• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 9,233 Views, 125 Comments

Never Drift Away - New Canterlot

Join everyone's favorite fashionista as she discovers what it really means to be in love during her fast times at Canterlot High!!!

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Chapter 1: When the Heart Speaks...

There was no worse feeling in the world than hearing the sound of an alarm clock on a Monday morning, and Rarity began to experience a deep appreciation for this concept as she rolled onto her side facing away from the noise. With a frown, she pulled her nightcap over her eyes and her blankets over her head. Try as she might, the assaulting noise didn’t skip a beat despite her will of mind to silence the dreaded mechanical cries of attention.

Her hand slapped the top of her short bedside cabinet very lazily, her fingers completely missing their target. A few minutes of going limp in her awkwardly uncomfortable position gave her the strength she needed to open her eyes and sit up a few inches to reach for the small chrome plated crystallized clock. The loud blaring finally stopped, much to her relief.

Rarity hoisted herself out of bed and slipped her feet into her favorite pair of slippers. Try as she might to hold back, a loud and obnoxious yawn escaped her lips. With heavy feet, she shuffled to her bathroom door and stepped inside, immediately starting the hot water before anything else.

Her worst fears became a reality when she gazed at herself in the mirror. Heavy bags under her eyes blemished her perfect features, no doubt a result of her long nights this past weekend attempting to finish her last design. The product of her creation was beautiful no doubt, but any consequence to beauty was no consequence worth the trouble. She heaved a great big sigh before stepping into the shower. A whole half hour went by as she bathed herself, more to force alertness into her mind than actual cosmetic care.

After drying herself off, she spent another whole half hour delving deep into her makeup kits to find the perfect foundation for her tired eyes and to fight with her rather unruly hair. She resigned herself to the reality that today may not be her best day regardless of her efforts. To make up for today’s temporary lack in physical appearance, she sported her best dazzled white skirt and favorite black blouse which complimented her expertly tended figure. The skirt did wonders to focus the eyes down to her perky hips and slender waist, away from her face. The black blouse forced the eyes away while the white skirt drew them down, a little fashion trick she had picked up from pouring through her local newsstand’s latest magazine issues at the mall.

All of this effort was due to an impression she desperately wanted to make on someone. To be as pretty as possible meant that some special person in her life might compliment her appearance today, and although she would never admit it openly, Rarity lived for those moments. Each time she heard that sweet country honey coated voice compliment her appearance was a moment she would cling to forever. There was a very deep seeded attraction she felt to her friend that she didn’t fully understand. Something about how Applejack treated her had made her fall for the farm gal recently. Out of all her friends, she was the one whom Applejack always took the extra time to say something nice to.

Rarity had eventually resigned herself to her own sexuality, realizing that the concepts of gender and sexual orientation didn’t matter to her. Being gay or straight had nothing to do with anything when it came to falling in love. The only regret Rarity had was not coming to this realization sooner. It probably would’ve kept her from going on some crummy dates with a couple guys from school during the past two years.

After feeling somewhat satisfied with her appearance, she made her way downstairs with wobbly legs to continue her morning. Unsurprisingly, her little sister was already there with a rather ungodly sized bowl of cereal in front of her at the kitchen counter. Rarity couldn’t help but cringe at the mountain of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs her sister was engorging her mouth with. The cereal had already turned the milk brown, and Rarity felt great concern for her little sister’s complexion. Chocolate was both her dear friend and worst enemy.

“Hey, Rarithy!” Sweetie Belle greeted her with a cheerful smile, her mouth filled with food.

Without even batting an eye, Rarity shuffled further into the kitchen and immediately reached for the coffee pot where fresh coffee had been simmering for a while thanks to the programmable timer feature. Taking a mug off a hook over the sink, Rarity poured herself a shot of hot black sludge and knocked it back, taking great care not to ruin her glossy lips. As the bitter warmth soothed her soul, she turned to her sister. “Good morning, little sister.” She said with a half forced smile.

“Wow, sis…” Sweetie Belle swallowed and looked her over curiously. “Did you fall on your face last night or something? You look terrible.”

“Thank you.” Rarity rubbed her temples and shook her head. “It is very reassuring to know that my little sister harbors such concern for me.”

“Um, sure…?” Sweetie Belle brought another spoonful to her mouth. “I didn’t mean it like that. Are you ok? You look kind of sick.”

“I’m fine, dear.” Rarity began sipping from a new cupful, nonfat milk use as creamer with sugar free sweetener. “Perhaps I stayed up far past my usual bedtime.”

“Yeah, that’s an underslatebent.” Sweetie Belle burped as she finished her cereal, pushing her bowl away while Rarity let out an exacerbated sigh. “Are you going to be ok to drive?”

“Of course.” Rarity took a seat opposite of her after placing a piece of bread into her toaster. “And I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘understatement’.”

“Really?” Sweetie Belle put a finger to her chin. “Oh, that’s not good...”

“What do you mean ‘that’s not good’?” Rarity eyed her suspiciously.

“I may have a little spelling test today.” Sweetie giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “And I may not have actually studied this weekend…”

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity whined. “You cannot shirk your academic responsibilities!”

“You mean…I should study more?”

“Yes!” Rarity palmed her face before lowering her hand to eagerly sip her coffee again. “Goodness gracious, darling. Must I scold you everyday on everything you do?”

“No.” Sweetie Belle giggled. “You didn’t scold me last Tuesday, remember?”

Rarity thought back to last Tuesday. “I wasn’t home until late that day, and you were at Applejack’s home until late that afternoon. We didn’t see each other until late that evening.”

“See? Told you it wasn’t everyday.”

Rarity shook her head and got up to fetch herself her toast. With a very thin smear of blueberry jam, she placed the toast in her mouth and motioned for Sweetie to put her bowl in the sink. After quickly finishing her breakfast, she turned to her little sister with a stern face. “While I drive, you are going to study for your spelling test.”

Sweetie Belle was already fiddling with her phone, replying to some funny pictures Scootaloo had sent her the night before. “Huh?” She looked up from her phone. “Wait, really?”

“Yes, really.” Rarity nodded and held out her hand. “And you can have your phone back once we get to school.”

“Ah, come on…Do I have to?” Sweetie Belle looked up at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster.

“Yes.” Rarity nodded again and put her phone into the pocket of her skirt. “Thank you. Now fetch your books. I don’t want us to be late.”

With a grumble and sagging shoulders, Sweetie Belle got up from her seat at the counter and made her way upstairs to her room to fetch her things. Rarity spent the time alone downstairs to finish the last of her coffee before brushing her teeth in her room. By the time she came downstairs again, Sweetie Belle was waiting by the front door with a piece of paper in her hand. “I’m studying, see?” She held up the paper.

With a smile, Rarity patted the top of her head before opening the front door. “Good, although I do expect better from you next time.”

“Ok, mom.” Her little sister mockingly bowed her head. “Whatever you say, mom.”

“Don’t you give me attitude, little lady.” Rarity pinched her cheek gently and led the way to her small white two door sports car outside.

“I was kidding, geez.” Sweetie Belle pulled her door open and plopped down with her arms crossed.

Rarity locked up the house and took a moment to look herself over through her rear view mirror from her position in the driver’s seat before starting her car up. As they drove, Sweetie Belle chanted each letter of her spelling words out loud while Rarity checked her appearance every now and then at each stop sign. Within a short few minutes, Rarity pulled into a spot near the back of the school parking lot. To her immense delight and surprise, a big rusty truck with a rattling engine pulled in beside her. Sweetie Belle shot out of the car, and Rarity could see little Applebloom hop down out of the passenger seat of the truck with a knapsack over her shoulder.

“Sweetie Belle!” Applebloom grabbed her friend’s hands and the two girls began bouncing up in down in excitement as if they hadn’t seen each other in weeks.

“Hey, Applebloom! Sorry I missed your texts. Rarity took my phone.”

“What? That ain’t fair! Ah gotta show ya this! It’s funny!” Applebloom fished her phone out of her pant’s pocket and held it up. The screen showed short videos only a few seconds long all tied together of kittens, each meowing loudly in a deep manly voice with a big mouth superimposed on their faces. Sweetie Belle laughed hysterically.

With frantic anticipation, Rarity began checking herself in the mirror again. Her fingers pushed loose strains of her curled bangs into place as she popped her lips at the mirror. A nervous giddiness filled her tummy when she heard the loud creak of the driver’s door of the truck open and the thud of her friend’s boots hit the ground. Rarity scrambled out of her car with her purse in one hand, and she stood facing the truck as casually as possible. “G-Good Morning, Applejack.” She said as she cleared her throat.

With a loud yawn and a tip of her hat, Applejack turned to her with a smile. “Well howdy there, Rare!” She greeted her with an air of confident country pride that years of work in her family business had given her. “Yer lookin’ mighty nice today as always.”

“Oh, please…” Rarity felt herself blush a bit as she bashed an eye towards the ground. “I very much appreciate the compliment, darling, but it’s plainly obvious that today is not one of my better days.”

“Don’t know what yer talkin’ ‘bout, sugarcube.” AJ chuckled at her and took her hat off to fiddle with the ribbon at the base of her waist length blonde hair. “Ya’ll look just as pretty as always.”

“Thank you, Applejack.” Rarity felt her words become harder to say through her tightening throat. Her appreciative infatuation began its course as her eyes beheld Applejack’s strong shoulders and big breasts down to her tightened round thighs and ankles. The country girl stood taller above all her friends, her height no doubt a product of protein rich food and exercise. Although Applejack did have somewhat of a masculine air sometimes, her ample hips and bust had always been something Rarity admired and partially envied. “You look rather smashing yourself.” She noted, accentuating the words with her glossy lips.

“Me? Nah.” Applejack laughed and shook her head. “Now Ah know yer just reachin’ fer straws, Rare.” Before Rarity could convince her that she really meant those words, both upperclassmen were forced to glance over at their respective little sisters when they heard the two girls giggle loudly. Applejack walked up behind them to peer over their shoulders. “Now what’s got ya’ll so giggly?”

Applebloom held up her phone to show her. “Ain’t it silly?”

Applejack only reacted by raising an eyebrow. “This it? Kitten’s ‘n a man makin’ weird kitten noises?”

Applebloom rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Ah guess yer too old to get it.”

“Ah ain’t old!” Applejack gasped and put her hands on her hips.

Rarity stepped forward and glanced at the screen. “Was this why you were on your phone this morning?” She asked her little sister.

“Um, maybe.” Sweetie Belle innocently cast her glance away from her. “Can I have my phone back now?”

“Fine.” Rarity sighed and reached into her pocket. “But if you don’t pass your spelling test, I might just make this an everyday ritual until you bring your grades up.”

“Aww that’s not fair.” Sweetie Belle genuinely pouted.

It took a second for Applejack’s gears to turn. “What’s this ‘bout a spellin’ test, sugarcube? Applebloom, ain’t ya’ll in the same class with Sweetie Belle? Do ya have some spellin’ test Ah didn’t know ‘bout?”

Applebloom put her phone into her pocket and fidgeted nervously. “Uh…yeah, but…Ah didn’t tell ya ‘bout it cause…Ah already studied! Yeah, Ah already studied.”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack raised her eyebrow again, a bit higher this time. “Then Ah guess yer gonna be getting a perfect score?”

“Um…Yeah, sure!” Applebloom opened her backpack and fished out a similar piece of paper that Sweetie Belle was reading in the car. “Ah just need to go over ‘em real quick.” She grabbed her friend’s hand and began briskly walking towards the front of the school. “C’mon, Sweetie Belle. Let’s go find Scootaloo.”

“Good idea!” Sweetie Belle said almost too enthusiastically. “We should get some candy before class starts.” They hurried off together, eager to get away from their surprisingly deductive big sisters.

Applejack grabbed her backpack from the back of her truck and took a position next to Rarity with a grin on her face. “Ah’m guessin’ ya’ll had a long weekend.” She commented as they began a slow walk towards the front gates.

“I did indeed.” Rarity nodded slowly, doing her best to hold back a yawn. “Does my appearance really reflect as much?”

“Uh, well, Ah can kinda see it ‘n yer face. Ain’t never seen ya look so tired ‘n a Monday mornin’.”

Rarity sighed. “I…was afraid of that.”

“Don’t worry yer pretty ‘lil head ‘bout it none.” She patted Rarity on the back. “Yer lookin’ mighty pretty anyhow.”

A warm rush of blood flooded her cheeks again as Rarity felt that strong hand against her shoulder. “Thank you, darling…” She cleared her throat quietly and fiddled with her purse. “You…do know how to make a girl feel welcome.”

“Just tryin’ to be a good friend is all.” Applejack put an arm around her shoulder and chuckled. “Do ya want a cup a coffee er somethin’, sugarcube? Ah got myself a thermos ‘n my bag.”

“I had some this morning, but thank you very much for the offer.” Rarity bit her lip and wiggled her tongue around inside her mouth in an effort to gauge whether or not her breath might betray her lovely appearance. “…I don’t suppose you happen to have a stick of gum, dear?”

“Sorry.” AJ shook her head. “Kinda surpisin’ that ya’ll don’t carry mints er somethin’ with ya.”

“I usually do…” Rarity opened her purse to look inside. “But…as I feared, I am all out.”

“Shucks.” Applejack reached into the pocket of her jean skirt for some change. “How ‘bout Ah buy ya some mints from the vendin’ machines by the lockers.”

“You don’t have to go out of your way, darling.” Rarity smiled warmly up at her and shook her head. “I can certainly buy my own if the need arises.”

“It ain’t no problem.” Applejack shrugged and lowered her arm. “Tell ya what, if Ah buy ya some mints, how ‘bout ya save me a seat at lunch. Sound good?”

This deal Applejack was proposing was more ceremonial than anything else. Rarity always saved seats for all her friends, and she knew Applejack was just trying to find an excuse to do her a favor. It wouldn’t be any problem to buy her own mints, but there was something about the way Applejack was speaking to her that encouraged her to agree. “I suppose…I have no objections then.”

“Good.” AJ beamed at her and shifted her backpack a little on her shoulder as they walked through the front doors. The school was already packed full of teenagers walking in every conceivable direction through every hallway, but getting to their lockers was easy enough as long as they followed the traffic moving in that direction. Before they reached their lockers, Applejack quickly slipped a dollar bill into the nearby vending machine and selected a small box of mints. Rarity gratefully accepted and immediately popped one into her mouth to calm her fear of bad breath.

With a loud pop, AJ opened her locker door and jammed her backpack inside after picking up her math book. Rarity daintily opened her own locker a few feet away to put her purse away. She took out an even smaller purse that she kept at school for writing utensils, slinging the small leather bag over her wrist. The inside mirror she had glued to the backside of the locker door gave her the chance to quickly check her appearance yet again. Thankfully, her dark purple lip gloss was still vibrant and seductively shiny as ever, so with a smile, she closed her locker door.

“Hey, Rare?” Applejack walked the few feet towards her with her book hanging by her side in one hand. “Could Ah trouble ya fer a pen?”

“Oh, yes of course, dear.” Rarity nodded her head and held out a sterling silver ball point pen with her initials inscribed onto the casing.

Applejack looked the pen over. “Uh…are ya’ll…sure Ah can use this?”

“Of course.” Rarity looked up at her. “Is…something wrong with it?”

“No, no nothin’s wrong.” She gingerly held the pen up a bit higher to hand it back to the fashionista. “It’s just…It’s so nice that Ah’m afraid Ah might break it. Ah don’t suppose ya’ll got a less nicer one, do ya?”

“I’m afraid not.” Rarity shook her head and reached out with one hand to close the country gal’s fingers around it. “Consider it a gift in exchange for the mints you bought me.”

“Ya sure?” AJ raised an eyebrow at her. “Ah can always get a pen from Rainbow later. Besides…no box a mints is worth somethin’ this nice.”

“Nonsense.” Rarity patted the top of AJ’s hand and smiled up at her. “Please take this, darling. It would make me happy to know you have something you need.”

“Shucks…” To Rarity’s surprise, Applejack’s cheeks turned a bit pink, making her adorably cute dimples stand out on her cheeks. “…Thanks, Rare. Ah really appur-ciate it.”

“That’s ‘appreciate’, darling.” Rarity giggled at her. “And I’m very glad you do.”

“Ya’ll know what Ah meant when Ah said it.” AJ rolled her eyes with a sheepish grin.

“D’aww…” A new voice cooed. “Are you two having a moment?”

Both girls turned to see a new face. Pinkie had her hands on her cheeks, pressing them together in a funny face. She was wearing a bright pink skirt with polka dots and a ruffled blouse covered in candy stripes. “Hi-ya, Pinkie.” Applejack greeted her with a tip of her hat. “Mornin’.”

“Good morning, Pinkie Pie.” Rarity smiled at her as she felt a bit of amusement. “You look very festive today.”

“Thanks! Today is Candy Appreciation Day! My favorite is swirl pops! Wanna swirl pop?” She asked, holding out a small lollipop in both hands.

“Sure.” AJ immediately took one and unwrapped it.

“I…I’m afraid not, dear.” Rarity sighed, shaking her head. “I do want one, but my figure would never allow it. I’m terribly sorry.”

Pinkie shrugged. “More for me then!” She unwrapped the candy and began sucking on it, the little stick of the lollipop wiggling back and forth between her lips.

“Are ya’ll still watchin’ yer figure?” Applejack chuckled as she began sucking on the candy. “Ya know yer gettin’ a bit too thin.” She reached out to poke Rarity’s very slender waist, making her blush incredibly hard.

“You can never be too thin, dear.” Rarity huffed proudly with her chin held high. “Or too pretty for that matter.”

“I dunno.” Pinkie shrugged. “I’ve heard about soap opera stars getting too thin and ending up in the hospital. You know what they need? Candy.”

“See, sugarcube?” AJ chuckled again and crossed her arms under her chest. “Bein’ too thin ain’t a good thing.”

“I don’t believe I have the faintest idea what you’re talking about.” Rarity huffed again.

“Oooooh!” Pinkie cast her eyes up and down Rarity’s hips. “I love that skirt!”

“Thank you.” Rarity smiled gratefully.

“It makes your butt look cute!”

“W-What?” Rarity felt her face turn bright red again and her ears began to tingle with heat.

“She is kinda right, ya know. Yer butt sure does look mighty fine ‘n that there dress yer wearin’.” AJ chuckled harder and pointed at her hips. “Must be a real feat fittin’ into them tight skirts, huh? Gotta say, Ah don’t think Ah could do it.”

“Way to go, Rarity!” Pinkie giggled loudly. “Sexy booty all the way!”

The heat drawn up into her face was becoming unbearable as Rarity began fanning her face with her free hand. “If you two are quite finished...” She took a step between them and began walking towards the bathroom doors down the hall. “…I believe I shall excuse myself from this conversation.”

“Back-back-back-back it up!” Pinkie wiggled her hips as she began singing something neither girl recognized. Applejack just chuckled loudly as she put the pen she received into her pocket, and Rarity covered her embarrassed face with one hand while using the other to open the bathroom door and step inside.

As much as she was flustered, and even a bit annoyed at the flamboyant party animal, Rarity did feel extremely flattered. It was very satisfying to be told she was pretty, regardless of how crudely it was said. As she looked at herself in the mirror, doing her best to regain some sense of dignity, she wondered if her skirt was working too well on drawing the eyes away from her face. That had been the idea, but as she turned to face away from the mirror to wiggle her rump to get a better view, it dawned on her that she may have gone a bit too far with her outfit.

A giddy smile spread across her face as she mulled over Applejack’s compliments to her. The specifics the country gal had noted were far more personal and provocative than the usual praise she received. Maybe, just maybe, the skirt wasn’t enough. If she was to truly capture Applejack’s attention, then she needed to go even farther.

The sound of a flushing toilet brought Rarity back to reality, and she hastily began to wash her hands, doing her best to avoid looking anymore out of place than she already felt. She didn’t turn her head to see who this other person might be, focusing her gaze on the running water.

“Whoa.” Came another all too familiar voice. “Nice. Very nice.”

Rarity spun her head around to face exactly who she thought she’d see. “Pardon me?”

“I’m talking about your skirt.” Rainbow Dash giggled with a cute little crackle in her voice. She stood by the sink wearing a grass stained pair of school gym shorts and an obnoxiously loud tank top that looked like it had been fashioned from an old sports banner. She began washing her hands with a dopey smile.

“Ah, yes…the skirt.” Rarity dried her hands off with a couple paper towels. “Must you greet a lady with such a brutish overtone?”

“I knew what…like, five of those words meant.”

“Of course you did.” Rarity scowled and threw the paper towels away.

“What’s up with the outfit?” Dash asked. “You look like you’re going to a job interview or something.”

“A good morning to you too, Ms. Dash.” Rarity frowned at her.

“I’m only kidding.” Dash giggled again. “But seriously. It’s nice.”

“Thank you…” She cleared her throat. “How are you this morning?”

“Awesome as usual.” Dash dried her hands off on her tank top with that same grin. “You?”

“I’m doing well.” Rarity quickly covered her mouth as she felt a yawn coming on.

“You look tired to me.” Dash made her way to bathroom door. “You might wanna try taking a nap in class.”

“That is a horrible idea. I cannot believe you would consider doing something so irresponsible.”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Whatever. See you at lunch?”

“Quite…” Rarity lowered her hand. “Oh, and Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah?” Dash stopped at the door.

Rarity put a finger up to her nose and gave her a stern look. “No sleeping in class, understand?”

Dash rolled her eyes again with much more enthusiasm. “Fine…Whatever.” The athlete left the bathroom in a rush, and Rarity could see her running down the hall through the open door. Once she was alone to herself again, she turned back to the mirror.

Now feeling more self conscious than ever, she ran her hands down the sides of her hips, feeling the soft stretchy fabric of the attention grabbing skirt. A part of her considered running out to her car to fetch an emergency outfit to change into, but before she could even entertain the idea, the school bell sounded. With only a couple of minutes left to get to class, she sighed and rushed out of the bathroom with hurried feet.


Rarity had managed to get through the whole school day without much incident. The one mishap she was not particularly fond of was Pinkie’s and Dash’s combined enthusiasm for her to show off her skirt at lunch with all the girls gathered around their usual table. Both energetic girls chanted “Show us! Show us!” in tandem together for nearly half a minute until Rarity finally obliged their requests. She had gotten out of her seat and made a short little twirl before receiving a standing ovation from her friends. Even little Fluttershy had offered up a couple quiet little claps of her own. It was definitely not the peaceful lunch she had hoped.

By the time school let out, Dash and Sunset were already on their way to practice, and unsurprisingly, Fluttershy went with them to watch. It was hard to deny the school wide excitement and anticipation in the air. The playoffs had begun a week prior, and the Wonderbolts were favored to play in the final game against Crystal Prep’s Shadowbolts. Arguably, Rarity might just be the least excited out of all her friends when it came to the upcoming soccer games. She never did much care for sports, although she could partially appreciate the performance and showmanship that many sporting events displayed. Her most favorite part when attending her friend’s games was the colorful dancing of the cheerleaders and the color coordination of the fans in attendance.

After her final class, her mind played with the idea of designing cheer outfits for all her friends as she put her small school purse away in her locker in favor of her usual one. As usual, she freshened her lip gloss and eye liner while using the small mirror inside her locker like she always did everyday after school. In reality, she knew it wasn’t necessary, but it gave her an excuse to loiter around her locker until Applejack came by to fetch her things.

Sure enough, Applejack did arrive. “Hey-ya, Rare.” She greeted her, quickly putting her things away and shouldering her bag.

“Good afternoon, Applejack.” Rarity closed her locker door and turned to face her with as much grace as she could muster, batting her long lashes a couple times. “How were your classes?”

“Fine…” AJ grunted and crossed her arms. “Ah ain’t much fer math, gotta say... But Ah guess it ain’t the worst thing ‘n the world.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, darling.” Rarity put a hand gently against her shoulder. “Are…you having trouble with your classes?”

“Nah.” She shook her head and smiled back at her. “Ain’t like that. Got As ‘n Bs ‘n all my classes, but it don’t mean Ah like ‘em all that much.”

“I see…” Rarity brought a pensive finger to her chin. “So, pardon for asking, but do you study often?”

“Uh, Ah guess. Probably not as much as Ah should, but yeah...sometimes.” AJ leaned against the lockers and scratched behind her ear for a moment, pushing back her long blonde hair. “Ah’d like to go to college someday. It’d make me the first ‘n my family, ‘n Ah know Granny Smith would be right proud a me.”

“That’s a very noble ambition.” She replied.

“Thanks. Gotta set a good example for my ‘lil sis too. So uh, how were yer’s?”

“Mine?” Rarity asked, pointing to herself.

“Yeah. Yer classes.”

“Oh…” Rarity blushed softly and turned away, feeling rather silly. “They were as to be expected. Right now, I’m just grateful that the day is over.” She yawned into her hand and closed her eyes for a moment. “I’m afraid I possibly need sleep more than I anticipated.”

“So, yer tired?” AJ asked. “Wouldn’t it be easier just to say yer tired?”

“Would it?” Rarity tapped her chin again. “I suppose…”

“Well, how ‘bout Ah take Sweetie Belle home with me. She ‘n Applebloom can play, ‘n ya’ll can have yer house to yerself ‘n catch some more Z’s.”

“You would really do that for me?” Rarity looked up at her with adoring eyes. “Darling, I would be eternally grateful. Heaven knows just how much noise that little hooligan can make after eating pizza and drinking soda for lunch.”

AJ let out an amused chuckle. “Ah hear ya. Sometimes Ah catch Applebloom makin’ a blanket fort at two ‘n the mornin’ listenin’ to music.”

“Yes…our little sisters can be a handful sometimes.” Rarity bit her lip to keep from yawning again, but it was her tummy that made a noise this time. “My apologies, Applejack.” She put a hand over her flat navel. “I get hungry when I’m tired.”

“Tell ya what, sugarcube.” AJ grinned cheerfully and put an arm around her. “How ‘bout you ‘n Sweetie Belle both come over. Granny Smith’s got a big ol’ pot a stew from last night that needs eatin’, and Ah don’t mind it none if ya’ll wanna take a nap ‘n my bed.”

“Oh, darling, heavens no. I couldn’t possibly inconvenience you in such a manner.” Rarity became very flustered as she felt Applejack pull her close to her side.

“Would ya stop yer frettin’, Rare?” AJ chuckled and took her hat off to place it on top of Rarity’s head. “Our family could really use the help eatin’ the pile a leftovers from last weekend’s picnic. Ya’ll be doin’ us a favor. Plus, Ah got me one of them fancy foam pillows Ah know ya like.”

Rarity tilted the hat back to cast her eyes up at her tall, strong friend. “You…truly don’t mind? I would be a terrible guest if I at least didn’t bring something. What kind of flowers would your grandmother prefer?”

“No flowers, sugarpie. My family ain’t gonna care, ‘n Ah ain’t gonna care neither. Just come with, ‘n Ah promise yer gonna be full ‘n cozy like a big ol’ teddy bear.”

“Interesting metaphor…” Rarity giggled softly and nodded her head. “I…accept your invitation. Thank you.”

Applejack took her hat back and placed it on her head with a satisfied grin. “C’mon, sugarcube. Ah bet ya Applebloom’s waitin’ by my truck with yer sister as we speak.” She gently squeezed Rarity’s hand for a moment as a physical cue to follow behind her.

After a very short walk outside through the hustle and bustle of students eager to leave, they approached the back of the lot where their cars were parked. It was no surprise to see the back of AJ’s truck bed folded down from the rear with three girls sitting on the edge all tightly scrunched up next to each other. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom sat on the outside while Scootlaloo sat in the middle, her phone extended in one hand as they trio of girls made funny faces at the camera. When they saw the upperclassmen approaching, they waved their hands in the air and spoke in unison. “Hi, Rarity! Hi, Applejack!”

“Howdy, girls!” Applejack greeted them and tossed her little sister her bag where it was then tossed deeper into the bed of the truck next to Scoot’s scooter.

“Good afternoon, ladies.” Rarity politely waved three fingers at them with a smile. “I do hope you three haven’t caused any unnecessary trouble.”

“We’ve been good!” Scootaloo nearly shouted. “Everything is A-ok!”

“Well c’mon now.” AJ waved them back from the edge and closed the gated flap of the truck. “Time’s a waistin’ when there’s stew waitin’ at home.”

“Oh yum!” Sweetie Belle leaned up against the side of the bed with her friends. “Can I come?”

“Ohohohoh! Me too!” Scootaloo threw her hand up.

“Ah don’t see why not, just as long as all ya’ll ain’t gotta be home any time soon. Just sit still ‘n don’t move ‘round too much back there.” AJ told them as she opened the driver’s door and hopped in. Rarity approached the passenger side door and was surprised to find that two firm pulls were necessary to open the creaky, rusty old door. What was worse was the flannel blanket used as a seat cover had the ugliest colors which did not match the interior.

“Are you coming too, big sis?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I am indeed. Someone needs to make sure you three stay out of trouble.” She teased, effectively earning a loud groan of disappointment from the three crusaders. Rarity ignored them and gingerly hoisted herself inside the cabin of the truck, ducking her head to be sure she didn’t ruin her styled hair. To her utter dismay, the interior smelled oddly like old hay with the faintest scent of stale cigarettes. She thought the smell probably still lingered from the last owner of this less than stylish vehicle or this truck was shared by the entire Apple family. It would be very rude to point out the smell, so Rarity resigned herself to suffer in silence.

“Comfy, sugarcube?” AJ asked as she started up the truck.

“Um, yes I believe so.” Rarity forced herself to say as she uncomfortably shifted her weight on the flannel blanket before buckling herself in.

“Ya’ll might wanna move that there blanket. It’ll probably mess up yer pretty outfit.” AJ gave her a chuckle while backing the vehicle up, using a free hand to point to the floor.

Rarity did as she was suggested and tossed the blanket onto the floor where she rested her feet. “Thank you, darling.” Without replying, Applejack threw the truck in gear and roared out of the parking lot and down the street. The three crusaders in the back cheered and hollered as the truck bounced and jerked through the tight cornering. “Must you madly drive as if you’ve stolen this vehicle?” Rarity gulped hard as she felt herself get tossed around in her seat.

“Sorry.” AJ eased the vehicle into a comfortable cruising speed and gave her teasing smirk. “Ah ferget Ah got precious cargo sittin’ next to me.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and turned away from her, but she did this mostly to hide the reddening tint on her pale white cheeks. One downside to having gorgeous skin was how easy blushing could be. “Darling, you are quite incorrigible...”

“Ah’m only teasin’, Rare.” AJ nudged her shoulder and chuckled. “Sugarcube, sometimes Ah worry yer wound too tight.”

“I’m…sorry.” Rarity sighed and folded her hands on her lap. “I truly am sorry you think so. I really don’t try to be.”

“No need to apologize none, Rare.” AJ put a hand on her knee and smiled warmly. “Ah’m just sayin’ that Ah worry ‘bout ya. That’s what friends do.”

“Thank you…” Rarity blushed even deeper and folded her ankles together. “Sometimes…I am amazed at your ability to relax.”

“It’s easy.” The country gal tipped her hat back and shrugged. “The secret is just givin’ it a try.”

“If only it were so easy for me...” Rarity looked out the window again.

The truck went over a few more bumps, and each time, the crusaders threw their hands into the air and screamed as if they were on a roller coaster. After a couple of minutes, Applejack took a turn down a very long dirt road that forked off a busy street on the outskirts of the suburban community. “Ya know what?” AJ asked.

“Hm? Pardon? I didn’t quite catch that.” Rarity continued to stare listlessly out the window.

“Ah think Ah should try givin’ ya’ll a shoulder rub later.”

Rarity’s head turned quickly away from the window in surprise. “I beg your pardon?”

“A shoulder rub, sugarcube. Ah said Ah think Ah should ‘n give ya a shoulder rub.”

An exquisite blush spread across Rarity’s face. “O-Oh, heavens, darling! That really isn’t necessary!”

“Sure it is!” AJ chuckled. “Ah give Big Mac ‘n Granny Smith shoulder rubs all the time. Trust me, it’ll help ya relax. Ah probably ain’t as good as yer fancy shmancy spa, but Ah know what Ah’m doin’ sometimes. Besides, ain’t nothin’ better than a shoulder rub ‘n a piece a hay to chew on.”

“You…really don’t have to, darling.” Rarity cleared her throat and shook her head.

The truck pulled to the right down another dirt road lined with various sizes of apple trees. “Ah know Ah don’t have to, sugarpie. Ah want to. And Ah ain’t takin’ no fer an answer.”

“Really, I couldn’t possibly put you out and inconvenience you anymore than you already are. It would be very inappropriate of me to impose like that.”

“Nope.” AJ grinned at her and shook her head. “Ain’t havin’ none a that. Yer gonna eat my food, have a shoulder rub, ‘n take a nap ‘n my bed. If ya don’t, Ah’ll tell Granny Smith yer bein’ a pill, ‘n she ain’t gonna be nice about it.”

Rarity bit her lip and ran a hand through her quaffed, curled hair. “I…suppose I have no choice then…”

“Good!” Applejack slammed the breaks and ripped the parking break, making the truck skid to a stop a few feet. All three crusaders hopped out of the truck and began jumping back and forth behind nearby trees while throwing the old apples on the ground at each other. “Girls!” AJ hollered as she hopped out of the truck. “Stop usin’ the rottin’ fruit as toys, ‘n go wash up.”

“One-two-three last one to Applebloom’s room is a stinkbug!” Scootaloo screamed at the top of her lungs. All three girls dropped the apples in their hands and sprinted for the front door of the big country style home.

Rarity stepped down from the truck and brushed the backside of her skirt off. Her face was still sporting the reddish tint from earlier as Applejack led them up to the front door. “Hey, Apple family! Ah’m home!” AJ hollered from downstairs.

“Howdy.” A very gruff and heavy voice echoed from the living room where Big Mac was sitting, wearing a pair of dirty overalls. Applejack walked over to him and proceeded to mess up his short blonde hair. He remained motionless with an unamused frown.

“How’d the delivery go down ‘n Appaloosa?” AJ asked him as she pressed her hat over his face.

“Good.” He stood up and pinched her in the shoulder, and she responded by nudging him in the ribs. It was almost funny to see this near giant of a young man get rough-handled by a little sister half his size. Rarity stood by the front door, feeling very self conscious of her own presence. It seemed like Applejack’s family was very friendly towards each other, even exercising the freedom to playfully tease one another. This was something almost foreign to her, and a realization hit her. As much as she loved her own family, she never truly related to anyone in her household. Applejack, on the other hand, seem to relate to everyone she lived with.

“Hello there, youngins!” An elderly woman’s voice greeted from the kitchen threshold. “Yer just ‘n time fer some fresh apple cobbler.” Granny Smith nearly dropped her jaw when she saw their guest. “Well Ah’ll be a jumpin’ bean ‘n a rain barrel.” She hobbled over towards Rarity and grasped her hands. “Is that really who Ah think it is?”

Applejack put a hand on Rarity’s shoulder. “Sure is, Granny Smith. I brought home-“

“Rarity!” Her grandmother finished for her. “Why, Ah haven’t seen yer pretty face since yer freshman year. My how ya’ll grown up! Why, yer prettier than a brand new pair a polished boots!”

Finally, a metaphor she could relate to. With a polite smile, Rarity shook her hand and accepted a quick hug from the older woman. “Thank you ever so much, Mrs. Smith.”

“Oh, child.” She laughed. “No one call me Mrs. Smith no more. Granny is fine.”

“Um, as you wish…Granny.” The word felt very awkward coming from her mouth, but it seemed to please the freckled grandmother.

“Ah thought Rarity here could help us eat up some a that leftovers from last weekend.” Applejack put her arm around Rarity’s waist. “She’s gettin’ mighty thin, huh?”

“She sure is, youngin’!” Granny nodded. “A few pounds lighter ‘n Ah’ll have to tie a string ‘round yer ankles so ya don’t float away.”

Rarity giggled and politely covered her mouth. “I’m not entirely sure what to say.”

“How ‘bout ya’ll have some pie before dinner.” Granny gave her cheek an affectionate little pinch. “Want some pie, Applejack? Big Mac?”

“Yeeup.” Big Mac nodded and made his way to the kitchen, giving Rarity a polite smile. While he was passing the stairs, the three crusaders bounded down the steps, all three running right into him and falling onto the floor.

“Girls! The house ain’t no place fer horseplay, ya hear?” Applejack scolded them from across the room. Not one of the girls bothered to even turn their heads.

“We meet at last, evil knight!” Scootaloo pointed a finger up at him. “Your strength is no match for our combined power!”

Sweetie Belle joined in on the fun. “Prepare to be defeated at the…uh…hands of our…wrath? Yeah, at the hands of our wrath!”

“Charge!!” Applebloom put her shoulder into Big Mac’s side and began pushing with all her might. The other two did the same, leaving Big Mac standing there with an expressionless level of enthusiasm.

“Are…they always this rambunctious?” Rarity asked. “I sincerely apologize if Sweetie Belle has been behaving like this every time she visits.”

“Not to worry, child.” Granny Smith shook her head. “Ah’m sure Big Mac is havin’ just as much fun. Right, Big Mac?”

The young man turned to face them with a half smile before continuing to walk into the kitchen. “We did it, girls!” Applebloom shouted. “The evil knight’s retreatin’ to his castle!”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both threw their hands into the air. “Hooray!!!”

Author's Note:

Thank you for joining me today to christen a new beginning for Canterlot High's favorite odd ball pair. :raritywink::ajsmug:
This new heart throbbing journey continues next weekend, so stay tuned for more Equestria girls romance!
As always, your comments are deeply appreciated. ^_^