• Member Since 9th Feb, 2012
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The Dragon Warlock

Comments ( 336 )

The classic love triangle! And with my two favorite Spike ships no less. Have a like and story track!

It's looking good but since it is only a prologue I'm only tracking it but after the first chapter will decide to favorite or not but you got my upvote. :pinkiehappy:

7145271 Hope you enjoy it.

7145364 Whatever your decision, I hope you'll enjoy it.

7145665 Ah, someone did get the reference. I was even trying to describe him similar to that character. Good eye on you. :raritywink:

7145747 I shall.

7145853 It shall never end. All will bow to our new dragoness overlord.

Sweet, are you going to make any more references to that movie. If so I have two ideas;
1. a diamond dog/pup named Scooby/Scrappy Doo
2.this image here says it all derpicdn.net/img/2014/4/17/602895/full.png

7145930 I don't think I'll go that far. I just wanted to make a fun Easter egg for others to figure out. Still, a nice suggestion regardless.

Oh NOW she's jealous?!?!!!

Using Starlight might be a good idea, considering how close she and Spike are.

I wonder if Spike's gonna choose or have them both. Seeing as this story is already in both groups -- Incoming her/harem/threesome.

7146420 I just need to think of a way to use her is all.

7146693 Perhaps she could lend Spike some support, the same way he did for her in "The Crystalling."

I hope it ends with Sparity! *Fingers crossed.* But it will be nice for Spike to have a dragon friend to talk to. :)

Why is this anthro? Just so you can describe everybody's outfits?

I'm sort of feeling conflicted about reading this, I don't generally like anthro(unless done right, then it's perfect) and I don't generally like sparing either(same case with anthro), but the premise of this story makes me want to continue, That is if you choose to do so. But that's aside the point, With the possibility of a Spember shipping, I just can't resist. I'm excited to see where this goes(please not a harem)

Alrighty, you have my attention!

I can't to see them meet! You have written a very interesting story. Please bring Starlight into the story as a third love interest!
Sparlight has great potential!


How the hell does one do anthro wrong? :rainbowhuh:

I DO get, however, how sparing can be done wrong. More often than not, authors usually use sparing to show off their characters. Which isn't inherently wrong, mind you, but it comes off as a sort of "These characters are better than everyone watching" kind of thing.

Or it's for the sense of showing off, just how far above the other characters, the those who are sparing are. Problem with this is that it CAN be done both right, and wrong.

7153060 what I ment by that was, anthro might not be able to be done wrong but sometimes it feels wrong or out of place while reading it

But once more I have to ask, how?

If the story comes with an anthro tag, how can it feel out of place? Unless the author is messing up with terminology, there shouldn't be a problem.

If you come to a story, and know it's going to be something, there shouldn't be a problem, other than your mood at the moment in question.

7156126 it's probably just mode at the time of reading

You know, you're writing has really improved since way back when.

Spike, Rarity, Ember, the drama! Now to wait patiently and see where it goes...

You see, I think dragons are capable of using magic.

Hell, I think everyone is capable of using magic to some extent. Like, Rainbow can fly really fast, that's wind magic; Rarity can find crystals better than anyone, crystal magic at it's finest; and Pinkie's a chaos-magic user, period.

Awesome putting this in my favorites also good idea with magic infused crystals haven't seen many stories with that concept. :twilightsmile:

I completely understand the added magic. I believe the Blood Stone Scepter is magic so this fits perfectly. I can't wait until the next chapter.

An interesting read so far. I prefer Spike with Rarity, but I also enjoy shipping Spike with Ember, so it'll be interesting to see where this story goes. If I had one critique it would be all of the text about clothing feels uneccesary.

Another good chapter, epecially for Rarity, who got to reflect on her emotions. I'm glad that Starlight will be appearing in this story. What with being caught up in a love triangle, Spike's gonna need a good friend to talk to.

Rarity's jealousy gets to her, Ember has Matches joining the trip, and Garble starts his usual tricks. This is getting good. Keep it up.

7181328 Thanks. I do think Starlight may be the friend Spike needs, especially with who she's with.

Why do I feel that the rivalry of Ember and Rarity involves a wrestling ring filled with [insert stuff]?

Spike used three little words: Fus Ro Dah!

im hate antro so much, but love spember. FUUUUUUUUUUUU...:flutterrage:

tthank god this story doesnt have more chapters so i can go to bed :ajsleepy:

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