• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 5,584 Views, 59 Comments

Written In The Stars - The Phantom Joker

After barely escaping the wrath of a triumphant Bill Cipher, 17-year old Dipper Pines arrives in the magical land of Equestria, and begins to make new allies, as well as develop his own hidden magical prowess.

  • ...

Spike's Birthday

“Well, Dipper, it’s that day again,” said Twilight Sparkle as she came downstairs from her room in the library, causing Dipper to jump from his spot on the couch and stash something into his coat pocket.

“Uh… and what day is this, exactly?” Dipper asked curiously.

In response, Twilight’s eyes glowed with magical energy as every single book in the library was gripped in her magical grasp, pulled off the shelves, and dumped onto the floor.

“Reshelving day,” said Twilight as her eyes lit up again, this time causing all the books in the room to lift up off of the ground and begin circling her, leaving Dipper in awe.

“That’s amazing, Twi,” said Dipper.

“Thank you, Dipper, but it’s nothing special really, just a basic Multi-Levitation Spell,” said Twilight, trying very hard not to blush.

Suddenly, the two of them heard loud laughter from upstairs, causing Twilight to lose her concentration and stop the spell, causing all of the books to fall, and one of them to hit Dipper in the head.

Looking up, the two bookworms saw Spike at the top of the stairs, holding a large red ruby in the shape of a heart, and for a moment, Dipper was thankful that Grunkle Stan wasn’t here, because that ruby would be more than enough reason to punch a teenager in the face.

“Spike! What are you doing?” asked Twilight in frustration.

“And why do you have a giant ruby?” asked Dipper.

“Huh? Oh, this isn’t an ordinary ruby. It’s a fire ruby, and it’s almost ripe!” said Spike, tapping the fire ruby with a tuning fork and listening to the vibration. “You see, tomorrow’s my birthday, and this little beauty is my birthday present to myself!”

Dipper raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean ‘it’s almost ripe?’ You make it sound like it’s a fruit or something,” he asked the teenager.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Dipper, Spike isn’t a normal Equestrian, like a Spellcaster or a Flier or a Gaian. He’s a Dragonblood,” she explained.

“A… Dragonblood?” Dipper asked in confusion.

“You see, Dipper, Spellcasters, Fliers, and Gaians are descended from Unicorns, Pegasi, and normal, but very strong horses respectively, with the Princesses being the result of interbreeding between these three types of horses. Dragonbloods, on the other hand, are descended from the mighty and very greedy dragons. They’re far stronger than Gaians, have limited pyrokinetic abilities, and can even use certain forms of magic that Spellcasters can’t use,” explained Twilight. “And while they enjoy a good steak or pork chop, a Dragonblood’s favorite delicacy are gems, like rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and so on.” Twilight explained with a smile.

“Interesting, so do they need gems to survive?” Dipper asked.

“No, it's more of a treat than anything, it's like us and candy except it isn't bad for them.” She said simply.

“Ah, right.” Dipper rubbed his arm nervously. “Anyway, Twilight, I was going out to see Flynn about something, maybe talk to him about this mentorship thing, get some finer details and such. Is that alright with you?” He added with uncertainty.

Twilight's smile dropped slightly. “Well yes… that's fine… you go do what you want to do I'm not gonna stop you.” She said while turning away. “It's not like I wanted to spend the day with you or anything.” She said quietly.

“What was that?” Dipper asked with concern.

“Oh nothing, just me remembering something and rambling to myself. You go on, have fun, I'll see you later.” She reassured him.

Dipper just nodded before walking out the door. Spike looked to the door and then back to his adoptive sister. “I know what's going on Twi.” He said sternly.


Spike walked up to him while placing the gem in his pocket. “You like Dipper, don't you?” He asked simply.

“Well yes, he's a great friend and-”

“You want to be more than friends, right?” Twilight just froze at his question. “As I thought.”

“Wh-Why do you think I like him that way?” Twilight asked shakily.

“Oh, puh-lease, the signs are all there, the way you look at him, talk to him, what you whispered when he said he had to go.” Twilight just looked at him shocked. “Yes, I heard it. Now I want you to actually put effort into this Twilight, but don't overdo it, you don't want to scare him away. If you ever need to talk about it then just say so and I'll listen, and I'm pretty sure that your cousin would be more than happy to help resolve this.”

Twilight sighed. “You're right Spike, maybe talking to Flynn will help calm me down about this.”

“Good, because Faust knows what Jack would do if you went to him for advice. The town is still in a panic after hearing about Pinkie being pregnant.” Spike said as he pointed his thumb to the door where screams could be heard. “Now, I have a gemstone to attend to.” He said finally as he pulled out the fire ruby while licking his lips.

However, before he could take a bite, someone knocked on the door. “Hello? Anybody home?”

Spike froze in his tracks, recognizing that voice as Sweetie Belle’s. Sure enough, when Twilight opened the door, there was the pink and lavender haired Spellcaster, holding a few books in her hands.

“Hi, Twilight! I thought I’d return these books you lent me,” said Sweetie as she handed the books to Twilight.

“Thank you, Sweetie,” said Twilight, using her magic to place the books on her desk so that she could check them in.

Taking a deep breath, Spike walked up to Sweetie Belle. “H-hi, Sweetie,” he said nervously, turning a bright shade of red.

Sweetie turned a little red herself when she saw the young Dragonblood. “H-hey, Spike. D-do you know what’s going on out there? I was almost knocked to the ground on more than one occasion on my way here,” she said nervously.

Twilight looked up from Sweetie’s books, intrigued by the way the boy and girl were talking to each other, and noticing the blushes on their faces. It didn’t take a genius to figure out how these two felt about each other, however she kept her mouth shut.

“Oh, you haven’t heard? Jack and Pinkie Pie are having children,” said Spike, chuckling nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

“Is that so? Well, that explains a lot. No wonder the town’s in full-blown panic mode,” said Sweetie Belle. “Well, I-I have to get going, Rarity and Moon Stone are expecting me. See you guys later!”

As Sweetie began to leave, Spike said, “Sweetie, wait.”

“Huh? What is it, Spike?” asked Sweetie.

“This is for you,” said Spike, holding out his Fire Ruby.

“A-a Fire Ruby? F-for me?” asked Sweetie, her eyes widened.

“Yeah. I just thought, y’know, that I’d give you something. Besides, if you don’t take it, I’ll probably just end up eating myself,” said Spike, giving a small chuckle.

Sweetie Belle took the gem. “Thank you, Spike. Maybe I’ll have my sister turn it into a necklace or something. Well, I really need to get going. See you guys at the party tomorrow!”

And with that, Sweetie walked a little too quickly out of the library. Twilight turned to look at Spike with a smirk on her face.

“Looks like I’m not the only one who needs to have a chat with my cousin from where I’m sitting,” the sorceress told her adoptive brother.

“Wh-what are you talking about?” asked Spike, although he knew EXACTLY what Twilight was talking about.

“I’m talking about you having a crush on Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said matter-of-factly. Spike just stuttered before turning red and sighing.

“Yeah...you're right.” With that Spike walked out of the library and wandered off to think during all the panic in the streets.

Flynn was with Fluttershy in their cottage, standing over her while she sat down and played with the various animals under her care. A white owl flew down and perched itself on his shoulder. He looked at it and it turned to him, both locking eyes. Fluttershy looked up and giggled at the sight.

Flynn looked to his fiancé and smiled warmly before gently petting the owl and perching it on her shoulder where she proceeded to preen its wings.

Flynn was making sure to enjoy the moments of peace while they lasted, with Bill coming back and Hack’s triplets about to be born, things were going to get crazier and crazier, and Flynn was going to take what normalcy he could get.

As Flynn and Fluttershy continued to tend to the animals, the doorbell rang, causing the animals to jump and scatter all over the place.

“I’ll get the door, honey, you get everyone calmed down again,” said Flynn.

Fluttershy smiled and nodded as she went to soothe the frightened critters while Flynn answered the door to find Dipper standing there.

“Dipper? What is it?” asked Flynn.

“I need to talk to you about that apprenticeship you offered me,” said Dipper. “Just need to find out the finer details before I make my decision about it, you know.”

Flynn nodded. “Alright, what would you like to know?”

“First, what would it involve exactly?” asked Dipper

Flynn scratched his chin in thought. “Well we would mostly be doing research together, exploring areas in search of something to document, I would teach you some techniques in magic that Ford had taught me. I'm not sure if he could use magic himself but it could be a possibility, and if that constellation on your forehead is anything to go by, it could exist in your DNA, but there is no way to tell without him here. Anyway, we would be focusing on continuing Ford's work here on Gaia, while he was here he wasn't able to complete his research and left it to me to pick up where he left off.”

“Ok, how long would we be together in a day?” asked Dipper.

“We won't be doing things every day, but typically it could range from half an hour to a full day, it just depends on what happens. Anything else?” Flynn asked.

“Yeah...why offer me an apprenticeship?” asked Dipper.

The question caught Flynn off guard. He cleared his throat and recomposed himself. “Well, you are a bright young man, and you've been with Ford for a period of time so you know how to handle certain situations.” He sighed and looked up to the sky. “And I feel like I owe it to Ford.”

Dipper raised a brow. “What?”

“When Ford was here he treated me well, he taught me everything I know and more, he was my idol, a person to aspire to. He had done so much for me and Fluttershy, so I feel I owe it to him to finish what he can't, that includes your training.” He said with determination.

“Complete my training? I thought I was finished,” said Dipper, confused.

Flynn shook his head and pulled up his right sleeve, showing a tattoo of a six fingered hand on his arm. “When Ford takes on an apprentice and they reach the maximum level that he can bring them to, they are granted this symbol, and he has mentored a few people in his time.” Flynn pulled his sleeve down and looked at Dipper. “So I plan to bring you to your full potential, but it is entirely your choice and I will not judge you on your decision, but if we are going to stop Bill I'd recommend agreeing, but there are other options that would be easier on you.” Flynn noticed the conflicted expression on the young man's face. “There is no rush on your decision Dipper, take as much time as you need.”

Dipper nodded. “Ok, thanks Flynn.” With that he turned around and began walking back towards Ponyville. Fluttershy walked up to behind Flynn and watched Dipper disappear into the woods,

“Do you think he'll accept?” She asked.

“I'm not sure dear, it doesn't take a genius to realize that this would probably affect his relationship with Twilight, at least that's what he thinks might happen. Right now, he has two main choices, possibly the fear of existence, and his personal desires… and those desires may just be the motivation he needs to stop Bill once and for all," Flynn said as the two walked back into the cottage while closing the door.

Fluttershy blushed as she hugged Flynn. “Did I ever tell you how I love it when you're cryptic and mysterious?” she asked.

Flynn smirked. “It's one of the reasons you fell for me right? And yeah, you have.” He kissed her forehead and they began to cuddle on the couch. “So, any progress on dress hunting?”

“Not yet. I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't bring Rarity dress shopping, she tends to get very… emotional… about these things.” Fluttershy said while rolling her eyes.

“Well, no matter what you wear, you'll look beautiful, nothing could ever stain your perfection and grace.” Flynn complimented.

Fluttershy frowned and got to her feet. “You, upstairs, now.” She commanded while walking up the wooden steps.

Flynn just stared wide eyed before chucking. She's feisty when she wants to be, he thought to himself. He got up and followed his fiancé to the bedroom.

The next day, it was finally time for Spike’s birthday. The Elements of Harmony, their partners, and the Crusaders had all gotten gifts for the newly turned 14 year old Dragonblood, stacking them all one by one into the young teen’s arms before the huge tower of gifts finally fell over on top of Spike. Pulling himself out of the gifts, Spike simply sat there, looking a little confused by all the gifts, which caught Dipper’s attention.

“Spike, you DO know that you’re supposed to get presents on your birthday, right?” he asked the toppled teen while helping him up.

“Yeah, of course I know that. It’s just that, before Twilight and I came to Ponyville, I only got one present from Twilight… and it’s always been a book,” said Spike.

Dipper stole a glance at Twilight, who had turned bright red and hid what appeared to be a book-shaped gift behind her back. Dipper also could have sworn he heard a sheep bleat somewhere.

“Hey, Spike!” said Sweetie Belle as she walked up to the Dragonblood.

“H-hey, Sweetie Belle. What’s up?” Spike said, his face turning bright red and chuckling nervously.

“Check out what Rarity did with that Fire Ruby you gave me,” said Sweetie, showing Spike a golden necklace with the Fire Ruby embedded in the middle.

“W-wow, Sweetie Belle, it’s beautiful,” said Spike.

“Why don’t you come over and sit with us?” asked Sweetie, pulling Spike over to where Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were sitting.

Dipper shook his head and chuckled. Spike reminded him so much of himself back in the day, when he’d had a crush on the Mystery Shack cashier and the local lumberjack’s daughter, Wendy Corduroy.

Dipper soon saw that Twilight and Flynn were talking about something. Dipper couldn’t hear what they were talking about over the loud dance music, but whatever it was, it was making Twilight very happy, judging by the grin on her face. The young Pines then helped himself to a cupcake and took a bite. His eyes widened in surprise at how good the cupcake actually was, having never had any form of Equestrian goodie since he arrived here.

Several hours later, Spike was digging through the remains of his presents’ wrappings, searching for anything he might’ve missed while some of the guests began to return home. Finding nothing, he ran up and gave Applejack a big hug.

“Thank you guys so much!” said Spike, a wide grin on his face as he spoke.

“Spike, ya’ve thanked us fifteen times already!” said Applejack.

Buck Shot frowned. “Ah had it at fourteen,” he said.

“Well, this makes fifteen,” said Applejack.

Spike released Applejack and sighed. “I just wish this party could last forever, you know,” he said, looking a little depressed.

“Don’t be silly, Spike, of course the party can’t last forever,” said Pinkie, who was munching on a napkin, most likely because of her weird pregnancy cravings.

“That’s right. It can’t last forever because you have to go and get the surprise that’s waiting for you over at Sugarcube Corner!” said Jack.

Perking up almost instantly, Spike ran out the door and made a beeline for Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight looked a Pinkie and Jack. “What exactly IS this surprise you’re talking about?” she asked her friend and her husband.

“Oh, nothing special, just a super-humongous sapphire cupcake!” said Pinkie, a huge grin on her face.

“It would’ve been an emerald cupcake, but SOMEONE decided to get into the gems,” said Hack, looking at Pinkie as he spoke.

“Hello! Babies on board!” said Pinkie, returning Jack’s look.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it a little dangerous to eat gemstones during pregnancy?” she asked.

“My family’s triplet enchantment causes the mother to have far weirder cravings than most- well, pretty much all pregnancies. It’s how we get our charming personalities,” said Jack with a shrug.

While Twilight, Pinkie, and Jack were talking, Flynn leaned over to Dipper and muttered, “Hey, Dipper, I was talking to Twilight about the apprenticeship earlier, and I think we’ve come up with something.”

Dipper frowned. Why was Flynn talking to Twilight about the apprenticeship? She HATED the very idea of it. “What’d you come up with?” he asked Flynn.

“Well… what if I taught you offensive and defensive magic and combat skills, while Twilight taught you levitation magic and things like that? If you accept the apprenticeship, of course,” said Rider.

Dipper wanted to jump up and punch the air. This was perfect! With this offer, not only could Dipper accept Flynn's apprenticeship, but he could also spend more time with Twilight!

However, before Dipper could give a reply, Twilight said, “Hey, wait a minute. Where’s Spike? He should be back from Sugarcube Corner by now, it doesn’t take that long to get a cupcake.”

Jack walked over to a window and hummed in interest. “I don't know, but there is a giant Dragonblood that looks an awful lot like Spike rampaging through the streets right now stealing other people's shit.” Jack said casually before growling. “Hey! Hey! Hey! those are custom made top hats buster!” With that Jack shot out of the library to try and save his hats from the beast attacking Ponyville,

The group ran out and looked up at the large being. The giant monster did indeed look a lot like Spike, if Spike had somehow been turned into a purple and green version of Godzilla with giant dragon wings.

"IT'S GODZILLAAAAAA!!!" screamed one of the nearby civilians before another one paused to chat.

"Actually, he may look like Godzilla, but due to interdimensional copyright laws, he isn't," the other guy said.

"STILL, WE SHOULD RUN LIKE HE IS GODZILLAAAAAAA!!!!" screamed the first guy.

"Though he isn't," the second guy said before both civilian screamed bloody murder and took off running right past Dipper and the gang.

“How did Spike get that big and dragon-y!?” Dipper asked with panic.

Flynn ran back into the library and began flicking through multiple books on dragonblood subtilis; he came to a page that matched their situation before running back out with it. “His natural greed and instincts to gather have kicked in! When he started receiving all of those gifts from everyone, his dragon ancestors' blood caused a natural desire to build up a horde, starting an artificial maturity process that young dragons used to use to defend themselves!” He explained.

Twilight facepalmed, Dipper raised a brow in confusion, Pinkie continued eating a napkin, Flynn threw the book back into the library and activated his magic and the rest of the group all rushed to protect their things.

“How are we supposed to turn him back?!” Twilight demanded.

“We need to bring out his true self, we need something that will remind him of who he is, like a person dear to him or something of great sentimental value!” Flynn explained as he floated a few people out of the shadow of a descending foot with his magic.

Twilight began to think of anything that could be used in such a way, then something clicked in her head. “Dipper, come with me, Flynn, you see if you can slow his progress, we're going to go find Sweetie Belle.”

Flynn smiled knowingly and nodded, his eyes and hands glowing as he put more energy into his magic while Dipper and Twilight ran in the direction of Carousel Boutique.

Flynn teleported onto a roof of a large building where Jack was standing yelling at the beast. “I swear to Faust, Spike! If I see one damn wrinkle on those hats, I will smack you so hard you'll be halfway to Las Pegasus!”

“Jack!” Flynn scolded.

“I'm just so freaking mad!” Jack yelled as he glared at the rampaging monster. “Those top hats are my babies, I feel naked without them, and I won't hesitate to smack up a bitch if he doesn't give them back!”

“Ok, YOU need to chill!” Flynn smacked Jack on the back of the head. “Focus, we can worry about your hats later, safety of the people and city come first Jack. We need to stall him long enough for Twilight and Dipper to put their plan into action, which means keeping him in this area!”

“Gotcha!” Jack began running along the rooftops and climbing to higher ground until he came to the tallest building in the area. He turned to find himself face to face with Spike in his huge form. Jack twirled his cane and spread his arms, cupcake bombs appearing in his hands. “Prepare your backside for friendship, you huge scaly teenager.” He said in a western accent.

As Spike was distracted by Jack, Flynn was looking through a spell book to find any useful spells he did not know of. Finding one he placed the book in his coat and held up his hands. Large see-through purple chains began to rise out of the ground, Flynn sweating as he struggled to maintain the spell. The chains shot up and began wrapping themselves around Spike, restraining his arms and legs.

But that didn't last long as the huge teenager burst out of his chains with a roar.

“Oh damn it…” groaned Flynn.

A moment later, three trails of white smoke similar to those from a jet engine streaked overhead. They belonged to three fliers clad in sky blue and yellow jumpsuits, gloves, boots, and flight goggles.

“It’s the Wonderbolts!” cried Rainbow Dash as her childhood heroes charged right at Spike and actually got a few hits in. To Spike, however, the talented fliers were mere flies he desperately wanted to swat. As the Wonderbolts turned for another pass, Spike was ready and caught the fliers in an empty water tower which he then stuck into the side of a nearby mountain.

Just when all hope seemed to be lost, a voice cried out, “Spike, stop it!”

Spike looked down towards the ground and saw Sweetie Belle, Twilight, and Dipper standing there. Without a second thought, Spike snatched up Sweetie Belle and began to carry her and his loot up another mountain towards a cave at the very top.

“Well, that didn’t work, now what do we do?” asked Dipper.

We don't do anything.” They all looked back to see Shadow Strike walking up to them. “If his feelings for that girl are real he'll recognise her soon enough and possibly return to normal.” He explained as he adjusted his glasses. “However, you may want to have Miss Dash and Miss Fluttershy ready to catch them when they fall, if this goes down like everything else in this town they'll end up in free fall.” He looked to the panicking city and groaned. “I on the other hand have to get things under control here or I'm going to have the mayor nagging me for the next week, so get going.”

The group nodded and began running towards where Spike had taken Sweetie Belle to.

Shadow turned around and his eyes started to glow, the panicking people in the streets stopping in their tracks as they were coated in a purple aura. “Everyone calm down, we've got this under control!” Everyone tried to get free to continue running wildly. “I'm not letting anyone go until you all calm down. I suggest you get comfortable.”

As Dipper and the group ran towards the towering teenager they saw that Spike had stopped and was looking at Sweetie Belle who was yelling at him about something.

“Oh no you're not getting this gemstone, this was a gift from Spike, it's very precious to me and you can't have it!” She yelled, not knowing that who she was talking to was Spike.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were flying just above the group with a blanket ready to catch them in. They all looked up as Spike held a claw to his head and winced, memories flooding back to him.

Sure enough, he turned back to his usual human-like form, but his wings had shrunk into his back, leaving him and Sweetie Belle in the air.

As the two began to fall Rainbow and Fluttershy swooped into action.

Not seeing the two flyers coming Spike expected the end and looked to Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie!” He yelled to get her attention. “If we don't make it, there's something I need you to know!” He gulped and blushed. “I've always sort of had a cru-”

He was stopped by Sweetie Belle who put a finger to his lips, smiled and looked at him with tears in her eyes. “Me too, Spike...me too,” she whispered.

This response was the last thing Spike had expected Sweetie to say, and made tears appear in his own eyes. The two teens hugged and were quickly caught by Rainbow and Fluttershy, who brought them safely to the ground.

Later that evening, Spike and Sweetie Belle were sitting by Daisy Steam, talking about their feelings towards each other and where their relationship might lead.

“I think it was a week after you moved into Ponyville that I realized it,” said Sweetie.

“Yeah, I think it was around that time when I fell for you too. I-I heard you singing,” said Spike. “I swear to Faust, Sapphire Shore’s got nothing on you. Maybe that’s what your Power Mark will be; a music note.”

“Yeah… maybe,” said Sweetie. “Sooo… what do you want to do for our date?”

Spike thought about it for a moment. “Well… there's this new movie coming out in theatres in a few days… you want to go see it together?”

Sweetie looked up at her new boyfriend. “Sounds good to me,” she said.

“Perfect. So, I’ll pick you up at say… 5:00?” asked Spike.

“It’s a date.”

Author's Note:

And that's a bingo! Another chapter in the bag! I'll try to get the next chapter up and running for you guys first thing tomorrow morning, but until then, if you guys liked what you saw here, then be sure to like, bookmark, and comment, and remember: dying is easy, comedy is hard!

Comments ( 4 )

Great to see this story again. It’s been a while hasn’t it?

Me: seeing seven read chapters and three comments that are clearly mine
Also me: i have no memory of this place

So when will make more chapters for this story?

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