• Published 19th Oct 2015
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A Changing Perspective: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shell - David Silver

Diamond Tiara speaks out against icky changelings when she hears, ugh, Chrysalis is actually visiting Ponyville. What is the world coming to when a monster like that is allowed to roam our fair town? What do you mean she wants to talk with me?

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5 - Family Dinner

The more Silver Spoon became convinced it was both me, and I was still the same pony as before, the more questions she had. Sucks for her I still didn't know much myself about icky insects, even if I was one at the moment. That didn't stop her from asking, or poking a bit. Whatever crazy changeling magic let me look normal was pretty thorough. She couldn't feel through it even while searching specifically.

Not that I let her try for that long! Sheesh. We may be friends, but that doesn't mean I have to let her ponyhandle me without restraint.

She softly tapped at the ugly pendant I was wearing. "What's this supposed to be?"

I had almost forgotten about it. "I got it from Zecora, that Zebra that lives in the Everfree."

She frowned with a gasp. "How'd you get it from her? Did you go in there?" I nodded with a smile. "That's so dangerous!" She looked scared, but impressed. It wasn't like I got mauled or anything, so I obviously made it through alright. "Does she really... What's she like?"

I waved a hoof dismissively, "She wasn't that big of a deal once you went through the trouble of hiking out to her. She barely knew anything about what happened to me, but she gave me this hideous thing." I lifted the amulet. "It's not even for me, exactly. It protects other ponies."

She looked baffled a moment, tapping her chin softly as she frowned. "Why? Are you dangerous?" She flinched back a little. "Are changelings that dangerous even to their friends?"

Oops. "Nothing like that!" I quickly set a hoof on her side. "I mean, you know what they eat, right?" She nodded a little, watching me intently. "If they just let it happen, nopony loses anything. It's like we're sponges for love or something like that. But if we suck directly at it, that can be bad." How to explain this... I could see she was still a bit lost on the specifics. "I'm not going to hurt you, Silver. You trust me, right?"

Silver's hesitation began to melt as I directly asked her. She stood up straight and nodded. "We'll get you back to normal. Nopony should have to be a changeling."

"Not even changelings." I frowned. Stupid, poor, changelings.

A soft rapping came from the door. "Dinner is ready. Your parents await your presence, madame."

I heard Randolph move off almost immediately after the message was delivered. Maybe... "Silver, let's say, just in theory mind you, I thought maybe I was a little rough on the hired help. What would you think?"

Silver tilted her head one way, then slowly towards the other. "Well, I guess... I'd say to get him a nice treat! What kind of things does he like?"

I had no idea! "How would I know?!" I stood up and moved for the door. "We should get to dinner. Mom'll get grumpy if we keep her waiting after we talked about it face-to-face, you know."

Silver Spoon followed after me and we moved through the finely-appointed halls of my house to the dining hall. Mom was at one end of the table, and Dad was at the other. It wasn't the most romantic seating, but they weren't the most romantic ponies ever. They both looked towards me when I arrived.

Dad smiled brightly and gestured to a spot closer to his side. "Good to see you, my little Diamond. I was hoping you could tell us about those lessons you skipped today."

Skipped? I walked stiffly to the seat he pointed to and Silver hopped up beside me. My mind whirred with thoughts. Maybe he just meant 'skipped' because I already knew it? I did say that! "What about them, Dad?"

"Oh, just a few questions about changelings you could answer, since you knew them so well." He had a shrewd look on his face. He knew... Did he run into Cheerilee?

Mom suddenly clopped the table. "Can we not discuss such revolting topics at the table? I'd like to keep my appetite, and that involves not bringing up hideous monsters." She pushed against the table and snorted with obvious disdain. "What is that new upstart thinking? A peace treaty with them? As if they can be trusted with anything. Like sleeping with a tiger and hoping everything works out, if the tiger had mange and was missing an eye. Have you seen how ugly they are? And they all look alike! When they're not looking just like somepony you know. Ugh." She shuddered with revulsion and turned her gaze on me, then lower. "What is that?"

I looked down to see she was referring to the pendant I wore. Daddy noticed it too and raised a brow. "That's a curious-looking thing. I don't think it's your usual style, dear."

Ugh, why'd it have to be a laughing donkey? And made of wood! "Oh, just a little good luck charm."

Mom rose up, leaning on her hooves on the table instead of her rump. "My daughter does not need good luck charms, especially one so hideous. Diamond Tiara, remove that this instant, and give it to Randolph to burn. It's ugly anyway."

Silver Spoon gave a soft gasp. "Missus Rich... I'm sorry my taste in gifts..." She looked away like she was hurt. Oh, that was so good! I had to give her a big hoofbump after we were in the clear.

Mom looked surprised. "O-oh! Just... remove it at the table." She cleared her throat as she sank back down to her rump. "Really, dear, wherever did you find such a... unique thing?"

Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses. "Oh, I ordered it, all the way from Zebrica." Mom looked suddenly more interested. "It was very expensive." She was sold. "It's supposed to be a ward against bad fortunes. I thought it'd be a little more handsome, but this is what they delivered. Still, it's quite exotic."

"Yes, exotic." She tilted her head faintly. "Diamond, save it for... special occasions." She clearly still thought it was a bit ugly, but 'exotic' ugly was different than normal ugly. "We wouldn't want to get it dirty at the dinner table." Pfft, as if I believed she cared about that for an instant. I took it off anyway and tucked it underneath me for the moment, out of sight.

Dad cleared his throat softly as the meal was set before us. "Diamond, about that lesson." I had hoped he forgot in the conversation. "So, tell me about the changelings."

Mom scowled. "Must we at the table? Really, dear husband, this isn't polite conversation at all." She served herself some food and gestured at Randolph, who hurried forward to fill her glass with some wine. "You can wait until after dinner."

I rubbed behind my head a little. "About that..." I could feel the love coming from Daddy and Silver and Mom. Each was different. Each had a taste! I didn't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. Maybe it was just different based on the pony. But if they all loved me, maybe... maybe I could just get it out there, and not hide the rest of the week. "Just being a changeling isn't so bad, is it, if they were somepony you actually knew well, right?"

Mom spat out some of the wine she'd just started to drink. "Perish the thought! Imagine that, somepony I thought I knew turned out to be a changeling?! Why, I'd be, we'd all be laughing stocks. That is not how we advance as privileged ponies." She leaned forward towards me. "Just imagine the diseases they could give you without you even knowing, to say nothing of foalnapping the lot of us and leaving us withered husks. I'm afraid the only reasonable response would be to firmly disavow any relationship to such a... thing..."

Dad reacted better, but went way off track. "Are you worried they're imitating us, pumpkin? I assure you, your father's still his old self." He reached over and nudged me on the shoulder. "Besides, a shrewd filly like you? You'd spot a changeling in an instant."

I gave a nervous laugh at that. I didn't spot them instantly last time, and I was one that time. I was an ugly bug, hiding right in front of them... "Yeah... I wouldn't be easy to fool, but, you know, just saying... in theory." I was glad being well-fed seemed to keep my disguise firm. With all three of them, I had no problem holding my shape, even with the distractions.

Mom pointed a fork she had clipped to her hoof at me. "That's quite enough of that. I made it perfectly clear I don't want that discussed around dinner. You're doing it on purpose now. Let's eat and talk like civilized ponies, not gossip about one of the most revolting creatures I've had the displeasure of being around." She crossed her forelegs. "We would disavow them and bar them from our presence, before we reported them immediately to the guards, the end. Now..." She fixed her eyes on Dad. "About that event coming up this weekend?"

Dad sat up. "Ah! Yes, everything's ready for it, darling. I've double checked the invitations--" He and she began rambling about some party Mom was clearly invested in. I wasn't going to get any help from them, especially Mom... The way she spoke, she'd kick me right out of the house if I told her the truth, then call the guards to haul me away without a second thought. I couldn't tell them...

Silver Spoon suddenly raised a hoof. "Excuse me. Apologies for interrupting, but may I borrow Diamond Tiara this evening? I was hoping to study with her. I didn't pick up everything about today's lesson and she already knows so much about it."

Dad looked surprised. "Oh, does she now?" His doubt lifted into a smile. "Of course. Diamond, help your friend." I'd normally bristle at being told what to do, but it was perfect! Perfectly perfect!

"Of course, Daddy," I said in an almost sing-song agreement and we shared a smile.

Mom snorted softly. "Really, of all the talents. Knowing about those isn't going to help you much in life, mark my words."

Silver Spoon wobbled a hoof. "Oh, I know, but I can't fail another test. It would just, like, be dreadful to get any more of Miss Cheerilee's attention."

That seemed to mollify Mom, and we finished up dinner in relative peace. I wouldn't get help from my parents, but I had permission to visit Silver for the night. Wait, one night? "You know, Silver, the test's next week. I'll stay with you and make sure you not only pass, but get an A. That'll show Miss Cheerilee who the true quality ponies are." My parents looked proud of my 'generous' offer to Silver, and it was settled. They wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't around much for a while, and maybe I could survive the week without ending up in jail or worse.

Author's Note:

Family dinner: survived.

Silver Spoon: bestest friend!

Parents: Not helpful.

Diamond narrowly avoids social typos as she sets her sights on less hazardous sanctuaries.