• Published 3rd Oct 2015
  • 7,865 Views, 151 Comments

Portals. Portals Everywhere! - Piece Bot

A portal gun is bought and a boy gets sent to Equestria. Expect funny reactions to portals popping up everywhere. [A Displaced fic]

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Chapter 30 - Jump 3: Isaac and Jethro

On a crystal wall in Twilight’s library, a portal filled with black and rimmed with white appeared. It rippled for a second before sending out a man in an orange jumpsuit with green, gray and brown hair. The portal fizzled out as he rolled upon landing and hit a bookcase, causing it to fall with a loud crash on top of him.

“Oh come on, seriously?” Spike grumbled as he popped his head into the room. “Did more of those digimon show up?”

A groaning noise sounded out from underneath the fallen bookcase as the figure shifted underneath it. A few of the fallen books were pushed out of the way as the man crawled out from underneath it.

“No digimon here...” the man groaned as he rested with his face on the floor for a bit.

“Gah!” Spike jumped back his eyes wide. “How did you get here! T-the mirror isn’t open!”

“How the heck can someone go through a mirror? I got here by a portal,” the man answered, rubbing his eyes and looking up, immediately freezing upon seeing the dragon.

“I-I gotta tell Twilight!” Spike spun on his heel, hurrying out of the room as fast as his little legs would carry him. Hearing the name, the man quickly got up and ran after him, trying to catch up. With his longer legs, he managed to do so before the dragon turned the corner.

“Don’t... tell her I’m here. Please,” the man said slowly in an almost pleading tone.

“Why shouldn’t I?” he asked, glaring up at the man.

“Because I can’t handle seeing her. I can barely handle seeing you!” the man hissed in reply, crouching so he was eye level, glad that he got him to stop for the moment.

“Hey man! Back off! I’m a dragon!” Spike growled, letting out a puff of smoke.

“Of course you are,” the man said with a chuckle, standing and backing away slightly with his hands raised. “What Spike isn’t?”

“Uh... what?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

“What?” the man parroted and then chuckled a bit at realising what he said. “This is the first time you’ve run into someone like me, isn’t it?”

“A human? I’ve seen a human before... Just not a weird color like you before.”

“You’ve run into humans before? Nevermind. What I meant was... how can I explain this? Wait, better question. Is there someone here who is or was confused about who they are?”

“No.” He shook his head. “I mean those weirdo digimon were just here but they knew who they were.”

“Were these weirdo digimon confused about where they were or what they were, then?” the man asked, sighing as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“They didn’t seem to know anything about Equestria.”

“Then I’ll need to speak to them. It’ll help explain who I am too,” the man said, a smile on his face. “Do you know where they could be?”

“Twilight and Starlight took them out into town, you know, show ‘em around.”

“Of course Twilight did that. She would do that for anyone.” The man sighed and shook his head. “So, they would be somewhere in Ponyville then?”

“Yeah.” Spike nodded. “Who are you anyway?”

“Name’s Joseph. I’m from a different Equestria, before you ask. Everything will be explained as long as Twilight is nowhere near to hear.” Joseph introduced himself, and shuddered at the thought of confronting Twilight.

“What?” Spike blinked. “The hay are you talking about?”

“What do you mean, what am I talking about?”

“Other Equestrias? Really? That’s like a bad Power Ponies comic.”

“Possibly, but it’s true. I’m not sure if you’ve encountered other beings from different Equestrias, but just in case not, I need to introduce myself to those weird digimon you mentioned.” Joseph shrugged, looked up and took a good look around the shiny corridor. “I give, what is this place?”

“This is Twilight’s castle! It grew from that weird box after the girls stopped Tirek,” Spike explained with a hint of pride in his voice.

“The shiela gets a castle?” Joseph asked in surprise and started walking back to the library to see if he can retrieve his weapon. “What kind of magic box gives a unicorn a castle?”

“Unicorn? Twilight hasn’t been a unicorn for at least two years.” Spike tilted his head. “Also, what’s a sheila?”

“Sheila. It’s another word for girl, or mare in this case. I used it a lot back home but I’m not so sure if I should use it that much here. Anyway, what has she been if she’s not a unicorn?” Joseph asked, scratching his head as his eyes widened at this.

“Well that’s easy! She’s an alicorn!” Spike smirked. “The Princess of Friendship.”

Joseph stopped in his tracks at this and nearly fell over in shock and surprise. He felt his brain grind to a halt as he tried to process this.

“You, uh... you okay?” Spike asked, his smirk fading into a frown.

“I’m, heh, fine. Just wondering how... Twilight, became an alicorn...” Joseph said slowly, his face twitching a bit as he tried to think of how much more powerful alicorn Twilight was than unicorn Twilight.

“Well that’s easy, she finished Starswirl’s last spell.”

“Which was what?” Joseph asked as a whole range of emotions flew by over his face.

“Uh... I’m not really sure.” Spike scratched his cheek. “It caused all of the girls’ cutie marks, except for Twilight’s, to switch around. I don’t really know what it did.”

“Twilight cast a spell, and she’s an alicorn. Okay, I think your Equestria is ahead of mine. By a lot. Maybe. I don’t really know how far along mine is because I haven’t been there in a while. Let’s just find these digimon,” Joseph said with a sigh, as he turned and resumed walking to where he crashed in the library.

“Hey! Where are you going!?” Spike asked rushing after him.

“Back to the library. I came with a portal gun and I think it’s stuck under the shelf I crashed into, mate,” Joseph called out over his shoulder as he turned into the library. He looked at the shelf, sighed and heaved it up just enough to eventually kick out the gun from underneath. It was white, had a cylindrical body, was filled with two tubes in a glass container with two more snaking out and connecting to the back. On the front of it were three prongs that helped him pick up various stuff and a hole for the portals to come out from.

“Portal gun?” Spike asked, groaning at the books littering the ground. “And I just reorganized those...”

“Yeah, sorry about that. But yeah, this is a portal gun. Shoots portals,” Joseph explained, shooting a blue portal onto one wall and an orange one next to it. He walked over, put his arm through, and waved at him. “See?”

“Whoa! That's amazing!!” he watched, his eyes wide in awe.

“I love using this thing. It’s actually a lot of fun, especially when you have to think on your feet.” Joseph grinned, taking his arm out and turning back to him. “You want to have a go?” he asked Spike, holding the gun out to him.

“Really?” Spike asked, holding his hands out, looking at the device with wide eyes.

“Yeah, really.” Joseph nodded, and handed it to him. “Put your preferred claw on the handle inside the back, aim at a blank space on the wall, and press one of the buttons,” Joseph instructed, making sure to stand behind the dragon in case anything went wrong.

“Okay...” Spike slide his right claw in, grabbing the handle. He aimed at the wall, pulling the trigger, causing a blue portal to appear. “Now what?”

“Looks like the other portal is still there. Walk up to the blue portal, and step through. Simple.” Joseph demonstrated by doing exactly that. He walked through the blue portal, and appeared a few feet away where the orange one was. He stepped back and gestured for him to do the same. “Now you try.”

“Whoa... that's so cool!” Spike grinned, running through the blue portal and appearing next to Joseph. “Where do I get one of these?”

“You said there were a bunch of digimon running about, right? Far as I know, there’s no Aperture Science building from there and unless one suddenly appears, you’re out of luck. You’re the second one that’s wanted one of these and this is the second time I’ve had to decline. Sorry ‘bout that, mate,” Joseph said, sighing and scratching the back of his head.

“Uh...?” Spike gave him a look. “Mate? I don’t, uh... swing that way...”

“That’s... I didn’t mean that!” Joseph said quickly, shaking his head. “It’s another word for friend. Maybe I should just stick to normal words, huh?” He sighed and gave Spike a look. “Just, don’t worry about it. Did Twilight say when they would be back?”

“Not really...” Spike rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m gonna say around lunch. I was gonna start working on it until you... you know... knocked all the books on the floor...”

“That shouldn’t be too far off then and I bet Twilight’s not gonna like the books on the floor. I think I know this organisation system. Let me put the books back up while you make lunch. Hopefully nothing will be amiss and it’ll make it up for me barging in unannounced, even if it’s a tiny bit,” Joseph told him after examining a few of the bookshelves to see how they were organised and picking up the fallen one.

“Well... okay... But I’m not taking the blame for this.” Spike put the portal gun down and started to put them back, working from the ground up.

“I’ve taken enough blame from her as it is. What’s a little more gonna do?” Joseph asked himself bitterly, fizzling out the portals by a pressing a button on the handle and quickly set to helping Spike put the books back.

“So... humans...” Spike looked up at him. “Do you have a pony counterpart too?”

“If I did, I haven’t met him but honestly, I doubt that I do,” Joseph answered, focusing on putting the books instead of looking at him. “Why do you ask?”

“Because whenever I go through the mirror, I turn into a dog...” Spike pouted.

“You what?” Joseph asked, trying to keep from laughing at the thought of a dragon turning into a dog.

“Yeah. Whenever Twilight and I go through the mirror to see Sunset, she turns into a human and I turn into a dog...”

“Being a dog can’t be that bad though,” Joseph said, blinking at this information as his soft chuckles died down. “I didn’t think walking through mirrors would do that, but then again, I’ve never walked through a mirror so how would I know?” he wondered aloud then noticed that they were almost done with the reshelving.

“Yeah, well... not having claws sucked...” he grumbled softly.

“I bet it did. I can’t imagine what not having any fingers would do to me,” Joseph agreed, stepping back from the shelf after placing the last book to see if there were any out of place by peering at the spines from a distance. “Can you see if there are any disorganised books?”

“Nah. Looks good!” Spike smirked, looking up at him. “Good work!”

“Thanks.” Joseph blushed a bit in embarrassment but it quickly cleared up when he smiled back. “I thought I recognised the organisation. It’s genre by genre, a-z. You said you needed to make lunch for when the others get back, yeah?”

“Yeah.” Spike nodded. “I should go get that started.” He turned and walked toward the door.

“While you do that, I’ll take a look around the castle,” Joseph said, picking up his portal gun and following the dragon. “Hopefully I’ll get lost and not see Twilight during my visit,” he muttered to himself.

“What was that?”

“Nothing. I’m just rambling. You go cook while I go explore. Sound good?” Joseph said hurriedly before turning in the opposite direction of Spike and quickly walked down the hall.

“Uh yeah, just don’t take anything, got it?” Spike asked, giving the human a stern look.

“Got it!” The human gave a thumbs up as he called over his shoulder and turned the corner.

“I think I just found another library,” Joseph muttered, his eyes widening at this before closing the door and continuing on. “Where would the kitchen be then? Maybe Twilight and the others are back now.” He talked to himself softly, resting his gun on his shoulder as he tried to find his way back.

“I can’t believe you changed again,” Twilight’s voice echoed through the halls.

“Yeah well, a life or death situation is more than enough to get a digimon to digivolve,” Isaac commented.

“Oh no. Nope. Not doing this,” Joseph said to himself, an extremely terrified look on his face as he recognised Twilight’s echoing voice. Quickly looking around, he found a small closet and immediately hid inside, grateful it was big enough to hide him in.

“I’m going to have to give you two a full exam. You’re a scientific breakthrough just waiting to happen!”

“Just don’t forget that they’re people too, Twilight,” Starlight responded.

“It’ll be fine. I’m not going to get carried away...” Twilight chuckled softly, though there was a nervous edge to her voice.

Joseph heard their voices as they walked past the closet he was hiding in and let out a snort of laughter before quickly covering up his mouth.

“What was that!?” Twilight called, throwing the door open, lighting her horn up. Joseph closed his eyes, crouched and immediately held his throat as the door was magicked open.

“Don’t kill me! I didn’t mean to do it!” the human called out, momentarily forgetting it was a different Twilight than the one he was used to.

“A human?” Twilight asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. “How... how did you get here...?”

“Heh, uuhh, this?” Joseph said uncertainly as he opened his eyes, holding the portal gun out to her. “I came here by... portal. Not the mirror.”

“You should probably get out of the closet...” Twilight muttered, eyes on the gun, stepping out of the way.

“Noo, I think I’ll stay here.” Joseph said slowly as he placed the gun on the floor and pushed it to her. “I feel a lot safer here anyway.”

“Get out of my closet.” Twilight glared, narrowing her eyes.

“Y-Yes Ma’am,” Joseph stuttered, zooming out of the closet and standing up, the same terrified look as before back on his face.

“Now!” Twilight smiled, closing the door with her magic. “Let’s get to the lab!”

“What about lunch?” Isaac asked, frowning.

“You just ate!” Twilight argued, frowning.

“But...ya know...” Isaac looked away, rubbing his stomach. “I’m still hungry...” Twilight just sighed, rubbing her forehead.

Joseph flinched at the door closing. “Y-You’re not going t-to ask me anything else?” he asked, picking up his portal gun slowly.

“Oh, I will, but it helps to have everyone comfortable first!” Twilight smiled, letting her annoyance go.

“I was afraid of that,” Joseph muttered, blinking away his look of fear, but he still felt it on the inside. “Let’s get... comfortable then,” he said and gestured for Twilight’s group to lead the way. Twilight smiled, practically prancing down the hallway.

“Well.” Starlight cleared her throat. “My name is Starlight Glimmer, a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled holding her hoof out. Unsure how to do this, Joseph shook her hoof with his hand wrapped around it.

“Pleasure to meet you too. I’m Joseph,” Joseph introduced himself with a wavering smile. “I heard a third voice when I was in the closet. Who did it belong to?” he asked as he looked between Twilight, Starlight and himself.

“Yo!” Isaac called, standing behind the human, with Jethro sitting on his head.

“Hey. There they are. You’re what? A Digimon?” he asked, crouching down to look at them better. “Never saw Digimon so I can’t tell which ones you are. Sorry.”

“I’m Isaac and I’m a Veemon,” Isaac pointed to himself. “And that’s Jethro, he’s a Wormmon.”

“Hi.” Jethro waved some of his legs.

“G’Day. I’m Joseph,” Joseph replied with a nod, his eyes widening at their appearances. He then stood up and rubbed his eyes. “You’re Digimon. That would be short for Digital Monsters, right? I’ll just assume it is, look, ” he said, and looked behind him to see Twilight standing at the end of the hall. “Maybe we should continue this where Twilight can actually hear,” he suggested, the frightened look back on his face when he spun to face the ponies again.

“What are you so afraid of?” Jethro asked, suddenly jumping on Joseph’s shoulder.

“Twilight. What she’ll do to me because of something an alternate personality of mine did back on my own Equestria.” Joseph said quickly, leaning his head away from Jethro and stumbling a bit from the sudden increase in weight. “Heh. Wh-why do you ask? Is it really that obvious?”

“Seeing a grown man shake like a chihuahua? Yeah, it’s obvious.”

Joseph huffed and slumped a bit, looking at the other two. “We don’t want to keep her majesty waiting, do we?” They nodded, with Jethro clinging to his shirt by his claws. Gesturing, he led them over to Twilight and did his best to apologise to her without stuttering too much.

“It... was my fault, we... were held up. I’m, sorry, Twilight,” Joseph apologised with a fearful look on his face.

“Don’t worry about it!” She smiled, waving her hoof dismissively. “Now come on, Spike gets miffed if you,re late to his meals.”

“He does?” the man asked in surprise, barely cringing when Twilight mentioned the dragon’s name.

“Well yeah, he puts a lot of effort into his cooking.”

“Sure, he puts a lot of effort in but I never knew him to get miffed when someone was late.” Joseph blinked and placed his hands in his pockets.

“It is rude to keep people waiting,” Starlight chimed in, starting to walk again.

“Right,” Joseph said softly, and began to follow her after giving a mixed look to Twilight. He then looked down at his shirt and turned his attention to Jethro. “How did you and Isaac become Digimon, because I have a feeling you two weren’t Digimon to begin with.”

“We bought some medals from a guy and then poof, we ended up here as digieggs.”

“That’s a common Displacement.” Joseph sighed and rubbed his eyes. “Was there anyone else with you or was it just you two? Wait, no, if there were they’d be here too. Any questions?” he asked the group as it looked like they walked into a spacious dining area.

“Uh no, there were eight of us.” Isaac rubbed the back of his neck.

“I found Isaac’s egg here at the castle, while Jethro’s was found in the Everfree.” Twilight looked back at them.

“Eight of you, two were found in and around Ponyville ... that would mean your other friends are probably scattered around Equestria,” Joseph surmised and blinked at Twilight. “Could that mean that these other six are eggs as well if they haven’t been found yet?” he asked, frowning at what this could mean.

“I suppose that's possible...” Twilight tapped her chin. “We won’t know until we find them.”

“I’m just guessing, anyway. What have you been up to since you got here then?” Joseph asked the two digimon, standing to the side awkwardly when he stopped near Twilight.

“We went around Ponyville, that's it.”

“So, nothing much other than getting used to the sights. That’s cool. If I know Twilight, then she’ll want to know how and why I’m here.” Joseph sighed after nodding at the answer and unconsciously clenching and unclenching his fist. “Isn’t that right, Twilight?” he asked the alicorn tiredly after rubbing his eyes.

“Uh... you okay?” Twilight asked, concern in her voice.

“Haven’t had a wink of sleep in who knows how long. I’m just running on adrenaline at this point.” Joseph answered, crouching down and bobbing for a bit as he tried to stay awake.

“Then sleep.” She cast a small spell to help him drift off, throwing a blanket over him. He didn’t have any time to react before his eyes drifted closed as he slumped to the side and landed on the floor.

In the morning, Joseph blinked his way awake, yawning and stretching. He was confused for a moment as to where he was but then remembered and immediately rubbed his face to get himself fully awake. “This is definitely not my Equestria...” he groaned to himself. He sat up, resting his elbows on his knees and took a good look around the room.

It was a rather nice little den, rather cozy despite everything being shiny and reflective.

Joseph stood up and held the blanket, along with his portal gun, and tried to see if he could find a way out. He liked the look of the room, and he’d like it even more if it wasn’t so shiny and reflective. He spotted a door, and went to it. Opening it, he didn’t find anyone or anypony on the other side. Breathing a sigh of relief, he went through it and began to explore the place. “Hello? Anyone here?” he called out, his voice echoing around the hall, cringing in case someone shouted for him to be quiet.

“Hey, hey, you're up.” Spike peeked out of a room, peering down at him.

“Hey! How long did, Miss Spellcaster put me out for?” Joseph asked, noticing the dragon and quickly walking up to him.

“A day. It’s almost lunch.” Spike looked up at him.

“A day? Must have been more tired than I thought,” Joseph said, throwing the blanket over his shoulder and crossing his arms. “Did anything happen while I was knocked unconscious?”

“Nah, Twilight made sure we were comfortable but after that she spent the rest of the night with the digimon.”

“That’s good to know. Do you have any idea where they could be at the moment?” Joseph asked him, frowning slightly as he tried to keep the blanket on his shoulder.

“Yeah, they’re in the kitchen having brunch.”

“Okay, I’ll have to go on a search for the kitchen then.” Joseph sighed, blinked, then looked at the blanket he kept shifting around. “Um, any idea where I can put this?” he asked with a sheepish smile.

“Just give it here.” Spike sighed, holding his hand out. Joseph gave the blanket, smiled apologetically, then turned and began to walk around in search of the kitchen. Passing through multiple corridors, he soon found the room he sought and cautiously poked his head in.

“Anyone here?” he called out, not really seeing anyone in his current field of vision.

“Sup yo!” Isaac waved from his seat, his face smeared with syrup.

“Hey, Isaac. Did anything happen after Twilight put me to sleep?” Joseph asked when he noticed him and walked over. He took an empty seat and looked at everyone there. “How is everyone?”

“I’m right here ya know.” Twilight raised her eyebrow, giving Joseph an odd look.

“Sorry,” Joseph apologised when he noticed her and gave her a nervous smile. “What’s on the agenda today?”

“Well, I’m going to write to the Princess and see if other digimon have appeared in Equestria. Then I’m going to try to get into contact with some of my friends from around the country. Isaac and Jethro’s friends could have ended up anywhere.”

“There were eight of you right? Then that means the others could be anywhere, even outside of Equestria but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Do you need me to do anything?” Joseph asked curiously.

“Not really.” She shook her head. “Though I did want to make sure you got enough sleep. You looked exhausted. That can’t have been healthy.” She frowned, looking at him with concern.

“I was exhausted because I only spend about a day in each world I visit and haven’t really had a chance to sleep because of it,” Joseph explained without giving too much of his situation away.

“Well, I hope you were able to get enough rest here.” She smiled at him.

“I did, actually, thank you,” Joseph replied with his own smile then a thought occurred to him. “My sudden appearance here doesn’t phase you at all?”

“I just got out of a time loop with increasingly worse timelines. A human appearing is not that big anymore.” Twilight waved it off, though Starlight looked away, a look of shame on her face. Joseph looked between Starlight and Twilight for a bit before thinking of something.

“What time loop was this? I didn’t think time travel was even possible,” Joseph said in surprise.

“I tried to go back in time and stop Twilight and her friends from getting their cutie marks...” Starlight muttered, not looking at anyone.

“Why’d you do that?” Joseph questioned her with a raised brow.

“I-I just...wanted her to suffer like she made me suffer...”

“I didn’t think Twilight was capable of making anyone suffer,” Joseph responded, leaning back in his chair and looking at both ponies. “What did you do to make each other suffer?” Joseph asked the both of them.

“I don’t think they want to talk about it.” Isaac frowned, looking between everyone. “We all got stuff we don’t want to talk about.”

“Fair enough,” Joseph replied while scratching the back of his head. “I can relate. Other than me leaving, I can’t think of anything else I can do here … hang on. Do you know about Displaced?” Joseph asked Isaac curiously.

“Whats a displaced?” Jethro asked, lifting his head out of his bowl.

“Someone that’s been moved from Earth to Equestria. Usually it’s by buying an item from a merchant but there have been cases of other unique displacements. Did you and your friends get something from someone dressed up as the Merchant from Resident Evil 4?” Joseph explained.

“No. We bought some digimon medals off a guy that looked like Genii.” Isaac scratched the side of his face.

“Huh. Strange. My point remains the same though. You and your friends bought a few items and ended up here. Being a Displaced also means that you get your own token for others to call you if they need to,” Joseph then pulled out a companion cube keychain from his pocket and showed it to him. “This is my token but your token can be anything you want it to be. Generally, tokens are something that relates to whatever you were displaced as,” he explained further.

“Weird...” Jethro mumbled. “Sounds like horrible fanfiction.”

“That may be but that’s how it works. We can’t do anything to change it,” Joseph told him.

“How do we make one?” Isaac asked, finishing up his meal and pushing his bowl away.

“Well, you get an item, you hold it and say a message into it and then send it out into the multiverse. That’s all, really,” Joseph shrugged.

“And how do we do that?” Jethro inquired, raising his eyebrow.

“My portal gun can make a portal that goes into multiverse. When you’ve said your message you just chuck it in and it splits up into multiple copies before flying away,” Joseph said with a confused tilt. “I don’t really know how else to explain it.”

“I meant get a token...”

“Right. To get a token, you pick an item that is relative to whatever you got sent here as. You’re both digimon so something from the digimon universe will do,” Joseph replied.

“If we had a digivice we could use that...” Isaac muttered, looking off into nothing.

“You don’t have a digivice lying around, do you?” Joseph asked hopefully.

“No Joseph, we don’t have a digivic-”

“Ow!” Twilight yelped, dropping her spoon. “The hay is that!?” She had been eating some oats and bit down on a strange grey and green device, with a small screen on it.

“Is that what a digivice looks like?” Joseph asked curiously when he noticed what Twilight had bit into.

“Holy crap it is!” Isaac snatched up the soggy device, cleaning it with his napkin. “This is freaking awesome!”

“What does a digivice do?” Joseph asked, looking at the device with his eyes narrowed.

“It depends on the season but, it’s main function is to help digimon digivolve.”

“Huh. You going to use the digivice as a token then?” Joseph wondered.

“Why wouldn’t we?” Isaac asked with a grin. “It’s the best thing we got.”

“Since that’s the case, far as I know, you and Jethro need to think of a message to put in the token. I would ask for your other friends to join in but they’re not exactly here right now. Think of a message and try to imbue the digivice with your power,” Joseph explained while pointing at the device Isaac was holding.

“Uh... how do we do that?”

“You think of a message. Something short that explains who you are but also explains how you’re able to help others. Try .. try speaking the message into the digivice,” Joseph suggested.

“Yeah but, I have no idea what to say!” Isaac shot back.

“I don’t know what to say either. It’s your token so you and/or Jethro have to come up with something on your own,” Joseph explained calmly.

“Well you're no help.” He huffed, crossing his arms.

“I don’t know what you and Jethro are like so how can I possibly know what to say for you?” Joseph asked in an angry tone.

“Alright... alright let me think...” Isaac paced around, the room going quiet. “Okay... uh...” He scratched his cheek, frowning. He cleared his throat. “We are the digidestined. If you ever need the aid of some digital monsters, just press some buttons and we’ll be right over!” He grinned, looking at Joseph. “I think that works.”

“That’s as good a message as any but it definitely seems to suit you two at least,” Joseph said and grinned back. “I don’t know how to put the message into the token even though I can send it out into the multiverse.”

“It’s fine.” He tossed it to Joseph, returning to his seat. Joseph caught it and looked it over before looking back at Isaac.

“You want me to send it out now, don’t you?” He asked before picking up his gun. He gave a sigh and aimed before firing a black portal rimmed with white on the wall behind Isaac. “You sure the message is in here?” Joseph asked, holding up the digivice.

“I have no idea.” Isaac admitted with a shrug.

“Neither do I so let’s throw this out into the multiverse and see what sticks,” Joseph said with a grin before walking up to the portal and chucking the digivice in. It split into multiple copies and before they could fly away, he grabbed a couple and watched the rest fly away. “One for me and one for you. In case something happens and you’re not able to get home properly,” Joseph told them, handing a digivice to the digimon.

“We’ll keep that in mind.” Jethro took it, passing it to Twilight, who tucked it under her wing for later. Joseph looked at the portal and then back at them.

“I don’t think there’s anything else I can help with here, is there?” Joseph asked curiously.

“I don’t think so...” Isaac shrugged. “You got anything?”

“I can’t think of anything I can help you with and I suppose you want to find your friends on your own without any outside help. I’ll give you my token anyway in case you want to chat or something,” Joseph replied with his own shrug and handed Jethro a companion cube keychain

“Thanks. I hope everything works out for you.” Jethro smiled as best he could, taking the cube from him.

“Yeah, so do I. I hope you can find your other friends,” Joseph said with a sigh before giving them a wave and after placing the digivice in his pocket, walked through the portal. It vanished almost immediately after.

Author's Note:

This is a crossover shagohad12's The Joke's on Equestria.