• Published 20th May 2012
  • 7,944 Views, 240 Comments

Tamed - PiercingZen

Twilight recieves an unexpected guest one rainy night and discovers something troubling about her.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Before the Fall

Act 1 - Broken

Chapter 2 – Before the Fall


It never really occurred how fortunate I was. It seemed all too trivial before. You know that saying: “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone”? Those words will forever haunt me.


Two-thirty in the afternoon. Rainbow was resting on cloud as Twilight had predicted. However, she was determined to prove her wrong. Rainbow was beating back the temptation of a nap. She slapped herself awake several times.

Ah, jeez…You’re always right, Twi, you egghead. If only I’d gotten more sleep last night. It was so strange sleeping in that house. Everything creaking and croaking! The air was humid and…it felt like I was sleeping in a…giant tree…right. She sighed. How much time do I have left?

Rainbow looked to the sky and determined the angle of the sun.

“Just after two. Not bad. I can take a small snooze. No big deal! She underestimates my ability in a being a cat-napper…I mean a…napping cat…ah, she would know the word for it.” Rainbow kicked back and sighed contently. The pegasus revealed a souvenir she kept from the library, the weather pony book. She studied the front cover.

I wonder what she was talking about when she mentioned how we “love to control the weather”. It was such a blunt statement, but I know Twi. She wouldn’t say anything unless it means something else.

Rainbow let out another sigh, but this one was in realization of what’s to come.

So…how am I going tell her? She’s gonna freak out! I know she will! Dash bit her lip. Anypony would… Why did I go to her place? The pegasus turned onto her side and began jabbing at the cloud with a hoof. Just because she was the closest? …or because I thought she would be the only one who would understand?

Rainbow turned onto her belly and groaned, “Dear Celestia! Today, I learned how much of an idiot Rainbow Dash is!” She lightly banged her hooves on her head.

How am I going to handle this? Tell her I’m sorry I don’t want her to visit? She wouldn’t buy it. She’s not one for weak apologies. Rainbow bites the cloud and a chunk just dissolves into her mouth. I could just not tell her. Just stay here and not pick her up.

Dash twirls around onto her back and throws her hooves into the air, “Sorry, Twilight. I got a little caught up reading this awesome book!” She takes the weather pony book and opens it up. “It just had this amazing twist and I just couldn’t put it down! You know how it is…seeing how you read books all the time. Aheheh…ah…” She chuckles weakly before dropping the book onto her chest and burying her face with both hooves. “Ohhh, it’s gonna be awful!”

There was a moment of silence before she removed her hooves. Her face was slightly moist.

“I’m so sorry…”


Twilight was lying in the meadow under Rainbow Dash’s floating cloud abode. She was very fixated on the book she was reading, Pony Age Origins: The Kingdoms of Equestria. She had already managed half the book in the hour she had been waiting. She sighed and closed the book. Her head spun as she looked everywhere for Dash, but she was nowhere to be seen.

How is it when you set an alarm, you always manage to wake up before it goes off? Sometimes, I think my body does these things just to spite me. Ugh, what a boring book…wish I hadn’t misplaced that weather pony one. I swear I had it…Spike probably filed it in a random place while I wasn’t looking. Wish I had asked him before I left.

It wasn’t these petty inconveniences that were really upsetting her. She would soon find out the meaning of the colorful drama she took part in the previous night, and she was tired of waiting. This didn’t prevent her from speculating what it could possibly be...

She said she failed someone…then said she failed her dream. What a vague lead. It has to be something she’s just over-dramatizing, right? Like that time I went completely bonkers. …but Dash came to me of all ponies. What does that mean? How am I connected to all this? Why was she so docile towards me? It was strange, because it felt like it was Fluttershy who had visited me that night. The soft voice, the timid appearance, and the constant fidgeting. Oh, Celestia, this had better not be some elaborate pr…


The unicorn yelped and popped up onto her hooves. An earth-shattering boom had startled her. Frantically, she scanned the skies to see what was happening. Large gray clouds began to envelop the world around her. How could this happen? She couldn’t have been this engrossed in her reading to have overlooked the coming of a storm! A raindrop pelted her on the nose as a subtle augur of what’s to come. She hurriedly gathered her belongings into her saddlebag and wildly scanned for something to hide under.

No trees close enough…besides, when I was a filly, I was taught never stand under a tree in a lightning…


“Eeek!” She fell to her knees and covered her head. “Oh…Dash, where are you? I wish I had my lightning rod back home…” It was then the showers hit her. She was just around a hundred yards from being directly below Dash’s house. Perhaps, it would be dry under there. She stood and bolted into full gallop towards her overhead savior. However, by the time she arrived, she was soaked to the bone. She let a disgruntled bark.

If Rainbow would just show up for a change this wouldn’t have happened! She sighed. What else can go wrong?

As if fate itself was sick of her whining, rain began falling from Dash’s house as well. She slowly sat in defeat and stared a hole into the ground.

“Of course…” Her eyes began to well up. “Fantastic…”

Problems or no problems. The sheer reprimand I’d give that pony if she came right now…

“Twilight!!” A familiar scratchy voice pinged in the unicorn’s ears. Immediately she smiled.

“Thank Celestia you’re here!” The light-blue mare joined Twilight in the rain.

“I’m so sorry, Twi! Get on already!” The pegasus knelt and motioned her on with a buck of her head.

“You’re lucky I’m in a forgiving mood, Dash!” She hopped onto her aerial savior’s back and wrapped her forelegs around her neck. In a flash the two ponies were on their way up to the cloud house.


That quirky unicorn was giving her a scornful glare. Dash rubbed the back of her head and chuckled nervously. They had made it safely inside. However, Twilight was completely soaked and standing miserably just inside the front door.

“Okay, Twilight…” Rainbow tried to hold in a laugh, “…just wait here one second!” The pegasus dashed upstairs. Twilight sighed. With a flick of her horn, she removed the dripping saddlebags off of her and placed it near the doorway.

“This is not my day.” She huffed as she examined the interior of her friend’s house. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all made of cloud. She had thought way ahead and had casted her cloud-walking spell just a moment before arriving. “Look at all this…” Paraphernalia. Everywhere. Wonderbolts posters, trophies, tickets enclosed in glass casings, and random clothing scattered about all bearing some form of the Wonderbolts’ trademark.

I wonder why she rarely wore any of these in public. You know, from the outside this place looks like a dream, but inside it’s like a runaway train hit Cloudsdale’s souvenir shop. Twilight chuckled and made her way further inside. Her eyes scanned the pegasus’s home until a gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes caught something familiar on the couch. She trotted carefully over and gave a delighted sigh of relief. The weather pony book…she did take it after all. I mean, of course, she did…was there any reason to mistake it?

She lifted it up with her magic and examined it closer.

“…wet?” She muttered before something suddenly wrapped around her head. Twilight let out a squeal.


Rainbow giggled and began drying the soaking mare.

“Hey, Twilight. Déjà vu, huh? It looks like the towel is on the other hoof now! Hehehaha…” With a sudden whoosh, Dash was silenced and she found herself on her back. Twilight quickly pinned her front legs down and glared at her friend. Dash’s surprise couldn’t even warrant a yelp. Her eyes were fuller than the moon and she could feel her chest tighten in fright.

“Where were you, Dash?!” Twilight snorted steam from her nostrils. “I was waiting out there for over an hour! You may think that watching a helpless pony being completely soaked is hilarious, but I assure you, it’s the last thing you want to do when...”

“Whoa whoa whoa! Just calm down, Twi!” Dash interrupted, “I didn’t make it rain, and I wasn’t late!” She motioned to a clock on the wall. It read five minutes before three. The anger in Twilight’s face melted away as she panted. “You need to relax, egghead.” The unicorn didn’t let up, however. She could see her eyes shifting, trying to find another reason to stay angry.

“Well…why didn’t you say it was going to rain?! I could have at least brought an umbrella…or even a hat.” Honestly, the pegasus didn’t know either. Dash shrugged.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. Ever since I’ve been out of the loop, these things surprise me as much as they surprise you. Now could you relax? You’re hurting me.” Twilight’s pressure on her legs was quite immense. She could sense some pent up emotion behind those hooves.

I thought I had problems…what’s eating her? You can’t honestly tell me that some silly rain’s got her in this mood.

In a few seconds, Dash watched as the anger in Twilight’s eyes faded. The unicorn eased off and stepped away, clearing her throat, “I’m sorry. I…just hate…getting wet…a lot.” She blushed and held out a hoof to the pegasus. Dash took it and pulled herself up. “Please forgive me. I completely over-reacted.”

“It’s all in good fun, Twi. It’s not it’s the first time I left you soaking in the rain.” Dash tried to change the mood, “Besides, I got wet too. Nothing to get your mane in a twist about.” She glanced at Twilight’s mane which had coincidentally been curled upward from the drying session. “Figuratively speaking.” Dash chuckled.

Twilight grasped the towel in lavender magic and began to dry herself off. A sense of duty in those unicorn eyes. She really must hate getting wet.

“You said you needed help with something today, Dash?” Rainbow really wasn’t ready for that question. Her heart skipped a beat as her mind scrambled around for an answer.

Too soon! Not yet…I can’t tell her yet.

“…Hey! I’m starving! How about you? If I’m gonna leave my friend out in the rain, I might as well be courteous enough to feed her. Besides, I know how you are when you’re hungry…you get a little…testy. Haha!” Dash had clumsily avoided the question and was heading upstairs where her kitchen was. “What was it you ordered before? Daisy and Daffodil sandwich?” Twilight arched a brow.

“Sounds…delicious?” The unicorn was catching onto Dash’s weak attempt to avoid her question. It wasn’t even what she was really going to ask her. It must have something to do with why she came to her library in the first place.

Rainbow smiled and whinnied, “Perfect! Just make yourself at home, Twi! It’ll be just a quick sec!” She poked the unicorn on the muzzle before she took off into a random doorway which she assumed was Dash’s kitchen.


Twilight had good reason to be suspicious of Dash’s behavior. It most likely had something to do with her breakdown. She could just be anxious and trying to avoid it.

She’ll break it to me soon…at least I hope she will. Now, that book…something was odd about it.

The unicorn lifted and cracked the book open. Immediately, she noticed something on the very first page. “Rainbow Dash <3”

A signature? Why would she… Twilight flipped some pages in. There were scribbles on almost every page…not doodles but… Corrections? Was she correcting the book? Wait…did she actually read this? Twilight was baffled. She shut the book. It seems she hadn’t given her friend enough credit.

“Rainbow…” She laid the book back on the couch and to her surprise followed a cyan blur that landed on top of it. “Bwaah!” Twilight yelped in surprise. Dash was propped on the couch nonchalantly, holding a dinky paper plate in her muzzle.

“Hey, I got your sandwich!” Her voice was muffled. By this point, Dash had gone beyond the boundaries of peculiarity and was just becoming plain silly. “Hope you like it.” Twilight looked at the flowers that were sticking out between the pieces of bread. They were fresh…wouldn’t doubt if they were picked just an hour ago. She ignored the observation for now and inched her face closer to grip it.

“Oh, thanks, Dash. I was feeling a bit famished from walking here.” She carefully clenched the opposite side of the plate with her teeth and found herself staring into those large magenta eyes. Something tugged at her chest for a moment. Dash was staring right back at her.

What are you doing? Why won’t you let go? Are your eyes…quivering? I really wish I could read your mind, Rainbow…

Twilight was quick to break the silence when she let out a muffled giggle, “Dash…you can let go of the plate now. I got it.” Her own voice was muffled this time. Almost immediately, the pegasus released it and shifted to an embarrassed position. A tint of red grew in her cheeks and as she rubbed her left leg with a hoof.

She cleared her throat, “Heh…sorry, Twi. I was just making sure you had it. Look, you eat; I’m gonna go take a shower. Long day and all.” It hadn’t been that long. It was barely after three. Dash’s skittish demeanor was getting to her. Guests were obviously something Dash didn’t have to deal with on a daily basis.

Before she knew it, the pegasus had jetted upstairs and an uncomfortable silence weighed on the unicorn’s ears. She placed the plate delicately on the couch and sniffed the sandwich. The aroma was intoxicating. She wasn’t sure if it was a result of hunger or just a craving for some fresh flowers. It was such a simple dish, but she knew it would tasty all the same. Without a single thought more about the meal, she began digging in. However, her mind couldn’t resist the opportunity to assess Dash’s behavior.

That was incredibly awkward. It seems neither of us is brave enough to see this through. Well, you know what? I’m just going to ask her instead of delaying the inevitable. She’s obviously looking for a way to break it to me. I can see it in those eyes of hers. I just need to keep the pressure on…if she won’t break it to me willingly…then I may just have to force it out of her. Even if I have to confront her…


The pattering of water against Dash’s ears was soothing. She found that falling water was the sanctuary where nothing could touch her and her worries were soothed. Feeling every drop running down her neck, chest and all the way to the tips of her hooves, she felt once again she could think clearly. Being around Twilight had a strange effect on her. Immediately, she felt dumber…and every movement from that unicorn felt like criticism. It was a frustrating aura of eggheadedness that she couldn’t stand…yet it felt like a challenge she was eager to overcome.

Having calmed her senses, Dash began to search for a way to tell Twilight about what’s been bugging her. It wasn’t as easy as she’d hoped.

“I have something to tell you, Twi…and it’s not easy to break to…you. Ugh!” She started over, “Twilight…don’t get angry…but I have something I have to do...grrr! You’re beating around the bush, Dash. Just say it to her.” The pegasus flapped her wings slightly to disperse the water. “Ahem…Twi, I…”

“Are you calling me?” The voice hit her like thunder.


Everything just collapsed. Dash slipped and her wings caught the curtains. They pulled them down over her and in seconds she was just a heap of curtains and feathers with hot water pouring on her. Twilight blinked and blushed.


“Twilight! Don’t scare me like that!” The pegasus attempted to crawl out of the disaster she’d just created. She was twisted tightly in the curtains and it wasn’t going to be an easy feat getting out of it.

“I’m sorry! Hey, let me help you.” The unicorn’s horn flared.

“I-I got it, Twi!” Dash interrupted, “It’s no big deal! Really! Just a little slip was all. Happens all the time! You wouldn’t believe how good I’ve gotten when it comes to untangling myself.” Dash thought back to the Iron Pony challenge and then chuckled at her situation. Ultimately, she didn’t mind the intrusion.

“All right, Rainbow. Again, I’m so sorry…but if you can’t get yourself out of that, just call me up.”

“No need! Just…knock next time, okay? You don’t sneak up on ponies. You know that.” Twilight nodded and slowly backed out of the room.

“Yeah, you’re right. I just though I heard you calling me so I rushed up here. I’ll be more careful next time.”

“It’s nothing, Twi! Just…I need a little time…” Dash trailed off as she began carefully fixing the situation. Twilight sat in the doorway for a moment. She had initially come up there to finally ask her about the failure. However, she was quickly regretting that decision. Perhaps impatience was going to win this one. “Twi? Weren’t you leaving?”

“O-Oh! Right! Leaving!”

“W-wait! Don’t go. This…this might not be the best time, but I don’t think I can do this any longer. I want to tell you…” She hesitated for a moment, “…tell you what’s going on.” Twilight felt something grip her chest…as did Rainbow. The unicorn made her way back over to the fallen pegasus and gently brushed a section of curtain that was obscuring her face. She looked defeated…she looked as she did one night ago.

“So you’re finally going to tell me?”

“Yeah. I never consider myself a coward…but I never consider myself the bravest pony either. It’s not easy, Twilight. For the longest time…I thought everything would be easy as long as I gave my best.” Dash’s eyes sunk as she sighed. “Time and time again…I found I was wrong. The time with Mare Do Well, the tornado and even the Young Flier’s Competition.” Twilight was a bit off-put by Dash’s glumness.

“But you did well in the competition! You got hordes of recognition and even a prize!” Dash groaned as she knew she would answer that way.

“I know…”

“You got a night with the Wonderbolts and you even did your fabled Sonic Rainboom!”

“I know! It’s just…it wasn’t enough.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Not enough? Really? What more could you possibly want than all that?”

“I mean it was a fluke, Twi. If Rarity hadn’t been there…I may never have pulled it off. My talents…they’re never my own.”

“Of course they’re your own! You’re amazing! You do stunts that any pegasus could only dream of! You are an amazing pony!”

“Yeah, but at what cost?! I’m more trouble than I’m worth. Even last night I couldn’t be brave. I was just a sobbing filly looking for comfort.” Twilight’s face was hurt as she could now agree with her…it was a pathetic sight. “I need a wakeup call…I’m a show-off with hardly anything to show. I’m like Trixie.”

Twilight wasn’t exactly wanting to remember that annoying memory. Before Twilight could say anything, Dash continued, “I’m…I’m going away.”

The unicorn couldn’t even register that the first time she heard it. She chuckled and shook her head, “What?”

“I’m leaving Ponyville…and moving back to Cloudsdale.” This time she heard Dash correctly…and was stunned to say the least. “I already booked a place there and everything…should be settled in by noon tomorrow.”

She could see Twilight’s mouth hanging open. Her lower jaw was quivering slightly. “That’s what I meant when I said you could help me…help me pack. I-it’s a lot of stuff and it would take me forever. I just…” The pegasus’s eyes finally looked up at the shocked unicorn. “…please, Twilight! Don’t look at me like that! I…I know I’m awesome and all…but I really need your help right now.”

Twilight’s silence dug into her soul. Nothing was more terrifying than seeing that face for five minutes it seemed. Dash just wanted to crawl away. She knew now more than ever that this was a mistake.

The unicorn’s face eventually normalized and she regained her composure, “So that’s it, huh? That’s what this was all about? You’re moving out?” She was more calm than Dash had expected. It slightly relieved her.

“Yeah. It wouldn’t be forever or anything. I just…have to do this.”

“Moving out and abandoning your friends…” She sighed in frustration. Dash immediately could feel Twilight’s growing anger.

“No! I’m not abandoning anypony!”

“Then what are you doing, Rainbow Dash? Because it sounds like…you’re sick of Ponyville dragging you down or something!”

“That’s not it at all! I…I failed something.”

“Failed what? Why don’t you just tell me? If you want to brave, then…”

“I’m…I’m trying to rectify a mistake…a mistake I made a long time ago. It’s nothing to do with you guys!” Dash was fighting back tears at this point. Her teeth clenched in anger.

“Then what was it then?! Rainbow Dash?! Tell me already!” This was quickly getting out of hand for the pegasus. She looked away constantly…trying not to face her verbal assailant.

“I…I failed the entrance exam for the Wonderbolts!” With the confession, there was a brief silence between them. “They…they wouldn’t take me, because…because they said I was too “unrefined”! That my skills were not only self-taught…but sloppy. So…I want to go back to flight school! I want to go back…and finish what I started. Prove them wrong! I know I can be an excellent flier…even if I have tough it and go back to school.” She gave a moment or two to let the words sink in. Dash’s voice calmed a little, “And to do that, I have to move to Cloudsdale…there’s no way I could commute every day. I have to be there...live there.”

Dash waited for Twilight to say something. During the silence, she managed to free herself from the shower wreckage. She stood and looked Twilight in the eyes. She could see something different in them. Something was changing in her usual behavior. She’d never seen Twilight this serious before.

“Selfish.” She said calmly. “You’re so selfish, Dash.

Rainbow was taken aback, “Yeah! I’m selfish! For chasing my dreams and buckling down to do what I have to do achieve it!” Dash’s voice rose a bit in agitation. “You couldn’t understand…you didn’t have to work as hard as I did to get where I am. You were spoon-fed your fame and the Princess made sure that you got the best possible treatment!”

Twilight wrinkled her brow and leaned her head forward, “Excuse me?! Spoon-fed?! For your information, I studied very hard to get where I am! It wasn’t because of the Princess…or even the classes I took. Me, myself, and I got where I was through perseverance and diligence!”

“And I’m the same! I’m not backing down with one failure! I will keep pushing and pushing until I have what I want…even if it means leaving my friends behind.”

Twilight growled, “This is not how the Element of Loyalty should act! You have to stick by your friends…you put them before anypony else! Even if it means sacrificing your own ambitions! You did it when we first met! I saw it!”

“Things have changed since then! You never thought I’d be reading books, did you? Maybe I’m tired of it all! Maybe being the element of loyalty isn’t all that great!”

“H-How could you say that?!”

“Twi…I thought you would understand…because you’re so smart, but now I see that was a mistake too. I’m taking you back to the library…”

The dismissive response was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Twilight tackled the mare to the floor with a growl. The two rolled for a second before the unicorn had her pinned again to the floor. There were tears flowing down Twilight’s cheeks. Her heart was obviously broken. She was taking her leave way out of proportion. Twilight raised a hoof above her head as if to strike the pegasus. Dash shut her eyes in anticipation.

“Do it, Twi! If that’s what it takes!”

There was a long pause, and then something unexpected. Rainbow opened her eyes to identify what had occurred…the pony was embracing her. Very tightly, in fact. Dash wasn’t sure how to react. She didn’t return it, but rather froze in shock. The unicorn was sobbing.

“You can’t leave…Dash! We’d all miss you! I’d miss you!” She was blubbering. Dash could feel her neck getting wet from the tears even though it was already wet from the shower. Rainbow gave in and hugged the crying pony. Seeing her like this hurt the pegasus. It was incredible how different Twilight was. Her calm, logical demeanor was broken down to an emotional cluster of anger and desperation.

“Twilight…I didn’t think this meant that much to you.” She admitted curiously. “Why? Why do you want me to stay?” Her legitimate question ringed in Twilight’s ears.

Silence. She couldn’t think of anything. “I…I don’t know, you stupid pegasus!”


Around ten minutes later, things had calmed down. The two were sitting on the couch and facing the front doorway. Twilight’s eyes were red from the crying and Rainbow was disheveled as ever, but she was dry now. The silence was again killing them. Twilight inhaled softly.

“I’m going with you.” She demanded. Rainbow whipped her head to face her.

“What?! No! You can’t! No way! You can’t come with me! Why? What about Spike and the library? What about Celestia’s orders?” She brought up a good point.

To study and report on friendship in Ponyville. She hadn’t forgotten, but Dash leaving? I’ll admit I’ve grown fond of seeing you. It feels like a day wouldn’t be as bright with you gone. Besides…what if everyone else started to leave? My best friends…I don’t want a single one to go…I’ve never been so blessed in my life.

“Forget the orders...” Twilight was surprised by what she had just said. She felt immediately horrible for saying that and winced.

“What?! What do you mean ‘forget them’?” Rainbow was just as surprised it seemed. She jumped off the couch and was now facing the unicorn. Twilight couldn’t look her in the eye.

“Never mind. I mean…they’ll understand.” They had to, right? To accompany her friend in her time of need? To assist her in achieving her dream?

“Will they, Twilight? Are you sure? I don’t even understand why. You’ve completely lost it!” The pegasus put a hoof on her shoulder. “Just stay here in Ponyville, they need you. They can’t live a day without you.” Twilight was angered again and she faced the pony.

“What about you?! You’re the town spirit! You make any horrible day feel like a dream. Make any frown turn upside down.” She can’t believe she uttered that terrible phrase. However, this got a giggle out of the pegasus.

“You sure you’re not talking about Pinkie Pie, Twi? What I have done recently that’s made anypony happy?” Twilight could hear that angst in her voice again.

“You…you…” She had some trouble thinking of something. “You kept me company! Despite the luxury of a wet floor, bed, and blanket…I…I enjoyed that night you came over. Felt like I actually mattered to someone. It felt like you chose to come to me because I had something to give you.” She spilled some of her heart. She’d just admitted she enjoyed spending time with Dash.

Jeez, talk about being mushy. Dash, you’re going no matter what I say, aren’t you? This lingering feeling my heart is just going to haunt me for months while you’re away becoming famous…while I’m stuck here reading the same thousand books over again. Trapped in everlasting guilt thinking that I could have somehow made you stay…now who’s being selfish, Twilight?

“Now who’s being selfish, Twilight?” Dash asked. The unicorn perked up as she had just thought that at the exact same time. Twilight smiled as did Rainbow. The two laughed quietly.

Twilight slid off the couch onto the floor, “Rainbow, I…” Twilight felt something odd…she noticed that Dash was…slightly taller than her. She glanced down at her hooves…they were sunk into the cloud floor beneath her. They both looked at each other in horror. “Oh no…”


“Twilight!!” Dash watched as Twilight fell through the floor. She could hear her screaming. Rainbow desperately tried to punch through the floor but to no avail. She growled in frustration and took off towards the door, bashing through it. Wood splintered into the stormy sky.

She dove under her house as fast as she could. She had no idea how much time she had. The house was barely a few hundred yards above the ground. Within mere seconds…Twilight would hit the ground. Rainbow had never been quicker in her life. Time seemed to slow down as she caught a glimpse of the falling pony. Her heart racing as she bee-lined it toward where she believed Twilight would land.


I never felt so betrayed in my life…foiled by my own magic. I feel…scared. Was this it? Would I go out this easily? There was…so much more to do…so much more to see…feel…and embrace.

She wasn’t even sure if she was falling anymore at this point. She felt as if something was tearing her apart. Something was pulling at her chest. Her breath escaped her and her vision blurred.

“Don’t forget about me…” Twi heard a voice. “Be strong…be brave…be the best…you can be.”

It was then Twilight felt something strike her violently. An enormous explosion deafened her senses as she instantly blacked out.

“Awaken…Twilight Sparkle. She’s waiting…”