• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 9,222 Views, 125 Comments

Never Drift Away - New Canterlot

Join everyone's favorite fashionista as she discovers what it really means to be in love during her fast times at Canterlot High!!!

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Chapter 5: Only the Heart Can Feel...

The morning nap Rarity had shared with her beloved had been glorious. As much as her body had thanked her for the extra couple hours of sleep, a tinge of guilt lingered. Although she wasn’t the model student by any means, Rarity was never one for skipping class, but being able to spend even one more minute with Applejack during the day was worth any trouble. Applejack was even happier after their nap together. Not only had she caught up on her sleep, but she had gotten the chance to do something she had thought about for a very long time. It was incredibly hard to forget just how soft and inviting Rarity’s tooshie was, and a prideful smirk blessed her face as the pair walked into school together.

The lunch bell sounded throughout the halls as they made their way to their lockers. A circus of teenagers began flooding the empty corridors, everyone eager to eat and mingle. By the time they arrived at their lockers, both girls were moderately surprised to see another pair waiting for them, hand in hand. Rainbow Dash had an uncharacteristic welcoming smile while Fluttershy beamed very brightly beside her. It was hard to tell which couple was having a better morning.

“Hey, guys.” Dash waved to them, pulling Shy gently closer to her. “We’ve been waiting all morning to run into you two.”

“Don’t tell me you both were standing by our lockers this entire time.” Rarity said with a somber expression.

“What? No, that would be weird.” Dash giggled. “No, I mean, we’ve been waiting to talk to you two.”

“All good news Ah hope.” AJ nodded with an understanding wink at Dash.

“Yeah. Very good. Right, Shy?” Dash put a hand on Shy’s back.

“Mhm.” Shy nodded slowly and blushed just a tiny bit, enough to be noticed.

“I see.” Rarity put a finger to her chin.

“I wanted to tell you guys that…” Dash paused to put a hand on Shy’s head. “…We’re really glad you two took the time to chat with us last night. It really helped us work things out.”

“What do ya mean ‘you two’?” AJ asked. “Ya’ll only called me last night.”

“Wait, I thought I was the one who received a phone call.” Rarity felt puzzled.

“Um…we talked last night…” Shy pointed gingerly at Rarity. “…and you talked to Dashie.” Her finger moved towards Applejack. “…I know…we said to keep it a secret, but…”

“But it’s totally cool.” Dash finished Shy’s sentence. “We both know, so it’s fine.”

“Oh, I see.” Rarity nodded with understanding. “For a moment there, I was certain I had lost some of my wits.”

“Ya’ll gotta long way to go before ya’ll ‘er fergettin’ stuff.” Applejack chuckled and placed a hand on Rarity’s waist. “Probably twenty ‘er so years.”

“Twenty???” Rarity gasped. “I beg your pardon, darling, but I have MANY more years before I’m old and forgetful. Twenty…” She scoffed. “…You really have a bad sense of time, dear.”

“Ah’m only teasin’, sugarpie.” AJ squeezed her waist. “Yer gonna be the purttiest gal at the nursin’ home come seventy.”

Rarity’s annoyed face didn’t change even when AJ gave her a little peck on the cheek. “That really isn’t a compliment…”

“Ok, cool, great.” Dash sighed and rolled her eyes. “ANYWAYS… I’m sure you both know by now that we’re dating.” Upon hearing that word, Shy felt her cheeks tingle a tiny bit more.

“So is today gonna be the big day when ya’ll break the big news to the rest of the gals?” AJ asked with a tip of her hat.

“Uh, no.” Dash shook her head.

“N-Not…yet.” Shy shook her head as well. “…At least…not…for a little while longer.”

“That’s a cryin’ shame.” AJ chuckled. “Ya’ll make the cutest ‘lil couple.”

“And what about us?” Rarity put a hand on her hip and smiled up at the tall blonde. “Are we not just as cute?”

“Not really.” AJ returned the smile. “We’re just the prettiest.”

“Aw…sweetness.” Rarity blushed ever so slightly and giggled softly.

“Oh my gosh…” Dash groaned and palmed her face. “Are you two gonna be like this all the time now?”

“I think it’s nice…” Shy quietly choked out. “…It’s…sweet.”

“Don’t get much sweeter than this ripe ‘lil piece a candy.” AJ commented as she walked two fingers up Rarity’s spine, making her nearly shiver.

“Darling, please…not right this second. I’m very flattered, and dare I say, I am rather pleased. However, I do have a question.” Rarity tried her best to sound adamant despite realizing just how good that felt. “I am quite interested to know what your college plans are, Rainbow Dash. It was my understanding that you received a letter in the mail?”

“Oh, yeah. That.” Dash shrugged. “It’s whatever. I’m probably not going to take the whole scholarship offer thing unless Fluttershy decides to come with me to Manehatten.” Dash put an arm around Shy’s shoulder. “That’s probably not gonna happen anyway. It’ll be easier just to stay with her.”

“Well, that’s mighty sweet of ya, Rainbow.” AJ gave her an approving smile. “Takes a lot a love to make a big decision like that.”

“After thinking about it…” Dash paused to cast a glance down towards Shy who met her gaze with a sheepish little smile that nearly melted her heart. “…It really wasn’t hard to make my decision. I want to stay here with Shy. That’s all I really want right now.”

“Aww.” Rarity put her hands together and pressed them against the side of her head. “This is truly some wonderful news. I had no idea you could be such a sweet soul, Rainbow.” She held out her arms for a hug, and Dash took a second to realize what was going on before stepping forward to hug her. “You take very good care of Fluttershy, understood?”

“Yeah.” Dash patted her on the back. “I will. I promise.”

“Good. I’m trusting you.”

Fluttershy felt so beloved by Dash’s words that she nearly felt like crying. Instead, she chose to give Dash a small peck on the cheek as the two girls continued to hug. When the hug lasted for longer than a couple more seconds, Dash tried to pull away. To her surprise, Rarity wouldn’t let go. “Um, Rarity? You can let go now.”

“What kind of perfume do you use?” Rarity asked, taking a whiff of Dash’s neck.

“Uhh…I don’t use that stuff.” Dash gently pushed her away.

“Really? Then how in all things silky smooth do you smell so wonderful??” Rarity asked in enthusiasm usually reserved to Canterlot High’s resident party animal.

“Settle down there, Rare.” AJ chuckled louder and pulled her into her side to create some distance for Dash. “Ah gotta admit, it’s a bit strange to be sniffin’ yer friends.”

“I wasn’t planning on doing that, love.” Rarity grumbled up at her. “I’m just merely curious.”

“U-Umm…” Shy slowly moved a hand up into the air. “…I think…I know why.”

“Why?” Rarity asked with wide eyes.

“Is it really that important?” Dash asked, now feeling rather embarrassed. “I really don’t feel super comfortable talking about how I smell.”

“Hate to say it, but Ah’m a tad curious myself.” AJ nodded once. “Shy, ya’ll were sayin’ somethin’?”

“Mhm…” Shy nervously pressed her index fingers together while staring at the floor. “…I um…well…I did some of Dashie’s laundry last night, and…I used my mom’s fabric softener.”

“Ohhh, I see now…” Rarity nodded slowly with her finger pressed firmly against her chin. “This may be terribly presumptuous of me to ask, but would you perhaps message me later tonight and let me know what fabric softener you use? I would be ever so grateful.”

“U-Um…s-sure.” Shy nodded while looking up at her from behind her long pink hair. “…I can do that.”

Applejack chuckled low and crossed her arms. “Well hot dog, Rainbow. Been havin’ ‘ol Shy over doin’ yer laundry, huh?”

“I don’t get…” Dash squinted up at the country gal before a furious red blush covered her face. “…Hey! Whoa whoa whoa! It’s not like that!”

“Sure it ain’t.” AJ winked.

“Oh goodness….” Shy tried to hide farther behind her hair.

“Excuse me, dear.” Rarity put a hand on AJ’s shoulder with a stern face. “I don’t believe such private affairs are any of our business.”

“Oh goodness…gracious…” Shy squeaked loudly.

“Nothing happened!!! Geeeez! Applejack, shut your face!” Dash growled and narrowed her eyes at the floor. At times like these, Dash wished she had long hair like her adorable little girlfriend.

“Ah’m only teasin’, Rainbow.” Applejack nudged her shoulder with a grin. “Ah’m sure ya’ll ain’t a horn dog ‘er nothin’ like that.”

“Next time, dear…” Rarity wrapped an arm around AJ’s elbow. “…please refrain from such talk. I’m sure Miss Dash and little Fluttershy wouldn’t wish to hear about our own…” She cleared her throat. “…Actually, let’s just drop the subject.”

“Oh…goodness…gracious…me….” Shy whispered very very softly, her face now an entirely different color. Maybe one day on her deathbed she might tell someone the real truth, but for now, there was no way she could admit that Applejack was rather keen. Although it didn’t happen as much as she would like, Dashie would sometimes come over after practice when her mother wasn’t home.

“S-So…uh…” Dash raised her head and ran her fingers through her short hair. “Lunch?”

“Sounds like a mighty swell idea.” Applejack nodded. “How’s lunch sound, Rare?”

Rarity patted her flat, slender tummy to gauge her hunger level. There wasn’t much room for anything more than a small lettuce wrap, but she knew that skipping meals was bad for her complexion. “I believe lunch is a very good idea.”

“…gracious…” Shy took a deep breath, gathering her courage to look her friends in the face.

“Uh, Shy? You can come out now. We’re going to get some lunch.” Dash patted the top of her head again with a gentle palm.

“O-Oh…u-um…yes, lunch…of course.” Shy looked up at her athletic girlfriend before immediately receiving a much needed comfort hug. “Thanks…”

“Anytime, Shy.” Dash giggled with a little crackle in her voice. “I’m SUPER hungry right now.”

“Well, ain’t no reason to dawdle when food’s a waitin’.” AJ wrapped her arm around Rarity’s waist tighter and firmer than before. “Come on now, sugarcube. Ya’ll need some fried chicken for them skinny legs a yers.”

“I will do no such thing.” Rarity said defiantly. “…But…thank you for calling me skinny.” AJ just chuckled and shook her head as they began walking towards the cafeteria.

Dash gently squeezed Shy’s hand and began walking down the hall after their friends. Ever since they began dating, Dash realized that if she wanted to go anywhere, she would probably have to take Shy’s hand to get her moving. Shy didn’t have a problem with this, and it felt kind of nice to have someone care enough about you to lead you places hand in hand. “If you’re hungry, I’ll buy you something.”

“Dashie…” Shy squeaked when she tried to raise her voice enough to be heard. “You don’t have to. Maybe…for once I’ll buy you lunch instead.”

“It’s cool. No worries.” Dash shrugged as she brought Shy into a walking pace by her side. “I really don’t mind it, you know.”

“O-Okay, but…I have money too…” Shy looked up at her with pleading eyes. “…You don’t have to always be the one to…I mean…”

“Seriously, Shy. I want to buy you lunch. It…well, it makes me kind of happy to do that.” Dash giggled nervously and rubbed the back of her head. “Besides…I eat WAY more than you, so…it’s whatever.” Both girls gasped quietly when they witnessed Applejack give Rarity’s waist a pinch, making the fashionista nearly jump into the air. Rarity angrily grabbed the hat off of Applejack’s head, but the country gal did the only possible thing left to do. She grabbed the cute little tie around Rarity’s neck and pulled her in for a very quick little peck on the cheek.

As they neared the cafeteria, Shy felt herself relax a bit more now that she was getting used to seeing two of her best friends being so affectionate. “…They look…really happy together.”

“Yeah, they kinda do.” Dash giggled. “Kinda thought they’d piss each other off, but it seems like it’s working for them.”

“…Us too…” Shy wrapped her arms around Dash’s elbow for a moment.


Pinkie returned to the table with a sheer mountain of tater tots on her tray. The pile of potatoes rolled back and forth as she set them down, immediately garnering inquisitive looks from the rest of the girls. As she began to eat them, she used the surplus of food as entertainment by flicking one tater tot after the other down the long table, each one rolling in zig-zag line. Most of the girls paid no heed, but Twilight felt it necessary to mention something.

“Um, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight awkwardly cleared her throat, preparing herself for the inevitable confusing explanation she would receive. “What are you doing?”

“Bloop!” Pinkie made an incredibly weird noise with each flick, and Twilight turned her head away from her slowly with her eyes fixed in place when it became apparent that Pinkie wasn’t aware of her surroundings.

“Ah ain’t all that fond a gym class myself.” Applejack nodded in agreement while adding her own statement to something Fluttershy said sitting opposite of her. She was aware that food was rolling past beneath her nose, but she wasn’t sure if it would be worth the trouble to ask about it. “Not cause Ah got somethin’ ‘gainst runnin’ round a big ‘ol field, but it gets mighty borin’ after a while.”

“I just don’t like running…” Shy sighed, feeling a sense of dread for the impending gym class she had after lunch. “Last class, I tried sitting on the grass after my legs got tired…and I got yelled at.”

“Your gym teacher sucks.” Dash grumbled while placing a Styrofoam cup at the end of the table for the tater tots to roll into. She placed a palm atop Shy’s thigh beside her beneath the eyes of everyone else. “At least in my gym class we get to play dodgeball on Fridays.”

“Oh…I um…I wouldn’t like to do that either.” Shy gave her a worried look. “Maybe running on the track…isn’t so bad.”

“You could always do what I do, dear.” Rarity gave a half smile of encouragement. “I tend to spend my time in gym class in the bleachers. It’s the perfect time of day to refresh my nails.”

“Lame.” Dash rolled her eyes. “You’re missing the entire point of gym class.”

“What’s that?” Sunset asked. “Getting exercise and staying healthy?”

“Uh, no.” Dash smirked. “Throwing and kicking stuff as hard as you can! Come on guys, it’s the one class where you get to cut loose and do whatever!”

“Maybe for you.” Rarity shook her head. “But for the rest of us, it’s near torturous.”

“It ain’t that bad.” AJ chuckled and put an arm around her. “Ah reckon ya’ll be jumpin’ on the chance to burn off a few extra a them calories.”

“Please tell me you aren’t serious.” Rarity said with a hint of annoyance. “I have no such need for strenuous exercise, and I do believe I am in excellent condition, thank you very much.”

“Bloop!” Another tater tot rolled passed each girl towards the cup.

“Um, could I say something?” Twilight put a hand up as if she was in class. She slowly lowered her hand and began twirling a lock of her bangs around her index finger. “I found out awhile ago that you can go to the library and study if you don’t feel like participating in gym.”

“Can you really?” Rarity gasped. “How come I haven’t heard about that?”

“I really wish I knew that when school started…” Shy sighed, but it was a nice relief to know she had options.

“I only found out about it because Vice Prinicipal Luna thought I should be a math tutor.” Twilight blushed a tiny bit, very aware of the fact that what she just said sounded a bit like bragging.

“Good for you!” Sunset gave her a nudge. “You know, I have a teammate that could really use some tutoring. Maybe you could talk to her.”

“Oh, w-well, I guess I could. If that’s what she really wants.” Twilight’s blush was deepening.

“Hang on.” Dash scowled. “Are you talking about me?”

“Am I?” Sunset put a finger to her chin as if she was trying to think.

“Wow, Sunset. I thought we were cool.” Dash crossed her arms. “I’m not THAT bad at math, okay? So what if I got a ‘C’ last year! I still passed!”


Rarity breathed a heavy sigh as she watched yet another tatter roll past her small salad bowl. “Pinkie, darling. Must you play with your food EVERY time we eat lunch? Once in a while, I find it amusing, but you’ve been doing this for quite a while now.”

Dash picked up the last tot and lifted her now full cup. “That’s good. I think I have enough. Thanks, Pinks.”

“You’re welcome!” Pinkie nodded towards her and popped another one in her mouth.

Rarity gave them both a disgusted look. “Were you merely passing her some of your food?”

“Well, duhhh! What did you think I was doing? Playing? Okay, maaayyyybbee I was playing a little bit.”

“What didn’t ya’ll just pass Rainbow yer tray?” AJ frowned. “It’d probably be a lot easier.”

“I could do that, but then how am I supposed to roll them? Trays don’t roll, silly. They slide. There’s a big difference. And you HAVE to roll tater tots.” Pinkie giggled and waved her hand as if she was explaining herself to a toddler.

“You’re not really going to eat that, are you?” Twilight asked, pointing to Dash. “The average table contains a multitude of pathogenic organisms which can cause disease when not sanitized properly.”

Dash groaned loudly and put the cup of tots down. “Well, I’m not going to eat them NOW…thanks for that…”

“I’m sure they’re fine.” Sunset giggled. “But why didn’t you just go buy some of your own?” She pointed at Dash for a moment.

“I was gonna, but…” Dash stole a quick glance down at Shy. “…I didn’t feel like getting up. I’m sorta comfy.”

“Would…you like the rest of mine?” Shy asked quietly, nudging her tray towards the athlete.

“You haven’t even touched your food yet.” Dash noted. “Are you sure? I can always buy some before class starts. Besides, I bought that for you.”

“It’s ok.” Shy gave her a nod with a little smile. “I’m not very hungry…And…w-well, I…I knew that you’d still be hungry.”

“Sure, okay…Thanks…” Dash accepted the plate and gave Shy’s thigh a firm little squeeze, making the small girl stifle a little squeak and hide her face behind her bangs.

Rarity made a small sigh as she picked at the cherry tomato rolling atop the lettuce greens in her bowl. “I really do wonder just how this school can make such horrible excuses for cuisine…”

“Aw, c’mon now. It ain’t like we’re at a fancy restaurant ‘er somethin’. These here schools gotta feed hundreds a youngins everyday.” Applejack placed a hand on the small of her back and scooted a bit closer to her. “Besides, ‘ol Granny Smith ain’t got the best a supplies back there ‘n the kitchen to whip ya’ll up some fancy shmancy meal.”

“It would be nice if…one of these days the school could serve a steamed salmon in peanut butter vinaigrette.” Rarity smiled at her daydream and laid her head on AJ’s shoulder. “Or at least give some of us with acquired tastes a little more variety.”

“Oh, you know what? Some tomato bisque would be perfect right now.” Twilight brought a tater tot up to her lips. “It’d probably go well with these.”

“Sounds awful fancy.” AJ commented.

“At least it would be better than the little cups of ketchup.” Rarity agreed.

“What’s bisque?” Dash asked. “It kinda sounds like a type of bread.”

“It’s a form of soup, dear.” Rarity giggled softly. “I believe it’s a French dish.”

“Oooooh that does sound fancy!” Pinkie piped up. “Yummy too!”

“Isn’t…bisque made with lobsters?” Fluttershy asked with a somber tone. “Those poor little lobsters…”

“What are lobsters?” Sunset asked. The question was reasonable from her own ears, but everyone else couldn’t help but wonder if she was a bit slow. “Sorry, I guess there’s still some stuff about your world that I don’t know.”

“You know what a crab is, right?” Dash asked. “They have claws and live in the sea. Know what I’m talking about?” She pinched her fingers together in the air to demonstrate.

“Oh, yeah I’ve seen crabs before.” Sunset nodded.

“Pretty much the same thing, just longer and uglier.” Dash lowered her hands and placed her palm back atop Shy’s thigh.

“I wonder if that new restaurant has bisque.” Twilight took her glasses off to wipe the lenses against her blouse, ignoring the inaccuracy of Dash’s statement. “I can’t remember the name though…” She furrowed her brow to think. “…I was just there a couple weeks ago.”

“Which new restaurant?” Pinkie asked enthusiastically. “The one where you can get a cookie the size of a table, or the one where you get to make your own birthday cake?”

“Um…I’m not sure…probably isn’t either of them. I wanna say it’s called…Café Purée?” Twilight tapped her chin. “I could be wrong.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up and she fixed her gaze on Twilight with deadly precision. “Did you just say ‘Café Purée’? I’ve driven by that place over the weekend, and it looks FABULOUS! You’ve eaten there???”

“Well…yeah.” Twilight’s face scrunched when she saw Rarity lean forward towards her. “It was my parent’s anniversary…”

“Aw…that’s sweet.” Fluttershy smiled happily while fighting the urge to hug Dash’s arm.

“Yeah…it was really cute seeing my parents get all lovey dovey.” Twilight giggled a tiny bit before shaking her head with a sigh. “Being in love must be pretty nice.” She rested her head on her wrist with her elbow on the table.

“You’ve never been on a date before?” Sunset asked.

“Me? No…I doubt anyone would want to go out with me anyway.” Twilight shook her head again. “I’ve been told I’m way too nerdy.”

“WHAT!!??” Pinkie nearly screamed, giving every girl a small heart attack. “That’s ridiplurcous!”

“Ridiculous.” Twilight added.

“Exactly!” Pinkie nodded enthusiastically with serious eyes. “You’ve never been asked out? Not even once???”

“Well, n-no, I haven’t.” Twilight backed away about an inch. “I thought I just said that.”

“Well that really stinks! Not fun! Not fun at all!” Pinkie looked around the table. “We need to get Twilight out there! Help her meet some people!”

“Oh, you really don’t have to do-“

“Why don’t I take you out?” Pinkie interjected very forcefully, emphasizing the word ‘I’. “I know a really great place you can cut bookmarks out of the placemats!”

Dash flicked a tater tot at her face to shut her up. “Cool your jets, Pinks, before you fall out of your chair. I think you’re creeping out Twilight.”

“Um…it’s fine.” Twilight sheepishly smiled. “I am being kind of silly.”

Rarity snatched up Twilight’s hand to grab her attention once more. “Please tell me, darling. Was Café Puree as nice as it looks? Do they really have a full service powder room? I simply MUST know! Why, I’ve never seen so many expensive cars parked in front of one building before!”

“Well, y-yeah…” Twilight blushed again and giggled very nervously. Sometimes she forgot how well off her family was.

Rarity’s eyes grew dreamy as she rested her head on her wrists. “I so do wish to go one day...to have my car parked for me…to have someone pull my chair out before I sit…to drink sparkling wine from a champagne glass.”

“You do know you’re underage, right?” Dash asked.

“That’s not the point, and you know it, Miss Dash.” Rarity brought her head up from the table and laid her head on AJ’s shoulder.

“Maybe we should all go sometimes.” Pinkie suggested. “That would be pretty fun!”

“Um, I think it’s reservation only.” Twilight added. “But…that does sound like a really good idea.”

Sunset looked down at her tray. “…It sounds expensive. I’m not sure I could afford it.”

Pinkie shrugged. “A cookie table sounds better to me anyway.”

Rarity begrudgingly began to eat the rest of her salad. Although eating healthy was a major part of her life, she had been a bit spoiled by Applejack and her family. Maybe she should have taken AJ’s offer to buy her some fried chicken. “Gettin’ a ‘lil tired a salads, ain’t ya?” AJ asked and kissed the top of her head when she noticed her sugarcube poking at the last bit of her greens.

“Darling, please…” Rarity mumbled very softly as her cheeks began to tingle. She sat up completely when she felt a familiar hand cup her waist and pull her into contact with her beloved’s warm body. “Perhaps not in front of our friends…”

“Why not, sugarcube?” AJ ran a hand up her back and pressed her lips against her cheek. “C’mon on now…give yer honey-bun a ‘lil peck. Ya’ll look like it might cheer ya up some.”

“Yeah, do it, Rarity.” Pinkie nodded with a very innocent smile, her phone already poised by her side.

Sunset rested her elbows on the table and leaned in closer for a better view. Rarity eyed her hesitantly. “What?” Sunset asked with defensive innocence. “I’m on Pinkie’s side. Let’s see that kiss!”

“Do it!” Dash pumped a fist into the air. “Just do it!” Fluttershy covered her face with her hands to hide her big smile when she felt Dash’s palm gently tap her thigh a couple times. “Come on! You’re gonna have to kiss in front of us eventually. You might as well just get it over with make it a good one.”

“Make it all slobbery and sticky!!!” Pinkie nearly screamed. “With sprinkles!”

“Absolutely not!” Rarity shook her head adamantly and huffed proudly. “As a lady, I will do no such thing! After all, I do have my manners. And I believe we have already kissed before in your presence.”

“Yeah, I don’t remember that…” Dash boldly lied with a fake yawn. “Whatever.”

“You know…” Twilight uttered a short giggle and wiggled her glasses atop the bridge of her nose. “…I read that kissing can actually be a healthy activity.” She waited for someone to interject, but when she realized that she had the floor, it was too late to back out from finishing the thought. “Kissing can…well…increase the flow of saliva…” She blushed slightly from the use of the word. “…which helps protect the teeth from unwanted plaque buildup.”

Applejack chuckled and put a hand on Rarity’s hip. “See, sugarcube? It’s like Twilight said. Kissin’ is good for ya. Ya’ll don’t want no plaque on yer teeth, do ya?”

“Heavens no…the very thought is awful.” Rarity knew Applejack’s reasoning was a sorry excuse for a basis to smooch, but Rainbow was right. Eventually, they probably would end up kissing in front of their friends. If Applejack didn’t have a problem with it, then she guessed it couldn’t hurt. “A-Alright…Fine.”

“Sweet!!!” Dash thrust her first into the air again.

“Oh, super duper!” Pinkie leveled her phone in front of her face with the camera pointing towards the couple.

“Um, Pinkie, maybe the camera can go.” Sunset placed a hand on the phone and lowered it to the table. “At least this time.”

“Aww…but how am I supposed to remember this moment without a picture?” Pinkie gave her the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster.

“Ah say pictures are worth a thousand words. Ya’ll wanna take a picture, Pinkie? Ah ain’t go no problem with it.” Applejack gave her a bashful wink and surprised the fashionista by slipping a finger into the back of her skirt.

“D-Darling!” Rarity protested as her face lit up. “P-Pictures are not allowed!” She lowered her voice to a quiet hiss. “And what do you think you’re doing back there???”

“Come onnnn! Let her take the picture.” Dash groaned. “If you don’t, she’ll probably just follow you guys around until she gets some decent shots.”

“What?!” Pinkie gasped. “No I won’t! I only need one shot! One!”

Rarity threw her hands up with an exacerbated sigh. “Fine! Take the picture, and please everyone stop talking!” She turned to Applejack with an angry look. “For goodness sakes, just be quiet and hold still!” Before waiting for a reply, she grabbed the shoulders of Applejack’s plaid shirt and pulled her head down for a powerful smooch. The kiss, if it could even be called that anymore, was so intense with power and alive with anger that Applejack had no choice but to let her hat fall to the floor. Her hands squeezed Rarity’s hips hard, her fingers pressing into her soft, slender flesh which made the smaller girl utter a half angry half excited growl.

“Holy crap…” Dash’s jaw nearly dropped. Even she had never experienced a kiss like that.

“W-Whoa, g-girls…” Twilight’s eyes grew wider and wider as she tightened two fingers around a lock of her hair. “Maybe we should dial it back a tiny….b-bit...” She gulped when Rarity brought a finger up to shush her.

Sunset couldn’t pull her gaze away from the couple. They were still kissing! Even after the usual couple seconds, Rarity had chosen to wrap her arms around Applejack’s neck instead of pulling away. “H-Hey, girls…you can probably stop now.”

Pinkie was so surprised and bewildered by the spectacle in front of her that she completely forgot to take a picture. It wasn’t until Applejack opened her eyes and nervously cast a glance toward the audience with her lips still locked did she remember to press the desired button. “Click!” She squealed loudly.

When Rarity felt good and ready, she released her hold to let their lips part with an audible ‘pop’. With a louder and prouder huff, Rarity crossed her arms and held her head high while looking away from everyone. “There! Are you all satisfied now?”

Fluttershy had been hiding behind her hands the entire time, very afraid that what she might witness could emotionally overwhelm her. Dash, on the other hand, was still captivated by what she saw. “That…was…awesome…really…really awesome…holy crap…” Her face was bright pink behind her sky blue features, and her hand was firmly clamped around Shy’s tiny thigh.

Feeling incredibly bewildered, Applejack ran a hand over her head with a nervous chuckle, slowly reaching down to fetch her hat. “Y-Ya know…” She said as she placed the Stetson on her head. “Ah…uh…can’t help but wonder if ya’ll ‘er mad at me.”

“Oh? You wonder, do you?” Rarity scowled up at her. “Was it so obvious?”

Applejack chuckled very hard and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, pulling her hard into her chest. “Yer so darn cute when yer mad… ‘n mighty feisty too.”

“I swear, Applejack…if you don’t let me go, I will bite you.” Rarity mumbled very low in a hoarse whisper.

With a smirk, AJ lowered her head and whispered back into her ear. “Go ahead. Ah ain’t gonna stop ya.”

“Oh my gosh!” Dash threw her hands up. “Seriously, guys…don’t forget that you have people watching you. At the very least, ask us if we have any requests.”

Rarity angrily rolled her eyes and got up from the table. “Sweetness, I am going to need a moment to myself.” She put a hand on AJ’s shoulder and sighed. “I love you so very much, but because of you, I need to freshen up. I can’t go to class looking anything like this. ”

“Uh, sure, Rare.” AJ tried to give her an apologetic smile, and when Rarity turned to leave, she snatched her hand. “Ah’m mighty sorry, sugarpie…”

Rarity spun to meet her gaze. “I promise I’m not angry…just give me a minute.” That was all the reassurance AJ needed to let go, allowing her to briskly walk out of the cafeteria to the bathroom.

“I’m pretty sure she’s angry.” Dash noted once she was out of hearing range.

“I-Is…it over?” Shy asked, slowly lowering her hands.


By the time class was over, Rarity was quick to make her way back to her locker. Still feeling a bit tired from her lacking night sleep, she felt eager to go home and rest, and hopefully her darling beloved would come along to join her. Spending the afternoon at home on the couch in Applejack’s arms sounded like the best idea in the world, and right now, there wasn’t anything else she’d rather do. When she approached the tall blonde by their locker doors, she quickly waved a hand across the top of her head to check for any loose strands before tapping her on the shoulder.

“Howdy there, Rare.” Applejack nodded at her and finished shoving her books into her locker. “Hey, Ah’m mighty sorry, but Ah gotta run home. There’s somethin’ Ah need to take care of back at the farm before the day’s over.”

Rarity instantly felt her heart sink, but she did her best to keep her face cheerful. “Oh, I see. Not to worry, dear. I understand completely. You have responsibilities after all.”

Applejack ran a finger across her forehead to brush away a lock of her purple hair away from her eyes. “Ah’m real sorry, sugarpie…”

“No…it’s fine. Really, I do understand.” Rarity felt very childish when she noticed the urge to cry a little bit. “…I was just…hoping that perhaps we could…” She paused to acknowledge a blush setting in. “…cuddle together again.”

“Yeah, Ah…Ah’d really like that. Can’t think a nothin’ better right ‘bout now, but…”

“You have to go…I know.” Rarity forced a smile up at her. “Call me later tonight?”

“Ah’ll make a note of it.” AJ nodded and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

Rarity wrapped her arms around her waist and pressed her face into her chest. “I really wish you didn’t have to go…” She sighed as she felt AJ’s arms around her shoulders. “…By some miracle…could we just stay like this for a while?”

“Uh…’n the middle a the hallway?” AJ half chuckled. “…Well, Ah guess. Maybe fer a minute ‘er two.” A red tint spread across her dimples as she felt Rarity’s nose press against her neck. “…Ya’ll ‘er actin’ mighty strange, Rare. Somethin’ the matter? Ah hate to say, but…uh, yer kinda worryin’ me.”

With a heavy sigh, Rarity shook her head. She squeezed AJ’s waist firmly for a long moment before taking a step back. “No, nothing. I promise, everything is perfectly fine.”

“If ya’ll say so…just makin’ sure.” AJ dropped her arms but kept one hand on her waist. “Ya’ll look kinda sleepy. Guessin’ yer still a bit tuckered from a lack a sleep, ain’t ya?”

“It wouldn’t surprise me if I am…” Rarity gave a short nod before yawning softly. “Perhaps another nap today would do me some good.”

“Ah reckon that’s a mighty fine idea. Why don’t ya’ll head home ‘n rest yer pretty ‘lil noggin’ some.” Applejack chuckled softly into her ear.

“Sweetness, you really can’t get enough of me, can you.” Rarity squealed very softly as a hand slipped down her back right above her tooshie.

“Ah never will.” AJ smirked and stole another kiss to her cheek. “Well, it’s ‘bout time Ah head home. Get a good nap ‘n call me when ya’ll wake up.” She squeezed Rarity’s hand before turning to move towards the front of the school.

Try as she might, it was hard for Rarity not to feel slightly dejected. As she began putting her things away, all she wanted to do was to run after her darling Applejack regardless of what chores or tasks she needed to accomplish. She even entertained the idea of putting aside her wanton need for cleanliness just to be doing the same thing as her girlfriend. It didn’t matter what it was, she just wanted to be there.

Once she gathered her purse and closed her locker door, it was apparent that her inclinations were selfish in nature. Of course she wasn’t the only thing going on in Applejack’s life. She understood that there was a need for a healthy amount of space, even if Applejack often times forgot that herself. Rarity sighed softly as she began to walk outside, aware of her longing feelings and a tad angry at herself for becoming so emotionally clingy. It was highly unprofessional and ungraceful, and Applejack deserved a more level headed girl.

When she got to her car, sure enough, Applejack’s truck was gone. However, Applebloom was still present along with the rest of the crusader troupe. All three girls were sitting atop Scoot’s death trap until they saw the approaching upperclassman. “Good afternoon, girls.” Rarity waved to them.

“Hi, Rarity!” The trio chanted.

Sweetie Belle ran up to her and grabbed her hand. “Can I go over to Scootaloo’s house? Please?”

Rarity was a bit taken aback by the sudden physical contact. “I suppose that would be acceptable. I do have to ask something.”

“Rats…” Sweetie Belle sighed and let go.

“Do you girls have any homework?”

“No.” Scoots grinned innocently and shook her head. “We don’t have any until next week.”

“Yep! Gotta nice little break this weekend ‘til we start the next chapter ‘n biology.” Applebloom agreed.

“Are you quite certain?” Rarity pressed. “If I find out you girls had homework, I’ll probably have to ground Sweetie Belle for a week.”

“Aw, come on, sis.” Sweetie Belle groaned. “Have I ever lied to you?”

“You can’t possibly be serious.” Rarity huffed. “Did you really think that line would work on me?”

“Ok, yeah…” Sweetie Belle nodded. “But we’re telling the truth.”

“What are you plans for the afternoon?” Rarity asked the entire trio.

“Um, probably just hang out at the park by my place for a while. There’s a new dip at the skatepark I wanna check out.” Scoots replied.

“Promise me you three won’t hurt yourselves.” Rarity brought a finger up and waved it towards each girl. “Especially you, young lady.” She stopped to look down at her little sister. “I highly doubt you know how to ride one of those ghastly contraptions.”

“I’m not gonna ride a scooter or anything.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I don’t know how. We just wanna hang out for a while.”

With a heavy sigh, Rarity begrudgingly agreed. It was impossible to tell if the crusaders were hiding anything. Sweetie Belle’s request seemed innocent enough, but she had a slight expectation for something bad to happen. Regardless, it wouldn’t do much good to deny her request. “How are you going to get home?”

“Oh…I didn’t really think about that.” Sweetie Belle murmured.

“She can stay the night.” Scoots shrugged.

“Can Ah stay the night too?” Applebloom asked her buddy. “Ah don’t think Applejack’s gonna wanna come pick me up when the sun goes down.”

“Sure! We can have a sleep over!” Scoots put a fist into the air.

“Can I stay over, sis?” Sweetie Belle gave her the biggest, cutest eyes she could. “Please??? Please???”

Rarity rolled her eyes and grinned. It was rather adorable to see how close knit the little crusaders were, and she didn’t dare to admit that she felt just a tiny bit jealous of their kinship. “Alright, I suppose. But do be careful, and please…please whatever you girls do, I ask that you stay out of trouble.”

“Yes!” Sweetie Belle leapt into the air and squealed loudly.

“Awesome!” Scoots hopped up and down on her scooter as Applebloom clapped her hands together and spun in an excited circle. “Come on, girls! Let’s go to Burgerphile and get milkshakes. I’ve been dying for something sweet all day.”

“Great idea!” Sweetie Belle began leading the way down the street before waving a quick ‘goodbye’ to her older sibling. “Does that mean you’re buying?” The rest of the girls followed her close behind, eager to start there little adventure.

Rarity watched them leave for a moment before getting into her car. The very second she sat, she instantly longed for her bed. At the very least, her couch would do. The daylight sun had warmed the interior, creating a balmy atmosphere inside the cabin of her vehicle. When she looked to the passenger seat, she greatly wished that Applejack would be there beside her. Alas, no such luck. During the drive, she occasionally entertained the idea of surprising Applejack by dropping by with a cookie platter or something. It was probably a bad idea. Applejack was a hard worker, and she probably needed the time to get some real business done without being interrupted.

At least home was nice and quiet. Having her little sister out of the house meant that she could relax without disturbance, but being alone in her own home felt rather isolating. She went up to her room and immediately stripped herself out of her school clothes to slip into something more comfortable. Satin purple pajamas did the job well, so with her oversized notepad in hand, she went down to the living room to sketch some designs on the couch. What she really wanted was a nap, but napping alone felt like a waste of time. At the very least she could put some more effort into her day the same way her beloved was doing.

With her legs crossed and the TV softly echoing throughout the room, she began to doodle on her notepad. Taking the changing of the seasons into account, she put her effort into designing a casual dress more suited for winter that could be worn with a coat. The more she sketched, the more she realized that what she was drawing looking too much like a certain country gal. The proportions especially held an uncanny resemblance. With a little giggle at herself, she put her notepad down and adjusted one of the throw pillows to rest her head. With the TV on, Rarity closed her eyes and reached out to hug one of the little pillows to her chest. It was no substitute for her Applejack, but it would have to do for now.


Had it been five minutes or five hours? Rarity checked the clock on the wall after stirring uncomfortably from sleep, informing her that she had lost only an hour and a half from her day. Time seems to move every which way but straight when you’re asleep, but Rarity had no time to ponder the intrigues of unconsciousness. Something had woken her abruptly, a noise in the distance. Her eyes widened and her body tensed as her mind mulled over the sounds being processed in her brain. It couldn’t be!

Rarity’s heart leapt as her girlfriend’s rusty monster of a truck pulled up in front of her house. A truck that old had many distinct noises she was beginning to grow accustomed to and recognize. As quickly as she could, Rarity scrambled towards the window, pulling the curtains aside to see Applejack exiting her truck and making her way towards the door. She looked……..good! That fiery red blouse and jet black pants were not quite something out of a magazine, but it was quite an improvement over tattered jeans and rolled up flannel shirts. Rarity quickly stood up and inspected herself in the nearest mirror by the stairs, making sure each and every thing about her was marginally prim and proper. Her hair was a bit of a mess, but at least her figure was complimented well enough by the tailored pajamas.

There came a knock, and almost instantly, Rarity opened the door with a beaming smile of happy surprise. Applejack was quick to return the smile, revealing a bouquet of flowers she had been hiding behind her back. “Oh… darling…” Rarity’s throat felt dry as her face lit up from the beautiful arrangement. “…A-Are these for me?”

Applejack gave a sly smirk as she took a step forward to kiss Rarity on the cheek. “Ah…uh, didn’t really know what kind a flowers ya’ll like, so Ah kinda just told the flower girl what ya look like, ‘n she picked these.” She extended a half dozen set of eskimo white roses tied off with a purple ribbon around the stems towards Rarity. She gracefully accepted them and closed her eyes to sniff the glorious scent.

“Applejack, my dear…” Rarity cupped her girlfriend’s cheek with her palm, her thumb rubbing up and down her cheek. “I LOVE them. Just out of curiosity, how exactly did you describe me?” She batted her eyes, hoping to get some sweet nothings out of her Applejack.

With a chuckle, Applejack’s felt her cheeks blush almost as red as the ripest and sweetest apple. “Well, Ah… Ah told her y’all were like the most beautiful diamond she could think of. That ya’ll had the nicest purple hair like flowin’ laces, ‘n a real pretty white face like one a them fancy French dolls that Ah’ve only seen on TV…’N that I was in love with ya’ll…so…” Applejack actually felt a bit nervous now that she had to say everything all over again. “…so Ah needed the freshest, nicest bunch flowers ‘n the whole shop.”

For the second time that day, it was Rarity who took her girl by the shoulders and enveloped her lips in an all-consuming kiss. Applejack grunted in surprise before leaning into Rarity and giving back as much as she was getting. Their warm wet tongues found each other and danced together for a few moments before their lungs began screaming for air. Rarity gently pushed against Applejack and gave herself some time to breath, leaving the tall country gal hoping that more kisses like this would follow in the future. “Oh, sweetness…I…I can’t tell you just how flattered I am…just how special you made me feel just now… I’ve never heard anything more beautiful in my entire life!” Rarity brought two hands up to her cheeks and squealed loudly with delight.

“Well Ah ain’t done yet, sugarpie. Yer night’s just gettin’ started.” Applejack said as she put a hand on Rarity’s waist. “Put them flowers somewhere ‘n come lock the door. We’re goin’ out tonight!”

“You’re taking me out?” A burst of energy hit Rarity, and she quickly found a vase to put the flowers in by the living room couch, taking a moment to make sure they were arranged perfectly and easily seen by anyone. “Why, Applejack, this is quite the surprise! B-But, I-I’m not ready! I need to get dressed! My hair is a mess and I haven’t showered yet and I need to brush my-” Her words stopped abruptly short when Applejack swept her up and kissed her silent. A very quiet squeal of delight echoed through her mouth as she felt Applejack’s hands grab hold of her butt and lift her off the ground. “D-Darling-g…” Rarity gasped softly once they had thoroughly exchanged saliva.

Applejack gently set her down and ran her hands over Rarity’s messy hair. “Ah know Ah left ya hangin’ after school today, ‘n Ah’m mighty sorry… but Ah was tryin’ to get all dolled up ‘n work out a way to surprise ya.” She pressed her forehead against Rarity’s temple and kissed her cheek. “Ah’m real sorry if Ah made y’all feel like Ah abandoned ya.”

Rarity shook her head and grinned very happily up at her. “Think nothing of it, my dear! Coming to surprise me out of the blue like this more than makes up for it!” She gave Applejack a kiss on the forehead. “I-I think I should go prepare myself…” She blushed hard as her hands ran up and down her figure. “…I must look absolutely ridiculous.”

“Go upstairs ‘n change, hun.” AJ gave her butt a playful little pinch and flicked her nose with her tongue. “Ah’ll be waitin’ for ya down here.”

More than anything, Rarity wanted to drag her upstairs and explore the depths of their boundaries. However, her social graces and civility told her she had an important matter to attend to. “A-Alright, sweetness. I’ll be right back.” She skipped up the stairs to her room to change, nearly stubbing her toes on her door in her haste to get cleaned up.

The first thing she did was strip herself out of her pajamas, throwing them onto the bed before blowing open her closet door. For the first time in her life, she hated having so many possible outfits to choose from. There were just too many possibilities, and she needed to look her absolute best! Fortunately, she had just the option for the occasion. In the back was a dry cleaning bag that she had set away for emergencies like this. After slipping herself into a pair of black pantyhose, a white pleated skirt with shiny silk stitching, and a soft pallet sky blue button up blouse with the neck and sleeves adorned with lace frills, she paused to admire herself in the mirror. If that exact moment was any indication, her skills at planning for fashion emergencies rivaled no other. “Ya’ll doin’ alright up there?” Applejack’s voice was clear and loud from the base of the stairs.

“Y-Yes!” Rarity tried to match the volume as she raced into the bathroom. “One more minute, please!” She doused her face with warm water and toweled off before applying some much needed eyeliner and mascara. Once her light purple lipstick shimmered in the light, she raced downstairs.

Applejack leaned against the wall and crossed her arms with a smirk. “Well paint me green ‘n call me a pickle…Ya’ll really outdid yerself…”

Rarity found it impossible not to blush. “Oh, please, darling…It was literally last minute.” Applejack grabbed her wrist, surprising her by pulling her into a tight hug. The hug was followed by an exploratory kiss which was actually quite gentle. Rarity put her hands on her cheeks and pressed their noses together. “My dear, there really is no satiating you, is there?”

“Kinda yer fault.” AJ chuckled. “Wearin’ all them pretty ‘lil gettups kinda gets my fire kindlin’.”

With a giggle, Rarity swatted Applejack on the chest. “Haven’t I always worn pretty things? Besides, you certainly took things much further today, did you not? Don’t you think that’s quite enough for one day?” She asked with a serious face, but her tone was anything but.

“Ah dunno…” Applejack laughed heartily and gave her a wink as Rarity put her hands on her hips. “Ah’m just kiddin’, sugarpie. Ah won’t be gettin’ all handsy ‘less y’all give me the go ahead.”

“That’s much better.” Rarity patted her on the cheek affectionately and blew a kiss up at her, accentuating her lips. “But if it makes you feel any better, I probably won’t try to stop you too often. Now, shall we get going?” Rarity gestured her body towards the truck.

“Right. Let me uh, get the door for ya.” Applejack quickly stepped towards the front door and held it open for her. Rarity obliged her with a giddy hop in her step out towards the truck where Applejack went a step further and opened the passenger door. “Up ya go, sugarcube.”

Rarity rubbed Applejack’s arm, squeezing her wrist. “My, such the lady today, aren’t we?” She hopped up into the seat, noticing the whole interior of the truck had been freshly cleaned off and an air freshener had been placed on the mirror. She pecked Applejack on the cheek. “Thank you, my dear. Please pardon my curiosity, but I don’t believe you’ve told me where we’re going.”

“Now THAT…” Applejack began as she shut Rarity’s door and walked around the front for dramatic effect before opening the driver side, “…is a surprise!” She took her hat off and hung it on the headrest of her seat before hopping behind the wheel.

“Applejack…” Rarity whined softly as she put on her seatbelt. “You know I can’t stand surprises! That is, I DO enjoy them, but I absolutely detest waiting!” Applejack merely grinned as she shifted gear and began down the road. “You mustn’t make a lady wait, you know.” Rarity reasoned before pulling down the sun visor to inspect her makeup in the small interior mirror. “But you could give her a hint at the very least.”

Applejack chuckled. “Alright, ‘lady’, Ah’ll spill my beans for ya. Ah’m takin’ ya out on a date.”

Rarity shut the visor and rolled her eyes. “I assumed THAT much, darling. You also told me just as much not ten minutes ago.”

“Naw, Ah mean a REAL date.” Applejack said as she shook her head. “Ah’m not sayin’ Ah didn’t like that movie date we had. That was real nice considerin’ the, uh… parts where we didn’t watch the movie.”

Rarity giggled as her cheeks began to blush. “I do indeed remember that.”

“But Ah wanted to take y’all somewhere real special…” Continued Applejack, “…to show ya how special y’all are to me. Ah know Ah’m not an expert at the whole ‘bein’ a romantic type’ like y’all want me to be, but… Ah wanted to give it the ‘ol college try. Ah figure ya’ll deserve someone like that.”

Rarity put a hand to her mouth as her eyes began to water. “Applejack, darling…” She took Applejack’s right hand in hers and held onto it tightly. “I love you exactly how you are. I don’t ever want you to think that you’re not what I want in life. To me… you’re absolutely perfect. Don’t ever change anything about yourself!”

Applejack had a gleam in her eye as well. “That’s real sweet a ya, Sugarcube. That bein’ said, Ah still want to show y’all how appreciative Ah am of havin’ ya here.” She pressed her palm against her chest. “Ah ain’t never been happier than Ah am right now, and Ah wanted to show ya that.”

Rarity giggled gleefully and bit her lip to keep her tears back in order to save her makeup. “Darling, you’re going to make me cry.”

With her right thumb, Applejack began rubbing the back of Rarity’s hand. “Don’t ya’ll start cryin’, ‘cause then Ah’ll start and Ah don’t want to be a reckless driver, now.” She looked over at her girlfriend and gave a brilliant smile full of southern hospitality. “’Sides, there’s some stuff Ah want to talk ‘bout with y’all. So don’t be gettin’ yer mascara all messed up before we even get there.”

“Talk?” Rarity asked, somewhat apprehensively.

Applejack raised her other hand for a moment. “Now don’t be worryin’ yer pretty lil’ head none. Ah’ve got nothin’ bad to say. Ah’ve just been havin’ some…stuff on my mind that…Ah wanted to get out.” She gripped Rarity’s hand even tighter. “Ain’t none of it bad, so don’t y’all be fussin’ ‘bout it none, darlin’.”

Rarity squeezed back and smiled. “Alright then, my love. I won’t. Also… did you just call me ‘darling’?”

Applejack chuckled and brought Rarity’s hand up to her mouth so she could kiss the back of it. “Ah guess yer rubbin’ off on me more ’n Ah gave ya credit for, sugarcube. ‘Course in my book, that’s a real good thing.”

“And you say you’re not a romantic…” Rarity giggled as the butterflies in her stomach soared even higher. Out of all of the friends and family she had been blessed to have in life, Rarity never felt more loved than she did at that very moment. Sure, it was just a simple little surprise by a new significant other, but compared to all the romance novels she had read, there truly was something different at play. It also helped that Applejack didn’t say something about ‘rubbing off on her later that night’ or something along those lines.

The couple sat in blissful silence for the next few minutes as Applejack drove her to their destination. As they kept passing by different establishments, Rarity began to wonder where exactly her girlfriend was taking her. Applejack had already said it wasn’t going to be a theater again, so that probably meant it would be a food related place. She also said it was romantic, so she probably wasn’t taking her to a demolition derby. So where could they be going? The Olive Garden? The Singing Sirloin? Before her mind could get too preoccupied with the question, Applejack spoke.

“Alright, sugarcube. We’re almost there.” After taking a left at a stoplight, Applejack made a right turn into a valet strip in front of what seemed to be a newly furnished building with a few cars already station outside. Rarity cupped a hand over her eyes in order to read the sun in the glare of the setting sunlight.

“Café Purée!” Rarity exclaimed. “Oh, darling! H-how did you know I wanted to go here?”

Applejack looked proudly at Rarity as she put the truck into park. “Ah heard y’all talkin’ ‘bout it at lunch this mornin’. Ya’ll kinda…went a ‘lil crazy askin’ questions ‘bout this place. So uh…right after lunch ended, Ah started plannin’ on takin’ ya here.”

Rarity placed her hand on Applejack’s back. “Sweetness, this is so thoughtful of you! I can’t believe you- ” a sudden realization hit her. “Oh, my dear, this place takes reservations! I’m sorry, but I don’t think-”

“Already got ‘em,”

Rarity’s eyes went wide. “Y-you’ve already got reservations?! But Applejack, this place nearly just opened! And it’s incredibly expensive! I simply can’t allow you to pay for-”

Applejack held up her hand once more. “Nope, yer not payin’, ‘n that’s final.” She stood firm as she noticed Rarity’s visible irritation. “Sugarcube, Ah mean it, it’s okay. Ah ordered reservations over the phone pretty much right after lunch ended. ‘N don’t think nothin’ ‘bout how much it costs. Whatever money Ah have Ah’d gladly spend it ‘n ya’ll over me.”

With a sigh, Rarity began to rub her lover’s back. “Oh, darling. You really are too sweet to me. Thank you so much for this.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” Applejack said as she opened up the driver side door. She walked around and opened up the passenger door for Rarity. “The date hasn’t even started.”

Applejack took Rarity’s hand as she helped her out of the truck. “Shall we, sugarplum?” she asked as she extended and arm for Rarity to grab onto.

“Oh, dear.” Rarity said with a pronounced giggle. She wrapped her arm around Applejack’s as they both walked towards the front door. AJ handed the young valet her keys, and the boy looked at them in confusion until realizing that staring at a couple of girls arm in arm was probably not very professional. For a brief moment, Applejack separated herself from her partner in order to hold the door open for her.

“After ya’ll, Rare.” she said as she gestured the woman through. Rarity smiled as she crossed through the threshold with Applejack physically on her tail.

Author's Note:

>>Frost Vortex: The feels are aplenty! Hope you enjoyed them.
>>Script: Oh goodness! That must have been quite the experience. I hope everything worked out in the end, and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself so far.
>>EpicShadowz: ...I'm sorry, that won't be coming in the future...Sorry. :ajsleepy:
>>DarkCloudx: I promise you that will NEVER happen. I'm very glad you're enjoying the depth and thanks for that link! The first track was meh, but WOW amazing stuff after that.
>>Superbowl: Are you loco in the cocoa? :pinkiecrazy:
>>Shutup868: I have more of those planned, so hold onto your hat!
>>applespice03: Thanks! I'm really glad so many of you like those southern euphemisms I keep trying out. Thank you for waiting patiently.
>>sonicfan05: Feels were what I was definitely going for last chapter.
>>Sage_Element: Wow oh my gosh thank you! I just have to say one thing. If you feel like writing, please write! I want to inspire others to do the same thing I find so enjoyable. :pinkiehappy:
>>thatoneguy82: You are an awesome fan, and thank you! It's ponies like you that make me come back!
>>Kschwartz: OGM thanks so much! It's awesome to see so many of you have the same feelings!:rainbowwild:
>>Lone_Beast: A grabby AJ is best AJ. :pinkiesmile: Thanks for being a super trooper with me.
>>falloutfan: Wow! I'm your favorite??? WHEEEE!:pinkiehappy:
>>Eddy13: Trust me, everything will work out in the end. Glad to have you back! :twilightsmile:
>>SuchAChlorbag: Whew! Took a while, huh? Wowzies...

Hello again everypony! It sure has been a while! I've made a few changes to stuff around the profile that you might be curious about. From now on, unless otherwise stated, I'll be primarily writing Equestria Girls romance. My goal is to make this profile the biggest and happiest bunch of Equestria Girls amigos ever!

I'm terribly sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. There was a TON to edit, and I tried something COMPLETELY new!!! That last scene was written by SuchAChlorbag (most of it anyway, I just changed some wording here and there like Applejack's syntax). This was my first attempt to do a small collaborative effort with somepony else, and I would GREATLY APPRECIATE your feedback on how it all worked out for you. Did you like it? Hate it? Please comment how you felt about that last scene if anything else. It would help A LOT in my journey to grow and become a better writer for you all. I want to bring you the best top-notch entertainment Canterlot City can offer you!

One last thing. I DESPERATELY NEED AN ARTIST. I need more than anything an artist who can draw Equestria Girls stuff for my upcoming stories. If you no anyone (including yourself) who can help me out, I WOULD BE FOREVER GRATEFUL. Here's what I need, everypony: a cute pic of the CMC (focusing mostly on Scootaloo) hugging or cuddling or whatever that's cute! I also need a pic of Pinkie annoying Twilight with cuddles while she's trying to read. Lastly, I need a pic of Fluttershy asleep sitting in Dashie's lap. I know, these requests are VERY demanding, and I am really sorry......but....I could REALLY use the help. I will be enclosing my email for everyone at the end for your submissions.

As I begin the final chapter to our Rarijack story, I will be beginning two new ones! TwiPie and CMC! I do hope you all stick around for what I want to offer. Thank you so much for reading, everypony. Have an awesome weekend!