• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 5,587 Views, 59 Comments

Written In The Stars - The Phantom Joker

After barely escaping the wrath of a triumphant Bill Cipher, 17-year old Dipper Pines arrives in the magical land of Equestria, and begins to make new allies, as well as develop his own hidden magical prowess.

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An Escape Through Time And Space

Author's Note:

Greetings, fimfiction, Joker here! So, I was in the shower one day, and, purely on a whim, decided to revive this ancient project from before the dark times... before the Displaced and made it WAYYYYYYYYYYYY past my insurmountable Three-Chapter Wall. Now, since the co-author bailed out on me for reasons I refuse to discuss, I have to go back and reconfigure several chapters that feature either himself or one of his OCs. But, this shouldn't be a problem. Now, with that in mind, let us begin anew!

“Come on, Dipper! Hurry it up!” yelled a 17-year old girl with long brown hair wearing a pink sweater with a rainbow-tailed shooting star on it, a purple skirt, and black shoes as she ran into a dilapidated old building the the middle of the woods. Her name was Mabel Pines.

Right behind her was her twin brother Dipper, who wore an orange shirt, a black vest, khaki shorts, and black sneakers. “I’m coming Mabel, just slow down a little!” he panted as he tried to keep up with his more athletic sister.

“Dipper, we can’t slow down! Just look behind you!” Mabel called from the Mystery Shack’s doorway.

One glance over his shoulder made Dipper practically dive through the doorway. Right behind them was a horde of monsters, all of them doing the bidding of that monster, Bill Cipher.

“Get to the vending machine!” yelled Dipper, pulling himself up from the floor as he ran over to a damaged vending machine, and punched in the code A1BC3.

The vending machine slide aside, revealing a secret staircase to the basement. The Mystery Twins darted down the stairs three at a time before they arrived at an old elevator. Quickly punching in a selection of alchemic symbols, Dipper and Mabel took the elevator directly the Basement Level 3. They dashed into the room and slammed the gate shut behind them. They backed away from the elevator as they heard the horrid unearthly shrieks of Bill's "friends".

"This is bad. This is bad. This is REALLY BAD!" Dipper panicked, pacing the room and thinking of a possible solution.

"Dipper, calm down and think," Mabel said, trying to calm her nearly hysterical brother.

"Calm down?! Mabel, Bill won! He brought the dream demons over! Stan and Ford are probably dead! How am I supposed to calm down?!"

"Dipper..." Mabel could always find the bright side of every situation, but this was an exception. There was nothing to smile about, to look forward to. Only hope that they could last through the nightmare. "Wait, what of the barrier Grunkle Ford set up?"

"You mean the one that prevents Bill from taking over our minds?" Dipper said, his voice devoid of hope. "That doesn't work now that Bill can directly access the physical world. It's useless." Dipper slumped against the wall and buried his head.

Mabel went over to comfort her brother. She looked around at the lab; the rusty desk, old equipment, diagrams pinned to the wall, the next room that held the portal, the... "Wait, Dipper, what if we went to another dimension?"

Dipper looked up, surprised that she could maintain her sense of humor at such a dire moment. "Mabel, now is not the time for jokes."

"I'm serious, Dipper, " Mabel said, getting up. "Remember, whenever something comes through the portal, it breaks down. If we can escape, Bill can't follow us!"

Dipper still sat, shocked. He thought about it and knew it was possible, but... “Mabel, there’s so many risks with your plan. We don’t know what’ll happen if we go into a dimensional rift. For all we know, we might not even come back out again, and we could be stuck between dimensions. And what about our Mom and Dad, and our friends here? We’d be leaving them at Bill’s mercy,” said Dipper.

Mabel thought about this. It was certainly possible that something like that could happen. And he was right about leaving their family and friends behind. But, if they were dead or worse, what difference would it make in the end? “Dipper… I know it's not going to be easy to do this. But, maybe if we can get to another dimension, we might be able to find someone who can help us come back and take Bill down once and for all. And, besides, say we do get stuck between dimensions for the rest of our natural lives. At least we’ll have each other,” said Mabel.

Dipper thought about Mabel’s words… while it would certainly be true that if they could find a way to get into another dimension, there was the possibility that they might find someone who could help defeat Bill, and take their world back. Yet, at the same time, there was the problem of finding a way back home if this crazy plan of Mabel’s actually worked, and they weren’t stuck between dimensions for all eternity.

After a few tense moments, Dipper finally heaved a sigh. “All right, Mabel. I might not like this plan… but, the other option is to sit here and wait until Bill and his pals get here and finish us off. So, let’s do this thing,” he said.

Mabel gave a stern nod, before she and her brother got to work on starting up the portal again. Thankfully, it didn’t take as long to start up as it did when Grunkle Stan was trying to rescue his brother from another dimension. After a few tense hours, the portal was at 78% power.

"Come on, come on! Charge faster!" Dipper, now in a full on panic darted back and forward from console to console, desperate to activate their only hope of survival. As he was about to pull the lever that would activate the large triangular portal he heard the voice of his greatest enemy.

"Knock knock kids!" Just then the door from the elevator exploded and Bill Cipher slowly floated out with two faded creatures behind him. "Daddy's home."

The portal suddenly activated while Dipper was looking away. Turning he found Mabel had pulled the switch on her own. "Mabel what on earth are you doing, it's not charged yet?!"

"I'm sorry Dipper." She ran up to him and shoved him over the yellow and black tape that marked the dangerous area of the portal.

"Mabel no!" He tried to grab onto anything he could find in order to stay with his sister. Unable to find anything he was dragged into the collapsing portal. "Mabeeeeeeeeeellll!" As the portal closed Mabel turned to face Bill.

"Tsk tsk, now that has put a damper on my day, I will give you credit for your bravery though, here, have two heads that are always screaming!" Before he could snap his fingers Mabel held out her hand.

"Enough games, Bill. If you're going to finish me just do it."

"Woahho! Somebody just got a sassy side! I'm not gonna finish you off just yet though, you could be...useful."


With the sound of a flowing river filling his ears, Dipper slowly opened his eyes. "Wh...what happened? Mabel!" He immediately sprang to his feet and started looking around. "Not good, not good. Oh, why did you have to do that to me sis?"

Sighing, he sat down by the nearby river and took in his surroundings. He was in a forest with lime green grass and small flowers here and there. "I should probably focus on finding out where I am first, then I can worry about Mabel." Getting to his feet he started following the river down into the forest, hoping to find civilization somewhere.

It wasn’t long, however, before Dipper heard something… a voice, female by the sound of it, humming to herself.

“...squirrels in the trees and the cute little bunnies, birds flying free and bees with their honey… honnney…”

Desperate to find someone, ANYONE, who could help him, Dipper followed the voice. “Hey! Excuse me, can you help-” Dipper began as he approached the singer, only to stop dead in his tracks, and it was obvious why.

The singer, who was kneeling at the riverbank surrounded by small, cute, and fluffy animals, appeared to be human for the most part, and had a long pink hairdo and teal eyes, and wore a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and pink and white tennis shoes. The only thing that kept her from being fully human, however, was a pair of cream yellow wings grafted almost seamlessly onto her back.

It took only a moment for the winged person, who Dipper was desperately hoping was NOT an angel or anything associated with the afterlife, to notice Dipper, and when she did, she gave a small yelp of surprise and curled up into a ball, clearly frightened.

"Whoa, easy," said Dipper. "I'm not going to hurt you." He took a step forward and stepped on a branch. At the snap, the girl shot up and darted into a bush, shaking so hard the whole bush shook with her. "Um, Hello?" called a confused Dipper. The girl peaked out from behind the bush. "Um, hi. Do you mind telling me where I am?"

The girl looked scared and confused. She muttered something inaudible. Dipper moved closer to try and hear her better. "Sorry, I didn't catch that," he said. Again, she whispered. Dipper sighed. "Look, my name is Dipper. I just woke up in this forest and I really want to know where I am. I'm not going to hurt you."

"R-Really?" the girl asked, more audible. Dipper nodded. "Pinkie promise?" Dipper held out his pinky finger and the girl dived back into the bush.

"Wait, wha? I said I'm not going to hurt you. I swear." The girl slowly emerged from the bush. She was about Dipper's height, maybe an inch or so taller. "So, mind telling me where I am?"

"Oh, um, well, you’re at Daisy Stream,” said the girl.

Dipper frowned. “And where is Daisy Stream?”

“Oh, um, Ponyville.”

“And where is Ponyville?”

“In Equestria?” said the girl, who was starting to get more than just a little confused by what this stranger was asking her.

“Equestria… okay, well, at least I have a name for this place. Uh, do you by any chance know where I can find a town or a city or something like that?” asked Dipper.

“Oh, um… Ponyville is just a short walk up that way,” said the girl, pointing over behind her.

“Okay, thanks,” said Dipper. As he was about to walk away he felt the girl’s had being placed on his shoulder.

"Um... Not that it's any of my business or anything, but... where are you from exactly?"

"Oh, right, I'm from a town called Gravity Falls, although you most likely never heard of it before. It's not really... near here."

“Oh… um… okay…” said the girl.

And with that, the girl removed her hand from Dipper’s shoulder, and Dipper walked off in the direction the girl had pointed. Once Dipper was out of earshot, the girl pulled out a lime green cell phone with a pink butterfly on the back and dialed a number.

“Hello, Golden Oaks Library, Twilight Sparkle speaking,” said a voice on the other end of the line.

“Twilight, it’s Fluttershy. I think we might have a new arrival in town,” said Fluttershy.

“Oh, really? And what makes you say that?” asked Twilight, a hint of interest in her voice.

“W-well, he didn’t really seem to know where exactly he was, and he said that he was from far away from here,” said Fluttershy.

“And how far away is ‘far away from here?’” asked Twilight.

“He said he was from a town called Gravity Falls, and I’ve never heard of a town called Gravity Falls until he mentioned it,” explained Fluttershy.

For a few moments, there was silence on the line. Then, Twilight spoke again. “Well, I’ve never heard of Gravity Falls myself. There’s a sleepy little town called Gravity FOALS, but I’m not familiar with a Gravity Falls… hmm… perhaps I should meet up with this newcomer and ask him a couple questions. Did he say his name?”

“He said his name was Dipper, and he was wearing a blue and white hat with a pine tree on it,” explained Fluttershy.

“Perfect, thanks,” said Twilight before she hung up.