• Published 20th May 2012
  • 7,944 Views, 240 Comments

Tamed - PiercingZen

Twilight recieves an unexpected guest one rainy night and discovers something troubling about her.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Born Through Wronged

Act 2

Chapter 9 – Born Through Wronged


In every scar comes power, knowledge, and experience, but also a pain you can never forget.


The three had gone to bed and the pegasus, Rainbow, was starting her classes in only a few days. She was shooting for her dream: to become a Wonderbolt along with Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Soarin’, and the rest. To do that she had to temper her style since it was harshly described as being “sloppy” and “unrefined”. Two vague words that could simply mean: “We don’t want you, kid.” This thought infuriated the pegasus. She had done nothing but looked up to them and to be shot down with such an opaque reason was all the drive she needed to face her fears. Rainbow was still awake, staring at a little patch of light on the ground from stray moonlight.

I can’t believe I’m going back...after all these years. Not to the same school, but back to the classroom. Back to cold nights flipping through books and banging my head against the wall. Okay, it wasn’t that bad I guess… She turned in bed to face Twilight who was facing away from her. I have to do this…I won’t run away again…because this time I have you with me, Twi. She slid closer to the pony and slipped her hooves around the unicorn’s waist.

Twilight immediately turned to face the pegasus. She was still awake as well, but her eyes were a little droopy. “Why are you up, Dash?” She yawned.

“I can’t stop thinking about class.” She cuddled with the mare and stared into those soft purple eyes. A smile appeared on the unicorn’s face…the expression contagious to Rainbow. It still felt so strange yet…so wonderful to be in her arms. Like some kind of fantasy…Dash was just waiting for a pinch test.

“You shouldn’t worry so much, Rainbow. You’ll do fine. It’s just important that you get some rest. It also helps to be more humble. Don’t let the heat of your pride burn too brightly.” She always spoke in riddles when she was tired…or they just seemed like riddles to her. It was cute…to speak so naturally like that just illustrated her character. A character she fell in love with.

“I know it’ll be difficult. I’ll try my best, Twilight. For you…and for that silly kid across the hall.” Rainbow watched as the unicorn rolled her eyes, but focusing them right back on her like a lure. Only…Dash caught her eyes looking away for split seconds.

“Is something bothering you, Twi? You haven’t told me why you’re still awake.” The unicorn could only sigh. The trust between the two mares was deep. She was going to answer straight away.

“I’m afraid. Afraid I’m going to have another nightmare.” She looked straight at the pegasus and leaned in closer. “You don’t know what it was like. It felt so real…the heat, the water, the wind, the light, the dark…and you.” She touched her nose with Rainbow’s.

The pegasus blushed and breathed in deeply. “I…I was in it?” She looked up at the horn.

“Yes…you…Rainbow Dash. I just hope this isn’t some kind of horrible vision into the future or something.” Twilight sighed.

The pegasus placed a small kiss on the mare’s nose. “You shouldn’t worry so much, Twilight. It’ll be fine.” Regurgitating the unicorn’s words, this got a chuckle out of her. “Besides, Twi…” She paused. “You’ve got me…”

In an instant, the pegasus was on top of the mare. Her mouth shot to Twilight’s, slipping a tongue past those brainiac lips. The unicorn was surprised, but she succumbed quickly and embraced the pony’s impious kiss. Hooves groped and pulled at each other…their bodies pressed together as if attempting to merge…their love and lust for each other washing away any thought of the future…their lips were locked for what felt like hours. Eventually they separated to gasp for air…their breaths colliding as they stared each other down…waiting for the other to make a move. Sweat dripping from the two mares.

Rainbow dove for her neck, placing kisses on every patch of her coat she could reach. The unicorn moaned softly and wrapped two legs around her lover, pressing the pegasus’s head to her neck. Rainbow was running out of places to kiss…she began moving downward to the mare’s chest. Twilight’s hold on her loosened and allowed the wild pegasus on her hunt. Dash got down as far as her belly…she could hear and feel the pace of the unicorn’s breathing pick up.

Those two magenta eyes stared up at her. She was met with two violet ones…glittering in a way she’d never seen before. Her face was completely flushed…which got a throaty chuckle from the pegasus. Rainbow slowly followed her kissing trail right back up to Twilight’s nose, inhaling in her moist coat along the way.

The unicorn sighed with a shudder, a bit disappointed. The pegasus wanted to mess with the unicorn a bit…she leaned closer as if going in for another kiss. Twilight closed her eyes to embrace it…but then Rainbow dodged the moment to kiss her cheek.

Twilight’s eyes flickered open in protest…only to see the cyan pegasus heading further upward, placing a kiss on her forehead…inches away from her damaged horn. Rainbow never looked at the horn this close before. The spiral indentations…the smooth texture…the granular texture only seen on the damaged portion of her horn. Twilight wrapped her legs once more around the mare…comfortable with the curious yet annoying antics of the pegasus…

Dash placed a kiss on the horn…receiving a sudden shock that made the mare jump back a little. The shock had forced her hair to stand on end.

The unicorn giggled at her. “You’re so silly Rainbow…” She gripped the mare tightly and flipped her around, pinning Rainbow to the bed. “Shouldn’t let your guard down…”

The pegasus giggled. “Never had it up, egghead…” The turnover had spread her wings out involuntarily. The beautiful gem-like feathers glistening in the moonlight. Twilight ran a hoof across the feathers on her left wing. They felt like natural feathers…a miracle of a broken unicorn. The translucent feathers revealed the bedspread underneath…acting similar to stained glass. The pegasus shivered to the touch…pegasi hate it when ponies touch their wings…and Twilight knew that.

“You know this spell…I cast it when I was panicking…but I knew what I wanted…” Twilight spoke as she massaged the feathers. “Not something that would simply replace your wings…but to give you the freedom you always wanted…these wings…aren’t magic…they’re more than that…”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and slowly lifted her wings to wrap the pony up, pulling her closer. She also wrapped her front legs around her…in the strongest embrace she could give. “Don’t worry about those nightmares, Twi…as long as I’m with you, you’ll be safe.”

Twilight smiled and her eyes began to droop…she sank into the mare’s embrace and rested her head on that cyan chest of hers. Her heartbeat was rapid…pumping with the strong love Dash had for her. Twilight let the rhythm of the beat lull her to sleep.

“I love you…” The unicorn trailed off…

“I love you too…Twilight…”


Twilight opened her eyes to a bleak white room…but slowly the light faded and she was standing inside of Rainbow’s house. It was storming outside…

Immediately, the mare began to cry. She was completely aware…that she was in for another ride. A little filly jumped in front of her…Scootaloo?

“We still care for you…this doesn’t change how much we love you.” The filly began to speak. She was at eye-level…how? Everything seemed to pull back…as if she was looking at a scene. She could see a cyan filly pegasus talking with Scootaloo.

“If you cared so much…why wouldn’t you tell me?!! Why couldn’t you tell me about this?! Don’t you trust me?!” The cyan pegasus screamed. It came into focus…that rainbow colored mane and tail.

More came into focus…Scootaloo was now two pegasi…one male and one female. The male was brown colored with a purple mane…and the female was orange with a white mane. “Of course we trust you. We…we didn’t expect it ourselves, hun! You have to understand…we didn’t know how to tell you…”

“Nooo!!” The filly screamed…the whole world seemed to shake and Twilight felt something grip her heart and squeeze it. “You just treated me as some kind of…hold-over! Until you had your real daughter!”

Daughter? Rainbow…? What am I looking at? What’s going on?!

“Twi…ght…Co…on!” She heard a voice…but it didn’t seem to faze her. Her very conscious was locked…she couldn’t move or speak.

The scene changed… “Rainbow, I don’t know what I saw out there, but it wasn’t pegasus material! You’ve been doing so well…despite whatever problems you’re having, you need to step up your game.”

“Yes, Coach! I’m sorry!” The pegasus’s voice was trembling. Rainbow was speaking to somepony…she couldn’t identify.

“Twi…Twi! Please w…up!” She heard that voice again. Twilight could feel a surging pain in her body that only seemed to grow…she felt like she was sweating…boiling in a vat of heat and poison.

The scene changed… “I can’t believe it, Fluttershy! They…they failed me…for one stupid test!” She heard a crash as something broke. “I just want to leave…leave this…horrible place. I just want to crawl in a corner…join my parents…”



~ …bow… ~

Rainbow had watched Twilight fall asleep…and when she began trembling from her nightmare, Rainbow was desperately trying to wake her up. The unicorn’s eyes were white and tears were streaking down her cheek. “I’m right here, you stupid mare!” The pegasus shook the mare repeatedly. “Come on! Wake up!”

A jolt repelled the mare. “Ow! Rrr!!” She growled and pounded the bed in frustration. “What am I supposed to do?” The mare’s voice broke up…she felt helpless as she watched Twilight jerk and twitch…sparks shot from her eyes and horn.

Rainbow gritted her teeth and struggled to hold back her tears. Dash squeezed her eyes shut. She slowly wrapped her hooves around the mare and kissed her right on her lips. She felt the electricity surge through her…her wings shot outward and every part of her body burned. Rainbow could feel Twilight kiss back. The pegasus opened her eyes…the same white as Twilight’s.


“Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup!” Scootaloo was bouncing on the couple’s bed. “”Come on! It’s morning already!”

Rainbow was awake for a while. She was waiting for the right moment…a grin on her face.

“Teach me how to fly! Teachmeteachmeteachme!” She continued to bounce, fluttering her wings. Rainbow’s eyes flashed open and eyed the filly. She sported a toothy grin. Almost immediately Scootaloo froze. “Uh oh…”

“Rah!” The pegasus tackled the poor filly and pinned her. “Gotcha!” The tickle torture began.

“No wait! I’m sorry!! Don’t!” The filly giggled uncontrollably. Twilight pulled the covers over her head and groaned.

Rainbow immediately stopped her harassment and shot a smile at the unicorn. “Let’s give her some privacy. You still want that flying lesson?” She began heading towards the door.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Yes!” She leaped into the air and the two ponies left Twilight in peace.

She pulled the covers back down. Her eyes hurt and were bloodshot again. She let out a cough that she was holding back.

What did I see last night? Some sort of vision of Rainbow’s past? Is that what these nightmares are? Why does it leave me a wreck every time? She let out a slow sigh that seemed to help expel the poison she felt throughout her body. I think Rainbow saved me…I’m not sure at all what happened…I have to thank her…but first…gotta get better again.


“Okay!” Rainbow yelled militaristically. She had Scootaloo at ready as Dash paced back and forth. “Show me what you got! Don’t hold back now!”

The filly saluted and then flapped her wings as hard as she could. “Hrgh!” She strained, but she only got a couple inches off the ground. She hovered for a few seconds before collapsing.

“Okay…that was pretty sad.” She cleared her throat. “Let’s try a different approach to your technique!” Scootaloo got to her hooves again. “First! Stop flapping like a hummingbird. It won’t get you anywhere! You have put power in those flaps! Slow and strong…like a mule! Er…one that can fly…and whose face doesn’t make me wanna puke…ahem…go!”

“Slow and strong, huh?” The filly whispered to herself. “Sounds easy…” She extended her wings and flapped once as hard as she could.

“Good! Keep going!” The tiny pegasus obeyed. “Keep a steady pace…don’t go too fast! Slow down! No…okay, speed up! Uh…slower!” The filly was having trouble. “Okay stop!”

Scootaloo was panting. She hadn’t gotten one hoof off the ground. “Ugh…maybe I’m not cut out for flying. It’s just not clicking.” She sighed and began to walk away.

“Wait wait!” Dash obstructed the pony. “Let’s try something different. It’s not going to be easy, kid. You’re obviously not a natural so it just takes time. Look, get on my back.” Rainbow kneeled down and the filly’s heart raced.


“You need to get a feel for it. Maybe a casual flight will help teach your wings how to work properly.” She nodded and immediately jumped on the pegasus’s back. “Oof! Aheh…okay, now pay close attention to everything I do. I’ll start slow so just try to match my flaps with your own, but make sure you hold on, all right?”

“I got it!” The filly wrapped her hooves around the mare’s neck. Her eyes watched those magical wings as they began whooshing through the air. The two ponies slowly lifted from the ground and bobbed up and down with each push. Scootaloo did what she was told and tried to match her wing flaps. She had trouble at first, but eventually she got the rhythm.

Then the mare leisurely began flying through the air. It was a slow flight that rarely anypony saw. She did small glides circling the house, ascended, and repeated. Her wings sung with small whistling noise as they beat against the air.

The two never spoke a word, but relished in the semi-intimate experience.

I had always wanted to do this…but with Twilight. She’s so heavy though…it’s hard to fly slow..but maybe with these wings I can…

Rainbow smiled. She could feel the tufts of wind from the filly’s wings as she flapped. It was cute. Scootaloo, on the other hoof, was determined to follow her idol’s instructions. Her mind was focused on matching those flaps.

One…two…three…four…one…two… Her thoughts repeated. She closed her eyes and just kept counting and flapping with it.

“Hey, Scootaloo?” The filly opened her eyes as she was addressed. Two magenta eyes were staring at her. Then she realized she wasn’t on the mare’s back anymore. “Check yourself out…” The pegasus smiled at her. Scootaloo looked around herself and noticed she was hovering quite a bit in the air.

“Wow…” She became really excited and accidently began to flutter her wings…breaking her hover and sending tumbling towards the ground. The filly screamed briefly as she fell, but Rainbow quickly caught her with her front legs.

“Woah!” The mare giggled. “Almost lost ya there. You did great, kid.”

“You really think so?” The filly held her mouth open as she smiled.

“Now you just gotta stop thinking about it so hard and just feel the rhythm of flight in your wings. You’ll be flying like a pro in no time at all!” Rainbow hugged the filly, causing Scootaloo to squee.

“Thank you so much, Rainbow Dash!” She nuzzled into her chest.

“Hey, don’t get too excited now. You still have a long way to go.” Dash carried the filly back to the house and set her down. “Right now you’re around…three percent as good as me.” She puffed her chest.

“That’s pretty low…” The filly’s hopes taking a slight hit.

Rainbow caught herself quickly. “Nono! It’s a good thing! Trust me, if I were to rate Fluttershy…she’d be ten percent. Beat that and I’ll gain a whole new respect for you, kid.”

Scootaloo smiled. “I’ll do better than that…I’ll reach twenty!” She bounced up and down. Dash could only laugh.


The two had returned and Dash checked up on Twilight who was still bed-ridden. The covers were still over her head. The pegasus sighed with a smile and shook her head. She made her way over to the unicorn and pulled the covers off with her teeth. The pegasus eyes widened at what she witnessed. “What in the…”

She could hardly grasp the spectacle. Twilight appeared to be unconscious, but she was incased in a violet aura. Hundreds, if not thousands, of thin magical strands circled around the mare giving off a soft hum. These strands emanated from her horn and Rainbow didn’t know what to make of it. She stared for a few minutes or so before she finally summoned the courage to interrupt. “Twilight?”

Almost immediately the spectacle died and the mare woke up with a big yawn. “Oh, hey, Rainbow. How are things with you and Scootaloo?” The pegasus was nigh uncomfortable with Twilight’s nonchalant behavior. She wasn’t just imagining all that, was she?

“They’re great…uhh, Twi?” The unicorn’s ears perked up. “What’s going on? You were doing something really weird just a few seconds ago. Are you all right?”

“Yeah! I was just…resting. Last night took a lot out of me…” She winked at her. Dash blushed rather quickly and coughed to the side.

“Yeah, well…I wouldn’t say it was exactly all fun and games, Twi. You had me scared…I was afraid something horrible was going to happen to you.” Rainbow slowly crawled into bed with the pony and slipped her forelegs around her into a cuddle.

Twilight sighed and gave the pegasus a quick kiss. “It scared me too, Dash. I’m just glad you were with me…I’m not sure if I would have made it otherwise.” The two mares smiled and pressed their noses together.

“Gross…you two know how to kill a pony’s appetite.” The two heard Scootaloo who was covering her eyes with a hoof at the doorway.

Rainbow chuckled as Twilight’s face got bright red. Dash wanted to gross out the filly more and started kissing all over the unicorn’s face. Scootaloo peeked at the noises and groaned. “Come…on!”

Twilight giggled and lifted the pegasus off of her with magic. The pegasus sneered and crossed her arms. “I’m getting hungry too, Rainbow. There’s always a time.” She winked at the helpless pegasus as she slipped out of bed and released Dash, who hovered in the air. “Come on. I brought that cookbook with me. Let’s make something with it.”

“As long as you don’t go berserk on us.” Dash teased as she followed the ponies out of the room.

“Berserk? Is she a bad cook or something?” The filly was perplexed. The mares just laughed.


This was it…today’s the day. All of this build-up…nothing’s worse than the first day of class.

Rainbow was standing in the front doorway to the house with saddlebags. Her legs were shaking a bit. Twilight was standing a few hooves away from her on the outside, trying to get the mare to go. “Come on, Dash. Where’s your bravery? You need to get to class before you’re late!” She tried to use magic on the mare, but she gripped the doorframe tightly with her teeth.

Rainbow’s words muffled, “Ahm nah brai, Twi!” Twilight shook her head and let go of the mare, who hit the ground with an “Ow!” She got back on her hooves.

“Of course, you’re brave, Dash! I’ve seen you do hundreds of feats nopony could scoff at!”

“But it’s flight school…” Tears welled up in the corners of the pegasus’s eyes. “I can’t do this…I’m not ready!”

“Flight school?!” Rainbow heard a screech behind her. She gasped and turned to face the filly who had overheard her. “Why would you be going to flight school? I thought…I thought you were training with the Wonderbolts!”

“Well, uhh…you see I…” Rainbow couldn’t come up with the words. Scootaloo began advancing on her and Dash backed up to space her out.

“You lied to me?!”

“No! I didn’t! I mean…yeah, but…Aw, kid…”

“Will you stop calling me that?! I’m not a kid!”

Twilight stepped in between the two ponies. “Hey! Look, regardless of the truth, Dash only has thirty minutes to get to her class. We don’t have time to argue! Dash.” She looked at the pegasus who gulped. “This is the whole reason we came to Cloudsdale! I’m not gonna let you bail out at the last second, because of your sudden Didaskaleinophobia.”

Rainbow blinked. “Dida-what now?”

Twilight groaned. “Look, just go! It won’t be as bad as you think!” She pushed the mare with her head.

“Wait!” The filly cried. “I want to go with you, Dash! You owe me for lying to me!”

“I-I’m not even sure if I can bring you, ki…uh…Scootaloo.” She gave her a sheepish smile.

Scootaloo stomped the ground and growled. “Well, then fine! I didn’t want to go anyway!” Her eyes got watery as she ran back inside. Dash hung her head.

“Rainbow, don’t worry about her.” Twilight was a bit softer. “You’re an incredible pegasus and I’m sure you’ll blow everypony out of the skies there. You just need to be a little more self-confident.”

The pegasus sighed and nodded. “All right!” She perked up, trying to summon some courage. “You’re right! I can do this!” She unfolded her wings and knelt down. “They’ll be totally amazed once they see these skills!”

The unicorn smiled. “There’s that pony I know. Now go get’em!” The pegasus nodded and took off in a flash. Twilight sighed…suddenly Rainbow came back and kissed the mare on the lips, and then took off again. The unicorn blinked then giggled, making her way back inside.


Oh, horsefeathers...I may have fooled Twi, but I’m definitely not fooling myself.

Rainbow was standing still in that familiar reception area of Cloud 9 Academy. Countless ponies were moving around and past her. The traffic was intense in the early morning hours. Rainbow got a hold of herself and pulled a paper out of her bag.

FLY 3021-003. Room 1050. Great…where’s that?! She looked down one hallway, then the other. She had no idea of the academy’s layout. She made the mistake of not touring the building. A pony passed in front her.

She put away the paper. “Hey! Excuse me, do you know how to…” The pony just kept walking. She tried somepony else. “Sorry, could you tell me how to…”

“Sorry, I’m late! Ask somepony else.” The pegasus flew away. Rainbow sighed in defeat. Only five minutes before class started and she was going to be late.

An unfamiliar oxford blue pegasus approached her. “Hey, aren’t you Rainbow Dash?!” Rainbow perked up. “You were that pegasus that blew the crowd away at the Best Young Flyer competition!” The pegasus had violet eyes and an disheveled indigo mane that covered her right eye. “You were so awesome with that Sonic Rainboom stunt!”

“Oh, right…well, thanks for the compliment, but I’m in a bind right now. I’m going to be late for class and I have no idea where it is.” Rainbow’s eyes became watery.

“Hey! Don’t fret! Which class is it?” The helpful pony got Dash’s spirits up.

“Uh…it’s F-L-Y thirty twenty-one.” She recalled perfectly.

“Oh, hey, that’s my next class! Come on! I’ll show you where it is.” She took to the sky and Rainbow quickly followed.

“Thank you so much, uhh…” Dash didn’t know her name.

“It’s Midnight…Midnight Sun.” Rainbow looked at her cutie mark: a white hollow circle with a yellow four-pointed star in the middle.

“Midnight…” Dash repeated. “Thanks again.” She caught the pegasus looking at her strangely.

“What’s wrong with your wings? They’re all…”

Rainbow sweated a little, and then sighed. “It’s magic…I lost my real ones in an accident.”

“Oh, wow…I’m so sorry.” Midnight looked away shyly.

“Forget about it. Let’s just get to this class.”


“So you’ve been here for three years?” Rainbow and Midnight were talking in a large cloud field with numerous apparatus for flight practice. Dash quickly realized this was going to be a physical class and was a bit excited. Midnight, however, was not as stoked.

“Yeah, it’s been a lot of work getting this far…and you say you’ve just started, Dash? How is that even possible?” The two ponies were in a large line of pegasi. They were all waiting for some sort of instructor and were speaking amongst themselves.

“I can’t say…but it wasn’t easy either…trust me.” Rainbow’s head drooped.

“You must be amazing…” Sun’s eyes sparkled.

“Well, I am the Rainb…” She stopped halfway as Twilight’s words ran across her mind: ~ Don’t let the heat of your pride burn too brightly. ~ “I mean…I can’t be better than you, Midnight.”

“Oh, no way…I’m a horrible flyer.” Midnight pushed her mane out of her eyes with a hoof. “I can’t stand these physical classes.”

“Are you kidding? This class is going to be awesome!” Dash squeezed her eyes shut and squeed.

“I’m glad one of us thinks so.” The pegasus sighed.

“Greetings, pegasi!” Suddenly a grass green pegasus stallion landed in front of the line. His appearance was stereotypical at best. With a whistle and cap, the pegasus had yellow, short manecut and a haughty attitude. “Welcome to Advanced Flying. I’m Green Zephyr, your coach.” He began to pace back and forth in front of the line, eyeing each pony. “You all must have full grasp of all the basics in order to excel in this class. I will teach you how to put more power in those wings of yours and how to push yourself beyond your limits! This class is about technique! Balance! Accuracy! And most important of all…speed!”

Rainbow’s eyes shined with delight. This was a class for her and her alone. The stallion eyed the cyan pegasus. “You!” Dash’s heart jumped…she pointed to herself. “Yes, you! You look like a pegasus who knows her stuff! Demonstrate to the class Routine 34, the Power Glide!”

Dash gulped. What?! What is that? Oh, great! It’s already happening… She looked at the other ponies briefly in search of some kind of answer.

“Well? Don’t be shy now!” The stallion suddenly became very intimidating to the pony. Rainbow stepped forward bashfully and extended her wings out. Everypony stepped back in shock as they all caught a glimpse of her wings.

“Woah! Hold on a second.” The stallion put a hoof on the mare’s nose. “Get back in line! I’ll talk with you after class.” Rainbow’s heart beat rapidly in her chest…she meekly returned to her spot and hid her wings as best as she could.

Oh, no…my wings…I hadn’t even thought about it! Am I going to get in trouble for it? Well, at least I don’t have to do whatever Power Glide is…

“You!” He pointed a hoof at Midnight who froze, an effect the stallion was used to. “Show them the Power Glide. I need to know where you ponies stand!”

Midnight nodded and extended her wings. “Yes, sir!” She took off into the sky…really high in fact. The field had no ceiling. In fact, Rainbow could eye several other fields and ponies off in the distance doing their own things. The oxford blue pegasus slowed suddenly and arced backwards, diving down in a straight line. Midnight proceeded to do various spirals, flips, and whatnot…but not once ever flapping her wings. It was such a simple concept…hidden behind a silly name.

She landed almost exactly where she took off and tucked her wings. “Nicely done, ma’am. Your speed could use some work, but a flawless execution!”

Sun blushed and nodded. “Thank you, sir.” She returned to her place in line where she got a smile from Rainbow. The coach eyed Dash for a moment before moving on.

“Now, I hope all of you share the same level of technique as this pony! Let me outline this course for you! You will be here on time everyday ready to fly! You’ll do a series of warm-up exercises…” The pony continued to ramble on about the class.

Midnight knew what the routine was…It looks like I’m gonna have to know these names if I’m gonna be able to impress anypony. Routine 44: The Power Glide…or wait…was it 34? Yeah…I think it was…

When the coach was far enough away from the two, Midnight whispered to Dash. “Are you all right? You were a little skittish back there…” Rainbow nodded to her. “Okay…hey, and don’t worry about your wings. I’ll defend you. You shouldn’t be treated differently because of it.” She smiled at Dash.


After a few minutes of talking, the coach finished. “…and there you have it! Now for our first day! I want all of you to give me fifty laps around this track! Once you’re done, you may go. Just remember to memorize all the basic routines!” He eyed Rainbow again. “Dismissed!” All of the ponies took off except Midnight and Dash who was being stared at by the stallion. “As for you…”

“Wait, sir!” Sun stepped in front of the pegasus. “If this is about Rainbow’s wings…I don’t believe it is fair to judge her differently from other pegasi!” The coach was taken aback.

“Rainbow? You mean to tell me this pony is Rainbow Dash?!” It seemed her fame stretched farther than Dash expected.

“Yes, and she deserves some respect!” Midnight was stern and stomped her hoof on the ground.

The coach cleared his throat. “The dean spoke something about this…”

Rainbow’s ears perked up. “Dean Jet? He’s the one who gave me permission to attend the academy.” Remembering the brown pegasus from earlier.

“I’m fully aware of your situation, Rainbow. You are to be given full instruction regardless of your…disability.” Zephyr looked as though he was unsatisfied with the word.

Disability? Is that how he saw it? Is that how everypony saw it? I…maybe it is…

“I’ll leave you be, Rainbow. Get your laps done and I’ll see you tomorrow!” He took off in an instant, leaving the two ponies behind.

“Whew…” Sun looked at Dash who was busy contemplating what just happened. “I didn’t know you had special permission from Dean Jet…he’s only like the most heartless pony here!”

“Heartless?” Rainbow glanced at her with skepticism. “He seemed pretty nice to me.”

“I heard once that he expelled a student forever just because she back talked a professor.”

“Give me a break…he can’t be that bad. Hey, let’s do these laps. We can talk after.” Rainbow took off and left the oxford blue pegasus in a daze. “Come on!” Dash yelled behind her. Midnight chuckled and followed.


“What do you mean you didn’t bring your book?” Midnight was asking Rainbow who was sitting now in an academic setting with rows of desks and chalkboard.

“Ugh…I just forgot about it!” She looked to her right where Sun was sitting. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this sort of thing.” She banged her head on the desk.

“Well, don’t worry. I’m sure the first day you won’t need it, but make sure you get it.” She shook her head. “You know for a celebrity, you sure have your weaknesses.” The blunt pony was a bit hurtful.

Dash shot up and glared at the pony. “Hey! I…” Rainbow stopped herself again. “Yeah, you’re right…but, you know, nopony’s perfect, Middy. I’m just like everypony else.”

“Seems that way.” Midnight smiled at the pegasus.

A pale red mare entered the classroom and stepped behind the instructor’s desk. “Welcome, everypony, to Aerodynamics 2. It’s a pleasure to have you all here. I am Sophie Fokker. I’ll be your professor. Now this class is a direct continuation from Aerodynamics 1 so I hope you’ve all kept your books.” Rainbow facehoofs.

Sophie spoke for what seemed like hours explaining the class curriculum and already diving into a last year review lecture. Dash was already feeling the early signs of absolute boredom and her eyes began to droop. Midnight was eagerly listening and taking notes. Rainbow glanced at her to see she was wearing black reading glasses. She also noticed the few white freckles just below her left eye.

How can she be so attentive? …I should take notes on her instead.

“You in the back!” Rainbow and Midnight froze as they both were sitting in that general area. Sophie was pointing a hoof towards them, but they couldn’t distinguish.

“Yes, professor?” Middy replied.

“Not you, Midnight. The rainbow-colored one next to you.”

Rainbow flushed and cleared her throat. “Yeah?”

“Can you tell the class how much speed a pegasus at 12 wingpower would lose if he or she was going against 30 mile per hour winds?”

Aren’t I having a lucky day? I remember something vaguely about this kind of thing…what was… Rainbow heard a cough and glanced to her right. Midnight was holding a small piece of paper in Dash’s direction…with the answer on it! What in the…Why is she helping me?

“Well, miss?” The professor was getting a little impatient.

“She would lose 3.3 wingpower, ma’am.” Rainbow answered confidently.

“That’s correct! Good job er…what’s your name?”

“Um…Rainbow Dash?” She was ready for a reaction.

It turned most of the class’s heads…which got the pegasus blushing. “Ah, Rainbow Dash…the element of loyalty and recent winner of the Best Young Flyer competition. Just so you know your exploits won’t make up for slacking off.” The pegasus nodded to Sophie.

“I’m here to do my best.” Dash replied. The class slowly returned to normal. Rainbow was now wide-awake and listening as best she could. Her eye caught something odd and she turned her head towards Midnight…who was staring at her. This immediately got the pegasus back to writing notes with small clearing of her throat.

Rainbow turned back to Sophie and sighed. I miss Twilight…I hope this class is almost…

“All right, class! That’s it for today. You are dismissed.” The pegasi began packing up to file out of the room. “Please read chapters one and two so you’ll be ready for the discussion Wednesday. There’s no homework this time, but don’t get too relaxed.”

“That was a close one, huh?” Midnight spoke to Rainbow. “Looks like you need to do some serious studying.”

“Ugh…tell me about it.” She hit her head on the desk and covered herself with her forelegs. “It’s been so long since I’ve done math…this is so uncool.”

Middy giggled and packed her things. “It wasn’t that hard of a question, Dash. I think you just need a refresher. Probably more than that actually…but hey, I got to get to my next class right away. How about you?”

“I’m done for today. Completely different classes tomorrow. Well, except for the physical one.” Dash sat up and sighed. “Will you be here tomorrow?”

“Of course!” She smiled. “Well, I gotta go. It was a pleasure meeting you, Rainbow!” Midnight took off.

Rainbow smiled. “You too.” The pegasus packed her stuff and began heading out herself. She was stopped by Sophie.

“Rainbow Dash?” Dash nodded. “Do you…know Midnight? A-are you friends with her?”

“I…I guess? I just met her today…why?” The pegasus tilted her head.

“Just…just be careful around her, okay? She’s a bit strange.” Rainbow couldn’t believe how blunt this “professor” was.

“Strange? How could say that? She seems nice to me.”

“Oh...it’s just well…it’s not important. I’ll see you Wednesday, Rainbow.” Sophie left the room in a hurry.

What could be so strange about her? She’s probably the least strange pony in this place. Rainbow sighed and shook her head. She took off, heading back home. Well, this was an experience…only four months to go…great.


Back at house, Twilight versus Scootaloo in a game of Word Jumbler. The board was filled with obscenely long words that Scootaloo didn’t even know existed. The unicorn’s score was just over 90 points and she was only at a meager 50. It would take two words and a half to beat that unless she got some of the multiplier tiles.

“Your turn, Scootaloo.” The filly gave the unicorn an annoyed look.

“I gathered…” She sighed and looked at the letters she had in her hooves: S, U, P, and a C.

“What are your letters?” Twilight was getting impatient.

“Hey! I can do this!” The filly frantically scanned the board for a solution. “Just gotta find the right word.”

The unicorn rolled her eyes and smiled. “Oh, man…I could go for some cupcakes right about now.”

“Cupcakes? Why do you want to eat cup…cakes?” The filly realized her solution. She placed all four of her letters to make the word.

“Hey! Fifty points! Look at that…you beat me, Scootaloo!” Twilight giggled as the filly jumped in the air in victory.

“Wow…I never thought I could beat you!” The unicorn gave her a sly grin. The pegasus cleared her throat and blushed. “Thank you…it was fun.”

“I’m glad! But really…I am yearning for something sweet. I’m gonna check out what we have.” The unicorn climbed to her hooves and headed towards the kitchen.

The front door suddenly opened and an exhausted Rainbow entered. The two ponies gasped as they heard her and gathered around her. “Welcome home, Dash!” Twilight was first to greet her.

“How was….you know…flight school?” The filly asked.

“You seem to be a better mood, Scootaloo.” Rainbow curved the corners of her lips upward. “It was great actually…a little bit tiring, but not as bad as I thought.”

“You did ask your teachers if I could come with you next time, right?” The filly asked. The question startled the mare.

“Oh…oh, no, I forgot. I’m so sorry.” The tiny pegasus’s face dropped in disappointment. “Well, maybe I can take you anyway! The worst that could happen is that you’ll just have to be taken home if you can’t sit in.”

“You sure that’s going to be all right, Dash?” Twilight asked. She moved closer to her lover and brushed up against her. “I can take care of her. We had a lot of fun today.”

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Please take me with you next time, Rainbow!” She begged at the mare’s feet. Twilight rolled her eyes as the pegasus giggled.

“Of course!”

“Hooray! I can’t wait!” The filly bounced.

“Yeah…I can’t either.” Rainbow was a little unenthusiastic.


In bed, Rainbow was wide-awake…staring at Twilight who was sleeping soundly in her embrace.

Is there going to be another one? Another nightmare? I’m ready for it… Dash kissed the mare’s lips and received a happy coo in return. Maybe she’ll be fine…she’s stronger than I give her credit for. Rainbow closed her eyes and sighed. Midnight…she stood up for me…and helped me out in class…and we’ve only known each other for a couple hours. What’s her motive? Why is she doing these things for me? Is it because I’m Rainbow Dash? Or is it some other reason? I have to ask her tomorrow. I need to… The pegasus drifted off.