• Published 31st Oct 2015
  • 5,075 Views, 111 Comments

Deadpool's Equestria Girls Adventures! - DeadpoolMLP

Hi there readers of FIMfiction! My name is Wade Wilson of Earth 912! So I've was zooming through the void when I spotted a reality I hadn't seen yet. So I decided to check it out and if you want to find out how it went then read on!

  • ...


"HELLO MY PONIES, BRONIES, AND PEGASISTERS AND WELCOME TO THE FIRST EVER EDITION OF CANTERLOT HIGH'S HOTTEST NEW SHOW , WEDNESDAY WRECKING CREW! My name is Pinkie Pie and joining me tonight on commentary for this showdown of the century is the one and only DJ PON3 herself, Vinyl Scratch-"


"And our favorite Jerk of a Jock, The Rainbow Renegade, Rainbow Dash!"

"Why am I doing this again Pinkie?"

"Cause it'll be fun Dashie! Besides, we need a heel commentator!"

"And why am I the heel?"

"Cause Vinyl is calling the match, and you're a born jerk!"

Dash rolled her eyes. "Of course."

"Just have fun with it Dashie!"

Dash chuckled "Okay then...Our competitors tonight are the frankly boring Flash Sentry, and the man who clearly needs to shut his mouth, Wade Wilson. "

"There you go Dashie! These two have been at each others throats since Wade knocked up Flash's former girlfriend Sunset Shimmer."

"Not his best choice. I would have preferred Myself, or maybe RD here!" Vinyl chimed in.

"Excuse me?! I like Wade, I really do, but he and I would not work as a couple. Like ever." Dash fought back.

"I dunno Dashie. You and Wade might make a cute couple!" Pinkie added, giggling at the idea of her two friends dating.

The three continued arguing, only stopping as the lights of the gymnasium slowly began going out one by one, until the only light left was the shine of the moon coming from the skylights, which mysteriously began panning its rays to the front of the blackened room, ending up with their light casting over a huge screen hanging where the scoreboard would be.

The gym sat in suspense for only a moment as the words "You ain't ready for this." appeared on screen followed by the appearance of Wade's signature symbol of the Deadpool eyes filling the screen as Stroke 9's "How many people wanna kick some ass" began blaring through the speakers as Wade kicked open the gymnasium doors and began strutting towards the ring, dressed in his full red and black costume.

"Doesn't he ever wash that thing?" Dash asked, only to be shushed by Pinkie and Vinyl.

As soon as I entered the gym I took in the sight of it all. The bleachers were filled to the brim with what looked like the entire student body, all surrounding a ring that looked a bit too authentic to be from a high school. 'Where the hell does this school get its funding? And why is the entire school here? Don't they have other places to be other than some high school wrestling match?'

"Then again, this school did allow us, as well as Twilight, to perform a choreographed dance number in the cafeteria without question..."

"And let a girl, who performed literal witchcraft in the front of the school, back into their system without question..."

As well as having a known portal to another dimension sitting on school grounds...

In tandem with having hippocampuses formerly on ground... where are they, anyhoo?

Spoilers bro

Boo...but Yeah...Let's just agree that this is a cartoon and let it go. That okay?

You're the one pointing it out...

Yes, but if we keep pointing out the plotholes in this universe, we'll be here all day. Besides, with what you have planned later on, best to let that one lie...

Fine...Wait what ever happened to not reading the ending?


As I made my way down the ramp, I stopped, spinning around with a kick, throwing up my arms in a twin display of my signature handsign of my middle and ring fingers as a spray of sparks went off behind me. And while I was met with the sound of resounding boos, I honestly couldn't give a fuck. I was relishing in it all. After all, I finally get to take 'Compete in a professional style wrestling match' off my long bucket list!

"One of many things on that thing..."

"We should make a blog post about that!"

Please no...


Eh....I'll think about it...


Ugh. Fine.

HERE WE GO PEOPLE: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/669078/deadpools-bucket-list

"Oooo it looks like Wade means business if he's throwing up his signature hand sign! Flash is gonna have to bring his A Game if he wants to defeat Deadpool in this bout!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"So you're telling me that that dumb gang sign Wade just threw up actually means something?" Dash commented, causing both Pinkie and Vinyl to turn their heads in collective shock.

"Have you never seen a professional wrestling match?!" Vinyl exclaimed.

"No." Dash deadpanned, her eyebrow raised at her fellow commentator.

Vinyl threw her arms up in defeat, while Pinkie simply shook her head in disappointment, muttering the word "Dashie" over and over as she did.


I made my way into the ring, my music still blaring through the gymnasium speakers.

"CUT THE MUSIC!" I yelled at the top if my lungs as the music came to an abrupt halt. Grabbing a cordless mic, I looked out at the booing crowd and smiled under my mask, knowing that I was about to make the statement of the century.

"So let me ask you all something....Do you honestly think I give a fuck what you teenage dickwads think about me?" I spoke into the mic, relishing in the sound of the displeased crowd. I knew I was the bad guy in the eyes of the student body, so why not play the part? Besides, I already knew the answer to my question: I DIDN'T give a fuck what the student body thought of me. If they want to paint me as the bad guy, fine. I don't care about some bullshit high school hierarchy. I don't care if I'm the butt of everyone's jokes. As long as I have my friends and my own self respect, I'm good.

I listened as the crowd booed me out of the building, silencing them with one golden phrase "LET ME HEAR YOU CANTERLOT HIGH! ARE! YOU! REEEEADY!? You see kids, I am the best in the world at what I do, and I don't give a flying fuck what you or anyone in this school thinks about me...well except maybe my girls BUT THAT DON'T MATTER RIGHT NOW! What does matter is the beef between me and Flash Fucking Sentry. Cause if Flash could smell what Deadpool was cookin' he'd run his little ass all the way to Dudleyville cause when Wade Wilson pulls off his gloves, Flash ain't gonna have a nice day brother! Cause when Deadpoolmania runs wild on him, he's not gonna be playing the game, he's gonna be messing with a man who doesn't back down, doesn't give up, and most importantly DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK! Yeah, I knocked up Sunset Shimmer. Yeah, I stole his waifu. and YEAH! I'MA BEAT HIS CANDY ASS IN THIS RING TONIGHT! And when it's all over...I'm going to pin his guitar playing bitch ass in the middle of this ring, 1, 2, 3! AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE! CAUSE DEADPOOL SAID SO! BEOTCH!"

It was then I saw Flash's face appear on the titantron, clearly pissed by my speech "Wade....I don't need some overblown speech about how
I'm better than you to tell you that by the end of the night, you're going to get your ass laid out and beaten to a pulp by me."

"OH WAH WAH! I'm Flash Sentry! I play guitar and am a giant tool! Why won't the bronies like me?! Probably because I'm just some douche who shows up just for Hasbro to try to sell us some bullshit romance between a teenage boy AND A FUCKING PRINCESS FROM A UNIVERSE WHERE EVERYONE'S A FUCKING PONY! I mean DAMN Flash, I get it, you have a fetish for horses and probably are going through some sort of sexually repressed sob story that no one gives a shit about but GEEZ! I mean I knew you were thirsty for Twilight, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE ALSO HER BITCH!"


"Well then why don't ya? I'm not going anywhere! After all, I can back up my boisterous claims but the question remains....can you?"

Flash smiled at that, muttering one word before disappearing from the screen. "Fine."

"Ooooo, so you DO in fact have a pair, I mean not a big one, but a pair nonetheless. Alright Flash Gordon. Come and show me what you've got."

It was at that moment that the spot lights panned to the gym entrance, Flash kicking the gym doors open to a huge ovation by the crowd, wearing a torn up pair of jeans and a ragged black wife beater.

"And it looks like Flash is ready and revving up for a fight here Wondercolts! And while the feud between these two only began about a couple of weeks ago when Wade slept with Flash's former girlfriend Sunset Shimmer, the bad blood between the two is as thick as maple syrup on a Sugarcube Corner Breakfast Special! Mmmm...pancakes..."

"Pinkie did you really have to plug SugarCube Corner like that? I thought you hated sellouts!"

"Oh don't worry Dashie! Just because my gaming channel is personally funded doesn't mean I hate "Sellouts"! Besides, Wrestling Commentators are required to shamelessly plug products nowadays!"

"Ugh...of course they do..."

This nod to shameless plugging was brought to you by Carl's JR. and a bad reference towards Idiocracy.

As Flash entered the ring I couldn't help but grin at the Wonder with Nothing Down Under, and the crowd as a whole through my mask. Yeah, I was about to participate in a fight against a properly peeved pony fucker...but I was enjoying every second of it. " So Flash...what you got in store for me and this capacity crowd tonight? Some shitty guitar skills? OH OH! I KNOW! You're going to use your completely made up fighting experience and wrestling skills to defeat me just like every other shitty self insert does! Or maybe you'll knock me out in one punch because "the plot demands it"! OR You'll use your magic bullshit that is never explained because the writers think the audience is to dumb to understand or they just got lazy! OR! OR! You'll use the same old "Heart of the Cards" BS that every protagonist uses once or twice when the writers accidentally wrote themselves into a corner! OR-" I spouted, Flash interrupting with a light chuckle "What?"

"It's funny...I'd have thought you'd have taken this more seriously. After all, You're about to get your ass handed to you."

I couldn't help but let out a joyous laugh at that "Bitch I don't take anything seriously! Especially a fight against a two bit Asshole with a horse fetish. I mean give me one reason I should be "Scared" Of you. "

Flash leaned in close and sneered at me "Because I'm about to send you through the worst pain in your life, Wilson."

"Oh this won't even come close to the worst pain in my life Flashy boy! I mean you try fighting Wolverine without getting your ass stabbed a hundred times! That fucking hurts!"

"Are you sane?"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! Sanity is overrated anyways!" I said with a smile.

"Yeah...there is no way I'm letting you be Sunset's boyfriend."

"Why do you even care? Like I said in chapter five, she dumped you a long time ago. Probably for a good reason."

"I DUMPED HER FOR YOUR INFORMATION ASSHOLE!" Flash yelled before taking a deep breath. "I care because she needs someone to watch over her. Twilight cured her of her madness and she needed someone to make sure she didn't regress."

I could only raise an eyebrow through my mask at that. "Madness? Is that how you're rationalizing it Flash Thompson? Oh it was a lot more than just madness..."

"It was mostly just bad writing."

"To be fair the Idea they were going for wasn't a bad one. Former Student of Celestia, had an ego problem, ran away through a magic portal for unexplained reasons. It was just executed badly."

Hasbro, man... we already had one foil for Twilight named Trixie, did we need a precursor, too?

Didn't they explain it in the comics?

Yeah but I'm going a different route with it so those don't count.

Fair enough.

I watched as Flash could only growl at my wit as I turned to the crowd, seeing my crew sitting in the front row, minus Pinkie, Dash, Vinyl and....hold on...where's AJ?

Give it a few minutes.

Ugh...I hate when you do this.

"Anyways, let's not dwell over spilled milk Flashy boy. We're here to settle this so Brad can move on!"

"This is a lot more than just spilled milk Wilson. You raped my girl and forced her to have to endure your stupidity for the rest of her life, and I'm here to beat your ass down till you decide to get the hell out of town and leave Sunset alone."

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa...Rape? Rape? Really? You're calling a one night stand rape? Flash, just because I got Sunshine a bit drunk doesn't mean I raped her! Besides, I'm not a bad guy. I'm not gonna leave her in the dust like you did. I mean look at how she did after you dumped her! Went all evil, became a bully, tore the school apart, as well as a good group of friends, and in the end stole a priceless artifact in a failed attempt to take over her former universe, not that it would have worked." I turned to face the crowd, looking to Sunset who sat center stage in the front row. "I mean what WAS your plan Sunshine? Use a mind controlled student body to take over Equestria? Yeah, you try to take on Three fully grown Alicorns. It wasn't gonna work babe."

Sunset only gave me a death stare as I backed up a little in fear, yelling "No offense!" into the mic as quick as I could to cover my tracks before turning back to the guy who even Hasbro has disowned by this point.

You wish.

I do....I really do.

"But seriously bro, what are you gonna do to me? I mean your arms are like-" I went to squeeze his arms only to notice an absurd amount of muscle mass "Oh....well then."

Didn't you notice his built figure before?

Well why don't you tell me you could with those designs! The guys look like they have pencils for arms!

Flash could only smile at that "Yeah. You're gonna be pummeled into dirt in a few minutes."

"Well then...and the school is allowing all this?"

Flash only continued to grin "The match has been sanctioned by all the staff. Helps when your parents are PTO members."

"Well that's bullshit..." It was then I noticed that something was missing "Now I'm no expert on professional wrestling, I just happen to be friends with most of the big names, but isn't there supposed to be a ref?"

Flash's grin became a smirk as he motioned to the entrance "Yeah. She's one of yours."

The spotlights panned to the entrance as AppleJack entered and made her way to and into the squared circle.

I walked up to AJ, whispering to her off the mic "AJ....Dafuq? I thought this was supposed to be a fair fight!"

AJ could only smirk as she answered back "It is. Ah'm not on either of y'all's side."

"Well then...carry on." I turned back to Flash with a goofy smile on my face "So...what now?"

"Now we fight. AJ, ring the bell!"

Aj, in full referee gear, motioned to the bell keeper to start the match as the clear sound of three dings could be heard throughout the gymnasium.

I approached Flash, going in for a collar and elbow tie up, only to be tackled to the ground as Flash began pummeling my face in.

"You know-OW-I really thought this-OW-would be a great way to-OW-get to know eachother-OW-maybe we could-OW-reconsile this and-OW-become buddies-OW-In the end-OW!" I spoke as Flash continued punching my face with blow after blow before wrapping his arms around my waist and deadlifting me in preparation for a slam.

Out of instinct, I slipped out of the hold, wrapping my right arm around his head and using my outstretched legs as momentum as I swung them forward and slammed Flash's head into the mat.

"AND A BEAUTIFUL SWINGING DDT BY WADE! BY GOD IT'S CHRISTMAS WRESTLING FANS!" Vinyl yelled over the intercom as I went for the pin on the stunned Flash, only getting a one count as the two of us made our way to our feet.

"Okay...not what I have planned Flashy, but nice Lou Thesz there...what next?" I asked as I grappled with the one note wonder.

"Wilson...I'm not here to play around. I'm here to kick your ass." Flash spoke back, not giving me any indication on what he was going to do next as he threw me backwards against the ropes and hit me with the stiffest high kick I'd ever taken as I was slung back in rebound. I could feel as my neck snapped back from the impact, giving me whiplash as I fell to the mat, probably sporting a concussion from the hit, the crowd letting out as sharp "Ooooo" as they watched.

"Ugh...well this isn't going how I expected." I spoke to myself as I lay on the mat, my head still spinning from the impact.

How did you expect it to go?

I dunno. A quick squash match?

Yeah...I don't think that would be worth reading.

Ugh...fair enough. Not like we're gonna get featured but still...

I looked up from my position, seeing Flash slide out of the ring with my right leg in hand "What are you up to Flash?"

Flash only muttered one word as he dragged me towards the ring post "Pain."

He proceeded to pull my legs between the post and lock his legs with mine into a figure four as he wrenched my legs against the steel beam holding the ropes together, leaning back into his hold as my legs stretched and grinded against the steel bar, not letting go as I writhed in pain


Luckily for me, I had a little trick up my sleeve, slowly pulling back as I climbed the ropes in front of me, pulling Flash up and forcing him to let the hold go as I desperately climbed to the top turnbuckle and looked down on the tired Flash as I muttered to myself "Time to fly!"

I looked to the crowd, throwing up my twin fingers before leaping from the top turnbuckle as I backflipped 450 degrees, giving Sunset an upside down thumbs up as time seemed to slow while I flew through the air before finally landing belly to belly on Flash prone on the apron covering the gym floor.

"BY THE GODS ABOVE! A BEAUTIFUL BACKWARDS FIREBIRD SPLASH ONTO THE APRON! Folks it looks like neither of these men are holding back in this bout for the ages!" Vinyl yelled into her headset.

"Does every flip have some stupid name?" Dash asked.

"Pretty much." Pinkie said before chuckling "Just imagine it's a fighting game Dashie!"

Where's the obligatory fanservice character? Wait, this is a comic crossover.

"It pretty much already is Pinkster." Vinyl retorted

"What? So you're telling me next we'll be seeing them throw uppercuts that send them flying?"

Vinyl only growled at Dash, Pinkie letting out a long sigh as she looked at her friend disappointedly.

Grabbing on to the barricade, I crawled my way to my feet, Flash doing the same with the apron as we both heard AJ yelling the count down for a ring out.


'Ugh....well this is definitely more interesting than what I had imagined...'

How did you imagine it to go?

"Definitely not like this"

"Then again we imagined it with us wearing a yellow leotard, white cape, and red rubber gloves..."


Finally making it back to my feet, I saw Flash rolling his way back into the ring as AJ continued to count.


"Shitshitshitshitshit!" I muttered as I dove towards the ring, sliding under the ropes before hopping to my feet "BOOYAKASHA!"
As soon as I made it to my feet, I noticed something was wrong, as Flash was nowhere to be seen "Wait, what?"

It was then I felt Flash's arms wrap around me from behind, lifting me backwards into the air, as I couldn't help recall a familiar feeling.

Ugh...I feel like I've been here before, like in another life or something...

"This is gonna be a pain in the ass"


When what happens?

You know! When you feel like you've been through something before but you can't quite figure out what it was!

"Isn't there a term for that? OH I REMEMBER! IT'S CALLED DEJA MUSTARD!"

"I believe the correct term is Deja Vu."

Still, this is gonna piss me off if I can't figure it out...something to do with some douche named Francis...Eh, I'll figure it out eventually.

I was broken out of my trance as I felt my neck and upper back crunch as they slammed into the ring, Flash releasing me from his grasp as soon as I hit the mat, before rolling on top of me for the pin, AJ sliding over to us to begin the count.

"ONE! TWO! THR-" AJ yelled, her count broken as I thrusted my body up as hard as I could, forcing Flash off of me

I looked to the wannabe rockstar, who had a face of both disbelief and rage on as he ran up to AJ and began yelling at her before retreating to
one of the corners and punching the turnbuckle pad in a fit of anger.

"It seems that Flash could not believe that his signature Germane Suplex didn't put Wade away! After all he's put so many away with that move that it seemed to him that that suplex was the end all be all to his wrestling strategy!" Pinkie spoke into her mic.

"Yeah, I doubt one measly suplex would put away Wade F-ing Wilson! Wade is one tough SOB after all!" Vinyl added in.

"He better be if he's a mercenary! He's not invincible after all so you gotta compensate with either raw talent or dumb luck! And Wade ain't running on luck, trust me I would have noticed!" Dash retorted.

Pinkie could only shrug at that, answering with an "Eh..."

Looking at the ceiling. I could only grin and I stuck my legs into the air and began spinning around like a break dancer, using my momentum to spin to my feet, ending as I threw up my twin fingers in a display directed straight at the boy who's only character trait is "Plays guitar".
"So Flashy, when you gonna pull out something that might actually hurt me? Or are you just all talk and no action? I mean it's not like you're ever gonna beat 'The Merc with the Mouth'! I''m Deadpool after all! I'm Hella fast! Came to steal your waifu, and kick your ass!" I said as the two of us approached each other in the middle of the ring.

"Wade, you just don't understand. You're not the hero here. You took a girl who didn't need another reason to hate herself, and shoved it in her face, with no remorse towards those you hurt. You're a monster who needs to be put in his place and sent to Tartarus." Flash responded in a low tone as electricity sparked between our faces as we stared each other down with millimeters between us.

"Is that this world's equivalent to hell? Cause I've been to Hell. Nice place if you're up for a quick tan, as long as you have a way to deal with the hordes of demons and you don't run into Mephisto. That guy is a grade-A Dickwad."

Flash snarled at me, whispering under his breath "Go fuck yourself, Wilson."

"Eh, I'd rather just fuck Sunset instead. She's amazing in bed!" I said with a sarcastic grin on my face, completely embracing my heel persona. And while I didn't mean most of what I was saying, at least not completely, I couldn't help but play along with the charade that we were putting on. "Oh and by the way, watch your language. Not everyone likes the whole "Badass Swearmiester" That I pull off." I said as I booped Flash's nose

Flash responded by smashing his right forearm into my face, a move I mimicked back to him as we began trading forearm after forearm, going back and forth as the crowd began chanting "Flash Sentry" And "Deadpool" in an mirror to our trading blows.

"Have you ever seen such a display of endurance and athletics then the sight of these two trading blow after blow Wondercolts?! And despite both of our competitors being thoroughly exhausted by this point, they just keep going!" Vinyl yelled.

"And they both are fighting for their own reasons tonight Wondercolts! Whether it be Wade, trying to prove that he does indeed deserve the love and affection of Flash's former girlfriend Sunset Shimmer, or Flash, trying to teach Wade a lesson of respect and that he is indeed NOT fit to carry Sunset through the rest of her life as a partner and companion. The Lines have been drawn and both these two are not letting up on their assaults!" Pinkie spoke.

"Pinkie, can you explain to me something?" Dash asked her fellow commentator.

"Sure! What'da need to know?" Pinkie replied with a bubbly smile.

"How exactly does having a wrestling match solve either of their problems?"

Vinyl responded by slamming her face into the desk in front of the three, Pinkie taking a deep breath as well "Dashie... just don't question it."

Dash let out a low groan "Fine..."

Our exchange of blows lasted only about a good two minutes as Flash grabbed my arm and whipped me towards the ropes behind him as he ran the opposite direction, rebounding off the ropes and hitting me with an upward spear, before bringing me back down right on my spine.

"Sweet Faust above! Flash counters Wade with a huge spear into a spinebuster!" Vinyl yelled

Pinkie could only giggle as she spoke "A Spearbuster if you will Wondercolts!"

Dash let out a fake gag at Pinkie's pun as she replied "Yeah, well I doubt that will put Wade away after what he's done this match! The guy is like a freaking tank!"

As if to prove Dash's point, Flash went for the pin, only to have me kick out after a count of one and a half, Flash clearly furious by the result as he slammed his fists into the mat as soon as he got off me.

Getting to my feet, I looked into Flash's eyes. filled with blind anger and contempt, something I was a bit too familiar with than I'd like to be. Approaching the Flash and the Furious, the two of us locked up as I asked a simple, yet effective question "So Flash...how'd you fall for the phoenix of the fall formal?"

Caught off guard, Flash replied with a stumbled "Sh-shut up and fight!"

"Alright...but if I win, you have to tell me how you and Sunshine got together! Deal?"

Flash thought for a second before muttering under his breath "Fine...."

"COOL! Now, let's end this!" I said with a grin as I pushed Flash away from me and ran back, rebounding off the ropes and using the spring of the mat to propel me into the air as I flipped straight over Flash, wrapping my right arm under his neck in the process as I brought both me and Flash down backwards onto the mat, Flash's back and neck coming down on the cushioned mat


"What the hell! Is Wade some sort of ninja?!" Dash asked, stunned by the spectacle in front of her.

"Umm...yeah. Wade is in fact a certified ninja Dashie." Pinkie added.

"Wait...REALLY?! That's so awesome!"

Did she do the thing?

What thing?

You know, the thing!


THIS THING --> :rainbowkiss:

Oh right...eh, probably.

She tried that in the first movie. It didn't go too well.

You're no fun, Brad.

I write you. That's fun.

....shit that's good...

After landing the move, I rolled over to Flash, pinning his shoulders to the mat as quick as I could as AJ slid over and started the count


The bell chimed as I made my way to my feet, offering a hand to my opponent as I heard the crowd cheer my name at full volume.

Flash could only stare at my display of sportsmanship, slapping it away and getting up himself as I shrugged it off and turned to the crowd , throwing up my twin fingers to a large pop.

"And that's it folks! Our new Canterlot High Champion is Wade "Deadpool" Wilson! " Dash exclaimed.

"Umm..Dashie...this wasn't for the belt..."

"Really?! Well that's dumb..."

"Yeah, the belt isn't on the line into this weekend at SuperSlam" Pinkie announced.

As AJ Raised my hand in the center of the ring I watched Flash blindly make his way out of the gym, clearly not happy with the result of the match 'Note to Self, don't forget about talking to Flash later.'


Heh, gotta love the perks of being a fourth wall breaker...

Then all of a sudden I felt AJ tug me towards her as she kicked me in the gut and grabbed onto my head with both arms and spun around, sitting down to bring my head slamming into her shoulder as I felt to the mat.

"Did we just get Stone Cold Stunnered by Applejack?"


As I lay there, AJ bent over and whispered "Ah told you not to show mah sister those games."

I nodded, taking a deep breath as I rolled out of the ring.

"Okay, first off." Sunset then slapped me, "Never insult me like that in front of the ENTIRE SCHOOL!"

"Ow...okay geez, Babe." I replied as I rubbed my cheek.

"Second, where the hell did you learn those moves?!"

"Eh...I didn't. I was kinda just winging it the entire time."

"But what about your 'signature moves'?"

"Babe....Announcers make shit up like that all the time."

"Ugh..." Sunset then looked at her watch. an evil grin on her face. "and finally...you owe me a hundred bucks."

"Hold on...what?" I spoke, confused as all hell, until it hit me. "OH SHIT! I FORGOT ABOUT THE PAPER!"

Author's Note:

Mind's Eye, you are a genius. I absolutely love my new theme!

Yeah, for those reading, I put out a request for Wade's entrance music in a couple of big groups and Mind's Eye won out with the Jay and Silent Bob classic.

YUP! But it seems that my battle with the notorious Waifu Stealer is far from over! And Deadpoolmania will continue to run wild NEXT TIME! ON DEADPOOL'S EQUESTRIA GIRLS ADVENTURES!