• Published 7th May 2015
  • 1,072 Views, 148 Comments

Dawn Of The Silver Sun - Nameless Narrator

Too old for the orphanage Straw Basket grew up in, the hippogriff sets on a journey to become one of the fabled Royal Guards. Too bad things never work out as planned and he will end up facing forces which terrify even gods themselves.

  • ...

Timestop - Part III: Suspicions

The group's next two days were spent by standing on watch in case the Royal Guards marching tirelessly outside of their cell tried something suspicious. It seemed, however, that the princesses were set on keeping their word and not punishing the Hoof of Fate for being involved with Blaze. It may or may not have had something to do with Straw preventing Twilight Sparkle's death, but it was quite likely the case.

After the incident, Straw, Leo, Connie, and Fortune had been locked up in a roomy, well-lit, and fairly comfortable cell, more resembling a guest room than a place for criminals. Aside from the heavy steel door enchanted with enough magic to make princess Twilight cream her hospital bed of course.

Too soon? Probably.

Straw, currently on watch while Leo and Fortune were sleeping, was wearing a groove in the carpet.

"Calm down," Contradiction looked up from a book she was reading, "I'm pretty sure that if the princesses wanted us dead then we wouldn't be here anymore."

"I'm not scared of the princesses," Straw bit his lip, "I'm scared of the guy whom they couldn't stop. Blinding Light might be doing anything right now - rebuilding the Vigil, destroying the Order headquarters, or bringing the bunny apocalypse."

"It's not like we can stop him," Connie just shrugged, "The best of us are dead. Blaze himself... I don't really understand what happened but I'm sure he's not going to be on our side anytime soon. Better to stay well-fed and rested in case something happens."

"Hey! What about the toilet diary?"

Connie froze.

Connie slowly and very carefully put her book down.

Connie bashed her face against the wall several times.

"I forgot about it AGAIN! Damn it!" she opened the large sport bag underneath her bed, ignoring the reddening spot on her head, "Here it is... aaaaand yes, there's another entry. Wake the idiots up, please."

The room, being a repurposed cell in the dungeons, was equipped with only one bed, but three mattresses had been provided for the rest of the group. Connie, the big boss, took the bed while the rest were left sleeping on the floor. Well, carpeted floor... mattress on the carpeted floor. Leo and Fortune slept next to each other, their reason being that Straw and Connie were the group's frontline so they - screw you, I'm sleeping here and you're not stopping me because I have the biggest gun!

Quoting here.

"I was having a very nice dream, thank you for waking me up," grumbled Leo.

"We are aware," Fortune snickered and nodded towards a bulge under Leo's blanket "What's up, aside from his-?"

"I'm asking the guards for a separate cell after this," Connie rolled her eyes, "We've got a new message from our buddy crazy, evil unicorn guy."

"Blaze?" Leo blinked the morning daze away.

"The more evil than crazy one."

"Right, his father."

"Mhm, now shut up!" she ceremoniously levitated the roll of toilet paper, "My vengeance is complete at last. The murderer has lost everything just like I had, but where I stand victorious he crumbled and left this world just like he deserved, despised and unmourned. All that's left is for his divine power to fade into obscurity while he hides away wherever he's fled to. Now, however, it is time for me to pay my dues. My family rests in peace and I can focus fully on repaying the Watcher for all his assistance. There are enough rejects and lost ponies who want to be a part of the Vigil, and these wastes of oxygen will pave a way towards a bright tomorrow for ponykind."

"Not much to go on, I must admit," Connie shrugged, "but at least we can show this to the princesses and have them issue an official statement on the Vigil. That might dissuade ponies from joining. It seems the Order is gone though. I'm not sure how long can Cross and Shadowstep keep it going, but they were in it mostly because Heavy Hoof was."

"At least we have each other," Straw smiled hopefully.

"I'm throwing up already," Connie rolled her eyes.

She looked at Straw, who looked like a kicked puppy.

"You're acting like a little filly," she tried to ease the situation.

Straw's eyes reached the size of hoofballs.

"You're way too sappy."

The eyes looking deep into her soul were joint by slight wibbling of his lip.

"Stop that!"

He didn't.

"FINE! I'm happy all of you are around and I wasn't lying when I stared down princess Celestia. Satisfied?" Connie gave up.

"Group hug?" Straw winked at her.

"Don't push me..."

And, just as if nothing happened, Straw hopped onto his mattress.

"So, what do we do with the diary?"

"Find a book, link it with the toilet paper, show the princesses. That way they'll have some reading when in the bathroom, and we will have a book linked to Blinding's journal. Let's have a break from standing on watch for now. We'll ask the guards to let us talk to one of the princesses later."

After several hours, however, the guards seemed to want to talk to them first.

"Good morning," droned a raspy voice when the heavy door opened and Bucket, the mechanical guard, entered, followed by a chocolate fountain-themed earthpony mare Straw remembered was called Dawn.

"Good news, everypony!" Dawn said cheerily, "Despite trying to blow princess Twilight's head off you're being allowed to rejoin society again."

"Hi, Dawn, Bucket!" Fortune answered, uncharacteristically happy to see somepony.

"You know each other?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Dawn ate the hook, "Fortune was really curious about Bucket when she first came to Canterlot. I, as his 'caretaker', had to be with him most of the time."

"As you know," Fortune stepped in, "I have a particular interest in mechanical devices, something which brought me and ambassador Cromach together when he wanted to know how to repair his mechanical arm. It was my first time seeing a robot pony, so I sweet talked Dawn into allowing me study him a little. Needless to say, I failed miserably."

"Yep, that's why I allowed you to," Dawn smiled, "Not even princess Twilight knows fully how her clockwork soldier works."

"Not even I do," Bucket ended the chatter, "Now, let us finish our business here first. From now on you are allowed free movement around Canterlot. However, you are to report to the guest rooms which are being prepared at this moment every evening at eight o'clock. Failure to follow this order will result in revoking of your freedom of movement. You are to not leave the city under any circumstances. In addition to your temporary freedom, you are allowed to join the Royal Guard and continue your training if you so desire. You will also be eligible for a recruit salary if you do so."

"Nice," Leo stretched his legs, "I see no harm in getting my blood flowing again. You up for it, Straw?"

"Sure. Anypony else?"

"Can we use the castle gym even if we don't join?" Fortune asked.

"Yes," Bucket nodded, "The castle facilities used by the Guard are open to you."

"Then no, thanks. I'm not wasting my time going on patrols each night when I can stay fit on my own. Plus, I now have a colt toy who will buy me things if I as much as wiggle my hips suggestively."

Leo choked when she demonstrated a little of what she could do.

"Connie?" Straw tried again.

"I'm with Fortune on this one. I've got things to do."

"Alright," Bucket nodded, "Let us show you to your rooms and I will take care of your applications. Since both of you are familiar with the training schedule and Canterlot itself, I will not show you around. You can join the training groups tomorrow."

Just like Bucket said, the group were ushered to their own rooms and left alone. After two days of being cooped up in a small room, each one of them wanted nothing more than a bit of peace and quiet. Fortune and Connie, careful about not being associated with one another, immediately jumped at the opportunity to visit the gym, while Leo went to the city itself. Straw politely refused an invitation to join him, looking forward to a quiet evening at the castle library.

The next morning he and Leo attended the Royal Guard training under Rising Thunder who looked exhausted beyond belief from now having to manage all the recruit training himself. There were several moments during the practice which made Straw take a break and look back. While his stamina was on par with the recruits, he found himself easily carrying the equipment boxes which made even the earthpony recruits to wince. Plus, both he and Leo remained entirely untouched after combat practice.

Straw knew most of the recruits. Heck, he hadn't been away for even two months, but the Order training had borne fruit in terms of practical combat the others could only stare with awe in their eyes at. The hippogriff himself was simply happy that for once he didn't need to defend himself from an enemy who seemed to be attacking from three directions at once and who actually responded to getting hit.

What he wasn't too happy about were three Nightguards knocking on his door in the evening. At first, Straw simply expected they were checking up on him as per the arrangement about his freedom, but they had a different purpose for their visit.

"Princess Luna wants to see you in the interrogation room. Come with us!"

The room was simple, with no furniture aside from a table fastened to the floor and a pair of chairs. The Nightguards left the already waiting princess and Straw alone.

"I have gathered some information about you, Straw Basket, and in light of them I have decided to keep you alive and well despite your... predicament. However, there are things nopony aside from the Order members knows. You see, when baron Hoof and ambassador Cromach teamed up to rebuild the Order of the Silver Sun, I offered them as much help as they required, and they in turn reported to me any and all events they found important. For some reason, though, that stopped when a group called the Vigil appeared in Manehattan. Moreso, your problem had been covered up as well, leaving me only with a note about two ponies who had to leave Canterlot for unclear reasons. I would like an explanation of what really happened and, if possible, your take on things."

"That's a lot at once, your Highness."

"Princess is enough, Straw Basket."

"Princess," Straw corrected himself, "Nightmare, back when I didn't know what it was, warned me about beings called Observers hanging around Canterlot castle and allowed me to see them. They seem peaceful, but attack anypony who can see them. During the first month's exams I got attacked by one in the castle maze, and Leo saw it, which gave him the ability to see them as well."

"Elhart Goldhorn's son, right?"

"Yes, princess. When the Observer attacked me I covered Leo's escape, but it did something to me... showed me things I can't really recall. I woke up at the castle infirmary and everything looked weird... dead. I saw real ponies as walking corpses, and-" Straw's eyes widened, "Sorry, I'd prefer not remembering it too much. I believe I saw the world through the god of destruction's eyes. I panicked and ran away from the castle, getting attacked by an Observer on the way. Nightmare gave me the power to destroy it, and when I got out sir Cromach and Fortune stopped me. Unfortunately, or maybe not, Blaze appeared and tried to kill me shortly after because he sensed Nightmare inside me as well. Without sir Cromach's, Fortune's, and Leo's interference he would have succeeded easily."

"What stopped him?"

"Sir Cromach, mostly. He persuaded Blaze to take me to Manhattan for examination."

"I meant AFTER your, as you say, examination."

"I can't say, really. I talked to Blaze, who told me the Order were overwhelmed, and he drew Nightmare out of me somehow. They talked about the gods' purpose and plans, and Blaze's knowledge seemed to shock the god. Something about things going exactly like they should be."

"Hmmmmm..." Luna rubbed her muzzle, "I would like to talk to Nightmare, but not here and now. Let's leave that for later. Now, what do you think about Blaze's deeds here in Canterlot three days ago?"

"Can I speak freely, princess?"

"Yes, I need honesty more than anything right now."

"He could have destroyed both you and princess Twilight before princess Celestia even arrived. He might have been exhausted from creating the stasis, or the long teleportation from Manehattan to Canterlot, but after seeing him face Blinding Light I think he was our only hope of defeating him. Considering Blinding's spell melted your room, which Leo and Connie told me was protected by a ridiculous amount of magic, and that Blaze was only slightly burnt when hit by it back in Manehattan, I think you are alive only because deep down he didn't let his rage consume him completely."

Princess Luna smiled sadly and let out a long, tired sigh.

"I fear you may be right. Did you manage to find out something about Blinding Light's power? Our records about noble families say he's always been a unicorn with powerful telekinesis, but not a magician of any recognition."

"Oh! That has to be the Watcher's gift or something."

"The Watcher? Does it have something to do with these Observers you mentioned? I have been feeling strange energy around the castle for past year, but I haven't noticed anything clearly unusual. If what you're saying is true then one needs to be touched by something allowing them to spot the creatures or shown by somepony who can see them already."

"That's how Leo got to see them. As for the Watcher, we have managed to link Blinding Light's journal with a roll of toilet paper during the raid when baron Hoof, Walter, and Three got killed. Connie wanted to tell you soon, but with everything that happened she kept forgetting about it. The journal stated that the amulet Blinding Light wears is a gift from the Watcher allowing him to use the green spell thing."

"I see... anything else?"

"Well, we were supposed to keep this secret, but..."

"Right now, what we need the most is knowledge."

"Blaze said you wouldn't believe it or consider it a trap."


"Blaze believed the essence the Vigil, led by Blinding Light, are using to gain power is the divine power of a god called Harmony."

Luna just sat there.

"Princess?" Straw asked carefully.

"Keep this from my sister, Straw Basket, at least for now," she said, thinking about every word, "Now, let me share a little theory I have been working on for nearly two years. One which needed few missing bits and pieces to make even a little sense, something you have just revealed."

"Two years? Even before the Vigil?"

"Exactly. Are you familiar with Blazing Light's history?"

"Not in any sort of detail, princess."

"Hmmm, then I'll give you the short version. The Blazing Light, or Blaze - to distinguish between him and the original one, you know came from a different reality. To stay in this one he had to kill the original Blazing Light."

"That's why Blinding Light is so set on killing Blaze, right? Blazing Light was his real son."

"Mhm. Some time later, Blazing Light returned without any explanation and took over the Order of the Silver Sun. The first thing he did was to order an assassination attempt aimed at me. The assassin used exactly the same kind of magic Blinding Light is using now. Heavy Hoof, Blaze, Cromach, and Choking Darkness travelled to Manehattan where they confronted Blazing and destroyed him alongside the original Light family mansion. I am omitting a lot of details, but that's the core of what happened. According to Blaze's report, he killed Blazing Light the first time by throwing him into a dimensional portal from which he himself came. My theory is that something out there, outside of this world, touched both Blazing Light and Blinding Light and granted them its power. Possibly the Watcher. It seems that what happened to Blazing Light attracted the Watcher's attention to Blinding Light. Perhaps the journal might shed some light on the issue."

"Connie said the linking spell only shows new entries, but the journal at the warehouse said that the Watcher started talking to Blinding and showing him what happened to his son."

"Hmmm... how could Blaze know enough to assume Harmony could possibly be an enemy, though?"

"The two alicorns visiting us at the Order said he had drained all three of the gods of their power, thus gaining limited access to their memories. I'm not sure about the details, neither the alicorns nor sargeant Cross were too keen on talking about it."

"What two alicorns?"

"I met the one called Void. Sargeant Cross said the other one was called Scream. There was also one unicorn with them... Magus was the name?"


"Yes, that's it! Blaze was extremely tired after their visit, but nothing seemed too threatening when Void talked to Nightmare and me."

"Jeez," Luna shook her head, "If even Void wanted to keep this from me and Celestia it really seems we are in some sort of a conflict with Harmony. I guess neither of them believes me or Celestia could act objectively."

"Nightmare called Harmony an excellent liar."

"And that's the problem, so is the Nightmare. We are dealing with the gods themselves who abuse our weaknesses and disregard our strengths. We don't know enough, and the only ponies who might are trying to hide it from us," said Luna bitterly, "I guess there's no reason to keep you here any longer. Every answer just begs more questions."

"Can't you just ask, your Highness?" Straw offered, "Void seemed very friendly."

She just shook her head.

"Void and Scream are working together, and Scream doesn't consider me able to do anything. The direct source of information, Blaze, is out of the question now. I'll have to think of something. In the meantime, don't tell my sister about the possibility of Harmony being our enemy. She would probably just consider all of us being manipulated and refuse to share anything she might know already. What's worse, that might actually be the case. You're free to go, just tell your friend to bring me the linked journal as soon as possible."

"Thank you, princess," Straw stood up to leave, "Oh! Can I visit princess Twilight? I want to apologize to her for what Blaze did. He's... I don't know how to explain it, but I think sir Cromach and miss Darkness didn't just mean a lot to him, they WERE his life."

"Trust me, Straw, I know. I've been there since the beginning. Well, Twilight is still unconscious, so there are no visits being allowed yet. She has suffered a bloodloss enough to knock out an elephant. Alicorn regeneration can only do so much. Let her rest. When she's better you'll be able to talk to her."

Having nothing more to say, Straw bowed and left.

Why aren't you helping?

Oh, am I not? I am pretty sure that ME saying anything directly to Luna could be used against us. I believe staying silent at the right time is just as important as speaking up.

I really dislike everypony lying to everypony and hiding things.

Welcome to the world of adults, Straw Basket, you will grow to despise it eventually. Hmm? What is this?

Straw stopped walking on autopilot.

A blue... something was blinking in and out of existence on the second floor of the castle. Blue shadow, or a blur, was moving erratically from side to side as if it was looking for something. Straw tried to follow it for a while, but it just kept moving all over the castle, never staying in the same spot for long. He was barely able to keep up with it, but nopony else seemed to notice the quick, blue shimmer.

Nightmare, got any idea what it is?

The god just laughed, not stopping until Straw admitted defeat and returned to his room for the night.

I guess he DID learn something. Mortals never cease to amaze me.