• Published 7th May 2015
  • 1,073 Views, 148 Comments

Dawn Of The Silver Sun - Nameless Narrator

Too old for the orphanage Straw Basket grew up in, the hippogriff sets on a journey to become one of the fabled Royal Guards. Too bad things never work out as planned and he will end up facing forces which terrify even gods themselves.

  • ...

Impossible - Part III: The Succubus

Much like during the visit to the Final Sanctuary, Straw and Leo appeared somewhere new after a short time of their senses being completely blank. The teleportation was much cleaner this time, though, and neither of them needed to rub any bruised bodyparts. Sadly for their unhurt bodies, this place was cold. Not too surprising, considering they seemed to be on the top of a mountain. Well, near the top on a small plateau with its most important feature being a dark entrance to some sort of a cave.

"For a realm of Desire, or whatever this is supposed to be, it's so cold my junk is trying to call the Canterlot boutique and order some polar bear coats... followed not by a hot mare but a hot cup of tea. If Void's spell sent us to the right place then the alicorn of Lust is crap at her job."

"R-r-r-r-r-ight..." Straw's teeth were chattering loudly.

In not even a minute of being here, both of them were freezing.

"Inside!" Leo commanded when Straw's didn't seem to have any idea what to do.


The cave entrance wasn't simply dark, it was a sheet of oily ink which rippled as they passed through. Thankfully, the temperature rose instantly to much more comfortable levels. Straw still didn't seem himself, though.

"You okay?" Leo patted his back.

"I..." Straw shook his head, eyes unfocused, "Nightmare is being weird. It doesn't like this place much more than Void's temple, and it feels as if it's trying to be quiet. It's really confusing, not having my head full of half-unreal feelings and thoughts. Sorry."

"Straw!" Leo pushed him when the hippogriff drifted away again, "I had no idea it was this bad. Why didn't you say something?"

"Didn't really want to be a bother," Straw smiled weakly, "Sorry, I just feel a bit... hollow."

This was Leo's time to understand. He couldn't comprehend the magnitude of what Nightmare was doing to Straw, but he finally got the gist of it. The god had been pressuring Straw ever since they got together, and now that it stopped for a while, what was remaining of Straw felt the consequences. Leo now knew why Straw didn't want to plan anything for the future, had no wish to fulfill, and only tried to help everypony around him. Without the god forcing its mind on him, the stubborn willpower keeping Straw going was gone, even if it was temporary.

Seeing Straw stare blankly nowhere yet again, Leo poked him to get his attention.

"Huh?" Straw shook his head confusedly.

"Focus, Strawberry!" Leo pushed him carefully but firmly, "Let's ask this alicorn to get us home and have a break. I'm shaking all over as well, probably because Void's place isn't really made for ponies who are still alive."

"Right, right, right," Straw's determined smile returned, "We can't leave sir Cromach hanging."

"Or sitting in my backpack next to some leftover hayburgers from yesterday."

"At least he's not hungry."

"I dunno, what do balls of energy eat?"

"Hehe," Straw chuckled, seemingly waking up the more Leo talked to him, "Thanks for coming with me, Leo."

"Can't let a peasant like you talk to alicorns on your own, can I? Who knows what you might say, and we can't affort to send Equestria to war with another dimension or something."

"I mean it."

"So do-" Leo stopped himself, "Straw, we're a team. What's more, we are friends. What's EVEN more, if you fail we'll probably all die."


"Yeah, yeah."

Taking a breath to bolster their courage, they ventured deeper into the cave.

They expected many things after being told the alicorn of Lust and Desire was the one they were to meet next, but not a well-lit cavern filled with piles of skulls and bones, pieces of expensive-looking furniture, and all of that underlaid by a red, soft carpet. Like a dragon protecting its hoard, an alicorn mare lay atop a bone pile in the middle, motionless.

Until the second her eyes opened, focusing solely on the incoming duo.

Both of them knew immediately that the trouble with Nightmare were only a part of what they needed to overcome.

Scream yawned, openly showing her sharp teeth and a long tongue coiling in and out of her mouth, the slit irises in her emerald eyes flashed, and she leisurely stood up from a surprisingly bouncy and comfortable bone pile.

Her every step towards them sent shivers through both of her visitors, in each one for a different reason, though. Leo was drowning in smell of hot and sweaty nights overwhelming his nostrils. He could think less and less as the images of the most depraved deeds and fantasies ran through his mind. With the pendulum of Scream's swaying hips paralyzing him, his mouth dropped open and his tongue rolled out. Mind blank and obedient, Leo's body took control and fearlessly moved towards the mare of everypony's wettest dreams.

Straw, on the other hoof, noticed Scream's more horrifying nature. Whether it was his enhanced senses or him being burned out on the inside, he just admitted to himself Screams was and ever would be the most beautiful mare he'd ever seen, and moved onto her more troubling features. With one gaze he saw Scream's sleek golden coat, shimmering white mane flowing like water with her every breath, and the perfect curve of her muzzle. At the same time, though, he took in the crushing weight of her magic power bending reality to her will, the ends of her milky mane split into spider silk ready to trap an unsuspecting victim into her web, and the black streaks in her coat neatly splitting it into segments similar to changeling queen's armor plates.

"A couple of stallion hunks out of nowhere? Is it my birthday already?" Scream seemed the most comfortable one in the situation. She flashed Leo still unsteadily walking towards her a predatory smile, "And one so eager to give me presents. But where are my manners... my name is Scream, and I hope you feel welcome in my humble home."

"Leo?" Straw asked. The unicorn didn't stop.

"Well, well, what have we got here?" Scream's smile widened as the unicorn half of her size stopped and looked up at her with blind adoration, "A reformed noble with a crush on a satyr? How unique! Can I interest you in something more... exotic?"

Leaning down, she blew a little pink cloud in his face. Leo breathed in deeply, shivered, and quietly moaned.

"LEO!" yelled Straw, moved towards him, and stopped when his body froze after few steps, "What are you doing to him?"

"Who, me?" Scream asked innocently, "His body, one particular part of his body, is doing all of his thinking for him right now. I just gave him a little nudge. After all, who WOULDN'T want to stay here with me instead of going back home, right? I know he is so pent up, so disappointed in his uncertain relationship with the 'imperfect' girl who can't decide whether to go further with him or not. He can have everything he desires right here and now. And that's what you want, isn't it, my handsome, entranced unicorn?" she turned back to Leo, "The certainty that you won't be left alone, the certainty that you will not fail the expectations your family has of you, all of that you can leave behind you and stay here... with me."

Nightmare, help me stop her!



If you go too far she will kill both of us. This way she'll just play her game and steal the unicorn's mind.

No, that can't happen! He's just hypnotized or something. If he snaps out of it we can, I don't know, run or something. I'm not leaving him here.

Do whatever you want, I'm staying out of this, and without my help you won't even move. My efforts are not ending here.

"Damn it!" Straw struggled against the invisible bonds holding him, "Let him go!"

"I'm not doing anything," Scream's smile and the way she uncaringly kissed Leo made Straw's blood boil, "Don't YOU want to abandon all the struggle and suffering and give yourself to me? I promise you will enjoy your many rewards. Speak from your heart, Leo..."

The way she whispered Leo's name broke all that remained of Straw's hesitation.

Fortune will shoot me in the face if I come back without him. She will also shove grenades into my balls first if she finds out WHERE I left him.

Scream can end you much more... inventively. She can keep you as a confused slave here, with me locked inside you, and use my power. You have to get out of here and the only way is shutting up and letting her do what she-

Now it's my turn to say no.

Straw didn't know how the ability to force Nightmare's power to do his bidding worked, but now that he understood divinity responded simply to willpower, he could only wish as strongly as he could.

Whatever was holding him shattered, and black lightning coursed through his body just like the time Nightmare took him over in Canterlot.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!" he moved before Scream could blink, trying to just push Leo away from her but flinging him into the nearest skull pile.

Scream didn't flinch, in fact, she wasn't even looking at Straw.

"Alright, just remove this obstacle and you can have me in any form and any way you want."

"Uh, wha-?" Straw was thrown away by Leo charging at him.

"I need this!" Leo hissed.

Scream sat down and spread her wings and front legs.

"Come and get it then."

"Fortune will shove a flare down your throat if she finds out! When sir Cromach was blown up the only times she smiled was when she was with you... or when she plotted some prank aimed at Connie! You can have more than just a roll in the hay, you can have a future, somepony who really loves you, somepony so dear to you that when you hold hooves it's more important than... than... crazy butt sex stuff!"

Leo stopped, shook his head, and looked at Straw incredulously.

His surprise, however, had nothing on Scream's muffled snorting. It didn't last long, and soon she was laughing like a madpony.

"Oh geez!" she facehoofed when her laughter died down, "Crazy butt sex stuff. Honest, simple, inexperienced, but definitely courageous. I guess my first impression wasn't wrong."

"Huh?" Straw's rush of adrenaline slowly dying out, he realized he was trembling more than in the frost outside, and he could barely stand.

The growing horror in Leo's face was something else, though.

"Straw..." the noble kept replaying recent events over and over in his head, "I'm so sorry!" he rushed over, propping the hippogriff to help him stand without realizing he hadn't hurt him in the slightest.

Still not completely sure of himself, he stood between Scream and Straw, and faced the alicorn defiantly.

"My offer still stands," Scream winked at him.

"So does my dong, and both of you can shove it where the sun doesn't shine."

"That can be arranged," Scream wiggled her hips.

Leo punched himself in the face.

"No! We are here-"

"To see if I can help you get home and give up a little bit of my power to give the recently deceased griffon Cromach a chance at returning to the waking world," Scream summarized to the shock of both visitors, "Oh dear, you stand here, in the home of somepony whom other alicorns call the oracle, and you think that there is even the tiniest corner of your mind safe? I know everything you know, I know you better than you know yourselves, and I know every lie you tell yourself to let you sleep at night. Speaking of nights, what you did to the Nightmare will come to haunt you, Straw Basket. Do not believe the god no matter what it says or does. It has its own goals which it will never share. Use it carefully, and never let it use you. Or-"

Straw felt a rush of relief when Scream's act changed and became more similar to Void trying to help. The cost, however, was his body slumping on the floor, unable to do anything more than breathe.

"Or you will end up like its last host," Scream sighed and her smile faded a little, "A royal griffon with the purest intentions of protecting his homeland from strife and divisive politics. In the end, even the most noble intentions can be twisted into destruction, all desires can. Now, you should take a little break while I tend to your little friend."

"Don't... touch... Leo..." Straw mumbled.

Scream ignored him.

"My help has a price," she waved her hoof, and Cromach's wisp flew out of its hiding place inside a saddlebag, "and the price is you."

Leo took a step back.

"What do you mean - me?"

"I will take you and make you mine. Your heart, your soul, and your body. Deep down you will never forget me and you will come if I call. I will be your ultimate master and owner."

"And... and if I do that... will you help sir Cromach?"


"Don't..." Straw tried to push himself off the carpet.

"Straw," Leo bit his lip, "I don't know if we can trust her. I don't know if I can trust my body right now to not just jump at her command. All I know is that I want to help the griffon without whom I would be just a dumb colt trying to order everypony around. Thanks to him... and you, Fortune, Connie, and Walter I've had the best months of my LIFE. If I didn't try to help then it would mean I haven't changed at all. Just... just tell Fortune a dragon ate me or something."

"You misunderstood me, Leo," Scream was watching him with curiosity, "I will take you for what will be one night in your world. That is all I need to make you my ever loyal servant. And who knows? Perhaps I am doing it for myself, perhaps you are a unicorn I want to spend some time with, possibly I am even doing this to help you for free... or maybe all of the above. Who knows? Well, I do, of course, but you don't."

"I agree to your price," Leo said firmly and bowed.

"Good," Scream's horn sent dark shadows which enveloped Cromach's wisp, brought it to her mouth, and she swallowed it.

Two pairs of eyes followed the bulge moving down her throat with utter horror. Scream crossed her eyes when it reversed its direction and slowly moved back up, making her spit it out.

A tiny bolt of lightning struck Scream's nose.

"Fine, fine, I get it, you're taken already!" she grumbled at the wisp, "Damn loyal griffons, no fun at all. I wonder if the alicorn idiot you're sworn to even understands how much he means to you."

The wisp shook in mid-air.

"Thought so. Well, Cromach, swallow it all, just like your mate must have told you more than once."

The living darkness around Scream's horn filled Cromach's wisp, turning it ink black. When the ritual was done, the now black ball wasn't flaring with lights, but sprouted small tentacles from time to time.

Just like Void, Screams was breathing heavily and dripping sweat after the transfer of power, but that only served to strenghten the chains growing inside Leo's mind. He felt it, and the more he understood her dominance over him the more he understood why she wanted to keep him around. Leo knew it was going to be a long night, and that he would never forget it.

Straw and Cromach's wisp disappeared.

It was to make him the perfect lover, the perfect pet, submissive and dominant when needed, knowing what buttons to push, when to let go and when to go further even after a loud 'no'...

...and it wasn't for Scream, although she was going to enjoy it for all its worth.

It was for Leo and Fortune.

After all, Scream might have been a scheming, sort of evil, mischievous, and ultimately selfish bitch, but she was a sucker for happy endings.