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Steel Resolve

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Comments ( 44 )

Ow, come on. Why does it have to end here :raritydespair:

Pretty cute. Do you have another chapter or sequel in mind?

das cute.

Poor Flutters, she chased, and she chased, and she chased until Rarity caught her.

More like poor Twilight, who Fluttershy apparently never notices in this way. But then she'd be likely to end up with AJ (once they get around to wanting partners over their work) assuming these pairings hold.

Nah, willing to bet Flutters was just systematically crushing in her friends and just hadn't gotten to Twi yet.

Besides, book hors don't care. Book hors has books! :twilightsmile:

What, wait, what.

I, this... No no no no why the fuck did you end it there goddamnit how in the name of all that is holy can you just leave it at this??


~Skeeter The Lurker

“Worried that she might reject you and hate you forever for even asking and never ever talk to you again?” Pinkie asked, her voice growing louder with every word.

This bit doesn't seem very Pinkie. She's often surprisingly good at gauging when to be sensitive, especially about interpersonal matters. Pinkie is an expert at social-fu. Heck, her special talent is making others happy. Her efforts can whiff sometimes, but this seems too obvious a mistake to make. Being funny can excuse a bit of insensitivity sometimes, but this isn't, really.

I feel like Pinkie misstepping here, then noticing and correcting isn't strictly necessary, and in fact it seems to run counter to her established character. I think the writers take special care to not make her seem obnoxious in precisely this manner when it doesn't serve a humorous purpose. They sometimes cross the line a little bit, but I typically don't feel it reflects on Pinkie's character, but rather the writer not channeling the character quite right.

S05E19 - The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows is probably one of my favorite Pinkie-centered episodes, as far as getting her character right and letting us get a glimpse at what being Pinkie Pie is like from the inside. Her nature can be her own worst enemy at times, but her being energetic and hyper and being caring and sensitive don't have to be at odds.

(Note that this is the first thing that seemed even slightly off after about half the chapter, so you're doing pretty well so far :twilightsmile:)


I have to concur. Closing a story with so little in the way of payoff at the end is a little rude, not to mention it leaves unexplained Rarity's reaction, or lack thereof. Was she just patiently waiting all this time for Fluttershy to make a move? Or was she surprised at the offer and just hid it perfectly? Inquiring readers not only want to know, but see it explored as part of the story.

I think it fits nicely into Pinkie's characterization if you consider that Pinkie grew up with a twin sister very much like Fluttershy. Marble was so very taciturn that Pinkie often did have to help give voice to her sister's fears. This is just headcanon, but it's heavily supported by not just how Pinkie interacts with Marble, but how she in turn regards Fluttershy as being like a niece, calling herself Fluttershy's auntie. She both regards Flutters as somepony to be protected and simultaneously encouraged to grow, and seeing a lot of Marble in her, she sometimes gets excited when she can guess what Flutters might be worried about and... well, blurts it out like an excited foal waving a hoof for the teacher.

She has come to recognize that this behavior doesn't really help Flutters, however, and tries not to do it anymore, having been thoroughly scolded by Rarity for it.



I honestly couldn't think of a more amusing (to me) way to end things than Flutters being blindsided by her own success despite apparent failure.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind," Fluttershy said. She meant it of course, she waswas glad to listen.

Too much was?

Ahahahahah. Rarity must have an excellent poker face.


And I agree.

But you're still a fucking tease.

~Skeeter The Lurker

...I'm more than a little upset.

Good job. Friggin' tease.

This is rather decent Pinkie behavior, in my opinion. It's almost exactly what Pinkie said to Flutters in Filli Vanilli.

And, Steel Resolve, this was amazing. I don't even mind that you stopped it far too early for my taste. It read well for all characters, and was absolutely adorable.

Adorable and lewd. :heart:

On other stories, I might have gone on, but this one was meant to be a short lewd piece versus a full on clop.

It was wonderfully done, and something you have every right to be proud of. I look forward to reading more of your writing!

Well shit, I was expecting something else, but I'll take some good in-depth l-l-lewd discussions with a smile. :twilightblush:

It left her with a lot of leeway for other fun activities, but most of them were very solitary, since they involved toys, because ‘none of them ever failed to rise to the occasion’.
Fluttershy knew all about them, and while Rarity had a nice collection, it didn’t even come close to Fluttershy’s own.

I didn't figure out yet whether Fluttershy or Rarity should have the bigger collection.

"There’s Thunderlane, of course, but he’s taken up with both Flitter and Cloudchaser! Can you imagine?”
Fluttershy nodded in earnest. "Yes, actually."

Who couldn't?

Of course, what she’d been imagining was herself with both Flitter and Cloudchaser.

See previous statement.

Instead, she’d volunteered to be a living equiniquin whenever she had time to do so.

I have to remember this term.

Fluttershy nodded in response, and blurted out: “Rainbow really loved this twirly thing I could do with my tongue. I could show you. Or I have a huge room in the basement full of toys we could try out."

Fluttershy, please stop!
I can only drool so much! :fluttershysad:

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.
The ending is kind of open-ended, but still classifies for an ending. Quite a good one, if I think about it.

That ending was hilarious. The hunter has become the hunted. :yay:

Potentially. I might do an epilogue if the mood strikes me. Mind you, this was supposed to be a one-and-done, so I can't guarantee it, but I won't rule it out.

Ah I gotcha. Regardless it was pretty nice!

He needs a few years yet, possibly a decade depending on how dragon sexual maturity works.

Well written.needd to see a second chapter:raritywink:

Certainly a good one.
Reminds me of my younger days.

Interesting story.

Oh, Rarity.:rainbowlaugh:

Also nice to see Flutters in one of her "had enough of these horseapples" moments, brief though it be.

I like theway your headcanon works damn fun little read here. Personally I like the open end.
oh and thank you for being one of the few authors i love who didnt disappear over the last couple years.
i swear leave the site for almost 2 years due to a messy divorce and damn near all my regulars left.
any way. good on you. have a thumb and a fav. 200th thumb no less. awesome.

Welcome back, and thanks, glad to still be there.

Fluttershy nodded in earnest. "Yes, actually."

Of course, what she’d been imagining was herself with both Flitter and Cloudchaser. She blamed those comics from Neighpon for that particular fantasy.


It's always the quiet ones.


Know her feeling, all too well, though. Too quiet and isolated for my own good.

Pinkie’s eyes opened wide, and a blush grew on her cheeks. "This is going to be so much fun!”

:rainbowhuh: Oh my...

Apparently, it's the never-quiet ones, too.

The quiet ones, the fast ones, the fashionable ones and the not-so-quiet ones. It's really only the farmers and the librarians not getting into the act in this story.


That you see on page. Three bits says the librarian is helping the farmer with irrigation research in the background!

This was a brilliant story. It's so calmly paced yet still engaging. And yes, hyrdation is very important.

This was amazing!! Pleeeaaase make a sequel! i want to read some clop and with the way you write your stories.. damn i'm really wanting it! :rainbowlaugh::heart:

I have done a couple mature rated stories with this pairing. "I Love to See You Smile" lead into "You Make My Whole Life Worthwhile" for instance.

I'm already planning on reading them! Also have you written a Sunset Shimmer x Fluttershy story? That's my favourite ship :3

I don't know if anyone assumed that there was something happening in the background with Rarity and Pinkie, so I'll write my version:

Rarity was onto Fluttershy after she almost skip a spa session, so she got thinking about how she'd be able to find out what's truly bothering Fluttershy. Eventually, she asks Pinkie to talk with Flutters, try to find out, and relay that information back, all while holding Pinkie on a Pinkie Promise. Fluttershy talks with Pinkie, and she spills her crush on Rarity. Shortly after, Rarity drops by Sugarcube Corner to ask Pinkie about Flutters, but accidental catches Pinkie with Dashie in bed. So after all that, Rarity knows about Flutters, but also wants to respect her wish of telling Rares herself. So, to try and convince Fluttershy to confess, she talks over Fluttershy, while listening to everything she says.

That's certainly plausible. Given my past history of Pinkie and Rarity interactions, it's highly likely even.

Rarity secretly listening? Called it - yuss! :rainbowlaugh:
I was smiling, grinning, laughing and although RD and Pinkie aren't exactly my cup of tea, I didn't mind in the slightest. This. Was. Hilarious.
But the best part so far? Scrolling through some comments, upvoting those I support as usual, and then stopping dead in my tracks as I realize: This story was written by Steel Resolve.
You - are - awesome!
I had a great time reading this. As, with your great work, is to be expected. Thank you oh so very much! :twilightsmile:

Glad you enjoyed it. Even more so that you apparently just stumbled on it randomly.

Author Interviewer

It's almost a shame you gave so many details about Rainbow and Fluttershy's teenage love life. I'd love to see a whole story about them being "too much for each other".

Strangely enough, her test scores had gotten better

Also, this was hysterical. XD

So when's that PinkieDash sequel coming, eh? :V

Honestly, I firmly believe whatever story the mind brings up about Fluttershy and Dash is superior to what I could have written. I touched on the scenes I found amusing, but they weren't what this particular story was about. It was great to have Fluttershy musing about all of this while trying to deal with her problem in the present however.

I think if I regret anything it's that I didn't have more details for Fluttershy and Pinkie's encounter, but that is the nature of a blackout; it's basically a crime scene the next morning. There's a pic on Derpi that aptly fits what I think Fluttershy remembers (1340484). I'm basically imagining a little shrug and a sheepish smile from Pinkie, followed by an offer for pancakes.

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