• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 9,233 Views, 125 Comments

Never Drift Away - New Canterlot

Join everyone's favorite fashionista as she discovers what it really means to be in love during her fast times at Canterlot High!!!

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Chapter 3: What the Heart Desires Most...

Rarity awoke before her alarm, something that very rarely happened. She was just too excited to start her day, too excited to wait to see her darling beloved. Very quickly, she scrambled out of bed and raced to the bathroom to begin her beauty routine, starting with a shower. The night before, Applejack had told her everything. She had been deeply infatuated with Rarity for a very long time, and as Rarity blossomed into the stunningly beautiful girl she had become, her feelings grew in sync. Applejack had become brazen and bold with her advancing teenage years, allowing her to make the small advances that led to the start of their relationship. Rarity felt just as attracted, if not more so, though she dare not say it. Applejack had become the knight in shining armor in her mind’s eye, and it was a miraculous dream come true to wake up and know her heart had been made whole.

After Applejack had gone home, Rarity mused to herself about changing her relationship status. What would her friends think? It would be quite the ripping good laugh if she made her feelings public, and in her elevated mood the night before, she had done so, wondering with delight at how Applejack might react the next day. Little did she know that Applejack had done the same, although more out of a social courtesy to show just how much this new relationship meant to her.

Once she had finished applying makeup after leaving the shower, Rarity began getting dressed. Instead of dreading the chore of managing her wardrobe versus her appearance as she did everyday, she was happy to choose the most flattering garments she could find. Her short ruffled dress was complimented by a white lace blouse with lace sleeves. It was the closest she could do to look like a casually dressed princess. With a twirl in the mirror and a very pleased smile on her face, she sat back down on her bed and picked up her phone.

There were, with incredible volume, messages from all her friends. Nearly half of them were from Pinkie, but a good majority of them came from everyone else. Each message was full of the same question, asked in different ways. Pinkie was blunt and direct, asking about her new relationship status and whether or not she needed to plan a wedding reception. The messages from Dash and Sunset asked if she was really serious, although it seemed they were already convinced it was a joke of some sort. The message from Twilight relayed basic confusion, and the message from Fluttershy was a simple congratulation with few words. It was painfully obvious that the last two girls were not very competent using their messaging features on their phones.

The last message she received was a simple ‘good morning’ from Applejack, made even sweeter by a simple heart. Rarity immediately messaged her a ‘good morning’ of her own before continuing her busy morning. Having spent so much time on her appearance, she barely had the chance to make a piece of toast and a cup of coffee before driving straight to school. Sweetie Belle had her face buried in her phone the entire ride to school, obviously preoccupied with keeping in touch with her friends during the short periods of the day when she was separated from them. It was rather cute to see how close Sweetie Belle was with her friends, and Rarity had no doubt that they would be friends long after high school.

During the drive to school, Rarity’s giddy excitement began to morph into anxiety. Everything seemed so sudden and impossible to believe, leaving her with a sense of skepticism. Was her reality truly as she saw it, or was she just dreaming up a fantasy of the mind? The moment of truth approached as she pulled into the school parking lot, and her eyes grew wide as she approached the back lot.

There she was, that girl of her desires, standing tall in a pair of tattered old blue jeans and a flannel shirt. Applejack’s attire was far from fashionable, but her lovely figure appeared more radiant than ever. Rarity felt as if her pounding chest might explode from anticipation as she parked her car. Right next to her was Applejack’s truck, the country gal leaning up against the driver’s door. If her face was any indication, Applejack looked just as anxious as Rarity felt. Once she had stepped out of her car, Rarity slowly began walking over to her. Sweetie Belle leapt out and around the truck to meet up with her best buddy, but she never had the chance to exchange the usual morning pleasantries. Applebloom had taken her by the arm and led her away from where their older sisters were standing, very much in a hurry to acquire some sugary snacks and discuss some big news before class that Sweetie Belle seemed to be ignorant to.

With a soft clearing of her throat, Rarity looked up at her newfound significant other. Her fingers intertwined together along the hem of her skirt as a deep redness spread across her cheeks. Was it customary to have a kiss in the morning? Rarity scowled internally at herself for having such a thought so early in the day. “I see Applebloom is full of energy as always this morning.” She commented, trying her best to say something to break the silence.

“Uh…Yeah…” Applejack blushed heavily and rubbed the back of her head, obviously embarrassed by something. “She, uh…Well, Ah guess ya’ll can say she…figures things out mighty fast.”

“I see…I suppose I should have expected as much…” Rarity gave her a nod “Did…you make a status change online?” She asked as nonchalantly as possible. “I only ask…because, well…we haven’t really discussed…us.”

“Uh, yeah.” Applejack gave her a soft smile. “Ah thought…ain’t that what girlfriend’s ‘er supposed to do?”

Rarity felt her ears tingle from those words. “Y-Yes, I do suppose so…” She swallowed hard.

“Is that ok?” AJ tilted her hat back to better see her beloved’s face. “Hope…ya’ll ain’t mad ‘er nothin’.”

“No, of course not.” Rarity shook her head adamantly. “I…I’m very happy you did so… It was a pleasure to wake up to that bit of wonderful news.” She reached out with one hand and gently squeezed her fingers around Applejack’s palm. “…You…look very lovely today.”

“Ah do?” AJ cracked a little smile and relaxed a bit. “Don’t know ‘bout that, but…” She took a step forward and put a hand on the small bend at the base of Rarity’s back. “…Ah’d probably guess yer a princess with that there outfit.”

“Darling…” Rarity’s blush brightened as she smiled sheepishly. “I…am quite pleased you approve.” Applejack put a finger from her free hand against the base of Rarity’s chin, tilting her gaze upwards. The physical contact they had made began to loosen the country gal’s demeanor, making her close the distance from affectionately near to intimately close This made the flustered fashionista’s eyes grow wider. “I don’t suppose…now would be an ideal time for a…”

“A what?” AJ asked teasingly, brushing her index finger along the underside of Rarity’s chin.

“A-A…u-um…” Rarity’s body tensed up from the physical stimulation. It was anyone’s guess as to how Applejack learned such powerful body language, but it suited her well. “…An ideal…time for…”

“For a kiss, sugarcube?” Applejack chuckled softly as she pulled Rarity by her waist a tiny bit closer. All Rarity could do in reply was nod once and hold her breath. Sure enough, Applejack granted her request and planted a warm, surprisingly wet kiss on her lips.

Feeling those strong and willful hands and her hearty soft lips made Rarity’s knees shake, her legs almost giving out. Her eyes closed as she deepened herself into the kiss, and Applejack put both hands on her waist to steady their embrace while introducing her tongue into the fervent mix. Hidden between their two cars in the very back of the school parking lot, neither girl felt too worried of being spotted. Although, if they were spotted, Rarity was not entirely sure she could control her desire for affection. It had been an incredible feat of self control just to keep herself from pressing her face into AJ’s neck and taking a long whiff of her farm girl scent. Sleeping in a bedroom mere feet from an apple orchard definitely had its merits.

Rarity began to feel much too heated for seven forty five in the morning. She gently pushed Applejack back, and they broke their kiss as Rarity settled herself back on her own two feet while Applejack dropped one of her hands from her waist. “…G-Goodness, d-darling…” Rarity giggled a bit and pressed her lips together to savor the taste of Applejack’s exploring tongue. “…I…was not fully prepared for your level of…passion.”

“Sorry.” AJ took her hat off for a moment to run her hand over her long blonde hair. “..Ah…just couldn’t help myself there…”

“Not a problem, dear…” Rarity leaned up and pecked her cheek, her mind now intoxicated and her body more relaxed from the kiss. “After last night…it would seem that you get carried away quite easily, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Well, that’s mighty nice of ya to say.” AJ put a hand on her cheek. “Ah reckon yer gonna need to let me know when ‘nuff is ‘nuff.”

Rarity looked side to side to check to make sure they were reasonably secluded from the rest of the parking lot pedestrians. “W-Well, it isn’t to say that…I mind your level of…” She cleared her throat and turned her gaze back up at her. “…passion. Just…perhaps give a girl a bit of warning before you become so…animated.” Rarity stopped talking and blushed furiously, hoping she wouldn’t have elaborate any further.

“Tongue ‘n cheek?” AJ asked. “Givin’ the ol’ French lick?”

Rarity gasped right before giggling hard for a moment. She nodded and rolled her eyes. “Yes, darling. Something like that.”

“Well, don’t suppose Ah gotta ask right this second, do Ah?” Applejack put both hands on her waist again and grinned mischievously down at her.

“You really are incorrigible…” Rarity put both hands on AJ’s shoulders and partially closed her eyes and cocked her head slightly to brush noses with her. “…But I do suppose you’re right this time. No need to ask.”

“Good.” Applejack proceeded to kiss again, but she restrained herself from going overboard. She made constant contact with her lips, but allowed Rarity the few seconds she needed to relax herself in her arms. Once Rarity had taken a step forward and pressed her body up against AJ’s tummy, the country gal took that as the acknowledgement to delve deeper into the embrace.

Try as she might, Rarity couldn’t help but squeal ever so softly into Applejack’s mouth the moment she felt her invading tongue again for the second time in less than five minutes. Up until last night, she had never had a kiss like this before. Applejack had been far from her first kiss considering she had been on a couple of dates in recent years, but nothing like this! As much as she enjoyed the deep kiss she was experiencing, she was also feeling just as curious about it. For whatever reason, Applejack was INCREDIBLE at this! How in all things polished diamonds was she so implausibly experienced?

With a slight gasp, Rarity felt herself being turned around and pressed gently against the door to AJ’s truck, their lips still locked together. At this point, Rarity was quite sure her choice of attire had definitely been the right call. She could feel Applejack move her hands down to the lowest parts of her waist, and with a great deal of astonishment, Rarity pushed her away to gasp for air. “D-Darling!” She exclaimed with a painfully red blush across her face. “I-Isn’t it perhaps a bit too early in the morning for such…things? I-I don’t even know where to even go from here…much less right this second.”

AJ gave her a low chuckle and an apologetic smile. “Sorry, sugarcube…Like Ah said, Ah can get kinda carried away.”

Once again, Rarity cast her gaze towards the rest of the parking lot, feeling very much relieved that their partial privacy had not been compromised. “It’s…quite alright...” She swallowed hard and looked up at her, very aware of where Applejack’s hands were at that moment. “…Maybe here isn’t the best place to allow our…desires…to be so manifested.”

“Ah hear ya.” AJ nodded. “If Ah’m thinkin’ right what that word means.”

Rarity giggled. “I’m sure you do.” She gently pushed Applejack back a tiny bit more and took a deep breath. “As much as I relish this moment…I am afraid we may miss our first classes.”

“Right…” AJ sighed and walked away from her to fetch her knapsack out of the back of her truck. “We should probably be goin’.”

Rarity took her purse from the backseat of her car and snatched a peck on Applejack’s cheek before they started walking towards the school doors. “Thanks to your manhandling,” Rarity giggled teasingly. “I may need to fix my hair before class.”

“Nah, it ain’t that bad yet.” AJ put an arm around her waist and chuckled. “Besides, after school, it’s gonna get all messy again anyways.”

Rarity blushed hard again and giggled into her hand. “Must I set boundaries, my dear? Or can you honestly not keep your hands off me?”

Applejack squeezed her waist and pulled her in close for a moment. “Well, let’s just say Ah ain’t thinkin’ ‘bout lettin’ go anytime soon.”

“You ruffian.” Rarity rolled her eyes again as they walked together for a few moments in silence. A thought occurred to her, making her reach into her purse to retrieve something before holding it out to her new girlfriend. “Take this, please.”

Applejack glanced at it and accepted her new gift. “Uh, what is it? Lip…balm?”

“Quite.” Rarity nodded as they began walking up the steps to the front door. “If you plan on kissing me any further, I insist you use this. Your lips…as much as I indeed love them…are very much dry.”

AJ pocketed the lip balm and chuckled, adjusting the tip of her hat with her thumb. “Thanks, sugarpie. It’s awful sweet of ya, but Ah don’t think Ah’m gonna need it now.” She chuckled low and gave her a playful smirk.

“Oh you…you hopeless buffoon.” Rarity blushed heavily once more and shook her head.


Pinkie could not fully contain her excitement at lunch. She had been the first to arrive at their usual table in the cafeteria, her ears twitching and eyes wide and focused. As the rest of her friends began gathering around the table, the topic of discussion was undoubtedly the new relationship that had flourished between country twang and posh class.

“Do you think it’s actually serious?” Sunset asked no one in particular. “I don’t really know them as well as you guys, so I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a joke or what.”

“Gosh, I hope so!” Pinkie gasped. “Don’t they just make the funniest couple ever? Maybe they’ll move in together or something!”

“I don’t really know them well either.” Twilight pushed her glasses farther back on the bridge of her nose. “Did…you girls know they were…the type?”

Dash giggled hard and shook her head. “I dunno. I mean, with Applejack, sure I guess. But, Rarity? No way. She’s dated a couple guys before, but I guess this isn’t any different. Applejack is kind of a guy, right?”

“What does that make you?” Sunset teased her. “You’re kind of a guy too.”

“Me? Ew, gross! No way.” Dash eyed her fellow soccer player and bit her lip angrily. “I’m not a dude.”

“You can sure fool me sometimes.” Sunset giggled.

Dash growled and flicked her cheek with a finger. “Takes one to know one, buddy.”

“Um…I don’t think you’re a guy, Dashie.” Fluttershy tried to console her as she gently pulled on the hem of Dash’s shirt.

“I’m only kidding, Fluttershy.” Sunset smiled at her. “Just giving Dash a hard time.”

“Yeah, she isn’t serious.” Dash put an arm around Shy and giggled. “We’re still pals...for now.”

“Oh…ok...” Shy sighed with relief and nervously pushed her index fingers together. It was somewhat difficult to be having this conversation with all her friends considering she and Dash were now very committed. Unfortunately, and as much as Dash wanted to, Shy had insisted they keep their relationship under wraps until she felt ready. Right now, it was enough just to have this kind of close bond with the girl she loved regardless of social acceptance.

Pinkie groaned obnoxiously loudly. “Oh my gosh when are they gonna get heeeeerrrreee???” She whined. “I have so many questions!!!”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Pinks, chill. They’re coming. Probably gotta go make out or something before lunch.”

“Oooooh! You think so?” Pinkie’s hair almost bounced as she perked her head up. “That would be so cuuuuute! I wanna take pictures!”

“I…really don’t think that’s a good idea.” Sunset put a hand over Pinkie’s phone the moment she saw her retrieve the device from her pocket. “It might be best to let them speak first and hold our questions until they’re ready.”

“I have to agree.” Twilight nodded her head and nervously shifted in her seat. “Besides…Rarity might still be upset from yesterday.”

“But…that wasn’t your fault.” Shy tried to give the bookworm a reassuring smile. “There was no way of knowing that would happen.”

“I know…sorry.” Twilight sighed. “I don’t know why, but I still feel kind of bad about it…I feel like I messed up as a friend.”

Sunset shook her head and put a hand on her shoulder. “I know Rarity a little better than you, and trust me on this. She’s pretty forgiving, and I bet she’s probably blaming herself more than you.”

“Now I feel worse…” Twilight sighed more heavily.

“Aww, cheer up, Sulky Sully. If it makes you feel better, I can do this!”

“Do what?” Twilight looked up at her, and her question was answered with a very silly face that made her giggle. Her cheeks were puffed out as if she had been holding her breath for a long time while her poofy hair stood upright. Twilight gave a soft giggle. “Thanks, Pinkie Pie. I’m not sure that’s what I needed exactly, but it helped.”

“No problemo, amigo!” Pinkie nodded enthusiastically and gave her a hug.

“That’s all you got?” Dash smirked. “Seriously? I’ve seen funnier faces drawn on pencil erasers.”

“Oh, you wanna do this, Dashie?” Pinkie narrowed her eyes at the athlete. “You wanna go?”

“Sure!” Dash stood up and stuck her tongue out at her. “On three, ready?”

Pinkie nodded and put her hands against her cheek to prepare herself. “One!”

“Two!” Dash put one hand over her eye.

“Three!” They both chanted mere inches from each other’s faces. Pinkie immediately squished her cheeks together and crossed her eyes, sucking her lips in to make the fishiest fish face she could fish. Dash sucked her bottom lip into her mouth to give herself a prominent overbite, widening her eyes as much as she could while rolling her exposed eye in a circle. Sunset and Twilight broke out into giggle fits while Shy sheepishly cast her gaze away from the hyper bunch. It was very hard to say who was winning, although Pinkie seemed a bit more experienced with the face she was making, her head bobbing back and forth while her ears twitched like little fins. She was no doubt much more practiced in the art of funny faces.

“Uh…what are ya’ll doin’?” Applejack chuckled hard as she spoke, one hand on her hip. While the rest of the girls had been preoccupied with the dorky little contest, she and Rarity had approached the table. “Nice face, Rainbow. Ya’ll look like one a them funny mirror pictures.”

Pinkie’s attention span immediately switched tracks as she gasped and ran the couple feet towards the new couple. She threw her arms around both of them and squealed excitedly. “RariJack!!!” She shouted shamelessly.

“Rari-what?” AJ stood motionless and sighed as she let Pinkie get the hugs out of her system while Rarity anxiously did her best not to have her toes stepped on.

“Get it?” Pinkie let them both go. “It’s a mash up with your name and your name!” She poked a finger from both hands into their tummies. “Like it?”

“It does have a sort of pedestrian charm to it, I suppose.” Rarity blushed slightly and ran a hand through her wavy hair.

“Kinda strange.” Applejack cast a glance at her new girlfriend. “Ah reckon Ah prefer my own name, thanks.”

“It’s sweet…” Shy mumbled softly yet loud enough to be heard.

“Fluttershy gets it!” Pinkie shouted. “It’s totally sweet, huh!”

“It’s weird.” Dash commented with a dopey grin. “But whatever. It kinda works if you’re like, seven years old or something.”

With a minor level of exacerbated confusion, Twilight’s eyes moved from girl to girl around the table. “I don’t get it.”

“Really?” Dash asked. “What’s not to get?”

“Sorry, I just don’t fully understand it. How do two people share the same nickname?”

Shy put a hand up to speak as if she was in class. “Well, um…because…they’re in a relationship, right?” She turned towards Applejack and Rarity. “At least, I think you’re both in a relationship…I could be wrong. If I’m wrong, please tell me…so I can stop talking.” Dash put a hand on top of her head to settle her nerves.

“Darling, you’re quite alright in saying so.” Rarity giggled a bit as she felt Applejack’s hand move around her waist. “Applejack and I…to answer your question, yes. We are…together, of sorts.”

“Of sorts?” Dash looked puzzled. “What does that mean?”

“Ah think what Rare’s tryin’ to say is…” Applejack took her hat off and put it on top of her head. “Right now, we’re just startin’ to figure things out.”

“Very well put, dear.” Rarity nodded and removed the hat from her head, placing it back atop AJ before smoothing her hair out with her hands.

“Awwwww!” Pinkie gave them both another hug. “Aren’t you two just the cutest cutie ba-tooties!”

Once Pinkie stepped back, Rarity took a seat by Twilight with AJ next to her. “Please accept this belated gift.” She reached into her purse to retrieve a neatly folded, handmade purple scarf.

Twilight accepted the gift and smiled at her. “You really didn’t have to do this, Rarity.” She hugged the fashionista gratefully. “But I’m really glad you did. It’s lovely. Thank you.”

“Feel better now?” Applejack asked, putting a hand on Rarity’s shoulder.

“Yes, quite.” Rarity nodded and breathed a bit easier. “We are still friends of course, dear?”

Twilight nodded and giggled a bit. “Of course we are. And…I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“Not to worry. I’m just glad I had something in your color.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Yeah yeah yeah, enough with the birthday gifts.” Dash grumbled. “Let’s talk about you guys!” She pointed to the new couple. “What happened with you two yesterday? It must have been big, cause I always thought you two annoyed each other.”

“Hey, be nice.” Sunset gave Dash a frown before turning towards the couple. “You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want.” She reassured them.

“And only if you really want to…” Shy agreed.

“Nah, it’s fine.” Applejack shook her head. “Ain’t much of a story though.”

“Not much of a story?” Rarity gasped and turned towards the country gal. “I fear I must wholly disagree with you, darling. It’s quite the tale, if I do say.”

“I love tales!” Pinkie scooted closer to them and rested her chin on her hands with her elbows on the table. “Who kissed who first!?”

“I’m kinda curious about that myself.” Dash nodded. “Seriously though. You really don’t have to talk about it.”

Rarity looked up at Applejack for a moment. “Well…to be completely truthful…I’m not entire sure just how exactly…Perhaps it was a combination of events or… perhaps our feelings just…blossomed.”

“Kinda feels like it just sorta happened. Ah know Ah wasn’t plannin’ on it.” AJ chuckled. “One minute we were yellin’ at each other, ‘n the next, we’re kissin’ like we’re tradin’ gum.”

A giggle erupted around the table, and Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel a strong relation to that last statement. Her own relationship with Dash started with strikingly similar context. Her fingers grasped Dashie’s wrist and squeezed gently as a gentle smile spread across her face.

Rarity groaned very quietly as a blush completely took over her pale complexion. “D-Darling!” She put her hands up in protest. “…Must you be so…vulgar?”

“Wooooooowww…” Pinkie scooted another inch closer. “So who’s better?”

“Better at what?” Applejack asked, very much enjoying how flustered her new girlfriend appeared to be.


“Ok, Pinks, seriously…” Feeling the conversation beginning to venture into treacherous waters too close to home, Dash put a hand on top of Pinkie’s head to hold her in place from bouncing out of her seat. “Dial it back a smidge before you blow your top.”

“Oh, lighten up, Dash.” Sunset giggled. “It’s not like you to be all closed mouth about stuff.”

It was Dash’s turn to blush. “I-I’m not! I’m just saying…If they want some privacy, maybe we should give them some.”

“You’re acting weird, Dashie.” Pinkie pulled her head up and got an inch away from Dash’s face. “Are you hiding something? You know you can’t hide anything from detective Pie.”

“N-No!” Dash tried to sound as adamant as possible, but the way Shy blushed and turned away from the rest of the table betrayed any shred of confidence Dash had in her voice. “And you a detective? Not even close.”

“I think you are.” Pinkie said very directly. “And I think Fluttershy knows something.”

“Ok, we’re done here.” Dash got up from the table, doing her very best to power through her flustered state. “Come on, Shy.” Fluttershy got up slowly while hiding her face behind her long pink hair. Together, they left the cafeteria in silence except for the last possible second when Dash stuck her tongue out at Pinkie.

“I hate to say it…but…” Twilight turned to face the rest of the girls after watching the flustered pair exit. “…I have to agree with you, Pinkie. It does seem like they’re hiding something.”

“It would definitely appear so.” Rarity nodded slightly. “…I can’t help but wonder.”

“I’ve been kind of wondering about that for a while now.” Sunset noted. “Those two have been together a lot more lately, and Fluttershy has been to every single one of our practices.”

“I…really don’t think we should speculate any further.” Rarity tried to sound convincing, although her own curiosity was winning over reason.

“Kinda funny seein’ Rainbow get all red faced.” AJ chuckled again. “She looks mighty silly when she’s mad.” She put a finger under Rarity’s chin to turn her face towards her own before pecking her on the lips. “Reminds me a ‘lil a you sometimes.”

“Applejack, darling!” Rarity recoiled a bit and blushed harder than ever. “Remember what I said about giving a girl a bit of warning?” She asked in a quiet whisper, her heart torn between an intense desire to kiss back and a minor level of annoyance. Twilight and Sunset both exchanged dumbfounded looks of astonishment while Pinkie leaned in close for a front row view.

“One more time for the camera?” Pinkie asked, holding up her phone. “This one is for my wallpaper.”


Once the final classes of the day had ended, Rarity ventured back to her locker. Her last class had been one of the most mind numbingly dull things she had ever experienced. Having been forced into participating in a mock sensatory committee meeting during government class, she had painfully watched the clock as other members of the class introduced fake bills to the other fake representatives in a fake show of enthusiasm, the social awkwardness of the display only rivaled by the presence of Sir Captain Obvious himself. Feeling very relieved to be free of the torturous class, she opened her locker door and quickly put away her notebook and pens.

With perfect timing, Applejack approached her from behind and tapped her on the shoulder. “Howdy there, missy.” She greeted with a bit of honey in her words.

Rarity turned to face her, a smile already parting her lips. “Good afternoon, sweetness.” She smiled up at her and blushed a little as Applejack moved in a bit closer. “I am…very glad to be out of class.”

“Me too.” AJ brushed the tips of her fingers along Rarity’s cheek. “Ain’t got no love lost fer that awful English class.”

“I take it you are not particularly eloquent in writing then?” Rarity giggled a bit.

“Ah can write just fine.” Applejack pushed the locker door a bit to hide themselves a little from the crowd of people moving past them. “Just don’t like readin’ aloud is all.”

“You do have a unique way with words.” Rarity cast her eyes to the side and gently pushed Applejack backwards a bit. “It’s nothing to feel ashamed of.”

“Ah ain’t.” Applejack leaned forward and snatched a kiss to her cheek. “Ah reckon one a these days ya’ll can help me with my speakin’ voice.”

“Hmm…” Rarity walked two fingers up her arm. “…Then you may need to come over sometime to work on your pronunciation.”

“Just might take ya up ‘n that.” Both girls exchanged a quick little peck on the lips before stepping away from each other to see if their little trade of affection had become more public than necessary. Thankfully, no one was paying attention. It wasn’t at all odd to see couples kissing in the hallways. Even same sex couples were starting to become more common place, but for now, both Applejack and Rarity felt very conscious of their public fondness.

“Listen…sugarcube.” For the first time that day, Applejack had adopted a serious tone. “Ah…wanna tell ya somethin’ important.”

Rarity nodded her approval. “Go on, darling.”

“Ah…Ah’m serious about ya…” She blushed a bit, and as always when she was nervous, adjusted her hat. “…’N this here…what we got goin’ right now…Ah’m completely serious ‘bout it. Lot a gals talk ‘bout havin’ little flings once in a blue moon, ‘n…that ain’t me.”

Rarity put her arms around Applejack’s neck and hugged her. “I know, dear. I feel the same way… I deeply care about you…and dare I say… I very much love you.” She pressed her nose against the bigger girl’s chin. “Please don’t think I’m…what’s the word…casual about this.”

Applejack wrapped her arms around her waist and smiled warmly. “Shucks, Rare… Just gonna come out ‘n say it, huh?” She chuckled. “Ah love ya too.” Both girls took a moment to revel in the joy of having the word ‘love’ used.

“Good.” Rarity kissed her cheek and giggled a bit more. “I have to ask… Did something happen to cause you this kind of fear?”

“Uh…nah… Ah mean…kinda.” Applejack blushed more and sighed. “Just…well Ah know ya’ll been on dates before, ‘n it was botherin’ me all class thinkin’ bout it…One a them guys ya dated is ‘n my English class…Sorry, sugarcube. Maybe Ah’m just bein’ a worrywart is all… Just had to make sure ya’ll felt the same way.”

Rarity frowned a bit and cast her eyes toward the ground. “Those dates…” She took a deep breath. “Yes, I’ve been on a few dates…and yes, I have had kisses on those dates.”

Applejack gave her a slightly worried look. “Did…ya…like ‘em?”

“Like them?”

“Yeah… them boys.”

Rarity slowly nodded her head. “There were maybe one or two I thought I may have had some real feelings for, but… I suppose I was fooling myself. Those feelings…they were meant for someone else.”

“Someone else, huh?” AJ cracked a smile.

“Quite.” Rarity returned the smile. “Darling…I hope you realize how much I want this to last…to work.” She paused to push AJ’s hat back a little so they could meet eye to eye better. “I would also feel much better if I could do something to get rid of this concern you have.”

“Ya’ll got no idea…” Applejack leaned forward a bit more to kiss her very softly. “Ah want it to work too, ‘n Ah’ll do anythin’ fer ya… Just…” She sighed again and looked down. “…Ah…Ah think maybe we should go somewhere ‘n really talk ‘bout this…”

“Is something still bothering you, love?” Rarity moved the palm of her hand down her cheek. She was beginning to feel saddened and despondent by Applejack’s sudden emotional change. If today had been any indication, the country gal would be all over her if given the chance, and now it appeared that something was still weighing heavily on her mind.

“Y-Yeah…” AJ nodded. “…Let’s…just get outta here er somethin’. Ah don’t really wanna talk ‘bout it here.”

“As you wish.” Rarity gathered the last of her things and held Applejack’s hand as they walked out the school doors. “Would you feel more comfortable if we went for coffee?”

“Ah sure wouldn’t mind it none.” AJ squeezed her hand. “If that’s what ya’ll feel like.”

“Why don’t we do that, and we can have a nice long chat.” They began the short trek out to where their cars were parked, and Rarity opened the door to her little silver vehicle. “Shall we take mine, or would you rather take yours?”

“Uh, how ‘bout yers. Don’t think Ah ever been in yer car before.” Applejack approached the passenger door.

“I have no objections. Please make yourself comfortable.” Rarity unlocked the doors and took a seat behind the wheel. Before she strapped herself in, she sent a message to her sister, letting her know they wouldn’t be back for a little while.

Applejack had to duck low to keep from bumping her head as she climbed in. Although the seating was much smaller than what she was used to, the vehicle was incredibly clean and perfectly upholstered, a sharp contrast to her own truck. As she looked the interior over, she wondered what the cost must be like on such a nice little vehicle. “Sure is…cozy, Ah guess.”

“You can move the seat back if you like. Sweetie Belle usually sits there, and she is rather short.”

“Sure…” Applejack ducked her head between her knees, looking for some sort of leaver or switch. “There a button er somethin’ ya gotta press?”

Rarity pointed to a button on the door. “Here, darling.”

“Oh.” Applejack did as was instructed, her legs beginning to stretch out more as the seat moved back. “Thanks. Ah kinda feel silly not knowin’ how to move a seat.”

“I felt the same way when I first bought this car.” Rarity started the engine and began pulling out.

“So, ya’ll bought this ‘n yer own then? Wow, ain’t that somethin’.”

“Well…my seamstress business is rather small, but I began saving up at the beginning of school.” Rarity cracked her window open a bit.

“That’s real grown up of ya, sugarcube.” Applejack smiled at her. “Kinda wish Ah could go back ‘n do the same thing.”

“It’s never too late.” Rarity turned to her for a moment to return the smile.

“Ah know. Ah’ve been savin’ a bit fer Applebloom’s birthday. She’s gonna need a truck of her own ‘n a couple years when she gets her license.”

Rarity bit her lip and fought the urge to tremble in fear. The idea of the crusaders being able to drive did have its merits, but the trouble they could cause with such a resource was a terrifying idea. “Applebloom driving… That truly is a horrifying thought.”

Applejack chuckled and nodded her head. “Yep...” They drove in silence for a few minutes as Applejack became more settled herself more in her seat. This gave her an opportunity to take in Rarity’s figure as she focused on the road. As always, Rarity looked very lovely, but her sitting position drew Applejack’s eyes towards her bare legs that ran up beneath her white skirt. That familiar urge to smother her in a deep kiss began to creep up on Applejack, forcing her to gaze out the window to quell the thought.

“You’re awfully silent, darling.” Rarity said after a little while. “I’m afraid you’re beginning to worry me…”

“Shucks…Ah really don’t mean to.” Applejack sighed and shook her head slowly as she let her hat fall to her lap.

“I know you don’t want to intentionally worry me.” Rarity tried to sound comforting. “It would make me feel better if you talked to me about this…issue you seem to be concerned about.”

Applejack took a deep breath. “Ah guess…now’s a good a time as any. No sense waitin’ til we get coffee.”

“I wholeheartedly agree. Consider coffee as the treat and this conversation as the chore.” She said as cheerfully as possible.

“Sure.” AJ ran a hand through her blonde hair. “Alrighty then.” She cast her eyes out the window again. “Well...since we’re datin’ ‘n all…Ah guess Ah should tell ya that…” She cleared her throat. “…Well, ya’ll ain’t…the first gal…Ah dated.”

Rarity nearly dropped her hands from the steering wheel in shock, but to be fair, this did explain why Applejack seemed to be so experienced in kissing. “Y-You…dated another girl?”

“Yep.” AJ nodded slowly. “Ah…didn’t tell ya at first cause Ah didn’t want ya’ll to be mad…but it ain’t fair me not tellin’ ya ‘n not bein’ completely honest.”

“I…” Rarity’s stutter was very apparent. “…I am indeed quite surprised…although I suppose it’s not too surprising. You are a lovely girl, after all.”

“Shucks, sugarcube. Yer mighty sweet sayin’ that.” Applejack chuckled for a moment at the cheesy attempt at a compliment. “Ya’ll…don’t hate me er nothin’, do ya?”

“Of course not, darling.” Rarity shook her head and freed one hand from the wheel to grab hold of Applejack’s wrist. “Never in a million years. I do understand why you didn’t want to tell me, so please don’t feel bad. I would have the same hesitation if I was in your shoes…or boots.”

Applejack held her hand and gave it a loving squeeze. “…Thanks, Rare. It’s a big whoppin’ relief to hear ya say that.”

“Of course, love…of course.”

Applejack squeezed her hand more firmly and smiled sheepishly. “It…It was a long time ago. Before we all started high school, Ah reck-”

When Rarity came to a stop light, she leaned to the side to give Applejack a kiss on the cheek, effectively cutting her off. “Darling, if you would rather not talk about it, I understand. The fact that you shared this much with me is already enough. Besides, darling…I wasn’t planning on telling you about my previous dates, so don’t force yourself. How about…we think of this as if we’re starting anew; clean slate.” She pulled Applejack’s palm up to her lips. “Does that sound alright?”

Applejack felt herself tear up a bit, and she quickly wiped her eyes. “Ah’d…really like that.” She leaned to the side to return the kiss to the cheek before lowering her hand.

Rarity flashed her a very pleased smile. “Just relax, sweetness. We’ll be at the coffee shop in less than a minute, and I plan on buying you a big chocolate mocha frappuccino. That should cheer you up.”

“What’s a frap…frap-uh-chico?”

“Frappuccino, darling. It’s a type of frozen coffee.”

“Does it taste kinda like a milkshake? Ah could really go fer somethin’ like that.”

“You’re going to love it. Trust me.” Rarity giggled softly and began driving the last couple of blocks to her favorite coffee shop. Since school had just let out, Rarity had no problem finding a spot to park.

After unbuckling her belt, Rarity moved a hand towards her door, but she felt herself get pulled deeper into the cabin of the vehicle. Applejack had put an arm around her and taken the opportunity to surprise kiss her very deeply. After a moment of wide eyed astonishment, Rarity allowed herself to melt into the embrace, parting her lips a tiny bit to allow Applejack to deepen the kiss even further, and Applejack responded by sucking Rarity’s lower lip between her teeth. Rarity was very, very happy to realize that Applejack had liberally used her new lip balm.

After a long couple of moments, Applejack pulled her head back, her hand resting on the gorgeous pale thigh that her eyes couldn’t get enough of. “Sometimes ya’ll just look so cute that…” She paused with a smile as she gave Rarity’s neck a soft peck. “…Ah can’t help myself.”

“It makes me very happy to hear that.” Rarity swallowed and gently cleared her throat, feeling very aware of the line of spit that was clinging to her lower lip. She nervously brushed a lock of her hair away from her face. “It’s... actually VERY flattering to know that you find me so desirable.”

Applejack chuckled and put a hand on her cheek to give her another kiss. This one was much shorter and softer than before, but with the same amount of loved conveyed. “Well come on, now.” AJ teased as she opened the door and climbed out of the vehicle. “Ah’m feelin’ mighty thirsty.”

“I have no doubt about that.” Rarity muttered beneath a giggle as she opened her door. The level of Applejack’s affection still amazed and surprised her although it hadn’t even been a full day into being an official pair. Rarity stood and closed her door, checking herself in the reflection of her window to see if her own colored lip balm had been smeared. To her even further surprise, she could see absolutely no trace of the cosmetic on her lips. A bright red spread across Rarity’s cheeks as she realized that all of her lip balm had been sucked right off her lips.


“I’m so boooorrrreed!” Sweetie Belle complained as she flopped down in the bed of AJ’s truck. She and the rest of her troupe had been waiting for their big sisters to get back from their little coffee break, and although they had only been gone for twenty minutes since school let out, Sweetie Belle was already experiencing the misery of having a youthful attention span.

“Yer sister said they’d only be gone fer maybe a half hour, right?” Applebloom inquired from a sitting position next to her. “It’s only been a little while.”

Scootaloo was standing on her scooter a few feet away from them on the concrete. “I think I almost got it.” She muttered to herself before narrowing her eyes and hopping up a couple feet into the air, spinning the bottom half of her scooter around like a propeller. When she tried to land, the scooter smacked her shins with a painful amount of force. “Auuughh!!!”

Sweetie Belle sat up to see what the screaming was all about. “Scoots? Are you ok?”

Applebloom gasped as she saw Scoots buckle over on the ground while holding her shins. “Scootaloo! Ya’ll alright??”

“I think…I’m…dying…” Scoots hissed through her teeth. “Oh-my-gosh-that-hurt-so-bad-I’m-never-riding-that-stupid-scooter-again-I-hate-myself-so-much-right-now…”

“Ah think yer gonna be ok.” Applebloom helped her up into a sitting position while she tried to hold back a snicker of amusement.

As painful as it looked and as distraught as her friend was, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but giggle a tiny bit. “You should probably take it easy for a while.” She said as she knelt down beside Scoots.

“Seriously…I’m NEVER riding that thing again…” Scoots exhaled slowly as she rubbed her shins with her hands. “Oh myyyyyyy goshhhhh owwwwwww…” She grumbled loudly and wiped her teary eyes with the back of her sleeve.

“That looks like it really hurt.” Applebloom rubbed her back as Sweetie Belle put a hand on her shoulder. “Ah hope ya didn’t break yer leg er nothin’…”

“Do you want us to help you up?” Sweetie Belle put an around her waist and began hoisting her to a standing position without allowing Scoots to give her an answer.

“Thanks…” Scoots sniffled and wiped her face again. “I’ll be ok…This happens at least once a week.”

“Really? ‘N ya still ride that thing?” Applebloom helped Scoots hop over towards the open bed of the truck. “Probably shouldn’t be tryin’ all them crazy tricks.”

“Or at least wear some soccer pads on your legs or something.” Sweetie Belle added as all three girls sat next to each other.

“That’s a good idea.” Scoots nodded. “How come I’ve never thought of that?”

“Cause yer kinda dense.” Applebloom giggled. “Just sayin’, Scoots.”

“Thanks. That makes me feel a LOT better.” Scoots’s words dripped with sarcasm. Her two friends helped her get into a sitting position in the back of the truck. “Well…that sucked.” Scoots sighed and rolled up the baggy cuff of her cargo pants to eye her shins. Deep bruises were beginning to form along with a few smaller and less noticeable ones from previous mishaps. “…I’ll get better with practice.” She muttered.

Within a few seconds, all three girls saw Rarity pull up next to the truck in her little silver car, and she and Applejack both got out to greet them. “Howdy, girls.” Applejack waved at them and put her hands on her hips. “Ya’ll stay outta trouble today?”

“Yes.” The trio groaned.

“Good. Now, Ah hate to spoil yer fun, gals.” Applejack put her thumbs into her pockets. “But it’s ‘bout time we get goin’ home.”

Rarity motioned towards Sweetie Belle with a finger. “Come on, dear sister. I have a few projects to work on, and I would appreciate it if you started your homework early today.”

“Aww, rats…” Sweetie hopped out of the back of the truck and slid into the passenger seat of the silver car. “Bye, girls…”

“Alright, Applebloom. Ah gotta help yer brother stack cider barrels ‘n the barn before the snow hits, so say goodbye to yer friends.”

“Fine…” Applebloom sighed and gave Scoots a hug before they both jumped down from the back of the truck. “See ya, Sweetie Belle! Bye, Scoots.” Scootaloo picked up her scooter and began riding away through the parking lot, waving a hand at the group of girls that had begun to clutter around the vehicles.

Sweetie Belle got into her sister’s car with a grumble when she realized her seat was much too far back. Applebloom climbed into the cab of the truck and fought with the knob on the dashboard to turn the radio on. Rarity and Applejack took a moment to face each other, both sporting a blush and a warm smile while their little sisters waited for them. “Shall…we plan something for tomorrow?” Rarity asked.

“Like a real date er somethin’?” AJ chuckled.

“Would you be alright with that? If you have other arrangements, then I fully understand if you have to say no.”

“Course Ah am, sugarcube.” Applejack nodded and pecked her on the cheek. “What do ya’ll feel like doin’?”

“Well…at the risk of sounding cliché…would a movie be acceptable?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Applejack put her hands on her waist, and Rarity giggled softly as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

“Ooooooooh!” Both their little sisters teased, their necks strained backwards to watch them.

Applejack rolled her eyes, and Rarity began blushing even deeper. “I suppose I shouldn’t be at all too surprised…now that we’ve gone completely public.”

“They’ll get over it.” AJ’s smile widened as she squeezed her waist. “Want me to call ya er somethin’ later?”

“I…would…very much love it if you did.” Rarity nodded and leaned up to kiss her softly, and Applejack replied by closing the distances. Once they parted, both girls nearly shivered in delight. “Thank you for a wonderful day, love.”

“Pleasure’s all mine, Rare.” Applejack begrudgingly released her hold on her waist.

Rarity let her arms fall to her side and took a deep breath before turning away to get into her car. From where she was seated, she watched Applejack start up her truck and drive away. It took her another moment to compose herself enough to notice that Sweetie Belle was gaping up at her. “So…are you twooooo...liiiiike…a thing now? For real?”

She cleared her throat and bit her lip to keep her face from turning deeper red. “Um, y-yes.” Rarity nodded and gave her little sister a smile. “Yes, we are…”

Author's Note:

How was everypony's Hearth's Warming and New Year? I hope all went well and everyone had fun. I'm sorry this last chapter took so darn long... I just wasn't satisfied with it, and I felt like the quality of my writing has suffered because of the busy holidays. Regardless, I will try to be much more frequent with my updates considering how much a few of you eagerly wait. I know that feeling. :applecry:

So, a couple of things I wanna mention. Unlike my last EG story, this one is more fluff and kisses than what I usually do. :pinkiesmile: However, if it's drama you want, don't worry. We're not even close to be done yet!

>>Shutup868: I couldn't ask for a better proofreader. Between my weird schedule and my compulsive editing, I am surprised you put up with me. Thank you very much. :twilightsmile:
>>Frost Vortex: And I can't wait to show you what's in store!
>>Madox: I have an idea I've been tinkering with that pertains to Sunset and Twilight. It involves pie.
>>applespice03: This is your favorite story? :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: Thank you so much! :pinkiesmile:
>>Sage_Element: In time, my dear... I promise I will continue to write.
>>Such A Chlorbag: Every comment you write is dripping with honey and sugar that makes me eagerly await your reply. Your eagerness and appreciation to create and encourage astounds me! I am also very glad you enjoy my Pinkie moments. Perhaps you and I could collaborate on a Pinkie thingamagigie?
>>Darkcloudx: I will do that! Thanks!
>>Nalis Faber: I'm sorry you feel that way... You're right, I can overplay characters sometimes. That is something I am now going to work on.
>>The Frank: I'm glad I can deliver for you! Yeah, we need more Rarijack...seriously. :moustache:
>>Lone_Beast: I couldn't agree more. A doting and affectionate Applejack is just soooooooo cute!
>>fluttershy618: Aww! Thank you! I'm super glad you like it! Five out of five!? :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::heart: