• Published 20th May 2012
  • 7,945 Views, 240 Comments

Tamed - PiercingZen

Twilight recieves an unexpected guest one rainy night and discovers something troubling about her.

  • ...

Chapter 15 - With a Whimper

Act 3

Chapter 15 – With a Whimper


I’m going to give you my final gift…I just want you to know…I did it for you…everything I’ve told you…it’s my final testament…to our love. I don’t have anything left to tell you…I just want peace…


“Sister? Why are you up at this hour?” Luna approached Celestia in her throne room. “This is much unlike you to call for me after the sun is down.”

“I have some horrible news, my dear sister Luna. You should read this…” The alicorn floated a scroll over to her. Luna took it into her own magic field and opened it.

“What could it possibly be?”

“She’s returned…” Celestia turned away.

Luna’s pupils shrank as she read the contents of the letter. She looked up at Celestia worriedly. “But we sealed her away! We trapped her forever in the Everfree Forest!”

“Well, it appears somepony let her out, sister, and now she terrorizes Cloudsdale and Ponyville. She has also attacked Twilight...” The alicorn glared at Luna.

“You’re not suggesting I had anything to do with this! I gave her up a thousand years ago! You know that better than anypony.”

“Regardless I want you to confront her. She’ll no doubt be vulnerable to you…being her mother.”

Luna looked to the ground and sighed. “I’ll…put a stop to her…once and for all.”


“Dash?!” Twilight cried out. Somehow life had returned to the unicorn and she quickly attended to Rainbow. The shield around Twilight dropped and she nudged her lover’s cheek. “Are you all right? Wake up…” The pegasus didn’t respond.

What happened to her? I don’t remember anything…only the “dream” or whatever it was…and Midnight, of course. A thousand year grudge against the world…all focused on me when I resealed her parents…Luna and Discord. She kissed Dash’s cheek and then she finally noticed that Dash’s wings were gone.

“Dash…what did you do this time?” She shook her head…and then shortly after her forehead suddenly flared with excruciating pain.

~ Stupid magic! Bring back Twilight! It’s the only thing I’ve ever asked from you! I don’t want these wings! I just want Twi! Now give her back! ~

Twilight felt various shocks course through her body. She wanted to scream, but the force was paralyzing.

~ I don’t know why they want me…but I don’t want to stick around to find out! Let’s go back to Ponyville…let’s just forget we ever came here! ~

Every word and a cascade of emotions…seeped into Twilight’s memory.

~ I can’t do this, Middy. I can’t betray Twilight like this… ~

As quickly as the pain came, it went away. Twilight exhaled and put a hoof to her head feeling dizzy. What was that last vision? I saw Dash…with Midnight. Was it real? She stepped away from the pegasus. “I better not think too much about it…or this horn might give me all the messy details…” She felt for her horn and was shocked by the sparks emanating from it. “Ow!” She pulled back and looked at her hoof which was slightly burnt.

“The rest of it must have broken off…what does this mean? If my magic was chaotic before…” Her eyes fell on the little golden tiara on the ground which Dash must have knocked off. Without even trying it levitated off the ground and floated over to Dash. She placed it on the ground next to her.

“All it took was just a thought…huh.” Twilight briefly looked away from Dash and cleared her throat. Suddenly, sparks flew from the unicorn’s forehead and a grey cloud appeared over Rainbow. The cloud began to rain on the pegasus.

In only a few seconds, the mare shivered and began to awaken. The cloud disappeared. “Whoa whoa…” The mare was groggy. “What’s going on?”

Twilight approached her unable to decide whether to bring up all of Dash’s moments of betrayal. She decided to forget about it for now. “How are you feeling, Dash?”

“I’m feeling okay…but…” Rainbow gasped and was then wide awake. “Twilight!” A big smile crept on her face as she approached the unicorn for an embrace. She smacked right into a magical barrier. Dash backed off. “Hey, what gives?!” She could see Twilight’s eyes were still glowing as was where her missing horn was.

“Rainbow…I only wanted to wake you up to tell you I’m going after Midnight and that…you have a lot of thinking to do.” The unicorn looked away from the pegasus in disappointment.

“What? Twi, what are you talking about? You can’t go after Midnight! No way! I won’t let you go after her!” She pounded a hoof against the barrier, which she now realized was completely encapsulating Rainbow.

Twilight sighed. “Unlike you, I know where she is.”

“What? You do? Please, Twi! Tell me where she is! I can defeat her! She’s mine to defeat!”

“Not anymore.” She pointed at the pegasus’s missing wings.

Dash looked at her sides and her eyes widened. “You took them away?!”

“No…but perhaps it’s for your own good. Besides, you’re conflicted…you hesitated to stop her before...” She glared at the cyan mare.

Dash felt guilty. “I know I did! I was stupid and I’m sorry, but I realize now how much she needs to be stopped!” She pounded a hoof. “Just give me my wings back and…”

“I’m not going to argue with you, Dash! Just…stay here, okay? We’ll talk about it when I return.” The unicorn began to walk away.

“Wait! You can’t!” She rammed the shield and it bounced her back. “Don’t go! Please! Just forget about her!” She pressed her hooves against the shield. “I said I’m sorry, Twi! Let me go with you! Come on!” She pounded against the shield. Tears began to stream down her face.

Twilight stopped and turned to look at her. “I promise I’ll return…”

“Pinkie Promise?!”

The two mares stared at each other. Twilight smiled and giggled. “I love you.” Then teleported away.

Dash gasped heavily. “No!!!” She pounded as hard as she could on the shield. She slid down and collapsed into tears. “Come back!” She weakly hit the barrier. “Come back…” She saw the tiara on the ground next to her. “Twilight…” Dash embraced the tiara.


At the entrance to the Everfree Forest. Twilight was staring into the dark depths of the forest.

That drawing…of the constellation. You gave yourself away…why would you do that? Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Minor. The cave of the Ursa Minor…it might be a stretch, but where else would she hide? She reeks of death and her personality is paper thin. Plus I can feel that you’re in there…the Everfree Forest…it’s your domain Midnight. It’s about the only place in Equestria that’s extremely dangerous to enter…probably only dangerous to protect yourself…or perhaps guard something that isn’t meant to be disturbed.

The unicorn began to walk into the forest. The darkness growing as she left the comfort of the moonlight. She wasn’t fearful at all. The power in her boiling over…she felt she could take on Celestia herself.

Why would you give me that drawing? I still can’t figure it out.

The darkness became too much. Her “horn” flared and the area around her became illuminated. She would now be obvious to every threat in the area, but they wouldn’t dare try anything.

I’m sorry Rainbow Dash…I really wanted to bring you along…I want to gather everyone to help me fight this…but it’s not Midnight I’m afraid of…it’s myself…I still don’t understand what I’ve become…A mere thought could harm my friends. I can’t take that risk. This shouldn’t be difficult anyway…

Her ego was growing larger than Dash’s. Maybe it rubbed off on her. Twilight trudged on stepping over branches and maneuvering around the trees. The air around her suddenly grew much colder.

~ You're always there to help any pony in need, so maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you. ~

She heard a voice in her head. She stopped and looked around. “Hello?” Nobody answered.

Strange…I could have sworn I heard somepony.

~ So when she ran off all worked up, not a single one of us tried to stop her. ~

“Who’s there?!” She asked the wilderness. Nothing answered her.

~ Oh...uh...why don't you just stay here and rest? I'll take care of the whole fighting for friendship thing myself. ~

“That’s my voice…I said that…to Spike.”

Twilight Sparkle… Another voice…it wasn’t familiar.

“Who are you?”

I have a question for you…

“Huh? A question?”

Have you ever considered…that what you do will only cause more pain? That every action you take…will affect the lives of everyone around you?

“Well, I’m not a fortune teller. How can I know that? I do what I must for my friends…and for Equestria.”

“For your friends” …how much have they returned that act of kindness? Where were they when faced off against Night Mare Moon? When you tried to restore order from Discord? When you tried to usurp Chrysalis?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about? They were all there by my side!”

Only after they’ve humiliated you, shoved you away, and accused you of treachery.

The truth in the voice was a little disheartening. “They’re…it’s not…” She couldn’t think of how to counter that.

You’re always seen as some kind of lunatic…and you know it. I’m only telling you this…when you have to make a decision very soon. I want you to think of my words when you find Midnight…you will find her.

“I’m not crazy! You know nothing about me! Just leave me alone!”

You’re already alone.

Twilight grew frustrated and ignored the voice. She continued walking deeper into the forest. The unicorn could feel the air get colder…her skin began to crawl with the dozens of distinct noises she could hear echoing around her. She didn’t feel as brave anymore. Something left her…and she couldn’t tell what.

Not feeling as confident now are we? Are you getting cold feet? Maybe you should turn back now…and take up Rainbow’s offer to help you. As a matter of fact…I wonder how she’s doing right now.

Twilight felt something shock her.

~ Twilight! Please come back! Come back… ~

The unicorn gasped. “Dash?! She’s in trouble!”

You’d better go and save her.

Twilight tried to teleport to Rainbow’s house, but for some reason she couldn’t. “My magic…it isn’t working!”

Well, that’s unfortunate isn’t it? Looks like you’ll have to walk back. I’m not sure if Rainbow has enough time.

“No…” Twilight looked around her desperately.

What’s the matter, Twilight? Can’t remember where you came from? I suggest you forget about Rainbow. Midnight’s more important.

Twilight’s eyes began to water. “Stop this…who are you?”

You know who I am. Look!

Suddenly, the trees and plants in front of Twilight bent apart…creating a path to a cave. Before the unicorn could question it…she received another shock.

~ Hello, cutie…it’s great to see you again… ~

“Midnight?!” Twilight looked around her.

~ I have to thank you for saving me…it was really sweet of you. ~

Her eyes were fixated on the cave again.

~ Now, I only ask you help me out…one…last…time. ~

“Shut up! You’ll regret ever hurting Dash…” Twilight leaped into a full stride towards the cave. Everything around her was dead silent except for the sound of her hooves on the forest floor. In a few seconds she stopped just inside the entrance of the cave. She could feel the cold air envelop around her pulling her almost. She took small steps forward. Her magic illuminated the cave. The only thing Twilight could see inside was a giant empty cavern with stalactites dripping water from the ceiling.

However, she could hear something breathing heavily. Something very large, but she couldn’t see it. A light caught her eyes…there was a small passageway a couple hundred paces in front of her.

That has to be it...Midnight must be in there. You can feel it, can’t you? Her aura is strong. Don’t worry…she won’t be able to hurt you.

“I was never worried.” Twilight continued forward, but the cave seemed to bend…her vision began to skew and her destination grew farther and farther. She continued to walk anyways…the sound of her hooves on the rock floor echoing throughout the cave.

You must be thinking…“am I truly losing it”? Is there ever an end? Even after death you still remain. It must be difficult to accept. Such a mystery…such a painful way to live.

“I don’t…know what you’re talking about.” She whispered.

You’re forgetting something…one tiny little detail that slipped your mind. I won’t tell you…or rather I can’t, because embarrassingly enough…I don’t remember either.

“Please stop talking…”

Do you feel you’re getting closer to the truth? That maybe your coming here has a greater purpose than stopping a pathetic little alicorn from harming a few ponies?

“I’m not listening…”

You know it as much as I do…the power that surges through your body. Without your horn…you have no control over it…there’s no way to stop it...

“I’ve tamed it before…I’ll do it again. I’m stronger than you think I am.”

I’d say you’re more stubborn than Applejack…always the force of order…always acting as the defender of Equestria. It’s going to get you killed someday.

Twilight was drawing closer and closer to the cave. The air was growing warmer…

You realize that no one is going to come help you…you’re facing this entirely on your own.

“All I need is my heart and my resolve.”

Is that what you think will win you the day?

She felt another shock. She saw the library in flames…that memory of her stepping on the frame. She snapped out of it and continued to move forward towards the passageway. The air was no longer cold…it embraced her with a homely warmth.

I can’t stop you, can I? You’re truly determined to see this through to the end. Princess Celestia chose well…

“They may not be here…but my friends are all with me…they’re counting on me.” She finally reached the entrance and walked inside. The passage began to curve to her left. The light was growing brighter and brighter. Then… “Wow…”

What she saw was not a room or a cavern, but she was outside…or what appeared to be outside. There was a large hill in front of her with grass blowing in the wind. A single giant tree was at the summit of the hill. The moonlight and the beautiful starry sky illuminated the entire area. Twilight took a step onto the grass and began walking towards the tree. She looked to her left and to her right. There was just an endless field of grass that slowly merged with darkness. She glanced behind her…the same. The entrance she just walked through was gone.

The unicorn continued to walk up the hill. It wasn’t too steep and the wind wasn’t too strong or cold. The whole area felt soothing…she felt like this was a place she could stay in forever.

In a few moments, she scaled the hill and reached the tree. She trotted up to it and looked around. On the opposite side of the hill was a cliff that dropped down into nothingness. Suddenly…the wind died and the endless field of grass seemed to close up around her. Darkness enveloped everything except for the small area atop the hill.

“Twilight.” She heard a voice behind her. She turned to face it.


Midnight chuckled softly and walked closer to her. “I see that you got my hint.”

“Your time in Equestria ends here, Midnight.” The alicorn began to walk around her.

“Oh, I know. The mere idiotic notion that I could kill you was just too enticing for me. I pretty much threw my life away the instant I met your friend, Rainbow Dash. I just wanted retribution…a chance to right the wrongs inflicted upon me.”

Twilight sighed and stepped away from the mare. “Shut up…I don’t want to hear it. I came here to stop you. I don’t want to hear your sob story about how you were mistreated and exiled as a filly.”

“Oh, so you know? I mean…of course you would. Then I guess…there’s nothing left to tell you…” Midnight stepped closer to Twilight and closed her eyes. “Kill me.”

The unicorn’s eyes widened…she stepped back.

“What’s wrong? You came all the way from Cloudsdale to do this…now do it!”

“Why…why are you giving up? You’re not going to even defend yourself?”

“Those wings you gave Dash…it was pretty obvious that somehow they were giving her power as well. She nearly killed me just by the small amount of power you gave her…I have no chance against you…why even try?”

Twilight was torn. Initially, she felt so justified about coming to stop Midnight…but now she wasn’t even sure she could hurt her. She was pathetic…weak…she expected this powerful alicorn…like Luna or Celestia to fight back.

“You should look at yourself, Twilight. You remind me so much of my mother…” She sighed. “What I wouldn’t give to see her again…”

Twilight’s heart ached. “But you can! She’s in Canterlot. I’m sure she would be glad to see her daughter alive and well.”

Midnight laughed, but Twi could see the tears in the alicorn’s eyes. “That’s rich…wouldn’t that be the day.”

“You’re talking about it as if it’s some kind of pipe-dream. But it’s not! We can leave here and go see here right now!”

“Just…be quiet and do what you came here to do!”

“No…I won’t!”


“I won’t let you off this easy…I want to make things right.”

Twilight could see the anger growing in Midnight’s eyes. “You stupid unicorn…you can’t just ‘make things right’! You don’t have that kind of power!”

“If I learned anything from helping Dash with her dream…is that anything is possible!”

“She failed her dream! Just like you failed her the very moment you meddled in it! Now stop being such a filly and kill me!”

Twilight gritted her teeth. “No!”

Midnight lifted her hooves and shoved the mare backward. Twilight stumbled a bit, but regained her footing quickly. “Am I going to have to fight you? Do I need to threaten your life to make you do it?!” Midnight stomped the ground as her own electrical sparks flew from her forehead. She walked right up to the unicorn and glared at her.

“No…I won’t do it…”

Midnight’s anger faded away. “I knew you were a coward…” The alicorn turned around and walked back over to the tree. “But I know one way I can change your mind…” Midnight turned to look back at Twilight…her eyes were glowing white.

Crack! A bolt of electricity shot from Midnight’s forehead and hit the ground next to her. Something appeared there…a small cage with something inside of it.

“Twi!” Scootaloo cried out.

The unicorn gasped. “Scootaloo?!” She glared at Midnight. “Let her go!”

“I didn’t want it to come to this…” Midnight moved closer to the cage and put a hoof on top of it. “…but I’ll hurt this filly if you don’t stop me.”

“You wouldn’t…” Twilight stepped closer…watching the alicorn’s movements closely.

“You’re going to force me to do something evil, aren’t you? Something tragic in order to…justify this. If you don’t stop me…this child won’t be the only one I’ll harm…I’ll haunt the nightmares of every stallion and mare in Equestria…wondering why their child had to die…and I’ll answer them…because one unicorn couldn’t find it in herself to do what had to be done.”

There was a moment of silence between the two mares. Twilight was considering Midnight’s threat...wondering if she really had the gall to do it. Then suddenly without warning, Midnight sent a shock through the cage and electrocuted the filly. Scootaloo screamed in agony from the shocks. Twilight gasped and without even realizing it, she shot a beam of energy at the alicorn’s hoof knocking it off the cage.

Midnight stumbled backward from the blast. She looked at her burnt hoof and chuckled. “Ow…”

Zap! Another shot hit the mare’s side causing her to stumble back more. Twilight advanced on the alicorn…her eyes watery. Another shot grazed Midnight’s cheek and then her chest.

Midnight laughed between cries of pain. Twilight continued to hit random areas of her body until the alicorn found herself backed up against the cliff. Midnight breathed heavily…her body burnt and bleeding. She laughed again.

“I never thought it’d hurt so much…I’m starting to regret this now…” She continued to chuckle. She spread out her wings and looked at herself. Twilight could see now that Midnight’s wings were damaged. Many of the feathers were missing and they were slightly mangled. “Well, Twilight? Doesn’t it feel good? To punish the wicked? To get back at those who’ve hurt your friends and family?”

“You’re so evil…” Twilight gritted her teeth. Several ribbon of magic exuded from her horn and converged to create a magical arrow of energy above the unicorn.

“Evil…it’s the word I’d use to describe you…and your friends…” Midnight closed her eyes.

“Twilight, don’t do it!” She heard the filly cry from the cage behind her.

Midnight coughed and fell to her knees. “At least I can die knowing…at some point…someone loved me.”

“And who would that be?” The ribbons continued to gather above her.

“Who do you think, Twilight? You’ve only ruined her life the past few weeks.”

“Dash…” Twilight thought about her. I didn’t ruin her life…I gave her hope and motivation…

“I regret not killing you sooner…maybe I could have been with her instead.”

“She would never forget about me!”

Midnight laughed weakly. I wish she was here now so she could tell her off!

There was a long moment of silence between the ponies. Midnight opened her eyes again. “What are you waiting for?!!!” She yelled at the unicorn.

Twilight closed her eyes and launched the arrow directly at the alicorn. She heard her scream as the arrow connected. Tears fell from the unicorn’s eyes.

“No!!!” She heard Scootaloo yell behind her. Twilight opened her eyes to see what happened and she gasped.

“I told you, Twi…she’s mine!!” Rainbow Dash tackled the alicorn off the cliff.

Twilight ran up to the cliff and looked over. She was too shocked to even react.

My final advice…you should sometimes be careful what you wish for.

Twilight looked back at the filly who was in tears. The beautiful green field was no longer green, but brown as she now found herself in a cavern. She looked over the edge again and then jumped off.

She floated herself down gently with her magic and landed at the bottom of the huge chasm. Twilight again illuminated the area and in front of her was the body of Midnight who was no longer breathing. A few steps away there was another body on the ground…Dash…still breathing!

“Rainbow!” Twilight quickly got over to her. The arrow was sticking out of her side and a growing pool of blood underneath it. “Nonono!”

“Twi?” She coughed. “Is that you?”

“Yes! Yes, it is…” She kneeled next to the mare and pressed her nose against her cheek. “It’s me.”

“I guess that wasn’t…too smart…was it?”

“No! No, it wasn’t, you bird-brain!” Her tears dropped onto the pegasus’s face.

Dash laughed weakly. She wasn’t even looking at Twilight. “I’m sorry…I never listened to you.” The pegasus winced as she tried to move.

“Stay still! I’m gonna get you out of here!” Twilight tried to use her magic to teleport, but again it wouldn’t work. She let out a frustrated sigh. “Come on! Come on!” She stomped her hoof.

Dash touched Twi’s hoof with hers. “I guess I’m only brave, huh?” She chuckled…then she slowly closed her eyes.

Twilight quickly kissed her cheek. “No! You’re infallible too!” She nudged her with her nose. “Dash?” She bit her ear. “Talk to me, Dash!” Twilight gave her a gentle shove. She wasn’t responding. “Rainbow Dash, get up! Get up…” There was full five seconds of silence. She could only hear the echo of water dripping.

She squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face into her neck. She began to weep into that cyan coat of hers. This isn’t happening…this can’t be happening!!

Twilight heard a soft sigh behind her. “She was always so devilish…even to the very end…” A fire raged in Twilight’s heart. She turned and shot at whoever was behind her. It was easily absorbed by the alicorn standing in front of her.


The alicorn approached her and kneeled down to her level. “Hello, Twilight Sparkle. I…I’m sorry about this…I truly am. I never knew she had such a strong grudge against you. I would have stopped her earlier but…I wasn’t even aware she was still alive.”

“It doesn’t matter! You’re too late…The damage has been done…Now, I just want to be left alone…please.” Twilight turned away and returned to Rainbow.

Luna looked over at Midnight. She walked over to her and put a hoof on her face. “You can finally rest…”

Twilight glanced over at the two and sobbed. “Why am I always such a disaster?

You really want an answer?

“Shut up…you’re not helping…why can’t you leave me alone?”

You know…you can still fix this.

“What are you talking about?”

Luna looked over at Twilight…who she saw talking to herself.

I’m going to give you my final gift…I just want you to know…I did it for you…everything I’ve told you…it’s my final testament…to our love. I don’t have anything left to tell you…I just want peace…

A light suddenly emerged from her forehead and surrounded the unicorn.

“Twilight?” Luna approached her, but a wave of energy forced her back.

Magical swirled around the unicorn faster and faster. Then in a flash…Twilight was gone.


Twilight appeared in front of Rainbow’s house right next to the front door. “What am I doing here?” Her magic flared involuntarily and the front door opened.

Dash came to a screeching halt right in front of her. They both gasped.

“Twilight?!” Dash had to do a double take to make sure.

“Dash?!” It suddenly dawned on her…what the voice had done…what she had done. She felt her heart beat in her chest and she slowly moved closer to the pegasus. Twilight looked Dash over…she seemed younger. She couldn’t even recall her ever looking so beautiful. The unicorn smiled. “You look…awesome, Rainbow.”

“I don’t get it! I just saw you fall!! Besides what happened to you?! You look…”

Twilight put a hoof to her mouth. “I only have a couple seconds, Dash…” She removed the hoof. “We should make the most of it…” Twilight lunged in for a kiss. Dash was hesitant, but she quickly melted into it. They both closed their eyes as the embraced each other and deepened their kiss.

I have a story to tell you…about how we fell in love.

Both of the mare’s eyes flashed open white as a magical field of energy encapsulated them.

I know this all must be very sudden to you...You must listen carefully to my words...there may not be another moment left to share them...

Silence and secrets share a love/hate relationship. Combating values sway the couple in their affection for one desire or the other.

It never really occurred how fortunate I was. It seemed all too trivial before. You know that saying: “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone”? Those words will forever haunt me.

Realizing your own weakness can bring unto you a greater strength.

Sometimes talent comes from the heart. Only when you least expect it, do you discover your true brilliance.

Truth can be alluring and repulsive. Either one can sometimes be too much to handle.

Life has its ways of coming full circle. You just have to know what to do when the opportunity presents itself.

In every being lies a parasite eating at morality. It only hurts more when they pretend it’s not there.

Forever from your past you try to hide, you’ll find it alive right by your side.

In every scar comes power, knowledge, and experience, but also a pain you can never forget.

The heart and the mind can prove to be a fickle couple. Their differences in rights and wrongs can drive any soul to madness.

Going beyond the boundaries, new pains and new paths emerge. It’s a difficult choice to make because…can you ever go back?

Confrontation is a gamble. What unfolds is always a mystery…be it pleasant or horrifying. Confrontation is a necessary evil…even if it means staring directly into the face of death…

Fate has its twisted fingers around the frail idea of destiny. A gentle squeeze will drain the lifeblood of all those naïve enough to follow it. Fate feels no remorse…never has…never will…Remember this…because one day…I won’t be there to remind you.

Harmful acts always feel correct when justified. In the name of someone, to protect those you love, to punish for a horrible act, or to prove your dominance…of course, we never see beyond the veil of our own actions…how our own actions spawn more justifications…to spread like wildfire the very thing we strive to undermine and suppress. This, however, is a necessary evil…to sustain the order of everything we know…we must continue this malicious cycle…until the day we die.

I’m going to give you my final gift…I just want you to know…I did it for you…everything I’ve told you…it’s my final testament…to our love. I don’t have anything left to tell you…I just want peace…


Tears were streaming down Dash’s face. She’d seen everything…she’d felt everything. She was transformed. The glow from her eyes faded and she broke away from the kiss. “Twilight, what did you do?!” Dash looked around as if she didn’t know where she was.

“I’ve given you another chance…” Twilight said softly. She felt something grip her legs. She looked to see what it was…her body…was being turned crystalline. She looked back at Dash. “Now you know what to do…where to go…and who to go to. Your life is now yours to rewrite…except this time…I won’t be there to screw it up.”

“What?!!” Dash eyes grew wide as she looked outside. The storm behind Twilight was raging. “No! You…You didn’t!”

“I’m more dangerous than Midnight…I can’t live with myself knowing what I am…and what I’m capable of.” The glow from Twilight’s eyes faded as did all of her magic. The crystal coating had reached her forelegs and began to move up toward her neck.

Dash started to move around her. She had to save Twilight!

“Stop!” Dash obeyed. “You know you barely saved me last time…it’s too late.”

“You can’t do this!! You’re so selfish, Twi!!” She sobbed.

It had reached her neck and slowly crept around the back of her head. “Don’t forget about me…” She managed before it completely encased her.

Rainbow inhaled sharply. “Twilight!!” She rushed up to kiss her lips...


The crystalline statue of her shattered into a million pieces before her eyes. Rainbow backed off and watched as the pieces fell through the cloud flooring. She held her breath…unable to take it in. She slid onto the ground and frantically dug at the clouds for her. After a few moments, she started pounding on the floor.

The storm slowly died...

“Come back…come back…you promised…”

End of Act 3