• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 4,317 Views, 320 Comments

A Changing Perspective: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shell - David Silver

Diamond Tiara speaks out against icky changelings when she hears, ugh, Chrysalis is actually visiting Ponyville. What is the world coming to when a monster like that is allowed to roam our fair town? What do you mean she wants to talk with me?

  • ...

7 - Heading to School

I woke up to a new pain and flopped out of bed before I knew what was going on. Silver leaned over the side of her bed. "Are you alright?"

Her concern made the pain fade a little and I smiled up at her, though it turned into a grimace as I noticed two things. I was a bug, and it still hurt. I tried to call up my usual self only for the general pain to turn into a massive headache. I put a hoof to my head and wobbled dizzily.

Silver hopped down beside me and threw her blanket around me. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know!" The headache faded as she fussed over me, but it was kinda embarrassing. I wasn't a little foal! "Silver, it's alright. I'm okay." I leaned back against her bed and let out a slow breath. "Can you bring some breakfast? Maybe that'll settle things down."

She quickly nodded as she grabbed her glasses and put them on her snout. "Be right back. You stay right there." My urge to snap at her was a little blunted with the powerful waves she was putting off. She was really worried, or at least she really cared? Could changelings feel 'worry'? She hurried from the room and left me alone.

It should have been a relief. I was alone, with peace and quiet. I hated it. I never hated it so much before. I wanted more of what she was making, and I wanted it right then! Part of me wanted to take off that amulet and drink deeply enough to make the hurting stop and put everything to right.

What did I do to make this happen? Was it the bite? Was it... of course. I flopped over and quietly promised myself not to try becoming something big and fierce again. I didn't want to feel that ever again, or even have the temptation of becoming a real vampire just to sate some kind of stupid power trip.

Silver Spoon opened the door after a little knock and slipped inside with a tray balanced on her back. She closed the door quickly behind herself and scooted over to me. "You must be really sick." She set the tray near me and put a glass of orange juice in my reach. "Are you still hungry?"

I waved a hoof vaguely as I tried to push up with the other forehoof, getting myself propped up. "No, not sick. I'm fine. I'll be fine. What time is it? I want to get to school today." She looked surprised, but helped me get at the food and kept fussing over me. I wasn't sure if I wanted her to stop or not, but the headache was gone, and I could enjoy what she brought.

Despite being an emotion-feeding leech, orange juice still tasted nice and made me less thirsty. The eggs were bland, but acceptable. I felt better, better enough to try again. I took my time, pulling the image of my pony self closer slowly and letting that heat build up without hurrying it. When I felt all nice and warm all over, I let the fire come, and I was me again. "Much better."

Silver squeaked and stomped out a lick of fire that'd caught on her blanket. "You shouldn't do that while under a blanket," she admonished with a nervous smile. "Glad you're feeling better though. Let's get washed up and ready for school, if you're sure?" I nodded quickly. "Alright."

We got ourselves bathed, brushed, and ready for the day. I wondered a moment how effective bathing and brushing in a disguise was a moment, but put the thought aside. My fur reacted like it was washed and brushed, so roll with it, or so I decided.

We emerged into the morning light and I smiled. We were going to school. I felt... normal. Sure, school could get boring at times, but it was where I normally went, and where I'd go if I wasn't a creepy insect.

"Hey Diamond, Silver." It was Apple Bloom. "Did ya take care of whatever called ya away yesterday?"

I licked over my lips in sudden indecision. How much do I tell her? We were friends now, right? I couldn't be sure of what I felt from her. I think we were? "Apple Bloom, I'm glad you showed up, actually."

Apple Bloom tilted her head at me. "Oh, what fer?" She noticed my pendant and pointed at it. "What's that thing? It looks like somethin' Zecora would have."

I was irritated and amazed at how perceptive she was about that. Were they good friends? "Oh, this old thing? Just a lucky charm."

Silver looked like she wanted to say something, but kept it to herself for the moment.

"I need to ask you something." I reached out and put a hoof around Apple Bloom's head, drawing her closer. "Can you keep a secret? Like a super mega ultra secret?"

Apple Bloom bobbed her head quickly. "So long as it ain't somethin' like Ponyville's gonna explode or anythin'."

I shook my head. "Nothing that drastic." I led her around the side of a building, out of sight of the street and other ponies. Silver Spoon followed after us and started looking for others coming up for us on her own.

Apple Bloom peeked around the alleyway before turning back to me. "What'd ya want to show me here? I don't see much."

I took a slow breath and nodded. "First, promise you won't scream, and you won't run away."

Apple Bloom raised a brow at me. "Is this a trick ta get me scared? Ah ain't scared, Diamond. Now cut it out, we're gonna be late for school and this ain't funny."

It was do or don't do. I wasn't going to let this country filly's stubborn streak stand in the way. Her attitude felt like a challenge, and I took it. With a rush of fire, I became the bug. "Still not scared?"

Apple Bloom squeaked and took a step back. "A changeling?! What'd you do with Diamond Tiara!" She advanced on me with a frown. "Give 'er back!"

Silver Spoon threw up a hoof towards her. "Wait! This is Diamond Tiara, I swear!"

I nodded at Silver before looking at Apple Bloom. "It is me. This is the secret. I was cursed into being a changeling for a little while."

Apple Bloom tilted her head to the left, then the right. She took a slow breath, then reached out to poke me right on the nose. "Wow... I didn't know ya could even do that. Uh, ya better turn back."

I did so, but Apple Bloom snickered, and Silver Spoon didn't look much better. Did I do something wrong? "What is it?"

Apple Bloom reached over and pulled my mane into view. It was actually diamond. It sparkled in the light! "Did ya do that on purpose?"

I turned around and saw my tail was also diamond colored and shaded. If I had done it on purpose, I would say it was a very pretty look, but I didn't! I tried to turn back, but it wouldn't go away. I even tried turning back into a bug, but it followed me there. I was like one of those crystal ponies, at least in my mane and tail.

Silver shook her head. "It's not so bad. You actually look kind of pretty with it." Apple Bloom nodded in agreement with her.

With a sigh, I turned back to my pony self. "Nothing for it now, we should get to class. Apple Bloom, please, this is a secret. Can I count on you?"

She snapped a sharp salute. "Of course! Should I mention it to the other girls? You know, the CMC? We're kind of a team."

They were... Part of me wanted to stop spreading my shame, but they were clever. Maybe they could figure out how to turn me back without hoping on the mercy of Miss Queen Bug. "Alright, go ahead, discreetly." She looked confused. "Subtly." Still confused. "Do it so other ponies won't see it."

"Oh!" She smiled. "Shoulda just said so."

I put a hoof over my face a moment. "Right. Let's meet after school? We'll come up with some plans. If nothing else, I should be able to turn back after a week, but I... I don't trust it. I'd rather find our own way."

Apple Bloom tilted her head a bit. "Ah don't fully understand it, but don't worry! We're on your side." She hugged me suddenly, and I felt it. She did care. It wasn't as obvious as Silver Spoon, but she was my BFF, so I guessed nopony was going to compete with her. "Let's get goin'!"

We emerged onto the street and hurried to school. That's when I saw him. Blunt... Hooves, that was it, Blunt Hooves. He was sitting right in the front and smiling like he belonged there. I knew his secret. Of course, he knew mine. He might have answers... But I couldn't go asking him in the middle of class, so I took my usual spot, and Silver Spoon settled beside me.

Miss Cheerilee stood in front of the class with that bright, slightly fake, smile. "Good morning, students." She raised a hoof to gesture at the other changeling. "We have a new student today! He's an immigrant and it's an honor to have him with us. Please welcome Blunt Hooves."

The class clopped their hooves politely as a few ponies around him asked excited questions like 'What country are you from?' and 'What's it like there?!' and 'Welcome to Ponyville!'

Cheerilee gently clopped the floor. "That's enough for now, you'll have plenty of time to get to know him better during recess. Diamond Tiara?" She was looking right at me, startling me out of my thoughts. "Please abstain from such distracting mane and tail dyes in the future."

"Um, yes teacher." I brushed a hoof through my glittering mane. "My mom got it for me and I had to try it."

She smiled lightly, accepting the reasoning and moving on to lessons. Why had I gone all sparkly? I mean, it was kind of bedazzling, but I didn't ask for it. It really went off well against my tiara, come to think of it.

Cheerilee suddenly called on me and asked a question. I hadn't been paying attention but managed to fudge my way through it without looking too awkward, and she moved on with a firm nod. I tried to pay more attention, just to avoid any further embarrassments. I'd get some answers, soon.

A soft whispered hiss caught my attention and I glanced to see Silver Spoon passing me a note. I took it and flipped it open behind cover of my notebook.

Hiya Diamond!

I already told the girls and they're with you, 100%! We'll get together at recess and try to think of something. For now, let's not get in trouble in school. Don't worry, the CMC are on the case!

Your friend,
Apple Bloom

I felt a little relived and worried at once. Hopefully they wouldn't do anything too rash.

Author's Note:

They say cons are a time to not write.

I disagree!

Let the writing continue!