• Published 3rd Oct 2015
  • 7,865 Views, 151 Comments

Portals. Portals Everywhere! - Piece Bot

A portal gun is bought and a boy gets sent to Equestria. Expect funny reactions to portals popping up everywhere. [A Displaced fic]

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Chapter 29 - Jumps 1 and 2: Skye and Cinder

Author's Note:

Contains spoilers for The Singer of Storms.

The first crossover bit is a minor one with one of my other stories, Grim Tides

The second crossover is with WinterSolstice321 and his story, The Singer of Storms.

~???'S POV~

Back home, I would have notes on plenty of different monsters. I was planning to eventually compile them all and write a book about it but it didn’t really turn out that way, did it? But I think things turned out better than they would have back home. I looked behind me and jabbed a thumb in the direction of the castle.

“We should probably get back to Celestia. I need to find out more about what this pony said before we do anything else.” I told Luna before floating back down through the window and almost immediately getting lost. The layout was so different from the castle in the Everfree. How was anyone meant to find their way around without a map? It just seemed too big for the living quarters of two Princesses but I suppose that’s what castles are meant to be. Glorified houses. I flew past a court full of ponies, stopped my gliding and backtracked to find the Day Court.

About time I found it! Snapping my fingers to dematerialise my scythe, I floated above their heads and managed to stick to the shadows high up until the court was over for the day.When the last pony exited the room, I dropped to the floor, and a couple of guard ponies closed the door behind them. I watched Celestia walk off her throne and over to me.

“Greetings, Death. Did my sister tell you about the pony that was talking about the monster?” Celestia asked, sitting down in front of me.

“Yeah, that’s what I was going to-” I was interrupted when I spotted a black portal rimmed with white open up on the floor behind the Princess. I pointed to it just as an orange blur was shot out of it. “I’ll change my question. Did you summon a Displaced?” I asked her, not taking my eyes off of the spot where the portal was.

“No. I didn’t.” Celestia answered and looked to where I was looking just in time to see the orange jumpsuit land safely on both feet as its weird white boots broke the fall. I marched up to it and flipped my hood up, walking around to its front to see who it was. I saw hair that was a mix of brown, green and gray and when he lifted his head to look at me, his eyes were an odd colour of green and yellow.

“Hello?” I asked carefully and his face turned to one of shock and horror, quickly backing up until he hit Celestia. The princess frowned and held him in a levitation field as I slowly walked up to him. “Let me try something else. What’s your name and how did you get here?”

“J-Joseph … and … p-portal,” Joseph replied, obviously scared at seeing me. I gave a sigh and looked him in the eye, wincing as a very vivid memory floated in front of me. There was laughing, some sort of gas and a dead Spike. Wait. What was that? His Spike’s dead!?
“Let me ask you something, Joseph. Did you kill Spike, or was it someone else?” I asked him, not bothering to comfort him or anything.

“Technically, I did kill him but it was an alternate personality that actually did it, Sheila!” I heard him protest and then it hit me. This may have been a random Displaced portalling into my world but the accent and the name I definitely remember. Remember when Draigo talked about my cousin? This appeared to be him except he seemed more crazier than when Draigo had described him.

“Does the name ‘Skye’ mean anything to you?” I asked him.

“Sh-Should it?” Joseph asked.

“Yes, it should,” I answered and did my best to not sigh. Maybe his killing of Spike thing messed up his memories. I don’t see how that was possible because I appear to remember him just fine, even if Draigo had to remind me of him.

“Why?” Joseph questioned.

“Name of your cousin? The one that moved to America?” I pressed, trying to see if I can jog his memory. He looked at me and shook his head. Maybe it’s because I was a skeleton and not a flesh and blood. Yeah, that was most likely something to do with it.

What kind of crazy skeleton is this!?” I heard him ask and I saw him cover his mouth afterwards. Whatever it was, it seemed like he had a few screws loose so I pointed to the spot where he had come from.

“If you do remember, just remember that your cousin is the Grim Reaper. Now get out,” I said harshly. This probably was my cousin, but I don’t want another Displaced here so soon after one had left. I watched him gulp, nod and when Celestia released him, he placed a portal on the floor and jumped into it. It closed immediately behind him and I sighed. I really hope he gets forgiven for what he did.

A black portal rimmed with white appeared on one of the cell walls. It rippled for a second before a man in an orange jumpsuit with brown, green and gray hair fell out of it and onto the floor, groaning as he made impact. “That’s gonna leave a mark,” he groaned in a thick Australian accent. He got his legs under him and stood, not noticing the portal fizzle out behind him as he looked around the cell. “A cell, really? This is what I wanted to get away from!” he stopped his griping when he saw the other two occupants. “Um, hi. What are your names?” he asked them, his green and yellow eyes flashing for a second before walking backwards until he hit a wall and nearly dropped his portal gun.

The two occupants blinked at the sudden intrusion of their new, orange guest. Both were slightly hesitant to answer as the albino, clad in a simple green tunic, hid behind the more armored of the two. The one in armor noticed the guy in the orange jumpsuit nearly dropped his strange device. To her, it was very familiar. It looked almost looked like a... "Is that a portal gun?!" she gasped. "Holy shit man, I want one!"

The man flailed at the outburst, dropping his gun and blinking at her for a bit before responding. “I don’t think you can get one unless there’s an Aperture building here, Sheila,” he said, placing a hand over his heart in an effort to calm down. “You still haven’t told me your names though.”

"Damn it," the girl in armor sighed. She wondered if there was an Aperture Science Lab in Equestria, but knowing she was on death row, looking for one might no longer be an option. The guy in the orange suit dropped the portal gun, making it land in front of the girls' feel. She picked it up with a strained effort — but it wasn't as heavy as her armor — and handed it back to him. "The name is Cinder by the way. And my friend in the corner over there is Angel,” Cinder pointed to the shaking albino. She sat back down on her wooden cot, giving her companion some security. “I told you our names, so what’s yours?”

“Joseph, nice to meet you too,” Joseph replied, taking back his gun and sliding down the wall until he met the floor. “Why are two lovely sheilas in a cell? I thought you would have been out and about in Equestria,” he asked them, watching them with interest.

"Well, hehe," Cinder rubbed her neck. Angel froze in horror at his question. "I kinda, almost, killed Celestia by destroying her horn with a railgun blast in an abandoned weather factory," it wasn't her fault, really. She was just defending herself and her friend from some overzealous guards while they were having lunch from a long day of exploring ... and she may have gone a bit overboard with her electrically charged nails just a bit.

Joseph’s eyes bugged out at the crime before laughing. “I’m sorry. An alternate personality went a bit further than you and actually killed someone,” he said with a smile before resting his head against the wall. “You broke the horn of one of Equestria’s princesses huh?” he asked with a chuckle and ran a hand over his face as he looked at the wall opposite of the cell and then the one behind Cinder and Angel.

"Yeah...and killed fifty of her most elite guards. Well, at least, that was a lot easier than escaping from Tartarus with an army of wyvern's hunting you down." Angel shuddered at the mention of the flying, fire-breathing rats when Cinder fell, quite literally, into hell. "But I think Celestia will be fine. Moonbutt was the one that captured us while I wasn't looking. So it’s safe to say she will get her horn fixed in no time."

“Escaping from an army of wyverns is harder than killing most of Celestia’s elite?” Joseph asked in surprise. “But, I doubt a horn can be fixed like that,” he snapped his fingers to demonstrate. “If anything, it would probably take a few months, at least, to even make a start on it. But I’m just shooting in the dark here.” Joseph shrugged and gestured to outside the cell. “As much as I hate doing this, Jack wants me to. You want me to get you out?” he asked them, his eyes flashing green before returning to their usual green and yellow.

"Oh what a gentleman~" Cinder cooed sarcastically. "That would be nice, but we would need to go back to the scene of the crime where I can get to my safe haven and some grub that isn't white paste." Angel nodded in agreement. Cinder’s ears quickly swiveled at the faint sound of hooves clopping off in the distance; signaling her pending doom. "And we should do it before the guard shows up for my trial and execution," Cinder said with urgency.

“I don’t think … nope. No window. We’re going to have to be quick and both of you will have to do what I say until we’re out of here, okay?” Joseph asked, firing a blue portal behind the girls and got poised to shoot an orange portal on the wall outside the cell. “Also, we may have to run past those guards quickly so be prepared for amazingly quick sliding.”

"Alrighty then. Lead on annoying orange. Angel, can you get your wings out? We may need them," Cinder asked. Angel nodded with new found confidence and let go her disguise in front of Joseph, revealing to him her demonic wings, goat horns, and tail. Cinder, in turn, let arches of lightning wrap around her limbs for added speed. A little trick she learned while running away from a very horny fox.

“Let’s go then.” Joseph said, raising an eyebrow and feeling more than a little shocked at Angel’s appearance. He fired an orange portal on the wall, went behind the girls and slipped out the blue portal. He waved to them and looked down the hall to find a couple of guards walking. Grinning to himself, he aimed and fired a stream of orange gel on the floor. “We gotta get out of here, right?” he asked them before taking off down the gel path he created.

Cinder and Angel followed suit right behind the orange slip-and-slider with wolfish smiles. Angel jumped up into the air, careful not to let her wings hit the walls while Cinder bolted down the hall like a bullet, passing Joseph and down the right hall where she could feel a cool breeze that told her was the way outside. Angel followed right behind Cinder, also passing by the annoying orange that Cinder had called him. Joseph painted the hallway in front of him and to the right as he sped along, slowly getting faster as he tried to catch up to the two of them. Seeing stairs ahead of him, he put some blue gel on the floor just before he reached them and felt himself soar past the flight of stairs, passing by Cinder and Angel on his way up.

Cinder shrugged at the flying orange, knowing he flew just past the door that would lead them to the back end of the prison. She stopped at the heavily armored door with Angel while Joseph regrouped from his small flying lesson. Cinder examined the door which she could feel that it would lead outside and charged her lightning and directed it at the door. She smirked at Joseph as she lifted her arm up and with a snap of her fingers—the door flew off of its hinges, revealing the night sky and a very misused gallows that would have been used on her and Angel. "Ladies first," Cinder motion out the door.

“Age before beauty?” Joseph asked with an uncertain smile as he motioned out the door as well. He looked out the door and his eyes nearly popped out at the view of the gallows. “Were they going to hang the both of you?” he asked quietly, his smile dropping as he walked out and looked at the gallows closer.

"I attacked Celestia and killed her guards, not to mention Luna saw Angel in her demon form. Which is bad, m'kay, since Angel is an escaped demon from Tartarus. She is also my familiar. So ... what do you think?"

“Sorry. I didn’t think the death penalty still applied.” Joseph said and turned to see them still in the doorway. He looked beyond the gallows and found the castle wall just beyond it. “We’re going to have to get over that,” he stated and walked up to the wall before placing a large patch of blue gel on the ground. “You think you can bounce up and over the wall?”

Cinder smirked again and walked with Angel towards the wall. "You can jump while I have an Angel to carry me," she hip-bumped the blushing demon close to her side.

"THE PRISONERS HAVE ESCAPED!" shouted a familiar guard Cinder remembered giving her and Angel their paste-like dinner.

"Let's go, Angel," Cinder barked. Angel wrapped around her backside with a smile of content as the scent of her master permeated her senses. With a hefty flap of her wings, they were over the wall, leaving the orange behind to an army of golden guards exiting the door that they escaped from.

“Oh come on! That’s not fair!” Joseph shouted up at her. He looked behind and dodged a spear as he ran to the gel and felt himself soar through the air and over the wall. He landed on the other side and watched Cinder and Angel fly off just ahead of him. Growling to himself, he ran and laid a stream of orange gel ahead of him in an effort to catch up.

"Angel, fly us towards the waterfall. If I remember what Silver had said, there should be a tunnel that leads to Ponyville hidden behind it," Cinder asked politely as she looked back at Joseph, who was struggling to keep up with his orange jizz gun that orgasmed the strange speed gel towards the cliff. She wondered if she should tell him about it, but decided it would be a lot funnier not to.

Joseph watched Angel and Cinder fly towards some cliffs up ahead. He tried to make himself go faster but this was as fast as he was going to get. In the distance, there was a waterfall and noticed the two girls go right through it. Getting a determined look, he memorized where they went through, placed some blue gel in front of him, a blue portal whizzed up to the waterfall and without waiting for it to hit something, he hit the blue patch, jumped up and placed an orange portal beneath him just before he hit the ground. He went through and crashed into a wall, fizzling out the portals at the same time.

Cinder and Angel take a breather inside the moist cave for a moment to catch their breath. They figured that with Joseph's help, they can get back to the den without having to worry about the guard getting too close. After all, he can make portals like they were going out of style. 'Speaking of style, where is the guy without it?' Cinder thought. Just as she was about to think about how much time it would take for them to traverse the cave system, a blue portal opened up, followed by a blur of tacky orange crashing into the wall with a loud *THUMP!* "Oh, there he is," Cinder chuckled.

“There who is? I think I broke my nose.” Joseph said nasally, covering his nose with a hand and looking at them pointedly. He then looked at the tunnel and sighed. “How far do we have to travel, Sheilas?” he asked, hoisting his gun onto his shoulder and trying to gauge how big the tunnel system was.

"Not that far Mr. Wheatley. With your orange jizz-cannon, we could make it to Ponyville in about an hour," Cinder said while pulling Joseph, and his nosebleed, up. Once they were back on their feet and Angels disguise back on. Cinder lead the trio down the cave to where Silver had showed her. It was a simple cave system that was used by three packs to get to the crystal caverns below the city. Though, as much as Cinder would love to eat a strawberry-ruby right now, making sure her mentally unstable foxy-diamond dog didn't send an army to rescue her was top priority. That would be bad.

“The portal gun is not an orange jizz-cannon! It’s a portal shooter with gel.” Joseph protested, looking at her intently. He then registered what else she said and groaned. “Not Ponyville, I just got away from there back home.”

"Meh, don't worry a thing my little Wheatley core. We will be popping out by an abandoned diamond dog den in the outskirts. So you don't have to worry about re-meeting the locals," Cinder yawned. All this running and traveling wasn't good for her sleep cycle. Angel shared her tiredness, but, like her, she tried not to show it if she could help it.

Cinder led the trio for a few minutes down several small caves that branched out to the other three packs and chose the one they were looking for. Thank god that the gems in the cave were bright, otherwise they might have gotten lost and found themselves in the crystal caverns. Not sure if Joseph would survive on gems if he could eat them. Shrugging the mental question off, she yanked a sapphire out of the walls and began to eat it. 'Hmm, tastes like electric-blueberry,' she thought. "So, Mister Freeman. Can you please ejaculate your orangeness down the hall? It would make this easier."

“What did I- ugh.” Joseph groaned, knowing that there was no use in getting her to call it what it was. He poked his tongue out at her then took careful aim. Joseph moved to the side and fired, a stream of orange gel plastering the tunnel floor. “You eat gems?” he asked when he finished painting, quirking a brow at the choice of food.

"Yeah. Funny thing about that. The voice in my head said that I have some diamond dog traits aside from the ears and tail. Their diet is one of them, same with strength, but not their claws, unfortunately. Anyway," Cinder smirked as she backed up to get a running start. "Allons-y!" Cinder cheered as she went flying down the hall, leaving her companions behind.

“She has what? Diamond Dog traits? That would explain the ears, tail and eating habits but definitely doesn’t explain the lightning.” Joseph muttered before walking to the end of the cave. He eyed the orange track and took off, getting a faster speed than normal because he landed on it while running. “You should really try this instead of flying, Angel!” he called out to the Cinder’s friend as he took off after Cinder.

"O-okay!" Angel called back as she too gained a running start and joined them, but the second her two feet made contact with the gel, she slipped and began traveling close to the speed of sound ... on her face.

"Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap! HOW DO YOU STOP THIS FUCKING THING!?" Cinder screamed as the end of the line was coming far faster than she would like. To her great displeasure, she couldn't react in time. If it wasn't for her armor, the cave wall would have turned her into a big red stain that not even Kool Aid guy would like. With a loud *THWUMP!* a crater was made in the perfect shape of a familiar Neko wolf. Groaning from the pain of sudden impact, Cinder was thankful that cartoon physics applied to her current situation. She could hear the others close in, but due to her being embedded into the wall. She had the strangest feeling that one of them would join her. Most likely Angel.

Joseph’s ears rang from Cinder’s screaming and barely heard a crash from the end of the path. After watching the dust settle down, he found Cinder embedded into the wall. Dropping his head with a sigh, he painted the floor to the left and followed that path for a bit until he stumbled onto solid ground. “This is why you let the one with the gun go first. You should have known this.” Joseph told Cinder and being careful not to step on the gel, walked back to the turn off, looked back down the path and watched with a stunned expression as Angel slid down the path on her face.

"Yeah whatevs," Cinder she sighed an unconcerned reply. Just as she thought that Joseph was going to help. She saw Angel sliding towards her on her face. Too stunned to move from the impending doom, Angel made contact with normal ground. With her speed, the sudden stop caused her to fly into the air, do four flips and land on Cinder in just the right way that their lips were locked in place. It was at that moment that no amount of brain bleach could clean Cinder’s innocence.

Joseph’s mouth fell open when he watched Angel somersault and land on Cinder, the both of them unintentionally kissing. Shaking his head to get his mind out of the gutter, he walked over to them, put down his portal gun and grabbed Angel around the stomach to help get her off of Cinder. He had the sneaking suspicion that this was a first for Cinder.

Free from the sexy demon and the wall. Cinder saw Angel was frozen, also probably broken. "You okay Angel?" Cinder asked while waving her hand in front of her eyes. No reply. 'Oh, well. At least it was her and not Silver that stole my first kiss.' Cinder thought happily. Shaking her head from how tasty her familiar's lips were, she took her mind off the situation and lead the trio down the cave that would lead them to the surface. Making sure to drag Angel with them, the trio silently found the way to the surface and was greeted by the rising sun to the east. Cinder made a note at how perfectly it looked like Celestia's sun. She could tell as Luna's was a lot dimmer and didn't assault your eyes when you woke up.

“Well, at least Celestia can still use magic. Guess her horn was fine after all,” Cinder commented as they watch the sunrise.

“That’s a good thing.” Joseph said, shading his eyes from the sun as he watched it rise for a few seconds. He turned to Angel and waved a hand in front of her face to see if she was still functioning. “I think that trip down orange lane broke the poor, Sheila. Where’s this den you talked about? Just outside of Ponyville?” he asked, looking at Cinder as he helped Angel by keeping a gentle grip on her shoulder.

"She'll be fine once she realizes that Silver might kill her when she finds out that her 'ultimate fantasy' was tainted by succubus lips~ As for how far my den is, it is at the southern end of the Everfree. Should take us about thirty minutes if you can place a portal near the train station so we can jump aboard on the morning frigate to Appleloosa. Also, I have been meaning to ask. Where the hell did you come from?" Cinder yawned with a cat like stretch that must have looked a bit morbid to the poor Mr. Freeman's eyes.

“I can do that.” Joseph said, remembering roughly where the station was, he aimed and shot a blue portal, hoping it would land on the station wall. “I came from a mystical place known as a portal," he grinned at that. "Seriously though, I came from another Equestria, sheila,” he replied more seriously to her question and placed a portal on the ground next to them. He peeked in and found to his delight that the other portal managed to be shot onto a wall inside a carriage. “We got a ride on a carriage. Neat. Wait. You don’t know what you are, do you?”

"Huh, so the omniverse theory is true then," Cinder beamed that one of her hobbies of nerdy delight was coming back to satisfy her girly desires. "And as for the latter, one day, I was walking from the store with a pile of junk-loot. Then, while I was walking back home, I was struck by strange looking lightning," Cinder frowned at the last bit and since Angel didn't like it when she frowned, she bounced out of her statue mode and gave the Neko wolf a very enthusiastic hug. The hug didn't last though as the train carriage in the portal looked like it was about to move. "Welp, that’s our cue. Let's go Mr. Wheatley."

“Yes, yes, fine.” Joseph waved a hand at her and jumped in. He landed on his feet even though the portal was on the wall. He sat on one of the crates in the carriage and watched Cinder and Angel tumble out onto the carriage floor. He laughed at their positioning and got down to help them up. “Glad to see you made it. When you got hit by lightning, you ended up in this Equestria, right?” he asked, casually continuing the conversation.

Cinder sat upright with Angel and both of them felt the train began to move. Cinder knew that it would take thirty minutes to get to Appleloosa. They would then need to jump off before they arrive. "Yeah. At first, when I woke up. I thought I was in a coma or something. Having my gender changed and becoming my waifu preference, I thought it was all a dream. I thought it was so fake that I managed to create a typhoon just by singing! Which was followed by me getting shocked by even more lightning that also knocked me out cold.” Cinder paused for a moment to recall all her recent life changing events.

“When I woke up. I was naked. Probably because my clothes were destroyed, or stolen. Thought I was going to be dissected by technicolor ponies and ran for it. Found temporary shelter, met a tsundere and got this cool armor by a voice in my head which also gave me the power to control all aspects of weather. And I'm rambling. Why are you here exactly? Did the voice send you or something?" Cinder asked back.

Joseph blinked as he tried to process the information. His face screwed up as he thought of the different things that happened to her and supposed it made sense. “You were a guy before coming here but you were a girl when you arrived. You can create typhoons, lightning and control the weather. You got armor by a voice in your head and you’ve met your very own tsundere. Well ain’t that a kick in the teeth. I’m here because I got no clue. I was running for my life when I went through my Void portal. Besides, your explanation has you pegged as a Displaced, which is what I am as well,” he told her as he sat down next to Angel.

"Displaced huh? Well, ain't that nice. By the way. Having your gender changed really messes with your personality. Then again. having to run for your life to the point that you have to travel through dimensions must really suck. So, do you think I can travel the multiverse too or is that something only you can do?" Cinder continued the conversation.

“I bet it would mess with your personality. Yes, travelling through different dimensions does suck but I’m hoping that by going through dimensions, time will skip so much that they forgot what I did. You see, the various Equestrias in the multiverse take place at different times and so they advance differently. For example. A day here could mean about an hour back home, or even an hour here could mean a month. I have no way of knowing that unless I go back home. I honestly don’t know if you can travel through the multiverse, it depends on what kind of power you have. I’m not the only one that can travel around the multiverse under my own power, there are plenty of others. I just happen to do it in an unusual way.” Joseph explained. “There are ways around it though,” he added, taking a breath as he finished talking.

"I ... see ... well, in any case, unless you're comfortable enough to give me your story as to 'why' you are on the run, I won't push." Cinder smiled warmly. "If it makes you feel better, you can stay at my place for a while. I know the voice in my head would probably tell me that I can travel between dimensions once I pass one of his/her tests. If I can't, oh well. No going to the Fallout 4 version of Equestria for me. Besides, with you around, Silver might stop trying to get into my black lingerie~" Cinder winked at Joseph with half-lidded eyes. Angel was not happy about that and made it clear by glaring pure death at the bipedal orange if he were to try anything unwanted towards her master.

“Heh. Thanks.” Joseph smiled back but that gave way to a blush at Cinder’s look. He saw Angel glaring at him and nervously laughed. “I’m not going to do anything to her, Angel, I swear. With the reason why I’m running though, I’ll probably tell you before I leave if I’m comfortable with it,” he sighed and buried his face in his hands.

"Good, but go against your word, I'll rip you dick off and force it down your throat. Rock. Hard," Angel hissed before turning back into her usual shy self.

"Okay, then," Cinder looked at her companion, slightly afraid what she would do to the poor Wheatly-core. Then again, she was certainly a lesbo. So nothing was going to happen anyway. "In any case, I probably wouldn't care about your past all that much. Although, I am certain that my Celestia would, so let's make sure we stay far away from her as possible and if... hey look that's our stop!" Cinder jumped up, Angel too.

Joseph could only nod at Angel, his eyes widened in fear and lifted his head when Cinder jumped up. He stood up as well and stretched. “I’m not sure how Celestia will take to another human here, especially since you broke her horn. We gotta jump do we?”

"She'll probably kill you. I'm not so sure about yours, though. Mine still prefers the death penalty over 'life in prison' and yes, we jump." Cinder yawned once more before she jumped out of the car while Angel followed behind but with her wings out.

Joseph hesitated for a second before following suit and jumping out. He landed in a crouch and looked over to Cinder and Angel. “I’m not so sure about mine either. Where are we? I’ve never been to this part of Equestria back home.” Joseph asked when he caught up to them.

Cinder looked around, happy to see the familiar green lands that morph seamlessly into the desert. She watched where the train came from over the gorge. The way the tracks moved with the land looked almost like a painter had its way with the design of the railways. The train was heading south to either Dodge Junction or Appleloosa. Either way, she was close to the abandoned weather factory that must have been responsible for the southern weather crap. Why it was left behind was beyond her current understanding. She stretched her back for a moment while watching Joseph enjoy the view. He will definitely get raped where they were going. Then again, if Silver's exotic fantasy was any indication, he probably get killed by snu-snu from the other, jealous females of her adoptive pack. Cinder smirked at how to dumb his orange jumpsuit is. Then again, with his style, orange was the new black over in his Equestria.

"Well, we are about a mile away from home," Cinder pointed to the forest. "So let's not waste anymore time."

“The view’s nice, but at least the den isn’t in the desert.” Joseph mumbled, blinking at the forest and walking towards it. “You mentioned someone named Silver before. Who’s that, Sheila?” he asked, holding his portal gun loosely by his side.

"Oh, she's just my pack's alpha. She is insanely horny, lesbian queen and can easily take on a small army by herself. Also, she looks like a furry rather than a diamond dog, so try not to loose your eyes when you see her legs. They are as fine as goddess Athena herself," Cinder said while disappearing into the underbrush with Angel by her side.

“Ookay then…” Joseph said unsurely, following them both into the forest. He tried to get his mind out of the gutter while following but it didn’t really work out. He didn’t have anywhere else to look so how could he not stare at Cinder? “Second Equestria I stumble across and it has to be one with a sexy Neko wolf …” he muttered to himself sarcastically, running a hand down his face.

The trio walked through the forest in silence for a while. Cinder heard Joseph mutter something that sounded like sarcasm, but she shrugged it off for now. Once they found the factory in all its decayed glory. Cinder picked up a familiar scent. This scent held malice, pain, and vengeance. It grew stronger the closer they got to the doors of the forgotten building that once made weather for the nearby locals. That is until Cloudsdale came into the picture. Cinder shrugged it off for now and focused in on the scent that was emanating from the factory like a changeling orgy took place an hour prior to their arrival.

As they passed through a hole in the wall, Cinder's senses went into overdrive. The stench of death permeated throughout the main atrium that was barely lit up by the sun's morning glow. She grabbed a piece of lightning metal that was laying on the ground and charged it in case she would need it. "Stay close. We are not alone," Cinder growled.

Joseph covered his nose at the death stench until he adjusted and could only nod as his eyes flashed green. He picked up a rock from the rubble and casually threw it up and down in his left hand as his right was still holding his portal gun. “Who’s here?” he asked quietly.

"Me, Silver of the Silver Fangs and you are ... tres … pass ..." Silver growled until she set her sights on a familiar form. Cinder and Silver stared at each other for a moment before the diamond dog bolted from her position like a running bull and tackled Cinder onto the ground, her tail wagging like she drank a gallon of Red Bull. Angel watched in horror as her master was having a very tongue involved reunion. Angel noticed that her master was trying her best not to give in to the filthy mutt's lustrous advances, but alas, the second her eyes closed and her arms wrapped around the diamond dog., she was lost to the poison of that mutt.

Joseph dropped the rock and his mouth fell open as he watched. He then realised what he was doing, closed his eyes and mouth, walked over to the nearby wall and started banging his head against it. When he stopped after feeling a bit of blood trickle out, he rested his forehead against the wall and grumbled something about this Equestria being a lot more different than anticipated.

Cinder, finally back to her senses after feeling a long, tasty, thing deep throat her with affectionate vigor, broke away for some air. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Cinder screamed while backing away to a nearby wall. Cinder’s molester gave her a pouty face.

"Just welcoming back the love of my life. And I see you brought a trophy with you, but he's male," Silver spat at the last word.

"Well, you’re still at first base, so no more tongue throat fucking!" Cinder replied as she tried to wipe off the residue from their reunion.

"But you like my tongue," Silver stuck it out at full length for everyone to see while crawling slowly to Cinder with lust filled eyes. Cinder, watching the twelve-inch monstrosity move back and forth, felt both excited and fearful of what that thing could do. 'No! Bad Cinder. Still in trouble. Naughty thoughts later,' Cinder thought, shaking her head. Cinder got up before she could be pinned against the wall, and stood beside the head banging male version of Chell.

“I don’t even … just ... “ Joseph mumbled as he saw the length of Silver’s tongue out the corner of his eye. He heard what she said about him being a trophy but didn’t really think anything of it. “How do you put up with her?” he hissed at Cinder when he noticed her standing beside him.

"With a titanium chastity belt and the key thrown away in hell," Cinder said warily, still staring at the pink snake that came from the muzzle of the reddish orange foxy she-demon.

“A chastity belt? You’re actually wearing one?” Joseph half-whispered in disbelief, his arms dangling by his sides and his head resting against the wall. He turned and leaned his back against it, a mixture of shock, terror and nervousness overcoming his face as he stared at the long tongue coming out of Silver’s mouth. “That’s … heh. Very … long,” he said weakly, nervous and awkward laughter spilling out of him.

"I wish I could wear one if it could prevent diamond dog claws from ripping it apart like paper," Cinder sighed solemnly. "And can you put that thing away! You're scaring the poor boy!" Cinder ordered. Silver complied with a huff of annoyance. Her tongue recoiled like a spring, pulling the monster back from whence it came. "It's okay," Cinder cooed, petting the nervous wreck that was her somewhat hero, even though she was going to break out on her own anyway. Joseph just made it easier. "The xenomorph has put away her mini mouth. She won't eat you. I promise. Oh! By the way, what the hell were you going to do with that rock that you picked up on the way in?"

“Chuck it at her.” Joseph replied simply, letting out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding. He closed his eyes and banged the back of his head against the wall. “I didn’t think the sheila was going to eat me. It was just weird to look at,” he added, involuntarily shuddering at the thought of it.

"Riiiight. Anywho. That's enough smut. I'm hungry for real food." And with that revelation, invisible and silently chuckling with glee, Discord, the god of chaos left a note hidden inside Cinders bra. Little did the little wolf Neko and her friends know, the note contained a spell that would activate once she uses her lightning magic, giving her a similar tongue to the diamond dog while Angel gets a new sensitivity and Silver her favorite chest cushions. With a snap of his fingers, the plan was set in motion, just as the quartet entered the Silver Fang den for much needed rest.

“Let me demonstrate then.” Joseph sighed as he picked up a rock on their way to the den. He chucked it up and down in his left hand and slowly made the motions go faster and faster. By the time they got to the den, his eyes flashed green and he threw it at the wall in front of them. The rock hit and burrowed into it, creating a small tunnel that poked through to the other side. “That’s would have happened if Silver didn’t pounce on you,” he said tiredly.

"R-remind me not to get on your bad side," Cinder gawked at the hole with Silver and Angel, "but I can do better. Hey, Silver. When was the last time this place had a decent storm?" Silver shook herself from the shock of the male showing his godlike strength to them. Realizing the question that her beloved was asking, she thought back several weeks ago when only a small dribble of rainfall blanketed the land. She knew they were in need for rain, but she can't help but wonder what her beloved means by, 'I can do better.' How can Cinder show more power than what the male has shown them? Out of her daze to see what her beloved could do, she smiles. "A few weeks my love. Why?" Cinder smiles evilly at the confused Joseph and lets her raw lightning flow out of her while she hums her own rendition of, the Song of Storms.

“If you’re thinking I have super strength, I don’t. It’s kinetic energy that I built up that did that.” Joseph explained and rubbed his eyes. He smiled though at their expressions and focused his attention on Cinder when she began to hum a familiar tune. “Is that the Song of Storms!?” he asked in surprise and immediately looked around to see where the storm was at. Just as her tune reached its final crescendo, Cinder lifted her hands to the sky and released all her raw lightning into the air. The effect was instantaneous. A pitch black thunderhead erupted to life, covering miles upon miles of land.

Cinder could feel it all after that. She could feel the storm reaching as far as Canterlot as tornados hit the city like a giant to a sand castle. She could feel the thousands of lightning strikes ravage Las Pegasus and the typhoons that will hit them in a few minutes. Her song done. she gave her compatriots a sly smile as a lake of a downpour hit them in full force.

"I loooove doing that," Cinder giggled with her best Castro accent.

“Th-th-th-th … what.” Joseph stammered, gaping in awe at the storm. His measly rock throw had nothing when compared to the storm Cinder had created. He blinked and tried to snap out of it but he couldn’t stop staring at how simply massive it was.

"I think you broke him," Silver chuckled before she felt something on her chest wasn't right. Silver looked down and saw two round lumps on her chest. 'Strange, they look like what Cinder has, but why are mine smaller than hers?' Silver thought before checking to see if her other pup feeders were missing. Turns out, they are. 'At least they have fur,' she finished her thought.

"What eve... Oh dear god no!" Cinder exclaimed pointing to Silver's' chest. Before she could let Silver figure out her new found power over her, she grabbed Mr. Wheatley and Angel and ran into the den to get out of the rain and away from the lusty furry wolf maid.

“Why are we running?” Joseph asked as he ran beside Cinder, shaking his head to get rid of the water as soon as they were undercover. He quickly glanced back to Silver out of confusion but it soon cleared as he realised what she was running from. “Nevermind, let’s just see if we can hide from her!” Joseph exclaimed as he turned back around and managed to keep pace with Cinder and Angel.

The trio found themselves in the lowest regions of the den after running from an overexcited diamond dog with magical mounds. Cinder made a stop to grab rations and the three waited in a hall where Cinder knew not even the sex crazed Silver would go, the Hall to Hell. Cinder, Angel, and Joseph ate quietly in the temporary safety from the she-demon that wanted Cinder to show her what those mounds were for. Cinder shuddered at the thought while she nibbled on a ruby. 'Then again. I wouldn't mind playing with those... No! Bad brain!' Cinder smacked herself upside the head against the cave wall.

"Is heat really that bad for you?" Angel asked; quite worried. Then again, feeling everything that her master feels is also a blessing to her. She can feel Cinder's lust starting to take hold of her master. It was only a matter of time until she can embrace those wonderful lips again, but when did she gain such an ability?

Joseph sighed in relief at having to not run from Silver, even if it was a short rest. He took a bite and looked down the hall, wondering why the crazed wolf hadn’t found them yet. He was cut off from his musings though when Angel mentioned something that made his skin crawl. “Cinder’s in heat?” he asked Angel softly.

Cinders ears perked up at Joseph's mentioning of her being in heat. 'No, it can't be! I will not be Silver 2.0!' Cinder mentally pleaded. "Nonononononononononononononononononono!" Cinder cried in fear. "How can I be in heat?! That can't be, right? Right!" Cinder begged.

"Um, master, you are in heat. Or at least, the beginning stages of it. I can smell the love scent emanating from you and I think most of the males can too."

"That's ... fuck me ... wait, don't do that. Just, damn it," Cinder groaned before she realized that if she was in heat, then Silver will find her and ... "Mother of Satan's grandma!" Cinder shouted. She saw the green glow coming from down the hall. 'Well, hell sounds nice this time of year. Better than Silver in heat.' Cinder began to walk to the gate, causing Angel to gasp in surprise. "Master, where are you going?!" Cinder looked back for a second with an insane smile. "Hell sounds nice this time of year, and I need a vacation."

“Hell? You have a hole to hell in your backyard?” Joseph asked in surprise as he stood up. He looked at Angel in a surprised way. “Please tell me she isn’t going to hell just because she’s in heat!” he asked in an almost pleading fashion.

"Diamond dogs dig deep! Makes the Mine of Moria look like a sandcastle!" Cinder called as she approached the glowing green cave. Angel looked at Joseph for a second after he made a worrisome comment, but knowing Cinder, she wasn't going to hang around to hear the alternative.

"I am afraid so. Don't worry. The gate opened near where I used to live. Just be careful. It's a long fall," Angel sighed. She caught up to her master at the lip of the green cave just as an unfamiliar scent entered the area.

Joseph sniffed something and turned on the spot to find Silver at the entrance to the hall. “Oh hell,” he muttered and turned tail at seeing the insane look in her eyes. “Gotta go!” He shouted as he jumped down the hole before Cinder and Angel had a chance to react. After falling for a while, he watched the ground speed up to him. How he managed to avoid the various creatures flying he’ll never know because as soon as the ground met him, he crouched and heard the familiar hiss of his boots decompressing as they absorbed the shock of his fall.

Cinder and Angel slightly dazed that their hesitant friend just jumped into Tartarus without a second thought. Then they looked back down the hall, where satan's daughter was licking her lips, with her eyes pinpricks of insanity. "Nope!" Cinder shuddered as she dived into the hole with Angel close behind.

After several minutes of falling, Cinder and Angel landed beside Joseph, who was sitting on the snout of a crushed skull of a five story tall necrodragon. Little did he know, that's where they will be staying while Cinder's heat passes. Cinder yawned and walked through a makeshift door, not giving a damn of the flying monstrosities close by and plopped down on a skin bed without a care that it must have come from something horrifying.

“Glad you could finally join me. I didn’t think a sex-crazed wolf would make me go to Hell but here I am. This where you used to live, Angel?” Joseph asked, a bored look on his face as he rested it in the palm while his elbow rested on a knee. “Thought it would have been more … decrepit.”

"This is my home or used to be. We are just on the outskirts of the Pit. That's where the Titans reside. It's the only place in Tartarus were demon kings can live without being tormented in either the Soul Well or Dante's inferno. However, very few demons are allowed in Hades' garden. Sadly, I'm not one of them," Angel sighed as she joined Cinder in her old home, leaving Joseph to meddle in his own thoughts.

Joseph looked up at the monsters that were flying and zipping around for a while and wondered what they were like. Standing up and stretching, he looked inside Angel’s old home, shrugged and walked in. “We got to stay here until Cinder’s heat wears off or until Silver stops being a sex-crazed lunatic?” he asked the girls as he sat on the floor, cross-legged.

Angel was sitting beside a sleeping Cinder, tired from creating that giant storm. She was drained of all energy and was going to be sore when she wakes up later. That is, if she doesn't try to destroy anything to 'mate' with. Angel turned towards Joseph wondering how he would react to Cinder once she wakes up. "Since this is Cinder's first heat, it should last only a day or two. So, most likely Silver's situation. That is if Hades doesn't decide to see what fell through the sun again."

“She probably won’t know how to control her heat then.” Joseph said and looked over to Cinder nervously. “This’ll be one weird wake-up call for her. Wait, what do you mean, ‘fell through the sun again’?” he asked, resting his chin on both fists as he kept an eye on Cinder and Angel.

"That would be my question exactly," said a croaky godfather sounding woman. To Angel’s surprise, there in her doorway, stood a woman with deathly pale skin, flaming azure hair and eyes. She wore an all black suit with a black rose in her breast pocket. In one hand she held a smoking Cuban cigar, in the other hand was a scythe made out of the bones of Grogar, the legendary Necromancer. "Well, I don't have all eternity to stare at some hot ass now do I?" she asked, taking a long puff of her cigar before filling the room with its dastardly smoke.

Joseph turned his head, blinked at her blankly for a few seconds, registered what she looked like and who she potentially was, then scooted backwards until his back hit the bed Cinder was on. “Um … hi. Who are you, Sheila?” he asked with a nervous smile.

"I'm the godmother of this wonderful piece of heaven," she snarked as she pulled out a business card that said Hades, Ruler of the Underworld, in big blue letters. "So, now that you know who I am, let me make you an offer you can't refuse," Hades said in a perfect, Italian accent.

What kind of offer would that be?” Joseph asked, speaking perfect Italian as well. He didn’t really like the look of this goddess but he didn’t really want to piss off the lady of the Underworld, now did he?

"Che gentiluomo. Dovrei dare una festa! [What a gentleman. I should throw a party!]" Hades smirked at Joseph, "Well, since I'm bored and haven't had any new company in a while, I figured I'll invite you to my place for some scotch and margaritas. Maybe a game or two. Or to feed you to my puppy Cerberus. I don't know really. It's not really what I want, it's really what you want."

“I’m not really sure about that …” Joseph said slowly, and hooked a thumb to Cinder on the bed behind him. “I should really help take care of her when she wakes up,” he said and then facepalmed at what he said. “This is going so well …” he muttered to himself.

Hades looked at the sleeping women in dragon armor on the Nuckelavee skin with a raised eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure she's lesbo Joe-Joe. I would be worried about the succubus beside her than the half-breed in heat. Well, since watching you being uncomfortable about it, I'll be nice and cure her for now, but next time, it will be twice as powerful. So, I would stay away from her when that happens." With a snap of her fingers, a soft pink glow enveloped Cinder for a split second. "Now that that's done, what's your game? Poker? Or Russian roulette?"

“Oh great. Good luck with that, Cinder,” Joseph said to himself, watching Cinder be cured of her heat and then looked to Angel. “I’m pretty sure this one is a lesbian too. Far as I know, she hasn’t made a move on me and I don’t want her to either. With the games I’d prefer … Russian Roulette!?” he asked in surprise at that game being one of the choices.

"Raise," Cinder said, placing several silver coins to the growing pile of Obols and Drachmas. Angel sat beside her, frowning at her cards with a cute cross-eyed expression. Hades was smoking a brand new Cuban with her pitch-black, three-headed pitbull sleeping beside her on a pink pillow. The room was simple. In one corner was a table with a few refreshments ranging from Pepsi to Smirnoff and Coke to Jack Daniels. In another side of the room was a bathroom with skulls for toilets while the remainder two walls led outside to a deck that showed a magnificent city that almost looked like an exact replica of Las Vegas. If it was underground and had demons walking around. "Call," Hades smirked.

“Fold,” Joseph frowned, placing his cards on the table face down. “It’s between you three now. I can’t win with these cards,” he clarified while stretching and taking a sip of Coke. He looked at the room and figured it was really nice for being in the Underworld. He thought it would have been more dreary, dull and gloomy.

I fold too," Angel sighed. Her cards had no chance of winning. Cinder took a sip of a mix of Coke and Grey Goose. One of her favorites from back home, when her father allowed her. Cinder looked at the dealer with a confident smile. All she needed was a ten of spades to complete a royal flush and destroy the Queen of Vice at her own game. With Angel out of the hand, the dealer revealed the card she wanted in the flop, causing both Hades and Cinder to grin maniacally.

"Well, I guess I win with a flush," Hades said, revealing her own cards.

"Well, you would have. If not for my royal," Cinder chuckled showing her cards, causing Hades to frown as Cinder took her prize.

"You got lucky," Hades scoffed as Cinder counted her bounty.

“That looked like it was close.” Joseph whistled, leaning back in his chair and smiling at Cinder. “Congrats. You managed to beat a goddess at one of her own games. How does that make you feel, Sheila?” he asked, liking her more for her beating Hades.

"Like regret and euphoria. Though, now with some spending money, I plan on bringing back a souvenir. So Hades ... where can I get my hands on a demon scythe? Since I live up top, I want to look as intimidating as possible," Cinder smiled, tail wagging. She looked over at the clock to see how much longer they could stay before they can return. Judging from what Angel had told her. One day here equals a week. So they should be returning in a few hours. But that doesn't mean they couldn't have some fun before then.

"You want to be a waking reaper huh? Well, you asked for it," Hades said with a devilish expression. "Once you have your scythe. You can travel the multiverse with it, so long as you act like a reaper. So that means taking out the lich kings, lost souls, and necromancers. In other words, I hate losing, and now your ass is mine," she seethed at the last word.

“Why would you want a demon scythe anyway? That’s just asking for trouble and you already have the ability to control the weather.” Joseph said in a condescending tone. He leaned forward and placed his arms on the table. He rubbed his eyes and yawned slightly. “Sorry, now that you said it though, I don’t think Hades will let you go back up top.”

"What if I want to visit your world? Plus, I want to see a Fallout 4 version of Equestria, or better yet, human Equestria!" Cinder frowned-cheered.

"In any case, Cinder here will be a Waking Reaper or Field Reaper to make it easier to understand," Hades joined in, now holding a black flat case the size of a small car lengthwise and half a ruler heightwise. "So, until she dies. She's on her own, but once she touches this case, she'll be under contract for a thousand years. So if and when her mortal body dies, she will be reborn here and sent back out to continue working," Hades vindicated.

“I’ve already got one Reaper in the family. Why would I want another one?” Joseph groaned to himself as he rubbed his forehead. “You hear that Cinder? You get to live for a thousand years! At least. So with a Field Reaper, they hunt souls and take them back here only to go back topside for more work?” Joseph asked, trying to wrap his head around this ‘Waking Reaper’ business.

"Sorta. A Waking Reaper's scythe sends a bad soul to Tartarus to be punished once it has been vanquished, while the master stays up top without having to travel back here. Cinder will also gain several new abilities like soul sight or whatever. And what's wrong with Skye? She's nice, one of my favorites actually," Hades smiled as Cinder grasped the case with vigor but decided not to open it until later.

“Nothing’s wrong with her. I just didn’t expect Cinder to become a Field Reaper.” Joseph explained, rubbing his eyes and watched her grab the case. “I just hope she knows what she’s doing,” he said tiredly. “I didn’t explain to you how to summon other Displaced, have I?” he asked Cinder.

"No, not really. I've been avoiding it for a while now," Cinder said, caressing the case like a precious kitten. "So how do I? I kinda want to torment this Skye person. Do you think she would be interested in being my sidekick? And yes, I do know what I am doing. I want to be able to go home, even if it will be for a few hours at most to at least tell my family that I am okay. Or, try to. Not sure how they will react they'll see me as a girl."

“Forget the girl part, they’ll probably freak out at you for being part wolf. For the tokens, it’s an object that you use to identify yourself with. I have this,” Joseph pulled out a companion cube keychain from his pocket, “and it’s got a message embedded in it. This is how most Displaced are summoned. Others though, may come in unannounced like me. Anyway, you need an object and you need to try to put a message in it. After that, it gets sent to the Void for others to use.” Joseph explained.

“Oh, so that's what that medallion was for," Cinder said sheepishly. "I remembered that in my bag there was a silver coin with a pair of wolf ears and tail on the face. I remembered making a sarcastic comment that if anyone needs that help of the storm caller, sing the Song of Storms while holding onto the coin in both hands like an ocarina. Then it disappeared."

“That would be your token then. Sarcastic message or not, that’s what it is.” Joseph shrugged, although he was a bit surprised at her already having a token. “One thing about that bothers me though. How do you hold a coin like an ocarina?”

"Like this," Cinder said picking up one of the Obol’s, holding it like a tiny flute, dismissing the fact that Hades annoyance to the pair stopped giving a fuck. "Anywho," Cinder paused her demonstration to look at the clock, now saying their week was up. "I guess it's time to go top side. Man, time is weird here."

“Time is weird here and anywhere.” Joseph commented with a smirk and stood up. He turned to Hades and quickly bowed to her, thanking her for her hospitality. “How do we get out of here, sis?” Joseph asked, smiling as he turned to Cinder.

"Well, we could ... just ...?" Cinder froze. 'Did he call me sis? Warning, brain shutting down, eyes shutting down. Fainting.exe in progress. Progress report: 100%.’ Angel caught Cinder just in time before she slammed her face into the table. Angel barely managed to prop her master back onto her chair and began fanning Cinder with a plastic plate that used to hold a cupcake that was now on the floor.

“I didn’t think she would have that reaction …” Joseph laughed before crouching beside her chair. He looked at her for a bit before snapping his fingers near her ear to see if that garnered any reaction.

'Brain.exe activating. Noise near ear. Threat level: Dragon. Initiating, 'punch asshole who wakes me up from nap,' protocol.' Cinder snapped awake and falcon punched the person snapping his/her fingers near her ear, which earned her a satisfying noise of a nose being broken. "No one wakes me up from a nap," Cinder growled back awake. 'Loading last memory. In hell, playing poker with Hades, got scythe, called sis. "ERROR." Emotional overload. The feels is activating. Must tease till he dies.' "Big brother of mine."

One minute he’s snapping his fingers to try and get her to wake up, the next thing he knows is he’s on the floor and writhing in pain from a broken nose. “Remind me not to get on your bad side, sheila.” Joseph muttered before freezing in place at her next words. “What do you ... want?” he asked hesitantly, his voice sounding slightly nasally.

"Incest is Wincest," Cinder replied as she pounced Joseph with an evil grin on her face. Before he could escape, Cinder licked her lips with a tongue that was equally as long as Silvers and equally terrifying. Joseph didn't have enough time to squirm before Cinder invaded his mouth, coating her entire tongue like a boa constrictor around his before pulling off and chugged down a bottle of vodka to get rid of the taste back in her chair.

Joseph coughed and spluttered to try and get the taste out of his mouth. He got up and quickly went over to the table of beverages to get a bottle of Jack down in him. “Oh god, that was horrible!” he exclaimed when he finished, coughing a bit and looked over to Cinder. “What is wrong with you?”

"Well, you called me sis, therefore, I have full rights to make your life miserable. Don't worry, I come with cock-blocking capabilities, dimension travel, overprotectiveness, and rights to molest you in any way, shape or form. And as for your last question as to how we get out, Hades, if you please?" Cinder cheekily smiled. Hades, dying of laughter in her chair, lifted her hand and with a snap of her fingers, they were back in the weather factory.

“You’re evil.” Joseph whispered and felt his nose for a bit before realising that it was fixed. “Hades fixed my nose. She probably loved watching me get slobbered over by you. Speaking of slobber, where’s Silver?” Joseph asked, looking around the weather factory. “But, yes. I do think of you as a love-crazed sister.”

"Probably at the den sulking. I heard from the medicine dog that she gets depressed after heat. No one to love her," Cinder frowned. "Now I feel like a dick," she muttered before perking back up, knowing that she has the brother she always wanted. Even though he was kinda a snub, but a brother none the less! "D-Do you really mean that? D-Do you really see me as a sister?" Cinder stutter-blushed, tail wagging like a hurricane, ears fluttering too. 'What the hell is wrong with me? Don't care, I'm happy!' Cinder thought.

“Of course I do. Who wouldn’t love you as a sister?” Joseph asked, shoulder-hugging her and rubbing the top of her head. “At the very least, you look cute when you stutter and get excited at the same time,” he laughed, letting her go and scratching the back of his head. “Did Angel make the trip back as well?”

"I'm here!" Angel proclaimed as she appeared out of one of the halls wearing something she wasn't wearing before. Cinder, breaking away from her puppy-like happy spaz, saw something that she would never believe. Angel was wearing armor, similar to hers, except her pauldron encompassed her shoulders in big silver metal wolf skull and she had a black cloak that could easily cover her entire body. 'How come she gets a cape and I don't?' Cinder vexed silently. As Angel walked closer, Cinder saw two blades that reminded her of something from the land of elves.

"Where did you get that?" Cinder asked.

"From Hades as I am your familiar. I need to be able to protect you. Every Waking Reaper has one."

Joseph blinked at the sudden appearance and did a double-take when he saw what Angel was wearing. When she explained where she got it from and why, he relaxed slightly. Keeping a tight grip on his portal gun, he sighed and shook his head. “I don’t think I told you how to send Displaced back to their homeworld, did I, Cindy?” he asked her.

"Nope," Cinder replied, admiring her new and improved sidekick.

“To send a Displaced home, all you have to say is their name and ‘our contract is complete.’ If you had summoned me, then you would have to say, ‘Joseph, our contract is complete,’ but I barged in unannounced so it won’t work.” Joseph explained, smiling sheepishly.

"Okay, sounds simple enough. So how do you get out of my world so I can deal with the sun butt now that she should be cooled off? Do I have to suck you or something? Then again, with my new tongue. I don't think you would last long," Cinder said wiggling her brows. Angel blushed angrily at the last comment and wrapped her arms around her master, glaring death at the male again.

“Nope! Not gonna happen!” Joseph exclaimed, jumping back a bit as his eyes widened and got scared by Angel’s death glare. “I’ll just leave the way I came. Through a portal,” he explained hurriedly, turning towards one of the walls and pressed a button on the handle. He felt the portal gun shudder before a black and white portal landed on the wall. He quickly walked over and sighed. He put a hand in his pocket and felt a coin in there. Pulling it out and looking at it, he found it to be the one Cinder had described. “Hades must have given me your token as well. Let me know if you get in trouble. I’ll be glad to break you out of a jail cell again, sheila.”

Cinder smiled warmly, placing her own hand in her side satchel, instantly feeling a small cube. "Looks like Hades gave me yours as well," Cinder smiled showing the companion cube to Joseph before putting it back for later. "And I'll take you up on that. Who knows! I might give you a call when I go to the Griffin Kingdom to get away from Solar Flare. Oh, and tell Skye that I'm coming for her virginity!" She paused for a moment with a frown. Then back to smiling. "So long Mr. Wheatley," she saluted.

“You know what’s funny? She’s already lost it.” Joseph replied with a warm smile of his own, a laugh and a wave before stepping through the portal and vanishing along with it.

"Damn,” Cinder chuckled.