• Published 30th Jun 2015
  • 2,572 Views, 101 Comments

Double Trixie Trouble - PrincessColumbia

Principal Celestia and Princess Twilight aren't stupid, they know the human government is going to be interested in the portal, so the Princess sends an envoy to be her voice to the human world...so why'd she pick Trixie?!

  • ...

Seven Days Later...

Seven days later…
Bon Bon, or Agent Sweetie-Drops, or Bon-Stoppable (depending on who you asked) hissed in frustration. The barking chatter of the other agents on the scene was being overlapped somewhat by the police band that was being piped in so the D.o.D. operatives could keep an ear on what the local L.E.O.s were up to. Even with her training and experience to help her, tracking several different conversations, all somewhat mangled by the codecs used by their walkies already, then to have them all overlap, was quite difficult.

It didn’t help that Lyra wouldn’t stop bouncing on the balls of her feet, fists under her own chin, and “kid in a candy warehouse with a crowbar and all the time in the world” look on her face. “I...know...a secret agent! And she’s my best friend!

One voice over the radio was loud and clear, however. It was the Agent-in-Charge, “SOMEONE GET THAT DAMN FLATFOOT OUT OF THERE!”

Detective Muncher could be seen in her scope, and even though Bon Bon couldn’t hear what he was saying over the 200-foot distance between her vantage point and the Canterlot Colt statue, she could guess he was once again putting his foot in “it.” After all, one does not aim a revolver at a being that’s sprouted wings and a horn in front of your eyes and order it to get on the ground. Said being’s penchant for disobeying gravity for at least two minutes running now (and showing no sign of allowing said universal force to return its proper influence) demonstrating that they were so obviously superior to the detective in every way that mattered clearly not penetrating the man’s brain.

“What are they saying?”

Sighing, Bon Bon thumbed on the safety on her rifle and hit the mute button on her headset’s mic with her right hand, her left hand and her head never moving to allow her to continue observing the altercation. “Lyra,” she explained as quickly as she could, “It’s a rifle with a scope mounted on it, not a microphone boom. I can’t hear what they’re saying.”

While not able to watch her friend, Bon Bon was able to hear the gravel-crunching of Lyra’s shoes bouncing on the school’s roof’s surface stop. “Oh, right. But you have that ear-piece thingy, right?”

Putting her hand back on the grip of her rifle but keeping her finger off the trigger, Bon Bon kept up her breathing exercises as she replied, “I do, but it currently has no fewer than three conversations between the cops and their dispatch, one between Muncher’s partner Honored Backup and Captain Barns of the CPD trying to get the Captain to give Muncher the order to stand down directly over the radio, and communication and orders from my organization. I don’t, however, have ears in the courtyard.”

Lyra blinked as she parsed that sentence, then jumped in surprise along with everyone else when Detective Muncher was hit nearly point blank by what appeared to be magical purple lightning.

“Lyra!” snapped the teenaged agent, “You’re only here because I needed a spotter and I’ve got only a five-foot diameter view on this thing right now, tell me what’s going on!”

The green-skinned girl shook herself from her shock at what she had just witnessed, “...right, uh…” she took a moment to scan the courtyard, “The detective is being pulled back by a couple of cops, er, that is ‘uniforms…’”

“Don’t worry about trying to use the lingo,” interrupted Bon Bon gently to ease the tense situation at least a little, “I need you to explain quickly, which you can’t do if you’re trying to sound cool. Just say what you see.”

She heard her friend take a deep, steadying breath, “Right, gotcha. So it looks like the detective is still moving, they’ve got him back by the cars, the cop cars I mean. An ambulance just pulled up and...is that Trixie!?” Bon Bon resisted the urge to move the scope from her target, “Oh, it’s both Trixies! The pony ambassador one is...setting off fireworks? What are they doing?”

It took all her self control for Bon Bon not to pull her head back from the scope, “I don’t know, you tell...oh, wait, one of them moved...I think our Trixie is the one with the fireworks...yeah, I just saw the other one for a moment. I don’t think Trixie-the-student knows how to use actual magic like that.”

“Oh, that makes sense!” proclaimed Lyra, starting to regain her calm, “I’m not sure what they’re trying to do, though. They’re just sorta circling around and...Ah! Our Trixie just jumped through the statue?! That must be the portal!” Bon Bon had to smile as she could hear the excitement coming back into her friend’s voice. Lyra had been searching for the portal for months, ever since Princess Twilight had first come through.

Unheard by Lyra, the comms chatter was still going strong. “Sir, snipers are in place,” came a voice. Bon Bon found herself wishing Chips was still on monitor duty right now, “Our ground forces are still four minutes out. Our science guys are telling us that this energy being tossed around is doing bad things.”

Another voice over the line, one of the other teenaged agents, this one’s cover a Crystal Prep student if she remembered right, “‘Bad things’ isn’t terribly descriptive and gives us absolutely zero actionable information,” snipped out the somewhat nasally female voice, “If you want to keep your job, long or short term, you need to do better than that.”

A masculine voice this time, one of the older agents, “Agent Sweet Talker, you need to reign it in! HQ, define ‘bad things’ for us muscle-heads in the field!”

“Sir,” came the somewhat long-suffering reply, “One of the satellites we had monitoring the situation just stopped broadcasting. We retasked an NSA surveillance satellite to get a look...sir, our geosynchronous orbital monitoring satellite is covered in vines that have crushed its solar panels...IN SPACE!” the voice of the analyst on the radio started slipping from its professional cool as the revelation of just what they were dealing with caught up with the words.

“Shit!” hissed Bon Bon, grateful for having muted the mic on her headset.

Startled at being interrupted, Lyra’s streaming monologue of the actions in the courtyard ground to a halt, “What, did I do it wrong?”

“No, no,” Bon Bon reassured her friend while mentally reviewing what she’d only been paying partial attention to while the analyst was delivering her panicked infodump, “Something someone else said. Who did you say was getting closer?”

“Not sure, they’re on the other side of the statue from us, I think they’re pretty tall…”

The older agent snapped over the comms, “Agent Shield, you are the agent in charge, I need you to make a command decision. Take out that threat right now!”

Swallowing hard to clear the lump that suddenly blossomed in her throat, Bon Bon tapped the mute control on her headset, “Sniper One, ready. Confirm order Agent Alpha Shield.” she muted the headset’s mic again and began her focusing exercises. The world around her took on a surreal quality as she let her senses tunnel to just the task at hand, her training helping her to disassociate the action she might have to perform from the consequences. She could almost picture the scene in her mind’s eye; Lyra’s narration of the scene coming to a sudden stop told her that her friend had seen her disengage the rifle’s safety. The world seemed to be moving in slow motion, the feathery beams of light that made up the wings of her target were actually quite beautiful in their scintillating motions as they kept up the pretense of flapping. A mental curse floated through her consciousness as Ambassador Trixie briefly backstopped the target, but a similar mental sigh of relief just as quickly dispelled the concern as the universe-traveller was clearly just moving about to distract the target, unintentionally giving the snipers a perfect shot. She heard the call-sign of the second sniper in position with a similar confirmation request.

All that dissipated, the “normal” world returning with a rush when a voice roared through the headset, “I AM NOT GIVING THE ORDER TO KILL MY OWN SISTER!”

The pretense of professionalism they had all been using to keep the reality of what they were doing burst like a bubble blown from a child’s toy into a pit of spikes. Bon Bon dropped her forehead to rest on the stock of the rifle, “Damnit, Shining Armor…” she muttered.

“Bonny…” said Lyra, trepidation in her voice, “What’s going on?”

Bon Bon almost absently re-engaged the safety on her rifle, “Just one of those moments that proves that being a spy isn’t all fun, games, and explosions.” she said grimly, “The target is Agent Shield’s sister.”

“Oh.” replied Lyra. “...wait, your orders are to kill Twilight Sparkle?!

Looking past the rifle scope to observe the action on the ground more directly, if more distantly, “She’s already taking out satellites in orbit, Lyra. Part of our job is to make sure that headlines like that never happen.”

“But that’s sweet little SciTwi!” exclaimed the harpist, intentionally invoking the friendly nickname the student body had given the girl to distinguish her from the pony princess version, “You’re just gonna shoot her when you didn’t shoot the Dazzlings?”

Bon Bon glared at her friend, “Don’t you remember that the Dazzlings were why I was called up to the rooftop in the first place? My job was to take out the Dazzlings if they tried anything like this.” she waved her arm to take in the whole courtyard scene.

Chastened, Lyra turned her gaze down, then looked back at the courtyard. “Hey,” she exclaimed, “Isn’t that Principal Celestia? What’s she doing there?”

Eyes nearly bugging out of their sockets, Bon Bon re-oriented the rifle scope and put her eye back to it. Sure enough, wearing one of her damned enigmatic smiles that drove the student-agents crazy when it was turned on them, Celestia was calmly approaching the magically enhanced Twilight. Bon Bon growled, “Great, just PERFECT! Next thing you know Princess Celestia will show up and it’ll be a fracking tea party over scones with a side of the Apocalypse!”

Author's Note:

Bonus points if you can guess the show I'm referencing with the cop's names! :D