• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,561 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Rivals Return

For a long time, the only other world Equestria knew about, was the world dubbed as Marvel. It was the homeworld of their most prominent superhero Spider-Mane. It is also home to other great superheroes, such as Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man and The Fantastic Four.

However there are many other worlds besides those two. That included the world of Capcom, full of great heroes of it it's own, it's most prominent ones being Ryu, Chris Redfield and Dante.

Ryu is a martial artist that competes in the World Warrior Tournaments. He has mastered the art of the Hadou and constantly fights to become stronger and better.

Chris Redfield is an anti-BOW agent working with the BSAA, traveling the world to face Biological Organic Weapons. It is a demanding task but it's one he is fully committed to.

Dante is a devil hunter and head of the Devils Never Cry company. He is a very skilled mercenary and always finds a way to get the job done.

Together they are quite a team to be reckoned with, always ready for a fight, whether it's to save the world or for some friendly, and sometimes not so friendly, competition.

They have battled against many worlds across the Multiverse, including worlds known as Sega and Namco. But one world had given them the most trouble, the only world to push them to their limits.

That world was Marvel, home of the greatest superheroes (well some, there is another realm, but that's a story of it's own.)

Marvel and Capcom have clashed many times, starting with just the X-Men and The Street Fighters, before extending to other Marvel heroes such as The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, and one of the prize fighters, Spider-Man. Capcom brought others such as team Resident Evil, team Devil May Cry and their own little prize fighter, Mega Man.

Most recently they encountered a new world, the world of Equestria, where Marvel's own Spider-Man resided. They had gone there to find some of their villains that had invaded that world to look for Spider-Man, who at that point started using the moniker, Spider-Mane.

Several Capcom heroes went there, the first of them being their main guys; Ryu, Chris Redfield and Dante.

Unfortunately the rivalry between Marvel and Capcom was still too strong, it got to the point where the three aforementioned heroes had warned Spider-Mane to stay out and let them handle it. They had no trouble kicking the hero while he was down.

Others like Chun Li and Leon Kennedy however, knew to put the rivalry aside and actually worked with Spider-Mane and friends to stop the villains. When it was all said and done, there was some newfound respect between both worlds, plus respect for Equestria.

Ryu had vowed to train hard, he wants to be stronger than Spider-Mane, and believes he will be able to defeat him one of these days. It isn't out of hatred, but out of respect for another fighter.

Chris Redfield and his sister Claire had made friends with the Apple Family, as well as Rarity's family. Chris had a soft spot for Applejack and Rarity, due to them having younger sisters like he does.

Dante himself grew to have a soft spot for the Apple Family himself, especially Apple Bloom. The filly is, as Dante says, the little sister he would love to have. He has no problems showing off to the filly.

Capcom seemingly was done with Marvel and Equestria, but that isn't the case. There is much more to be told between the three worlds, and it starts now.

Twilight and Peter are seen making their way through the castles of Canterlot, having been summoned by Princess Celestia. Peter looked a bit out of it but Twilight looked really eager.

"This is so exciting, we just got a call to Canterlot from Princess Celestia! I wonder what she wants!? It must be important!"

Peter yawned, "It better be, why did we have to come in so early though?"

"You can never be too early to see the Princess Peter, besides she said so, now stop your whining," Twilight demanded.

Peter groaned as he walked down the halls of The Canterlot Castle. Within moments he and Twilight were in front of Princess Celestia's dorm.

"Here it is," Twilight said and turned to Peter. "Come on."

The two opened the door and saw three ponies. One was their beloved Princess and ruler, Celestia. The other two caught Peter and Twilight by surprise.

"Chun Li? Nathan Spencer?" Peter said at the sight of the two Capcom ponies.

Chun Li was the first to greet Peter, though not in a way Peter expected.

"Spider-Man! It's so great to see you!" Chun Li rushed in and gave Peter a nice hug, causing the hero to feel a bit awkward and causing Twilight to shift her eyebrow up.

Spencer groaned at his ally's apparent unprofessionalism. "Chun Li, we're not here to hug magical ponies, even if that pony is a superhero."

Chun Li blushed a bit and broke away. "Sorry about that, it's not because you're a Pony though Spider-Man, I just have a lot of respect for you."

Peter waved it off, "It's fine, and you can call me Peter. Technically I don't even go by Spider-Man anymore anyway, my superhero name here is 'Spider-Mane'."

Spencer scoffed, "Stupid sounding name honestly."

Chun Li glared at her partner, "Be nice, I think it's cute and clever." She turned around and ruffled Peter's hair, "Just like you are."

Peter found himself blushing at all of Chun Li's compliments, though Twilight didn't look too happy. Spencer himself questioned Chun Li's statement and her actions, though he knows Chun Li well enough by now to know why she's so interested in Peter.

Twilight cleared her throat to get Chun Li's attention, "Any reason why you're here though?"

Chun Li's ears perked. "Oh, that. I'll get to it then," Chun Li cleared her throat to speak. "Peter, on behalf of the Capcom world, we challenge you and your allies to another round of Marvel vs. Capcom."

Peter looked curious, "You want to battle us again? What for?"

"For one, it's pretty fun, I love fighting you guys, you're our best competition. Also with the portals closing again and this world being a bit harder to access, we don't know when we'll be able to challenge you again, so we want to take the opportunity to do so now," Chun Li said.

"But why me? Why are most of you Capcom dwellers so interested in me?" Peter asked.

"For one, you're a big icon to your world, rivaled only by Wolverine and The Avengers. Two, you're an even bigger hero now, so many including myself want that challenge of fighting you," Chun Li explained.

"You wanna fight me too? I thought you liked me?" Peter asked.

Spencer scoffed a bit. "That's an understatement, she's a big fangirl of you, at least according to Ken Masters."

Chun Li glared, "Watch it Spencer! I still outrank you!"

Spencer rolled his eyes and turned to Celestia, "The things i have to deal with."

Celestia shrugged and focused more on what Chun Li had to say.

"Anyway Spi-er I mean Peter. Though I want to challenge you, it's because I'm a fighter at heart, I tend to face those I idolize and respect," Chun Li grinned. "Besides I promise not to mess you your adorable face."

Peter blushed again, but Twilight grew even more agitated. "Can you please stop flirting with my husband? It's really awkward and it's kind of annoying."

Chun Li turned to Twilight with a sheepish smile, "My apologies, I'm still not used to him being married. You're very lucky Princess Twilight."

Twilight hugged Peter close to her, "Yes, I am lucky. He's all mine and I'm not sharing."

Soon another voice was heard, "Well isn't that super freaken adorable."

Twilight and Peter turned to the side where the voice was and soon encountered three other ponies. Three that looked very familiar and three that Peter really didn't care to see right now.

There was one with a red headband, bearing a confident smile to the Power Couple. Then next to him was a pony in a vest, bearing a displeased face at the sight of them. Finally, there was a pony in a long red jacket, and a cocky smile on his face. He was the one who got their attention in the first place.

The one in the vest spoke, "We finally meet again."

Peter groaned a bit, "Well if it isn't Ryu, Chris Redfield and Dante."

The three Capcom heroes approached Peter, glaring at him intently, leaving the webbed hero a bit curious, confused and defensive.

Dante stopped a few inches in front of Peter, his confident smile remaining, Peter getting increasingly suspicious.

"Sup Spidey, nice to see you again," Dante said, a bit ingenuine.

"Likewise I'm sure, any reason the three of you are here as well?" Peter asked, still suspicious of the trio.

Dante did a mock hurt face, "What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see us?" His smile returned, a bit more devious, "We're pretty happy to see you right now."

Peter arched an eyebrow, "Really? Because you've never been happy to see me."

"Actually we couldn't be more happy, especially with that challenge that Chun Li just issued you," Dante said and paused a bit as he closed his eyes, smile still remaining.

Peter looked a bit confused at Dante until he opened his eyes again and had a more serious looking face, "Because I would love nothing more than to get you back for the crap you pulled at that Crystal place, when you sucker punched me and my boys."

Chris stepped forward, "You have a lot of nerve pulling that crap, trust me when I say that you're going to regret what you did. Besides we have other reasons to wanna face you."

Ryu stepped up, "We have to...no, we NEED to prove our superiority over you."

Chris nodded, "The fact that you're considered the greatest hero in not one, but multiple worlds honestly infuriates us. What makes you so much better anyway!?"

Twilight stepped forward, "You mean besides the fact that he's saved the multiverse many times!? He's saved his world, mine and yours! If it wasn't for him The Green Goblin would have probably taken over your world after he took over ours!"

Dante rolled his eyes, "So tired of hearing that, anyone could have beaten that guy. Parker was just at the right place at the right time."

Twilight groaned, "You're so delusional! You know what? I think the only reason you're upset that Peter's considered the best is because you and your friends are jealous!"

Dante scoffed, "Jealous? Of what? Not running around in some stupid looking hero suit and marrying annoying pony princesses!?"

Twilight got in Dante's face, "How about the fact that he was summoned by a spell that specifically summons the greatest hero in existence!? Maybe you're bummed by the fact that neither of you or any of your other Capcom friends were chosen! That a hero from your rival world was! Is that it!?"

Dante just glared a bit at Twilight as Chris stepped forward, "Listen, it's cute that you wanna stand up for your nerdy husband but don't start putting words in our mouths. We could care less what some stupid spell said, we're just here to prove that wrong." Chris glared at Peter, "And we WILL prove it wrong when we defeat you in that challenge Chun Li issued you."

Peter waved his hooves a bit, "Hold on, I never agreed to the challenge."

Twilight nodded, "That's right, Peter doesn't have to accept your challenge, why should he anyway? He's got absolutely nothing to prove."

Dante groaned, "How about letting your husband speak for himself!?" He turned to Peter, "Or do you enjoy hiding behind your wife!?"

Peter glared at Dante, "I don't need to hide, just like I don't need to fight," He then turned to Chun Li. "I'm sorry, maybe years ago it would be fun but right now it's not something I wanna prioritize. Truth be told I'm not exactly into fighting that much, I only do so to protect others, not for entertainment. Nothing wrong with you doing it, I know it's your sport but it's not mine."

Chun Li nodded, "That's fine, I can respect that. I'm a little disappointed but you have a right not to partake in this, I don't think any less of you."

Ryu scoffed, "I do, apparently living in this world has turned Spider-Man into a coward."

Peter narrowed his eyes at Ryu, "Hey what'd you say karate boy!?

Ryu approached Peter with a condescending glare, "You heard me. You cheap shot us, you cause us trouble, and when confronted about it, you hide behind your wife. You have disgraced yourself and your honor."

Peter growled, "I disgraced my honor!? Look at you! I expect this attitude from Chris and Dante, but from you!? I thought you were the quiet mature one, turns you're just a punk like your buddies. I used to respect you, but now...you're a disappointment."

Ryu furrowed his brow at Peter, "Difference between you and me is, I'm man enough to fight for my honor. You're no man, just a boy that got lucky. If you refuse to fight, then we won't waste our time with a failure runaway like you."

Twilight stepped in front of Ryu, "That's enough out of you! Peter didn't run away! I summoned him here! He stayed because we fell in love with each other! Besides you wanna talk about cheap shots? How about when you three attacked Peter, Johnny Storm and Wolverine a few weeks ago!? THAT was a cheap shot. Then you all wanna gang up on him and attack him right after you disrespect my family! Peter was right in knocking you three out at The Crystal Empire! You're lucky that's all you get away with!"

Dante groaned loudly, "Will you shut your freaken face you stupid annoying sparkle-ass bitch!"

That was the last straw for Peter, he got right in Dante's face. "Don't you ever disrespect my wife like that you spoiled little-"

Before Peter could finish, Ryu struck him hard on the side, causing pain from Peter, then Dante hit an uppercut to make him stumble back. Chris finished the combo with a jumping knee to Peter's face, knocking him down.

This caused a large gasp of worry from the mares in the room, though Spencer had a non-caring attitude about it.

Peter started to get up as the Capcom guys approached him, though Twilight ran in front of them. "Get away from my husband!"

Dante knocked Twilight out the way and went after Peter again but this time Chun Li went in front of them. "Stand down!"

"Get out of our way Chun Li!" Chris shouted.

Chun Li stood her ground, "I won't let you hurt him anymore! Now get back this instant!"

The three 'heroes' stood their ground a little longer before Spencer cleared his throat. "Guys seriously, take five for now, don't make this worse."

The Capcom guys glared a bit at Spencer, then at Chun Li. They finally left without saying another word.

Chun Li helped Peter up, an apologetic look emerging on her face. "I'm so sorry about that Peter, I never should have let them come."

Peter coughed a bit then nodded, "It's fine Chun Li, I can handle a few punches. Though those guys are pretty strong, even Chris. I thought he was regular?"

"He's worked out quite a bit, he's getting on par with a World Warrior fighter, plus he's used to dealing with people that have super strength and endurance," Chun Li explained.

Spencer approached them, "Let's just head back, it's obvious Spider-Man doesn't wanna fight so-"

"Actually," Peter interrupted, "I'm probably gonna have to change my mind on that. If they wanna fight me so badly," he looked straight to Chun Li and Spencer, "Then it's on."

Spencer and Chun Li looked a bit surprised to hear this, though were happy to hear this. However Chun Li had a concern, "Are you sure though? You're not obligated, you shouldn't be...essentially forced into this."

"It's something I have to do, don't worry about me," Peter said.

Chun Li did a hesitant nod, "Alright, if you want to. Let's call your fellow heroes to Canterlot, we can explain this to them."

Peter nodded, "Oh, any chance some of Twilight's friends can come too?"

"Of course, you can even bring your other family too," Chun Li said.

Peter smiled, "Thanks, we'll send the message right away."

Afterwards Celestia had sent her message to Spike, summoning the Marvel heroes and Twilight's friends. They had to wait a while before any of them arrived, so time was passed by Peter and Twilight chatting a bit with Chun Li and Spencer.

"It's amazing what you've been through, especially as a couple, it's kinda cute," Chun Li said.

"And a bit sappy," Spencer said, a little bored.

"Come on Spencer, be nice," Chun Li said.

"Yeah, don't be such a grumpy pants," Peter joked, earning a glare from Spencer.

"You have quite a mouth Spider-Man, I wonder how your wife has put up with you these last...how long were you two married?"

"Four years, but we've been together for five. As for putting up with Peter well, while he can be a bit annoying at times," She pulled Peter in for a hug, "He can also be just as sweet, even more so in fact."

Peter chuckled, "I annoy her but she brings out the best in me, and that's all a guy needs from his wife."

Chun Li awed at that, "I'm so jealous of you Twilight, I wish I had someone like Peter."

Twilight grinned, "Well like I said before," She held him closer, "He's all mine, and nopony else's."

Peter chuckled nervously, "Gotta love a wife who cares that much about you." He turned Twilight as well. "Just like I care so much for her."

Before long, Princess Luna entered the room. "Your friends, family and allies have arrived."

Twilight nodded, "Thanks Luna, guess we should get going."

"Please hurry, those three ruffians known as Ryu, Chris and Dante have already encountered them. It looks like it could get bad," Luna said.

Twilight groaned a bit, "Those three I swear, come on."

Meanwhile in the other room, Ryu is seen staring down Logan, neither of them backing down.

"Why are you even here anyway?" Logan said.

"To finish what your friends and mine have started," Ryu answered.

"That so? Well I look forward to it bub," Logan said with a snarl.

Ryu continued his glare but noticed Johnny, Bobby, Remy, Laura and Janet approaching and backing up Logan.

Chris and Dante showed up to back up Ryu and themselves glared at the Marvel Heroes.

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Trixie, Spike and The Cutie Mark Crusaders were watching with a degree of concern. Rainbow Dash, Lightning Dust and Future Sweetie however looked to be ready for a fight. Rumble and Mayday sat and waited for Peter and Twilight to return.

Celestia watched and waited as Luna brought back Twilight, Peter, Chun Li and Spencer, just in time to prevent a possible fight.

"Alright everypony, let's simmer down," Twilight suggested.

Logan maintained his glare as he and his Marvel allies backed away from the Capcom Trio. Chun Li went to the center of the room to speak.

"Now, I know you're all wondering why you're here so I'll get to the point. Since the portals are closing and sealing our worlds forever, making it hard to reach certain areas, especially this one, I've decided to propose a challenge. One more battle between the Marvel World, and the Capcom," Chun Li said.

Logan raised his eyebrow, "So, another Marvel vs. Capcom thing?"

Chun Li nodded, "Right, and let's make it extra special. We'll host the fights right here in Equestria!"

That garnered some extra interest within the Marvel heroes, though the Capcom trio seemed unsure.

"Then we'd be ponies, wouldn't that kinda...make it look silly?" Dante said.

"What's so silly about us!?" Twilight asked.

"You're all magical talking ponies, kinda hard to take seriously," Dante said.

Chun Li rolled her eyes, "Dante we have plenty in our world that's hard to take seriously, look at Viewtiful Joe."

"She's got a point," Chris admitted.

"Still, seems a bit weird," Dante said.

Spencer spoke up, "You know if you fight Spider-Man in this world, then you have the chance to humiliate him in a world that admires him, thus furthering your claim that you're better than him."

Dante turned to his two allies, all have a sign of approval on their faces.

"Sounds good to us," Dante said.

"Yeah, this is our moment," Chris said.

"We, are superior," Ryu said.

Peter did a slight chuckle and glared, "Bring it on."

Chun Li nodded, "Then it's settled, Marvel vs. Capcom in Equestria. We'll spread the word in our world, you heroes can spread the message in your world."

"Wait, when will it happen?" Peter asked.

Chun Li tapped her chin, "Actually, I forgot to think of that part."

There was a loud collective groan across the room as Chun Li did a sheepish laugh. "Sorry, truth be told I wasn't sure if Peter would say yes."

"Aren't you glad we were here to convince him?" Dante smugly asked.

Chun Li approached Dante with a serious stare, "I am NOT happy that you attacked him the way you did."

"You did what bub!?" Logan asked and revealed his claws.

The other Marvel heroes looked ready for a fight as Ryu, Chris and Dante all got into defensive stances. However before anything could happen, Celestia stepped between the rival groups.

"Enough, there will be no more fighting, save it for the competition," Celestia said.

Logan groaned, "Fine," He retracted his claws and glared at the Capcom trio, "But once this fight officially starts, the three of you are fucked!"

"We'll see about that old timer," Dante taunted.

Luna approached Chun Li, "Before you leave, I must speak with you about something. It involves an enemy from your world."

Chun Li looked interested, "An enemy? Which one?"

"Come, I'd rather not bring it up here, it could cause worry for Peter and the others," Luna said.

Chun Li nodded and called to Spencer, "Spencer, I'm going to speak with Princess Luna, try to keep peace here."

"Will do," Spencer said.

Luna led Chun Li away to speak while Spencer went to the center, "Alright, like your Princess said, let's save it for the fight. Now Chris, Ryu, Dante, why don't you wait in the hall while Chun Li speaks to the other Princess."

Chris nodded, "Sure thing," he turned to his allies, "Let's go team."

As the three left the room, Applejack and Rarity went to follow them, joined by the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Spencer turned to the Marvel Heroes, "Hope you got someone good for me to fight."

"We'll find someone," Peter reassured.

Several of Peter's friends surrounded him for encouragement.

"Show them who's boss Peter!" Rainbow encouraged while throwing her fist in the air.

"We'll be rooting for you," Future Sweetie said with a touch of affection.

"You got this Peter, me and Mayday will be right there cheering you on!" Rumble said.

"Clobber them good Peter!" Lightning cheered on.

Spencer rolled his eyes, "Freaken Spider-Man fan club."

Back with the Capcom heroes, Applejack and Rarity had caught up to them as they went into the hallway.

"Hold it there guys," Applejack said, getting their attention.

"Hey Applejack, great to see you," Dante said, being genuinely friendly for the first time since coming back to Equestria.

"You too Rarity, hope you're doing well," Chris said.

"We're fine darlings," Rarity said.

"Though ah am curious, what's the point of this fight? Why do you need to fight?" Applejack asked.

"We're naturally competitive, we always want to be the best," Chris explained.

"That's fine and dandy, but don't y'all think you should lighten up a bit? You seem to take things a little too far," Applejack said.

"Yes, I mean why would you attack Peter?" Rarity asked.

Apple Bloom stepped forward with a saddened look on her face, "Better question, why do you hate him?"

Despite all the different types of monsters these three have faced, the dangers they've been through, and all the fighting in their lives, even they couldn't resist the cute and saddened eyes of Apple Bloom.

It didn't help when the other Crusaders, sans Babs, approached the trio with the same saddened expressions.

Dante groaned as he rubbed his head, silently cursing the fact that these ponies are way too cute.

"It's not that we hate Spi-er that we hate Peter, we just don't like him all that much," Dante said.

"Yeah, I mean why is he so overrated? He's just another superhero," Chris said.

"Not to mention he never takes anything seriously, he makes a mockery of things, bringing dishonor and disgrace to the battles," Ryu added.

Applejack sighed, "He may seem like that, but believe me, there's more to Peter than just that. Maybe y'all just need to get to know him better."

Dante raised his eyebrow, "Why would we want to do that? So he can drive us nuts? Honestly if there's one thing I hate the most is when someone talks more than I do."

"And Dante can be a blabbermouth in his own right," Chris pointed out, earning a glare from Dante.

"At least I'm not obsessed with the color green!"

"Hey, pardon me for having a favorite color!" Chris shouted back.

Rarity let out a small scoff, "I can't blame Dante, green's not the best color."

Chris raised his eyebrow at Rarity while Dante held back a chuckle.

"You got owned bro," Dante said.

"Why don't you just go and fill someone's dark soul with liiiiiiiight!" Chris said, mocking a quote from Dante.

"Go eat a Jill Sandwich!" Dante said.

"I didn't make that joke! Barry did!" Chris shouted.

"Right, because it's actually funny! You however, have a lame sense of humor!" Dante retorted.

"You wanna talk about Spider-Man being annoying, your jokes can be on his same level of stupidity!" Chris stated.

"Enough!" Ryu shouted. "You're both being immature, the last thing we need is for Spider-Man to see this, then he'll never shut up with his wisecracks. Now we must go and train, Chris you need to work on your power, Dante you need to work on your discipline, I must enhance my skills as well."

"Because they must defeat your Shoryuken to stand a chance right?" Dante joked, much to Ryu's annoyance.

Chris sighed, "Come on Dante, Ryu has a point." He turned to the ponies, "Sorry you had to see all of that."

"It's fine, it shows us that you aren't bad folks. Honestly ah hate that you have that reputation, you did help us big time before," Applejack said.

"You're also very kind with our sisters," Rarity said.

Chris looked down on the Crusaders with a smile, "I have a soft spot for little sisters."

Apple Bloom smiled back, "We like y'all too. Come by the farm again, maybe bring yer sister Claire."

"We'd love to, I wanna know what you've all been up to," Dante said, then finally addresses a question that's been on his mind the last few minutes, "Who is that by the way? That other filly with you?"

Apple Bloom looked back, she noticed he was asking about Babs. "That's mah cousin Babs, she's staying with us for a week, she wanted to see you guys as well."

Babs stepped up, "You guys look pretty badass, wish you were Peter's friends though. You'd make an awesome team."

"Right, they can be a superhero group! We just need a name," Scootaloo said.

"Talk about that later, or never, preferably the latter," Chris said, much to the disappointment of the fillies.

"We'll talk more later, we all need to get home soon," Applejack said.

"No problem, we'll see you some time, maybe before that big fight," Dante said.

Apple Bloom nodded, then went to give Dante a hug, "I still like you Dante, yer really nice."

Sweetie Belle then gave Chris a hug, "Try not to be too grumpy."

Scootaloo went to hug Ryu, "I can't wait to see you fight."

The three Capcom guys returned the hugs. Dante had to admit, Apple Bloom's really nice and cute, like a perfect little sister. Chris could see a little bit of Claire in Sweetie Belle, sweet yet somewhat bold. Ryu himself had a soft spot for the fillies, especially hearing of Scootaloo's struggles to be a great flyer and working hard for it. He can respect anyone, regardless of where they're from, that works hard at something.

Applejack nuzzled Dante a bit, "Please lighten up, if not for Peter, then for us."

Rarity gave Chris a small hug, "Tell Claire I said hello, and please try relax a bit."

Babs approached Ryu, "Can you punch a cinder block in half?"

Ryu raised an eyebrow, but couldn't help but smile. "I can punch at least 10 at once in half."

"Wowza! You gotta show me sometime!" Babs said.

During this, Apple Bloom pulled Dante's head down to whisper something, "By the way, ah could use yer advice on something, like how to impress a colt so he likes me the way ah like him."

Dante looked a bit surprised, then whispered back, "I'll see you in a few days, give me details then."

Apple Bloom nodded and broke away from her hug, everypony else doing the same. At that moment, Chun Li arrived with Luna and Spencer.

"Come on boys."

The trio nodded and walked off while waving good-bye.

"Ah wish they could get along, they ain't bad, just too stubborn," Applejack said.

"All we have to do is show them the Magic of Friendship, they'll lighten up," Rarity said.

"Ah hope so," Applejack said, still somewhat concerned.

Chun Li had prepared the portal back to her world, though still had a look of slight disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked.

"It's Vega," Chun Li said and turned to Spencer. "He's still alive."

Spencer looked surprised, "Wait, he is!?"

"He's currently in a place known as Tartarus, we'll go there another time, for now let's head back home, we need to spread the word on the fight," Chun Li said.

Spencer nodded, but looked a bit unsure about this. The Capcom Trio also looked curious, to know one of their enemies is still alive despite belief of the opposite.

Soon everypony else started to head home, excited for the upcoming battles.

"So Peter, you excited for this?" Rainbow asked.

"Not that excited, though I am curious," Peter admitted.

Johnny patted his back a little, "Show some enthusiasm bro, we're gonna do quite some ass-kicking soon."

"Pretty eager myself to give them bastards a good beating," Logan admitted.

Lightning scooted close to Peter, getting between him and Johnny. "You'll do well, I believe in you Peter."

Peter smiled at her gesture, "Thanks, means a lot Dust."

Future Sweetie also moved in close to Peter, getting between him and Twilight, "I'll personally be cheering for you."

"That's nice to know," Peter said.

Both mares gave Peter a hug, causing a huge blush on Peter's face, though a look of annoyance from Twilight.

"Why does everypony like getting really close to my husband?" She wondered.

Applejack approached her with a confident smile, "That's what you get fer marrying a really attractive guy."

Twilight continued to glare as Future Sweetie and Lightning Dust hugged Peter tightly. Somehow she misses when Peter didn't like being near Sweetie Belle and when Lightning didn't like being near Peter.

Rumble is seen playing with Mayday, or rather ticking her with his wing and mock-taunting her.

"Do you surrender?" Rumble asked playfully.

"Never!" Mayday said and continued to laugh while Rumble tickled her.

The other Crusaders kept watch, each having a blush on their face. They liked Rumble, his sweet nature, caring personality, and the fact that he keeps in shape (Sweetie Belle's favorite part). Apple Bloom realizes she has tough competition, she hopes Dante can give her an edge.

"Soon Rumble..." She muttered quietly.

Later at the Library, Peter is seen resting on the couch, thinking over the challenges. Twilight approached and sat next to him, "A lot on your mind?"

Peter nodded, "Yeah, can't believe there's gonna be another battle between Marvel and Capcom."

"It could be really exciting, though I am concerned for your well being. Ryu, Chris Redfield and Dante look to wanna make an example out of you," Twilight said.

Peter scoffed, "You know how many guys wanna make an example out of me? I'll be fine, but it just feels like this is unneeded. What do I have to prove?"

Twilight went closer to Peter, "How giving those guys a reason to respect you. I know you're not violent by nature and fighting isn't the best option to go, but in this case, I think it's best to communicate this in their language."

Peter nodded, "I guess you're right."

"Besides you can take them, probably all by yourself," Twilight said.

Peter rubbed his head nervously, "I wouldn't go that far, those three are the top fighters of their world for a reason. But I think I can handle them with a little teamwork, I know Johnny will be on my side," Peter called out. "Logan, you on my team!?"

"As long as you don't try and hug me again!" Logan called back.

"No promises!" Peter joked, then heard a *snink* sound and grew worried. "I'm just kidding!"

After a few seconds, he heard what sounded like claws retracting and let out a relieved sigh. "What a grump." He turned to Twilight, "Hug me."

"I'll do more than that," Twilight said with a sultry stare and grabbed Peter into a make-out session. Peter more than welcomed his wife's affection and hugged her close and both were at peace for the time being.

Soon another battle would be coming, Marvel and Capcom are about to clash again, this time in Equestria. What awaits the warriors on both sides?

Author's Note:

Capcom's back, and ready for a fight.