• Published 30th Jun 2015
  • 2,572 Views, 101 Comments

Double Trixie Trouble - PrincessColumbia

Principal Celestia and Princess Twilight aren't stupid, they know the human government is going to be interested in the portal, so the Princess sends an envoy to be her voice to the human world...so why'd she pick Trixie?!

  • ...

Nine Days Later...

Author's Note:

Two things:
1.) No, you didn't miss anything, or rather, you missed it on purpose. One of my favorite episodes of Phineas and Ferb is The Remains of the Platypus. If you haven't seen it, you are missing out on some of the finest, most surreal story telling of this decade.
2.) Detective Donut Muncher is the single most hilarious and accidental MLP-esque name I have ever come up with.

Twilight, girl genius and one-time best student at Crystal Prep, squinted at the strobing red and blue lights around her. Sighing deeply, she wondered how things had come to this.
"I SAID BACK OFF!!!" screamed the voice of Adagio Dazzle. The police, who were all aiming their firearms at the trio of Sirens, didn't move, though the detective in front held up his hands and took a half-step back.
"Calm down, miss." said the man. Even Twilight, who wasn't even the one he was addressing, found his voice condescending. "Nobody needs to get hurt here."
“OOOH, OOH, TWILIGHT! LOOKITME! I’M A HOSTAGE!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie far too cheerfully. She was, in fact, being held by the wrists by Adagio, said wrists being securely manacled by handcuffs. Twilight simply smacked a palm to her face, her glasses digging lightly into the bridge of her nose.
“Knock it off, you pink menace!” snapped the Siren, “What do you think this is, a party?!”
Pinkie’s eyes lit up at the mention of her favorite word, “THAT’S A GREAT IDEA! We can have a hostage party, there can be cake, little party favors shaped like handcuffs, all sorts of snacks!”
Sonata chose that moment to make herself known, much to Adagio’s obvious irritation, “That’s a great idea! Oooh, ooh! Can we have the DJ do a light show using police lights?”
This clearly only egged on the abducted party planner, “Genius!” she spouted, “She could be dressed as a cop…”
“A sexy cop!” Sonata waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“…PERFECT! And search lights instead of party lights, and police tape instead of streamers!”
“We could put serial numbers around people’s necks when they check in, like criminals!” chirped the blue haired siren.
The cops were, by now, turning to stare at each other in confusion as the odd interchange took place.
“But then it’d be more of a Jailhouse party…THAT’S IT,” Pinkie bounced in Adagio’s grip, “Have the boys wear the serial number, and the girls wear detective’s badges!”
The two apparently dizzy girls leaned toward each other and in odd synchronization sing-songed, “Matchmaking theme!”
“SHUT UP!” barked Adagio, “Pink menace, zip it and stop…BOUNCING!” the pink girl did as requested so suddenly one might have never guessed she had just been conspiring with one of her captors, “Sonata, get back over there and help Aria keep an eye on the others!” Sonata let out a mou of displeasure and started trudging back to the corner of the statue they had the Rainbooms huddled against.
Suddenly Pinkie leaned in close and handed Sonata a business card that read, “Pinkie Pie, Sooooooper Party Planner” and a phone number. “Have your people call my people,” she said in a stage whisper and zipped away. Sonata giggled and practically skipped the rest of the way back to retrieve the handgun she had handed to Aria.
Adagio was showing signs of a mental break as she looked from the pink girl, wrists still bound and in her own hands, to Sonata and back. The blue haired siren didn’t seem to even realize that something unusual had occurred, chattering at Aria (not with the other Siren, as Aria never even acknowledged being spoken to by her sister), while Pinkie Pie showed all the innocence of a five year old.
Growling in frustrated (and slightly around the bend) anger, Adagio pulled the knife from it’s scabbard on her belt once again. It was one of the few truly magical artifacts the Siren’s had found in the millennium plus they had wandered this world since being banished there. Of course, it had been an ancient Mare-an sacrificial dagger, so it’s magic was death related and completely unsuitable for opening a gateway back to Equestria or ensorcelling anyone, so while they had collected it, they never had opportunity or need to use it until now.
“I WANT THE COPS TO BACK OFF, RIGHT NOW! That includes you, Donut Muncher!”
Detective Muncher waved his hands, directing the police officers to take a couple of steps back.
“SHE’LL DO IT!” shouted Pinkie, the over-the-top hysteria in her voice belied by the grin on her face, “SHE’LL CUT MY BANGS!”
Applejack had clearly had enough, “She’s gonna cut more than your bangs if you keep provokin’ her!” she hollered at her friend.
“Shut it!” snapped Aria and levelled her gun at Applejack’s face. The cowgirl simply raised her hands higher and leaned away from the siren.
Twilight Sparkle felt completely in over her head. On the one hand, she wanted to help her new friends. On the other, there was nothing she could do. She turned to head back to the temporary building parked on the street in front of the school. Sure, the State Department’s staff wouldn’t be there this late at night, but that just made it an even better hiding place while this was all worked out. Heaven knew that Trixie had dragged her in there enough times she knew the layout and best place to use as cover if shots started firing.
She was stopped in her progress by two identical white haired girls. Oh, no! she frantically thought.
The Trixie in the lead spoke for both of them, “Don’t worry,” she exclaimed, “The Great and Powerful Trixies have got this!” so saying, they in unison flicked their wrists, causing a pair of sunglasses, of all things, to appear in each of their hands with a puff of smoke. The swung their arms dramatically to put the ostentatious and unnecessary eyewear on and strode toward the Sirens.
The white haired girl that was trailing behind the other grabbed Twilight by her wrist, “C’mon roomie, we’re gonna need you for this.”
As the Trixie in the lead snapped, “Bellatrix Lullamoon, Equestrian Diplomatic Corps” and shoved her officially issued ID showing both her human and pony pictures into Detective Muncher’s face without breaking stride, Twilight Sparkle gave off a squeeking mew that, just for a moment, did Fluttershy proud.