• Published 7th Jul 2015
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My Dearest Dusk - CrackedInkWell

Not long after Prince Dusk Shine and his number one assistant moved into their new home, Prince Solaris accidentally sent several letters in which he came to burn them before Dusk could read them. However, Spines was able to save a few.

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Chapter 16

“Just one more block,” the Solar Prince said as he and his date flew down the street. Dusk saw a clock on the way that said it was past nine in the evening. After wandering around the art gallery, he wondered what his date was planning on next.

Currently, Dusk was flying side by side with the white alicorn through the streets of native Manehattaners and tourists who snapped pictures of them as they flew by. Every so often, somepony would wave at them, or call their names just so that they would get noticed.

Then the elder alicorn touched down on the sidewalk, followed closely by the lilac Prince as he looked around the row of brick apartments. Confused, Dusk inquired, “Solaris, where are we?”

“This is our second stop,” the elder Prince informed as he trotted down an alleyway. “If I remember correctly, and if it’s still here, I think that you’ll love this place more then the last one.” The bookworm followed behind into the darkened alleyway, both his and Solaris’s horns lit up their path in the cluttered darkness until Solaris found a flight of stairs that lead downward. “It’s one of those out-of-the-way places that house an impressive collection. You just have to know where it is to find it. So if we’re lucky, it should be- Yes!”

At the bottom of the stairs near a door with a cross, wire window was a rusted sign: “Book Binder’s Rare, Valuable and Antique Books.” For Dusk Shine, his interest was immediately grabbed. Ever since the destruction of the Golden Books Library, he tried searching for some of the books that were burned in the battle.

“Allow me,” Solaris said as he opened the door as it hit a bell. The younger alicorn was let in first, taking a good look at the bookstore inside. The interior, compared to the exterior, was much warmer and inviting of its wooden bookshelves, paintings of pine trees and jagged mountains, and the smell of old books then the cold concrete and brick façade.

There were rows upon rows of books where old and new were paired side by side. From old leathery hardbacks to recent paperbacks, the shelves extended from floor to ceiling and ran down across the underbelly of the apartments above. Above each row was hoof painted signs that divided the books, from “Mystery” to “Biography” and everything in-between.

“Sorry folks,” a voice was heard as the two alicorns heard hoofsteps coming up from one of the isles. A unicorn stallion with a wrinkly gray coat, pale sandy colored mane with a black tie appeared from the “Fantasy” section, carrying in his magic a small pile of books. “I was just closing shop for the…”

“Oh, forgive us,” Solaris said, “I was hoping that this place was still opened, but I suppose we could find-”

“Wait!” the aged stallion interrupted. “Prince Solaris and Prince Dusk Shine!”

The younger alicorn nodded awkwardly. “We’re sorry for bothering you.”

“Bothering me?” The shopkeeper put his pile of books down on a desk. “Oh not at all! Please do come in, both of ya. I was just about to close up, but I think I could keep it open for you two to look around.”

“Oh,” Dusk blinked. “Why, thank you.”

The old unicorn went up to Solaris. “I would bow to ya, except I have some back problems, you see.”

“That’s quite alright,” Solaris said, offering his right forehoof. “A simple hoofshake will do just nicely.”

The unicorn grasped it, shaking it. “What an honor for you to come back to this shop once more. I’m not sure if you remember, but you were with my dad on the day this place opened. Look, I still keep the picture up on display, too.”

Dusk looked over to where the old unicorn was gesturing at. Hanging from a wooden beam was a framed black and white photo of Solaris and a younger looking stallion about Dusk’s age, both shaking hooves.

“I do remember,” Solaris told him. “Your father was quite the collector and sales pony.”

“Thank you kindly,” the unicorn smiled. “I’m Book Binder’s son, but you can just call me Records.” He turned to shake Dusk’s hoof and said, “Also, I heard about the Golden Oaks in Ponyville. I’m so sorry about what happened.”

“You’re fine,” Dusk muttered. “I’m just trying to put my life back together. As well as trying to find some replacement of a few… missing books.”

“Well, you’re in the right place. This shop has a collection of rare books, so I trust you might find something here.”

“Thank you,” Dusk said as he walked over to the “History” section, Solaris following behind.

“If Your Highnesses need anything, just ask,” Records called out as they went in between the rows of bookshelves.

Soon, Dusk scanned the titles and authors, trying to see if he could find any of them that would replace the damaged books.

“So,” Solaris began, “...do you still miss the library Dusk?”

The lilac alicorn picked up a book to look through its contents. With a sigh, he replied, “I guess I do in a way. I think Spines does, too.” He put the book back in its place, and as he searched on, Solaris could see a nostalgic smile creep on his beloved’s face. “The library was the first place that I could really call home. A place where I could live on my own for the first time because of all the memories that were made in there. Like the first time, Barry threw a welcome party for us. Or when Applejack and Elusive had to stay over because there was a storm outside. Ha, and I can’t keep count of the number of times Rainbow Blitz had crashed into that place. It’s really surprising that it stood up for that long. Well, until...”

Solaris saw his date’s mood turn gloomy before he pulled him to his side with his wing. “I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

Dusk shook his head. “No, you’re fine, it’s just that I… miss it sometimes. I know I should really move on, but with this new crystal palace in its place, it just doesn’t feel the same.”

“Look, I know moving after something this tragic is hard,” the Solar Prince reassured him, “but you need to keep in mind that home isn’t a place with four walls and a roof over it; that’s a house. A home is a state of mind where you’re surrounded by the most valuable things in the world that no one could replace. Things like family, friends, lovers even to grow new memories in, to feel safe in, and for you to grow beyond your past.”

“I guess you’re right,” Dusk nuzzled the side of the white alicorn’s neck. “Thanks, I need that.”

Solaris gently smiled, releasing his beloved underneath his wing. “Speaking of family, have you heard from any of them lately?”

“I did, actually,” the lilac alicorn said as he picked up a book. “My parents are still in Canterlot. Dad is planning on writing a new book and Mom is looking for a new job in astronomy. My big sis and Crescendo are pretty much bored out of their minds since there’s hardly anything going on in the Empire. But,” Dusk turned back to his date with a smile, “she says that she might be pregnant.”

“What?” Solaris asked in surprise. “I didn’t hear about this.”

“Well, Gleaming isn’t exactly certain of it yet,” Dusk explained. “They’re still running a few more tests just to be absolutely sure.” Then, a thought came across the bookworm’s mind, “Hey Solaris, had you ever had a family?”

The elder alicorn paused at this. For a moment, he hesitated. Ears folding back, Dusk thought that he crossed a personal line with him. Dusk was about to apologize until Solaris spoke, “Outside of my brother and Bluebelle, the only other family that I ever knew was about our father. You wouldn’t find him in any history book or in any collection of fairy tales since he keeps disappearing and reappearing.

“In our earliest memories, we could tell you about how most of the time, we were alone, trying to survive. But whenever we got into major trouble, he would show up to save us. Whenever he did, he would take the time to be with us. When times were harsh and Equestria was still but a distant dream, Father was the one to keep me and Artemis together. We were never hungry or cold or hurt, although he took on those burdens for us.”

Dusk saw in his mentor a bittersweet look in his smile and shining eyes. “The last time either of us ever saw him was at our coronation. He was in the very back, smiling at what we’d become. After that, he pulled us aside to tell us that he was so proud. But suddenly, just like that, he disappeared. Dusk, to this day, neither of us knows where he is. I don’t know if he’s even still alive.”

Feeling empathy, Dusk Shine wrapped his forelegs around Solaris’s neck. “I’m sorry.”

Solaris shook his head but hugged back. “Don’t be. You had nothing to do with it. I’m rather impressed, though. You’re the first pony in centuries to ask me that question.”

The younger alicorn let go. “One more thing. Out of curiosity, do you remember what your Father’s name was?”

His former mentor smiled, “Ha, I do actually, and Father’s name was very unusual, even for a pony like him.”

“What was it?” Dusk asked, spotting an intriguing book on the shelf.

“Lawrence,” Solaris answered, “His name was Lawrence Faust.”

“Huh? You’re right, that’s a really odd name for a pony. I wonder what it meant.”

“It doesn’t matter now,” the Sun Prince pointed out as he picked a book off the shelves. “Let’s not dwell on the past too much. For now, we have a date to experience, and a few more places to go before the night is over.”

Dusk agreed as he selected a book off the shelf to take home with him.