• Published 24th Sep 2015
  • 20,027 Views, 900 Comments

What's Your Story, Morning Glory? - Bucking Nonsense

Morning Glory has succeeded in becoming Princess Luna's personal student. But how did she get there, and where will she go afterwards?

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A Princess In Mourning In The Evening

Nine Hundred, Ninety-Nine Years Ago...

It had been a year ago, today...

Celestia sat, alone in her room, in a deep depression. She'd gotten to know this room very well over the course of the last year. After all, since she never left it, there was very little to distract her, and so there was nothing to keep her from studying it in even the most microscopic detail. She knew every dust bunny, and had given them names. The cobwebs, she'd given deep and moving back stories, and had even invented a tragic romance between one of the more elegant cobwebs and the largest and fluffiest dust bunny under her bed.

And because she was Princess Celestia, and Princess Celestia was incapable of doing anything halfway, that tale would, in the not too distant future, be submitted under a pseudonym (With a few minor changes, of course). Said story would soon afterwards be hailed as Equestria's greatest romantic epic of all time, and would still hold that title a thousand years later.

Celestia wasn't insane. Oh no, not at all. That was all a distraction, you see, to keep her from going mad. She needed something else to think about, so she wouldn't think about the one thing that most certainly would drive her insane...

...That she'd failed her sister. That Luna was gone, and the raving, deranged beast called Nightmare Moon had taken her place. That she'd likely not see her sister for a thousand years, if ever again. And it was all Celestia's fault.

Maybe it was because she'd paid too much attention to everypony else, and not enough time on the most important pony in her life. Maybe it was because Celestia had gotten so much more attention than her sister. Or maybe...

...Maybe she'd not loved her sister enough.

Regardless, Luna was gone. The one pony in the world who was like Celestia, who understood her. The one pony that she had come to rely on more than any other. And now that she was gone, Celestia felt as if a piece of herself was missing. The largest and most important piece.

She looked to a curtained window, and checked the clock on her wall. Sunset was an hour past now, and while each day, she'd toyed with the idea of just not raising the sun one morning, or not lowering it one night, duty kept her from taking that final, terrible step and plunging Equestria into permanent darkness, or horrible, blazing eternal day. Still, since she never went outside, she used the angle of the light coming from the window, and her clock, to make certain that the sun rose and set properly.

A less compassionate pony might have blamed her subjects for her sister's disappearance, and punished them for it. After all, it was possible that her subjects' shunning of Luna was at least partly responsible for the lunar princess' descent into madness. However, even if that was the case, Celestia could never turn her back on her subjects. That simply was not who she was. However, she was unable to look her subjects in the face right now... and she doubted that she ever could again.

Regardless, with this one task done, and done properly, she turned towards her bed...

...And heard a knock on her door.

This was not,in and of itself, strange. There was a knock on her door every day. There used to be much more than just one: When she first shut herself away, her subjects had pounded on the door, but to no avail: Celestia had locked the door, and then reinforced it with magic, so that even a battering ram could not break it down. And they tried. After that, her subjects tried getting in through the floor, walls, and ceiling, to find those places similarly reinforced. Even her window was now reinforced to the point that it could repel a boulder flung via catapult. Thankfully, her subjects had not tried that, likely for fear of either harming their princess, or collateral damage. Either way, it had been six moons since her subjects had tried anything more than a knock each evening. They might have assumed that she'd just starve herself in here, but a... precocious foalhood had allowed Celestia to master the art of cake and ice cream summoning: While she'd put on a couple of pounds, she would not likely starve any time soon.

Still, this knock was special: It was small, soft, and low to the ground. It was the knock of a young filly or colt at her door. And if anypony knows anything about Princess Celestia, it is that she cannot say no to a little colt or filly...

The door whipped open so quickly that it briefly rattled on its hinges, and Celestia looked down... to see a tiny pink earth pony filly, clutching a book close to her chest. Without a word, she held it up to the princess.

After a moment, Celestia asked, "Do you need somepony to read you a story?"

The filly nodded.

"Alright," Celestia said with a nod, accepting the book. Then, she used a spell to hoist the youngster onto her bed, tucked her into the covers, and then took a seat on the ground besides the bed. She cracked open the book, and began reading.

"Where Is My Cow?"

Chancellor Read Write was roused from his slumber by by a maid, shaking him roughly. He supposed he should have expected it: This had been the grandaddy of all bad days. There'd been a riot earlier today, from ponies demanding to see the princess, not willing to accept that the princess did not wish to be seen. While it had been sorted out, with nopony seriously injured, things were getting bad: Equestria's government was able to run, in no small part, because the ponies trusted and adored her highness, Princess Celestia. The princess not appearing to endorse any new legislation that was necessary made her subjects... suspicious. Especially the recent raise in taxes. Only Princess Celestia could make ponies willingly accept a raise in taxes, and pay it with a cheerful smile and a musical number to boot...

Worse, Commander Overwatch's daughter had wandered off, when her father had not arrived at six in the evening to read her a bedtime story. It wasn't his fault: He was busy defusing the riot situation. The youngster had wandered off, looking for somepony to read to her, he supposed. However, at seven in the evening, she still had not been found, and while Read would normally have been happy to help with the search, he had an early morning tomorrow. He'd had early mornings, every morning, since the day Celestia had banished her sister, and then secluded herself in her chambers...

He worked hard to keep this country running in her majesty's absence, and there might have been three ponies in the world who might have been able to do a job half as good as he had. A few hours of sleep weren't too much to ask for, were they?

Rubbing sleep from his eyes, Read asked, "What is it? Did they find her? Did they find Magnolia?"

The maid nodded enthusiastically, and then added, 'And you'll never guess where!"

"Is that my cow?" Princess Celestia asked, still reading aloud. "It goes, 'No I haven't seen your cow. What does she look like? Where did you last see her?'" She paused, then continued, saying, "That is a pony. That is not my cow."

Read Write watched from the doorway, Commander Overwatch right beside him, as Princess Celestia read aloud from the young filly's favorite book. It was a very silly book, given that it was about a pony looking for a cow, and yet couldn't tell the difference between a cow, a chicken, a donkey, another pony, or even, in the last three pages, a manticore, a hippopotamus, or a dragon (In that order). Still, the young filly loved the story, especially when the reader did the voices.

The chancellor and the commander remained silent as the princess finished the story. When she was done, she gently lifted the sleeping filly off of the bed, and gave her over to the commander. The commander smiled, gave a brief, grateful nod, and carried his daughter off. The princess made to shut the door, but the chancellor was able to delay her by clearing his throat.

"Your highness, I hate to be a bother, but..." He paused, sighed, and then said, "There's a great deal going on that I need to make you aware of. Your subjects need you."

The princess paused, then said, "It's late. Come see me first thing in the morning. And have the commander bring his daughter. A filly her age ought to be able to read to herself." With that, she shut the door.

That was how Princess Celestia first met Magnolia, or Maggie to her friends. The filly who would be her very first student.

Author's Note:

Where's My Cow? is a children's book that was written by Terry Pratchett, writer of the Discworld series. It is a very silly book, which Sam Vimes, who reads the book to his son every day at Six O'Clock, comments on.