• Published 30th Jun 2015
  • 2,572 Views, 101 Comments

Double Trixie Trouble - PrincessColumbia

Principal Celestia and Princess Twilight aren't stupid, they know the human government is going to be interested in the portal, so the Princess sends an envoy to be her voice to the human world...so why'd she pick Trixie?!

  • ...

Two days later...

Two Days Later…

Sweetie Drops sighed in contentment as she watched her…BEST FRIEND head for her next class. One could be forgiven for thinking the pink and blue haired girl’s gaze was lingering perhaps a bit too long on the lyre shaped applique on Lyra’s jeans as the mint green girl left the room. After all, it could certainly appear that she was watching her BEST FRIEND’s butt. That, however, would be crazy talk. On certainly didn’t ogle one’s BEST FRIEND after all.

Although Lyra left the room, Sweetie remained in her unintentionally sopped out pose, gazing into the last space her…BEST FRIEND had occupied in that room. She probably would have stayed that way until the class bell rang had another ‘bell’ not rung, that of her cell phone.

Blinking herself out of her daze, she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Habit of years drew her eyes to the caller ID, but of course she recognized the ringtone instantly and held the phone to her ear, “Hey, Chips. What’s the sitch?”

“One of these days,” came the slightly laconic, if nasally, reply, “You need to just ask her out.”

“Micro! Were you watching me again?! And she’s just a friend!”

She could practically hear the eye-roll topping the sarcasm through the phone, “Yeah, sure.”

Sweetie Drops snorted, “Did you call to harass me about a love life that only exists in your head, or do you have a mission for me?”

Realizing that any further banter would, indeed distract from the business at hand, Micro Chips got straight to the point. “Well, it seems that our favorite visiting Princess has finally gotten the attention from the higher-ups. They’re going to be normalizing formal relations and establishing an embassy right outside the school.”

Sweetie Drop’s eyebrows went up, “’bout time,” she replied, “Did they finally read our sitreps?”

“They must have, ‘cause they’ve assigned you to be one of the agents on protection detail.”

Sweetie Drops groaned into the phone’s mic, “Really?! Protection detail is so boring!”

Micro snickered, “Since when do ‘boring’ missions ever stay that way around you?”

She pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers, “Fine, do we have a dossier on the mark yet?”

“Not yet, apparently they’re not sure if Twilight’s coming herself, or if she’s sending an ambassador. Plus, there’s Celestia, you know how much of a wildcard she can be.”

“So long as we’re talking about the Celestia we know, I think I can keep ahead of her.” Sweetie Drops replied. “From what I’ve been able to overhear when the Princess visits, Princess Celestia sounds like a millennia-old chessmaster.”

“Brrrr,” Chips vocalized over the phone, “Give me Discord any day of the week over any version of Celestia who’s that smart and that experienced.”

“Oi!” snapped Sweetie Drops, “Don’t mention his name!”

“C’mon, you don’t buy into that rumor that he shows up if you say his name too many times, do you? You know he’s the one that started it, right?”

“Maybe, but you’re not the one that has to apprehend him and Screwball if they show their faces.”

“Fair enough,” replied Chips. “I’ll leave the dossier of your assignment as soon as we know more. I think Derpy’s left her phone at home again, mind filling her in when you see her in class later?”

Sweetie Drops rolled her eyes. “Provided she’s not skipping class to hang out with Mr. Turner again. Honestly, it’s like she hero-worships that guy.”

“I know, right? He’s so random, I don’t know what she sees in him.”

“You just don’t like him because he’s got no paper trail,” mused Sweetie Drops. She glanced at the wall clock, “Anyway, I need to hurry if I’m going to catch my next class. Tell the higher-ups that Agents Bon-Stoppable and Muffins-Possible are on the job.”

“I’m telling you, you should push for getting Lyra read in and on your team instead. Then you could be Agents Harp-butt and Candy-a…”

“GOODBYE, CHIPS!” growled Sweetie Drops into the phone and hung up.

Author's Note:

I forget who turned me on to this particular headcanon since "Slice of Life" aired, but it's too cool NOT to use!
EDIT NOTICE - While working on the whole story, I realized I dropped this chapter so the timeline would place it on a Sunday, which decidedly wouldn't work. I adjusted the title (two days instead of four) so it would work on the timeline.