• Published 24th Aug 2015
  • 2,370 Views, 145 Comments

A Revolution Through Eccentricity - Mountainmanmad

Magic in Equestria is universial. It's the force that makes the plants grow, the weather change and the stars move. For one individual, however, it's something to overcome.

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Chapter 2 - Kindergarten

It was Monday morning in Everglade. Ponies, both Equestrian and Nocturne alike, were walking the streets of the town. The market district in particular was crowded as mares and stallions fought each other for goods and produce. Despite the cacophony of sounds, one would still be able to hear the whining of a colt rise above all others.

"Do I really have to go?"

Night Shimmer sighed and quietly counted to ten before she addressed her son once more, "Yes, you really have to go, we've already talked about this. Your father and I think it would be good for you to spend time with other foals your age. You can't just stay locked up in your room reading all day, it's not healthy!"

Spark Plug grumbled to himself as he followed his mother down the dirt path. When he learned yesterday that he would be attending kindergarten, he had vehemently opposed the idea. He had better things to do then spend time with other ponies, such as read that book he hasn't finished yet, or continue looking over the dictionary!

He called his dictionary Tom; it just felt right.

"Dear, I know you don't want to do this, but it's for your own good. You're already incredibly smart for a colt your age, don't you think you deserve some time off?"

Spark shook his head. "Why should I? I could just use that time to grow even smarter!"

Night frowned at her son. "Because a growing colt needs to have a little social interaction! Not once have you ever asked me for a play date with another foal, and whenever I try to bring you out you always throw a fuss. Sorry Spark, but you're not getting out of this one. It'll just be a few hours every day, and I'll be there to pick you up afterwards."

Night watched as her son returned to sulking, and desperately thought of a way to make this situation more enjoyable for him. "You know Spark, you might find another who enjoys learning and tinkering as much as you do."

Spark looked up at her mother with hopeful eyes. "You really think so?"

"I'm sure of it!"

Night shimmer didn't believe a word she said.

The two eventually reached the entrance to the small building, the bright colored paint harsh on both Night and Spark. The building reminded Night of a daycare rather than a schoolhouse. Neither made a move as they listened to the sounds of voices from within. Spark tried to sneak back down the road they came from, but his mother grabbed his tail in her teeth and dragged him back.

"Oh no you don't, you're going to make some friends today. Let's go in there and talk to the teacher, okay?"

Spark pouted, but was unable to change his mothers mind. Night tittered at her son's attempt at looking cute, and quickly ushered him into the building. When the two entered, Night was pleasantly surprised and Spark was left stricken with a sense of dread.

The building was essentially one big, indoor playground, colts and fillies running around the room. The sounds of fun and laughter permeated the air, leaving Spark anxious to retreat into a secluded space. Night draped a wing over her son's back and gave him an encouraging smile before searching for the supervisor. It didn't take long to find them. The teacher was a yellow colored pegasus mare with a smiling sun for a cutie mark.

The mare was smiling as she watched the children enjoy themselves, oblivious to the duo near the door. Night cleared her throat and called out to her, "Excuse me, miss?"

The mare looked up in surprise before smiling once more, making her way over to the two. Her smile grew when she spotted Spark. "Hello, I think I can take a wild guess and assume that this little tyke here is going to be attending kindergarten this year?"

Night smiled and pushed her son forward with a wing. "This is my son, Spark. It was a last minute decision between my husband and I, but I truly believe it'll do him some good to spend time with other foals."

The mare smiled warmly at Spark as she fell to her haunches. "Well hello to you Spark! My name is Bright Light, but you can just call me Bright. We're all friends here, and I'm sure we'll be best buddies by the end of the day."

Spark smiled nervously, unsure of what to think of the mare. He'd never had a "buddy" before, but it did sound like fun. He looked between Bright and the other children, noticing that some of them were looking his way. Unused to so many eyes on him at once, he soon found himself hiding behind his mother's legs.

He peeked out from behind and greeted Bright, feeling much more secure with his mother between them, "H-Hello, Bright."

Night Shimmer chuckled, amused by her son's antics. For as smart as Spark was, he still hadn't developed any social skills. With any luck that would change over the next couple of months.

Night stepped to the side and pushed her son forward once more. "Spark, me and Bright Light need to talk in private for a little bit," Bright frowned for a moment in confusion, but quickly returned to her smile, "so why don't you go and have some fun with the other foals?"

Spark Plug looked between his mother and the numerous fouls that crowded the room. With a final sigh of defeat he nodded his head and stepped forward to meet his doom. Night rolled her eyes as Bright directed her into the school's office.

Spark followed his mother's departure until the door closed. When he turned back to the other foals, they were still screaming and yelling happily. Never before had Spark felt so out of place, and he found himself thinking of a way to make it "normal".

He recalled a word he learned in his dictionary that explained the scene before him very well. If he remembered correctly, the word he was looking for was Anarchy. As he recalled the definition of the word, he got a brilliant idea on how to fix this mess.

All he needed now was some building materials...

Bright Light closed the door behind Night Shimmer as she entered, the sounds of the children dying away somewhat. She made her way over to her desk while Night took a chair opposite. Bright removed some papers from her desk as well as a pencil which she held within her wing. Night observed the nimble action with jealousy, but quickly brushed it away.

Bright Light took the initiative, "I must say Mrs. Shimmer, you're son is absolutely adorable! I'm sure he'll fit right in with the rest of the students."

Night smiled at the compliment. "Yes, he truly is a gift. There is, however, a big reason why I wanted to speak to you in private."

Bright tilted her head in confusion before understanding dawned in her eyes. "Oh! Let me guess, Spark has certain needs, right? Don't you worry Mrs. Shimmer, I can promise you I'm certified to handle anything you throw my way. What is it? Hard hearing? Blindness, perhaps?"

Night bit her lip. "Spark... has no connection to magic."

Bright Light's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she looked at Night in surprised horror. Only when the pencil fell from her wing and hit the desk did she break out of her stupor. She shook her head and looked at Night with sadness in her eyes, tears beginning to pool in the corners. "Th-That's horrible! How did such a thing happen? Does Spark even know?"

Night shook her head sadly. "Spark has no idea. He was born with a rare disease which nullifies the magic within him, and any that comes into contact with him. I wanted you to know so you can watch him should he come too close to magic. I don't want him finding out about his disability, not until he's a little older. I know it's not right to hide it from him, but he's still just a child. If he knew he had no magic he would be devastated. I'm sure he'll be able to handle it better once he's older."

Bright Light bit her lip in thought, nodding. "I see what you mean, but, and I mean no offense in saying this, you're playing a dangerous game. Unicorn foals have a tendency to overcharge their magic, and not even I can predict when that will happen. If Spark Plug were to be hit by a wayward spell, and nothing would happen to him, it would no doubt raise a lot of questions in his mind."

Night sighed. "I know... but I'm willing to take that chance. Other than the random outburst, do you think you can keep Spark busy should an activity come up which involves magic?"

Bright nodded and began to write down information on the paper. She would be hard pressed to keep Spark away from magical toys, but she would do her job. It was why she signed up for this, she loved making children smile and she simply can't bear the thought of an unhappy foal.

She stopped writing when Night spoke up once more, "There's something else you should know about Spark. You see, he's incredibly smart."

Bright smiled happily, pleased to hear something positive about the sweet colt. "Really? Well then, I'm sure he'll excel at some of our learning activities. We tend to focus on the alphabet here as well as some more important words. Some of the children out there still haven't grown out of their 'baby' talk. Still, I could throw him a few advanced words and questions his way if you want. Just how far in is he?"

Night smiled sheepishly at the mare. "Well... based on everything he's read and studied... he's more than halfway done with middle school."

Bright almost fell out of her chair.

"M-Middle school!? But, Spark's only four or five years old, is he not?"

"He is, but he has an incredible memory, and spends most of his time reading and studying. It's one of the reasons why I brought him here. Education is all well and good, but he's still a child, and he needs social experiences as well. With any luck he'll manage to make a few friends here."

Bright Light nodded as she wiped her forehead with a hoof. She's had to deal with problem children in the past, but this was something else entirely. Praise Celestia the kid seemed nice enough, otherwise she might have to take drastic measures.

Bright jotted down a few more notes before filing them away within her drawer. She gave Night a strained smile as she rose from her seat and made her way towards the office door. "Well, it certainly sounds like I'll have a lot on my hooves with Spark, but I'll certainly do my best to make him, and the rest of the foals, happy. Will you be by later to pick him up?"

Night nodded as she followed after the teacher. "I will. The time is from 11:00 to 3:00, correct?"

Bright opened the door. "It is, and don't worry about Spark, I'm sure he'll be just... fine..."

Bright trailed off as she beheld the strange scene in front of her. In the corner of the play area was a giant castle made up of blocks, pillows, and anything else that could be used as a building material. If it wasn't for the fact that it was made from children's toys, it would have been quite an amazing piece of work. What truly amazed Bright, however, was that it seemed to be fully operational, and even sported an open doorway with a balcony above it.

The balcony was currently occupied by none other than Spark Plug himself. Standing next to him was a white, pegasus filly called called Lily Flower; Lily was blushing softly as she looked over Spark. The rest of the foals were situated beneath the balcony, looking up at Spark with wide, excited eyes.

A jumbled mess of "hales 'Ing Shpark Flug" and "hales Cueen Wily Fwower" came from the group.

Bright turned her head away from the scene when she heard the front door open. Night Shimmer had one hoof out the door and was sweating profusely as she tried, in vain, to give Bright Light an encouraging smile.


Night quickly shut the door before Bright could even get a word in. Before she could even begin to process the sudden change of events, "King" Spark Plug made a public announcement.

"Play time, all the time, for everypony!"

And there was much rejoicing.