• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago

Steel Resolve

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Comments ( 433 )

I see the lights in your boutique on late into the night sometimes. I stay up way late myself, because I don’t need a lot of sleep. And that means I get to hear you singing to yourself a lot. You sing... really beautifully, did you know that, Rarity? I love it when you sing, because you do it when you’re happy. But there are nights when you don’t sing, and I miss it... You didn’t sing last night, or the night before. I didn’t sleep very well.

Pure diamond, this chapter.

El. Oh. Hell, that's satisfying.

Oh, look, my feels are pooling with the clop to make this really awkward to read. Good job! I guess?

I did really like it, but I skipped the clop for the feels. :twilightblush:

Oh... Well that wazza unexpected...

My good sir your a genious... :twilightsmile:


Nice feels! And Raripie is always a good one.

Me like, shame I can't do anything but comment due to the WHOLE COUNTRIES INTERNET GOING DOWN.
I'll be surprised if this comment actually posts.
Can't wait for more of this.

Ah clop, if you do it right, it's touching enough that the sexual content doesnt look so foul in comparison to the romantic elements.
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that this is not clop for the sake of clop, but a well crafted romantic tale that ultilises the sex aspect as a suppliement to heartfully tell of the love and relationship between the two mares.
I... think that makes sense, doesn't it?:rainbowhuh:

1710235 got it in one. I don't do sex without heavy feels.

accidentally spent fifteen minutes reading a Cosmarepolitan article

You're not fooling anyone, Rarity.

Good stuff. Not gratuitous, and lots of good feels. I like!

That was... good. Very damn cute, and rather hot in its own way.
Definitely looking forward to more of this. =3


I cam here to be annoyed at your complete lack of capitalization on your title, honestly.

But this is actually a well written story, at least a better one than I expected by far. There's a point where Pinkie's talking and she mentions the lights from Rarity's boutique and it is quite surprisngly... feels-y. Good work.

Just.. Capitalize so that the title is "I Love To See You Smile", that's all I ask. Because the story is good.

The feels made the clop seem like a backdrop more then anything. It was good and not overpowering, nicely done.

It seems the only way to 'unwind' in this fandom is through sex :applejackunsure:

1711038 Thanks, both for the tip on the title and for reading the story. I'm glad you liked it.

So that just happened...
Thought this was pretty good, I usually have a stronger stomach for erotic scenes but when I read

“Oh! You... you touched it. Please, don’t touch it...” she gasped feebly as the hoof lightly caressed her.
Pinkie drew her hoof up to her mouth and licked it. “Mmmm, not bad. You taste sweet.” She smacked her lips and beamed at the trembling pony she’d just tasted.

I couldn't help but cringe for a moment's notice there. I must say though it is really well-written, I'm glad this wasn't "just" a clop-fic since it incorporated very feelsy kinda moments in the story. Good job! :twilightsmile:

Nice story. Very heartfelt. It should be very interesting to see how a relationship springs up from this.


Of course you did. What many of the younger or less cultured bronies don't get is that pretty much all romance novels from the era of time that they were vastly popular, contained several or numerous sex scenes - because it was simply part of the story, or the story was leading itself that way.
Yet still they manage to complain about sex in a fanfiction, when thousands of celebrated books that sold well in the real world quite openly display that they are sexually oriented and are completely acceptable because that is at least somewhat expected of the genre in many cases.

You essentially made a call back to such pillars of writing in the worldwide reading community, and pointed out that Steel's work is more in line with such stories in its conception and structure. I really do hope the fools with loud mouths stay away from this one, don't you?

I agree. This is really good.
the fic Xenophillia is a lot like this, except that it is an HiE, and explores more the difference in cultures and complications with a relationship that arise from it, along with the strength of the bond of the lovers being able to overcome the problems.

1711125 Actually sexual release is a great stress reliever and so forth so Pinkie didn't just suggest that for no reason other than to feel up Rarity.

Anyway wonderful sir....it had feels with the clop so I want to read more. Please have more :applecry:

Always liked your wording, I must say. I had to get out the dictionary for a few and was happy about it. So good on ya and hope to see a continuation.

The feels. :twilightblush:

The utter, sheer, indescribable feels. :pinkiesad2:

You sir, are brilliant. Gimme another chapter. NAO. :flutterrage:

Ah, my invaluable cowritting assistance! Wait, what? Oh dear, I'm afraid this is going to require another electric shock... :raritywink:

I have this game where I try to guess if a story is a clopfic based on only its name. This story won the game.

Very good. I like the way you show us Pinkie's feelings in this without ever outright throwing them in our faces. Pinkie does her best to portray her actions as simply helping a friend in need, and it's only in the little things here and there that give us hints that she feels more strongly than she lets on. As a few commenters above have already mentioned, the line about watching the Boutique from her window and listening to Rarity sing was very powerful.

Hang on a minute... Do I spy an [incomplete] tag? Am I to take this to mean there is more of this beautiful Rari-Pie to come? Oh, that makes me a happy pony indeed!

"(...) in the chair._The hoof pressed firmly into her, and she plummeted into freefall. Every part of her convulsed as she felt a great heat wash over her, and her eyes flew open to stare into the lovely blue eyes of the smiling pink pony."

Can't... stop... :pinkiecrazy:

Must... turn off... grammar-nazi switch.

And stop... talking with... so many pauses...

I really think you did a great job on this chapter. keep it up!

... Well, I'm a hardcore Rarijack shipper, but...
And not just the clop. You, my dear friend, you may have a mustache. :moustache: As well as a fave and an upvote.

Steel Resolve wrote more clop? The world is doomed

Oh no, wait, that was ImJustAnotherBrony who'd say that.

Let me rephrase that: Yay clop :rainbowkiss:


I don't read clop. I will read this. This does not feel like a contradiction at all, and that's a good thing.

Hurrays for you and the other you which wrought wrote this also.

Pinkie Pie is best pony. Rarity is also best pony, but Pinkie Pie is best pony.

He's just trying to make me look bad.

Well written Raripie?
Well written Raripie with tasteful clop?

You always look ba - no wait, I didn't mean it!

Lol this wasn't even that cloppy. Beautiful work though, feels were had.

oh this was soooo nice, more please

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