• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 13: "Friendly" Conversations. (Edited)

[??? Location - Third Person POV]

Somewhere on the outskirts of the Everfree forest, two beings appeared from an orb of light. One of the beings was carrying the other. The being collapses to the ground and starts to breathe heavily in an attempt to regain its composure. "That was far too close." The creature said while trying to catch its breath. He glances down at his unconscious comrade. "I told you we should have backed off, but no, you had to challenge him. The one saving grace is that I no longer have to listen to you at the moment." the being scoffed at his comrade and placed him back on his shoulder. He rose to his feet and began his trek through the forest. A few hours went by until the duo found themselves at a cave entrance and ventured inside. Unfortunately, the pathway of the cave had poor lighting, and the darkness seems to stretch on forever.

Soon the two made it to the end of the path and entered a massive cavern that housed a small colony. The two traveled to a large structure with two guards standing out front. "Halt! State your purpose."

"I seek an audience with the queen. I have a very urgent mission report that she must be made aware of."

"Does the urgency of your report have any relation with your superior being passed out over your shoulder?"

"Yes, sir."

The guard paused for a moment. "Very well; you may speak with the queen."

The walk to the throne room was a short one as the two went past the throne room doors. The interior had a black color scheme with green candles hanging from several pillars that dimly provides light. The throne had an almost eerie atmosphere to it, yet, at the same time, it could be considered uniquely different from other throne rooms in various kingdoms.

"Speak drone 47! I hope you have a good explanation as to why you are delegating from your duties." a voice called out, interrupting 47's admiring. He quickly set his superior down and took a knee before his queen.

"All hail Queen Chrysalis," he called out with all the respect he could. Chrysalis, however, was in no mood for the usual routine.

"Had I wanted to hear the everyday, run-of-the-mill formalities, I would've just walked out the throne room. So now, what do you have to report?" Chrysalis sneered at that drone, causing him to wince.

"Yes, your highness. We have recently discovered a new sentient life form that has appeared in Ponyville a week ago." the drone informs.

Chrysalis had a bored expression on her face that quickly morphed into one of impatience. She tapped her finger against her armrest while her sharp glare never left the drone before her. "Is that all drone? A new sentient creature in Ponyville? That is what you consider to be worth your queen's time. Perhaps this being is a new sub-species to the ponies, and we should be far more cautious," Chrysalis stated with much condescension and sarcasm.

"I assure you, my queen, I would dare not inconvenience you with trivialities. But this creature is not a pony or any other being in the world. Through our surveillance, we discovered that this being is an off-worlder. He holds a resemblance to that of a hairless ape with a spiky black mane. It wears odd clothes and lives in a metal sphere. Furthermore, it--"

"Enough drone!" Chrysalis cuts 47 off as she looked down at 47 with annoyance. "Such lunacy is not welcome to the hive. Even if I indulged in these notions of off-worlders, an alien as you claim, what merit would this bring to us and our plans? Speak now, and if it hasn't donned on you yet, I still hold you and 24's accountable for the botch mission in Canterlot. A changeling with over-excessive gloop glands; how impertinent!!" Chrysalis spat out in disgust. 47's body began trembling with fear as his queen mode deteriorates. He had to talk fast and coherently to spare himself and 24's possible disconnection from the hive.

"T-the creature has incredible power, your excellence," Forty-seven said through a strained fear laced voice. "We witnessed it smash a massive boulder with little effort. We observed it run through augmented gravity that would crush other beings into a paste without the slightest sense of hindrance. Moreover, there have been rumors that it bested a ghoul in singles combat. I also believe that it can detect us." Chrysalis's face quickly morphed into one of intrigue.

"Elaborate 47!" Chrysalis orders.

47 calm down slightly now that his queen used his number rather than just stating his stature. Changelings below the number 20 have no indexed names but digital ones at birth. The figure represents their current rank among the hive, and the higher the number is, the lower the grade. It is possible through rigorous training and successful mission campaigns that a changeling drone can gain a better level. Of course, exceptional circumstances would occur, such as high-ranking officers prematurely dying or the queen herself promoting a drone for excellent service to the hive. Once they meet these requirements, a changing drone will gain the honor of having an alphabetical name. And they will be highly respected amongst the colony and receive a full acknowledgment from the queen.

"We were present when it attended the schoolhouse show and told day. After it had concluded, we saw him walk the students home, but he stopped moving and looked directly at our position. We proceeded to leave before it could act. We assumed that it was a mere fluke and continued our observation of it. But it wasn't until recently that we discovered that it did have the ability to sense us, and it was no fluke. It vanished right before our eyes." Forty-seven said.

"It vanished, you say? Did it use some magic?" Chrysalis asked.

"Yes, my queen, it did vanish, and it was completely devoid of any magic. There was even an orb of light; it just disappeared and reappeared right behind us. I suggested we flee, but 24 insisted we try and capture it, but it proved too strong for either of us. I did succeed in blinding it and allowed for 24 to mount an attack, but it had skills beyond either of our comprehension. Somehow, it dodged all of 24's attacks effortlessly and countered attacked. Thus, defeating 24 in one punch." Forty-seven said in a panicked tone.

"And how is it you escaped while your superior was incapacitated, and you found yourself cornered?" Chrysalis inquired.

"I-it let us go, your highness. I do not know why." 47 reluctantly revealed.

"Hmph, perhaps it took pity on your obvious inferiority to it," Chrysalis commented as 47 recoiled at the implication. Chrysalis paused in thought while holding a neutral expression. "47 approach me. I wish to clarify the validation of your claims." Forty-seven visibly gulped to the idea that the queen may find something lacking as she prepared to scan his mind. It was a simple process that every changeling can perform as part of a hive mind. So all that is required for any changeling to link their magic aura from their horns to another changeling horn. From there, they can see all their memories and experiences. Chrysalis herself can remotely scan any of her subjects from great distances. It's beneficial for covert operations that she isn't directly involved. This method ensures that there are no secrets amongst the hive. After a few moments, Chrysalis cut off her spell and looked very surprised.

Silence reigned within the confines of the throne room. Forty-seven waited patiently for his queen's response as the silence was very unnerving. "Was everything satisfactory, my queen?" Forty-seven asked nervously.

Chrysalis remained silent for a moment longer before speaking. "47, you shall take 24 to the infirmary and await further instructions. I access this information to determine a course of action. You may leave." Chrysalis orders as 47 took 24 to the infirmary. Chrysalis was left alone pondering to herself about what she has learned. She stayed deep in thought until the clanking of hoofs against the floor rang out.

"This is certainly an interesting turn of events. Wouldn't you agree, Queen Chrysalis?" a new voice called out to the queen.

Chrysalis merely huffed at her associate. "I do not take kindly to others spying on my business." she sneered as she turned to face her new visitor. She had most features concealed by a long brown cloak, and Chrysalis could only tell that she has blue fur and a blueish white mane. Chrysalis summarized that she had to be a unicorn pony.

"Rather ironic coming from a being that was born to do just that. However, I have not come here for pleasantries. Do you believe this creature poses a threat to our plans?" the cloaked figure asked.

"The creature is of no consequence. From what I was able to gather, it knows nothing of us Changelings. It seems the ponies were neglectful in informing it. We could play this to our advantage." Chrysalis assured, but the cloaked pony was unconvinced.

"And should it discover what you Changelings are?" the cloaked pony challenged.

"My my, how paranoid you are, dear. Do not concern yourself; I shall handle the creature personally. There is much to gain from meeting with it, and I can be very- persuasive~. Once that's complete, the Changelings shall have all the love in Equestria, and you can embrace your lover colt again." Chrysalis teased as she sensed the emotions of her colleague flared up, which she could tell was a flushed embarrassment. Chrysalis got a savory snack.

"See to it that the creature will not be a problem. The plan is reaching a critical stage, and we cannot leave anything to chance." the cloaked pony said before teleporting out of the throne.

"Ah, equines are so easy to squeeze the love out of," Chrysalis said with a wicked smile.

[Zecora's hut]

Goku finally made it to Zecora's hut after his encounter with the Changelings. He walked in to find her peacefully meditating on top of her bamboo staff. "Hey Zecora, It's good to see you again." Goku greeted cheerfully.

Zecora's eyes open, and they fell upon Goku's form. "Ah, Son Goku, it is great to see you. Do not assume me an ingrate, but why are you here with it being so late," she asked.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you can grow these Senzu beans I brought," Goku said as he reached into his bag and brought his last Senzu bean. Zecora took the seed and studied it thoroughly.

"An odd bean, this holds. I expect as much coming from you. The properties of it are hard to grasp. So how do I help in this task?" Zecora asked.

"You see, the Senzu beans require a unique soil to grow, and I was hoping you have some," Goku stated.

Zecora paused in thought on how to help. She continued this until she realized something. "The answer we seek lies with the assistance of the meek. I once gave Fluttershy aid for a fading flower. The soil she used to save it in that dire hour." Zecora said.

"So Fluttershy has the particular soil I need? I thought she only took care of animals." Goku said.

"The flower was a gift for Roseluck and saving it was a must. To find the soil you seek, we must journey to the dragon's keep. There, the ground lies in a cave, and to enter one's soul must be brave. Come back in 3 weeks. That is when the soil will be at its prime." Zecora informs.

"Thanks, Zecora, you have been a great help. Well, goodnight." Goku said as he exited the hunt and headed home.

"A Farewell to you too, Son Goku," Zecora said.

[2 weeks later - Rainbow's cloud home - First Person POV]

Today was Saturday which meant no weather manager duties, no Wonderbolt meetings, and best of all, no school. Lately, I have been thinking about how little I spent my time with Scootaloo. And as her awesome big sister, I could not let this go on. So I figure a whole day of the two of us hanging around and doing any sweet thing we can think of will fix that. So I got up from the bed, careful not to disturb tank rest, and went over to Scootaloo's room. But when I looked inside, she was gone; I figured she was in the bathroom or something. So I tried calling out to her.

"Hey Scoots, where are you?"

"I'm downstairs in the kitchen," Scootaloo said. So I flew down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I saw Scootaloo was kind enough to make both a bowl of our favorite cereal, Wonder Flakes.

"Aw yeah, Wonder Flakes," I said.

"Yeah, I still can't believe they put your rain boom on the cover of the box," Scootaloo said.

"Why wouldn't they put a move of such pure awesomeness on the cover? I'm more surprised that they took so long to make a cereal featuring the Wonderbolts. Speaking of awesomeness, whaddya say you and I spend the day together. We could get in some flight training that we've been missing." I said. I was sure Scootaloo would be buzzing out of her seat at this news. But she instead looked hesitant.

"Ooh um, I would like to, but the girls and I were gonna see if we can help out Pipsqueak discover his unique talent." She told me. I guess that makes sense. He was pretty much the only colt without a cutie mark in Cheerilee's class.

"That's cool. Anything you have in mind for the little guy?" I asked.

"The girls and I thought it would best to try all the ideas we worked when we were blank flanks. Just cause they didn't work for us doesn't mean it won't work for anypony else. The first on the list is hang gliding." Scootaloo said excitedly. I guess she had a point, but I remember when Applebloom tried to hang gliding, and that was a total flop. Maybe I should supervise.

"Alright, well, count me in. It's maybe for the best if we have pegasi there to make sure there are no accidents." I said, and I could see Scootaloo's face beam up.

"That's great; with you there, we may finish early enough to visit Goku." She said as I couldn't help but grumble. I don't get here enough about how cool or how good he is at kicking flank. Well, maybe he's not bad, but he still isn't as fast as me.

"Um, Rainbow? You okay?" Scootaloo asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, of course, I'm ok, let's finish up and head to your clubhouse," I said as we finished our cereal and went. So I took us to the clubhouse by Sweet Apple Acres. The rest of the crusaders and Pipsqueak were already inside, and they looked to be going over hang gliding safety.

"You also have to make you don't go too far forward; otherwise, you'll whine eating a muzzle full of dirt." I heard Applebloom say.

"Wow, It's great that you crusader has so much experience with cutie mark earning. I hope everything went well." Pipsqueak said as we chose this time to enter the clubhouse.

"You won't have to worry about things going well," I said from behind the door before pausing for dramatic effect. "Because with me here, everything will go excellent."

"Hiya girls, I brought the most awesome pony in Equestria to help us help Pip earn his cutie mark," Scootaloo said as I stuck out my chest proudly.

"You mean you got Princess Luna to come here!!!" Pipsqueak yelled out.

"No squirt me, Rainbow Dash," I told him.

"Oh, ok, that's fine too." He said, but he did sound somewhat disappointed.

"Now that we're all here, we should head out to a good vantage point to get the best results." Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh, I know how about high tail cliffs. The updraft and wind currents are perfect for gliding." Sweetie suggested.

"Then it's settled, ready everypony," Scootaloo said as I covered my ears for what's coming next.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS: HANG GLIDER, YAY!!!" they yelled in unison and zipped out the door. I shook my head and followed them.

[One hour later - High Tail Cliffs - Third Person POV]

Rainbow and foals made it up to the High Tail Cliffside, located just north of Ponyville. The cliffs were very famous for sightseeing and hang gliding. Pipsqueak stood at the edge of the cliff secured his FF glider he got from the marketplace along with a safety helmet and goggles.

"Are you sure this is s-safe?" Pipsqueak asked nervously.

"Why do you think I'm here, squirt. You got the best flyer in Equestria watching your back so quit worrying." Rainbow said confidently.

"Plus, we're watching you with this nifty telescope." Sweetie Belle said while Applebloom and Scootaloo nodded vigorously. Pipsqueak took one last look over the cliff's edge before he backed up for a running start. Pip placed the goggles over his eyes, took a deep breath, and sprinted forward. Once he reached the edge, he jumped off and was sailing through the air.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Pipsqueak yelled out as he felt the wind brushing past his face and through his mane. The glider had shaken a bit before he was able to gain control. Rainbow and the girls were watching Pipsqueak intently.

"Hey, it looks like he got it under control," Scootaloo said while looking through the telescope.

"Really? Let me see!" Sweetie Belle said as she pushed Scootaloo away and took the telescope.

"Can ya see his cutie mark yet?" Applebloom asked.

"No, not yet, but it does look like fun." Sweetie Belle said. Pipsqueak was feeling more relaxed as he got better control over the glider. He began doing several flybys around the cliffside.

All was seemingly going well until Pipsqueak caught a powerful air current that punched a hole into the glider. With the wind now blowing through the hole, nothing kept Pipsqueak aloft, and the colt began to plummet. "Aaaaaah!!! HELP!!!" He screamed out as he descended further. Rainbow Dash responded accordingly flew straight to Pipsqueak's rapidly falling form. Unfortunately for Rainbow, she was blown back by a massive updraft that propelled her upwards. She tried again to reach Pipsqueak, only to be blown back as Pipsqueak was falling further away.

"This just like that time in Griffinstone. The wind is making it hard to fly!" So Rainbow thought as she witnesses Pipsqueak was more than halfway to the ground.

Pipsqueak was turning and flailing through the air. Pip has never felt more scared in his entire life. He was praying to Luna that Rainbow save him; he prayed to Celestia that Luna would somehow save him. Pipsqueak saw the ground coming closer and closer, and soon enough, Pipsqueak just surrendered to his fate. He closed his eyes and waited for the end, then suddenly, Pipsqueak felt himself stop. He assumed he had already died and somehow felt no pain upon impact. Soon Pipsqueak felt the blowing through his mane while a sudden warmth embraced him. Pipsqueak took a chance and opened his eyes. He looks down to see that he stood suspended a few feet from the ground. At that moment, a voice called out to him.

"Hey, little guy. You're not supposed to fly with a hole in your hang glider. Haha." Pipsqueak looked up to find the same alien that came to show and tell was now holding him in mid-air. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe," Goku said as he turned around and saw the Crusaders on the cliffside. He gingerly made his way to them and landed on the ground. Pipsqueak immediately jumped from his grasp and joined the Crusaders as they all stared at Goku in complete shock and awe.

"G..." Scootaloo tried to speak but found that no words left her mouth. The others were having trouble as well.

"You know if you keep your mouths open like that, a bug might fly in there." Goku joked. The foals shook themselves from their stupor and finally managed to speak.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" They yelled out while Goku cocked his eyebrows in confusion.

"Uh, whaddya mean, how I'd do what?" Goku asked.

"Y-you were flying! You caught Pipsqueak right out the sky. You're not even an Alicorn or a pegasus..." Scootaloo said as Sweetie Belle spoke next.

"You wasn't using magic to levitate yourself...." Sweetie Belle continued.

"And yet Y'all was just flying in the air without any wings or magic!" Applebloom finished the group's thoughts.

Goku merely smiled and was about to answer them when a thought occurs. "Say, why are you four by yourself out here anyway? Seems pretty dangerous." Goku stated.

"We're not alone up here. There's Ms. Rainbow Dash up there." Pipsqueak said as he pointed to the cyan pegasus. Rainbow was hovering a few feet above them with her mouth agape and right eye twitching at what she just witnessed.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, how's it going," Goku said nonchalantly.

Rainbow Dash composed herself and flew down to the group. Her surprised expression quickly morphed into restrained angry and curiosity. "How did you do that? You shouldn't be able to fly. You're not a pegasus, and where did you even come from?"

"Well, I decided to do my training outside my ship to give Guru more space to work. I want to go somewhere private, so I found a nifty little spot below this cliffside. But then I sensed a power level approaching from above, and I spotted this little guy, so I decided to help. To answer your first question, I just used my Ki to fly." Goku explains while Rainbow's brows twitched anew.

"Why the hay didn't you tell anypony before?" Rainbow pointed out.

"Well, you never asked, but I could've sworn I told you all," Goku said as he looked up and scratched his temple with his index finger. He proceeds to shrug and starts to speak again. "At least you know now." He said as he smiled cheerfully.

Rainbow was about to retort when an orange blur latched itself on Goku's leg. "Please take me on as your faithful student. I've wanted to ask you for weeks, but you always seem busy. I want to learn how to use Ki, kick major flank and fly as you do. Please, please, please!!!!" Scootaloo all but begged Goku as she shot him her best puppy-eyed stare.

Goku couldn't possibly turn down that request. "You know, I do remember saying I would teach my moves sometimes right after our first meeting. So, sure, why not." Goku chirped as Scootaloo made perhaps the happiest look she could ever muster. Her friends looked on in joy. However, Rainbow couldn't say the same thing.

"NOT SO FAST!!!" Rainbow yelled, gaining everyone's attention. "I am the one who's been teaching Scoots here how to fly way before you came along. And it's so not cool to hide the fact that you can fly from everypony. So-- I CHALLENGE YOU TO A RACE!!! Winner gets to train Scootaloo and prove who's the best flyer!" Rainbow said, but the latter part of the challenge was more from her competitive side.

"Um-- I wasn't trying to be the best flyer." So Goku had said before his competitive side took hold. "But if it's a race you want, then I'm more than happy to oblige," he said as he shot Rainbow a confident smile.

Rainbow shot one right back to Goku. "Noon. Tomorrow at City Hall. Get ready to suck my wind tail, space boy!" and with that, Rainbow Dash took off over the horizon back to Ponyville.

"WOW!!! AMAZING!!! Rainbow Dash vs. Goku in a race." Scootaloo said, barely able to contain her excitement. "We gotta tell everypony. Let's go." She said as she, the Crusaders, and Pipsqueak ran back to Ponyville to spread the news. Goku merely chuckles at the idea.

"Well, this should be interesting," Goku stated.

Author's Note:

Things have begun to pick up in Equestria as an unforeseen alliance looms in the shadows. Goku and Rainbow Dash set out to have the greatest race of all time. Can the prismatic mare outmaneuver our hero, or will this pegasus bite off more than she can chew? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP!!

Next chapter, guys. Again sorry for the lateness, but what did you think of the latest MLP episode? Personally, I like the Spike x Ember ship better than Spike x Rarity.

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