• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 4,317 Views, 320 Comments

A Changing Perspective: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shell - David Silver

Diamond Tiara speaks out against icky changelings when she hears, ugh, Chrysalis is actually visiting Ponyville. What is the world coming to when a monster like that is allowed to roam our fair town? What do you mean she wants to talk with me?

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2 - I Have This Under Control

She pointed to a tunnel. "Go on now."

I didn't need to be told twice! But I wasn't going to go running off like she... scared me or anything. I turned up my nose and sauntered away from her, trying to ignore her eyes that I could feel staring into my back.

I could see brighter light coming from up ahead and she wasn't in sight anymore, so I hurried towards it, emerging closer to Twilight Sparkle's castle than the town. Was she in on this?! Was everypony in on this?! I stomped a hoof with frustration. A week! I just had to last a week. Where should I go... School didn't expect me to come back, but that didn't stop me from going there anyway, but would they be of any help?

I ran a hoof through my soft mane. Ah, at least my mane was fantastic enough that even being turned into a bug couldn't keep it down. I checked and had my bits still on me. At least the Bug Queen wasn't a thief as well as a foalnapper. I decided a little snack to settle things down was in order and trotted towards Sugarcube Corner.

"Hi there!" Pinkie was manning the counter and smiling at me with that huge 'I am so gosh darn happy with everything!' smile she always had. "What can I get fer ya?" She suddenly looked pensive and tapped her chin. "Shouldn't you be at school?"

I waved a hoof at her dismissively. "No, and that's none of your business. I'll take a cupcake, honey glazed, extra sprinkles. Chop chop." I clopped my hooves to emphasize it, and Pinkie rushed to work. She had a good work ethic at least.

I exchanged a few bits for the treat and wolfed it down a little faster than I planned. It didn't fill me up like it usually did, and it tasted a little stale. What kind of third rate ingredients were they using?! "Pinkie, that cupcake tasted terrible!"

Pinkie looked shocked and dismayed. "Really? What was wrong with it? I'm so sorry! I'll make up another one."

I smiled at her easy surrender. "Thank you. The flour tasted like it was going off, and that threw everything else off."

Pinkie tilted her head one way and the other. "Huh..." She went and fetched a new bag of flour and got to work. "This'll take a while but I'll get you that cupcake, promise!"

That gave me time to wonder, but I was thirsty too. "I'll take a glass of milk while I wait." She slid the glass over quickly and I snatched it up before heading over to a table by the window to look outside and think about things. So long as I looked like my usual self, everypony would treat me like normal. If I got dis... I noticed my right hoof had a great big hole in it and started in surprise, which made more of me start turning bug-like, black shell and all. I dove under the table and concentrated really hard. With a fwoosh of fire, I was back to pretty. Peeking out from under the table, Pinkie was still busy making that cupcake. She hadn't noticed, phew.

Alright, remember to concentrate, got it... How did they keep it up all day long?! I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard somepony sink across from me. It was that crying brat from earlier. "Need something?"

He looked away a moment. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't ask her to do this to you."

He knew? How... Oh. "You're the changeling!" I hissed in a whisper. "Your 'Queen' turned me into a bug!"

He nodded softly. "She did... I didn't mean for this to happen, I promise! I told her how you were being mean and she said she'd take care of it and then this... I just want to go to school, with other foals. I... I'm sorry."

His apologies weren't turning me back to normal. I felt annoyed. If he hadn't gone and blabbed about me, Miss High and Mighty wouldn't have grabbed me. "This is your fault."

"You're slipping." He pointed at where a hole was forming in one of my forelegs that sent me scrambling out of sight to fix myself. "Look, I'm... My name's Blunt Hooves."

I sat back up in my chair, taking a slow breath. "Blunt Hooves? That's a pony name."

He smiled timidly. "I'm a pony."

Yuck. "You are not. You're a bug."

He pointed at me. "So are you. Do you want a new name?"

I cringed at the idea. "No way! I'll go back to being normal. You'll see. So, what, you're even pretending to yourself to be a pony?"

He squirmed in place. "I'm not pretending. I am a pony. I'm learning how to be a good pony, at school." He sniffed softly. "I'm not even a drone... like you."

I flipped my ears back as Pinkie announced. "Ready!" She bounced over and set the cupcake in front of me with a few sparklers stuck in it. She was going all out to make it appealing. She even added a few oat cakes around it. "Here you go! Fresh from the oven." She bounced away, looking so happy with herself.

I picked up the cupcake and chewed it softly. It still had that... off taste.

"You're a changeling, remember?" He looked a little sad. "Regular food's not so filling. You need love."

Love? I was a vampire! A real vampire! "I don't want to drain some pony into a husk. I'd rather eat stale muffins."

He shook his head quickly. "It's hard to explain, but you'll know it when you feel it. When someone loves you, it'll feel like something's already going in your mouth. If you just let it happen, you'll fill up, and they won't be hurt. Just don't slurp it down. The more they love you, the faster it works. Look, I have to go..."

No! He had answers. I needed them. "What did you mean by 'drone'?"

He shook his head again. "No, really. I'll see you tomorrow, at school." He smiled a little. "We'll keep our little secret, alright?" He hopped down and trotted away, bursting into a gallop once he was outside the store.

There was so much to being an icky bug I didn't know. I was pretty sure I saw wings, and a horn? Could I do magic? Could I fly? I chewed listlessly at an oat cake as I thought about it, only to notice I was slipping again. This was getting out of hoof! "All full, thanks!" I dashed out of the bakery and around the corner to retake my disguise. Why did this have to be so hard?!

I spotted one pony I definitely wanted to see. There was daddy! He was talking to some other ponies about something and walking briskly down the road. I bet he was talking about some business deal or something. He was always doing something amazing with money. I quickly scurried to catch up with him.

"Diamond! Aren't you supposed to be at school?" He had a warm smile despite his accusation. He loved me, I could... taste it? Something sweet and thick was tickling at my tongue and ran right down my throat. It was better than a dozen cupcakes, and my hunger was fading away. I gave a little sip and a bit of a sour edge laced it that tasted great. I felt great!

Daddy wobbled a little. "Oh, I've been walking too much today. Diamond, I'm about to head home, why don't you come with me?"

I fell into step with him as he resumed his conversation with the other pony. I didn't care about that other stallion. Did I just hurt daddy? I hoped it wasn't serious. No more sipping, even if it... tasted so good.

The hunger I had felt was gone entirely, replaced with an energetic vitality. I felt like I could take on the world, or at least keep my disguise going without barely thinking about it. Maybe that was why I was having so much trouble? I just needed a snack, a real snack. A... bug snack.

I was happy to be walking alongside with daddy. He really did care for me, and I knew I'd be safe around him, so long as I didn't blow it all and scare him with a bug face. I kept a firm hold on my disguise as we walked and arrived at our house. He easily opened the gate and led us inside. "Diamond, would you fetch us a drink?"

I'd normally bristle at such a domestic task, but I was so happy at the moment, I went off to do that. I filled a pitcher with water and set it on a tray with some cups before I realized the butler should be doing this. Where was he? Too late to ask him to do it... I returned with the tray balanced on my back and let it slide off onto a table beside daddy and his business friend. "Here you are."

"Oh, thank you Diamond. I really needed a drink." He poured himself a cup and swigged it down. "Ah, much better, now, as I was saying, we could double production!" He was in full management mode. He was so impressive when he was in full swing of things and I watched him a moment before trotting off towards my room. I had to figure out how I was going to spend the rest of the week. Could I even sleep without waking up as a bug? Probably not... What should I do?

I dug through my small library, but none of the books even mentioned changelings, let alone had anything useful about them. Ah ha! Princess Twilight Sparkle loved books. She had to have a few about changelings up at her castle, and she didn't mind us foals going up and borrowing one or two, as long as we were careful with them. Even if she was in on this nefarious scheme, she wouldn't mind me knowing what the hay I was, would she? I'd find out.

I trotted out past Daddy and he held up a hoof. "Hold up a moment, Diamond. I just remembered, why aren't you at school?"

Oh, uh, quick excuse. "I was sent home because I already knew today's lesson." I turned towards him. "It was about changelings, and I know more than everypony else in the class." That much was likely to be true. I...ugh... was one...

He smiled proudly. "That's my girl! Keep it up and make your daddy proud." He lifted his glass of water at me and I felt happy. He was always so supportive.

I nodded to him and his friend. "I'll be back in time for dinner!" And off I went, trotting out towards the great crystal spire that was Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle. She had to have some answers. She just had to!

Author's Note:

Diamond Tiara meets the foal she hurt the feelings of and started this whole incident, and managed to get through it without making them cry or scream at her. She's improving!

Barring any typos of fate, she's on her way to Twilight's to get some answers.

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