• Published 24th Aug 2015
  • 2,371 Views, 145 Comments

A Revolution Through Eccentricity - Mountainmanmad

Magic in Equestria is universial. It's the force that makes the plants grow, the weather change and the stars move. For one individual, however, it's something to overcome.

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Clock Work paced back and forth in front of the emergency room, eyeing the locked doors with a deep sense of dread. His wife, Night Shimmer, had gone into labor several hours ago. He chewed the inside of his cheek as he continued his relentless march. Something was wrong, he could practically feel it within his bones.

They were warned of possible repercussions though, and all because of who the parents were.

Clock Work was an average earth pony clockmaker. He had a brown coat with a black mane to complement his color; his cutie mark was the face of a clock. He was born in Manehatten and lived a less than stellar life. His family was always hard pressed for money, and it wouldn’t be uncommon to fall asleep at night with an empty stomach. Still, Clock Work was happy, and his hard childhood helped shaped who he was later in life. He always strove to be the best he could be in his field of work, and held an open mind regarding most topics.

When Clock earned his cutie mark, he instantly went to work. He trained under expert craftponies, focusing on his skilled hoofwork. Despite the need for detailed work only most unicorns could provide, Clock excelled in his field quickly. He made a small name for himself and brought his family out from poverty. Once he had enough funding, he moved out into the countryside, wanting to escape the city and live a life of peace.

That was when he met his future wife.

Clock decided to settle in a small town know as Everglade. While the town itself was within Equestrian borders, the name was given in respect to the country’s close neighbor, Nocturnia, the country of bat ponies.

Due to the town being extremely close to the border, the residents were a mix of bat ponies and Equestrian ponies. It was a quiet town, and one that Clock instantly fell in love with. It was during his first month settling in that he would meet his wife, Night Shimmer.

Night Shimmer was a bat pony who grew up in the capitol, Nocturnus. When Night was first born she was immediately expected to rise to greatness. Her father was a Commander in Nocturnia’s army, and was well renowned among the guard. So, when news of the Captain’s future child became known, many nobles jumped at the chance to supply the family with money in order to pay for her training at a young age.

None of that was to happen, however.

Night’s mother died during her birth, and the weak, newborn Night contracted a disease. While doctors were able to save Night's life, she was left with weakened wings, the bones within brittle and skewed. The disease baffled the doctors, and due to it being magical in nature, were unable to cure her without causing more damage.

Night would never be able to fly.

Her weak wings never got her down, though. While she was seen as an outcast in society, the ties through her father allowed her to get by through low-end jobs. Her father was deeply saddened by the loss of his wife, but he still loved and cared for his daughter, Night. Still, depression and age quickly caught up to the Commander, and he passed away soon after Night became an adult. All of his wealth and possessions were left to Night. Night Shimmer, no longer under the protection of her father, moved out of the capitol and settled in a border town called Everglade.

While hostility was minimal, many bat ponies still refused to give her work. It wasn’t until she ran into Clock Work that she began to hope for the future once more. Understanding the hardships of her life, Clock offered her a job as his assistant. The two hit off well and within the year they planned to get married.

The news of the marriage spread like wildfire within the town, many congratulating the two while some of the prouder members of both races looked down upon an inter-species marriage.

Life continued normally for the next five years until, one day, Night announced that she was pregnant.

While the town congratulated the two, many of them were concerned for the unborn child. Inter-species relationships may not have been unheard off, but an offspring between two was next to non-existent. Bat ponies and Equestrian ponies could have a child due to similar anatomies, but most cases resulted in the child being challenged in some way due to the conflicting magic within the two species. Regardless of the risks, the two wanted to take that chance.

Which now left Clock Work outside the grey doors of the Underworld, waiting patiently.

Well… as patiently as a nervous husband and future father could.

Just when Clock was ready to charge through the doors, a nurse popped her head out, smiling warmly at him.

“Mr. Work? You can come in now.”

Clock Work sighed in relief as he followed the nurse through the doors and into the delivery room. There, upon the bed, was his wife. Her coat was matted with sweat and she had bags under her eyes, but she was alright.

The absence of a foal, however, was of concern to him.

He trotted up to her bedside and nuzzled her affectionately, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Night giggled and turned her head to return the kiss. Clock smiled and held her close in his forearms.

“So, I’m guessing the procedure went smoothly?”

Night hummed happily as she leaned into her husband. “It did. The foal is with the doctor right now. She’s making sure he’s healthy and nothing is wrong with him.”

Clock perked at the gender usage. A boy, he was a father to a newborn son.

The couple enjoyed each others presence as they awaited news from the doctor.

Ten minutes passed…

Half an hour…

An hour…

As time continued to pass the married couple were growing more and more anxious. Nurses tried to calm them, but it was clear they were just as unsure of the situation as they were. When the doctor finally returned, she didn’t return alone. Within her grasp was a wrapped bundle which was quickly passed over to the worried mother.

Night peaked into the bundle and smiled as two curious, blue eyes looked back up at her. The colt's coat was light blue and the early signs of a mane were starting to sprout. The foal smiled and babbled incoherently in a happy mix of cries and gurgles. Clock looked over his wife’s shoulder to look at his son, smiling at the happy bundle.

Everything seemed alright in the end.

The two were startled as the door opened once more, bringing in several more doctors, each of them wearing frowns. Clock’s blood ran cold as he examined the group, noticing the uneasy looks they were giving the newborn foal.

Eventually one cleared his throat and he stepped forward to address the parent’s, “Mr. Work and Mrs. Shimmer, there’s something you should know about your son.”

The doctor paused as he looked back at his co-workers, seeking confidence for what he was about to announce. Night held her son close to her body, her instincts kicking in, ready to protect her child.

The doctor noticed her reaction and made to calm her, “No, no, you misunderstand. Your son is perfectly healthy and we won’t need to take him away from you.” Night had begun to relax, only to stiffen again as the doctor resumed, “However, your son has a… peculiar disease.”

“It is a very rare disease known as defectus magicae. While the origin of it is unknown, the results are catastrophic. The disease causes the body to attack specific cells, believing them to be foreign parasites. These cells are found in all living creatures on the planet, and are responsible for controlling the usage, both input and output, of magic. Since the child’s body attacks these cells, they will never be able to fully develop. I’m sorry, but your son has no connection to magic.”

Both parents paled at the revelation, not wanting to believe such a thing could be possible. Clock managed to find his voice, as shaky as it was, “No magic? Absolutely none whatsoever?”

The doctor looked devastated as he shook his head, those behind him looking towards the floor in failure. “None at all. With your son being an Earth pony, he’ll never have that innate connection to the Earth. Magic used on him wont have any effect at all, as his body will reject it. He’ll also… never be able to find his cutie mark.”

The room was silent as parents and nurses alike looked at the doctors in horror. The speaker lowered his head in defeat, following his compatriots’ example.

“I’m sorry…”

The next day Clock and Night returned home, the two still numb from the news they had received. The subject of their concern was still laughing happily, ignorant to the hardships it would face later.

The couple trudged up the stairway of their two story home, the child nestled comfortably on the back of his mother, protected by her wings. They reached a newly refurbished room, the colorful wallpaper and crib leaving little to imagine who the space was meant for.

Clock gently lifted the foal from his mother's back and placed him within the crib. The child squealed happily as he looked back at both of his parents, simply happy to see them. Clock and Night smiled down at the joyful creature, resolved in the decision they had come to earlier. Regardless of the disease, they wouldn’t let it get in the way of their family. Things may have to change over time, but they still had a healthy foal, something they both desperately wanted.

A sudden realization came to Clock Work and he smacked his face in frustration, much to the child’s enjoyment. Clock turned towards his wife with a sheepish smile.

“With all the excitement, I completely forgot about a name! I’m assuming one came to you?”

Night gave Clock’s cheek a soft kiss as she moved to stand beside him. “I did. I was worried a name wouldn’t come to me due to his condition, but it seems not everything was taken from him.”

Clock sighed in relief as he returned his gaze to the child. “So… what name popped up in that noggin of yours.”

Night smiled warmly at her son as the foal lifted its forelegs up at them. Night reached down and held her son’s hoof in her own, giving it a gentle squeeze. A small tear mixed with happiness and grief escaped her as she watched the child drift off to sleep.

“His name is Spark Plug.”