in your grasp only to have snatched away right in front of you? Truly pathetic," Sombra said as his chuckles turned into a cackle.

"No more pathetic than being sealed away for a thousand years, making a grand return, only to fail again. If we are comparing failures; yours outweighs mine," Chrysalis retorted. Sombra stopped his laughing and ignited his horn. Chrysalis responds in kind and ignites her horn. Before the two came to blows, Hope steps in between them.

"That's enough. If we fight amongst ourselves, then all of this will be for naught. With Sombra here, we can now move into the next phase," Hope said.

Chrysalis was unamused by being interrupted. "And what is the next phase, huh? Replace one of the elements, Confront the princesses, poison the guards?"

"Insolent wretch! The main goal is to retake the empire, and then we deal with the princesses by strengthing our forces," Sombra barked out.

"Curious. Weren't the two of you already at the empire while the loving princess and her trophy stallion were gone. Why not claim it then? Why didn't you steal the crystal heart when the opportunity presented itself?" Chrysalis asked.

"The crystal heart protects from the harsh weather of the frozen north. Simply removing the artifact then and there would have been counterproductive," Hope explains. Sombra suppresses a groan of discomfort that Hope manage to catch. "We will have to continue another this time. I am feeling wary after today," She said as she and Sombra walked away to her quarters but not before Chrysalis could make one last snarky comment.

"You two lovebirds try and keep it down. Lust is harder to digest than love is," Chrysalis said and teleported away before Sombra could charge up his horn. Hope leads her friend to her room; once inside, she lit up her horn and cast a soundproof spell. It was at this moment that Sombra groaned loudly and collapsed to one knee. Hope quickly ran to his side and helped him on the bed.

"Insufferable bug queen. I would destroy her now if it weren't for my weakened state," Sombra said through gritted teeth.

"Unfortunately, we need her and her hive if we want to succeed and agitating her while you are weak is very foolish," Hope scolded.

"One must never show weakness even among allies," Sombra said.

"Back to the matter at hoof, how can I fully heal you?' Hope asked. Sombra grunted again before speaking.

"The effects of the crystal heart will not be easy quelled. Even as we speak the power of the heart is eating away at the magic you used to restore me. I would have to rewrite my physiology to stop the magic completely. There is a temporary solution, however. The only way slow the process is to introduce more magic into my being. This act will confuse the volatile magic for a short period," Sombra informs.

"If I continue feeding you magic, then I will become less effective in our plans," Hope said.

Sombra chuckles at this. "My dear Hope. All we need to do is find some 'willing donors' to lend me their aid,"

Hope eyes widen at this. "... Who do you have in mind, and how do we perform this task?"

"There are special crystals I had commissioned when I discovered the materials from the mines. They possess the ability to absorb the magic of another regardless of what type of pony tribe they are. I left them behind a secret door in my study," Sombra said as his muzzle shifted into a sinister grin. "And I know of the perfect volunteer that will aid us,"

"Then we should return to the empire tomorrow," Hope said.

[The next day.]

Returning to the Empire was met with a little issue for the two. The problem lies in gaining access to the palace again now that there wasn't a tour group to use as cover.

"The palace guards will be back to their regularly scheduled patrols route. And they will not let any unauthorized ponies on the premises. So how do we get inside?" Hope asked.

Sombra said nothing and grabs Hope's arm. He summons his magic, and a pool of darkness spreads under their hoofs. Hope looks on with alarm as they sink into it. The next thing she realized was this strange falling sensation all around them. Hope also realized that her breathing had begun to falter and her vision blurred. Just when she thought she was about to pass out, the two ponies reappeared in the palace hallway. Hope collapses to her knee's as she gasps out.

"W-what - *cough* - was that?!" Hope strained out.

Sombra checks his surrounding before helping Hope to her hooves. "That was the shadow realm. I use it to quickly traverse around the Empire thanks to the wards I set in place. I have forgotten that the experience is not pleasant to those who hadn't dabbled in dark magic..." Sombra paused as he stared into Hope's eyes. The look of worry and regret were so prominent that he had to turn away. "Let us move to my study. It should not be too far," The two made their way to the library with little opposition. It was midday, so the guards were currently undergoing a shift change.

"The library is just around this corner," Sombra said. When he didn't receive a response, he turned back to see Hope was looking out a large window. She was staring very intently at something. Sombra came up behind her and followed her gaze. His eyes landed on the crystal heart floating on its pedestal.

"When we were just foals, all we wanted to do was visit the Crystal Palace so we can gaze into the Crystal Heart...." Hope said with a tinge of melancholy in her voice.

Sombra wasn't interested in reminiscing at the moment. "Hope... Time is of the essence. We must hurry," He said a bit too forcefully. Hope said nothing and the two ponies made it inside Sombra's old study. Not much appears to have changed as Sombra tried to recall the secret door. Many of his early books remained on the shelves. Sombra couldn't figure out if they left them there out fear he had tampered with them or if they were foolish enough to overlook the books entirely. Either way, this worked to his advantage as remembered which book acted as a lever to his secret door. The bookshelves slip back to reveal a square shaped hole in the wall that held a black safe box within it. Sombra lit up his horn and used his magic to open the safe. Inside of it was two purple gemstones. Sombra chuckles softly before closing the safe and turned back to Hope.

"...The legend said that if you looked deep enough into the Crystal Heart that you would get a glimpse into your true destiny," Hope said. Sombra realized she was still talking about the heart. He was about to retort before he heard movement outside the study.

"...I suggest you steel yourself, Hope. We'll have to enter the shadow realm again if we wish to evade the guards. Plus, I should be able to take us to that volunteer I mentioned," Sombra said with sinister glee. Hope scarcely had to time to protest before they were engulfed in shadows again. When they emerged, the two unicorns were standing out stunningly.

"Looks like...we're in the wealthy district where the...nobles reside," Hope stated as she remains her breath. She glowered at Sombra who smirked and shrugs in return. "Whose place does this belong too?"

"An old acquaintance of mine during my rule. He goes by the name of Penny Worth, and he held the position in the royal treasury. Although, I had always suspected that he had been abusing that position to line his pockets. So I believe it's time to collect on the debt he owes me," Sombra said. He walks up to the door and with a hard push of his hand, the doors explode inward from their hinges. Hope frowns at this lack of discretion. She was sure that Penny Worth had guards of his own and that little dramatic entrance must have alerted them all. Hope was about to reprimand Sombra when ten guards swarmed to the front door. A portly rose unicorn stallion immediately followed them with a white mane.

"What is the meaning of this?!! Who dares breaks into my - Oh - hello my dear," Penny Worth said saucily. "If you wanted my attention, then you should have met at the usual locale. But I do love home delivery,"

Hope suppressed a gag of disgust while Sombra moves forward. "I'm afraid she well out of your league Penny Worth, besides, this is more of business than pleasure meeting," As soon as Sombra spoke, all the ponies went pale.

"S-Sombra?!! What are...? How did--" Penny Worth tried to speak, but his fear and constant quivering made it difficult.

"Now, now Penny Worth. You should remember to use your words. Now I know my presence here must have you confused, but I have not come with ill intentions. I merely wish to collect on the debt you owe me," Sombra said drily.

"I-if this is about the treasury business then take all you want. Any amount of bits you can have is no issue to me," Penny Worth said. But Sombra just chuckled at the pathetic bribery attempt.

"And what are a few measly bits to a king of an Empire. No, your payment will take the form of something else," Sombra said menacingly.

"WHAT ARE YOU FOALS DOING JUST STANDING HERE?! EARN YOUR WAGES AND PROTECT ME!!!" Penny Worth ordered, and all the guards rushed forward. Hope lit up her horn and raised her hands to retaliate, but Sombra stops her. He moved forward and stood still as the guards got closer. He lit up his trumpet, and a pool of darkness spread from his hooves. The moment the guards touch the floor, multiple jagged black crystals erupted out — the pillar of diamonds pierced through the legs and thighs of all the guards present. Screams of agony and terror filled the manner. Penny Worth watched on in horror as the best personal guards bits could buy was instantly rendered immobile.

"Hmph, good help is so hard to acquire this day and age," Sombra said with a wicked smile as he walked past the guards to Penny Worth. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Penny Worth said nothing. He could barely process anything under his crippling fear. Even now, Sombra still holds power over his crystal slaves. "P-please d-don't--" He didn't think to beg the tyrant in front of him would help, but Penny Worth was out of options. Not that it mattered at all. He didn't get to finish as Sombra places a single finger on his muzzle. He reaches into his armor and pulls out the safe box. Sombra then takes the gemstones out and puts them on each of their necks. Penny Worth was confused, stunned and above all terrified at what Sombra was planning. There was no utterance of words as Sombra lit up his horn. His black, gray aura encompasses the gemstones and actives them. Moments later, Penny Worth felt his magic rapidly leave his body. It flowed from his mouth, eyes, and horn and straight into the gemstone around the former king's neck. When it was all said and done, Penny Worth collapses to the ground completely motionless.

Sombra let out a sigh of relief as the new magic course through his being. He looks down at the still form of Penny Worth with a wicked smile on his face. "A pleasure to do business with you again, Penny Worth," Sombra said. He looked to all the guards that were still trapped and lit up his horn again. Each of them soon sank into the shadow realm until he would need them for later. "Come, Hope, we should return to the hive before anypony comes to investigate the scene," When he didn't get a reply from her, Sombra saw that she was staring solemnly at the still form of Penny Worth. "He is still alive, Hope. He is simply in a coma from magic deficiency. The best part is when he finally does reawaken, he will have no memory of this encounter,"

"What about the guards? Why even take them?" Hope asks as she never took her eyes off of Penny Worth.

"They will be stored in the hive until I require a recharge," Sombra explained, but he quickly noticed that his word of assurance had little effect. "...Penny Worth is a blight on all ponies, Hope. Whatever company he chooses to align himself with won't be much better. It is pointless to feel any empathy for them,"

"So it is pointless to care for you..." Hope replied in a barely audible whisper. "Sombra, what did you see that day?"

"I'm afraid you're going to have to be more specific," Sombra said, completely dodging the question. He had a feeling he knew what Hope was referring too.

"The day we went to look into the Crystal Heart. The day we wanted to discover what our destinies were," Hope elaborated as she moved closer to Somber. She places a hand, his cheek and stares directly into his eyes. "What did you see?!" She asks again with a little more force.

Sombra looks away from her pleading eyes and walks towards the door, but he knew all too well that his friend would not drop the subject, so he answered. "I...saw the truth of my destiny and the truth, Hope, The truth hurts..." He said disparagingly. Sombra let out a mournful chuckle and turns to face Hope again. "But quid pro quo, Hope. What is it you saw on that fateful day?"

Hope tensed up at this. The question posed to herself threw the mare off guard. "I-I saw--"

Before she could continue, Sombra cuts her off with another chuckle. "It matters not. We really should leave now," He said as he held out his hand.

"Fine, but I am teleporting us back. The hive is far enough away so that nopony can track us," Hope said as she took Sombra's hand.

"After you, my lady," Sombra said as they vanished in an orb of light.

[Chrysalises Hive, the Throne room - Several months later.]

"I grow weary of sitting around. When do we move to assault the ponies?" Chrysalis snaps at Hope and Sombra. They were currently sitting in the throne room for a meeting.

"Are you that eager to lose again, Bug queen?" Sombra joke and Chrysalis hissed in response. "I learned from my failure's and not to underestimate my enemies. To take down the princesses and their soldiers, we will need a power that can match them," Sombra said.

"Bah!! I have already bested Celestia in battle. Don't lump your weakness with me," Chrysalis said.

"You were only able to do so because of the love you feed off of from Shining Armor. Can you say with absolute certainty that you still hold that power?" Hope challenged. Chrysalis remained silent as she turned back to Sombra.

"Alright, what do you have in mind?" Chrysalis begrudgingly asked.

"There have been certain trinkets I develop during my rule of the Empire to give me an edge. One such trinket was the alicorn amulet. I made it in anticipation for my inevitable confrontation with the alicorns. But alas, it was stolen and lost to the wayside. I have spent these last few months in trying to locate it again," Sombra informs.

"And what have you gained from your search?" Chrysalis asks.

"The amulet is currently residing within Canterlot Castle. Most likely hidden away in some heavily guarded vault. I cannot go, and Hope does not have the clearance but..." Sombra trailed off as Chrysalis got the hint.

"... But one of my changelings that have already infiltrated the castle guard could have no trouble in gaining access to it..." Chrysalis pauses as she gathered her thoughts. "Very well Sombra, I shall gather your necklace for you,"

"In the meantime, I was able to find a select few individuals that have crossed paths with the elements before, and I believe that they will be all too happy to join our cause. I shall go to recruit them, but it will take time," With that said, the meeting dismissed, and both Hope and Chrysalis teleported away to carry out their missions.

[Canterlot Castle.]

Chrysalis reappeared just outside Canterlot Castle in a nearby alleyway. She lit up her horn to open up the hive link to contact any drones within the premises. "This is Queen Chrysalis calling for any drones near my presence. Respond now!" She commanded, and sure enough, a canopy of voices called out.

"We live to serve, your grace," The changelings replied.

"I need entry into the castle to reach a secure vault. Who is the pony with the highest link to it,"

"This is drone 568, posing as a guard at the Castle entrance. I can get you inside my queen,"

"This is drone 790. The only pony with high enough clearance beside the princesses is Lieutenant Entry Point. He is within the guard barracks right now,"

"Excellent, my children but what of that royal cake gobbler, Celestia?"

"She is in day court at the moment, your grace. It won't conclude for another 2 hours,"

Chrysalis smirks at this activated her magic. She donned the disguise of an earth pony solar guard. She walked up to the entrance where the two guards halted her. "State your purpose private," The pegasus guard on the left said.

"I got lost on the way to the barracks, sir. I'm kinda new to the roster," Chrysalis said, but the guard on the left narrows his eyes.

"The castle orientation is given to recruits at the end of their training. It is mandated to be present for it. So why weren't you?"

"My schedule had the wrong time for the class, and I wound up missing it," Chrysalis said, but the solar guard wasn't buying it. He was about to speak when Chrysalises disguised drone spoke up.

"Quit hassling the newbies, Hard Case. Or should I tell everypony about how you found your way into the mare's quarters last week?" This question seems to silence the other guard quickly, and they allowed Chrysalis entry.

"568, I want that guard cocooned by the end of the day," Chrysalis orders.

"Understood my queen,"

Thanks to her previous time in the castle posing as Cadence, Chrysalis made it to the barracks with no trouble. As luck would have it, Chrysalis ran into Lieutenant Entry Point as he was exiting the barracks. "Aw, Lieutenant Entry Point..." Chrysalis began as she morphs into an exact copy of the stallion in front of her. "Just the pony I was looking," Entry Point was so baffled by what was happening that he didn't feel anything while placed under a sleep spell. Chrysalis then used scrying to gain the location of the vault. She made sure to order her drones to encase Entry Point in a cocoon as well. As she made her way to the trunk, Chrysalis ran into a pony she wasn't expecting.

"Lieutenant Entry Point, it is good to see you," Chrysalis had to suppress the desire to yelp when she was staring down the magenta eyes of the solar princess.

"It is good to see you as well, my princess," Chrysalis gagged at that. "Forgive me if I am intrusive, but I thought you were still in day court,"

"An unexpected issue had been brought to my attention during proceedings. But where are you off too?" Celestia asks.

"I'm currently on my way to the vault to ensure the security measure is up to standard," Chrysalis said.

"You always were very cautious with security protocols. I shall accompany you and tell you more of the situation," Celestia stated as Chrysalis inwardly cursed.

"Of course your highness," Chrysalis gagged again, but she was curious about this issue. "So what has warranted the cancellation of day court?"

"Cadance contacted me a few months ago about a being devoid of most of his magic. As well as the disappearance of all of his guard," Celestia explained.

"I mean no disrespect, but this is something the crystal princess should handle herself. Why should you get involved with the Empires affairs," Chrysalis said.

Celestia quirks a brow at this comment. "I would be it not for the implications and what it could mean for the fate of the rest of Equestria," Celestia said firmly. Chrysalis mentally rolled her eyes at this. Celestia certainly had a flair for being melodramatic.

"What sort of implications?" Chrysalis pressed, seeing this as an opportunity to gain an advantage.

"The ones that involve an old enemy of the state returning," Celestia replied grimly. Chrysalis tensed up as they neared the vault.

"Anypony that immediately comes to mind," Chrysalis said with caution. Celestia expression was unreadable as they stopped in front of the vault.

"None that I can say without causing panic but, at the same time, I believe it is not the first pony that we would initially suspect," Celestia said cryptically. Another aspect that annoyed Chrysalis, Celestia was able to talk without saying anything of importance. All she got from their little exchange is that an old foe is plotting their return. There was going to be a long conversation with Sombra.

"What would you have me do, princess?" Chrysalis asks.

"Nothing at the moment but I must speak with my sister, Twilight, and Cadence on the matter. I will see you again, Entry Point," Celestia said as she walks away. Once Chrysalis was sure she was gone, her face morphs into a frown. Celestia would now be on guard thanks to whatever it was that Sombra did. Chrysalis would have no shortage of questions as to how he managed to drain a pony of their magic. She would have to be more careful around him, but that would come later. For now, she must acquire the amulet. Chrysalis steps inside the vault and walks through its vast interior. Many artifacts were sitting on a podium. A thought briefly crossed her mind about having all these artifacts stolen, but Chrysalis rejected it as that would be too big of a security risk to her changelings. She found what she was looking for as she stared at the alicorn amulet suspended in the air.

"All too easy," Chrysalis said as she used the knowledge she gained from Entry Point to disable the safeguards over the amulet. She picked the charm up and admired it. "Hmm... there seems to be some powerful dark magic coming from this amulet. Just what have you been doing Sombra?" With her job finished, Chrysalis walked toward the door to exit. However, as soon as she touches it, a powerful magic barrier pushes her back to the center of the room. "What the--" Chrysalis lets out a gasp as she gazes in between the wall and the alicorn amulet.

"My queen, My queen, something has gone wrong, and the guards are on high alert!!"

"They are moving to the vault, and the princess is flanking them. We will try and delude them!!"

Chrysalis lets out an aggravated sigh. Of course, something with this much dark magic would have far more protection. She was a fool to think otherwise, and the sun princess and her merry band of hoof-lickers were closing in. Chrysalis got back on her hooves and examined the barrier. It was a compelling one, indeed; design to thwart anyone from leaving once they are trapped. Lucky, Chrysalis wasn't just anyone, and she already found the flaw in this barrier design. It was made to keep 'ponies' in, not stop a changeling queen from getting out. She summoned her magic and prepared a teleport spell as the sound of clopping hooves and metal became louder, right as the door was flung open, Chrysalis had already vanished in an orb of light.

[Chrysalis Hive, the Throne room.]

Sombra and Hope sat in the throne room when a quick flash of green light occurs. Chrysalis emerges from the brightness, her dress in tatters, and smoke trails were coming from various points on her body. Forcing her way through a magical barrier was not the best course of action. Chrysalis looks at Sombra with rage and contempt as she marches up to him. She throws the alicorn amulet at Sombra's chest plate much to his bewilderment. Sombra catches the talisman in his hands as Chrysalis walks out the throne room.

"I take you had no issues in acquiring the alicorn amulet," Sombra joked. Chrysalis stops dead in her tracks and looks over at the deposed king. Her glare was enough to cause Sombra to flinch before she went to her quarters. Sombra and Hope glance at each other in confusion before Sombra spoke up again. "Was it something I said?" Hope rolls her eyes at this.

[Several more months later - At the Grand Galloping Gala.]

"I realize you wanted to come here to meet the ambassador but aren't we are taking a risk," Hope said with concern. She was wearing a lavishing dark blue dress with a black rose pedal in her mane.

"I am merely curious about this so-called alien. The one you claim to have bested the dragon lord although we sent no spies to the Dragon Lands," Sombra said with no shortage of sarcasm in his tone. He was wearing a jet black tuxedo with a red dress shirt. He was also disguised himself so that his pupils just had red irises.

"I have no reason to lie. Even Chrysalis witness his feats firsthand on multiple occasions," Hope pouted.

"Yes, Hope trust the word of being whose very nature is intertwined with deception. However, I must assess this creature myself to determine how to deal with him," Sombra said condescendingly. They stood in the background outside the ballroom awaiting the ambassador's arrival.

"Now presenting, The guest of honor; Ambassador Son Goku," the guard announced as the rest of the nobility quickly crowd around the walkway. And, subsequently, block Sombra view of the ambassador.

"Hmph, look how the sheep trot to their shepherd," Sombra said in annoyance.

"We should wait until the crowd disperses, but that does not mean we shouldn't enjoy ourselves," Hope suggest as she leads Sombra inside.

Sombra looks at Hope blankly. "You have never been to a formal gathering..."

The night went on at an agonizingly slow pace for Sombra. Every attempt made to catch a glimpse of the ambassador was barred by either a strange happenstance or the ambassador's' absence. At one point, Sombra saw a group of nobles clutching their stomach after they ate what the Yak brought. Perhaps the only thing that made the night bearable had Hope as his companion. The pair was currently sitting at a table far away from prying ears.

"Tonight has been dreadful," Hope said dryly.

"I tried to warn you. Nobles are the same no matter what country you're in at any given time. It's a huge contest to see who could kiss the other's flank the most," Sombra stated.

Hope feigned a gasp. "Why Sombra was that an attempt at a joke?!"

"That depends on if are you laughing?" Sombra teased, gaining a giggle from her. This playfulness was the side of Sombra Hope remembers fondly.

"...Sombra, perhaps we should--" Whatever Hope was going to say was cut off by a painful grunt coming from her friend. "Is the Hearts magic flaring up again?!"

"yes - *grunt* - it's been getting stronger lately. We will have to find a better solution soon," Sombra stained out. Hope went to feed him her magic before he stops her. "Save you magic Hope. There's no need for you to give me anything when there are plenty of other's that can," Sombra said darkly. Hope was unsure of what to feel at the moment, but she pushed those feelings down. Sombra looks upon the crowd of ponies like a beast stalking its prey. His eyes fell upon a lanky noble unicorn stallion that was engaged in conversation. Sombra smirks as he and Hope make their way to him.

"All I am saying is that the crystal mines are an untapped resource. Why all of Equestria could benefit from such refined gemstones, but the problem is finding a pony from the empire that is familiar with the mines," The stallion pouted.

"Then it would appear that I have the solution to your problem," Sombra said, causing the stallion to jump up in surprise.

"And who might you be good, sir?"

"Why your future benefactor, of course. I am a resident of the Crystal Empire, and I have... 'extensive' knowledge of the crystal knowledge. In fact..." Sombra pause as he pulls out the purple gem around his neck to show the noble. "..I would be happy to discuss terms,"

The stallion marveled at the gemstone before him. "Splendid! Let's go and talk privately," Sombra and Hope followed close behind the noble as they made their way outside. However, to Sombra's surprise, the ambassador was walking on the same path from the opposite direction. Sombra took this time to study every inch of his features. The most notable aspect was the lack of far, short muzzle, oddly shaped hooves, and no magic. Sombra knew that Son Goku hadn't been using magic and that he possesses immunity to it. As they passed by each other, Sombra concluded that Son Goku was of no consequence to him or his goals. It would be easy to convert him to their side or destroy him should he interfere. After all, Sombra had a knack of getting other's to bend to his whims.

The group made it outside and turned towards the alleyway. "Hope, be a dear and return to the party. I don't want to miss the announcement while I am speaking with our new partner," With a nod, Hope ventures back inside.

"Good thinking, dumb little trophy mares like her tend to get in the way," The stallion chuckled, but Sombra was unamused. "So I'd say we split the profits 60-40, that's 60 for me and 40 for you, being that this is my idea," the stallion said.

"That sounds fair, but I have a gift for you," Sombra said as he takes the other gemstone and hands it to the stallion. "A gesture of good faith if you will,"

The greedy noble doesn't hesitant and slips the gem around his neck. "This is glorious, thank you...um... I don't believe I got your name; I am Random Fodder," Fodder held out his hand to shake, and Sombra eagerly accepts.

"I am known King Sombra, and I have decided to alter our deal. Instead of 60-40, I'll be taking 100!!" Sombra horn lit and the gems activated. The last thing Random Fodder remembered was the malicious small on Sombra muzzle. After the "deal" was complete, Sombra exited the alleyway to find Hope standing at the entrance.

"What was the announcement about, Hope?" Sombra asked.

"...." Hope said nothing.

"Hope?" Sombra called out again.

".... There is going to be a fighting tournament, and Son Goku will be entering it," Hope said quickly. Sombra notices that Hope appears very flushed at the moment.

"I see," Sombra said as he quirks a brow. "This information may prove interesting, but What else happens--"

"Nothing else happens, now let's leave!!" And with that, Hope grabbed Sombra by his arms and teleported back to the hive.

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