• Published 3rd Oct 2015
  • 7,860 Views, 151 Comments

Portals. Portals Everywhere! - Piece Bot

A portal gun is bought and a boy gets sent to Equestria. Expect funny reactions to portals popping up everywhere. [A Displaced fic]

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Chapter 31 - Jump 4: Epilogue

“Well, we’re jus’ about to our first campsite where we’ll meet Rainbow Dash,” Applejack told the others. They were walking along a woodland path with Rarity, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The day was sunny out with only a few clouds in the sky. The smell of dust from the trail mingled with the smell of the damp forest around them.

“Good, because I don’t think Sweetie’s going to be able to pull all of Rarity’s things much further,” Scootaloo commented as she looked back sympathetically at her friend. Sweetie’s sister, Rarity, had packed just about everything and the kitchen sink for this campout whereas the others had packed just what they’d need.

“Ya want some help, Sweetie?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Nah, I’ve got it. It’s not as heavy as it looks,” Sweetie replied as she hauled the load with obvious sweat marks on her muzzle and body.

“If ya say so,” Apple Bloom said uncertainly.

“Are we there yet?” Rarity complained.

“Fer once when that question gets asked, yes,” Applejack grinned as they arrived at the clearing they were camping in. A river ran alongside the clearing with trees surrounding the area.

“Took you guys long enough!” Rainbow called from a cloud above them before diving down to get four logs for their seats and some stones from the river for their firepit.

“We woulda been faster, but Rarity packed her usual amount of items fer a trip,” Applejack said and hooked a hoof at Rarity’s luggage.

“She does know that we have to carry all of that stuff along to the next site, right?” Rainbow asked before a dark shape floated down the river. When it got closer, they saw that it was actually a black dragon who seemed familiar to them. The dragon was lying on his back with his eyes closed, basking in the sunlight as he floated along.

“AJ, if that’s who I think it is then the girls are going to freak out. I mean, we were unsettle by his appearance,” Rainbow said as she hovered over the river.

“Jus because he’s here don’t mean he’s gonna stop whatever it is he’s doin ta join us, Dash,” Applejack replied.

“Who are you two talking about?” Rarity asked after she’d set up her tent and sent Sweetie to find some flowers for her.

“Draigo, he’s in the river,” Rainbow said and pointed to the floating dragon.

“Oh dear, you don’t suppose he’s injured or something, do you? I can’t quite remember him doing something like this before,” Rarity said in concern.

“Ah’m sure he’s fine, but why don’t you two go check on ‘im an Ah’ll stay with the young'uns ta make sure they don’t run off inta the woods in fright,” Applejack suggested.

“On it,” Rainbow said before flying over and landing on Draigo’s belly. “Hey, Draigo. You okay?”

“Hmm?” Draigo hummed before raising his head up and smiling at Rainbow. “Oh, hello, Rainbow. I’m okay, thank you. Just relaxing and enjoying the day. Something I haven’t done in a while.”

“Well, we were just about to roast some marshmallows if you’d like to join us,” Rarity offered as she trotted over to the river.

“That sounds like a nice idea. Is there anything you need help with in return for letting me join?” Draigo smiled. The two fillies that were still in the clearing ‘eeped’ and hid behind Applejack’s legs, shivering in fright. “Then again, perhaps I should just continue floating down river.”

“If ya want ta join us then ya can. The girls jus need ta get used ta yer new look,” Applejack told the dragon.

“If you say so,” Draigo said hesitantly.

“A little scare is good for growing fillies, Draigo. Besides, they might like have something scary around to keep the other scary things at bay during the night,” Rainbow smiled and hopped off of Draigo’s belly and onto the bank of the river.

“Then allow me to provide the fire and pull around that massive pile of luggage so I’m not just mooching off of my friends,” Draigo said as he flipped over and slowly walked out of the river towards the camp site. With each step he created a muddy footprint as he drip dried from his trip downriver and with each step the fillies tried to hide that much more behind Applejack’s legs.

“Come on out, you two. Draigo’s still Draigo. He ain’t changed how he behaves with his new appearance. Well, except fer when Sombra made ‘im relive his worst fear, but that’s over and done with,” Applejack told the two cowering fillies.

“B-But-” Apple Bloom tried to get out, but was interrupted by her sister.

“No buts. He’s our friend and he’s already worried about how ponies are always afraid of him just fer lookin like he does,” Applejack told them.

“Well, except for the ponies who try to get Celestia to do everything for them or do things that could be handled by someone other than the highest authority in the land next to Luna,” Draigo said with a chuckle.

“I don’t think that helped the situation, Draigo,” Rainbow said and pointed to the still cowering fillies. Draigo sighed and closed his eyes in thought. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow shared a concerned look before looking back at Draigo. Silence reigned in the clearing before Draigo took a breath and released it slowly. He then raised a wing towards the river and made bubbles start coming from the water to fill the clearing.

“B-Bubbles?” Scootaloo said before tentatively reaching out a hoof and popping one.

“Let’s pop all of em,” Apple Bloom smiled before running around and popping as many bubbles as she could. Scootaloo hesitated a bit before joining in on the fun.

“Did my sister bring bubbles or something?” Sweetie asked when she came back with Rarity’s flowers and saw her friends running around popping bubbles.

“While bubbles are fun, I didn’t bring them. Draigo created them from the river,” Rarity told her younger sister.

“Draigo?” Sweetie said before noticing said dragon. “Oh, okay,” Sweetie shrugged before joining her friends popping bubbles.

“This should tire them out and let them know I haven’t changed from the dragon who made those necklaces for them… too much,” Draigo said softly as he watched the three fillies play in the bubbles.

“Yeah, they’re still going to have to get used to those eyes of yours, though,” Rainbow grinned as she hovered next to Draigo’s head.

“Mhm, Ah’m surprise Sweetie has the energy ta play like this,” Applejack commented.

“Is camp set up besides the firewood and fire?” Draigo asked.

“Yes sirree, we’ve got everythin’ else set up,” Applejack nodded.

“All that’s left is to get those two and get something to eat,” Rainbow replied. The four set about getting firewood and getting the fire started while the three fillies continued playing in the bubbles.

Once the fire was going they settled in and began roasting marshmallows and other camp food over the fire while watching the sun set and the sky turn into a beautiful night sky. They enjoyed some idle chit chat and a few stories of past adventures. This continued for quite some time before Sweetie Belle began to nod off.

“I think it’s time for us to get some beauty sleep,” Rarity giggled softly.

“Yeah, we need some rest so we can hike ta the next site,” Applejack nodded and began ushering Apple Bloom to their tent while Rarity and Rainbow lead their tent mates to their temporary abodes. When the adults were about to head into their tents, a black portal rimmed with white appeared on the ground.

“What in sam hill is that?” Applejack asked upon seeing the portal.

“I don’t know but it doesn’t look like a very friendly thing,” Rainbow said as she readied for action.

“It looks like… but he doesn’t make this color of those,” Draigo said as he examined the portal.

“What are you talking about, darling?” Rarity asked as they watched Draigo walk closer to the portal.

“I have a friend who makes something similar to this, but those are blue or orange not black,” Draigo answered.

“Then maybe it’s someone related to this friend of yours,” Rainbow suggested.

“Perhaps, but he’s the only one I know of so far who has anything close to this,” Draigo shrugged his wings before setting himself up in front of the portal with the three mares on the other side, just in case. The portal then rippled and an orange blur shot out of it in the middle of the group. The blur took a quick look at the peak of his height before screaming, flailed his arms, and fell onto Rarity. Rarity screamed before grunting daintily in pain when whatever had come from the portal fell on her.

“Get off of me you ruffian! This isn’t appropriate to do to a lady!” Rarity cried as she tried to get out from beneath the intruder. The orange thing grunted before rolling off of Rarity. His eyes blinked rapidly, with the still standing group seeing his left eye was green and his right one was yellow. Another notable feature was his hair being a mixture of brown, green, and grey.

“Ow,” the orange suit said casually.

“Yer the one who fell on top of Rarity, fella. Yet yer the one sayin’ ‘ow’?” Applejack said with a raised brow at the being.

“Comedic effect?” he guessed before standing up and brushing himself off.

“Not very funny from where we’re standing,” Rainbow replied with her forelegs crossed over her chest.

“Wait! Rainbow? Rarity? Applejack?” the being looked from Rainbow to the fallen Rarity, to Applejack and then his face fell at the sight of the dragon. “Da-Da-DAAAAAH!” the being screamed before zooming in the opposite direction, leaving a dust trail behind.

“Stop right there, Joseph!” Draigo called. Joseph ignored the dragon and placed orange gel in front of him, sliding and zooming along, unknowingly going faster and faster. Draigo sighed and gave chase to his frightened friend. “I know I look different, but I swear I’m Draigo!”

“No no no no! You’re a d-demon!” Joseph shouted behind him, narrowly dodging the trees as he slid off the beaten path.

“Would a demon save all of Ponyville from the pony version of Australia after they were taken there by robotic changelings!?” Draigo cried as he ran straight ahead, taking chunks out of the tree trunks in his path when he collided with them.

“That was Draigo, not-” Joseph was interrupted by a sudden collision with a tree trunk.

“Like I said, I’m- whoa!” Draigo cried as he slipped on Joseph’s orange gel and went careening towards the poor man. Draigo slammed into Joseph, sending him straight through the tree trunk and sprawling on the grass on the other side.

What a rush!” ‘Joseph’ said excitedly.

“How injured are you, Joseph?” Draigo grunted as he got up and slowly walked over to Joseph.

Jo- oh! You want to take a message? He’s out back at the moment,” ‘Joseph’ grinned, standing up with nary a scratch.

“You’re not injured at all? And you’re Joseph,” Draigo said in confusion as he examined his friend for any possible injuries.

Nope, and nope,” ‘Joseph’ replied, shaking his head and even doing a little dance.

“Well, the first one’s confusing as to how, but it’s also a good thing. The second one… That one… is a lot more confusing actually,” Draigo said with a raised brow. “Who are you if you’re not Joseph?”

I’m Jack, Draigy!” Jack cackled.

“Jack?” Draigo asked in confusion. “Also, how do you recognise me as Draigo when Joseph didn’t?”

Alternate personality. Should clear everything up,” Jack explained simply before rubbing his hands together.

“Been there, done that,” Draigo sighed.

Oh? Do tell,” Jack said gleefully before sitting down cross-legged with his portal gun in his lap.

“Long story short, I became corrupted before becoming another world’s Nightmare Moon,” Draigo told Jack. “I don’t plan on telling anyone in this world about that. So, keep it to yourself.”

No-” Jack was going to say before suddenly hitting himself. He shook his head and blinked rapidly. “We won’t tell,” Joseph told him.

“Joseph? Is that you?” Draigo asked cautiously as he eyed his friend.

“Yes, it is mate,” Joseph sighed. “I really need to keep the head trauma to a minimum. I got enough of it as is.”

“I know the feeling. Had Pinkie’s party cannon go off a couple times right near my head,” Draigo grinned. “What brings you to my world and why did you seem frightened of Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow? Me, I can understand. Everyone is initially with my new look, but them? Uh uh.”

“Jack managed to slice the CMC and the other foals in a local park with glass,” Joseph said.

“Ooo, that’s going to be hard to explain away,” Draigo said with a sympathetic hiss.

“Ya, tell me about it,” Joseph huffed. “Why are you out here anyway?”

“Well, I was just floating down the nearby river when Rainbow landed on me. Turns out she, Rarity, and Applejack are taking the Cutie Mark Crusaders on a campout and they invited me to join them. We were just about to head to bed when your strange black portal showed up,” Draigo explained as he idly twitched the end of his tail back and forth.

“I’ve been world hopping,” Joseph told him before walking back to the camp.

“World hopping? Why?” Draigo wondered as he walked after Joseph. The sound of their footfalls, some crickets, an owl hooting, and the rustle of leaves in the wind being the only sounds besides their voices as they walked through the woods.

“Um, trying to make my world forget about what I did by seeing how much time passes,” Joseph said nervously.

“Good luck with that. I was gone for over a thousand years in one world, but not even a year had passed here when I got back,” Draigo replied.

“Time works differently for each universe,” Joseph muttered.

“Mhm, and the only way you’re going to find out if your journey worked is to go back to your world and check,” Draigo pointed out.

“Yes, I know that,” Joseph sighed. “I … just can’t face her quite yet.”

“Her? Who is ‘her’?” Draigo inquired as the light from the campfire became visible in the distance through the trees.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Joseph said fearfully, clutching his portal gun tightly until his knuckles turned white.

“Whoa, easy there, Joseph. What happened that you’re this afraid of one of the friendliest and nerdiest ponies in any world?” Draigo asked.

“JackkilledSpikeandnowI’mrunningfromit,” Joseph said in a rush.

“Jack… killed Spike?” Draigo said in surprise and astonishment.

“With laughing gas,” Joseph gulped.

“Oh boy, so it’s not just Twilight then. It’s Ember as well once she finds out,” Draigo said with wide eyes in realisation.

“Sh-She isn’t here, is she!?” Joseph asked in horror.

“Ember? No, you’re the only visitor from another world as far as I know,” Draigo told the horrified Aussie as the crackling of the campfire and sounds of chatter came to their ears. Joseph stayed on the edge of the firelight as Draigo kept walking, uncertain of what the three mares would do to him. Draigo looked to the side to talk to Joseph before realising he was walking alone. He looked back and saw Joseph standing at the edge of the firelight and walked back. “They’re more forgiving than you think, Joseph.”

“Yeah, I’m fine staying here, mate,” Joseph told him.

“Have you talked to anyone about this in all of your travels? Tried apologising to other versions of your ponies so it’ll be easier once you’re back home?” Draigo questioned. Joseph gave Draigo a pointed look. Draigo sighed. “I’ll take that as a no to both questions.”

“No,” Joseph said pointedly before sitting opposite the three mares, still at the edge of the firelight.

“Well, I know one thing they’ll want from you at the very least,” Draigo said.

“What?” Joseph asked cautiously.

“An apology for landing on top of Rarity,” Draigo told his paranoid friend.

“Oh,” Joseph said in a small voice and glanced at Rarity. Rarity was chatting with the other two mares and didn’t have a speck of dirt or anything else on her white coat or hooves.

“Think of it as practice for when you go home,” Draigo said with a closed smile.

“Rarity?” Joseph asked suddenly.

“Hmm? Oh, yes, darling?” Rarity said as she blinked in surprise at being addressed out of the blue.

“I’m sorry for falling on you,” Joseph told her.

“Apology accepted, dear. It wasn’t anything a little dusting off couldn’t fix,” Rarity smiled.

“Uh huh,” Joseph said in disbelief.

“Okay, a lot of dusting off. A lady has to maintain a pristine coat, you know,” Rarity replied with an eye roll.

“No, I don’t,” Joseph shrugged.

“Well, now you do,” Rarity told the man.

“Ah got a question if ya don’t mind me askin’,” Applejack chimed in.

“Depends. What’s the question, Appleyack?” Joseph asked, his eyes flashing green at the mention of her name.

“That’s Applejack, mister. Ah was wonderin why ya seemed so afraid uh us,” Applejack told Joseph.

“An alternate personality of mine cut up the CMC and some other foals in my world with glass,” Joseph told them. The three mares shared a look before nodding.

“Don’t tell the girls about that. This is suppose to be a nice little get away for them,” Rainbow told Joseph.

“Alright, I’ll leave,” Joseph shrugged and aimed his portal gun a little ways from the camp site.

“We didn’t say ya had ta leave, mister. Jus don’t tell the younguns in the tents an ya can come along. You seem like ya could use some relaxation yerself,” Applejack said as she gestured to the tents.

“Oh. Good night,” Joseph saluted them and then fell backwards into a snore on the ground.

“I’m not sure if he’s faking that or not,” Rainbow said with a raised brow at Joseph.

“I don’t think he is. I think he hasn’t gotten a good night’s rest in some time. So, I’ll make a shelter for him and me while you three go to bed with the girls,” Draigo replied before laying down next to Joseph.

“Alright, see ya in the morning,” Rainbow smiled before walking to her tent. Applejack and Rarity bid Draigo goodnight before doing likewise and soon it was just Draigo and Joseph left outside.

When the morning sun rose, its rays fell upon the campsite of a makeshift shelter, three tents of varying fanciness, and a smoldering fire pit. Yawns and groans could be heard from the tents as the occupants woke up and got ready for the day.

“Morning, everypony,” Scootaloo said as she exited her tent and went to sit down on one of the logs.

“Good mornin, sugarcube,” Applejack smiled as she and Apple Bloom walked out of their tent.

“Did Draigo end up staying the night here?” Apple Bloom asked upon noticing the makeshift shelter.

“He did and a friend of his showed up last night. He’ll be tagging along for some needed rest and relaxation,” Applejack nodded before chuckling at who had risen with the sun and who hadn’t. “Seems like it’s just us three until the other sleepyheads wake up and join us.” Then, a loud snore came from the makeshift shelter.

“And I thought Rainbow snored loud,” Scootaloo chuckled.

“I don’t snore, Squirt,” Rainbow said sleepily as she trotted out of their tent.

“And Ah can actually act,” Applejack chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah. You’ve got no proof,” Rainbow replied. A tape recorder slid out from the shelter to rest in front of the group. They looked down at the recorder before looking up at the shelter.

“You can come out and talk with us if you’re awake. We don’t bite,” Scootaloo called to the shelter as Rainbow picked up the recorder.

“If you want proof, press the play button,” Joseph called from the shelter.

“You were asleep before I was. So, this is just you snoring,” Rainbow replied before pressing the play button. ‘This is a recording of how loud Rainbow can snore,’ Joseph’s voice sounded from the recorder before a series of whinnies and loud snoring played out. Rainbow blushed before hitting the stop button. “Th-That’s easily f-faked.”

“Oh really?” Joseph asked, coming out of the shelter. He walked up to the group, took the recorder, went back into the shelter, and played the tape. The same snoring from before sounded out.

“What the heck does that prove?” Rainbow asked.

“That you snore extremely loudly,” Joseph told Rainbow, emerging from the shelter again.

“What’s your name anyway? We never found out last night,” Rainbow said to change the subject.

“My name’s Joseph, sheila. Pleasure to meet ya,” Joseph grinned with a wave.

“It’s good ta meet ya as well, Joseph,” Applejack smiled and tipped her hat.

“What’s a ‘sheila’? Scootaloo wondered as she trotted up to the man in orange.

“And why’re you wearin a orange suit?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Female and it’s my uniform,” Joseph said nervously, looking down at the fillies.

“Oh, so it’s like mare or filly then,” Scootaloo replied.

“What’s like mare or filly?” Sweetie mumbled as she walked out of her tent.

“Sheila. That’s what Joseph called Rainbow Dash just now,” Scootaloo told Sweetie and gestured to the orange clad man.

“Hmm, he looks like a smaller Draigo when Draigo’s that bipedal thing,” Apple Bloom commented.

“Human,” Joseph told her.

“Is that what yer called? Hoomin?” Scootaloo asked.

“My species, yes. That’s what I’m called,” Joseph nodded. “I don’t think I derailed any plans you may have had.”

“Nope, we’re jus waitin fer Rarity ta wake up so we can help er pack er stuff up before we start hiking ta the next spot,” Applejack told Joseph before a bright eyed and pristine looking Rarity trotted out of her tent.

“Good morning, everypony,” Rarity smiled. “I see everyone’s awake and ready for the day.”

“Except for Draigo. He’s still in his shelter,” Rainbow grinned and pointed a hoof at Draigo’s shelter.

“Well, let’s get packed up so we can leave when he’s up an ready,” Applejack suggested. The others nodded and began packing up their tents and other gear. After a few minutes, all the packing was done except for Rarity’s extravagant abode.

“Let’s get breakfast going while Rarity finishes up packing. That’ll probably get Draigo up and going as well,” Rainbow said before bringing out a simple breakfast for herself of oats. Applejack brought out a skillet and got the fire going again before cracking some eggs onto the skillet to cook them. The smell wafted around the campsite and a low groan could then be heard from the shelter Draigo was in.

“That smells nice,” Draigo mumbled from within the shelter.

“I didn’t think Draigo had a loud voice,” Joseph commented.

“Sorry, still waking up. So, I talked louder than normal,” Draigo yawned as he exited the shelter and stretched his body.

“Oh, okay,” Joseph nodded. “You don’t seem to snore though,” he added with a head tilt.

“That’s confusing to you? You thought I would snore?” Draigo replied.

“You’re a big dragon. Don’t they usually snore?” Joseph asked confusedly.

“I’m only the size of Celestia at the moment, thank you. And it’d depend on the dragon, but even normal breathing may seem like snoring to beings that aren’t as big as dragons can get. Or so I would think,” Draigo answered.

“So what's with the giant floofy tent?” Joseph asked for a quick change in subject.

“It is not ‘floofy.’ It is luxurious and exactly what a lady strives to have on a campout,” Rarity asserted.

“So, why are you carrying around a circus tent?” Joseph asked with a raised brow, and rubbed the back of his neck.

“It is not a circus tent! It is a luxury tent of high class and is easier to set up than the two other tents Applejack and Rainbow brought,” Rarity told Joseph.

“Not that this ain’t entertainin’, but we’ve got breakfast ta eat an’ then we need ta get goin so we can set up camp again before nightfall,” Applejack said as she dished out appropriate portions of eggs for herself and the other ponies. When she saw the amounts she rethought it and redistributing so Joseph and Draigo had portions. She then handed out the food and sat down to eat with her sister.

“I think Jack is rubbing off on you a bit, Joseph,” Draigo commented before eating his eggs in one bite.

“Really?” Joseph deadpanned before practically inhaling his breakfast.

“Unless you annoy your Rarity just as much,” Draigo replied.

“I don’t,” Joseph shook his head. “But, Rarity, your tent only goes up a lot easier because of your magic.”

“Actually, magic is only involved in the take down process… for me. The tent sets up by pulling on a cord,” Rarity informed Joseph as she daintily ate her eggs. Joseph scrutinised the tent from where he was and tilted his head at it.

“You sure? It looks like it has plenty of poles in it,” Joseph commented.

“All she did was pull a cord. Never saw her horn light up once during the set up,” Rainbow shrugged.

“So … if that’s the case, then why isn’t the same thing done with your tents?” Joseph asked.

“Cause ours are lighter, take up less space, and a heck of a lot less expensive,” Applejack grinned. Joseph blinked and then sighed.

“Rarity, I get you’re prim and proper, but you couldn’t even consider a tent like what Applejack and Rainbow have?” Joseph asked her.

“Pshaw, darling. Their tents are nice, but I am a high class lady. Refined, dignified, and classy everywhere and anywhere possible. My tent is just that,” Rarity explained before thinking of something. “Of course, I could have gone with the next model up.”

“If bein’ high class means having ta lug around as much stuff as you do fer a campout then Ah’m glad Ah’m not like that,” Applejack grinned before putting out the fire with a few kicks of dirt.

“I hate to ask, but what was the next model?” Joseph asked cautiously.

“A two story tent like this one, but with a complete second floor instead of just a balcony and upper room. It could fit six ponies instead of the four this one can fit,” Rarity answered.

“Glad you didn’t go with that one then,” Joseph said as he stood and tried to help them pack up. Packing the rest of their stuff was simple, all except for Rarity’s. They had to wait a good twenty minutes after they were done packing for Rarity to finish packing and putting her stuff in the cart she’d brought to hold it all.

“Hey, what’s that thing you’re holding?” Scootaloo asked and pointed at Joseph’s portal gun. Joseph glanced at what Scootaloo was talking about and smiled.

“It’s my portal gun,” Joseph told her before demonstrating. He placed a blue portal on a tree trunk, and then an orange one underneath Rainbow. Rainbow yelped before landing on her side next to the blue portal.

“And this is why flying is better than being on the ground,” Rainbow said as she stood up and dusted herself off.

“So, it’s a prank cannon?” Scootaloo asked.

“No, it’s not. I can demonstrate it better if we were in an enclosed space,” Joseph shook his head.

“There is that crazy stunt you pulled when we first met,” Draigo chuckled.

“Like I said. Enclosed space,” Joseph said firmly before quickly heading up the path.

“You mean you don’t want to duplicate that stunt?” Draigo said in mock shock as he got into the harness of the cart and walked along with the group once they had started down the path.

“What stunt is he talking about?” Rainbow asked as she hovered along above the group.

“When we first met, I was on Draigo’s back. I then got the bright idea of falling from about a thousand feet up in the air,” Joseph sighed.

“And you survived that?” Sweetie said in astonishment.

“Mhm. I placed a portal beneath me and one beside it so I can shoot back up. What I didn’t realise was that I kept my velocity as I went down and I only got faster going up,” Joseph explained.

“Sounds fun,” Rainbow smiled.

“Says the pony who can perform a sonic rainboom,” Joseph muttered.

“Sounds fun to me too,” Scootaloo grinned.

“Oi,” Joseph groaned, holding a hand to his forehead.

Night had fallen for the second time for their trip. Crickets were making their nightly music with the occasional owl lending their voice. The three tents and makeshift shelter had been erected and everyone was sleeping soundly. Except for one little filly.

Scootaloo was tossing and turning in her sleeping bag as she muttered unintelligibly. Sweat had begun rolling down her body and her eyes were scrunched closed. Rainbow, meanwhile, was oblivious to her tent mate’s situation. She didn’t even stir when Scootaloo gasped awake and walked out of the tent, breathing heavily. Scootaloo sat down on one of the logs they’d used for seats earlier and sighed as she stared glumly at the firepit.

“That story of Rainbow’s really got to me,” she said softly to herself as she rubbed her forelegs with her hooves.

“Scootaloo? What are you doing up?” Joseph asked in surprise, walking back into the campsite from the forest. Scootaloo flinched at being addressed and fell off of the log onto her back.

“I’m… watching over the camp. Yeah, that’s it,” Scootaloo told Joseph. Joseph sat on the log opposite the fallen filly and only stared. Scootaloo chuckled nervously before dusting herself off as she got back up. “What’re you doing up?”

“I had to go to the bathroom. Going by your reaction, one of the scary stories frightened you,” Joseph guessed.

“I’m not scared,” Scootaloo said firmly.

“She’s in denial,” Draigo commented as he walked out of his shelter.

“Definitely,” Joseph agreed.

“But I’m not afraid,” Scootaloo replied as Draigo laid down nearby.

“Hmm, is that a rusty horseshoe over there, Joseph?” Draigo asked and pointed behind Scootaloo. Joseph stood up slightly to look over Scootaloo and tilted his head.

“I think so. You want to have a look behind you, Scootaloo?” Joseph wondered. Scootaloo stiffened before shaking her head emphatically, making it look like she had four eyes.

“Yep, it was that story,” Draigo nodded his head.

“So, what did you find scary about the story?” Joseph wondered as he stood and walked to where they had spotted the horseshoe. Scootaloo sighed.

“How the old mare was always there. Just calling for her shoe no matter where you ran or hid. Her voice echoing through the dark forest, too,” Scootaloo told them as she slumped in her seat.

“Well, telling you it was just a story probably won’t help,” Draigo said thoughtfully with a sympathetic expression.

“So, how can we get you to stop your fears? Sleeping with us?” Joseph wondered from behind her.

“But this was supposed to be some sisterly bonding and fun time. I’m already sleeping with Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo replied.

“I’ll wake Rainbow up then,” Joseph smiled before walking to Scootaloo’s tent.

“No, don’t! I don’t want her to know I’m scared,” Scootaloo said as she trotted in front of Joseph and placed herself between him and her tent.

“She won’t laugh,” Joseph told her with a raised brow, stopping in his tracks and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Maybe, but nopony else is scared or having nightmares. I don’t want her to see me like this. I want her to think I’m strong and unafraid. Something she could be proud of. This isn’t something she’d be proud of,” Scootaloo explained.

“Yes she would. Admitting you’re afraid shows that you’re strong,” Joseph replied.

“So’s facing your fears,” Draigo grinned.

“I’m too tired to deal with this,” Joseph sighed, rubbing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.

“How’s this, Scoots? I make a big shelter for us that can hold you, me, Joseph and Rainbow. We then move Rainbow into the shelter and we all sleep together. You get some time with Rainbow and get two ‘bodyguards’ to help with your nightmares,” Draigo smiled softly.

“How’ll we explain that to Rainbow in the morning?” Scootaloo asked with a hoof to her chin as she considered the plan.

“I abducted you two for nefarious purposes,” Joseph grinned.

“I was too lonely with only Joseph and brought you two into the shelter for company,” Draigo shrugged. “Either one works, really.”

“Mmm, Draigo’s version. I don’t want Rainbow and the others being mad at you, Mister Joseph, when you’re really helping me,” Scootaloo replied. Joseph sighed.

“Thought as much. Build the shelter so we can get back to sleep,” Joseph said before covering his mouth with a hand while yawning.

“One shelter for four,” Draigo smiled before making a simple shelter of two angle pieces of rock for the roof and a third rock to cover the back. It was big enough that Scootaloo’s tent fit inside it with room for Draigo and Joseph to sleep in comfortably. “There, that’ll do for tonight and we can just set the tent up inside a similar one if we spend another night out here.”

“Awesome, I really appreciate it, you two. Thanks,” Scootaloo smiled before hugging Draigo’s leg and then Joseph’s legs. Joseph wobbled a bit before suddenly falling backwards when Scootaloo let go.

“You’re welcome,” Joseph groaned.

“Happy to help. Let’s get Rainbow and your sleeping bag inside so we can all get some sleep,” Draigo said before levitating both Rainbow and Scootaloo’s bag out and into the shelter on a slab of earth. Once it was all done, Joseph headed into the shelter after Scootaloo and bade them good night. It would have been if not for one thing. Rainbow snoring. Joseph stared at Rainbow before covering her muzzle with his hands.

“Sorry, forgot to mention that,” Scootaloo apologised as she and Draigo walked into the shelter.

“We’ll figure something out, Scootaloo. You just get some sleep,” Draigo told the filly as he looked down at Rainbow.

“Alright, thanks again. Night,” Scootaloo said before getting into her sleeping bag and fell asleep almost immediately.

“Know any way of getting someone to stop snoring?” Draigo asked Joseph.

“I’m trying,” Joseph said tiredly, nodding his head to Rainbow’s covered muzzle.

“True, but you can’t exactly sleep like that,” Draigo pointed out. “We’re going to have to find another way.”

“Can you fashion earplugs?” Joseph asked suddenly.

“They wouldn’t be foam or that mushy stuff the molds to your ears, but I think I can,” Draigo said as he thought about it.

“We’ll need them,” Joseph told him. Draigo nodded and began fashioning earmuffs out of earth with a breezy inside for a bit of white noise in case Rainbow’s snoring got through the earmuffs.

“There, I think that does it. Try it out,” Draigo said and handed Joseph a finished set of ear muffs. Joseph placed the earmuffs over his head and took his hands away from Rainbow. After a few seconds, he gave Draigo a thumbs up. Draigo smiled and slipped on his own ear muffs before yawning as wide as his jaws could go and laying down for the night.

Now back in Ponyville, Draigo took Joseph over to Golden Oaks library. The orange clad man was hesitant to even be near the library.

“It’s for your own good,” Draigo told Joseph.

“No no no no! I am not going in there!” Joseph said in a panic, trying to run away from it. Draigo extended a wing and blocked Joseph’s path.

“You don’t have to go in,” Draigo replied as he kept his friend from running away.

“I don’t?” Joseph asked in surprise.

“You don’t,” Draigo smiled. “They can come out instead.”

“Nope, I’m gone!” Joseph said before running into the library without realising it. He skidded to a stop and looked back around. “Wait.”

“Hi, welcome to Golden Oaks library,” Spike greeted. His wings were folded against his body as he walked up to the new guest. He was about the size of Twilight with a length of almost twice his size. “Can I help you find anything?”

“S-Spike,” Joseph breathed, staring at the dragon in shock.

“That’s me,” Spike nodded before quirking a brow at Joseph. “I’m not that scary, am I?” Joseph shook his head before walking closely and hugging him, apologising over and over. Spike was really confused about why the newest human was apologising so much to him, but gently patted Joseph’s back as he wrapped his wings around the man. Joseph let go after a bit and smiled at Spike.

“I, um, sorry. I’m a friend of Draigo’s that happened to portal in and, um, I did something to the Spike in my world that I sincerely regret,” Joseph explained quietly.

“Well, first off. Apology accepted. Second, what’d you do?” Spike asked before realising what he’d asked. “Uh, you don’t have to answer that.”

“I really don’t want to talk about it, but good chat,” Joseph grinned and tried to walk away.

“Not quite done, Joseph,” Draigo said as he blocked the doorway.

“Hey, Spike. Who’s that you’re talking to?” Twilight asked as she walked down the stairs.

“Joseph, apparently. He’s a friend of Draigo’s,” Spike told Twilight and gestured with a wing to Joseph.

“Oh, another human. Welcome to Equestria and Golden Oaks. It’s nice to meet you, Joseph. I’m Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight smiled and waved at the man. Joseph was frozen and was looking at Twilight in fear. “Um, are you alright?”

“He had a lesser, but similar reaction when he saw me,” Spike commented with a thoughtful expression.

“He messed up bad and is now terrified of his Twilight,” Draigo explained.

“Um … hi,” Joseph said in a small voice.

“Hi, is there anything I can do to help?” Twilight asked.

“Um, n-not hurting me would be a beaut,” Joseph replied.

“Hurt you? Why would I hurt you? I’ve got no reason to,” Twilight told Joseph with a confused expression.

“An alternate personality of mine killed the Spike on my world,” Joseph sighed, knowing he won’t get anything out of being fearful of this particular Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh dear, I can imagine how your Twilight feels. I’d be heartbroken if Spike died,” Twilight replied.

“But that’s not happening anytime soon for us,” Spike grinned.

“Now that that’s settled, I’m gonna go,” Joseph said slowly, and walked past Twilight and Spike.

“You can stay as long as you’d like, Joseph. You might think of something if you’re around me and Spike some more that could help with your situation,” Twilight said as she watched Joseph walk off.

“I’ve stayed away from my world long enough, thank you,” Joseph told them, stopping his walk and turning to face the trio.

“Well, it wasn’t as action packed as our other encounters, but it was nice seeing you again, Joseph. You got my token on you in case you need help?” Draigo said as he walked up to stand between Twilight and Spike. Joseph aimed at the wall and holding the trigger, his portal gun shuddered and a black portal rimmed with white appeared on the wall.

“Yeah, I think Fluttershy and Pinkie have it,” Joseph said before waving and jumping into the portal.

“This token, you like it. Another!” Draigo chuckled before tossing a copy of his token after Joseph, just in case he couldn’t get to Fluttershy or Pinkie. A solid thunk echoed from the portal before a yelp of pain as the portal vanished.

In a dark alleyway, a black portal rimmed with white appeared, spitting out Joseph and Draigo's extra token before vanishing, a ringing sound echoing as the token thunked with his head. Rubbing it furiously, Joseph cursed at the pain before looking at where he was. A dark alley, with garbage bags near the dead end wall and looking at the mouth, he found cars moving along the road.

"One thing's for sure, this definitely isn't my world," Joseph sighed before walking out the alley. Before he could even step out into the sunlight, people screamed and ran past the alley, only to be followed by smooth pumpkins with legs. He jumped back at hearing shots be fired only for one those 'crabs' to spot him. 'Here's a good question. How did it spot us without any eyes!?' Jim shouted in his head causing him to duck and wince at Jim's strength. 'I don't know but look out!' Jack shouted unhelpfully. Joseph tried to stand back up but his face was then attacked by the crab. Seeing rows of sharp teeth trying to gnaw his face off made him scream his lungs out. A gunshot cracked out into the alley and the 'crab' slid off him.

"Hey, you alright?" a female voice asked him. Joseph was too busy rubbing his face in case of claw marks to hear so the woman lightly thwapped.

"Ah! The heck was that for, sheila!?" Joseph asked, looking at the woman. She looked to be in her late teens, and was wearing some kind of metal suit. The plates covering her chest jutted out and there seemed to be grey armor on her legs, feet and arms. She was currently using a pistol and looked to have an amber face and what could only be described as bacon hair.

"Not listening to me. I asked, are you alright?" she demanded of him.

"Yeah ... now. What's your name?" Joseph asked curiously, zipping up his orange jumpsuit.

"Sunset Shimmer. You?" Sunset asked.

"Joseph. Wait, that symbol," Joseph said incredulously as he finally noticed the symbol on her chest plate. "That's ..."

"From Black Mesa, I know. And you're from Aperture. Welcome to this side of the portal," Sunset grinned throwing her arms wide. "This world is ruled by Headcrabs, mostly."

Author's Note:

FINALLY! I finally completed this story! Now, I have no idea when a sequel's going to come out, but there definitely will be. As for the crossover, it's from Danger A. Dragon and his story The Iridescent Element. Thanks for sticking with the story despite the incredibly long delays in between.

As you may have guessed, Black Mesa is with the Equestria Girls world, and Aperture is in Equestria. If Aperture rules one world, why not have Black Mesa rule another? Huh?

Comments ( 5 )

What the hell!?

But srsly good chap can't wait for sequel.

Oh man... that's a good plot twist...
I NEED to see the sequel.

Sequel yes. I would like a sequel pwease:rainbowkiss:

Where is the sequel this is a good story and I've been waiting over a year

It's been over a year already? I've been working on real life stuff, unfortunately. No clue on if a sequel will come out.

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