• Published 7th Jul 2015
  • 3,956 Views, 91 Comments

My Dearest Dusk - CrackedInkWell

Not long after Prince Dusk Shine and his number one assistant moved into their new home, Prince Solaris accidentally sent several letters in which he came to burn them before Dusk could read them. However, Spines was able to save a few.

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Chapter 24

The train back home to Ponyville was unmemorable, to say the least. Before Dusk and Spines got on, they picked up a couple of apples for breakfast and Solaris gave him a goodbye kiss before they boarded. Both the alicorn and the dragoness were quiet all along the trip, taking bites out of their simple meal. The assistant noticed that Dusk was mostly distracted by the view of the fading capital.

When the train reached Ponyville’s station, Prince Shine got off along with Spines. However, they were welcomed by a bright pink blur.

“Duskie! Spiny! You’re back,” said the pony with the cotton candy mane. “I’ve really, really missed having you two around here. Well, even though I knew that you two were going to be gone for a couple of days, but still, it’s sooo good for you to come back and-”

“Barry,” Dusk choked out, “oxygen, please.”

“Oh,” the party pony released them from his death grip. “Sorry, I guess I’m just a bit excited for you to come home since the guys heard the news about Solaris being your special somepony. Oh and congrats by-the-way.”

“So I’m guessing you’ve already read the newspapers?” Spines asked and Barry nodded furiously.

“Uh-huh. You should have seen the guys’ faces when they found out. Blitz was all like ‘huh, I didn’t know his barn door swung that way’ and then Butterscotch was like ‘oh my’ and then AJ said something about that he suspected it all along and Elusive was really surprised because he thought you were straight, but I was like ‘I should really throw you a party but I can’t decide if it should be a Duskie-has-gotten-a-special-somepony party or a welcome-out-of-the-closet party.’ Then again, I could do both-”

“Barry,” Dusk interrupted, getting his friend’s attention. “So everypony already knows about… me and Solaris, right?” His pink friend nodded. “So, are all the guys okay with this?”

“Well, now that you mention it,” Barry said, as he started to hop away while both the Prince and the assistant followed closely behind, “Elusive is kinda a bit weirded out, Butters hasn’t said anything, AJ pointed out that his big sister trots both ways too, Blitz doesn’t mind too much, and I’m just happy that you’ve finally found somepony that makes you happy. I always find it good news whenever any of my friends find something that makes them as happy as I am.”

“Perhaps I need to speak with both Elusive and Butterscotch some time.”

“No need, I’ll just invite them to the party.”

“That’s all fine and good, but I think Spines and I here want to rest for a bit before we go to any parties. We just got back, after all.”

“Okie dokie loki,” his friend smiled as he bounced off in another direction. “How about this afternoon, Sugar Cube Corner at three. Sound good?”

“Uh, sure thing,” Dusk called out as his friend hopped away.

“Great, see you two at three!” Barry waved to them before disappearing into a crowd.

For Dusk and Spines, they walked towards their shiny new home. But before they could reach it, the lilac bookworm said to his assistant, “Spines, thank you.”

The dragoness blinked. “Huh? For what?”

“For saving those letters for me,” he smiled, “as well as being the first to being so supportive, to both for me and Solaris.”

“You’re welcome,” she waved a claw as she added. “Maybe fate will repay me a favor. Maybe Elusive will finally find out about my crush on him.”

“And when that does happen,” Dusk stated, “I’m sure that when you’re out late on a date with him, I’ll be pacing about the castle, wondering if you’re ever coming home.”

She frowned. “Not funny Dusk.”

“I’m just playing with you.”

“But still, that wasn’t-” Spines was cut off when she burped out a letter. Green flames exited her mouth, making the piece of parchment materialize. The little dragoness picked up the letter without a seal and opened it. After taking a peek, she gave it to the alicorn. “It’s definitely for you,” she said.

Dusk took the scroll in his magic and read:

My Dearest Dusk,

While I may have destroyed most of those love letters that I have labored over for several years, I do not believe that I should stop writing to you altogether simply because we’re together at last. Perhaps this letter will be the first in a new chapter of my life where now I can express to you freely, and without fear.

I have such deep gratitude for you and Spines, for what you both have done for me in the course of the past three days. Now that we’re together, I would be overjoyed to take our time for this new relationship to grow like a tree. I think that for your sake, it would be a good idea to take this at a pace in that you’re comfortable with. For me, I wouldn’t mind. I’ve got all the time in the world to spend it with you.

Also, since I’m now free to write to you as well to give you my most secure of thoughts and feelings to you, I think it would be fair if you were given the same opportunity as well. I’m not asking you to send me a love letter every day, nor does it even have to be a love letter. Just a few words from you every so often about anything you want to say to me. Besides, I have missed reading your letters, so I can’t wait to read what you have in store for me.

Since I have this moment to breathe from the court, I think I should let you know about some of the ponies’ reactions to our new relationship. While most ponies this morning have come in congratulating me with their wide smiles, there are a few that object to this arrangement. You see, as I’m writing this, there is a protest outside of the palace walls that is going on. They’re advocating that, in light of the fact that I’m gay, I should be abdicated from the throne and to have it turned over to my brother. Of course, despite the fact that he doesn’t want to, there’s only a small part of the whole population that is demanding this.

As for Bluebelle, she still hasn’t spoken to me since yesterday’s court.

Yet despite everything, life is still running as normal here in Canterlot.

I’m looking forward to our next date, my love. Even now, the idea of spending some time with you in the quiet town of Ponyville does sound rather appealing compared to the organized chaos here in Canterlot.

That reminds me, I still need to speak with Eris when I get the chance.

I hope that now that you’ve returned home, your mind may be at rest for whatever is coming your way. Just enough time to recharge that brilliant mind of yours.

Forever yours,

Forever mine,

Forever us,

-Solaris Everfree.

Dusk smiled as he rolled the scroll back into his saddlebag, noticing that they finally reached their crystal home.

As his assistant rushed in, the lilac bookworm made a mental note to send his new coltfriend a reply.


Later that evening in Canterlot, a white alicorn lay on his large dark blue cushion, taking in the moment of serenity of the crackling fire, and the warmth of the tea before him. Yes, it was just another day running the country for him.

It was in this still moment that smoke came out from one of the pipes before it briefly burst in green flames, materializing into a roll of parchment. Picking up the scroll in his golden aura, Solaris unraveled it to find a message from Dusk written upon it.

Dear Solaris,

I wanted to take a moment before I go to sleep to reply to the letter you sent me.

Firstly, I don’t think I would mind if you sent me your love letters to me. To me, since we might have to be away from each other every so often, this would be the best way to get in touch whenever we can’t see each other face to face.

Not only that but in a way, I’m looking forward to your letters as well. Each kind word you give me is like that kiss we had on the bridge in Manehattan, each one wonderful and magical as the first. It’s rather amazing how much you can tell me that you love me without using the word itself.

Secondly, you are right about taking this relationship slowly. Since I’ve never really had a pony that I would call my “special somepony” before, I guess I’m still learning how these sorts of relationships work. While it might be close to friendship, perhaps love is something deeper than I could ever imagine. Yet, as long as you are there to be with me, step by step, in learning what love could be, I would gladly follow you.

Next, I think we both saw this backlash coming. I admit, even I shook my head when I heard about the protest you talked about. While I doubt that such prejudice will ever go away completely, I’m hopeful that your coming out will be the catalyst for others as well. Hopefully, you will be their role model, showing them that they don’t have to be afraid of who they are. All because you decided to tell the truth about yourself, ponies now and perhaps the future will thank you for it.

As to our next date, I confess that even now, I’m still struggling to come up with something that you would enjoy. I’m just trying to keep a calm mind as I meditate on a solution to this problem. But time is still on my side, so as long as nothing interferes, I’ll come up with something.

Now before I close this letter, I think I should report Ponyville’s reaction to our new relationship to you. When we got home, Barry invited us to a party to celebrate in the fact that I now have a special somepony. My friends were there, of course, and what I’ve gotten out of them is mostly positive. Barry’s excited, Blitz doesn’t mind at all other than calling me lucky that the “Sun God has the hots for ya”, and Applejack’s older sister is in a relationship with a local mare, so nothing’s changed between us. Elusive is still coming to grips that I’m bisexual and going out with you. He told me that he ‘needs some time to adjust to this.’ As for Butterscotch, I haven’t heard a word from him, so I really have no idea what his thoughts are.

I’m getting tired now. Spines just told me that she’s about to head off to bed, so I’ll wrap this up. Solaris, I’m hoping that your mind is now more at peace with itself. I hope that you’re free now from all those bottled up worries, freed from your worst expectations, and I hope that ponies will try to understand more about the real you and not just the mask you were expected to wear.

Goodnight, my King Solaris,

Your most faithful Prince,

-Dusk Shine.

Solaris rolled up the scroll and carefully placed it on the desk. Getting up, he walked over to the balcony and into the cool night air. Looking up at the stars, his gaze lowered down to the town of Ponyville. “Goodnight Dusk Shine,” he whispered.

Author's Note:

And that's the end.

So what do you guys think?

That is, if you don't mind of me asking.:fluttershyouch:

Comments ( 14 )

"You see, as I’m writing this, the is a protest outside of the palace walls that is going on. And they’re advocating that in light of the fact that I’m gay, I should be advocated from the throne and turn it over to my brother."

I think you meant 'I should abdicate the throne" there. You have a good concept, but you really need to take a look through this story and fix all the typos and spelling errors.

I need more

6312450 Thanks for pointing that out, and I've said this once, and I'll say this again: Any volunteers to edit this thing?

y does this have to be the end

I enjoyed your story, it was quite sweet with a good amount of fluff and drama. Slightly rough around the edges but not bad for a unedited story. Thanks for taking the time to write and hopefully you'll give us a sequel with the royal wedding some time in the future.

6314610 Thank you for that. While I make no promises when it comes to writing, at the moment, I wanted to move on with another idea that I had in mind for weeks now.

As for this new story, all I can say that it involves the Great and Powerful Trixie, and a very famous magician (hint: it's not Twilight, Celestia, Starswirlled the Bearded, or even Sunset.)

6322128 Nope, I never said it was a pony, didn't I? Nor is he a villain.

6322146 Aye, it is indeed a he. I already announced the name on my blog.

6322173 For a guy who claimed that he never has any supernatural powers, he's going to make Trixie lose her mind.:trollestia:

I want to see a Continuation to this story! I loved it quite a bit.

6799742 And so far, nobody has volunteered to edit this thing.

Had this on my Read Later for about a month and I'm glad I decided to come back to it. It's always nice to have sweet, short stories like these in between all the one-shots and long epics.


I'd be down to.

“For saving those letters for me,” he smiled, “as well as being the first to being so supportive, to both for me and Solaris.”

Sounds kinda weird? "first to be" maybe? and "to both me" without the for?

Firstly, I don’t think I would mind if you sent me your love letters to me. To me, since we might have to be away from each other every so often, this would be the best way to get in touch whenever we can’t see each other face to face.

i imagine either "sent me your love letters" or "sent your love letters to me"

Not only that, but in a way, I’m looking forward in your letters as well. Each kind word you give me is like that kiss we had on the bridge in Manehattan, each one wonderful and magical as the first. It’s rather amazing how much you can tell me that you love me without using the word itself.


What a trip, time for the next one. :D

This was a nice, decent read. It's so hard to find M/M swaps of favorite pairings, despite how the art can be fairly prevalent... the stories just aren't.

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