• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 5,584 Views, 59 Comments

Written In The Stars - The Phantom Joker

After barely escaping the wrath of a triumphant Bill Cipher, 17-year old Dipper Pines arrives in the magical land of Equestria, and begins to make new allies, as well as develop his own hidden magical prowess.

  • ...

The Offer

Twilight and Spike were both mildly interested and confused by Princess Celestia’s reply to the letter they’d sent her earlier that morning.

My Faithful Student,

I’ve gone over every map of Gaia in the Canterlot Library, and there is no such town as Gravity Falls anywhere on the planet. However this does not mean I don’t know anything about it.

About 35 years ago, a man with six fingers on each hand who claimed to be from a town in an alternate dimension called Gravity Falls appeared. Oddly enough, his name was Pines as well. Stanford Pines, in fact. He was not only very, very sane, but he was also a genius. So much so that he probably could’ve given Starswirl the Bearded a run for his bits.

I don’t want to go into details, but let’s just say Ford and I had some… interesting nights. Then, one day, about five years ago, he was gone.

If this Dipper is related to Ford and is indeed from the same Gravity Falls as Stanford was, please do not pressure him into confirming or denying anything that I’ve told you. When he’s ready, he’ll tell you himself.

Sincerely, your teacher,
Princess Celestia Eclipse.

P.S. As far as telling Dipper how you feel about him goes, I’m afraid that’s one problem I can’t help you with. Although, if he really is just like you, then this should be interesting. Also, don’t expect him to tell you if he has similar feelings any time soon.

P.P.S. Whatever you do, DO NOT ask Luna to help contend with this Bill Cipher creature. She’s going through a hard enough time just adapting to modern Equestrian life as it is.

"Well that was... Insightful, to say the least." Twilight said as she put the letter down.

“I’ll say,” said Spike.

“Well, no use sitting around here doing nothing. I’ve still got to teach Dipper how to use Equestrian Magic, and maybe I’ll find out if Celestia’s letter holds any truth,” said Twilight, getting out of her chair and using her magic to conjure up some spellbooks. “I think I’ll start off by teaching him some levitation, and once he’s mastered that, then perhaps we can move on to some elemental magic-”

“Uh, Twilight? How do we even know Dipper CAN use Equestrian Magic? I mean, he may or may not be from an alternate dimension for all we know,” said Spike.

Twilight stopped and thought for a moment. Spike DID have a valid point… however, she knew a Mark of Power when she saw one. After all, how many people had birthmarks in the exact shape of the Big Dipper?

“I’m confident he can learn magic, Spike. Now, since I’m going to be busy all day with Dipper, why don’t you take the day off? Go hang out with Sweetie Belle and her friends?” said Twilight.

A blush appeared on the young boy’s face. "Oh, um, ok." With that he ran out of the library.

"That was odd. Oh well, what to do about Dipper? He said he wanted to talk to Rider about something... maybe I can form a plan while he's gone." Twilight pulled out a blank scroll and wrote “Dipper Plan” on the top in pink ink.


"Okay, Dipper, what's got you so stressed?" Flynn asked as he poured Dipper a cup of tea as they sat in the living room of the cottage, Fluttershy flying about playing with her animals.

"Well, you see, I kinda need some advice." Dipper said nervously.

Flynn took a sip of his tea and looked to the stressed teenager. "And what advice could I give you that Twilight couldn't? She's far more intelligent than me, granted she isn't the greatest when it comes to social interaction but she does have a vast knowledge on basic every subject."

"That's the thing, I need advice regarding Twilight." Dipper admitted.

Rider noticed a small blush on Dipper's face and smiled warmly. "Ah, I get it now." Flynn nodded and set his tea down, leaning forward slightly to pay closer attention. "You think you've fallen in love with Miss Sparkle, don't you?" Dipper rubbed his arm nervously and nodded. "Well I'm glad you came to me and not Jack about this, while he can give romantic advice it's more for... Intimate, situations." He shivered slightly and put his hands on his knees. "Now, what kind of advice do you need?"

"Well, I need advice on how to go about this. Do I just tell her about it or do I take things at a set pace? Stuff like that."

Flynn nodded. "Well, I'm only going to go off of what I've learned about relationships with Fluttershy. I know Twilight, I've known her since I was a kid when I traveled to Canterlot. I know enough about her to know that you two would make a great couple." This got Dipper to smile. "Here's what you've got to do, don't try any schemes, let love take its natural course. When I first met Fluttershy we started off as distant friends, I was too shy to admit my feelings to her, over time we grew closer and closer until one day, while we were out on a walk, Fluttershy tripped on a pebble and her lips landed on mine. We didn't pull away from each other, we don't shove the other away. We just accepted that fate had chosen that moment for us, that we loved each other and that our feelings for each other were mutual. We let love take its course, it may have had a few bumps here and there but, look at us now. We're getting married in a few weeks." Flynn reached over and placed a hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Dipper, this is gonna sound really cheesy. Do what your heart tells you, love is with this," he placed a finger on Dipper's chest where his heart was, "not with this." He moved the finger up to Dipper's forehead.

"Wow... Every time you talk you remind me more and more of my Great Uncle Ford."

Flynn froze. "What did you just say?" he asked in shock.

"You remind me of my Grunkle Stanford Pines." Flynn got up and placed both hands on Dipper's shoulders. "Wait, do you know Ford?"

"Dipper, a man named Stanford Pines taught me everything I know. I was his apprentice until five years ago."

Dipper gasped. "My Great Uncle showed up five years ago." Both looked at each other in shock.

"Dipper, I need you to do something for me." Dipper nodded. "I need you to become my apprentice."

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city of Fillydelphia, Gideon Gleeful began to wake up.

“Ugh… what the sam hill happened?” muttered the tall white haired teen as he sat up and looked around, noting that he clearly wasn’t in Oregon, or anywhere near America as far as he could tell. “Where am Ah?”

“From the looks of things, I’d say you’re just outside Fillydelphia… and nowhere near the Castle of the Two Sisters. You’ll have to forgive me, Gideon, my power is a little rusty after spending five years locked away,” said the voice of Bill Cipher from inside Gideon’s mind.

The teen raised an eyebrow. “What exactly am Ah doin’ in Philadelphia? Ah thought you were sending me to the place Dipper ran off to,” said Gideon.

“No, Gideon, that’s PHILAdelphia. You’re outside of FILLYdelphia. They’re two completely different cities in two completely different dimensions… although, considering how similar the names of the towns there are to the ones here, I understand your confusion,” said Bill. “Okay, here’s the rundown. The people of this world use bits of gold for their currency here. So, what I’ve done is I’ve bestowed upon your suit the power of the Magic Satchel, which pretty much lets you put anything in your pockets, no matter how big, small or how many individual units you put in. Right now, you’ve got about 666,666 bits in your name, all of which are in your right pocket. Also, I’ve replaced your tie with… an old friend, if you know what I mean.”

Gideon looked down at his chest. There, right where his white tie had been, was a black bolo tie with a gold encircled jade gemstone.

“My… my old amulet,” said Gideon in shock.

“You’re welcome. Also, in case someone tries to smash it again, I’ve put 1,456,779 spares in your left pocket. Now, head to the train station and buy a ticket for a town called Ponyville. From there, it’s a straight shot to the Everfree Forest where the Castle of the Two Sisters is. Get moving. And remember, I’ll be watching you.”

“Ah understand,” said Gideon. “All righty, now then, let’s see where that there train station is, so Ah can git to Ponyville and find that there agent Bill mentioned.”

And with that, Gideon got up, brushed off his baby blue suit, with which he wore a black dress shirt and black dress shoes, and strolled into the city. It felt kind of weird to enter a town and not be adored or given weird looks, but Gideon was sure he’d get used to it.

Thank God Ah got rid of that ridiculous hairdo Ah had back when Ah was nine, thought Gideon, patting his mop of silvery white hair as he made his way through town.

Dipper walked through the door of his current library home, his mind still reeling from what Rider had revealed to him about his Great-Uncle Ford.

I still can’t believe it! Grunkle Ford was actually here! And Flynn was his apprentice! thought Dipper. He’d told Flynn that he’d think about his offer, but what would Twilight think about all of this?

Dipper smacked his forehead. He needed a plan for her! And moreover, he needed a time to enact his plan once he’d come up with it. Spotting a nearby scroll, ink jar, and quill, Dipper grabbed them and wrote “Twilight Plan” on the top in large black letters.

“Hey, Dipper!”

Dipper jumped about a foot in the air at the sound of Spike’s voice, and judging from the sound of a female scream and a loud thud from upstairs, Twilight had done the same. Dipper hurriedly stuffed his unfinished plan behind his back.

“Man, you and Twilight really are two of a kind!” Spike said with a snicker.

“Y-you really think so?” asked Dipper.

“Well, yeah. I mean, you both either freak out or completely tune out the world when you’re focused on something important to you, for one thing,” said Spike. Before Spike could continue, however, Twilight appeared on the staircase.

“Hey Spike! Hey Dipper!” said Twilight, a smile on her face as she looked down at the two boys. "How was your visit with Flynn?" She asked with a small, unnoticeable blush.

"Oh um, it was great. I just found out that Flynn had met one of my relatives a few years back." Twilight's smile didn't falter as she nodded. "And after he gave me some advice on... Some guy stuff, he gave me an offer that I kinda wanted to talk with you about."

"And what was the offer?" Dipper took in a deep breath and looked her in the eye.

"He asked me to become his apprentice." Twilight's smile slowly turned to a frown.

"Did he now?"

"I told him I'd think about it, I know you were wanting to teach me about magic and stuff but, Rider has given me the kind of offer that is hard to turn down."

“I see…”

Spike looked between the two nerds, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable. “Uh, I’ll just go… outside for a moment,” he mumbled before he ran outside, tripping over his own feet for a moment.

“I take it you’re not exactly happy with that?” Dipper asked nervously.

Twilight’s smile returned, although Dipper thought it was somehow forced. “N-no! That’s… that’s great,” she said.

“Oh… well, I-I’m glad you feel that way,” said Dipper with a nervous smile.

“Well, I’ve got some things I need to finish up in my bedroom so I… guess I’ll see you later,” said Twilight, before she turned around and returned to her bedroom.

“O-okay… see you tonight,” said Dipper, a gloomy look on his face as he sat back down on the couch. "I really don't believe she took that well." Sliding his hand down his face he pulled out his Twilight Plan and wrote down 'step one: make this up to Twilight' and put it back in his jacket. "I just hope she doesn't hate me for this."

Meanwhile, up in her bedroom, Twilight sat in her chair and looked down at her Dipper Plan… now that Rider had offered Dipper an apprenticeship, she was beginning to have doubts that their love could ever actually bloom.

"Feelin a little down there Twi?"

Twilight jumped and looked to see Hack leaning in through her window."Jack, what are you doing?!"

Jack chuckled and slid into the room. "Pinkie sensed that you were upset and sent me to cheer you up." He walked over to her and crouched to eye-level. "Now, what's got you all gloomy like this?"

Twilight took a deep breath and sighed. “Let’s say… I have crush on someone. But, that someone was offered an apprenticeship that meant we couldn’t be together. What do I do?"

Jack nodded and put a finger to his chin in thought. "Well that depends on the kind of apprenticeship. Will he be moving in with this person or will you still be able to spend time with them?"

Twilight just looked at him dumbfounded. "Well... It wouldn't mean I'd never see him again. It would just mean we'd spend less time together, making it harder to have anything actually grow between us."

"Let me tell ya something Sparkle, love is never easy. It's always gonna be hard no matter what you do. If something slows your progress or gets in your way you've simply got to find another route to reach your destination. It may take a little longer but it won't stop you from ever getting there. Love takes time Twilight, lots and lots of time. You can't force it to work faster, you can't create it with a spell, unless you're Princess Cadence of course but that's beside my point." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Everything will work out in the end of it all my friend. You simply, have, to wait."

Twilight smiled. “Thanks, Jack. Pinkie’s really lucky to have you,” she said.

Jack returned the smile. “You’re welcome, Twilight. And yes, she is." Jack got up and walked towards the window. "By the way I know it's Pines, stop trying to be subtle." Twilight blushed furiously.

"How did you know?"

Hack turned and smirked."I didn't, but I do now."

Twilight glared at him.

"Stop by the bakery later on today with everyone else, Pinkie and I have a little... announcement to make." With that he jumped out the window. "LOOK OUT BELOW!!!" There was a crash and some yelling. Twilight just shook her head.

"Yep, he's Pinkie's husband alright."

Author's Note:

And thus concludes Chapter Seven! Man, I am on a roll with these things! Now then, if you liked what you saw here, then be sure to fav, follow, like, and comment! And remember: dying is easy, comedy is hard!