• Published 7th Jul 2015
  • 3,956 Views, 91 Comments

My Dearest Dusk - CrackedInkWell

Not long after Prince Dusk Shine and his number one assistant moved into their new home, Prince Solaris accidentally sent several letters in which he came to burn them before Dusk could read them. However, Spines was able to save a few.

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Chapter 21

The first thing that Solaris saw as he entered the Sparkle household was the wall of photographs and awards that the family had taken and received over the years. From recital photos to wedding portraits, from the best author of the year award to a picture of a blue unicorn pointing at the night sky with a very young Dusk Shine looking up at them.

Off to the side of the wall was the Dining Room with Star and Moon Light setting the food on the table with Crescendo and Gleaming taking their seats.

The Solar Prince looked over to his beloved and saw something familiar in his eyes. It was the kind of look that realizes what he was getting himself into. The elder alicorn leaned his neck down and nuzzled his neck while whispering, “It’s okay. You’ve helped me out today, and I’ll be next to you if anything goes wrong.”

Dusk took in a deep breath, “I just hope they will take it well.”

“I believe they will, and if worse comes to worst, they will have to answer to me.” At this point, Solaris noticed that someone was missing, “Dusk, where is Spines? Isn’t she coming to this dinner as well?”

“I had her run a last-minute errand, so she should be here any-”

“Hey,” Gleaming called from the Dining Room, “Are you two gonna come in here? The food’s getting cold.”

The two of them looked at each other, the bookworm closed his eyes, lifted a hoof, breathed in deeply while bringing his hoof close to his withers, then exhaled to drew the hoof way. Opening his eyes, Dusk turned to Solaris and said, “I think I might be ready.”

With a nod from the Prince of the Day, the two of them walked into the tiny room. There was almost enough room for the tall pony to squeeze his way over to a seat without bumping into anything or anyone. Meanwhile, Dusk took the seat between him and his older sister.

Out from the kitchen, Star and Moon returned with the last dishes to place on the table. The gray unicorn placed the bowl of scallop potatoes was placed next to the white china with a simple floral design, polished silverware, and the silver candelabra with lit candles. While the blue placed a basket of rolls next to the salad, candied carrots, curry almonds, and dumpling soup next to the crystal filled lemonade.

“Now that everypony’s here,” Moon light said as she and her husband took the remaining seats, “Let’s dig in.”

“Hold on mom,” Dusk interjected, “Spines isn’t here yet.”

“Really?” she looked around, “Where is she anyway?”

“I had her run some-” the young Prince was suddenly cut off by the doorbell. “I guess that must be her.”

Star Light got up to answer the door, finding the expected Dragoness holding tubs of ice cream.

“Am I late?” she asked, “Dusk made run to get these.”

The platinum unicorn lifted the tubs off of Spine’s claws, “No, you’re right on time. You go in while I put these in the freezer.” Another moment later after Dusk’s assistant found a seat, the father came back in to retake his seat. “Now that everypony’s officially here, let’s eat.”

They did, food was passed around until each got enough to start off with.

“So,” Star Light spoke up, “You kids wanted to tell us something?”

“Uh-huh,” Gleaming said with a hint of excitement in her eye. “I want to say something first,” turning to her little brother, she added, “that is unless you wanna go first.”

Dusk told her that she could go ahead.

“Well then, I wanted to let you guys know beforehoof in what I’ve found out from our doctors from the Empire. I have run several tests through them many times until all of them were absolutely sure about it. Everypony,” she grabbed her husband’s hoof and said; “I’m pregnant!”

The faces on the parents face lit up, “Gleaming,” Star beamed, “That is wonderful news!”

“I’m so proud of you!” Moon smiled. “Good thing Spines bought the good ice cream because this really calls for a celebration.”

Dusk put a hoof on her sister’s shoulder, “Cognates BSBFF, when is the foal expected?”

She looked down at her stomach, “We think around November or December, give or take a few weeks.”

“Roughly eight months to go,” Crescendo kissed his wife on the cheek.

“Wow,” Spines said, “I guess it’s about time you guys started to have kids.”

“I think everypony will be looking forward to the birth of your child,” Solaris commented, “And you’re right, this is excellent news from you two.”

The conversation went on for a few minutes until Dusk’s mother asked, “Son, didn’t you have something to say too?”

The lilac alicorn blinked, “Huh?”

“Your note said that you have something important to tell us as well.”

“Oh…” Dusk folded his ears back, “It’s going to be a bit difficult to explain since I’ve found this out a few days ago.”

“Literally,” the Dragoness added.

“Found out what?” the Prince of Love tilted his head.

“Well…” the lilac alicorn began, “Tell me, how would any of you reacted if I said that I’ve just dated somepony that I think might want to get into a serious relationship with?”

Gleaming wrapped one hoof around, and used the other to mess up his mane, “I would say that my baby brother is really growing up.”

“Why Dusk,” Crescendo said, in a mockingly offended tone, “I’m shocked that you went out with somepony and not have told me about it.”

“I would say that I’m happy for you,” his mother said, “Even more so that you found somepony to love you back.”

“Agreed,” his father nodded, “Now you’ve gotten us curious, who is she?”

Dusk, Solaris and Spines looked at each other all three knowing that things are about to get very interesting.

“Um,” the Dragoness spoke up, “What if, uh… What if I told you that the pony he dated last night… wasn’t exactly a she?”

There was a pause in the Dining Room before Crescendo spoke up, “You mean it’s a he?”

Gleaming looked over to her brother, “You’ve dated a guy? So wait a sec, does this mean that you’re Bisexual or something?”

“Huh…” Moon blinked, “Okay, I did not see that coming.”

“H-Hold on, I’m confused,” Star Light told his son, “You have dated mares in the past have you? Since when have you taken an interest in stallions?”

“One at a time everypony,” Solaris interjected, “and let Dusk have his say.”

“Right,” the lilac bookworm nodded. “Okay, so, let me try to answer all of this. Yes, it’s a he. I know that all of you are shocked that I’ve just dated a stallion, but after I found out that he’s been in love with me for a very long time, I have reexamined myself if I really am attracted to stallions the same way I’m attracted to mares. As it turns out with him being so wonderful that, his gender doesn’t really matter to me. So yes, this most likely means that I am Bisexual, yet at the same time, if I’m with someone that does care about me, and wants nothing in return except me being happy, does it matter if it’s a he? Besides, I think I’m slowly returning his feelings for me ever since I’ve gave him a chance to date me.”

Dusk looked at each member of his family, “I just hope that none of you are upset at me because of this. I’m still the same Dusk Shine all of you know and love. I haven’t changed have I?”

Crescendo stood up, walked around his wife to hug the violet alicorn, “Dusk, there is nothing wrong in this. To be honest, I’m both glad and disappointed in you. Wait, hear me out. On the one hoof, I’m over the moon that you have found somepony that you’re willing to give your heart to. But on the other, I’m disappointed that it took you this long to do so. But nevertheless, regardless what anypony says, I for one will always support your decision in who you want to be with, be it with a mare or a stallion.”

Dusk turned to his older sister, “I… I have no idea what to say. Like what mom said, I don’t know how to react to this. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that this is a bad thing. After all, I was kinda worried you could fall in love with some mare that would take whatever advantage of you. And I’m sorry if I sound a bit overprotective, but how could I not after I almost married a changeling?”

“She does have a point,” Solaris muttered.

“So with this, I’ll tell ya what,” she put a hoof on his shoulder. “If this guy does something to you that way crosses the line, and that you need me to kick his flank to the Moon, I’ll make sure I’ll get Solaris and Artemis to do the job. Oh, and tell your coltfriend that that isn’t a threat, it’s a promise.”

“Um… Sure,” Dusk nodded.

“Hon,” Moon Light cut in, “I need to tell you two things. Firstly, I have said this once, and I will say it as many times as it takes: Dusk, there nothing in this world that you could possibly do to make me or your father stop loving you. You’re still our son no matter what. And secondly, I for one don’t mind at all that you’re dating a stallion. After all, I have a coworker who’s a lesbian, and she is a wonderful pony to talk to, as well as a wonderful employee at the observatory.”

Moon’s husband blinked, “I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah, she’s a nice lady too; I should have got you to meet her sometime.”

Star Light was about to say something, but he closed his mouth and shook his head, “Anyway, I guess that leads to the all-important question.” He leaned over the table towards his son, “So who’s the guy?”

“Well,” Solaris spoke up, “in all matter of speaking, Lord Star Light, it’s the main reason why I’m even here.”

Dusk’s father blinked, “Huh?”

“What if I told you, Lord and Lady Shine, that the very stallion that Dusk had gone on a date with is in this very room right now?”

It didn’t take long for all thing lights in several ponies’ heads to click on.

“Um, Dusk, Prince Solaris,” Star Light stood up, “May we speak with the both of you in the other room?”