• Published 31st Oct 2015
  • 5,084 Views, 111 Comments

Deadpool's Equestria Girls Adventures! - DeadpoolMLP

Hi there readers of FIMfiction! My name is Wade Wilson of Earth 912! So I've was zooming through the void when I spotted a reality I hadn't seen yet. So I decided to check it out and if you want to find out how it went then read on!

  • ...

The 2nd First Date

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock going off, which I immediately grabbed and chucked out the window and into the street, where it got run over by a passing car.

"Well this day certainly started off well." I said to myself as I got up out of bed and made my way to the closet. "Now what to wear today?"

"Casual Sunday!"

"By your standards that would mean our birthday suit and I doubt our new roommate would appreciate that."

"He's got a point there. Any other...hold on." I then noticed a small sticky note attached to the inside of the bedroom door. I walked over to it and pulled it off the door and began reading it.

Meet me at Sugar Cube Corner at Noon. I'll be waiting for our date

"Huh...okay then. Well I guess that means we better dress in something decent." I said to myself before pulling out a pair of boxers, a white tee shirt, a pair of Levi's, Brad's favorite leather jacket, a pair of cowboy boots and Brad's black Stetson...Nice product placement BTW. Now everyone in the comments can tell how much of a sellout you are!

Hey, Stetsons are cool!

And the Levi's?

Those are yours, not mine.


I made my way to the apartment's single bathroom, putting my clothes on the table next to the sink as I turned on the shower. As the shower warmed up I took a peek into the kitchen, reading the stovetop clock at 10:18 AM. "Good. I still have plenty of time to get ready...and maybe I can even get in an episode!"

After taking off my boxers from yesterday I got into the shower and began washing up, quickly breaking out into song as I washed

We built this city! We built this city on Rock and Roll! Built this city! We built this city on Rock and Roooll!

After washing up, including using shampoo-Ha! You said Sham!-for the first time in fifteen years, I made my way out of the shower and to the sink to grab my clothes, though before I could grab them I noticed something in the mirror.

"Holy Chimichangas! I have facial hair!" I yelled as I rubbed my finger across the fuzz above my lips and cheeks.

"Too bad it looks like crap."

"Shaving time!"

There's something I haven't done in a while...OH WELL! I pulled a straight razor out of one of the pockets on my Levi's along with a bottle of shaving cream that I quickly spread on my hands and rubbed across my face

"Ho ho ho! My name is Sandy Claws! I'm nowhere as cool as Jack Skellington and am a giant Coca Cola sellout! I have broken into every home in America and somehow is praised a role model for children!" I said as I began to slowly shave my face 'hmmm...I wonder..." As I shaved I very carefully, purposefully nicked the end of my chin, watching as it slowly healed. "So my healing factor still works...just less...good to know."

After shaving I threw on my clothes and made my way to the kitchen and looked around 'Hmm....Balto's been WAY to quiet...' I began looking around, quickly devolving into panic as I searched for my puppy. "Balto? Balto?! BALTO!!!!!!" I screamed over the imaginary codec as I fell to my knees in the middle of the kitchen floor, only to immediately notice yet another sticky note stuck to the refrigerator door "oh hey!"

Walking over to the fridge, I plucked off the note and read it.

Before you freak, I sent over Balto to Fluttershy's place for the day to socialize. She said keeping him cooped up is bad for him so I thought it would be good to have him spend some time with Fluttershy and her animals.

"Well I feel stupid now" I said as I looked at the clock once more "11:13..eh I can fit in an episode."

I looked at my watch as I sat patiently at my usual table "11:47...Wade where are you?" I said as I tapped my finger impatiently on the table.

"Sunset? Where are your friends?" I heard the voice of Mrs. Cake say from behind the counter.

I looked over to the worried store owner and smiled "Oh! I'm just waiting for my date. He's supposed to meet me here..." I looked at my watch once more "...in three minutes"

At that moment I saw my date walk in. I waved him over and he quickly took notice and walked over. "Am I late?"

"No. You just made it...barely." I replied as Wade sat down at the table

Back to me! As I sat down at the table I noticed Sunset's tense demeanor. "You okay?"

"Yeah...just a little paranoid about this whole thing. Don't really wanna be seen by anyone from school with you...I already get enough flack as is..." Sunset replied as she scanned the room behind me.

"Ah screw them! If they wanna make judgments about you then they can take it up with me!" I said, waving off the idea. "So, what do you wanna do today?"

Sunset smiled at that "Well we could go back to Potso's. Or would you rather try something else?"

"Eh. I'd rather try somewhere else. Wanna get to know more of the town."

"Fair enough..." Sunset went into deep thought "We could go by the mall. I heard they have this new hobby shop I'd like to check out"

I put my hand to my chin, tapping my finger to my mouth as I contemplated my decision 'What do you guys think?'

"The mall sounds nice."

"Not like we have much of a choice. We barely know this town."

Well, that and the plot demands it. Oh well! "Yeah, I could go for a trip to the mall. The question is, how are we gonna get there?"

Sunset tilted her head in the direction of the front window, motioning me towards it as I looked to see her Firebird parked outside the cafe
"Oh, right."

As the two of us sat in Sunset's Firebird I began to wonder "So Sunset...where'd you get the money for all this stuff?"

Sunset replied, not taking her eyes off the road as she spoke. "When I got to this world the first thing I did was go to a bank and exchange what Bits I had on me. Turns out pure gold coins are worth a boatload in this universe. How did you know I wasn't from this world anyways? I don't remember mentioning it to you."

Out of instinct, I gave the only answer I could think of that wouldn't blow my cover: "Pinkie Pie."

Sunset rolled her eyes at that, before letting out a small chuckle "Figures."

"Why not just tell her the truth?"

Do you really think she would appreciate finding out that her entire life is being watched by millions of people everyday?

Technically HER life isn't since she has yet to appear on the show proper yet.

My point still stands! Just because I'm aware my life is being written by a 21 year old nerd doesn't mean she would want to know who dictates her life!


Trying to change the subject, I asked another question that had been lingering in my head "So how exactly did you and the girls form an Airsoft team?"

Read Shooting for Friendship.

No one asked you Brad! Besides, that fic isn't even finished yet and it's not even the same universe!

"Dash and I found Pinkie playing with a bunch of airsoft rifles in her garage one day, trying to reenact one of those cheesy action movies. I got interested and after finding out that the others were pretty good at using them we decided to form a team. Took us a year of practice and determination but we eventually made it to the Vancouver Survival Games. The rest is history."

I was about to ask another question, but as soon as I opened my mouth the car came to a halt and I looked out the window to see the mall.

"Zacherle Plaza. We're here." Sunset said as we both got out of the car and made our way to the entrance.

As I followed my date through the halls of the mall, I scanned the multitude of shops that we passed 'Starbucks...Clothing store, Clothing Store, Clothing Store...Ooo Anime shop!...Hot Topic "Never have the stuff we want"...Build A Bear...'

I was snapped out of my daze as Sunset pulled my arm, leading me into a large hobby shop, the name "TW's" written in big bold letters on a sign above the entrance "Wade, can you give me a sec. I need to ask the clerk something. Just look around and stay out of trouble."

I gave Sunset a salute before walking into the aisles of stuff that filled the store. As I walked through the aisles I looked through the many items that lined the shelves, things such as paintball guns, airsoft rifles, remote control planes, boats, and helicopters, as well as model kits, 3-D puzzles, rocket kits, yo-yos, and even some archery shit, but one thing caught my eye. In front of me was a pair of twin airsoft Uzis that, other than the orange tip on the end of the barrel, looked exactly like the real thing. Now, while under normal circumstances I would just take these puppies, no questions asked, but this was different! I couldn't possibly attempt to steal something while on a date with Sunset!

"I will return my sweets..." I said as I stroked the packaging of the twin Uzis. As I turned around to continue browsing the store, I was met by the sight of the Waifu Stealer himself, Flash Sentry...ugh I still feel dirty saying that name. Are you sure I can't just call him Br-


Fine! Ugh...writers. Anyways, I immediately took a fighting stance as I looked Flash in the eyes and asked "What is it you want?"

Flash gave me a stern glare, obviously trying to intimidate me. Unfortunately for him, I don't scare that easily. "I want to talk to you about Sunset."

"What do you care? You dumped her a LONG time ago!" I replied with a smug grin. Flash immediately leaned in close, his glare not wavering in the slightest as he spoke in a low tone "You think this is some kind of joke, Wilson?"

"What? Talking to you or dating Sunset? Cause if it's the former then yeah it is definitely a joke!" I said with a laugh.

Flash grabbed me by the collar and held me up close to his face, his forehead touching mine. "Listen Wilson, I don't care who you are! As long as you're dating Sunset, I'll be watching you. And should you break her heart, then I will break your face."

I smirked as I heard Stuffy and Crazy laugh up a storm in my head at the sight of Flash Sentry trying to intimidate me. "Look Flash, I know your trying to be all heroic and stuff by looking after Sunset, and that's cute and all, but when it comes to being intimidating..." I grabbed Flash's left arm, squeezing it causing him to let go of my collar as I twisted his arm and spun him around, holding his arm against his back "Leave it to the professionals."

"ENOUGH!" We both heard Sunset yell as she stood at the end of the aisle, a peeved look plastered on her face, similar to the face Wolvie would look at me with whenever I accidentally kill the wrong guy. "Wade...drop him."

I released my hold from Flash, pushing him away from me in the process as Sunset walked over to her former boyfriend and looked him in the eyes.

"Flash, I know you mean well, but I can take care of myself and should Wade ever get out of line I have my friends to deal with him. Not you." Sunset spoke to the blue haired guitarist, emphasizing the last two words with two pokes to his chest "Now, you should leave, before things get ugly."

Flash took the hint and walked off, shooting me one last sneer as he walked out of the shop.

"Sorry about that, Wade. Ever since last year's Fall Formal Flash has been watching over me like an annoying guardian angel. I've told him to stop but he just doesn't take the hint."

"It's okay. I'm kinda used to being pushed around by people who hate my guts at this point. And trust me when I say there are A LOT of people who hate my guts." I replied with a cheesy grin.

After exiting TW's the two of us made our way to the food court, finding a table and sitting down to talk "So you grew up in Manehattan?"

"Yeah...How do you even know about Equestria?" Sunset asked back

I quickly came up with an excuse in my head but right as I was about to speak Sunset put her finger to my mouth and looked me in the eye
"No Wade. I want the truth."

"Oh boy,"

"Well we're screwed,"

I let out a deep breath before letting out the truth "Well...it's kinda wierd. You see in my universe, you're a TV show. A cartoon called My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic...or at least that's what the main series is called. Your world specifically is from the spinoff movies called Equestria Girls."

"So it's a Digimon Tamers situation. Yeah I can believe that."

I looked at her in disbelief. I honestly expected her to freak out at the idea of being a character on a TV show, let alone relate it to another show! "Yeah...I guess it is. And you're not at all disturbed or shocked by this?"

Sunset shrugged "Not really. After turning into a she-demon, attacking and mind controlling the entire school, and trying to kill five other classmates in the process, and yet NO ONE tried to get me arrested, I'm willing to believe anything."

"Okay next question...How do you know about Digimon?"

Brad...have you been hanging with Sunset?

No Wade. I haven't.

Okay just checking, you Diginerd.

"What Digimon? It's Me and Fluttershy's favorite show!"

I was about to retort only to be interrupted by the sound of Guns and Roses coming from down the hall behind me "Is..is that GNR?"

"You mean Ace's High?" Sunset asked "Yeah I think so...Oh! That must be coming from the arcade! They're having a big Rock Hero tournament today. You wanna check it out?"

"Sure! Let's go!"

The two of us made our way down the hall, stopping in front of the arcade, the name "Dragon Boy" spelled out in big letters above the entrance.

"Sweet! It's one of those old school arcades! I wonder if they have a Fix-It Felix cabinet?" I asked myself as we entered the arcade.

The two of us watched as a boy, probably a year or two younger than Sunset and a girl, who was blocked by the crowd, battled it out on their guitar controllers.

"These guys are good....Hey Wade why don't you give it a shot?" Sunset suggested, nudging my shoulder as well in order to coax me into the idea.

"Alright, alright. I'll do it." I said as the loser, the boy, walked off in shame.

The winning female finally spoke up, and when I say spoke up I mean began bragging and smack talking the crowd "DOES NO ONE HAVE THE RAW TALENT TO CHALLENGE THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRIXIE!?"

I raised my hand and stepped up to the controller, putting my right arm through the strap and assuming the stance I had learned from Master Schneebly, my legs spread and guitar in hand "So Trixie, can you take on the Power of the Pool?"

Trixie let out a sneer laugh, like the one you'd hear from a Power Rangers baddie before continuing with the smack talk "Oh you must be Wade Wilson! I've heard so much about you!"

"Oh so you're a fan?" I asked with a smile

"No...I think you're a fool, and THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRIXIE will defeat you fool for I am the greatest guitarist in ALL of Canterlot! I shall destroy you in an instant just like the..."

"Wow she REALLY likes to talk!"

Remind you of someone?

Yeah, but I'm funny. She's just...irritating

"Too bad she doesn't have a mute button..."

"... And in the end it shall be TRIXIE who reigns supreme over the talentless peons of Canterlot High! An then TRIXIE shall..."


"And I thought Rainbow Dash had an ego"

"...And then TRIXIE shall rule over all the world as it's one true leader! HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!"

"You done?"

"I am only beginning Wade Wilson!"


"Fuck it! Let's rock!" I said as I scrolled through the list of songs, quickly picking my favorite song while Trixie gloated. Fortunately for her, as soon as I hit play she took notice and took her power stance. "FURY OF THE STORM SUCKAAA!!" I yelled at her as the song came to a start.
The two of us battled it out, Starting out admittedly neck and neck, though Trixie was slowly losing as she lacked my durability on the intro solo. After some time, the chorus came up and we both took a breather. Only for a ridiculousy frantic, but relatively short solo to surface. After some time, a series of single notes came in with a drum beat, and I KNEW what was gonna go down. I had practiced this party so many times, I could do it blindfolded. Granted I would fail in the first few seconds. The solo started out relatively tame, and just got tamer...

Let me tell you, if you can ace OMGWTFBBQ, you're on my level. Wait a sec, how did I get all these rad skillz in GH?

Dude...for like two and a half years you played Guitar Hero every single day.

"You were addicted."

"And you just couldn't get enough!"

As soon as the song ended Trixie threw off her controller, forcefully putting it back on it's stand. The crowd also began to disperse, leaving just Me and Sunset.

"You're pretty good at that. I've never seen anyone make Trixie that angry before" Sunset said with a smirk.

"Yeah I got some mad skillz." I replied with a goofy grin on my face.

Sunset punched my shoulder lightly, walking up the other controller and putting it on "How bout one more? Me versus you?"

"Alright. You pick the song."

Sunset scrolled through the song list, picking a familiar song from the list.

"Oooo Freebird! Nice!" I yelled excitedly as the song started and we both began playing. I stared at my side of the screen, concentrating on hitting every note and before long I was in a groove, hitting every note throughout the beginning half of the song, the second half doing my best to hit every note. The song ended and I hollered in joy as I saw my score, a personal best.

"AH HELL YEAH! 95 PERCENT!...What's up?" I asked as I saw Sunset looking at me with a smug grin.

Sunset gestured to the screen and I saw her score. "100 percent...I lost..."

"Gotta love that symbolism"

The fuck are you talking about? What symbolism?

"You lost Freebird dude!"

"More specifically you lost Freebird to Sunset."

How is that symbolic?!

Think about it Wade...You lost FREEBIRD to SUNSET.

Oh...OH! I get it!....Oh shit...

"So Wade...anything else you wanna do here?" Sunset asked, snapping me back to reality

"Oh umm..." I looked around the arcade and spotted an old friend. "Oh! That!" I yelled, pointing to another game.

"Time Crisis?...I guess we could try it. Not really fond of shooters. Were never realistic enough." Sunset replied as I grabbed her hand and led her to the machine. The two of us grabbed our gun controllers and I popped in a few tokens.

As we played our way through the game Sunset watched as I would mindlessly shoot anyone who got in my crosshair without a thought, sometimes yelling taunts at the screen.

"Ummm Wade?" Sunset asked, tapping my shoulder as her character crouched behind a barrier.

"Yeah?" I replied, not even looking away from the screen to respond "HA HA! SUCK IT YOU WORTHLESS GRUNT!"

"You do this kinda stuff for a living right? Taking down criminals, stopping the bad guys, you know. Stuff like that?"

"Yeah." I answered back, my eyes still glued to the screen as we reached the final level. "AH YEAH! FINAL LEVEL!"

"Well...do you ever feel bad about it? I mean some of those people have families, loved ones. And some may not even be bad at all...do you ever feel guilty?"

I went quiet for a moment, finally taking my eyes off the screen and looking my date in the eyes and lowering my controller. "I....I tend not to think about it...so many have been lost because of my stupidity/insanity/both."

"And that's why you talk so much. You want to forget about all the friends you've lost so you just keep talking, never saying anything." Sunset replied with a smile as I saw the game over screen come up on the cabinet window.

I thought for a minute as an idea popped in my head. "Is there a shooting range anywhere in town?"

"Ummm...There's Little Pip's. It's on the edge of town so I've never really been around there." Sunset replied with a look of confusion. "Why?"

I smirked. "Cause screw these toy guns! You want something more realistic, then let's use the real thing!"

"Are you sure? I've never fired a real gun before..." Sunset replied, her body language clearly showing a look of uncertainty and nerves.

"Don't worry about it! I'll show you the ropes!" I replied with a smile and a slap on the back.


We pulled in to the parking lot, Sunset still showing signs of uncertainty as she twiddled her thumbs as the car came to a stop. "Wade are you sure about this?"

I gave my girl a reassuring smile as I patted her on the back "It'll be fine."

Coming from you, we know it'll go to shit.


The two of us got out of the car and Sunset asked the question that I hadn't even thought of: "So how are we gonna get in? It's not like they're just gonna let in a pair of teenagers."

"How are we gonna get in?"

"Good looks and charm?"

I was about to answer back with a sign of defeat when one of the employees came up to us.

"Are you Wade Wilson?" The man asked.

"Ummm...yes?" I answered back, confused beyond belief.

"Come right this way. We've been expecting you." The man said as he led the both of us in.

I looked at Sunset and said the first thing that came to my mind. "I guess that's how."

The man led us to the range, a pair of 9mm Glock pistols waiting on stands that looked out upon a pair of targets about fifty yards out. I leaned it towards Sunset, whispering with my hand covering the right side of my mouth. "Did you set this up?"

Sunset leaned in as well, whispering back "No! Any ideas who did?"

I looked around, only seeing a man in a red cloak walking out to the parking lot. "No idea."

Sunset shrugged, whispering back. "Might as well take it while we can."

The employee lead us to the stand, handing the two of us the glocks before walking off.

"You ready to 'show me the ropes'?" Sunset asked, holding the pistol carefully.

"Just watch me and repeat." I said as I brought the pistol to firing position, firing off five rounds at the target, hitting it dead center each time.

Sunset brought the gun up to firing position, holding it with one hand as she took five shots at the target in front of her, the first hitting and the other four flying high above the target, two of them hitting the hill a few hundred yards behind

"No no no! Sunset, you gotta hold it with both hands! This isn't an Airsoft pistol!" I said as I leaned in close and corrected her handling.
I looked over her shoulder as she lined up her next shot, pointing at the target as she brought the gun up to firing position once more.

"You wanna line up the sights, just like with the airsoft pistol but this time hold it with one hand on the handle and the other holding the butt of the gun." I instructed her, gently holding her hands in the correct position "Good...now take the shot."

Sunset fired off a couple of rounds, bracing each time as the glock fired off. She shook her head as she looked off at the target, putting the gun
down before jumping in joy as soon as she realized she had hit the target both times. "I DID IT WADE I DID IT!"

I smiled as I watched her celebrate. "Didn't you learn the Weaver technique when you started airsofting?"

"Yeah, but I got so used to using one hand I stopped using it after a while and I thought using the real thing would be the same...guess I had to relearn old tricks. and by the way." Sunset immediately punched my shoulder before continuing "Next time make sure you get me ear protection! My ears are like church bells right now!"

I let out a reluctant laugh "Yeah...sorry about that. I'm just used to the noise of guns at this point, I kinda forgot about your ears."

"Well either way, it was fun, but I think I'm done for now. My hands are sore from the recoil."

I patted her on the back and let out a laugh "Don't worry about it! You'll get used to that after a while, too!"

The two of us left for the parking lot, the employees letting us off with a wave, not even asking for payment which both me and Sunset both replied with a confused look as we exited and made our way to the car.

"That was weird." Sunset finally said as we both sat down in her Firebird.


"But fun!" Sunset said with a smile "So what next?"

"There a dock in town?" I asked

"Yeah. Larson Bay is a couple of miles away. You wanna do something there?"

I inwardly laughed at the name, replying with a grin. "Wanna skip some rocks on the water? Sunset's gonna be pretty sweet!"

Sunset gave me a confused look as I rolled my eyes and pointed at the setting sun. "Not you! That!"

"Oh! Sure, that sounds good." Sunset said as the car roared to life

The two of us sat on the end of the dock, both of us taking turns skipping stones out onto the water. "You know Wade, this morning I was sure this date would be a disaster, but you proved me wrong. I had a lot of fun today. Maybe I was wrong about you."

"Does this mean we're a couple now?" I asked tossing a stone out onto the water, it skipping a couple times before sinking into the bay.

"Eh...No. But you definitely got to the like status with this date. Keep at it and I might just admit you're not just the guy who knocked me up!" Sunset replied with a gentle smile

"Good enough for me!" I yelled as an achievement box popped up in the corner of my vision as the sun dipped beneath the horizon.


"We should get home. I need to drop by Fluttershy's to pick up Balto."

Just as the two of us got up the sound of Sunset's cell phone's text alert went off, the device buzzing in her hand.

"What the-" Sunset looked at her phone, a look of realization hitting her face as she read the text "OH CRAP! I TOTALLY FORGOT!"

"What's wrong?" I asked as I chased her to the car

"I totally forgot today is our movie day!" Sunset yelled as we reached the car, fumbling with her keys as she hurried to open the car door.

"Movie night?" I asked, confused by Sunset's worried demeanor as I casually opened the passenger door.

"Every Sunday, me and the girls get together to watch a bunch of movies. It's kinda a tradition we started back when we were training for the Survival Games back in Vancouver! We spent all week nonstop training with squad drills and the Sunday before the Games we decided to take the day off to mentally prepare and we ended up spending the entire night watching movies. Ever since then we get together every Sunday and do Movie Night! And today's is at my place! They're all waiting for me!" Sunset explained as she started the car and hit the gas, driving as fast as legally possible towards the apartment.

The car came to a sudden halt, stopping just in front of the apartment as Sunset slammed the door open and hurried inside, dragging me along with her.

We both made our way up the stairs, catching our breath as we stopped at the apartment door, before entering to see the entire crew, Derpy, Vinyl and Octavia included, waiting in front of the TV.

"Took you two long enough!" Dash yelled as we entered, Rarity smacking Dash on the back of the head for her rudeness.

"Sorry. Me and Wade got a little caught up with things" Sunset apologized "So have we decided on a movie yet?"

"We've so far decided that we want to watch something Disney." Rarity added.

"Dash wants to watch Frozen again." AJ added with a smirk

"FOR THE LAST TIME DASH, NO FROZEN! WE'RE ALL SICK OF IT!" Sunset yelled at the rainbow haired jock.

"Congratulations Rainbow Dash! The editor now hates you!" I told the walking gay banner.

Pinkie let out a hearty laugh as Dash looked at me in confusion.

"Screw Disney! I want Dreamworks!" Vinyl yelled at the top of her lungs.

"All in favor?" I asked, raising my hand in agreement.

The rest of the room raised their hands, save for Dash who refused to agree.

"Darnit Dash! Every single time we have this argument! We're not watching Frozen!" AJ yelled at the Frozen fangirl.

"But it's sooo good! Elsa is such a relatable character!" Dash argued back.

"HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON!" Fluttershy chanted, the rest of the room quickly joining.

"FINE! WE'LL WATCH YOUR STUPID DRAGONS!" Dash yelled, throwing her hands up in defeat.

2 Hours later...

The credits rolled as the movie came to an end, Everyone other than Dash cheering and clapping, while Dash sat in at the end of the couch, pouting like a Brad when DnD doesn't go his way.


Face it Brad, your a Salty bitch! Just like Dash!

Do you want to die?


The girls got up, saying their goodbyes as they all made their way to the door, Fluttershy putting Balto down in his dog bed as she made her way out.

"Well that was fun!" Sunset said before letting out a long yawn "Night!"

"Night!" I replied as I made my way into my room, laying down on the bed and smiling as I drifted off the sleep.


Wouldn't that be Date 2?




Before we go I think a round of a applause is in order

"For who? Us not adding to the Wade Fuck up counter?"

No the comments haven't started that yet. I mean for our Editor: Terabyte West! For all the hilarious editing he's done for us! Half the awesometastic jokes in this fic didn't exist until he came along!

Seriously TW thanks! I was only mildly hilarious till you came along!

Comments! I command you to give this Wonderful specimen of a man a proper round of applause!