• Published 24th Aug 2015
  • 2,370 Views, 145 Comments

A Revolution Through Eccentricity - Mountainmanmad

Magic in Equestria is universial. It's the force that makes the plants grow, the weather change and the stars move. For one individual, however, it's something to overcome.

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Chapter 3 - A Budding Relationship

Spark Plug had to admit, kindergarten was a rather enjoyable experience.

His first day alone was considered an accomplishment, having rallied a group of schoolfoals to obey his every beck and call. Bright Light was hesitant at first, but she soon played along as well when Spark offered her the role of Royal Adviser. The entire day was spent playing 'Kingdom', most of the other foals playing along for fun.

When Spark returned home for the day he spent most of the night telling his parents about all the fun he had. Night Shimmer was more than happy to hear that Spark's first day of school went so well. Clock Work, on the other hoof, wondered how his introvert son managed to control and lead a group of foals.

Apparently bribery through food is a great way to get foals to listen to you.

Night Shimmer spent the remainder of the night explaining to Spark Plug why it wasn't nice to bribe others with your own lunch. His father attempted to give him a similar speech as well, but couldn't manage a straight face throughout it, much to his wife's annoyance. Regardless, Spark learned from the lesson and promised not to offer his lunch to his classmates anymore.

The next morning Spark Plug walked into the schoolhouse with his mother, a bright smile on his face. He had originally wanted to show her the fort he built, but was devastated to see that it had been taken down. The next half hour was spent with Bright Light and Night Shimmer calmly explaining to an upset Spark why he couldn't continually reign supreme over the rest of the class.

And thus Spark Plug, in all his childhood innocence, took from the lesson that continuity isn't always a good thing.

With this new mindset he tackled the rest of the day rather calmly. He enjoyed his time with the other foals, and excelled at the numerous learning exercises that took place throughout the day. He never stayed on a single topic for too long though, choosing to cover as many different subjects as possible. This ranged from basic math and Equish to arts and crafts. His sporadic activities did, however, push him away from the other foals. While many of the other children enjoyed spending time with Spark, his tendencies were a cause for a headache. However, there was one foal who followed the energetic colt from activity to activity.

Spark Plug sat within the reading section of the play room as foals around him played and squealed in excitement. He glanced up from his book to see most of the class was engaged in some kind of ball game. Spark watched them for a few more moments before returning to his studies. As much fun as the game appeared he had neglected his studies for too long. It had been almost eight hours since he last learned something new.

He was so engrossed in his book he didn't realize he had company until the individual spoke, "What'cha readin?"

Spark jumped out of his coat in fright. His head snapped to the side where he identified the speaker to be none other than the white pegasus filly Lily Flower. Spark blinked at Lily in surprise for a few moments, much to her amusement, before showing her the cover of his book. "It's a book about geology and the different minerals under the earth," Spark exclaimed with an excited smile. "I brought it with me from home since most of the books here at school are too silly."

Lily tilted her head in confusion. "'Too silly'? Aren't they supposed to be? After all, they're just stories."

Spark nodded his head. "That's exactly what I mean, they're just silly stories. I prefer to read books with a bit more sustenance," Spark explained with a proud smile. He pulled a random book from the bookshelf beside him and looked at the cover. The title alone caused him to grimace. "Take this book for example: The Big Bad Timberwolf. I read this earlier and I found it to be too silly to read."

Lily pouted as she sat down next to the energetic colt. "But... I like that story. Is it really that bad?"

Spark nodded his head. "It is, and for a number of reasons. For starters timberwolves can't actually speak, and they certainly can't walk on their hind legs. There is also no way they could ever generate so much wind to knock down any structure, let alone be done with their own breath. The story is nothing but a complete fabrication and an insult to science and magic," Spark proclaimed with a smug smile, confident he had delivered an enlightening and straightforward lesson.

Lily tilted her head as she examined the colt before her. She was so ready to defend one of her favorite books, but now she was at a loss for words. She found the way Spark spoke to be cute, if not a bit haughty. She knew she wasn't as smart as him, as she didn't know some of the words he used, but she still got the gist of the argument.

For as young of a mare as Lily was she was still smarter than the average foal her age. She understood quite a bit and believed she had a good grasp on everyday concepts. Despite that she was left puzzled as she continued to gaze into Spark's eyes. She had spoken with most of the other foals in the school and none of them have left her feeling so upset, and yet so intrigued at the same time. Spark was something of a mystery to Lily, a puzzle she wanted to uncover.

Lily knew this would only give spark more ammo to insult one of her favorite books, but her curiosity over the way he thought won out. She scooted closer to him and posed him the question, "What else is wrong about it?"

Spark tilted his head in confusion as he pondered the question and its implications. Never before had Spark met another pony who had listed to what he had to say and then continued a conversation with him. Other adults usually ignored him when he tried to speak logically, and even his parents could only take so much of him. Yet here was a pony, a filly no less, who wanted to hear him talk. He wasn't sure if he should be worried or ecstatic at the prospect of lecturing another.

"W-Well," he stammered, bringing his thoughts together, "It's not realistic that by the end of the story the three pigs and the timberwolf all became friends."

"Really?" Lily asked, surprised, "Isn't it better to make friends rather than fight?"

Spark shook his head. "Not in this context. According to the biology book I read timberwolves survive mostly off of tree sap and a number of magic based plants. However, their bodies, despite the odd anatomy, can process and digest meat. If given the chance they will normally prefer consuming meat as it powers their innate magic more efficiently. The book didn't say how exactly, but it had something to do with the enzymes found within the meat."

Lily remained silent as she processed the information given to her. It saddened her that one of her favorite books was wrong, but it saddened her even more to know that the timberwolf and the pigs wouldn't get along. Her mother and father always told her that friendship and harmony could overcome anything. She decided to keep this thought to herself and instead ask Spark something else that had been bugging her, "Hey, Spark? What's an enzyme?"

Spark opened his mouth to respond, but a look of confusion overcame him. He promptly closed his mouth and looked off to the side in embarrassment. "I-I don't actually know. I mostly repeated what the book told me. I forgot to check my dictionary."

Lily giggled as she caught sight of Spark's blush. She scooted closer to the colt until she was sitting directly beside him. "Well, I'm curious about what an 'enzyme' is. Could I come over after class and help you look for it?"

Spark turned his head back to the filly and gave her a bright smile. "Sure! I could also show you some of the other books I have and I bet Tom would be happy to meet you!"


"He's my dictionary. He doesn't talk very much."

Author's Note:

For those of you who haven't checked my most recent blog, I just want to announce my plans for this story. Since this is still Spark's early years I plan on writing shorter chapters that will revolve around ideas and situations young Spark Plug encounters. This will allow me to easily direct how Spark grows up and matures.

Some of these chapters could be extremely short, but I believe embellishing an idea doesn't always make it better. Sometimes a simple and straightforward approach to a situation is all an individual needs to be able to learn.