• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,561 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Realizing Love and Affection

Twilight and Peter are the top couple in Equestria, aside from Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, that's a known fact. Some argue they are the most powerful couple, with Twilight having saved Equestria on occasion and Peter being a famous superhero, Spider-Mane.

Some argue their love is the most powerful thing in Equestria as well. Their love has gone through a lot, and it gave them the strength to defeat several enemies, such as The Green Goblin and Albert Wekser.

Despite this, there are other attempts at romance. Johnny Storm and Rainbow Dash have gotten closer as a couple over time. Plus the fact that Peter's other friends have gotten closer with Twilight's friends.

Peter's friend Bobby has gotten a little more romantically involved with Rarity, then there's Remy who's really gotten closer to Applejack, and even Spike who's made progress with Janet Van Dyne.

Fluttershy wishes to be closer to Logan, and Pinkie wants to be closer to Deadpool. Perhaps it's time for Peter and Twilight to assist their friends in certain aspects.

One day Twilight's friends were gathered around at a picnic blanket. They each made some time to spend with each other like the old days. The slumber party was nice but they just wanted to go back to their usual thing. Besides their picnics have proven to be interesting thus far.

"This is what we need," Rarity said while sitting in the nice hot sun. "A nice day to relax."

"I'll say," Applejack added. "Having a nice small break from farmwork is nice."

"Totally," Rainbow said while resting against a tree. "Though I am wondering why we didn't invite the guys over."

Twilight looked through the picnic basket, "I just wanted to spend some time with you girls and Spike. While I love Peter very much, sometimes I miss the days where we used to just be together."

Twilight looked to the side, "Besides, after how they acted recently, I figured we could use some extra time to clear our heads."

The others nodded in agreement. The fact that their coltfriends got into fights over their affection wasn't really the greatest thing to experience.

"I'll be honest, although it was an odd thing to experience, part of me likes what they did, it shows that they care about us," Twilight said.

Rainbow nodded, "Guess so, besides Johnny did warn me he's the jealous type. Not sure why though, but if he's fighting for me then I should feel flattered."

"I just hate that Deadpool and Cheese were fighting, I really like them both, I hoped we could all be friends," Pinkie said.

"I had a feeling that bringing Janet to the Crystal Empire could go wrong, should have went with my gut," Spike said.

"Bobby is usually a darling, not happy with what he did but I guess I can't fully fault him," Rarity said.

"Ah don't get why Remy acted like that, he's usually pretty cool. Ah should feel flattered, but ah still wish it didn't come to that," Applejack said.

"I don't even know why Logan acted like that, all because I said a few things to Big Macintosh," Fluttershy gasped. "Maybe he does like me?"

"You haven't realized that by now Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked with blatant sarcasm.

Fluttershy looked a little upset from that, "Logan doesn't exactly give off a loving vibe. I'm not saying he's a bad pony, he's just not in touch with his feelings."

"Fluttershy, he likes spending time with you and he's nicer to you than anypony else," Rainbow pointed out.

"I wasn't sure if it was romance or just him being friendly," Fluttershy argued.

"Enough," Applejack said and turned to Fluttershy, "Look, maybe he does like ya, he does seem like a decent fellow, it couldn't hurt to ask."

"Wow AJ, pretty nice of you to say considering he beat up your brother," Rainbow said.

"First off he didn't beat up Big Mac, they were even," Applejack said in an almost defensive tone. "Second Logan already apologized and admitted he was out of line, ah don't hold grudges, it ain't exactly a good thing to do."

Twilight then shot a glare at Rarity, getting her attention.

"What? What is it Twilight?"

"Still, we shouldn't be too hard on them boys, they just care too much ah guess," Applejack said.

"Unfortunately they do, but I guess it's something we should learn to live with. Hopefully they'll mellow out," Twilight said.

"Yeah, Johnny knows what he's got after all," Rainbow boasted.

"You all have something special, I see great potential in all your relationships. I'm happy you all seem to have found your special some ponies," Twilight said.

"Yeah we do, not sure if we can come close to the love you have for Peter, but that's a goal worth aiming fer," Applejack said.

"Don't worry about comparing romances, just answer me, do your colts make you happy?" Twilight asked. That got a nod from Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

"It should be worth noting that Janet makes me happy too," Spike chimed in, much to Twilight's annoyance. "Ok seriously? Like Johnny, Bobby and Remy are perfect, even Peter's not that perfect, you'd think you can try to be happy for me."

Twilight sighed, "It's not that we're not happy, it's just so weird to see you in a relationship, especially with a girl that's had previous romance troubles."

"There's a reason, one I hope to get to the bottom of. Come on though, you gotta give her a chance, she isn't that different from Johnny, and you like Johnny," Spike said.

Twilight sighed, "Fair point, alright I'll see where this goes."

Spike did an 'oh yeah' gesture, "Thanks Twi."

"Alright, I guess after this we should go find our loves and see what they have to say," Twilight said.

Fluttershy nodded, "Right, I also need to go find Laura and make sure she's alright. She hates being without me too long, she gets a little...angsty."

"Wow, that mare really likes you ah guess," Applejack said.

"She does, I just wish she wouldn't act so childish. I hate having to scold her, I feel so guilty," Fluttershy admitted.

"Ah can relate to that, never liked scolding Apple Bloom, but some things must be done, it's all about love," Applejack said.

Fluttershy nodded, "I guess so."

As the picnic continued for the mares and Spike, the heroes are seen gathered near Sugar Cube Corner, they too had some thoughts to share.

"So, how did your loves handle what happened?" Peter asked.

"Rainbow Dash was pretty pissed, but she seems to have lightened up, saying gets why I did what I did," Johnny said.

"Rarity just told me not to act so uncouth, I honestly don't even know what that means though," Bobby said.

"Applejack said for me to be honest with my emotions whenever I'm worried,that's all she wants in a guy," Remy said.

"Pinkie was still upset, kinda worries me, she's never upset for this long about anything," Deadpool said.

"Spike isn't mad, just not too happy. But he'll put it behind us," Janet said.

"Didn't really have a chance to talk with Fluttershy about this stuff either," Logan said. A moment later he realized what he said. "Not that she's my love or anything but..."

"We get it Logan," Peter said in a slightly annoyed tone. "Anyway Twilight was mad but when we talked she wasn't as angry as I thought. She admits she normally feels the same way when other girls show interest in me, whether it be Black Cat, Future Sweetie or even Chun Li," Peter said.

"Guess we love them girls too much," Remy said.

"Tell me about it, I know I love Rainbow Dash, she makes me not wanna go back home," Johnny said.

The other heroes sans Logan seemed to nod in agreement.

"Damn straight mon ami, Applejack is a one of a kind girl, not gonna find many girls like her back in our world," Remy said.

"Totally, I want to stay with Rarity, she's the one for me," Bobby said.

"Spike's the most understanding guy I've been with in quite a while," Janet said.

"Truth be told Peter, we want with our girls what you have with Twilight," Johnny said, the others nodding in agreement.

Peter shrugged, "All I can say is be true to yourself and your feelings, and make sure you both have a mutual understanding of each other. Me and Twilight work so well because we balance each other out. While we have similarities we also have slight differences, but those differences also help our romance."

That got a confused look from the other guys.

"How so? Any examples?" Bobby asked.

"Simple, Twilight's a bit more strict about things, and I'm more laid back. So we balance out, she helps me become a little more attentive, I help her relax a little, it's push and pull," Peter explained.

The others seemed a little confused at that, to which Peter waved it off. "You'll figure it out, but I believe you can pull it off."

Johnny nodded, "Yeah, we will." He stood up, "I'm gonna go find my mare and make things right!"

The others sans Logan stood as well.

"Yeah, gonna show Applejack I love her!" Remy said.

"Gonna prove I'm not, uncouth, to Rarity!" Bobby said.

"I'm gonna let Spike know how much I care about him!" Janet said.

"I'll go find Pinkie and remind her why I'm the best one for her!" Deadpool said.

Peter chuckled and stood up, "Well then men...and Janet...get to it!"

The others then marched off while Logan approached Peter. "Parker, can I trust you with something that's been bugging me?"

Peter nodded, "Sure thing, what is it Logan?"

"It's about Fluttershy, let's say I do feel something fer her, how should I go about it?" Logan asked.

Peter seemed happy that Logan is finally gonna admit his feelings for Fluttershy. "For one, just be honest. Fluttershy just wants a guy that would be there for her when she needs one. She likes you Logan, you have a good chance with her. My advice, go for it."

Logan nodded, "Guess so...still, you know I haven't had the best time when it came to romance. You know how they usually end."

Peter placed his hoof on Logan's shoulder, "Logan, Twilight isn't exactly my first love either. She's the love of my life, but not the first."

"You only lost one girl Parker, I lost several," Logan said.

"Doesn't mean you should give up, you never know. I got lucky, the others are getting lucky, maybe this is your time," Peter encouraged.

Logan thought about it, all his previous romances, some ending in a bad way, others just never happening. Not to mention since this is a different world, his enemies wouldn't be around, or he hopes they wouldn't.

"I'll give it a shot, thanks Peter," Logan said, offering a semi-genuine smile.

"That's what best buds are for," Peter said with a wide grin.

"Yeah, don't push it Parker," Logan warned, causing Peter to smile sheepishly.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go find my lovely wife, see you later Logan," Peter said and left to go find Twilight.

Logan stood there a moment, thinking about what he needs to potentially do. Can he confess how he feels to Fluttershy? Will it work out well? Only one way to find out.

Peter arrived at the Golden Oaks Library where Trixie is seen reading a book while Rumble and Mayday are playing with toys.

"I'm home!" Peter said in an attempt to get everypony's attention.

"That's nice Peter," Trixie said, still too focused on her book.

Mayday however got up and ran to him, "Hi Daddy! Wanna play with me and Rumble?"

"Maybe later sweetheart, I need to speak to mommy first," Peter said.

"But she's not home, please daddy, I wanna play with you," Mayday said while giving her dad the puppy dog eyes.

Peter had very few weaknesses, it takes a lot to bring him down. But if there's one thing Peter can never withstand is the big puppy dog eyes of his daughter. Though in his defense, very few can look into those eyes and not feel love for this little filly.

Peter sighed in defeat and smiled, "Who am I to turn down my favorite little filly."

Mayday grinned and pulled Peter over to where she and Rumble were playing. She sat Peter down and went back to the toys. Peter faced Rumble, who gave a shrug and smile.

"So Peter, how have the issues between you and Twilight been? She lighten up yet?" Rumble asked.

Peter shrugged, "A little, I got her from 'I"m not happy!' to 'I get it but you need to relax'."

"Why were you so concerned anyway?" Rumble asked. "You and Twilight are the most loving couple, it was your love that helped you defeat that Goblin weirdo and that Wesker jerk, why get all jealous over that Flash stallion? He's a little dorky anyway."

"It's just more that he had the nerve to hit on my wife, I trust Twilight, but I hate seeing others hit on her, even if they're just joking, just ask Dr. Strange," Peter said.

"Yeah, she hates seeing mares hit on you, a lot of mares seem to crush on you it seems. Even Flitter and Cloudchaser said you're very handsome. I think Flitter liked you a little more, she owns a lot of your posters," Rumble said.

Peter shrugged, "Not the first time I've heard about that. Flattering, yet kinda weird."

"You're a handsome stallion, married to a beautiful mare. You're both very lucky,you just need to remember that," Rumble said. "Honestly I wish I had a pretty girl like you do."

Mayday gave Rumble a toy and nuzzled him, "Don't worry, she's probably closer than you think."

Rumble blushed a little and had a nervous laugh, though he wasn't too sure what she meant by that but once again it seems like he has girl trouble.

Peter also had to wonder what that meant. Obviously Mayday loves Rumble's affection, but he gets the feeling she likes Rumble a bit too much.

After a few minutes of playing, Twilight eventually came home with Spike, both of them noticing Trixie reading and Peter playing with the foals.

"I see everypony is enjoying themselves," Twilight said.

Peter quickly got up and approached Twilight, "So glad you're back!" He then grabbed Twilight and pulled her into an affectionate kiss, "How's the love of my life, also the greatest woman in existence?"

Twilight giggled, "You're extra romantic today."

"You give me a reason to be," Peter said and pulled her into a kiss, earning a giggle from Rumble, Mayday to giggle and playfully go 'ew', and Trixie to smile a bit before focusing again on her book.

Spike rolled his eyes a little, "Oh get a room you two."

Peter looked upstairs and grinned a little, "Good idea." He then lifted Twilight up bridal style and carried her to their room, causing Spike to roll his eyes.

"Wow, eager much?" Spike complained and made his way to the door, "I'm going for a walk, something tells me I'm not gonna wanna be here in a few minutes."

Trixie looked upstairs and had a small blush, "Maybe I'll take your advice. Mayday, Rumble, let's go outside for a moment."

Mayday looked confused, "Huh? Why? What's going on?"

Rumble however knew the reason, "Just listen to Auntie Trixie, let's go outside." He grabbed the little filly and went out the house with Trixie.

Upstairs, Peter has taken Twilight to their room and dropped her on their bed.

"Easy Peter, what has you so eager?" Twilight asked.

Peter chuckled a bit nervously, "Sorry, I guess I'm just ready to prove myself to you. I know I acted like an idiot at The Crystal Empire, I just wanna prove to you that I do love you, I love you more than anything."

"I know you do Peter, I'm not mad anymore about your fight with Flash. You're a loyal husband, maybe to a fault but loyal nonetheless," Twilight said.

"Still, I feel the need to remind you. Besides I love your affection and I love giving you affection. Plus I have even more to prove to you, especially after...well you know," Peter said.

Twilight sighed, "Peter...I thought you were past that Sweetie Belle thing."

"Kinda hard to get past a mistake like that, if anything it just helped me realize how much I value you. Future Sweetie is beautiful but she's nothing compared to you," Peter said.

Twilight giggled, "See, how can I be mad at you for all that? But if you really wanna remind me of your love, I won't stop you."

Peter eagerly grinned and crawled over Twilight, looking down on her, "Damn you look gorgeous right now."

Twilight pulled Peter further down, "Make me feel gorgeous Peter," She pulled him into a kiss, Peter more than returning the favor, keeping the covers over them.

Off with Johnny, he had returned to Rainbow Dash's home and looked around, "Dash? You around here!?"

"Johnny!?" He heard from her bedroom. He approached it and found Rainbow in her bedroom doing wing-ups.

"Oh there you are, I see you're working out a bit," Johnny said.

"Yeah, join me," Rainbow said.

Johnny nodded and went next to Rainbow Dash to initiate his own wing-ups.

"So, Rainbow Dash," Johnny began, "About what happened at The Crystal Empire, I-"

"Johnny," Rainbow interrupted. "I get it, you just got a little possessive. But please next time, show a little restraint. I can take care of myself, alright?"

Johnny nodded, "Right, won't make that mistake again, promise."

Dash nodded and grinned a little at Johnny, "Though I will admit, seeing you act like that is a bit of a turn on, the fact that you will fight that hard for a mare you like."

Johnny did a almost nervous laugh, "Guess so. You're too awesome to give up so easily."

"You bet I am, who else do you know has the combination of beauty and strength?" Rainbow asked.

Johnny gave an unsure face, "Um Dash, I know plenty of female superheroes, so..."

Rainbow blushed, "Oh, right, forgot about that."

Johnny then got closer to her for a peck on the muzzle, "But you are my favorite. Plus you're also awesome and athletic. You also have the prettiest eyes I've seen on a girl."

Rainbow blushed again, this time from flattery rather than embarrassment, "Oh...thanks for that, um", Dash cleared her throat, attempting to keep her cool. "Anyway, like I said, I'm not mad, so long as you don't pick anymore fights. I know you're better than that."

Johnny nodded, "I'll do my best."

After a few more reps, Rainbow Dash stopped and wiped some sweat off her head. Somehow that looked a bit attractive to Johnny, seeing Rainbow all sweaty, her body getting more toned by the second.

Rainbow caught Johnny staring and grinned at him, "You look happy."

"You're just so damn...hot," Johnny said.

Rainbow butted her flank against Johnny's."I know.

Johnny felt a sensation of giddiness, he had so many ideas on what to do with Rainbow Dash right now. Rainbow Dash could almost sense this, and one of her favorite things to do is getting Johnny all riled up.

She then passed by Johnny, getting close to him while flicking her tail around. She then passed again to nuzzle against Johnny, rubbing her whole back against his chin, then her rump, and finally ending with her tail, brushing under his chin.

Johnny could feel his heart pounding, his blood rushing in excitement, his smile getting wider and his fire emitting a bit. Rainbow Dash then went to Johnny stood before him, face to face, muzzles inches apart.

"Johnny..." Rainbow said slowly, batting her eyes, the same eyes he called pretty. She could hear him slightly pant in excitement. So she got in closer, closing her eyes, slowly going for a kiss.

This was too slow for Johnny, so he quickly leaned in and took the kiss and pulled her into deepen in. Rainbow was a little surprised at his quickness, then even more surprised when he threw her on the bed.

"Damn, you really want this don't you?" Rainbow said.

Johnny didn't answer, he just leapt on top of her to continue demonstrating his love for his mare, which Rainbow Dash didn't mind. Good thing they live in a place where there aren't too many neighbors, it was not gonna be quiet for the next few hours.

Meanwhile with Bobby, he had gotten back to the Carousel Boutique, and looked around for Rarity.

"Hey! Rares, you around here!?" Bobby asked.

"She isn't back yet," he heard a voice say. He looked to see Future Sweetie Belle going to greet him. "She's probably with Twilight still, and she mentioned passing by the store on the way home. Little me wanted some ice cream or something, though knowing Rarity, she's gonna buy plenty for herself."

Bobby looked a little confused by that, "Herself? Wow she likes cold things that much?" Bobby couldn't help but smile at his own joke.

Future Sweetie shook her head, "No, but she does eat a lot of ice cream when she's upset."

Bobby's eyes widened, "Wait! Did I upset her!? Was I that much of a jackass!?"

"I'm sure you were, but no it's not because of you," Future Sweetie said, somewhat annoying Bobby. "She's not upset at all honestly, I'm just noting that she would likely do that."

Bobby sighed a little, "Had me worried there Future Belle."

Future Sweetie rolled her eyes a little at her nickname, but she supposes he has to call her something. Truth be told it has occasionally been confusing being around with her younger self, both responding to the same name. Plus Bobby isn't the only one to refer to her as 'Future Belle', plus it's only for another month or so before she has to return.

"Look, despite what you may have done, Rarity isn't mad, at least not anymore. It's how she is, she'll get mad but it passes, because she really does care for you," Future Sweetie said.

"Glad to know that, I do love your sister, honestly I still can't believe she wants to date me, I would think a mare like her would want a fancy type boyfriend," Bobby said.

"According to her, she's had her share of 'fancy' lovers and they turn out bad. She sees somepony like Peter, who's very average, but at least he's himself. You're similar to Peter, with a little Johnny Storm thrown in. You act all cool and stuff, but you seem pretty level headed. My sister just likes how funny you could be and the fact that you're not pretending to be something, you're not afraid to just be yourself."

Bobby had a confident smile, "And they said my attitude would never get me a girl. Looks like I have all the tools then."

"Personally I think you just lucked out, don't let it get to your head," Future Sweetie warned.

Bobby gave her a slight grin, "Don't be jealous Future Belle, just because I choose your sister doesn't mean you won't get a guy."

"Excuse me, but I'm not attracted to you," Future Sweetie stated. "You're not bad looking, but you're also no Peter."

Bobby shook his head, "Do you seriously have a crush on Peter though? Haven't you outgrown that? Your younger version outgrew that, she found a new colt to obsess over. Besides Peter's married and has a daughter, it's not like you're ever gonna get him."

Future Sweetie blushed a little while looking to the side, "I know, but a mare can dream right? Not that it matters, I'm going back home in a month, I still won't see Peter anyway."

"Going back to the future? Why? You're better off staying here," Bobby said.

"I have to Bobby, me and Pinkie Pie rule Equestria together. I'm lucky to even be here right now, Pinkie is taking over and doing a great job at that, but I'm not gonna stay forever and leave her alone. Plus I do miss her as well, she's all I have left in my world, so she means a lot to me," Future Sweetie said.

"Oh right...I'm amazed you're like the Celestia of your time, that'd be like if I wielded Thor's hammer, awesome accomplishment," Bobby said.

During this, modern Sweetie came into the room while humming before noticing Bobby. "Oh you're back, gonna make things up to Rarity?"

Bobby nodded, "Sure am, luckily I don't think she's too mad, at least according to what your older self told me."

Future Sweetie looked a bit unhappy, "Can you not say 'older'? Just say 'Future', I don't want to feel old."

"Come on, you're not old, I mean how old are you?" Bobby asked.

Future Sweetie glared slightly, "That's none of your business."

Modern Sweetie tapped her chin, "Let's see, you're from 24 years in the future, add that to my age and your-"

Future Sweetie glared into her younger self's eyes, "Don't...answer that question!"

Modern Sweetie shrugged, "Whatever you say, I just know that Peter is technically quite a bit younger than you so-"


Modern Sweetie let out a defeated sigh, "Fine, I won't see anything," She then walked off. "Wow, you'd think you'd mellow out by your age."

Future Sweetie rubbed her face, "Was I really that annoying when I was younger? I owe an apology to so many ponies."

Bobby found this to be a bit humorous, suddenly he heard the door open.

"I'm home!" He heard Rarity say in a sing-song way.

"Hey sis! Your coltfriend's back! He wants to rock your world!" Future Sweetie said, causing a huge blush.

"Hey, guess what, you still are annoying!" Bobby said.

"That was intentional, unlike the little me who doesn't know any better," Future Sweetie said and walked off. "Have fun."

Bobby groaned in a whiney way when Rarity entered the room.

"Oh Bobby, you are here...and you want to...rock my world?" Rarity asked.

Bobby blushed and shook his head. "No! Well not like that I mean...I just wanted to talk, but if you want me to rock your world I'd be more than happy to...not that I want too right now! I mean not unless you're fine with it, because if you are then-"

"Bobby!" Rarity said, getting his attention. "Enough, you're starting to sound like Fluttershy."

Bobby nodded his head, then Rarity got closer to him with a loving smile. "Also, don't worry so much about what happened. It was a silly mistake and I forgive you. I'm almost flattered you went through all that, it shows you do care a lot, honestly I have wanted a stallion that would fight for me, not that I encourage any further violence."

Bobby had a relieved smile, "Good to hear, I promise not to overreact like that again. Sometimes I just worry though, you're very beautiful, a lot of stallions stare at you and it gets on my nerves."

Rarity kissed Bobby's cheek, "Don't worry about them, I only care for you."

Bobby nodded and pulled Rarity in for a kiss. "You're my little diamond Rarity."

"Aw, how sweet," Rarity said and pulled in for another kiss. Bobby then positioned them both to stand on their hind legs so he can pull her body closer to his.

Rarity could almost feel the cold radiating off him, yet his actions still warmed her heart, so it evens out. Rarity is just happy to have a colt that likes her for her, plus he's got a cute personality so that also works in her favor.

Rarity stopped the kiss a moment, "Let's go to my bedroom for a little more privacy."

Bobby nodded, "Lead the way."

Rarity escorted Bobby to her room, planning to resume their make-out session there.

With Remy, he had made it to Sweet Apple Acres and saw Apple Bloom out on the orchids with Big Macintosh. They were moving a few apple carts to the barn.

"Wonder if Applejack's back yet? She'd probably be helping Big Mac and Apple Bloom if she were," Remy said. He decided to approach the two siblings, "Mes Amis, you seen your sister Applejack?"

Apple Bloom shook her head, "Not yet, though are you still worried about if she's mad? Ah heard you really took it to Caramel."

Remy rolled his eyes, "Apple Bloom, this isn't something you should be concerned with."

Apple Bloom raised her eyebrow, "Why? Personally ah thought you sounded cool, fighting fer yer mare, kicking serious flank, yer a real badass Remy."

Big Macintosh cleared his throat, "That's enough Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom looked unhappy, "But Big Mac-"

"Listen to your brother," Remy said. "I ain't proud of what I did, I acted like an idiot. Unfortunately I just really love your sister, but it's not something I wanna encourage, so Apple Bloom, you gotta promise me you won't ever do anything that stupid, alright?"

"Come on, what's wrong with fighting fer yer love? All yer friends did, even Peter, that don't make you-"

"Apple Bloom, you gotta promise me. I don't wanna hear that you picked a fight with another filly over Rumble, whether it's your friends, those two rich fillies or any other filly you know," Remy said.

Apple Bloom blushed a bit, "Ah ain't gonna pick a fight with some other filly..."

"I should hope not, you're a smart little filly, don't make my mistakes," Remy said.

Apple Bloom looked up at him, "You didn't do anything that bad, like you said you love mah sister. I'm glad she has somepony like you."

"So am I, I'm glad I got a good mare and that she has such a great younger sister," Remy turned to Big Mac, "And a wise older brother to boot." He focused again on Apple Bloom, "Just promise me not to get crazy, that type of stuff can drive a person or pony away."

"Better listen to him Apple Bloom," they heard a voice say. Remy turned around and saw Applejack. "Hey there Remy."

Remy looked a little surprised, "Applejack? When did you get here?"

"Few moments ago, heard you telling Apple Bloom about the fight and warning her not to do that either, real nice of yah," Applejack said.

Remy blushed a little, "Just looking out for my favorite filly."

Apple Bloom approached Applejack, "He's a great guy, you really should give him a chance."

"Apple Bloom, go play with Babs, ah gotta talk with Remy," Applejack said.

Apple Bloom sighed, "Fine, but ya better not blow this sis."

"Apple Bloom!"

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and marched off with Big Macintosh while casting a few glances back to Applejack.

Applejack focused on the X-Men member before her, "Listen, ah know some weird stuff happened before but rest assure ah ain't mad, at least not no more. Ah know you acted like that because you seem like the protective type."

"You just mean a lot to me, simple as that Applejack," Remy said.

"Ah appreciate that, yer a great stallion Remy. Yer caring and you show me a lot of respect. You treat me with delicacy but you don't make me out to be helpless either. You seem to have it balanced fer the most part. But I'm gonna need yah to cool it a bit with all that. You can show me affection but you gotta understand that a few stallions have a thing fer me too."

Remy just offered a nod, showing he understands the situation.

Applejack continued on, "Don't worry if some guy hits on me ok? Just remember that you are the one who has me as their marefriend. Plus I'll be sure to remind the guy I'm taken by such a sweetheart. You are the sweetest guy I've had the pleasure of knowing, aside from Peter that is."

Remy almost felt a little bummed by the comparison to Peter but he knows it can't be helped. Peter's always been well liked and he was in this world first and obviously has a connection with Applejack and her friends. He can respect that, Peter is a hero and a friend he can respect and he knows he can trust Peter around Applejack.

"Thanks mon cherie, I'm lucky to have you as well."

Remy then brought Applejack in for a nice kiss. After a bit, Remy broke off and had a sly smile, "Let's go somewhere a little more private."

Applejack raised her eyebrow, "What are you up to?"

"I just want to make sure we're alone, mainly since I've noticed Apple Bloom likes to peep at us sometimes," Applejack pointed with his staff, "Like she's doing right now."

Applejack turned the direction of the staff and noticed Apple Bloom hiding behind a hay pile, "Dang it Apple Bloom!"

Apple Bloom eeped and ran off. Shortly afterwards Big Mac arrives in the area, looking around for something, presumably for Apple Bloom.

"You just missed her big bro, how'd she get away from you anyway?" Applejack asked.

Big Mac shrugged and continued looking. Applejack sighed and turned to Remy, who offered a sheepish smile.

"Hey, for what it's worth, I do care about your family, I don't mind your sister's wildness, it's cute honestly."

Applejack grinned at her coltfriend and gestured her head, "Let's go for that privacy you wanted."

Remy smiled giddily and followed his marefriend to a more private part of the orchids.

Meanwhile Spike is seen walking across a park path, himself figuring out the Janet situation. Not too long later he heard the voice of the mare herself.

"Spike! Hey Spike!"

Spike turned around and soon came his marefriend from the distance, "Janet?"

Janet rushed to him and took a breath, "Glad I caught you, I need a word with you if you don't mind."

Spike nodded and focused his attention on her, "Go ahead."

Janet finished catching her breath before she spoke, "Listen, I know I screwed up big time at that Crystal city, but I just want you to know that I'm really sorry for how I acted, alright? It was really stupid of me to overreact the way I did."

"Yeah that wasn't the greatest thing I've seen, but I get why you did it. I'm actually a little flattered you would fight so hard for me, but it isn't necessary," Spike started to explain. "I've been popular there for years, if I wanted any of those mares, I would have gone for it by now."

Janet felt pretty foolish right now, realizing that Spike has a point. He's been loved there for years, at any moment he could have gone through with dating any of those mares, yet he chose Janet out of all of them.

"I can't believe I didn't notice that right away, man I feel even more stupid," Janet lamented.

Spike rubbed her face, "Hey now, don't be like that, mistakes happen after all."

Janet smiled down at the little dragon. He's such a nice guy, while he knows how to have fun, he can be really sensible when need be. She likes that balance of fun loving and educated, reminds her a little of Peter.

Spike brought Janet closer to plant her with a kiss. He really enjoyed Janet's company, she's quickly become his favorite mare. The moment he realized he had a crush on her, he felt happy yet worried. He wanted to be sure it wouldn't be another Rarity situation.

Fortunately he had nothing to worry about. The first time they dated, he really won her over with his charm and humor. Then fighting side by side against various monsters and robots had them even more attracted, seeing what each can do with their power. Now the two have become inseparable, Spike feels fortunate to finally be able to move on from Rarity.

Rarity is Spike's first major crush, maybe even first love, and while that didn't work out, Spike is fortunate he has her as a friend. Even more fortunate that both were able to move on and find somepony they really care about.

Janet broke away from the kiss and smiled down to Spike again, "I'm flattered to be the affection of the dragon who defeated King Sombra."

"I only helped, besides you defeated many enemies, though who was your hardest?" Spike asked.

Janet bit her lip, "It's actually something I wanted to tell you at that Crystal place." She sat down before Spike and pulled him in so she's sitting legs stretched and he's resting on top while facing her.

"My last boyfriend, Hank Pym, he created this robot to be this great savior. He wanted this robot to do so many awesome things, to be the ultimate hero. His name was Ultron, he was Hank's greatest creation."

Spike looked confused, "So he created a hero? Was it a failed experiment? Did it lose to something?"

Janet shook her head, "No, it was perfect...too perfect in fact. Soon it began to wonder why it had to take orders from humans, he eventually deemed us inefficient and plotted to destroy us. The Avengers were able to take it down, but Hank felt down about it. He hoped to create a hero, instead he created something that nearly wiped us all out."

Spike bit his claw a bit, "Wow, that's gotta suck."

"It did, since then it's put such a strain on our relationship. Hank became so paranoid that he just wasn't the same, and soon...we just sorta drifted apart," Janet said.

Spike looked curious, "Just like that? Is there more to it?"

Janet shook her head, "No...it's nothing important." This wasn't true, Janet was holding back a little but she didn't wanna drag this on much longer, she was bumming Spike out. "Nevermind it anyway, point is you're the one for me now. I don't have to worry about that stuff with you, especially since you have such a clearer head about this stuff."

Spike nodded proudly, "Guess so. Anyway I'm glad you shared this, now I know how not to upset you. I won't build any evil robots."

Janet giggled, "I love your humor Spike, now kiss me again." Janet pulled Spike into another kiss, this one being a little more possessive like since she held Spike close, hugging him tightly. She wasn't gonna let this one get away, because she knows he won't make any similar mistakes to her last love.

Meanwhile she decided to try and get comfortable, she intended to be with Spike for quite a good while.

Pinkie Pie had made her way back to Sugarcube Corner, thinking over this situation herself. She's not used to having colts fight over her, she's new to the whole romance thing in it's own right. She's never really thought about having a special somepony in her life, nor did she know if she was ready.

Deadpool was nice, charming and funny, but Cheese has those qualities as well. She's gonna have to balance things out a little more, which is gonna require a lot of thought from her, which isn't her strongest point but it's something she's gonna have to figure out, hopefully soon.

As she arrived at the door, Deadpool immediately greeted her, "Yo Pinkie!"

Pinkie turned her attention to him, "Oh, hi Wade, I was just thinking about you."

"Oh really now? Can't blame you, I am a topic worth thinking about after all," Deadpool said.

Pinkie did a nervous type chuckle before continuing, "Anyway, about what happened at the Crystal Empire though..."

"Say no more, I admit I went a little...nuts. But to be fair, I'm not exactly the rational thinking type. Plus that Cheese guy was WAY too flirty with you," Deadpool said.

Pinkie furrowed her brow, "He wasn't that flirty, plus he's a good friend of mine, I just wish you hadn't fought with him like that."

"Yes, I know. I'm sorry about that Pinkie. But I'm sure he gets the message and won't screw with our relationship again, so everything's just fine," Deadpool said.

"Um,everything's not all-"

Pinkie couldn't finish because Deadpool heard a ding inside, "Sounds like something's done, and it smells good. I call it!"

Deadpool rushed inside to grab the treats, leaving Pinkie a little unhappy.

"He needs to work on his listening skills..." Then Pinkie realized something. "Wow, never thought I'd say that about somepony else."

Pinkie shrugged and went inside, secretly hoping to get whatever Deadpool went after.

With Logan, he was on his way to Fluttershy's cottage, ready to make a big confession to her. Truth be told he was partially nervous about it, Fluttershy's a delicate pony and he was this rugged guy, can she love an animal like him?

Eventually he arrived at the cottage and noticed Lightning Dust outside where the animals are. She looked pretty worried.

He approached the gate and called to her, "Hey Dust, something wrong in there?"

"In a way..." Lightning said.

Inside you could hear Laura yelling in anger. "HOW LONG IS SHE GONNA BE WITH HER STUPID FRIENDS!?" Then the sound of furniture breaking.

"Damn, what's with her?" Logan asked.

"Fluttershy went to go see her friends, she told Laura she'd be back soon. Unfortunately Laura isn't really patient, she started showing signs of that shortly after Fluttershy left," Lightning said.

Logan hopped over the gate and cautiously approached the door leading inside the cottage.

"Careful Logan," Lightning warned.

"I got this," Logan said as he got closer. Before he could go inside, a familiar voice called out.

"Logan! This is a surprise."

Logan turned around to see Fluttershy making her way over. Before he could react, Laura barged the door open and knocked Logan aside. "Fluttershy, you're back!"

Fluttershy opened the gate and was greeted with a hug from Laura. "Glad you're back, but what took you?"

"I told you I wanted to see my friends," Fluttershy said.

"But it gets boring without you, there's no one else to talk to here," Laura said.

Fluttershy gestured to Lightning Dust, "Yes there is, you could spend time with Lightning Dust."

Laura shook her head, "No way, she's not as much fun. All she does is talk about racing and all that crap."

Lightning crossed her forelegs with a 'humph', "Last time I try to open up to you then."

Logan had made his way over, feeling a little dizzy from being clonked with the door.

"Oh, Logan, are you alright? You look a bit hurt," Fluttershy said as she approached him.

Logan shook it off, "I'm fine, just a little stunned from being hit with a door," Logan slightly glared at Laura during the last part of the sentence.

"Well you shouldn't be standing near doors then, never know what could happen," Laura said in an almost smart-mouth way.


Laura shrugged, "Whatever, why are you here anyway?"

"I need to talk with Fluttershy...alone."

Laura furrowed her brow, "Seriously? After all day of not being near her now I gotta wait longer? That's bogus."

"Laura, please, for me?" Fluttershy said while giving her a caring stare.

Like Mayday, Fluttershy has the cutest look in her eyes, one even Laura can't resist. Besides she'd rather not see Fluttershy's other stare, so she went with it.

"Fine, try not to take to long though," she turned to Lightning Dust. "Let's go."

"Go where?" Lightning asked.

"Just follow me!" Laura demanded and walked off with a not so eager Lightning Dust.

Logan accompanied Fluttershy into the cottage, though Fluttershy couldn't help but notice that her window was broken, and one of her chairs was missing.

"Laura..." Fluttershy said with a sigh. "She's gonna get a big time-out for that."

"She got yer hooves full?" Logan asked.

Fluttershy examined the mess, "A little. I love having her around but she can be a little rowdy sometimes."

"At least she likes ya this time. I remember when she couldn't stand being here, damn how things change," Logan said.

"I'm still amazed myself honestly," Fluttershy confessed. "But I'm happy how things turned out."

"I'm glad they turned out well, since you have things under control here, ya probably don't need me much anymore," Logan said.

Fluttershy shook her head, "No, don't say that. I love having you around."

Logan raised his eyebrow, "Love? So you love me being here? Not just like?"

Fluttershy blushed a bit, "Oh sorry, what I meant was..."

Logan waved it off, "Don't worry about it, I don't mind. Besides it probably helps make what I want to say easier."

Fluttershy seemed a bit interested and moved in closer, "Hm? What would that be?"

Logan wanted to speak but suddenly he felt nervous. He normally doesn't feel nervous about things, especially considering the things he does. He's fought a lot of enemies in his time, he's fought several dangerous rivals, yet when it came to having to be honest with his emotions, even Wolverine has trouble.

Everytime Logan wanted to open his mouth, he felt something stop him. It frustrated him, he just wants to be out with it but his mind is betraying his will.

Fluttershy sensed this a little, she could tell he is doing his best to say something but also figures that Logan isn't the best at revealing his emotions.

"Logan, if there's something you want to tell me, then go on. I promise I'll be understanding, don't be so worried," Fluttershy encouraged.

Logan still felt a degree of worry. Fluttershy is very kind-hearted, so he can trust that she would be understanding of what he had to say, but he still felt a little hesitation. This was a big deal for Logan, he had to make sure he did this properly. But he knows the longer he waits, the more he might concern Fluttershy, he had to take a chance.

"This might sound weird but...I think..."

Logan couldn't really finish his sentence, he couldn't get the words out.

Fluttershy grabbed his hoof in hers, "Go on, I'm here for you."

Both of them blushed a little at the contact, which almost helped Logan fight harder to reveal his emotions.

"Fluttershy...I think..." Logan looked into her eyes, her innocent and loving eyes. He had the chance to always be with her, to always look into those eyes, he just had to get the words out.

"I think I have feelings for you!" Logan finally blurted out. There, it was done, Logan felt some relief, but that relief quickly turned to worry as he looked back into her eyes.

Fluttershy had no immediate response, just taking time to soak in what Logan had told her. Logan hopes he hadn't made a mistake, he hadn't worried her or put her in an awkward situation.

Logan almost regretted confessing his feelings but that faded once Fluttershy threw her hooves around him in a loving embrace.

"Logan, you don't know how happy I am to hear that," Fluttershy said.

Logan hesitantly but eagerly returned the embrace, "Really? You mean that?"

"Logan," Fluttershy then pulled back to face him, looking right into his eyes, her tears of joy revealing themselves. "I've had a crush on you for the longest time, but I never said anything because I was too worried. I didn't have Twilight's ambitions, or Rainbow Dash's, so I was worried about telling you myself how I felt."

Fluttershy wiped a tear and maintained her smile, "I knew you were nice to me, I also had a feeling that maybe you could have feelings for me, but I wanted to be absolutely sure. I know about how your last romances went, so I was partially worried you wouldn't want to take a chance with me."

Logan nodded, "Yer partially right. I was afraid, so many times my romances failed one way or another. I was afraid this would be a similar situation."

Fluttershy nuzzled against him, "Well you have nothing to worry about, I want to be your marefriend...if you want me to at least."

Logan smiled at Fluttershy, not just any smile either, it's a smile that reveals the rare joy he displays. Logan was actually happy. "Of course I do, I want to be yer man, and I want you to be my girl."

Fluttershy blushed at hearing that, she hasn't really thought that much about romance, rarely crushing on other stallions. The last time she had a crush it was on Peter, even shortly after he was with Twilight her crush remained.

But now she can feel those emotions again, this time with Logan. He's very handsome in his own right, at least in her eyes. Now, like her other friends, she has a coltfriend she can call her own.

"It might be soon to say this, but I know it feels right," Fluttershy said and looked straight into his eyes. "I'm definitely in love with you Logan."

Logan nodded, "Same here Fluttershy."

The two leaned in close until the gap between their muzzle vanished, leaving only a kiss of passion. The kiss was everything Fluttershy wanted, and it's something Logan desired. Logan stroked her mane as he deeped his kiss on the shy mare, then used that same hoof to bring her closer to him, wanting as much of her as he can take.

Eventually the two broke away from the kiss, but the love and affection still lingered in their eyes.

Logan gave Fluttershy another affectionate kiss, this time standing on his hind legs so he can bring Fluttershy in for a close body hug. Fluttershy quickly hugged back, getting her forelegs under his jacket so she can feel him better.

The two continued to stand there, letting their love and affection emanate through the room. They had nopony else there to disturb them, and they were gonna make full use of that.

Time passed by almost quickly for the ponies. For Applejack and Remy, they were still in the orchids, resting next to each other and eating apples while watching the sunset. Rarity and Bobby were resting in her room, just talking a bit after their extensive make-out session. Deadpool was chowing down while Pinkie looked on a bit unsure, still seeming to have some trouble with her coltfriend. Johnny and Rainbow Dash were sleeping, both exhausted from their activities.

Then we go to Janet and Spike, who moved to a more private location to be alone. Janet was resting against a mossy tree while Spike rested his head on her stomach, both looking a bit tired.

"Spike, can you make me a promise?" Janet asked, looking down on Spike.

"Sure, what is it?" Spike asked.

"Promise you won't change, that you'll still be the sweet little dragon I know you to be," Janet said.

Spike nodded, "Yeah, I promise. I'll be the guy you need in your life, I love you Janet."

Janet looked as the sun set, "Guess you have to go home soon."

Spike nodded, "Guess so."

Janet brought Spike closer, "Can we spend a little more time together before you leave? I have you all to myself, and plus, we're all alone, I don't think anypony else is nearby either."

Spike looked curious, "What are you getting at?"

Janet said nothing, she just brought Spike in for another kiss, rubbing the young dragon, then offering a seductive smile. "Let's have some fun."

Spike had a huge blush, "Uh, fun how?" Spike got no answer, he was just pulled in for another kiss.

With Laura, she had just arrived home with Lightning Dust again.

"Fluttershy! We're back! Is Logan still here!?" Laura asked.

Lightning looked around, "Where could she be?"

They looked around, nopony in the living room. Laura then checked in Fluttershy's bedroom and saw something she didn't really expect to see.

"Holy crap..."

Lightning approached her, "What's wrong?"

Lightning looked into the room and saw Fluttershy resting in her bed. What surprised her was that Logan was resting next to her, both under the blankets with his foreleg draped over her. Logan had Fluttershy pretty close to her, almost in a protective yet loving manner.

Laura and Lightning Dust slowly backed out the room and looked at each other with shocked faces.

"Yeah...so I'm gonna go find some other place to check in for the night," Lightning said.

"Where?" Laura asked.

Lightning shrugged, "Maybe the Parker-Sparkle place, I'm sure they'd let me stay the night."

Laura looked back into the room, then back at Lightning, "I'll join you then."

The two nodded and quickly made their way out the cottage, and the awkward moment they stumbled upon.

In the Parker-Sparkle home, Peter is resting on his bed while Twilight rests on his chest.

"Peter?" Twilight said.

"What is it?" Peter asked.

"So many mares like you, why did you stick with me though?" Twilight wondered.

Peter shrugged, "I can ask you the exact same question, you clearly have the eye of several stallions after all."

Twilight nodded, "I guess. I can think of several qualities you have that they don't, such as your great sense of responsibility and your kind hearted nature."

"And I pick you because you're the best girl to keep a guy like me in check, I need a girl like you," Peter said.

"I'm happy to be that girl, but don't think I don't need you either, don't even think I don't want you, because I don't want anypony else besides you," Twilight said.

"Same here, I don't need any other mare, nor do I want them, only you Twilight, I love you," Peter said.

"And I love you too," Twilight said.

Twilight went up to plant a kiss on her loving husband, once again reminding him what's important in his life.

Love has helped these heroes find something truly great, and it's something they're very happy to have.

Author's Note:

Little more romance between the groups.