• Published 31st Oct 2015
  • 5,084 Views, 111 Comments

Deadpool's Equestria Girls Adventures! - DeadpoolMLP

Hi there readers of FIMfiction! My name is Wade Wilson of Earth 912! So I've was zooming through the void when I spotted a reality I hadn't seen yet. So I decided to check it out and if you want to find out how it went then read on!

  • ...

Ain't all that Shimmers


I shot up, awakening from yet another nightmare induced by the memory of the events of last year's Fall Formal. Ever since Twilight and the girls blasted me with the Elements of Harmony, I have been having monthly nightmares about it all, ranging from simply reliving the events that transpired, to more graphic imagery such as me actually succeeding at what I had planned. And while the nightmares had gotten less frequent in the passing months, it seems this whole pregnancy thing had brought them back in full swing.

I brushed away the tears from my eyes, looking over to my bedside table where my electronic alarm clock sat. Looking at the clock I read the time aloud, as I did every time this happened. I don't really know why I did it, but it just kinda became part of this dreaded routine that I was stuck in.


I threw my blanket off, sitting up on the side of the bed as I thought over the nightmare I had awoken from.

"Why do these nightmares keep happening?! I'm not a monster! My friends believe that! My teachers believe that! Tartarus, even Princess Twilight believes it! But I.....I'M NOT A MONSTER! I'M NOT!" I yelled to myself, trying to convince myself of the fact, something I had been trying to do for over a year at this point. I looked down, holding my stomach "I can't be...."

I had been trying my hardest not to think about it at this point but I knew deep down that in a couple of months, I'd be a mother. A mother....There's something I never thought I'd be calling myself. I mean it's not like I had much of a family of my own growing up. Mom and Dad died back in Manehatten when I was just a foal...and She couldn't ever have been considered a parent to me, under any conditions...which reminds me...

I reached over to my bedside desk, pulling open the single drawer and pulling out a familiar book. "Dear Princess....What would I even start with? Thanks for nothing? I certainly don't miss her, after all she's the reason all this happened. If she hadn't-"

I was interrupted by the sound of an acoustic guitar coming from Wade's room. Curious, I got out of bed and silently made my way to his door, putting my ear to the door as I listened.

"Damn it Slash! You make this look so easy!" I heard Wade yell as he strummed his guitar. "I swear I can play any rock song under the sun, and yet GnR is my Achilles heel. I just wanna make Sunshine like me! Why does love have to be such a pain in the ass!?"

I chuckled lightly at that. As much crap as I give Wade, you can't say he's not determined. It reminds me a lot of myself in a way, trying your
hardest just to get people to like you, despite past mistakes.

Listening back to Wade, I heard him sing in a soft tone a song I hadn't heard before

They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fightin' for, well baby you are all that I adore. If love is what you need, a soldier I will be-

I fell back, being awoken by the jolt as Wade opened his door.

"Shit!" I yelled as I hit my head on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Wade asked as Balto ran towards us, awoken by the sound of my voice

"I heard you playing your guitar last night, so I went to tell you to go back to bed, but ended up falling to sleep at the door."

"Oh...okay. You have anything planned for today?" Wade asked.

"No. Why? You aren't having anyone over are you?"

"Well, I got some stupid English paper I gotta do and Vinyl and Derpy have the same assignment from a different teacher so I thought I'd Invite them over to hang and do work" Wade replied innocently.

I let out a groan, something I have been doing a lot lately. For the majority of the past 9 days Wade has been unexpectedly inviting people over to my apartment, whether I agree or not. And while I do appreciate others keeping Wade occupied instead of me having to deal with him, I would really like my apartment back to myself. I sighed at that thought. Like I'm ever going to have anything to myself ever again. Between sharing my stuff with Wade and the kid on the way, Alone time is not something I will have a lot of. At least Balto doesn't talk. I wonder if this is what The Cakes felt like back when Pinkie lived in their Guest room. "Yes...work. Like you'll get any of that done with you and Vinyl in the same room."

"We'll do it! I bet you a hundred bucks that we will finish the paper by the end of the night!" Wade exclaimed, holding his hand out for a shake
I only smirked as I shook the degenerate's hand "Deal"

The two of us made our way onto the Tuesday bus, hearing the familiar taunt of the boy Dash had dubbed 'Jerkwad.'


I only rolled my eyes as I sat down next to Dash, waiting for the bus to come to life once again, only to instead be met by the sight of Wade sitting down next to the boy and asking him a series of questions

"Have you ever kissed another human being other than your mother?"


"Do you like having absolutely no friends what so ever?"

"Not really-"

"Have you ever seen G3 of MLP?"

"What the hell is that?"

"If you continue you might just find out!" Wade exclaimed as the bus came to a halt.

As soon as I entered the school, I felt that familiar sense of hatred and disgust as the eyes of the crowd all gazed upon me. At this point I've just gotten used to the stares and the insults, after all I deserved every bit of it, but to say it didn't get to me every once and a while would be a lie.

As I approached my locker I saw the three boys who had been bullying me ever since I got pregnant. Unfortunately for me, I also saw Wade coming down the hall as well

I made my way to my first class, only to be stopped my favorite trio of dumbasses, Hoops, Score, and Dumb-Bell

"Well if it isn't the witch's baby daddy, Wade Wilson! If you want to pass then your gonna have to pay the toll!" Hoops spoke in a cocky


"Does that makes us the Ed trio?"

I call Eddy!

"Which makes me Double D"


......why does that make so much sense?

Wait, who would you say is the snarkiest, nerdiest member of the cast? I call dibs on them!


"Baby daddy?! He is NOT my baby daddy!" I whispered to myself as I watched Wade talk to the three guys that had bugged me for the past year. I swear having a middle school and a high school as part of the same facility breeds the worst type of kids. Though it also is a great way to transition kids from middle school to high school... guess you gotta weigh the pros and cons...

I watched as Wade sat there, taking everything the three dorks could throw at him, and laughing off every single insult like it was nothing. While I would usually erupt in anger at this kind of verbal assault, Wade simply joked about it, even adding in his own insults, like he was part of the joke. Note to self: Ask Wade how he deals with criticism.

The three eventually got bored and left, as did Wade, yelling something about an eye patch before running off. I finally made my way to my locker, opening it to the sight of my books, something Twilight seemed to be delighted to lend me, giving me extra homework in the process. Not that I minded, learning from her is much more fun than learning from Her....if you could call it that. More like daily orders. I got my books out, stuffing them into my bag as I made my way to my first class: Honors Physics.

I entered the classroom, taking a seat in the front row as I did every day, ignoring the many looks I got from the other students, something that I had gotten accustomed to over the last year. Despite the many attempts by Principal Celestia, it seemed that one person cannot prevent the student body from discriminating against someone who they hate.....not like I didn't deserve it. Not only did I turn into a power crazed she-demon, but I spent two and a half years being a manipulative and ruthless bully. Heck, I only really stopped that whole hog about half a year ago when I accidentally yelled at Fluttershy.

It was then one of my favorite teachers walked in, his face sporting a smirk as he looked at me. "Sunset, I assume you got your project done?"
I rolled my eyes, responding with a smug grin "Yes, Captain Sarcasm. Despite my new roommate being a colossal jerk, I could get this stuff done in my sleep."

Mr. Williams, known by his students as Captain Sarcasm, had been my teacher every year since I arrived in this world and had always been one of the few teachers that I got along with, even when I wasn't the nicest of people, always responding to my insults with a wit that could rival that of my old friend Starlight Glimmer, one of the few ponies I got along with back when I was in The School for Gifted Unicorns .

"Alright Class, Yesterday I split you all up into teams and issued you an egg to build around. If you would please follow me, we will make our way to the second floor so we can crack some eggs!" Danny happily exclaimed to the class as the others did final preparations on their egg drop apparatuses while I leaned back in my chair, smirking as I picked up my backpack and pulled out my project. Thank the gods that Wade decided to leave the apartment to me last night. Had he not, I probably wouldn't have completed this thing.

The class stood in a groups on the second floor main hall, the hall that connected the left and right sides of the upper school, a balcony overlooking the main floor and the library door below. I held my project, smiling confidently as Mr. Williams set up the tarp on the floor below. Despite this being a group project, the other students once again left me in the dust, not that I needed the help anyways. Science happened to be my best subject, to the point where I usually slept though most of my science classes, much to my teachers' dismay.

It was always funny to me as, despite missing most of class I still always got perfect scores, which probably was what pissed the other students off even more than I had already had from my past mistakes.

"Alright all you little chicken killers! Who's gonna be the first to take the chance at saving the terribly endangered species of white colored eggs! Your creativity and ingenuity can save these innocent and rare creatures, especially after they were hunted to near extinction last Spring!" Mr. Williams exclaimed, a huge grin on his face as he sarcastically threw his arms up into the air before pointing to the two kids that I had done my best to distance myself from: Snips and Snails.

The two made their way to the ledge, both of them fighting over the right to drop it

"Snails! I designed it! I get to drop it!"

"But I built it! I should get to drop it Snips!"

To this day I still question my choice in using these two as lackeys. At the time it seemed a good idea, as the two seemed to follow my orders without question, but rarely did they come through. The two weren't exactly the most adept kids in the school...

The class watched as the two's project escaped from their grasp and flew into the air. The mess of Popsicle sticks and glue proceeded to fly over the balcony before falling to to the ground, hitting the tarp with a loud crack as Popsicle sticks and eggshell spread across the tarp.

Mr. Williams peaked over the balcony and chuckled "Well...We're one more egg closer to extinction... Next!"

The rest of the class went by, each of the groups dropping their designs off the balcony and to the tarp below, watching anxiously as their projects either held together or failed and left the egg to crack on the tarp, Mr. Williams giving each of them a snarky comment as he picked up the results.

We finally got to the final two groups, leaving only me as well as the group that had been a bit of a nuisance to me and the rest of the school known as Lightning Dust and Gilda Grimwing.

"Alright class! Next up! Dusty and Gilda, bring out your project!" Mr. Williams yelled happily, the two walking up to the balcony with a project that was clearly not made by them.

Mr. Williams gave the girls a skeptical look, letting them drop their project normally before looking it over as it landed "Are you sure you two built this?"

"Yup! We spent all night on it!" Lightning Dust spoke, a fake grin plastered across her face.

It was weird. Back in middle school Gilda was a bit of a timid kid who Dash used to hang out with, then she started hanging out with Miss egotistical Lightning Dust. Lightning Dust was one of those people who thought they were better than everyone around her. She was always picking on others when they screwed up and telling them how she would have done it better, even when she had no idea how to do it herself. Gilda latched on to her and they became a thing ever since 7th grade. They started out small, picking on only who got in their way, but slowly grew bolder, eventually rivaling me in their reign of terror, picking on anyone they deemed "uncool" and while I only used my aggressive tactics to get what I want, those two attacked anyone they pleased, sometimes for no reason other than for the sheer pleasure of it.

As Mr. Williams looked over the two's project, I pulled out my project from its hiding place in my backpack. I had spent the entire night planning, designing, and building the thing, the egg sitting in the center of a balloon filled to the brim with bubble wrap and tissue surrounding the fragile package. I had carefully wrapped the tissue around the egg before adding the second layer of bubble wrap around that, all inside the casing of the balloon that held it all together. And while I wasn't worried in the slightest on whether or not it would survive the fall, I was worried about what the troulesome two were planning as they seemed to be eyeing me with an evil sneer

'Alright Sunset. Here we-'

My train of thought was interrupted by a push from behind from Lightning Dust, causing me to drop my project prematurely over the edge, it missing the tarp below and hitting the cold floor with a loud THUMP!

I looked over the balcony in terror as the other students snickered at my misfortune. Mr. Williams spoke up, adding a snarky comment before whistling at the others to stop the laughs.

"Well it looks like the sun has set on this project! Unfortunately for whoever pushed Ole' Sunshine, her project passed with flying colors, even surviving being dropped on the tile flooring! A+, Sunset Shimmer!"

I inwardly cheered, only to notice the malice and disdain from those who had failed the project. I had gotten used to this over the last year or so but I still had my moments when the critics got to me. There where still those who thought I was a cheater and a witch. I couldn't escape it no matter how hard I tried...If only I hadn't been such a jerk for those years. I originally entered this world to prove her wrong, but ended up becoming everything she said I was. A ego driven, self centered jerk. Had Princess Twilight not used her Element of Harmony on me I would have-

My train of thought was cut off as Mr. Williams came up to me and gave me a gentle smile. "Sunset, don't you go down that road again. I know that look all too well. You were letting them get to you again weren't you?"

I looked at the teacher that had helped me through the past year the best. Mr Williams always had that smug grin on his face, but under the sarcastic demeanor, he was a great teacher...if only the others were like him.

"Yeah....I just hate how they keep finding new ways to make my life hard. I'm no cheater and no witch. I can't even use my magic any more!...and then Wade happened."

"I heard the news about you and Mr. Wilson. I assume you and him are getting along?" Mr. Williams asked calmly as the other students left for the next class.

I looked to the others, a little worried to be late for my next class. "Shouldn't I get going?"

Mr. Williams smiled. "I'll vouch for you. Now how are you doing with this Wade?"

"Well, he knocked me up, forced his way into my life, and is stealing my friends so there's that." I said with a bit of spite, still feeling hateful towards the damned degenerate.

"And what do you ACTUALLY feel towards him? I've heard from the Grapevine that you two had a legitimate good time together this weekend." Mr. Williams asked, a smirk on his face.

I cursed under my breath at Vinyl. If there was a rumor or story that happened in or around this school, Vinyl somehow always knew about it and she wasn't exactly known for keeping secrets. There was a reason she was the voice of the school radio. "Okay, fine. Wade isn't ALWAYS as bad as I make him out to be, but that doesn't mean he's in the clear! He still ruined my life! I was THIS close to getting the school to get over talking behind my back about what happened last Fall Formal and then Wade screws it all over!" I roared at the Physics Teacher.

Mr. Williams, true to form, looked me in the eye and replied with a blunt. "So you're asking him to earn forgiveness when that's something even you haven't earned?"

I let out a long sigh. I knew he was right, as always. Mr. Williams had a knack for saying exactly what I needed to hear, even when I didn't want to hear it. And as always he had me caught. Now that I think about it I guess it was one giant case of cosmic irony. For the last year and a half, I had been trying my hardest to earn forgiveness for a deed that I wished could be left in the past, and now I'm doing the same to Wade. Now that doesn't forgive what he did, but it does shine a bit of light on my actions.

"So what am I supposed to do? Forgive Wade for ruining my life? Let something that isn't going away anytime soon go and just let it lie?" I asked, desperate for an answer to my current situation.

"I dunno. That's up to you to decide, not me. I may be your teacher but there are life decisions that you're going to have to deal with on your own. Just remember that you and Wade are in the same boat." Mr. Williams answered with a shrug. I could only groan at the teacher's answer. Even when asking the teacher that had all the answers I couldn't get any good advice for dealing with this dilemma. In a few months I'm going to have to deal with pregnancy issues and yet no one seems to be able to tell me how to deal with my Wade issue....figures...

I walked into my second class of the day, greeted by the soft smile of my friend Fluttershy. Whether it be dumb luck or Faust deciding to give me a break for once, I somehow got most of my classes with the girls, Ceramics 1 included. After putting on a smock I sat down next to the cream whisperer.

"So what's on the plate for today?" I asked, hoping to start the conversation off with a smile, definitely something I hadn't had so far today.

"We're working on the pots again, of course." Fluttershy responded with a soft smile. I could always count on Fluttershy to bring my day back to a good light. It was kind of her thing, her being the most gentle soul in all of Canterlot. Need a smile on your face? Go to Fluttershy....or Pinkie, but she was more the Sadness cure while Fluttershy was more of the "Lighten up our day" kind of girl. Either way, I was happy to see her.

"Oh right. Forgot we started those yesterday. Things have kinda been busy for me you know?" I replied with a smile.

"Yeah... How have you and Wade been doing?" Fluttershy asked in her signature whisper.

I groaned at the sound of Wade's name. "C-can we please talk about something else? Something other than Wade?"

"I guess...Sunset, you know you can't just avoid this. " Fluttershy responded, molding a large piece of clay in her hands.

"I know, it's just all anyone seems to want to talk to me about is Wade nowadays, and I'm sick of it! Yes, I'll deal with Wade when I get to it, but he's not the only thing I have going on in my life! I'm not just Wade's bitch!" I yelled furiously, my foot slamming down on the pedal of the potter's wheel, causing the chunk of clay I was working with to fly off the wheel and all over me as well as several other directions. I groaned yet again as I looked around the room, being met with awkward stares as Fluttershy did her best to help me clean up the mess.

"Perhaps we should talk about something else... " Fluttershy muttered as the two of us picked up the stray pieces of clay from around the room.


"I still say Tai should have gotten together with Sora. They set it up in Season 1 and then intentionally forgot about it!" I argued.

"And how long do you think that would have lasted? Tai is impulsive and thickheaded and Sora is stubborn and proud. They would have broken up within a couple of weeks! Besides Meiko is perfect for Tai! " Fluttershy fought back.

I rolled my eyes. This was kinda a tradition for Fluttershy and I, arguing our favorite 'ships' as Fluttershy calls it. I had only gotten into the whole thing because of Digimon, a show that Fluttershy was an adamant fan of. Ever since that one night at Pinkie's where I found Fluttershy watching Digimon at 3 in the morning while the others slept, I was kinda sucked in to the whole thing. And while I didn't really understand the point of pairing imaginary characters together, I did find it to be quite fun. Another lesson in Friendship... I guess?

"What does Meiko have going for her?! She's basically a female Izzy! Sora has years of character development AND Tai's affection! Just because Tri skimmed over that doesn't mean it went away!" I shot back.

Just as Fluttershy began to argue back, I saw him. The man in the red cloak. He was just sitting there, on the other side of the classroom window. As quick as I could, I got out of my seat and rushed to the window, only to see nothing...absolutely nothing. It was creepy, the idea that someone was watching me. Even stranger was that when I looked out the window, there was no floor that the man could have stood on. Just a two story drop straight down.

"Sunset? Are you okay? " Fluttershy asked, the rest of the class staring at me like I was some kind of freak of nature. Not like they were wrong but...

I was snapped out of my trance once more as my cream colored friend tapped me on the shoulder.

"Sunset...don't. I know that face and just....don't. "

I gave Fluttershy a soft smile. This school had given me such a bleak outlook on life, and yet my friends were always there to reel me back.

"Thanks Fluttershy. I can always count on you."

"You need to see a therapist- "

"NO I DON'T!" I yelled back, letting out a groan. I knew Fluttershy was right, but what would I say to a therapist? That I'm actually a pony from another world? That I turned into a she demon and tried to take over the world I'm from? Yeah, I'd rather not... "Fluttershy for the last time I can't. A therapist would just lock me up for being crazy. Not that they'd be wrong but-"

"Sunset.... "

"I know, I know...but you get my point right?"

"Yeah, but I still say you should talk to someone about it, someone who can understand what it means to feel pain... "

"Yeah, and where would I find someone like that?"

Fluttershy could only shrug as the bell rang across the school, and we both let off to our next class. "I guess I'll see you later then.... "

After waving off Fluttershy, I made my way toward the gym hallway in the back of the school, doing my best to avoid and ignore the stares and whispering of the rest of the student body, the one constant in this school. Despite a year of passing time and other things for the students talk about, they never let me forget about that Fall Formal. Over the past year I had developed ways to avoid it, taking alternate paths to my classes, having teachers accompany me to my classes, and even having Principal Celestia talk to the other students about how shoving me around was wrong, but eventually I realized that nothing would ever change the minds of an entire school, not even the Principal. And while most of the teachers have backed me up, I knew it wasn't ever going to go away, save for a miracle.

As I walked down the main hall, connecting the main classes to the athletic and musical arts hallways, I saw Wade, standing in between five girls, talking to two of them as if he were some kind of cop.

"And like I say earlier, bullying is no good! Didn't you girls ever listen to Saturday morning cartoons?"

"Cartoons? You watch cartoons? What losers..." I heard the pink girl reply with a scoff. Diamond Tiara, the resident rich girl. I had heard about her from AJ and Rarity. Apparently she had been bullying the "Crusaders" since back when they were in kindergarden. And while the three girls had always been there to pick each other back up, something I always envyed about the trio, Diamond Tiara and her lackey Silver Spoon were always there to knock them back down again. I could only feel a bit of disdain towards the pair, being reminded way too much of myself by the two.

I hid behind a group of students, who seemed to be deep in conversation and unaware of their surroundings as I watched Wade talk back to the troublesome two in his defense of the three "Crusaders."

"What you got against cartoons? Kinda hypocritical if you think about it...then again you two aren't exactly aware of that whole situation, but that still doesn't change the fact that bullying is not cool! What have these three ever done to you?!"

"YEAH! All we've ever done to you is be nice! We let you hang out with us. We shared our lunches with you. We even offered to let you in the Crusader Club House back in Kindergarten! But then you came back after that vacation to Maris and you became jerks!" Scootaloo barked.
I could only raise an eyebrow at that. I mean I get this world is supposed to mirror Equestria proper, but does no one ever question all the pony related names and stuff? I guess if your born into it, you just kinda accept it...

"BUT AFTER WE GOT BACK YOU DITCHED US FOR THAT MANEHATTEN FRAUD BABS!" Diamond Tiara yelled, causing everyone around to turn in curiousity.

"And there we go...." Wade muttered under his breath.

"Hold on....Babs? She's ma cousin! Are you tellin me that y'all have been pickin on me and ma girls all because ya thought we ditched you for ma cousin?" Applebloom asked.

"Doesn't anyone in this universe ever talk out their problems? Seriously? No? Geez...." I heard Wade ask. I could only chuckle at that. It did seem this world did have a bit of a problem with talking out their problems....

I leaned back into my chair, my feet up on the desk in front of me. Despite most of my other classes being stuff that I either struggled with, like English, or were electives like Ceramics, Calculus was one of the few that I breezed through. I mean I practically slept through the math classes back in Equestria and even then I aced every one of them. She ended up having to give extra tests with material from the books they use in college....seemed to be the only thing she ever cared about...

"Ready for Calculus?" I heard my favorite Cello player ask. I smiled at that. Over the years, Octavia and I have had a strange relationship, having somehow been assigned to a class together every year, always alone. She always called it fate, but I call it coincidence. Over the years we developed a bit of a secret friendship, Octavia wanting to keep it from the other girls for some reason. She always told me that it was because of her 'social standing' but I knew the real reason: Octavia was what other high schoolers called "on the other side of the street" and while I knew the girls probably wouldn't care, AJ not withstanding, Octavia was always a bit self-conscious about the whole thing. Not that I blame her. I mean I would be too if you had to grow up living with your crush.

"You mean ready to sleep through class again Cello?"

She laughed at that. Octavia and I had grown this routine of sleeping through, or sometimes whispering through our Calculus class, both of us not even needing to listen to the teacher at this point. I had technically already passed the class if you counted my classes back in Equestria, and Octavia breezed through it by reading through and memorizing each chapter we started on each month. The teacher, Mrs. Decimal, hated us for it, but after having us ace the first few tests without failure, she had given up trying as she knew we knew the material. And since we didn't interrupt the class, staying relatively quiet, she didn't seem to mind either.

"So what's this week's lesson on?" I asked my Cello playing compatriot.

Octavia rolled her eyes. "More functions. Exponential this time. Nothing we can't handle."

"Whoever invented this whole Calculus thing really should have made more ways to do it. Functions are getting boring."

"Ditto. You'd think Newton would have made things a bit more interesting when he created it."

The two of us let out a quiet chuckle, the teacher immediately calling on me in response. "Sunset. Can you tell us what the answer to number
two is?"

Taking a quick glance at the problem on the board, I ran the calculations through my head and answered with a smirk, "X is 4"
The teacher grumbled replying with a strained "Correct..." as I turned back to my orchestral friend. One does not simply get into Her School for Gifted Unicorns by being an idiot.

As I entered the cafeteria I took in the feeling of discomfort from all the disgusted looks and whispering students that filled the room. While most rumors and happenings at Canterlot high would blow away within a few weeks or so, it seemed that what happened at last year's Fall formal was stuck in the minds of the students of the school. And ever since, it had been an uphill battle to regain the trust of the student body, a battle I had at this point given up on. In the year and a half since I tried to use my fellow students to take over Equestria, I had only managed to get maybe ten students to properly forgive me for it all. Despite the massive backing from my girls and Principal Celestia, I just didn't see the point of trying any more. No amount of assemblies or public forgivnesses were going to change the image of me as a brainwashing demon witch in the minds of the student body.


I smiled as I saw Pinkie wave me over to our usual table with Rarity and Applejack, the two girls who had kept me from total despair in the time following the Fall Formal. I made my way over to the table, taking in the murmurs and quiet insults of each table that I passed. It was why I both loved and hated Lunch. On one hand, I got to spend time with the majority of my friends, something I craved in the endless torture of the school day, but on the other hand, I was exposed to the most amount of students, all of them with their own thoughts for me to take in.
"Sunset, don't think we don't see it." I heard Rarity say as I sat down next to her, her seeing right through the fake smile I put on. "We're all aware of what you have to put up with. Don't you dare try to keep us out of it."

I let out a long sigh. In the first few months after the Fall Formal, I did my best to hide my pain from my new friends, but they quickly caught on, Rarity and Applejack especially. And while the other three fought to protect me from the brunt of the student's opinions, it was AJ and Rarity that helped me through the pain. "I just don't see the point anymore. I've tried everything and they still see me as "The Witch of the Fall Formal" and my reputation from what I did before that doesn't help either..."

"We just need to take it one step at a time. Now, let's change the subject to something a bit less depressing. It seems our friends over at Crystal Prep want a rematch for the match we supposed to have two weeks ago." Rarity said, doing her best to keep her composure as she mentioned our biggest rivals.

"Oh right...Airsoft. That's still a thing, isn't it?" I asked, my voice showing signs of exhaustion.

"I don't think we'll be in fighting shape anytime soon with Sunny pregnant...." Pinkie chimed in, my right eye twitching at the aspect of not being able to participate in the one thing that I took joy in doing with my girls. It was one of the things that bugged me to no end about Wade, and this pregnancy over all. I could no longer do many of the things that kept me sane in the wake of the Fall Formal, whether it be Airsoft, Soccer (A sport I had taken much interest in since becoming friends with Dash), or even something as simple as playing guitar.

AJ grabbed me by the shoulder, giving me a stern stare as she spoke to me "Calm down. I know that look in yer eyes before ya do sumin you'll regret."

I took a deep breath, letting out any anger that I could before smiling back at the cowgirl. It was what AJ did best, spotting a problem before it got bad, this time being my rampant anger issues. "Thanks AJ. I needed that."

"No problem girl. It's what ah'm here for. You wanna talk about sumthin' else?"

"Yeah...How's the farm been?"

"Good. Bullseye's finally got over that nasty cold he caught last week."

"That's good. How about you Rarity? How's your work been going?"

"Oh just fabulously! I just finished the skirt on the piece I've been working on since last month! It will look gorgeous when it's finished!"
I could only smile as I listened to the girls talk on about the goings on in their lives. It was funny. Despite living in a world where their best friend attempted to use a magic crown from another dimension to brainwash the school and take over said dimension, they can still go back to their normal lives like nothing happened out of the ordinary without a thought...

I turned the corner, making my way to my locker, only to see a group of girls standing in front of it. Confused, I decided to approach them.

"Can I help you?" I asked the group. The group took notice, most of them immeadiately running off, revealing their work. As soon as I saw it, I felt as if I had been punched in the gut. My locker, now filled with hay, had the words "GO HOME HORSE WITCH!" sprayed on the door in bright red paint as well as the former contents splayed out on the floor in front of the locker. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I walked up to the remains of my locker. The two girls who remained simply sat there whispering as I began silently picking up my belongings.

"Can you believe she actually tried to get Principal Celestia to get the school to forgive her? What a loser. I mean no one is going to just forget all those years of bullying. She deserves everything she gets..."

"Yeah. And not only that, but she used her creepy magic to brainwash the student body...I bet she's been using it to manipulate us for years..."
I did my best to ignore the comments as I picked up my stuff, but I couldn't help hearing every little insult they said.

"I feel bad for the new kid. He has to put up with this bitchy slut for the rest of his life. I wouldn't be surprised if he took the kid and ran. It's not like the witch would be fit to raise the kid. She'd probably corrupt the thing."

It was that one that caused the tears to begin flowing. I probably would be a terrible-


The three of us turned to see Wade standing with a face filled with confused anger.

"Oh nothing, just burning the witch." One of the girls answered casually, waving off Wade.

"Is that some fucked up slang for bullying my girl? Are you telling me that this school has actually become so mean that they have come up with a phrase to encompass all the bitchiness towards my babe? That is so fucked up I can't even think of a comeback for it! Wait...nope.That's a lie. I definitely can."

"Why do you care? She deserves everything she gets." The other girl chimed in.

"What's your name?" Wade asked, his eyes filled with contempt for the two girls.

The two girls attempted to respond but Wade immediately yelled in their faces "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAMES ARE! To me, you are bitch one." Wade said pointing to the first girl, "And you are bitch two" He then pointed to the other girl. "Now, let's analyze this situation. I turn the corner to see my girl Sunset's locker filled with hay and the words "Go home horse witch" sprayed on the door. Why?"

The first girl chimed in. "Well, because we want Sunset Shimmer to realize that she needs to go back to her horse universe and leave us Wondercolts alone."

"Uh huh uh huh...and yet you don't think being a complete bitch isn't as bad?"

"Well she deserves everything she gets! She bullied us for years and then tried to use us as puppets for her twisted magic plans!" The second girl yelled.

Wade smirked at that "Look you two, you gotta understand something about me. I could honestly not give a fuck about what happened before the first movie. All I see is a pair of bitches who are being hypocrites by bullying a girl who honestly doesn't need more of a reason to hate herself. Now you two, why don't you walk away before I have to follow the old rule of 'Bitches get stitches'" Wade spoke in a dark tone, cracking his knuckles as he spoke.

The two girls took the hint, running off before Wade could enact his supposed vengeance. Wade then dropped the threatening demeanor, walking over to me and began helping me with my things.

"Wade...you shouldn't of seen that."

"Fuck that. I ain't gonna sit back while my girl gets treated like shit. Why do you put up with it all?" He said as he began stuffing the hay that filled my locker into his backpack.

"Because I deserve it." I muttered.

"Again. Fuck. That. No one deserves something like that for what you did. I don't care what happened before the Fall Formal or during it for that matter. I've seen people do a lot worse than what you did and they've been forgiven. Now, stop it with this "I deserve it" bullshit and come with me." Wade said, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me down the hall to the science lab, knocking on the door as soon as we got there.

"Wade what are we-" Wade shushed me as the door opened to the sight of Mr Neutron, a chemistry teacher I had heard from Pinkie about several times in the past.

"Mr. Wilson? Is there an issue?" The chemistry teacher asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Yeah, I just found my girl Sunset standing in front of her locker, which may or may not be filled with hay and the words "'Go home horse witch!' spray painted on the door, and two girls, in their own words 'burning the witch'!" Wade explained to the teacher, causing the teacher to let out a long sigh.

"Mr. Wilson, did you get the name of the girls?"

"Nah, but that isn't why I'm here."

"And why ARE you here then?"

"Can me and Sunset ditch the rest of our classes to get some ice cream? She REALLY needs it right now!" Wade asked, a huge grin on his face.
The teacher chuckled at that. "Sure. I'll let your teachers know you'll be out for the rest of the day on excused absence. Go get your girlfriend some ice cream."

"THANKS!" Wade yelled as he dragged me out of the school.

'I'm not his girlfriend..." I muttered as I was dragged through the halls.


I kicked the doors of Sugarcube Corner open, announcing my presence with a holler "THE FUN HAS ARRIVED! Thank you very much!"
dragging Sunset along with me. I walked up to the counter, pushing everyone in the line aside as I ordered "Two orders of double scoop vanilla cones!"

Ignoring the complaints from the other customers, I grabbed the two cones of ice cream and sat Sunset down at the first table I saw, pushing the boy who was sitting at it aside "So, how long have you been putting up with this bullyshit Sunshine?"

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that"Bullyshit?"

"That was terrible."

"I could have come up with something wittier!"

Any aspirin in that hammerspace handbag? Or something that fixes dented furniture?

Like really Brad, That pun was cringeworthy...

Shut up and move on Wade...


"Yep! How long?"

Sunset let out a cute chuckle and answered. "Too long. I've wanted to talk back the way you did so many times, but I don't want to be accused of being a bully again..."

"Girl, you ain't no bully for standing up for yourself! There's a fine line between being a heel and being a smartass babyface! My buddy Phil taught me that!"

Sunset looked away in shame. "I just don't want to be pinned a bad guy again..."

"Sunset, they already see you as a bad guy. The only way you're gonna be able to change that is if you stand up for yourself! Luckily for you, you have me now to help!"

"Yes, because you totally will be able to change the opinion of the entire student body...." Sunset snarked.

"You'd be surprised what I can do. I once fought off an entire group of ninjas all while holding a conversation on the phone."

Sunset raised an eyebrow once again. "Ninjas?"

"Yup! Ninjas. I-" I was interrupted by the boy who I had pushed off the seat, who tapped my shoulder revealing himself as none other than the only Canon OC, Flash Sentry.

Stellar Eclipse? Cheese Sandwich? Wild Fire? HELLOOO?!!?

Learn to take a joke, edit.

"Wade, not only was I sitting there, but I thought I told you to stay away from my girl!"

Completely ignoring the boy, just like the rest of the fandom has tried to since the first movie premiered, I continued my conversation with Sunset "Took down like ten of them until my cell provider decided to be a douche and dropped my call..."

Sunset on the other hand, did not ignore him. "My girl? MY GIRL?!" Sunset got up from her seat and stared down the boy, a fury in her eyes.

"Ohhhh...." I turned to Flash. "You done fucked up Flashy boy..."


Flash stopped her, showing that he does in fact have a pair, and quietly answered back "Sunset....this isn't between you and me....it's between Me and Wade...please keep it that way."

Sunset sat back down and let out a calm "Fine..."

"Now, back to you Wade. I just watched you burst in here, completely disregard the thoughts of anyone in line, and then mindlessly push me aside all for your own selfish gain. Now you expect me to let someone like that date Sunset and raise her child?"

He didn't do it mindlessly. It was you. Anything regarding you taking abuse is, has been, and always will be intended.

Damn Straight Corbin

You guys do realize I intend to redeem him right?

Really? Well shit...

I took a deep breath, standing up and facing the the guitarist "Look...I get it. You want to protect Sunset from douchebags like yourself. And that's cool, but if you're gonna judge me, then at least give me the chance to prove you wrong. Personally, I think you get a bad rep Flash. If the writers really wanted to, they could probably make the fans like you."

"Not likely."

Shut up Stuffy. "But as of now, you're just some shitty OC with a talent for guitar. So if you're not gonna back up your threats, then don't try to patronize me for being a jerk when you don't know diddly squat about me."

"Oh, I'll back up my threats alright. You name the time and the place Wade Wilson and I'll back up what I say."

"Is that a challenge?" I asked, a smirk on my face as an idea formed in my head.

"Damn right it is."

The rest of the patrons of the cafe let out a series of 'Ooooo's as I responded with a question "Does Canterlot High have a wrestling ring?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because we're going to settle this the only way fitting of a rivalry like this....a professional style wrestling match." I then turned back to Sunset. "Sunshine...tell Pinkie to get the gym ready..."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

So you're probably wondering what took this so long...Well other than Brad being a lazy douche...nothing actually. Brad is just a lazy douche...

AM NOT! I had MAJOR writer's block, and writing Sunset's depressing thoughts rubbed off on me which made me not want to write it...but now it's out so shut up and get ready for the wrestling match of the century: Flash Sentry Vs. Wade Wilson.