• Published 24th Sep 2015
  • 20,027 Views, 900 Comments

What's Your Story, Morning Glory? - Bucking Nonsense

Morning Glory has succeeded in becoming Princess Luna's personal student. But how did she get there, and where will she go afterwards?

  • ...

Failure To Launch

"There you are!"

Morning Glory was surprised to hear those words from two different pairs of voices that she knew, and both at the same time. Looking towards the entryway to the throne room, she saw Flash Sentry standing beside Golden Glow, with a pony who could only be Galaxy standing a little ways behind. Both the filly and the young stallion looked at each other with surprise, and then both of them said, at the same time, "Jinx!"




They might have spent hours like that, trying to out-jinx the other, but Princess Celestia halted them both by clearing her throat meaningfully. Flash made to speak, then reconsidered, making a 'Go ahead' gesture to Goldie. With a grateful nod, she shot forward, Glory's book in tow. Hoofing it over, she said, "Here you go, autographed and everything. Sorry it took so long to get it to you. My mommy accidentally dropped the inkwell, and you wouldn't believe what we had to go through to get a replacement."

The way she made it sound, there might have been a battle with an army of trolls in that particular adventure. Still, Goldie's good cheer and enthusiasm were infectious, and Glory couldn't help but to smile as she accepted her book back. "Thank you," she said, gratefully.

Glory's instincts gave a small twinge, and she noticed that Galaxy, Goldie's mother, hadn't moved any nearer. Yet at the same time, she seemed to be watching Glory like a hawk, an unreadable expression on her face. There was something strange about that look, but Glory couldn't place it.

'Why do I keep noticing things like this?' Glory thought to herself, 'I was never this observant or insightful before. In fact, I wasn't even this observant or insightful last week!' After a moment's consideration, she wondered, 'Is it because I've got my hooves on the ground now, instead of in the clouds?'

After a moment, Galaxy looked over at Princesses Celestia and Luna, gave a small bow, and said, "Your majesties. Princess Luna, I understand you were planning on journeying to Cloudsdale?"

Celestia nodded, and Luna said, "Indeed. I was planning on departing with Morning Glory in a few minutes, via chariot."

Galaxy cleared her throat, and said, "That may not be the best course of action, your highness. It is already nearing mid afternoon, and even by wing, it can be a long journey to Cloudsdale and back. By the time you conclude your business in Cloudsdale and return, it will be late in the evening... and I doubt you've made any arrangements for your student's room and board yet."

Glory, listening in, considered what Galaxy was saying: It made a lot of sense, of course: It took Glory a week to make her way here on hoof, and while royal guards hauling a chariot could go quite quickly, it would still take time to complete what needed to be done in Cloudsdale, and make the journey back. If Glory went along, it would mean she'd not have an opportunity to be given anything resembling a tour of the castle, and she doubted that she'd have an easy time finding a glass of water or a restroom if she needed one during the night.

Still, those instincts were trembling now, almost whispering in her ear, 'She's up to something, she wouldn't have brought this up if she didn't already have a solution in mind.'

Princess Luna considered the unicorn's words for a moment, then admitted, "True. While a personal visit would ensure that things could be concluded swiftly, it would still be past nightfall before our business were concluded. I suppose that the journey could be delayed until tomorrow. And it would be a good idea to get a proper room set up for her, rather than just lodging her in whatever might be available at the moment." She pondered a moment, then asked, "But what to do for the young filly's room and board until proper lodging is arranged?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow, looking over at Galaxy. 'Celestia knows that Galaxy has something in mind,' Glory thought, 'but she's playing along, waiting to see where this goes...'

"I would be happy to provide a place for the young lady," Galaxy offered, smiling. "We have a guest room that has been well kept, and I suspect that Goldie would be glad to host a sleepover."

Glory's instincts didn't whisper, shout, or even ring alarm bells: They marched a parade, complete with floats and a marching band, inside of Glory's head. 'This is what she was after! This! This! THIS!!!'

'That's great,' Glory thought, 'but any idea why?'

Her instincts abruptly shut up, apparently unable to provide an answer.

Golden Glow grinned cheerfully, and said, "Oh, it'll be great! We'll have so much fun! And I'll introduce you to Cuddles! Oh, you'll love Cuddles!"

"A splendid idea," Luna agreed with a nod to Galaxy. "Very well, she can stay with you and your daughter for a day or two, while I arrange her quarters, as well as a few other minor issues."

Goldie squee'd, and Glory nearly did, herself. It was her first sleepover with her first real friend! How could she not be excited?

"Ah, before you make travel plans," Flash Sentry said, interrupting, "I have something to deliver that might save you a trip." He pulled out a parcel, and unwrapped it, showing a set of files and documents. "My aunt Butterbean runs the Cloudsdale orphanage, and she asked me to keep an eye on Glory while she made her way here. She also had these delivered to me here in the palace, via messenger. They're, um, adoption papers, and copies of Glory's files. She figured that odds were good that Glory'd end up being adopted by somepony by the end of the day." He cleared his throat and added, "Although I doubt she expected it to be royalty." With a small chuckle, he added, "But she wanted me to make sure that whoever adopted her got these. All you have to do is fill them out, have them notarized, and then take them with you when you go to Cloudsdale."

While Luna thanked Flash for the delivery, Glory couldn't help but notice that Galaxy had gone very still, and had an almost pained expression on her face...

"What IS that?"

An hour later, Glory stood in the doorway of the home of Galaxy and Golden Glow, staring at the creature that had met the trio at the door. It was a lizard. A fairly big one, four-and-a-half hooves long, from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail, and colored black and white all over its scaly body.

"That's Cuddles!" Golden Glow said, cheering merrily. "He's my black and white tegu!"

"That is a lizard," Glory said, eyeing the creature with apprehension. She'd seen lizards in books, of course, but this was her first encounter with one, in the flesh, or scale, rather. She'd really wished that her first encounter with a lizard of any type had been with one that was smaller... say one that wasn't longer than she was tall, and heavier to boot. "How can a lizard be called Cuddles?"

The lizard abruptly sprung, latching on to Glory, and... began nuzzling against her, giving a noise that sounded suspiciously like a cat's purr. "That's how," Goldie said, giggling. "Black and white tegus are really smart, and really friendly. We're working on training him. He'll come when he's called, but he hasn't gotten roll over or fetch yet."

Glory was glad to have had taken off her dress and tiara, and had it put in a suitcase: The lizard's... affections might have torn the fabric. Still, while strange, being cuddled by a lizard wasn't a bad feeling...

After a moment, the lizard detached itself from Glory, and started on Goldie. Clearing her throat, Galaxy said, "Well, if you'll follow me, Glory, I'll show you where you can place your things, and then I'll give you the grand tour."

Author's Note:

The Black And White Argentine Tegu. A lizard that is docile, friendly, and intelligent. They actively seek human attention, and are known to make good pets. Think of it as the Anti-Gummy.