• Published 7th May 2015
  • 1,073 Views, 148 Comments

Dawn Of The Silver Sun - Nameless Narrator

Too old for the orphanage Straw Basket grew up in, the hippogriff sets on a journey to become one of the fabled Royal Guards. Too bad things never work out as planned and he will end up facing forces which terrify even gods themselves.

  • ...

The Watchful Eye


"Haaaah... haaaah... haaaaah..."

The rushing blood, the searing pain in his every muscle, the rumbling avalanche of air coming in and out of his mouth reassured Straw Basket that, despite all the evidence to the contrary his memory was presenting, he still existed. That, in itself, was enough to make his eyes shoot open and force him to gasp as the agony in his neck answered the movement.

He was lying on the mansion lawn, green grass swaying slightly in the chilly winter air. He wasn't alone. Straw couldn't stop his tears. No, he wasn't alone. Leo was lying nearby, trembling in a pool of his waste and gasping for air as well. Connie was sitting a bit further, gurgling noises revealing she was throwing up, ignoring the brown pool she was sitting in. Quiet sobbing from behind him told Straw that Fortune, while catatonically hugging her legs, was also okay, at least physically. Only Walter was standing up, staring into nowhere and breathing heavily.

Straw couldn't admire the mental fortitude the Griffon Legion training had to instill in the griffon, enough to cope with his own gruesome death, as Walter twitched in tune with every step coming from ahead of him. Still, even the griffon was obviously terrified beyond belief, despite being the only one not stinking of vomit and crap.

Blaze was walking towards them, and Straw noticed several more things about the alicorn. His sandy blonde mane was filled with frequent strands of silver, and there were small patches of shedded fur in his coat. More than anything, the alicorn looked exhausted. Straw was smart enough to realize it had nothing to do with whatever resistance they had mustered against him.

His body reacted on instinct when Blaze got close. Stomach twisting inside him, Straw joined Connie in throwing up, partially on the grass and partially on himself. It was the pressure of survival, the pressure of terror the alicorn had shown him, and moreso the pressure of responsibility. In his last moments, Straw had understood what Fortune was going through. He'd died, knowing full well the deaths of his companions happened only because of the Nightmare inside him.

Blaze had done everything to make the fight, the inevitability of the end, the helplessness, feel real. Looking at the others, undoubtedly scarred for life, Straw knew the alicorn had succeeded.

"Do you understand now, at least a little?" said Blaze loudly enough to snap even Fortune from her paralyzed state, "There is no heroism, this is no story for foals, and there is no good ending if you don't keep going until you can't move anymore.-"

Straw understood. They weren't supposed to fight for an idea, for a banner or country. They fought for life itself. If they failed then there would be nothing left.

"-This is what you face. Our enemies lie, our enemies cheat. You cannot trust what you see, and you cannot afford to see everything and leave with your sanity intact. They do not fight, they kill. There is no honor, there is no mercy, and, most of all, there are no second chances. If it looks that way then they are just using you to get to the ones close to you. Our enemies cannot be reformed or changed. If they could then others would have already done so. We are the last resort. We have to watch our backs and not issue forgiveness freely," Blaze looked at Straw, who involuntarily shivered, "The worst part is that they have the initiative. Take this lesson in any way you want, the important part is that it happened."

Still, despite the gravity of what Blaze said, Straw couldn't feel anything other than hatred towards him. He knew it was the shock, but it came and it wouldn't let itself be controlled.

"Is he telling the truth? You know something about it, don't you?"

"Not even he knows how right he is."

"Nnnngh," Connie couldn't even talk. Instead, she just pushed herself out of the way as Blaze walked towards Fortune, who whimpered loudly as he approached.

"Fortune," the alicorn said sharply. The satyr's eyes were pinned on him, "You are not the reason why three of our first unit are dead, that is me. You are the sole reason why at least one is still alive."

He didn't say anything more as Fortune buried her face into her palms. With Blaze leaving, Straw's mind finally allowed itself to see something other than the alicorn and his, thankfully alive, friends. Cromach and Heavy Hoof were watching the group sadly. While the blue-maned baron came to help the others stand back up, the white griffon ambassador kept staring daggers at Blaze.

"Was it really necessary?" he hissed.

"Yes," Blaze answered simply, "I did this so you didn't have to. Fortune loves you, confused little girl. Leo respects you to his spoiled hooves, although he wouldn't admit it directly, and so do Connie and Straw Basket. Walter sees his hope for the future in you, one of the few griffons who had survived Legion bounty hunters. I'm just... a weird alicorn-ish thing to them. If they can get over this then they'll be much stronger. If they can't... then at least they will hate me, not you. Now go help them, they'll need all the support they can get over next few days."

Cromach sighed.

"Do you realize you might have just hurt them so much they'll never forget it?"

"Better one fake death than what I went through."

"It still hurts, doesn't it?" the griffon wrapped a wing around him.

"Not so much when you are here."

"Are YOU okay? I mean, not going to drink yourself stupid after 'killing' the foals?"

"You mean the foals who are six years younger than me and three younger than you? No, I think I can handle the guilt for once," Blaze smiled softly, "Go help wherever you can. All of them need your and Heavy's positive approach, especially Fortune."

"You know... sometimes you say and do stuff which really tests my feelings for you. Then you always make me remember. I think Fortune needed to hear that."

"Oh shut up, Romecolt, and go be useful."

"Yes, sir!" Cromach saluted. Blaze just shook his head and left, fire feathers slowly fading into mere orange glass.

By all rights they should have been too far for Straw to hear, but whether or not it was his Nightmare-heightened hearing, he caught the exchange of words. Perhaps it was the crushing burden of Nightmare or Three's death threats, or possibly he was just too stupid to understand the situation in its fullness, but he just smiled when Cromach offered him help in getting up, and pulled himself up on his own hooves and talons. All that had happened in last three days was a lot, but it wasn't the breaking point, although Straw could definitely feel it with the short fur of his muzzle.

While Heavy Hoof was stroking shaking Connie's head, Cromach carrying Fortune off on his back, Walter walking to the mansion on his own, Straw gently poked Leo's shoulder. A vomit-stained muzzle turned to him, and Leo's desperate look almost knocked him back down. The noble's newborn resolve to protect had gone through a difficult test, and nopony could be certain if anything remained.

"I think this needs a shower," Straw offered Leo his talons, just like Cromach had done to him, "Can't have the commoners think you're one of them."

"Y-yeah..." was all Leo said, but he accepted the help.

All the members of Hoof Of Fate, Straw chuckled at the silly name again, would have to work through the mess in their heads eventually, but at least they didn't have to do it while stinking like a hobo after a rough night.

Evening darkness set in as Straw lay on his bed, watching the ceiling. Once again, after he had showered, he'd tried to get some sleep before dinner. Once again, he'd failed, so now he was just thinking while listening to the rushing water in the shower where Leo was making himself presentable again.

It was taking a while.

Surprisingly enough, Straw wasn't thinking about the enemies of the world or even his own future as Nightmare's host. All those things were something he wasn't able to do anything about at the moment. What was important was an achievable goal, something he could work towards. There still was the dream of serving in the Royal Guard, which meant spending the remaining year being trained by the Silver Sun, but even that was now too much thanks to Three and Blaze's uncertain position on his continued existence.

He needed something simpler, something he could feel with his talons. His front leg moved instantly, not making a gesture of grasping, but one of holding a specific item - the handle of a sword. Right, the first step was actually being able to ward off even a minor threat to his health. After that, yes... after that, he could learn about guard duties, nobility, and a lifetime of service. Right now, as Leo had understood, their first duty was to protect.

Speaking of unicorn supremacists, the shower door opened and Leo walked back to the room, smacking his mouth.

"Feeling better?" Straw asked.

"Meh, at least I don't taste vomit anymore," Leo shrugged, "How about you?"

"Too much to handle. Right now, I'm just wondering how the hay are we supposed to kick sir Cromach's ass during weapon practice."

"Not one to overthink things, are you?" Leo sneered, but there was no malice in it, "But I guess you're right for once. There's no reason to dwell on what happened too much. I'm sure we'll see it enough times in our nightmares, after all."

"Yeah... I can't even close my eyes without seeing something sharp and black in front of my face."

Leo thought for a moment, then he nodded towards the closet.

"Well, I have a cure then, at least for tonight. Grab a shirt, or whatever low-class clothes are in there. We're going drinking.-"

Straw's stomach rumbled. Leo jingled a sack of bits.

"-And eating, my treat. The stuff here isn't bad, considering other recruits cook it, but I'm up for something special after today."

"I've never really... gone drinking," Straw coughed nervously, "Never had the bits."

"You've never had alcohol?" Leo's eyes bulged in disbelief.

"Nonono, I've had beer and wine several times, just never in an amount which I would consider going drinking."

"Whatever, just put something on, and let's go! I know for sure I'm drinking something other than juice or water tonight, and I'd rather not do it alone. I'll do it if I have to!" Leo threatened, hoof pointing at Straw.

Chuckling, the hippogriff jumped from the top bunk and put on a surprisingly well-tailored white shirt. His average, yet toned, build made it fit rather snugly, but it was still comfortable enough.

Following Leo out of the mansion, Straw was once again showered with the bustle of Manehattan. This time, though, it was stunning. Flashing neon lights, yelling, laughter, everything was clear against the evening darkness, and it make Straw's head spin again. He could even swear that a pretty, although a bit too heavy on makeup, mare waved at him from an alley acros the street.

"Stop drooling, villager," Leo grinned at Straw's unfocused stare, "Or at least don't buy anything too obviously fake."

Straw just smiled back, shook his head, and continued.

"You seem to know your way around Manehattan, I thought you were from Canterlot," commented Straw as Leo led them down some stairs leading to a door below street level. A glowing sign of a two dancing ponies, each holding a mug, was hanging above it.

"I am, these places just look the same no matter in which big city you are," Leo opened.

Straw was momentarily deafened by voices and music coming from the inside, but he got used to it during the short walk to the counter. Following Leo's lead, Straw jumped on a high barstool.

"Are you of age, guys?" the earthpony bartender looked at them suspiciously.

"Of age, status, and money," Leo jingled his money pouch in front of the pony, "Wine, beer, or some cocktail, Straw?"

"Umm, beer?"

"Two beers and, let's say, grilled cheese with herbs?"

Persuaded by the gold, the bartender just shrugged.

"Go find a table in the back room. One of the girls will be there shortly."

They were given a number, and when they pushed through the mass of ponies to a much cleaner and calmer room they commandeered a table for themselves. Surprisingly, with the amount of ponies inside the club slash restaurant, the waitress came with their drinks only a minute or two after they had sat down.

"Pheeeew, that's what I needed," Leo wiped the foam off his muzzle.

"I thought you preferred wine," Straw raised an eyebrow after momentarily raising his mouth from the mug.

"Nah, that's just when I have ladies with me. They go for that stuff. Speaking of the ladies, how are things between you and Fortune?"

"Nonexistent, I think? Last time we talked she said you should stop projecting, whatever that means."

"Proje-? Who's projecting? Damn halfling thinks she's so smart," Leo grumbled, blushing like a schoolfilly, "How can she think a pure unicorn like me would have a crush on her? She's projecting!"

"Okaaaaay?" Straw leaned away from Leo, careful not to be splashed by the beer still at least partially inside the unicorn's shaking mug.

"Ehm," Leo coughed, sipped the remnants of his beer, and calmed down, "Forgive my temporary... astonishment. Of course a commoner would succumb to a delusion that I would go for her, it makes sense. What do you think she drinks?"

"Motor oil?" Straw shrugged, thinking about all the advanced weaponry Fortune was used to carrying around, "So... are you sure you haven't got hots for her?"

"How dare you?! She- I- me-"

"She's pretty, isn't she? Even for not having fur or anything."

"EEEEHM!" Leo coughed loudly, trying to collect himself once again, "Yes, despite her usual boorish beaviour and unusual proportions she is quite the sight. Yes, that's my official opinion and I'm sticking to it."

"I thought you wouldn't be THAT shocked by female interest... or lack of interest in this case."

The waitress came and refilled Leo's mug, giving him a dirty glance at how fast the first one had disappeared.

"Well, things have changed, right? I'm quite used to mares of all shapes and standings being interested in my money or status, all that fake giggling and other nonsense. It's sort of... refreshing to meet one who isn't immediately throwing her body away for a promise of the high life."

No matter how much Leo tried to avoid the subject, Straw wasn't stupid enough to fall for it.

"Do you want her to?"

Finally, Leo just sighed slowly.

"Maybe...? I mean, yeah, she's unique, but think of all the things her fingers can do, how hot her skin must be without all the fur in the way, how round her hips are, and, most of all," Leo waved his hooves in front of his chest. The half-circles were quite clear in revealing what he meant, "No mare has them that huge. Well, aside from that one milkmare from Trottingham, who I honestly think is just an urban legend made up to lure tourists."

Compared to some female minotaurs in the Royal Guard, Fortune wasn't THAT endowed, but Straw could see Leo's point. Breasts weren't really that big a deal for mares. He blushed as he connected Leo's words about soft, furless skin and Fortune's... chest.

"I must admit I'd love to see her without her pants before any of that," Straw covered his reddening muzzle.

"A traditionalist, I see," Leo gave him a knowing stare, "Aiming for the good old marehood above all else."

Straw put down the beer, which didn't have the cooling effect he was hoping for.

"Not really, that's where she carries the grenades."

"We... are still talking about the pants, right?"


"Just checking."

"I'm not THAT inexperienced."

"Good, good.-"

The silence lenghtened.

"-You see, when a mare and a stallion love each other very much- YAAAH!"

Leo fell backwards with his chair. On the other hoof, he DID dodge the thrown beer mug.

"I'd like to see you do that when YOU are paying," Leo gathered himself from the floor.

"I'll be drinking water and sticking to bread sticks."

"HAH! Thought so."

Before Straw could choke the unicorn, the waitress appeared, giving each one a deliciously smelling plate. Smiling as meekly as he could, Straw explained how he 'accidentally' spilled his drink. Leo's wide smile, and a very generous tip to the waitress, stopped all and any further questions the mare might have had.

Washing the food down with another beer, Straw was beginning to feel a little woozy. The food and his physique helped resist the alcohol, but he still wasn't used to drinking this 'heavily'. Having some time to himself, Straw wondered why, and noticed that Leo was staring into his beer rather gloomily.

"Whass... what's going on?" Straw shook his head.

Sighing, Leo pushed his mug away and looked Straw straight in his eyes.

"I feel useless."

"What? Why?"

Leo, the less unicorn and more just an ego covered in fur, in doubt? Straw was too stunned to say more than that.

"You saw how useful I was during the 'training', right? Oooooh, I made things glow yellow," he waved his hooves in the air parodically, "Insert earth-shattering kaboom here. Shields nowhere, protection nowhere, only a stupid unicorn bleeding out of his nose because his magic sucked a bag of zebra dicks. Quick pain that made me shit myself, darkness. I hope I at least looked funny, hanging there impaled by my face."

The venom in Leo's voice was something Straw had never encountered before.

"Leo... all of us ended like that. There was literally nothing we could have done. No magic, no protection, no way to attack. For Celestia's sake, I stabbed his throat clean through and he just healed it. Walter got his skull crushed, Three cut Connie to ribbons and bit her head off. There was nothing for us to do aside from 'dying'. And hey, at least you and Connie stopped Antares in the practice before. I just got smashed by Cross, and if that wasn't enough, none of that would have happened if I wasn't there. All that was just because of Nightmare. If worst came to worst then the others would have just been told to join the regular guards. I shouldn't even be here, I'm just-"

Straw's body jerked upwards and his neck tightened up. Eyes bulging and struggling for breath, the hippogriff looked at Leo's horn blazing with yellow. A second later he was slammed back into his chair.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Leo growled, "You are a hippogriff trying to become a Royal Guard. You got far enough to be able to learn from the best there are. Your companions are a Griffon Legion soldier, one of the guys who make Equestrian guards crap inside their plate armors, a satyr orphan who knows more about gun mechanics than an unholy spawn of griffon and unicorn engineers, if those nerds ever actually thought about procreation, and a unicorn mare who will one day become powerful enough to lift Celestia's cake-filled rump. YOU got here with YOUR determination and YOUR skills. Granted, a bit of luck helped, but something had to balance you being possessed by an ancient god of destruction. It is me who shouldn't be here. I was raised to be a leader, but hey, Connie actually has a brain for strategy and tactics. I can't even do financial things coming with being nobility. I'm not a freaking fighter like Walter, who can traverse a desert with a mouthful of water and a wet tissue. I can't even say I got anywhere on my own. I went to a good school because of my family's money, I got into the Guard recruit program because my father gave bits to some important charity in Canterlot. Whenever I try to be companionable and relate to you commoners on a personal level I just come off as an arrogant loudmouth. So don't ever again say something like 'I AM JUST SOMETHING - BLA BLA BLA!"

Straw leaned away from Leo, who stood with his front legs on the table. The other patrons looked curiously at him, so the unicorn lowered his voice and continued:

"You are somepony I can look up to, Strawberry. Don't change that."

Nothing more was said. Straw had to disagree on some points, but the realization of Leo's situation made him believe he might be wrong.

"Water, please," Straw pointed at both Leo and himself when the waitress came again to take their plates away.

Quiet shuffling nearby made Straw look up from his glass. A brown earthpony sat down to their table and smiled at them companionably.

"I couldn't help overhearing you are dissatisfied with the way you are. I don't mean to pry, but I can help."

"First of all, that came off really creepy," Leo rolled his eyes, glancing at the earthpony with suspicion, "Second of all, I doubt any of our business is your business."

"Third of all, what do you mean?" Straw finished the thought.

"I work for an organization set on discovering the true power that lies inside ponies, finding their true potential and releasing it. As you may have heard, there's magic in all of us, manifesting itself in our cutie marks," he looked at Straw's star-grasping talons and Leo's blank flank, "Our goal is to harness the power assigned by fate into any endeavour an individual might attempt. Simply put, our goal is pony perfection, the forging of beings bound only by their own decisions and will."

"That sounds impossible... and highly illegal," Straw tilted his head.

"Not at all, actually. The princesses aren't against ponies striving for personal growth... no matter how big that growth might become," he added sinisterly, and laughed, "I apologize, I just get giddy every time I remember how close we are."

"You seem crazy," Leo patted the earthpony's back, "let us not delay you further-"

"Let me show you," the earthpony shoved Leo's hoof away.

Their beer mugs levitated upwards and switched places.

"How did you-?" Straw gasped.

"Big deal, so you have a unicorn somewhere nearby, who is doing this charade," Leo sighed, "Straw, don't be so taken aback by parlor tricks. After all, this is Manehattan. There are tons of 'illusionists' in the streets who can do this for few b... i... t... s."

Leo's voice drifted away as the earthpony put his hoof on Leo's head.

"HEY! What are you doing?" Straw jumped from his chair.

"So you DO admit it's me," the earthpony laughed, "You seem smarter than your unicorn friend. I just slowed his perception of time."

He put his hoof away and Leo shook his head.

"What happened?" he thought for a second, "Oooookayyyy... how did it happen?"

"I just used a bit of my magic, the one existing within earthponies and making them sturdy, to perform a bit of what unicorns call 'their' magic. It is but a fraction of what the other members can do, but I couldn't help myself when I heard how miserable you felt. I apologize for that. There seems to be an obstacle in front of you, what sort of pony would I be if I didn't offer help?"

"Born in Manehattan?" Leo grinned. The earthpony snickered as well.

"Maybe, maybe."

"So," Straw was confused. Matters of magic were unknown to him, but he still felt something was off, "What is the group you speak of, the ones who can do such miracles?"

"We are called The Vigil."


It appears that Nightmare really was on Straw's side, because as soon as he even thought about opening his mouth, it froze him.

"Calm down, slave!"

"One of them... the guys who killed Fortune's friends."

"Exactly, one of the guys who were capable of killing a dreamling, a minotaur warrior, a trained guard, and who made an expert in projectile weaponry run away in horror. Do you really want to show that you know about them?"

Straw took a deep breath. Only on the inside though, on the outside he was still paralyzed by Nightmare.

"Never heard about it," Straw just shrugged when he regained control, "Some sort of drug dealers?"

"Drugs? No, everything we do is natural."

"I heard the things Cromach had to kill during the last raid were so 'natural' he still needs sleeping pills sometimes."

"Technically, he's not lying. I doubt he understands what's really going on though."

"But you do, don't you? You know EXACTLY what's going on. Blaze suspects something, but he doesn't have any clear clue."

"Smart slave. Both me and Discord cannot be 'seen' to act in any compromising fashion. Discord's new... 'friend' made him blind and weak, so he'll just spend his remaining time playing pretend tea parties. I, on the other unspecified limb, am willing to help, as long as it doesn't put me in direct danger of retaliation. With you, if worst comes to worst, I can easily just say I protected my only remaining host. It's not my fault you got involved in all 'this' while I was too weak to control you."

The voice inside his head chuckled.

"So you're playing this on both sides, whatever they are."

"I, my little slave, am only on my side, and I like to keep my options open. Unfortunately, I am running out of those rather fast. For now, you can trust me when I say I want to stop what's coming just as much as you will when you understand. After that, we shall see."

"You know what?" Leo suddenly turned to the earthpony, strange determination burning in his eyes, "After the asskicking we got, I sure could go for some - did you say completely legal? - improvement. So yeah, I'm listening. Umm, wait, I'm too full to listen. Give me a moment."

He trotted away towards the toilets.

"He can't be serious!"

"Unicorns and power, it's always the same."

"Damn, right," Straw hiccuped, "I'll be right back, sir drug dealer. You've got pretty good beer here in Manehattan."

Pretending to stumble on his way, the hippogriff rushed after Leo.

What he wasn't expecting was the white unicorn trembling in front of a mirror while filling the sink before him with cold water.


"The. Vigil."

"You know about them?"

"Yesterday, when you went out for a walk, I wandered around the mansion, trying to find out more about the guys who 'saved' us. I stumbled upon a conversation between Fortune and Cromach. It was about some massacre those two were connected with. I listened through the door, pretending to be exploring the mansion whenever a patrol came. It turned out Fortune was sent to Canterlot to recover after a failed mission against the Vigil guys. I really don't want to bother you with details about what they sent against Cromach, and what he did to them."

"I know most of it, Fortune told me herself. During the walk yesterday I met Blaze, who filled me in on some more details. To be honest, I came here to persuade you not to go with the guy."

For a second, Leo looked hurt, then he just chuckled to himself.

"I... I do come off as somepony who would do that, don't I? Can't really blame you, the more powerful unicorns are the more they want, be it magic, influence, or wealth."

"Leo, you know what the best part is?"


"I was wrong," Straw hugged the unicorn.

"Hey, hey, calm down, Strawberry! I'm fine, I'm fine!" he pushed the hippogriff away, but smiled and patted him on his back, "Now, I also have a really dumb idea."

"Me no like."

"Come on, we can prove we aren't totally useless. We might not be able to fight the half-immortal cheaters using broken amount of magic, but can we refuse an opportunity to find them like this?"

"Okay, what if this is a trap? After... Blaze, we really know we can't fight them. Granted, the Order members have no idea where the Vigil guys are now, after the last raid, but-"

"Good, then we can be useful! Logically, do you think we've been here long enough or that we are important enough for them to know who we are? If we come off as Order members then we'll just say we're there to train to become Royal Guards. After all, I'm a spoiled, rich brat, whose wealthy parents just don't want him to spend time away from them in some filthy barracks, right? What can possibly go wro-"

Straw put a talon on Leo's mouth.

"I'm willing to try, but I don't trust the 'plan' enough to let you finish that sentence."

"Hah! Knew I'd get you to agree. Now we can prove-"

"To Fortune that you're actually doing this for her, not the Order," Straw grinned evilly.


Pretending to be a tomato once again, Leo marched out of the bathroom. Snickering to himself, Straw followed.

"So, lead the way, mister Vigil," Leo was swaying, pretending to be a lightweight, "Time to put your mouth where your words are *hic* your bread where your mouth is... or whatever the commoners say these days. You know? If ponies don't keep their word, we nobles just send them off to prison."

"I'm sure you will not be disappointed," the earthpony smiled.

Straw didn't talk much during their trip through Manehattan, mostly because he was trying as hard as he could to remember the way for later, Leo was pretending to be barely awake after drinking far too much, and the earthpony seemed just happy they were following him.

"If you thought what I did at the bar was amazing, just wait till you see what the older members and grandmaster can do."

"Hmm?" Straw mumbled, "Sorry, first time in Manehattan. If I don't watch where I'm going I'll never get back. This is a pretty huge city."

"Don't worry about that. If you want to stay over night then we have some lodgings, it's not far."

"Oh, thanks. So, you said you could use magic. Doesn't it somehow, I don't know, weaken you as an earthpony or something?"

"Good guess! Yes, since earthpony magic concerns stamina, me using spells is pretty exhausting. It's a start though. From what I heard, the older members can change their bodies to suit what they want and even use magic without any drawbacks."


"No, real ponies, no bugs. They have recieved more gifts from the Watcher than us, the newbies."

"The Watcher?" Straw shivered. There was something nagging him, but he couldn't remember what exactly. Something... something from the maze?

"The Watcher... eyes... Observers?!"

"Pretend ignorance, slave!"

"Who is this Watcher? Somepony like the princesses, an alicorn or something?"

"Not at all. The Watcher has watched this world since its creation, leaving all species evolve and perfect themselves. He left us means to protect ourselves from all threats, we just had to prove we were capable of using them. Since we are still here, we've apparently done a good job. The alotted time is nearing the end though, and since we haven't proven ourselves evolved enough, he comes to allow us, the worthy, to ascend. He brings change which will be fueled by the lives of the unworthy."

"Well, that couldn't sound more evil even if somepony really tried," Straw muttered.

The earthpony, apparently, had very good hearing.

"Heh heh, that's true. That part is supposed to be a long-term goal, for now we just recieve the potion and show how much we can grow."

"Potion? I KNEW it was drugs!" Straw chuckled.

"Drugs are temporary, Watcher's gift is eternal. It is said the Grandmaster is immortal and can command powers beyond the understanding of the royal sisters."


Straw knew he'd changed in Canterlot, but he would have never guessed that he would be only playing the dumb, awestruck hick, not really being one.

With that, he returned to remembering every step they took.

Right until they reached a large, square building, made partially from wood and partially of metal, in an industrial part of Manehattan.

"A warehouse?" Leo sneered, "I was expecting something more from ponies commanding powers out of this plain of existence."

"Physical possessions mean very little to us. After all, the veterans do not need to eat or drink, and they can change their bodies to be comfortable under any circumstances. What use would some extravagant mansion be? But hey, you will soon understand."

They entered a small door, a side entrance to the warehouse, without any control or password. The inside was mostly open space, with several large containers, but a part of the warehouse had been walled-off, probably to serve as office space. There wasn't too much bustle around, only several ponies sitting and staring into nowhere.

"This looks like a crack den... without the fun part," Leo mumbled.

"The Watcher's gift grants enhanced senses, among other things. They are exploring the worlds within themselves. I, for one, find it restful. Oh well, do you wish to come with me for the potion or do you want a moment to gather yourselves? The first experience is always... taxing."

"So, you'll just give it to us, no questions asked?"

"Yes. I'm not lying, this is just an another way of reaching your true potential, which is the Watcher's wish."

Leo stumbled and dropped on his rump.

"Brrrr, as long as yoo come back with a mug, I'm fine wit 'nything."

"Erm, I should keep an eye on him. Does your potion thingy have any side-effects when combined with alcohol?"

"Yes, eventually," the earthpony nodded, "Just like all poisons, it allows your body to become immune to it."

"Woooow," Straw smiled and sat down to Leo, while the earthpony left. Watching him carefully, Straw saw him go through a wooden door to a walled-off area of the warehouse.

"Okay," all hints of Leo's drunkenness were gone, "What now? This really looks like some back alley behind a cheap disco."

"I don't know, wait for the famous potion? How bad can some moonshine be?-"

Leo looked meaningfully at the wasted-looking, unaware ponies.

"-Point taken. Can we punch our way out if things go south?" Straw finished his sentence.

"I still have my telekinesis, and you have your talons. It's not much, but as long as they don't come heavily armed it might be enough. I'd prefer seeing their Gift, quietly sneaking out, coming back to the mansion, and sicking the crazy alicorn on them."

"Sounds like a plan. Terrible, but I don't have a better one. Should we work out some secret signals or-"

"Shush, he's coming back," Leo hissed, looking behind Straw. He put his goofy smile back on, and waved to the earthpony carrying some sort of a corked vial in his mouth.

When he approached them, he laid the vial down. It was filled up to the cork with some sort of grey mist, swirling and billowing inside its glass prison.

"That doesn't look like-" Straw mumbled.

"Shut up! It appears like this only to your eyes. The unicorn just sees it as water."

"So what is it?"

"Hmmm... he is taking a risk with this. Perhaps he isn't as powerful as I percieved him? Or perhaps he is just still too far..."


"It is distilled divine power. Their... 'Watcher' really granted them some of his power. Not much, though, seeing they still look like ponies. Their minds are drifting off as they should. Mortals aren't strong enough to bear his 'perfection'."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Will the potion hurt us, or what?"

Straw felt the presence inside him shift. Somehow, he could feel Nightmare thinking hard about its next words.

"His influence over this world might not be as strong as I believed, which means these Vigil ponies might be instrumental in his return. I can't tell you much more yet, it would endanger me too much. For now, all you need to know is that you mustn't drink that thing. With me inside you, it will tear you apart."

"How about Leo?"

"Hmmm, a small amount like this shouldn't cause too much trouble. It will undoubtedly affect his natural abilites, telekinesis and his preferred magic, but the side-effects should be minor at best. I wouldn't stay around for a second dose, if I were him."

Nightmare moved Straw's head towards one of the mumbling, dizzy ponies.

"So, this is your first step towards perfection, guys. Who's taking the first swig? The vial is enough for both of you."

"Erm," Straw hesitated, "I think my noble host should do the honors."

"Of courrshe," Leo waved his hoof, "Let nobility do all the work, pea- *hic* -sant!"

Golden glow appearing around the vial, it flew towards Leo's mouth. Even the unicorn couldn't hide his curiosity. After all, lust for power was something of a natural trait.

"HRK-" Leo's eyes bulged as he got about halfway through the vial, and he collapsed on the floor, spasming, twitching, and gasping for breath. The container remained floating in the air, likely held by the earthpony's unseen magic.

"LEO!" Straw reached to him, but the earthpony put his hoof on the hippogriff's shoulder.

"This is normal, the body is absorbing the Gift. It is... taxing, but he will be fine."

"He better be..." Straw muttered, grinding his talons into the stone floor.

"Don't bring attention to yourself! I can sense the change, and his magic is flowing more freely, which requires the ethereal 'paths' inside his body to widen. It's not enough to tear him to bits. Unless something unexpected happens then he should just be more like the eye-hurting unicorn mare, Connotation, Coincidence, or whatever her name is."


"Amusing, you say it as if I should care."

Straw twitched in sympathy with every groan and gasp of the obviously tortured unicorn. He wondered how it must have felt, insides stretching to the breaking point without being allowed to blissfully pass out. He quickly gave up on that line of thought, and just prayed to Celestia he hadn't made a horrible mistake.

"So, how about you?" the earthpony smiled, and Straw froze.

Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! What now?

"Think of something or you'll envy the damn unicorn for the rest of your very short existence!"

"Errm, yeah, right," Straw grasped the vial.

"Sorry, Leo."

Hoping he wouldn't hurt the unicorn too much, Straw stumbled drunkenly backwards, raised the vial to the air, and proclaimed loudly:

"Bottomsh up- HYAH!"

And, just as planned, stepped on Leo while backing up.

He felt the tug of the earthpony's magic on the vial in his grasp, but refused to let go. Reflexively, he tried to slow down his fall with his taloned foreleg. Specifically, the one holding the glass. While the essence inside the vial might have been eternal, the container itself wasn't, and it shattered, cutting Straw as he fell right on the scattered shards.

"Oopsh... s-shorry, I'll pay for it or sumthing," he looked desperately at the earthpony.

"It... it's alright. I'll come back with more. Wait a moment, and keep an eye on your friend."

"I'm really sh- sorry!"

As soon as he was in the clear, Straw pulled all the shards out of himself. The strange mist was still clinging to the floor.

"Okay, we got a minute or two. Any ideas? Should we somehow gather the grey stuff and bring back to the Order?"

"Hmmm, good idea."

The mist swirled, and gradually formed a ball in Straw's talons.

"This should hold for a while. Put it in your bag and think of a way to get out of here as soon as possible."

Unfortunately, this time the earthpony came rushing out of the office space almost immediately.

Grinding his teeth, Straw noticed he wasn't carrying anything.

"Well, it seems we're out of the Gift for now, but don't worry, we should have more in an hour or so."

"So, you're not mad?"

"It is just a matter of time, and time is on our side."

"Thanks. How long does this usually take?" Straw softly nudged Leo.

"Several minutes. I can leave you alone if you want. He won't be too thrilled to see me when he wakes up. Just tell him to take things slowly and he'll be fine. I have to go out again to look for lost souls in need of help. Somepony will tell you when the new Gift is finished."

"Good luck."

With that, the earthpony marched towards the warehouse exit.

Minutes of Leo wheezing and pawing at the floor passed, and finally his erratic breathing slowed down.

"Leo?" Straw leaned down to his muzzle.

"Punch... you..."

"Sorry, but Nightmare told me drinking it would kill me."

"Still... punch... face..."

"Just breathe, you big hero. I know you took it just because I was worried," Straw lied.

"Felt... like shit. Needed... no, wanted... power."

Dumbstruck, Straw just stared.

Not looking at him, Leo just lay there.

"I like my version better," Straw smiled, and patted Leo's side.


"I COULD have stepped on you harder."


The promised hour was up. Fortunately, nopony had arrived with another drink yet. Even more fortunately, Leo was finally able to stand up again.

"Feeling better?"

"Weird, more likely. The quick nap, well, passing out, helped, though."

"Are we getting out of here then?"

"Yeah," Leo looked around, "I see the druggies are still out of it."

"They haven't moved since we came. So, is your telekinesis better or something?"

"Eh, what?"

"Nightmare said the potion should have improved your magic somehow."

"Oh... kay?" Leo looked at the hippogriff suspiciously, and focused on the money pouch on his belt.

*Thud!* *Clink!*

"OW!" Straw rubbed his muzzle after being hit by a fist made of gold coins.

"Craaaaaap..." Leo groaned, slowly collapsing on the floor again.

"Yeah, it also said you'd suffer the same problems as Connie."

"Should have... punched you... harder," huffed the unicorn, trying unsuccessfully to gather himself again.

"Still, that HURT!"

"Yeah, I just meant to throw it at you, not rip my belt clean off and slam it straight in your face."

"Well, more rest?"

"Yeah, I can barely stand, much less run somewhere."

"Right. We're leaving as soon as we can."

The click of the office door opening again made Straw turn his head. It seemed their luck was running out as a hooded unicorn was levitating another vial and walking meaningfully towards them.

"You could just tell them you got cold hooves," Leo whispered.

"For some reason, I'm pretty sure I'd end up staring at walls and having no clue who or what I am."


"If they start something then I'll sling you over my back, and you'll blast anypony or anything that comes too close."

"And you said my plans were stupid."

"What plans?" the unicorn took his hood off, and smiled, "Did our friend tell you that the Gift also improves your senses? Such as... you know... hearing?"

From behind the nearby freight containers two more 'ponies' stepped out.

"Or the ability to move unnoticed," one of them finished the thought.

Straw could wonder about the strange padding on their hooves allowing them to move without making a sound. He could also wonder about how their tails looked more like reptile ones, ending in blades. Or possibly about the one of them whose coat was changing into scales as he walked towards them. All that was stored for later reference, because each one of the Vigils was missing their left foreleg. Instead, there was a limb of twisted, black muscle ending in tentacle-like talons.

"Just like Blaze?"

"Putting it together, slave?"

"No, he can't be an ex-Vigil. Isn't he supposed to be a founding member of the Order or something? The Vigil came quite recently. Does it have something to do with you calling him a traitor?"

"I'll take that as no. You'll have to work harder if you don't want to end like them."

"Fine, I don't have time to argue. Can you just empower me like you did against Blaze?"

"No, not now. To preserve my secrecy and the integrity of my cover, I can only protect you a little, not give you the power to antagonize his servants directly."

"DAMN! Do that then."

The strange trio surrounded Straw. It seemed that Leo, still lying on the ground, was not threatening enough for them.

"Would your 'Order' be, by any chance, the Silver Sun?" their apparent leader chuckled, "It seems that last time it wasn't enough. No matter, now that we know what the griffon is capable of we are prepared."

Straw knew one thing - if they were allowed to get closer then they would immobilize him easily. He had to take the first step.

Spreading his wings, he launched himself straight at the leading unicorn, talons ready.

Something wrapped around him and plucked him out of the air. Turning his head in panic, he identified the tentacles binding him right as one of the ponies behind him faced him. His twisted leg had apparently lenghtened, and each muscle strand had transformed into what was now Straw's prison.

"Silly creature, we are the harbingers of perfection," said all three of them in unison, "We are close to becoming the ultimate creature, one mind, one goal, many entities. You cannot kill us, you cannot fight us."

"Wanna bet?" growled something behind the one holding Straw, and the air blurred.

Green sparks flashing out of nowhere, Straw recognized a familiar black shape lunging at the Vigil member. The blades on the back of Three's forelegs cut into the Vigil just like they had done to Connie hours earlier, and her teeth quickly parted the body and the head.

Before Three even touched the floor, she threw something to Straw.

"Make two interlocking circles. Black and white."

She couldn't continue as another tentacle arm attempted to catch her.

"COME!" proclaimed the trio's leader loudly. A quick glance revealed that the mindless ponies slowly awoke from their stupor, the door to the office space shot open, and many more came running to the storage area.

With the two more transformed Vigils chasing after Three, Straw had to punch several normal ponies, but with the amount coming inside he knew he wouldn't last long.

"Take the filly horseshoes off if you want to live. KILL THEM!"

The moment of confusion was enough for Nightmare to make the suggestion a reality. Before Straw could regain control, his talons impaled the closest attacker.

"Wha-?" he stared at his bloody talons, world around him momentarily forgotten.

"WHY? He was just a pony!"

"It's about time you understood - you are not a knight in shining armor. Remember what the traitor alicorn said. If you don't trust me, trust him, at least for now."

Biting his lip, Straw punched one of the many closing in on him.

"NO! I'm not a murderer, and I won't become one! I wanted to become a Guard to protect others, not harm them."

"Foalish thoughts! There is no victory without a sacrifice! KILL OR BE KILLED! You and everypony around you will suffer if you fail."

The tugging on his mind was almost irresistible... almost. Focusing on the feeling he remembered from when Blaze gave him that 'something' to chain the Nightmare inside, he suppressed the red veil around him. He would kick and punch, but he wouldn't slice or impale...

...and he would lose.

As the wave of ponies washed over him, he ended up on his back, every leg being sat on by a different pony. One straddled his chest, and punched.





The punch was stopped by a golden haze surrounding the hippogriff.


The pony raised his front legs to stomp at the magical barrier. A surge of energy passed through the shield.

The hooves came down.

The shield exploded, scattering everypony all over the warehouse.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this," mumbled the unicorn, barely able to move his mouth, and drooling on the stone floor.

"Thanks!" Straw dizzily got back up, and looked for the thing Three had thrown to them.

It was a bag full of black and white stones.

"Circles, circles."

He knew what the ornament was. He hadn't looked at it directly before, but he knew it was Blaze's cutie mark.

It was almost done when something hit him hard in his side.

Realizing the wave of ponies had temporarily failed, one of the elder Vigils stopped fighting Three and focused on Straw.

"Resistance is futile, mortal. We shall-"


Orange light erupted from Leo, who was looking at the Vigil exhaustedly.

"You should... watch your surroundings instead of... gloating," the unicorn was sitting in front of the finished stone circles.

"You worthless whelp!" in a blink of an eye, the Vigil shot out his arm tentacles straight at Leo. Right through the orange glow.

Something deflected the blow, and the tentacles shattered the stone floor nearby.

"Don't touch my students, no matter how annoying or stupid they are," Cromach stepped out of the light, battleaxe at the ready.

"Hahahahahaha, you presume we haven't learned since last time, griffon."

Charging straight towards Cromach, the Vigil's coat turned to scales. The ambassador's double-headed battleaxe met with the armor in a shower of sparks, but while the Vigil got flung away, he was not hurt in the slightest.

"That can't be good," Cromach shook his head, "Straw, grab Leo and get out. The portal is one-way only."

He couldn't say more as the Vigil attacker's long fangs snapped an inch away from his neck.

"Leo, you are awesome," Straw rushed to the sitting unicorn.

"Heh, I know. Now carry me, slave!"

"I don't need another being calling me that," smiling like an idiot, Straw pulled Leo on his back.

"Stop them!" yelled the Vigil fighting Cromach. For his wavering attention he recieved a blow to his neck. The armored scales held, though, "Fine, I'll deal with you first."

The common Vigils who had been scattered by the explosion of Leo's shield were Straw's only problem now.

"We have a wounded, commence extraction," yelled Connie, stepping out of the portal.

Walter, jumping right behind her, didn't take even a second to recollect his thoughts and rushed straight to Straw. Before the hippogriff had to turn his head back to the wave of ponies stopping him, he saw a long barrel following Walter through the portal.

A second later the nearest pony's head exploded.

Fortune's expression, as she was reloading, was terrifying. Normal ponies or not, they were Vigil members. Thus, they were... responsible.

Several fallen ponies later, the Vigils realized they weren't immortal like the older members, left Straw and Leo, and ran towards the main entrance.

"No," Fortune mumbled to herself, counted to three, and threw a grenade, "You don't deserve to live, filth."

They had no idea what happened.

Straw, still inching towards the side entrance, had. Charred bodies and blood splattered everywhere, the few who survived just crumbled on the floor, sobbing.

"They are just ponies!" Straw yelled.

"No, they are the fuel of progress," said another elder Vigil, coming out of the office space. With a flick of his twisted arm, all non-elder Vigils collapsed. Even Leo groaned on Straw's back.

"Damn... that... hurt!"

Straw breathed out, realizing Leo wasn't affected as much as the others.

With no more obstacles, the duo got out of the building. The fresh air of Manehattan night was invigorating beyond belief, especially after Fortune's revenge. Few moments later, the rest of Hoof Of Fate followed.

"I will leave all insults for later. Now, let's get back to the mansion," ordered Contradiction.

"How did you find us?" Straw asked.

"Three was following you on Blaze's orders. When you got here, she ran back to the mansion and told him everything."

"Well, I guess I should be thankful she wants to bite my head off that much," Straw mumbled, "Wait, we need to help! Neither Cromach nor Three could even hurt the Vigils when they armored up, and it's three on two right now."

"No," Connie said firmly, "Our orders are to get the two of you out and get back."

"Fine, grab Leo, he can barely move, but we can't leave Cromach and Three there alone. No matter how much I want to crap myself whenever the dreamling is around."

"Orders," Contradiction's oversized blade floated to Straw's neck, "They know we would only get in the way."


"And why do you suppose we can, then?"

"We can be a distraction!"

"Protect me, Nightmare."

"For whom? Hey-!"

Straw stepped straight against Connie's blade, which clanked harmlessly against his neck.

"Cromach and Three can do much more than we can, that's why we need to make sure they are alright. Take care of Leo!"

Without further ado, he dropped the unicorn from his back,-

"Gnng... buck... you!"

-ran back inside,...

...and felt like a moron.

At the speed the two Vigils facing Cromach were moving, Straw knew his only achievement would be taking a blow for the ambassador at best. Three was dodging the best she could, but neither of them was able to hurt their opponent. It was only a matter of time before fatigue claimed them.

The portal was gone, which meant nopony else was going to come. Nopony followed him inside, which also meant the rest of the group was following orders, while he was just standing there like an idiot.

"They will lose."

"Then you better run, I'm not involving myself."

"I'm going to help."

"You'll get smashed."

"Not if you help."

"No, even if I do."


"The stupid traitor's act drained me far too much. I can protect you from one or two blows, but I can't get through their armor. They are infused with more divine power that I can muster right here and now. I don't know how it is possible, but they are bringing the end closer willingly. Well, Harmony has always been a good liar..."



"I will either go back to the Order, leave Cromach and Three here to die, and tell Blaze and baron Hoof everything you even hinted at, or you can help me here and now. The result is the same, you have nowhere to hide anymore. Whoever this Harmony is will know you are the source of what little I know, and your safe way out of this will be gone."

"What do you want?"

"Can you show yourself like you did back at Canterlot?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just do it! Control me or something!"

"I can't! The damn alicorn bound me."

"Then just flaunt your power! Show everypony miles away that you are here."

"I don't-"

"No more hiding. We are the only side willing to let you live right now."

"We will have words, hippogriff."

Something like a shockwave came out of Straw. It didn't move anything, it barely rippled the air around. It succeeded in bringing everypony's attention to him, though.

"Uhh, hi? You see, this was supposed to-" he spun towards the door...

...which wasn't there anymore.

"Reality is as we make it," said the three Vigils in unison, "As the Watcher comes closer, his influence makes our wishes come true. Power, perfection, immortali- GLK?!"

Incredulously, he looked at the black shard coming out of his neck.

"You wanted to lure the traitor? Hahahahaha, smart slave."

"Crom, Three, take Straw Basket and go home," said Blaze, appearing out of the reopened portal, "I'll clean this up, since the fools finally decided to come into the light."

Using the moment to breathe Blaze's teleport gave them, both the griffon and the dreamling rushed towards Straw. Turning around, he saw the door was right where it should be again, and ran.

As Cromach and Three caught up to him, he saw a hint of anger in the ambassador's eyes, but that was drowned in gratitude.

"Sometimes rules are just guidelines," Straw grinned.


Behind them, the warehouse burst into flames, consuming it and wiping away every memory such place had ever existed.