• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,561 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Cat and Thunder

Felicia Hardy, also known as The Black Cat, was making her way to a dungeon cell somewhere in Canterlot. There was one captive she had been looking to find, one she specifically asked Celestia about. Black Cat had plans for this captive, and she was going to fulfil those plans.

Eventually she came to a door, and in the room was the one she wanted to find. The Rebel Pony Thunderlane.

He had been taken in due to his rebellious attitude toward Spider-Mane, believing him to be a menace, and even Equestria itself due to him questioning those who ruled, all the propaganda involved.

Him running off the way he did ironically caused his little brother Rumble to be adopted by Spider-Mane. Thunderlane considered that an act of disrespect, and it furthered his dislike of the hero.

Felicia pitied Thunderlane, believing him not to be such a bad pony and hopes to give him a better scenario than he had now. She had one idea and was not afraid to try it out.

While Thunderlane sat in his cell, really bored he heard somepony try to get his attention.

"Thunderlane! Hey Thunderlane!"

Thunderlane turned to the door and noticed Felicia through the bars.

"Black Cat? What are you doing here?" Thunderlane asked.

Felicia opened the door and twirled the keys in her hoof. "I'm getting you out of here handsome."

Thunderlane grinned widely, "Seriously? Aw thanks, I can't wait til I'm home fr-" Thunderlane's happiness ended when he saw some guards behind Felicia.

"You're not going home, you're just being relocated," Felicia said with a grin.

Thunderlane groaned, "Great, let me guess. A crappier place for me to stay in for who knows how long?"

"Not quite, just follow me," Felicia said and walked off.

Thunderlane figured to just go with it and followed Felicia with the two guards following close behind him. Thunderlane didn't take too kindly to this but he didn't have a lot of choice in the matter. Though he hoped for an opportunity to up and run off, though he may not be that lucky.

To his surprise, they left the dungeon grounds, no sign of going to another dungeon. But where were they taking him? Not too long later, they arrived at a building complex.

Felicia turned to Thunderlane and approached him, "Can I trust you to follow me the rest of the way? You won't run off?"

Thunderlane looked back to the guards, then to Felicia. He figured this means that she could call them off. He could just tell her that and run off anyway, but part of him felt he should at least follow her anyway.

"You can trust me," Thunderlane insisted.

Felicia nodded and turned to the guards, "I got this boys, he won't go anywhere."

The guards nodded and marched off while Thunderlane looked back at them. He hoped that this could turn out well.

"Let's hurry handsome," Felicia said as Thunderlane followed her into the building.

Before long the two had arrived at a door, one which Felicia grabbed the same set of keys she had in her latex suit and opened the door, "Welcome to your new place of holding."

Thunderlane looked confused, it was an apartment building, not a bad looking one either.

"Wait, is this gonna be my place or something?" Thunderlane asked.

Felicia shook her head, "No, this is my place, you're gonna stay with me for a bit."

Thunderlane raised his eyebrow, "Say what?"

"That's right, for the foreseeable future, you're bunking with me," Black Cat said.

Thunderlane shook his head a little, "You can't be serious, I mean it's not that I don't wanna be here it's just...why? Why let me stay here? Is there a catch?"

Felicia shook her head, "No catch, I just figured you could use a better place to stay, I pulled a lot of strings for you."

"Oh...you really didn't need to do that, I don't wanna be a burden," Thunderlane said.

Felicia rubbed his face, "Such a nice guy, this is why you shouldn't be in a dungeon cell."

Thunderlane blushed, "Seriously, why do you want me to live here?"

"Look, it's a good offer. Just take it and quit acting all flustered like Peter," Felicia said.

Thunderlane looked unhappy, "Hey I'm nothing like Parker!" Thunderlane grumbled a bit, "Damn little brother stealer. I should be back in Ponyville with Rumble, I can't believe I was forced out of town."

Felicia went further in, "Things happen. Anyway just make yourself comfortable, I'll whip something up for us."

Before Thunderlane could protest, Felicia called back, "And I'm not taking 'no' for an answer!"

Thunderlane sighed in defeat and went in, figuring to just try this mare on her offer. She is being helpful, this place is better than a dungeon. Plus she's very attractive, Thunderlane really doesn't care that she's not from this world. All he sees is an attractive mare trying to do him a favor.

Thunderlane sat on a chair and began to think some stuff over. He's sharing an apartment with a mare he barely knows, though he'll admit, she's very attractive. She's not a nice face, and her body isn't bad either, especially seeing that skin tight latex pressed against it.

He even blushed at the thought of her plus size flanks, plus size in a good way. Thunderlane is a bit of a player deep down, so part of him will enjoy this stay.

But on the other hoof, she's still from an outside world, and she's caused her share of trouble. However he's not gonna complain too much right now. He'll see where this goes.

A few minutes later, Felicia called Thunderlane to the kitchen, she had prepared some type of pasta.

"Dig in, I hope you like it," Felicia said.

Thunderlane tried it out, he did enjoy it. "Wow, not bad."

"Thanks, took me a while to learn to cook in this form," Felicia said.

Thunderlane took another bite, "How do you like our world though? Better than yours or would you want to go back?"

"It took getting used to, but I like this place. Nice fresh start for me. I thank Sunset Shimmer for giving me this chance," Felicia said.

Thunderlane took a moment to recall the name, "Oh yeah, Celestia's old pupil. She caused her share of trouble if I seem to remember."

"She was being controlled, not entirely her fault. Still this world is great, I love living here" Felicia said.

Thunderlane finished up his food, to which Black Cat took his plate, "I'll handle that."

Thunderlane looked a bit surprised, "You sure? I don't mind washing-"

"You're my guest, plus I want you to relax yourself. Go back to the den area, I'd like to talk with you more if you don't mind," Felicia said.

Thunderlane shook his head, "No not at all."

Thunderlane did as asked and went to the den area. He is curious as to why she has such an interest in him. She has her past with Spider-Mane herself, though he knows she's not exactly his friend.

Thunderlane would have a few questions himself when she returns. He just sat on the chair and waited for her. While waiting he started thinking about some things, such as his little brother Rumble, his friends Flitter and Cloudchaser, his brief alliance with the Capcom fighters, then his confrontations with Spider-Mane himself.

Thunderlane just hated him, he never liked him and still believes he brings nothing but trouble. It's Spider-Mane's fault that Equestria had been put in danger as often as it was, what's the point of having somepony like him if it brings nothing but disaster for everypony involved?

Soon his train of thought ended when Felicia entered the room. She approached the chair Thunderlane was on with one of her own and placed it in front of him before sitting down.

"So, is there anything you would like to know?" Felicia asked.

Thunderlane nodded, "A few things. One, why are you letting me stay here?"

"I could use the company, plus like I said, you didn't seem too happy where you were, I felt sorry for you," Felicia replied.

"No catch though? I mean you're basically letting me stay here free of charge," Thunderlane said.

"You won't be freeloading, not too much at least. I'm sure we can work something out," Felicia said.

"Fine by me honestly," Thunderlane replied. "Still, I'm just surprised you're being so nice to me."

"You could use a friend, so can I. Having a handsome face around my apartment couldn't hurt," Felicia said with a grin.

Thunderlane blushed a little and did a sheepish smile, "Thanks, I was quite the catch in Ponyville, at least before Spider-Mane came long."

Felicia felt like she had a little insight to Thunderlane's hatred of Spider-Mane. "So...is that why you don't like him? Or one reason?"

Thunderlane shook his head defiantly, "No way! I'm not jealous of him!"

"Oh really? Because your actions have said otherwise," Felicia said.

Thunderlane groaned, "I just don't think he's that good of a superhero, he's overrated! Why do so many ponies like him!?"

"Come on Thunderlane, even you should know. He saved the day many times, how can ponies not love that?" Felicia said.

"Weird that you would say that, didn't he once capture you?" Thunderlane asked.

"Many times, but that made him a lot more attractive to me, at least the Spider-Mane side, the Peter Parker side needed time to grow on me," Felicia said.

Thunderlane looked confused, "So you only like his superhero side? Not the other side when he's not a hero?"

"Yeah, Spider-Mane is exciting, but Peter Parker...not so much," Felicia said.

This caught Thunderlane's interest, "So, a mare that doesn't totally like Peter Parker?"

"It's not that I don't like him, I do, but I just didn't like that nerdy side to him," Felicia said.

Thunderlane grinned at that, "Somehow that sounds satisfying."

Felicia shook her head, "But it's still fun flirting with him, plus he's nice and caring. In a way I can't help but feel attracted to that aspect of him, you gotta love his caring nature."

"Caring nature? Sounds like a load honestly. He seems like a total player who just wants a whole group of mares," Thunderlane said.

Felicia shook her head, "I wish you weren't so negative. Though I gotta admit, it's a great quality about you. I like your rebellious attitude, it seems pretty badass."

Thunderlane once again felt a beam of pride, "Thanks, I worked pretty hard on my speeches too."

"Now tell me about your brother, he's important to you right?" Felicia asked.

Thunderlane nodded, "Very, he means the world to me. It burdens me so much that he's living with Spider-Mane. I don't even know why Spider-Mane had to get involved with my family's business anyway."

"At least he's keeping your brother safe though, isn't that what's most important?" Felicia asked.

Thunderlane was gonna refute that but realized that it's technically true. Spider-Mane was caring for his brother and he had to admit that he's a tiny bit grateful that his brother's nice and safe bad being taken care of.

"Still, Flitter and Cloudchaser should be watching him, why isn't Rumble with them?" Thunderlane asked.

"I'm guessing they don't have the supplies to properly house him, it happened so quickly. Luckily Peter and Twilight have a big enough home to do so, and are well prepared to watch over another kid," Felicia explained.

Thunderlane groaned, so many good points and he hates that. He won't admit defeat yet though.

"I still think Spider-Mane was trying to intentionally piss me off by doing that," Thunderlane admitted.

"Look handsome, you really need to let go of this hate and anger. Now I'm not exactly the greatest pony myself, but even I know when some things should and shouldn't be done. Right now you have a lot to think about, but at least you're in a place to think rationally," Felicia said.

Thunderlane glared curiously, "You're being very helpful to a pony you barely know. I don't get why you're so concerned with helping me."

"Like I said, I feel bad for you, plus you're very handsome. I could use a guy like you around here anyway, maybe keep this place tidy when I'm doing stuff for Princess Celestia, or just doing my own business? I'll make it worth your while," Felicia said.

Thunderlane shrugged, "Eh, why not. If you're gonna let me stay here I'd rather at least pay you back.

"Such a nice guy you are," Felicia said and leaned in to peck his cheek, causing a blush from the rebel pony.

"Wow, you're really kind of a flirt," Thunderlane said. "But I don't mind, you're a very attractive mare, I don't even care if you're from another world."

"Good, because I don't care either," Felicia said with a grin.

Thunderlane rubbed his head, "So...anything else you wanna know or..."

Felicia shook her head, "Not really, I mean is there anything you wanna tell me? Or ask me?"

"Actually I would like to know, how did you even get to this world? And why did you want to come?" Thunderlane asked.

"You can thank Sunset Shimmer, she helped me get another chance in this world. Though I quickly fell back into my old life until Princess Celestia gave me some work, though I didn't have that much choice in the matter," Felicia said.

"I find it odd that our Princess would hire a burglar...uh no offense," Thunderlane said.

"Hey, I totally get that. There are times I wonder about her myself, maybe you're right to be concerned," Felicia said.

"I am, I mean the fact that Celestia hid Spider-Mane being an alien from us, what else is she hiding?" Thunderlane wondered.

"Try not to worry too much there handsome," Felicia said. "I'll keep an eye on things, you just worry about not getting into trouble."

"Hey I'm practically stuck here, not that I mind though, I'd rather be here than the dungeon," Thunderlane said.

"At least you're warming up to it, who knows, maybe we can become good friends," Felicia said.

"That'd be cool," Thunderlane admitted.

Felicia nodded and smiled, "Glad to hear it. It'd be nice to have another pony to talk to, it can get a little boring sometimes when I'm alone."

"Right...question though, what do you like about me? You seem to really like my company, you've been practically glued to me before, what gives?" Thunderlane asked.

Felicia shrugged, "Eh, not really sure. I guess I just like the fact that you're very vocal about things, just not afraid to speak your mind. Plus I like your mane, it looks cool."

Thunderlane brushed his mane a bit, "Yeah I've been told I have the best hairstyle in Ponyville, at least among the stallions."

"It does look great. Plus like I said, you could really use a friend, you've been through a lot, you seem really misunderstood," Felicia said.

Thunderlane let out a big sigh as he slid against his chair, "Tell me about it."

"So...anything you like about me though?" Felicia asked in an almost playful tone.

Thunderlane propped himself back up on the chair, gazing at her as he thought about the question. Everything in his mind demanded he not say anything about her 'physical features', but he really didn't know her that well to give another answer.

He decided to play it safe and speak carefully on this, "Um...you being willing to share an apartment with me?"

Felicia suppressed a giggle, she knew that he had something else on his mind, but at least he tried to give a better answer. "I'll accept that."

Thunderlane let out a sigh of relief, though it was only for a moment due to her next line. "Besides I know you like something else about me anyway, but I do appreciate you not jumping to that answer."

Thunderlane wiped some sweat off his head and offered a sheepish smile. Felicia then surprised him with a kiss to his cheek, making the rebel pony blush.

"Uh...thanks I guess?" Thunderlane said.

Felicia raised her eyebrow, "Really? That all you got? Come on I figured a guy like you would have a better line."

"It's been awhile since I've dated, plus you're being really nice in letting me stay here, I really don't wanna push my luck," Thunderlane said.

"I don't mind if you flirt a little, but I can respect your reasoning," Felicia stood up and made her way out the room. "I need to talk to Celestia quickly, I'll be back soon."

Thunderlane nodded as Felicia left the room. He sat back on the chair and started to wonder. "How's Rumble doing?"

Off at the Treebrary, Rumble is seen outside flying around and trying out some tricks. Watching him from the ground below was Mayday, who is watching in awe as Rumble does these cool tricks.

"Rumble, are you gonna teach me these tricks when I get bigger?" Mayday asked.

"Sure thing! I'd love to do that!" Rumble said.

Peter and Twilight were watching from the balcony, both feeling pride in what they see. Having Rumble around is always a pleasure but the one great thing out of it was seeing how much Mayday loved and cared for Rumble and how much he loved and cared for her.

For Twilight, it reminds her of how she looked up to Shining Armor, so she knows how Mayday feels right now. For Peter it reminds him of his big brother-little sister relationship with Apple Bloom, he knows that Rumble has that same feeling of happiness.

Rumble then landed down in front of Mayday while wiping some sweat off his head, "Flying around like that can be a little exhausting."

"But you do a great job at least," Mayday said.

Rumble rubbed her mane for her compliment and kissed her forehead, "You're too sweet."

"She's also right about you," he heard a familiar cool voice say. Rumble turned around and saw two of his favorite mares.

"Flitter! Cloudchaser!" Rumble said in excitement and rushed to his two foal sitters with a hug.

"Hey there Rumble, I see you're showing off for this little filly?" Cloudchaser said.

Rumble nodded, "Yeah, I'm just showing her some tricks I'm practicing."

"You're such a great flyer," Flitter said in her usual cheery tone and kissed his cheek, earning a blush from the young colt.

"Aw thanks Flitter, you're so nice," Rumble said and focused more of his hugging on Flitter.

Flitter returned the hug, then noticed Mayday watching, and she didn't look too happy.

"Um, why is she unhappy?" Flitter asked while gesturing to Mayday.

Rumble turned around, "Oh, she gets jealous when another filly gives me attention, just ask Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Babs Seed."

Flitter continued to look over to Mayday, her glare not letting up. "Wow, she really loves you, it's kinda cute actually."

Mayday huffed, "I'm not cute...now you had your hug with Rumble, let him go so he can give me his attention again."

Flitter shook her head, "Sorry, but he was mine before he was yours, and I want my time with Rumble."

Mayday growled, "He's mine now, let him go before I-"

"Mayday Parker Sparkle!" Twilight shouted and teleported down between the two groups and glared at her daughter. "That was improper young filly! You should know better!"

Peter leapt down between the groups and focused on his daughter, "It's great that you love Rumble, but you can't be too clingy. He has other ponies that love him too."

Mayday sighed, "Fine...", she looked to Flitter. "I'm sorry Miss."

"It's fine, and my name is Flitter, you don't need to call me 'Miss', I'm not old," Flitter said.

Peter focused on the two mares, "So Flitter, Cloudchaser, what brings you both here?"

"Nothing, we just wanted to check on Rumble," Flitter said.

"Yeah, we miss seeing the little guy more, but we've been really busy lately. I trust things are still going well?" Cloudchaser said.

"They're going just fine, Rumble's still a precious little dear to have around," Twilight said.

"Yeah, he's really become one of the family," Peter said.

"We're so happy to hear that, now we need to talk to you both about something important," Cloudchaser said, her tone changing slightly.

Peter took note of her tone change, he knows it has to do with Rumble eventually leaving. Not wanting to worry Rumble and Mayday, especially his daughter, he gestured for both to go inside.

"Go on kids, this will be quick," Peter said.

Rumble and Mayday nodded and went in while the Power Couple turned to the sisters.

"I need to be honest," Cloudchaser started. "I'm a bit worried for your daughter. She seems to really like Rumble, from what I hear they're practically inseparable."

"That's an understatement," Peter said.

"It worries me because I found a good place for me, my sister and Rumble to stay but it's gonna be in Cloudsdale," Cloudchaser said.

"So, Rumble will have to move," Peter lamented.

Flitter nodded, "It's a perfect home for us, a little better than the one here."

"That's...understandable," Twilight said, doing her best not to sound too sad.

"On the bright side, Cloudsdale isn't that far from here, it's pretty much floating overhead," Cloudchaser said.

"Yeah, you'll still be able to see Rumble from time to time at least," Flitter said.

Twilight put on a fake smile, "That's...great, I guess."

Nopony bought it. They know Twilight hates this, but she won't say it. She knows it wouldn't be right to do so.

Cloudchaser decided to lighten the mood, "Anyway it's not for several more weeks so let's not worry about it right now."

Peter nodded, "Right...great seeing you both."

Cloudchaser nodded and gestured for Flitter to follow, "Come on."

Flitter nodded and gave Peter a small hug, "Thanks again for helping us." She then gave Twilight a small hug, "We're really grateful for this."

Flitter broke off and followed her sister while Twilight let out a sad sigh and nuzzled against Peter, "Peter...is it wrong that I don't want to give Rumble to them? I love him."

"So do I, but it's like you told Mayday, there are others who love him too, unfortunately we have to accept that he needs to go back to them," Peter said.

Twilight nodded a bit before heading inside, "Anyway, it won't be for several more weeks at least."

"Plus he's not going that far away," Peter added.

Twilight went inside, still feeling a bit down. She went upstairs, passing by Trixie in the process, who took note of her attitude. She went down to Peter, "Any reason Twilight doesn't look to be in the best mood?"

"We just talked with Flitter and Cloudchaser, Rumble is gonna move soon, Twilight hates it, so do I," Peter said.

Trixie felt her ears droop, "Poor Twilight, she really likes that colt. I myself am very fond of him, he's one of the only foals not to totally annoy me, aside from your daughter."

"My kids love you I guess, who knows, when me and Twilight have another child, I'm sure that child will like you as well," Peter said.

"I'm quite certain of that, I look forward to seeing more beautiful children from you," Trixie said.

Peter looked upstairs, "I should go comfort Twilight, see you in a bit."

Trixie nodded as Peter went upstairs. She then approached the young colt, who was caught in a big hug from Mayday.

"I don't care what anypony else says, you're all mine!" Mayday said, holding Rumble tightly.

"May, I love you, so you don't need to be this clingy," Rumble said.

"Tell me I'm you're favorite filly in the who world, even better than Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Flitter!" Mayday demanded.

Rumble sighed, "Fine, you're my favorite filly in the whole world, I like you better than Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Flitter. Now please ease up, you're stronger than you look."

Mayday let go, "Fine, but remember, I'm your favorite." She kissed him on his muzzle, "I'm gonna get a snack for us, be back in a moment."

Mayday trotted off to the kitchen while Trixie sat next to Rumble, "You're lucky to have a filly that loves you that much."

"I know, I just wish she wouldn't be so protective," Rumble said.

"It's a trait she got from her parents, sorry to say but she's always gonna be like that," Trixie said.

Rumble groaned a little, "It's not bad I guess, when I first came here I thought she might hate me, that she wouldn't want to share her parents. Who would have thought she'd like me to the point of being so clingy?"

"You're a cute little guy, and charming. You're just like Peter, without the stupid jokes and the annoying attitude at least," Trixie said.

"That's the greatest compliment I can get honestly. I hope I can be a great stallion like he is. He's my hero after all, and not just because he's a superhero either," Rumble said.

Trixie pulled Rumble for a hug, "That's such a kind thing for you to say. You're gonna be a great pony Rumble."

Rumble looked up at her, "You really believe that Trixie?"

"The Great and Powerful Trixie believes so indeed."

Rumble giggled, "I love it when you speak like that."

"Only for you Rumble," Trixie said and kissed his head. "Because you are a special pony to Trixie, and I love you."

"I love you too Trixie, I love everypony in this family," Rumble said.

"It's your family, no matter how far away you are," Trixie said and pulled Rumble in for a tighter hug.

Outside Flitter and Cloudchaser are walking home when they pass by Rarity and Bobby. Cloudchaser shot a dirty glance at Rarity, knowing full well that Rarity hasn't been too kind to Rumble.

Rarity shot a glance of her own at Cloudchaser before focusing on where she needs to go. Bobby glanced back at the twins with a raised eyebrow before turning forward and walking with his marefriend.

"The sooner we get Rumble out of Ponyville, the better," Cloudchaser said.

"Come on CC, Rarity will lighten up," Flitter said.

"She better, Rumble deals with enough crap, I still barely trust Rainbow Dash, let alone that prissy pony Rarity," Cloudchaser said.

"Come on sis, they represent the Magic of Friendship, they're dating superheroes, I'm confident they'll lighten up with the attitudes. At least Rainbow Dash is trying lately, I'm sure Johnny Storm has helped her on that," Flitter said.

"Yeah whatever, let's just go home," Cloudchaser said and walked off, still in a salty mood. Flitter shook her head in a disappointed way and followed her sister.

Rarity herself seemed to be in a bad mood, "What an uncouth bunch they all are. Thunderlane, Rumble, Flitter and Cloudchaser."

"Forget about them Rarity, you're a better pony than they are," Bobby reassured.

"As are you my love, you're right, I shouldn't concern myself, let's be off," Rarity said as the two trotted to where they needed to go.

Back in Canterlot, Thunderlane is laying on a bed, thinking about everything that's happening right now. He still can't believe that Felicia wants to help him, though it's likely just to have somepony keep her place tidy.

Felicia returned home a little later, "Thunderlane!?"

"Felicia!?" Thunderlane called back.

Felicia entered the room, "Oh, I see you're resting on my bed."

"Oh right, guess I felt a little tired, and this bed looked comfortable," Thunderlane sat up, "I'll get off then."

"No, you can stay there, I don't mind. I should have gotten a mattress ready for you," Felicia said.

"Oh, well where will you sleep then?" Thunderlane asked.

"Don't worry about it, just get comfortable. You probably need the softness of a bed more than I do right now," Felicia said.

Thunderlane laid back down, a little unsure but she seemed insistent. She's actually a lot nicer than he believed.

"You're a great mare, I really appreciate this. But I feel like I should do something for you in return," Thunderlane said.

Felicia turned to him, "You want to return the favor?"

Thunderlane nodded, "I really don't mind."

Felicia grinned at him, "Well, if it's not too much trouble, would you mind letting me share the bed with you?"

Thunderlane blushed, he was not ready for that question. "Wait, you wanna sleep in this bed with me!?"

"If you don't want to it's fine, I'm just asking because you offered to repay me and that's all I can think of at the moment," Felicia said.

Thunderlane felt slightly nervous. He's always been the type of stallion to flirt with mares, and try to woo them, but somehow this felt different. One he was living with this mare, she's already being nice to him he really doesn't wanna push his luck. Two he's slightly nervous because she's very attractive and has a nice curvy body, she really keeps in shape.

"Um...I guess if you don't mind, I mean I would feel a bit better if you slept comfortably," Thunderlane said.

Felicia chuckled a bit and slowly approached the bed, "I like you, you're very nice and considerate."

Thunderlane chuckled as Felicia crawled into bed with him, pulling the covers over them as she laid back.

"So, you sleep in your latex?" Thunderlane asked, though almost regretted asking that.

Felicia looked down, "I guess I should remove this." She then slowly took her suit off, causing Thunderlane to blush as she did so. Why is he blushing? Ponies don't normally wear clothes, this should be normal.

Felicia tossed her latex aside and moved closer to Thunderlane, "Much more comfortable."

Thunderlane blushed harder, even more so when she cuddled next to him, resting her head on his foreleg.

Thunderlane didn't know why or how this was happening, but out of instinct he wrapped his hoof around her waist and stroked her mane with his other hoof.

Felicia found herself blushing a bit as she pulled up to him, leaving their muzzles inches apart, looking affectionately into his eyes.

"Wow Thunder...you're even more handsome up close," Felicia softly said.

"Thanks...you're very beautiful yourself," Thunderlane said.

The two just stared, somewhat lost in each other's eyes. Soon both just leaned in close until they felt a connection in the form of an affectionate kiss. For Thunderlane it was him showing his appreciation for her help, and her kind nature. For Felicia it was just to further help Thunderlane, to show more care.

Felicia crawled on top of Thunderlane and continued to kiss him. She broke off a moment to say something, "I'm gonna make a promise, I will help you mend things in Ponyville, you'll be back with your brother and your friends, alright?"

Thunderlane smiled, "That would mean so much to me...I miss my brother so much."

"I know you do, just leave it to me," Felicia said and continued to kiss Thunderlane. Thunderlane held her close to him, not wanting to let her go. He owes her a lot right now and he's about to let her know that.

Back in Ponyville, Rumble is seen sleeping in his bed but something is bothering him. He doesn't know why but he felt like something was missing. He looked over to Mayday's bed and saw her sleeping soundly.

He always awes at the sight of her sleeping, she's the cutest thing he knows after all. He quietly approached her and removed a strand of hair from her face.

"Mayday...you're so pretty. You're gonna be a beautiful mare when you get older." Rumble sighed, "I hope I can always be in your life, I want to always be there to love you." Rumble felt some sadness within him, "Just like I wish that Thunderlane was still here."

Rumble wiped a tear from his eye, "I hope I can see him again soon. Hopefully he's mellowed out and he'll actually like Peter."

Rumble looked down to Mayday, "But no matter what Mayday, I love you, I'll always love you." He kissed her cheek, "You truly are my favorite little filly."

Rumble quietly went back to his bed to sleep. What he didn't realize was that Mayday woke up a little and looked over to Rumble with a smile and a blush.

"I love you too Rumble, I'll always love you," Mayday then drifted back to sleep.

Love is still around in many forms for certain ponies. Love can help them out big time.

Author's Note:

A side story with Thunderlane and Black Cat, plus a little more about Rumble and his time living with the Parker-Sparkle family.