• Published 24th Sep 2015
  • 20,032 Views, 900 Comments

What's Your Story, Morning Glory? - Bucking Nonsense

Morning Glory has succeeded in becoming Princess Luna's personal student. But how did she get there, and where will she go afterwards?

  • ...

Auld Lang Syne

"Who's that?"

The thing that most ponies forget, when it comes to colts and fillies, is that they have a tendency to notice things. Like adults on just about any world, they think that a child is incapable of noticing something that that is not brought to their attention, and that they cannot see details. Anyone who has spent any amount of time with the young will tell you that this is not the case, and that the young are actually almost disconcertingly aware of their surroundings.

Galaxy was the principal of a school, one that catered almost exclusively to small colts and fillies, so she really should have expected young Morning Glory to see the photo on the older unicorn's desk. Had she thought about it, she'd have tucked it away and hid it when she came into the room, but now it was too late.

For Glory was examining, with great interest... the photo. It was a photo of an easily recognizable filly, given that the older version was right here in the room. She was standing there, grinning, with another young filly hugging her. The other young filly had a bright pink coat, and a long, blond mane and tail, with a bouquet of roses as her cutie mark. She was also, quite clearly, an earth pony. And there was, to anypony who had eyes, a strong family resemblance between the two.

"That is," Galaxy said, after a moment's pause, "myself and my sister, Floral Bouquet, when we were your age."

There is an event called an epiphany, a moment of startling, stunning realization that can change how one sees the entire world. In that moment, Morning Glory had such a moment.

'That's why she's been acting so weird,' Glory thought to herself, as she looked at the photo, her own face reflected in the glass of the picture frame. She saw her own face, and then the face of the young filly in front of her, and could clearly see the resemblance. In fact, were it not for the different color schemes, the two could practically be twins. Seeing it in front of her, with her own eyes, there was only one conclusion she could make...

Morning Glory was Galaxy's... niece. She was very obviously Floral Bouquet's daughter.

"Where is she now?" Glory asked, trying very hard to steel herself for the answer she expected.

"I didn't always live the peaceful life I do now," Galaxy said, as she used a spell to pick up the photograph. "Like Twilight Sparkle, and many before her, I had my share of adventures, and friends who shared them with me... and sad to say, I made my fair share of enemies during those escapades. My sister was with me for all of them... up to the end."

Oh. Glory asked, quietly, "What happened?"

"I'm sorry to say that I can't tell you," Galaxy stated, seeming to form her words very carefully. "Not every adventure I went on with my friends were ones that could be discussed openly. For some of them, my friends and I were sworn to secrecy for at least the next ten years. When you're older, though, I could tell you... if you wish."

Glory turned, and then nodded. "I'd like that."

So many things suddenly made sense to Glory: Why she'd been kept in Cloudsdale, even though she might have had relatives still among the living? Because whatever craziness had gone on in Galaxy's life had come with terrible consequences, and by her own admission, left her with enemies. Enemies who might come back, looking for revenge... and might be willing to use a filly to get it. So what better, safer place to hide a filly than in Cloudsdale, a city accessible only to pegasai and those with the spells that allow them to cloud walk. Cloudsdale, a city that held both the main bases of the Equestrian air force and the Wonderbolts, not to mention more on and off-duty guards, per capita, than even Canterlot itself. The only way she'd be safer... is if she was under the wing of one of the princesses. That was why Galaxy was acting so weird: She wanted to tell her niece everything, but doing that would mean that Princess Luna wouldn't be able to foster Glory, since she already had family. So... to keep Glory safe, she had to keep quiet, even if it hurt her inside.

It all made so much sense...

Glory took a deep breath, and then said, "Okay, so this is your study. Can I see the rest of your house?"

"Hey mommy!"

As the tour of Galaxy's well-kept home concluded, Golden Glow walked up, holding a newspaper. "Look! Look!"

Galaxy studied the newspaper, as well as the photograph on the front page. Glory snuck a peek as well. The words and picture were... surprising, to say the least...

"Excelsior, The Final Superhero Of The Golden Age, Announces His Intention To Retire At The End Of The Year," Glory read aloud. The stallion in the picture wore what could only be a superhero's costume, complete with a cape and mask. Since it was a black and white photo, it wasn't possible to say what the color scheme might be. Confused, she asked, "Superhero? Like in the comic books?"

Goldie giggled, and said, "No, you've got it exactly backwards: The heroes in the comic books are just like the ones in Manehattan."

Fair enough. "Okay," Glory admitted, after a moment, "I can't argue with that. But what did they mean about 'The Golden Age'?"

Galaxy explained, in a tone that reminded Glory of her teacher back in Cloudsdale giving a lesson, "Nearly one hundred years ago, there was a comet that was about to collide with Equestria, on a direct course for Manehatten. Fortunately, Princess Celestia was visiting the city at the time, and was able to use a spell to destroy the comet. However, like the Secretariat Comet, which causes spectacular increases in the latent powers of magical creatures when it nears Equestria, this comet also possessed powerful magical energies. The destruction of the comet showered the city with waves of magic, as well as fragments of itself. Since then, individuals possessing abilities well above and beyond that of the average pony, colloquially known as 'Superheroes' and 'Supervillains', have regularly appeared. The term 'Golden Age' refers to the first generation of those 'heroes' and 'villains'."

"So... why aren't they out and about, doing stuff?" Like say, fighting Lord Tirek, or Discord?

Galaxy smiled, and gave a brief nod to Glory, saying, "An excellent question, and the answer is simple: 'Superheroes' and 'villains' only have powers while in the presence of the magical energy of that comet, much like the energy generated by the Secretariat Comet. Since the city is still, even now, soaked with the energy of that comet, those with powers are able to use them within the city limits. However, outside of the city, those powers vanish very quickly. Which is fortunate: As I mentioned, there are villains inside of the city, as well as heroes, so they are just as bound within the city limits as the heroes are."

Looking over at Goldie, Glory asked, "And why are you so excited about Excelsior retiring?"

Goldie stuck out her tongue, and said, "I'm not excited about him retiring. I'm a huge fan of his, and normally, I'd be sad, but I'm excited because he's going to be making a major public appearance next week, and he'll be signing autographs!"

Glory put two and two together, and asked, "And you're expecting to be in Manehattan next week?"

Galaxy nodded and said, "Indeed. I have a conference to attend in Manehatten in a week's time. And we should be able to visit the event while we're there."

Glory looked at the paper again, and asked, still a little puzzled, "But if the first generation is called 'The Golden Age', what is the current generation called?"

"The Silver Age," Goldie and Galaxy answered, simultaneously. They didn't try and jinx one another, though.

"Why's that?" Glory asked, surprised. It sounded almost like an insult.

Galaxy gave a small chuckle and admitted, "It is kind of a funny story..."

Author's Note:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne?

Funny thing about epiphanies: They aren't always dead on.

Comments ( 118 )

New chapter up. A different chapter is up. Don't think this is over, though. I'm just... adjusting the pacing a bit.

Wait...Glory's figured out that Galaxy is her mother? When did that happen?

I like the superhero explanation. Reminds me of Smallville and how all those people got powers.

6789038 No, she came to the conclusion that she was her aunt.

Funny thing about epiphanies: They aren't always dead on.

Ah. Missed that sentence.
So...she got everything but that little detail dead on, though.

The other young filly had a bright pink coat, and a long, blond mane and tale

Tail. Tale refers to a narrative.

Funny thing about epiphanies: They aren't always dead on.

I'd thought that might be the case. This one struck me as a little too obvious, so I certainly hope there's an oncoming twist.

I'll trust there's a rhyme and reason to why we're randomly bringing superheroes into this. :rainbowhuh:

So, you're reintroducing the same kinda stuff, but in-narrative style? Makes sense. I'm not a huge fan of flashbacks anyway.

D48 #9 · Jan 1st, 2016 · · 2 ·

Well, it's better at least, but the epiphany was still very heavy handed and I have serious doubts about the rest of the story based on your actions, comments, and blog posts so there is no way I am changing my thumb for quite a while.

Close... She's figured out that she's Floral Bouquet's daughter... Not entirely correct, but a pretty good cover story.
If you decide to continue writing, Bucking Nonsense, let me add my vote for this story being one you pick up...

Another enjoyable chapter. Good job.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

And I'm out. Sorry, but the ridiculously quick 'epiphany', the sudden superheroes and all that? This is shaping up to be one of your convoluted messes of an adventure story. Farewell, and good luck.

Close, but no cigar, Glory. Flashback to chapter 6.

Technically, Galaxy wasn't Goldie's mother, but her aunt. Still, mommy was the only mommy Goldie had ever known, so of course she was mommy.

You're Galaxy's daughter, and Golden is actually Floral's daughter.

I have to say that this chapter is way better than the flashback one. Here we get the same information as Morning Glory at the exact same time. I also like that this time the superheroes thing is explained. I found the epiphany thing a bit weird, but I don' mind the way that it was done.


I think I'm also out.

I started reading this for a cute filly bucking—pun intended, social norms, and doing her darnedest to become a wizard despite being an earth pony. A field she clearly had some decent talent in, and quite the head on her shoulders to boot.

That story was really fun and cute.

And then... suddenly super spies. Epic destiny. Monsters. Her missing mom revealed as if it was no big thing at all.

And when that 180 turn in tone crashed and burned, first you censored all the feedback, and now there's something about... Morning guessing her mom due to a photo, and super heroes?

I'm sorry, love some of your other work, but if this mess of a tone and genera shift was really intended from the start you did a horrible job fore-shadowing it. Right now, it frankly feels as if you had an 'awesome' idea, and simply bolted it Frankenstein style onto your currently most popular story for the sake of views. :fluttershyouch:

I wish you luck in salvaging things, but as of right now this story is clearly heading in the direct opposite direction the ride I wanted to go on started as. So I'm politely bowing out before Morning Glory becomes a Chosen Oneâ„¢, or whatever you're trying to built up to with the super hero/spy stuff.

I might keep reading just to see the train-wreck unfurl, but I really don't see any point in keep doing stuff like bookshelves, commenting and up-votes when any critique that's not glowing will simply be ignored with the call: 'haters gonna hate.' :facehoof:

Oh, and I made a character sheet to keep track of the long list of characters in the fanfic. Here's how it looks like so far.

Morning Glory- A five-year-old filly and an earth pony with pink coat, purple mane, and clear blue eyes. The main character of the story. She journeys from Cloudsdale to Canterlot in order to become Luna's pupil.
(Mysterious filly)- Coat as white as chalk, and a mane and tail as black as ink. On her flank was a cutie mark of a dark purple flower. Found in chapter 1 after Galaxy left baby Glory to the orphanage.
Miss Butterbean- Glory's caretaker and head of the Cloudsdale orphanage. Flash Sentry's aunt.
Flash Sentry- A pegasus stallion in charge of helping Glory make her way to Canterlot. Introduced in chapter 1.
"Blackberry"- A mysterious colt with black coat, mane, and tail and golden eyes. Introduced in chapter 2, he helps Glory reach Canterlot with a faerie ring. Kisses Glory on the cheek in chapter 3, which may have special powers.
Titan- A large, muscular changeling in charge of hauling a cart full of cabbits. Introduced in chapter 4. Helped Glory get past Canterlot.
Golden Glow- A golden unicorn filly with a blonde mane and tail with a slightly frayed look on them. She is Galaxy's niece. Introduced in chapter 5. She invites Glory on a sleepover in chapter 11.
Galaxy- Author of "Magic for Beginners" and principal of Princess Celestia's School for gifted unicorns. Introduced in chapter 6, her strange behaviors around Glory seem to indicate that she knows something about Glory.
Princess Luna- Princess of the night and Glory's mentor. Introduced in chapter 7 and the prequel of the story, she wants to have a pony who thinks before he/she acts as an apprentice.
Princess Celestia- Princess of the sun. Introduced in chapter 9, she is proud to see that Luna has a new student and that Glory managed to surprise Discord.
Discord- Spirit of chaos and disharmony. Introduced in chapter 10, he is surprised to see that Glory is Luna's apprentice.
Floral Bouquet- A mare with a bright pink coat, and a long, blond mane and tail, with a bouquet of roses as her cutie mark. Mentioned in chapter 12 by Galaxy. She is Galaxy's sister and Golden's mother.

6789300 Thank you for fully stating all of the grievances that I was too lazy to write on my own. I left a comment on the previous chapter before it was nuked (which is a show of poor sportsmanship, I must say. To completely remove all negative feedback cleanly and quietly not once, but twice? That reflects very poorly on you, Nonsense). I'm debating whether or not I should leave it here, since I took a screenshot of it. But Lord of Dorkness' comment adequately sums up the issue I have with this story, so I probably won't.

Obviously, the super villians from Manehattan should be incarcerated in another city, instead of the Cardboard Prison of the Big Apple.

Hmm...Finally had time to read this and I have to say that I'm quite fascinated with this chapter. Glory sure is a good guesser for someone her age (though she did get some certain details wrong).:applejackunsure:

Okay. Sorry to see you go, but I've bent as far as I can regarding how I'm going to amend the story that I have in mind. If you're going, there's an X in the corner you can click. Feel free to downvote on your way out. And unfollow too, if you feel that strongly. If you have a problem with all of my stories, then feel free to quit reading them. While I'll be sad by the loss of your upvote and follow, I'll console myself as best I can.

I'm drawing a line here and now. No more compromises. My story, my way. I gave everyone enough warning: There's adventure, comedy, and romance in the tags. If you don't want to read a story with any of those in it, feel free to read 'Fluttershy Snuggles A Fluffy Bunny' or something. If you want an interesting, engaging story with adventure, laughs, and a plotline, like, you know, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, feel free to stay, and please enjoy the ride.

Maybe Glory's stories are cursed: The Moon, The Flower, And The Door was plagued by a small but persistent group of trolls who refused to leave the story alone, in spite of the fact that their actions only helped keep the story on the featured box. I didn't kowtow to a bunch of annoying trolls who didn't seem to get how featuring works, and I have gone as far as I will go in regards to how I will revise my story. Yes, my story. If you don't like it, I don't think anyone is tying up anyone and forcing them to read it. If they are, then my apologies, but either way, I will write this story the way I plan on writing it.

You know what the worst part is? People demand I change the story and take down the chapter? I do that, and now I hear bitching about the comments for that chapter disappearing... because the chapter was taken down. I'm sorry, but go gripe to the admins about the fact that removing a chapter automatically removes all the comments on that chapter. Not my choice, it is just a thing that happens. I didn't invent the comments system, so don't go crying to me about the fact that I didn't perfectly meet your demands due to the limits inherent in the website itself.

There is no pleasing some people. I'm gonna stop trying to please a small, but frustratingly vocal, group who is struck by the delusion that just by downvoting comments and making noise on the comments, it'll change the story. It doesn't work on other people's stories, so it isn't going to work anymore on mine.

Here's quote from Pen Mightier, one of my fans, while you go:

It's called fanfiction for a reason. Not a fan? Go away. You've read Butler so I'm guessing you know where I'm coming from; A lot of people didn't like me putting Butler on a runaway train. They told me it was the mark of a bad writer to shift tones and story direction abruptly, etc. Well, yeah, I am a bad writer. I never claimed to be otherwise and I'm just writing this for fun. Why they expect anything more than simple fun-seeking from humble ol' me is a mystery. Did I stop to respond to the comments? Did I stop the train and let everyone off? Nope, I crashed it into a dragon. Because it's fun. Because I can. It helped that most people laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of it all, but most important thing is it was fun. So go do what you like, when you like, how you like. It's your fanfiction, your fun, your moment. Nobody's allowed to ruin it. They don't like it? They can take their overly refined tastes, shove off and go read My Immortal.

Anyway, tl;dr...

No, I'm not going to tl;dr this comment. If you ain't got time to read a comment, then you ain't got time to read a story.

This was an improvement over the previous version of chapter (once I realised it was a replacement, not an additonal new chapter).

I still personally think you would have been better served keeping a lid on Morning Glory's family for a longer time (and not made her so quickly discover it); it really deserved a proper build-up and more emotional weight and playing the mystery out for longer would have worked better, I think.

(So we're clear; this is not a deal-breaker; I'm not stopping reading or anything, and of course you are entitled to write your story however you see fit, but I cannot in good conscience not make such an observation, since I would hope to see you become the best writer you can be.)

I have no problems either way with the superhero thing, presently.

6789443 I like salt with my food, but this passive-aggressive spiel you've launched at me is too salty even for me.

Please quote for me, in bold, where precisely I asked you to change the story. I'm genuinely curious to see how exactly you garnered this from what I said. Here, I'll even make your task easier by giving you a screencap of my comment from the now-deleted chapter so you have more ammo.


So far as I can recall, I simply said that I did not like the direction the story was going in, unfavourited it, and left. I never followed you, so I can't unfollow you. I've only read a few of your other stories, including The King is Dead, Long Live the Emperor. I honestly completely lost track of that story as the plot became more and more convoluted, so I unfavourited it and bowed out. Never did I go so far as to ask you to change this story. I simply said why I was leaving since I hate it when people downvote or leave a negative comment without at least making some attempt to explain why, however small.

As for the missing chapter, you could have marked it as non-canon, or just sucked it up and stuck to your guns by leaving it up, as you seemed so determined to do yesterday. I find your attitude to this whole thing to be quite grating. Using words such as 'true fans' as you did yesterday implies that you're just looking for a hugbox. You then proceeded to rant about how you don't care and you won't change your story. Then, you went back on your word and did precisely that. Make up your mind. You can either sway in the wind or you can be an unmoving wall. You can't be both.

6789443 hey man don't let these fucking assholes get ya down. I absolutely love both The Moon, The Flower and The Door and this story. And Im sad to see your bending over backwards because people don't like what YOU do with YOUR STORY. personally I like the secret agent story arc I thought I was a nice nod to A Slice of Life.

Tl;Dr fuck haters it's ypur story do what you want. Imma keep reading cuz it good.

Just don't bother with jackasses like that, people expected a silly comedic one-shot with an earth pony becoming a wizard - something stupid to entertain them. They didn't get it, aww, too bad, they should go cry about it and fuck off.

Do what you want and don't let people tell you what to do with your stories.

Oh, and don't let me tell you what to do :trollestia:

:twilightangry2: I am very unhappy with how this is going it has been 12 chapters and Morning Glory has kill Mega Satan save the princess or bake a cake WTF Bucking Nonsense and why the hell hasn't she had sex with Twilight Sparkle and she should have got to the Flying level a long time ago this is the worst slice-of-life I have ever read and I will no longer read your words as a matter of fact I will deread all of your words right now nor will I recommend you to my friends on horsebook as punishment for poorly-written piece of bananas you will feel my wrath take this suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/9632490/images/1273093811883.jpg

I'm not going to bother reading the comments. I just wanted to say that I am enjoying the story. I'm not too picky about the way you decide to take it because I'm having fun reading it.
Hmmm, I wonder what Luna's reaction would be if (when?) she learned of the circumstances of Morning Glory's stay in Cloudsdale? *ponders*

This story has gotten more arguments than when I ubercharged our Spy in competitive TF2.

Alondro #28 · Jan 2nd, 2016 · · 1 ·

Bucking, your stories all seem to end up the same way: they begin with a tight central plot with enough side stuff going on to be interesting... and then you can't seem to resist throwing more and more into the mix and endlessly raising the stakes until what happened at the beginning no longer even feels like the same story.

That's what turned so many people off of such things as "Bleach" and "Naruto" after several arcs. The stakes and powers became outrageous and overwhelmed the plausibility of the early chapters.

It also reminds me of what Doctor Who has become of late. There's a complete lack of constraint to the show's universe, and the Doctor has become the end-all, and now solves even problems he could do nothing about previously. Including death itself, whenever he feels like it for a favored side character. Poor Adric got the shaft...

There's that old rule with the designated acronym 'KISS' (Keep It Simple, Stupid). It's not usually a good idea to constantly add more clutter.

6789300 This is some sort of Harry Potter-esque situation, only not handled so well.

It's throwing far too much into the mix in a rather haphazard way which doesn't feel 'organic'. It's hard to feel that any of this is happening is a 'realistic' fashion. Indeed, with very little modification, most scenes from recent chapters could be turned into a farce of themselves.

Or summarized bluntly to point out how absurd the details sound when their put together.

"Glory... your mother was a spy. And I'm a spy. And we fought monsters. And villains. Who gained powers from a magical comet. Which we think means you'll get powers. But we have to keep this a secret otherwise Luna can't teach you because she can only teach total orphans, despite being a powerful ruler who could otherwise choose to teach whoever the heck she wants. And I have to behave like an ass around you, because if I so much as waved and smiled at you, everypony would instantly assume you're related to me."

It's nothing like Snape's dislike of Harry... there was real danger there with Snape playing such a complex role dealing with Voldemort so directly, and a genuine sense of remorse and regret which Harry brought to Snape's mind every time he saw him.

Here, it just doesn't make any sense. There's no reason Galaxy needs to play such hardball with Glory.

In fact, now they can't go back to that false disdain any longer. The cat's out of the bag and playing pretend won't cut it. Glory knows everything and thus her reactions will be forced and phony, because 5 year olds are just dismal at improvisational acting.

Galaxy, as an ex-agent I'm assuming learned at least a little of espionage tactics, should have realized this herself and reacted, at the very least, neutral to Glory from the get-go such that no one would question any gradual fondness that developed.

Gee. Are people still giving this a hard time? People don't seem to understand that they can't absolutely control a story... Just let Bucking do his thing.

Wow. So much salt in the comments.

To be honest, I almost liked the original chapter better... Possibly because the Sherlock Holmes level of intuition she showed was almost too much to believe. But that's just me.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to more of this story.

Enter the comments, see a giant god damned Alondro comment taking up my entire iPad screen.
There's another under it.
Ugh. I'm not even kidding. Under the small amount of character tags and the inability to see the libraries a fic's been added to, Alondro in the comments is one of my biggest gripes about this site. Instant mood ruiner.

Anyway, did you like Applejack's rendition of Auld Lang Syne?

ok I am really enjoying this story, it has a sound premise and decent development, here's a suggestion to the people who don't like it, try not reading it? Crazy I know. But seriously I'd kinda like ta read without dramanukes.

6790930 Y'know, this triggered a bit of insight. It's true that what the author says, goes. However, it's also true that if they say enough crazy stuff, their readers go too. (Which appears to already be happening.) So what then is to be done?

Well, falling back on "you can't literally force me to write the way you want" is a pretty lousy argument. (Reminds me of this alt text, actually.) If readers have what they believe to be a cogent argument for there being flaws in the story... there either are, or there aren't. And while one is certainly free to write a deeply flawed story, it's foolish to stubbornly persist in doing so if there are people willing to let you know what you're doing wrong. And if the author can't explain why the alleged flaws are no such thing, they should not bother saying anything at all, just let people make up their own minds. Fancy words about artistic freedom are just going to confuse the issue and mislead people.

TL/DR: Accept criticism, refute it, or ignore it. Just don't pretend to refute it by actually explaining that you're ignoring it.

I'll be honest, this chapter isn't very good. Everything is stilted, clumsy, unnatural and hamhanded, like it was all shoved in without a thought. It's a marked decline from the quality of the earlier chapters. It's the sort of stuff you normally see in stories without any editors or pre-readers. I almost prefer the abrupt and over-the-top infodump, honestly. While it was terrible as part of the narrative, at least the characters were still good.

After reading what you had to say here, [6789443], I'm probably not going to read anymore. Or at least, I'm not going to bother commenting. While I admit I could have been more polite about it, negative opinions and offering criticism apparently makes me an irritating troll trying to make you take down your story. If you're not going to bother considering your story might be flawed, I'm not going to waste my time trying to tell you. I don't even dislike the story, but from your actions I've simply lost the will to read it. I'm sorry to have been a blemish in your happy hugbox. I'll leave you to your "true fans" and whatnot.

6791455 Nobody is forcing you to read the comments. And it's foolish for one to just ignore constructive criticism (which is what most of the "negative" comments have been) merely because one doesn't like it.

6791864 I write a lot myself, some of this isn't really constructive, I respect constructive critique. When it starts needling the writer and negatively impacting on them it aint constructive anymore.

I liked this one. Yes, better than what was here before despite that being a sore spot. I'm glad you've made things slightly more subtle and natural about how the information is given to the readers even though anyone who was here before might still be a little sore, whether about the previous writtings or the fact that there was a dispute at all.

The fact that the foreshadowing is there but it's not just telling you what happened allows you to make guesses and also brings the attention back to the main character who we all love. When we guess right from information that isn't clear, we feel smart, when we guess wrong, we are taken by surprise and feel excited at the sudden revelation. With morning also "learning along with us" we feel a bit closer and more relatable towards her as well. The biggest shame here is that many people seem to have decided that they were going to quit the moment this story hit a rough patch and only stuck around long enough to see if you would cater to them specifically and with that, you hold none of the blame and may find that they will possibly come back at some later date after they've cooled down. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I'm glad you do take the concerns of your readers to heart, I just hope it won't cause you much more grief in the future!

I suppose I should appologize that I and so many others were causing you grief but I really do think it ended up being for the better in some ways. All I can promise is that I will try to remain cordial and constructive in any critizism I give in the future and encourage others to do the same. Can't wait to see where we go from here!

Too many connections to her so early, why not try to leave clues for the reader to possibly figure out who the mother is. I would have enjoyed the mystery lasting, while i got a large healthy dose of the story i came for in the first place. Like an intricate pattern made with a long string. I feel as if i found the beggining of the string got happy, and then realized there was a huge tightly bound knot underneath, leaving me troubled yet still able to convince myself its still good because with a bit of untangling on my end, its still a good string.

I love your idea about the super heros in Manehattan. Seriously awesome.

As a side note, I think you should've kept the old chapter or deleted it, and then uploaded this separately, cause all the comments from before the edit are still here talking about things I haven't read yet. Maybe just me but meh.

"But if the first generation is called 'The Golden Age', what is the current generation called?"
"The Silver Age," Goldie and Galaxy answered, simultaneously. They didn't try and jinx one another, though.
"Why's that?"

Because they suck (and something about comics not being as popular anymore)!

But in all honesty I never really liked comic book heroes all that much. Or at least not the serious ones like super man and the like. Edgier Batman and funnier Spiderman was still okay.

There are many who would agree that the Silver Age was inferior to the Golden Age.
The Golden Age brought us Superman.
The Silver Age brought us Superdickery.
Admittedly, The Incredible Hulk came from the Silver Age, as well as Spiderman and the Fantastic Four, so it wasn't all bad, it was just that a lot of stuff happened during the time between the Golden Age and the Silver Age (Most notably the Comics Code being established), which changed the face of comic books.

Change of pace, but I still love the story anyway.
Your writing's great, and I can't wait to see what will happen next. And the silver age explanation is welcome - it's been bugging me as well :rainbowlaugh:

I have so much too say abaut this stuff yet so Little place in a single comment.

I just say that the hero motive is awesome! I want to see ponies who come to Manehuttan and Get powers without earlier exposire. Maybe reference x-men with them...

Negative feedback is often meant to help the writer improve, certainly not to make him take down a story.

This story hit a rough spot because many came in expecting, no, hoping for one sort of story, and suddenly sat with a story of a whole other kind.
Their hopes were dashed and they let the author know.

Yes, I too came to this story with one idea about the sort of story I was about to read, and now I'm reading a vastly different kind of story.

I don't think it is a wrong doing of the author to redact a chapter because he found it didn't work.
I've seen it a couple of times, hell I'm following a story where half of it, over twenty-five chapters, is being completely redone because the author doesn't like way things went.
Often the result is for the better.

And there will always be people and interests dragging in opposite directions when a decision is made.

I've said it before, I'll say it again.
With open forums like this, you need a really good filter.

I've seen a well established author about to drop a story because a larger group of readers didn't feel that the pacing and play of certain events worked, and when the patchwork afterwards didn't meet the quality that the readers has come to expect from this author, another group cried out in dissatisfaction.
The overall story ended up being of good quality.

I think what I'm trying to say is: write your story your way, but don't just dismiss the neigh-sayers, look upon that which causes them dissatisfaction and then judge, is it a point for improvement or is it just personal opinion?

Arrrggghh! Why do I keep doing this?! I've read the whole story and now I have to wait for more. I keep telling myself, "Wait for it to finish, then read it to spare yourself the pain," but do I listen? No, of course not. Darn awesome fanfic writer, making me wait on the edge of my seat for new chapters. *grumble grumble*

In all seriousness, you're a talented writer Mr Nonsense, and I eagerly await further installments of this fic, and about all of your other fics as well (Monter Under the Bed, The Sixth Path and Nor Iron Bars a Cage, particularly). I know quality can not be rushed, and so it is my lot to wait for new chapters. Still, I happen to live in the Goat Worship capital of America and am prepared to perform several minor to moderate rites if it helps things.

Gotta say I was confused by the addition of super heroes:unsuresweetie:. I personally didn't like the idea at first mention, but I do like your explanation for it and how you wrote it in.:twilightsmile:

6794639 I'm of a like mind here her just figuring it out was kinda anticlimactic but I'm guessing he's trying to write glory as a level 10 perception character, which can be annoying to the plot in Dnd (not that anyone invites Dragonwaz to their Dnd things)

But yeah imagine introducing a character to the party as the dungeon master and having glory roll a perception check and instantly figuring out that he's the Lord of all Evil and also the long lost brother of the rouge of the group, and calling him out on his entire evil plan :rainbowlaugh: I know I've heard a Dnd story like that.

She Is an Earth Pony I guess, needs something to be her thing if it's not strength or endurance. Her perception is what got her past the door test, And she's shown the ability to read people like a book.

That's it.

You may now add me to the list of impatient readers that wanted to know about how to educate an earth pony about magic in less than 20,000 words and who are now ex-readers of this story because we don't give a damn about Luna's backstory, Galaxy, or anybody else not named Morning Glory and set after the events of the story it's supposed to be set after.

"The Moon, the Flower, and the Door" was still amazing, though.

Oh, and that was before I even read any of the comments or blogs. Wow.

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