• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,893 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Corruption: Assault

"The path to the Seed itself was heavily defended," Samus explained. "And aside from the defenses, it was heavily fortified. Since there wasn't any way to target some of the barricades with the ship missiles, we needed some help getting through."

"But you got it, right?" Twilight asked. "I mean, how else did you get past?"

Spike chuckled. "Course we did. Admiral Dane showed up himself to lend a hand with a special demolitions squad..."

As Samus and Spike returned to the path to the Seed, a Federation dropship descended, lowering a Grav-platform - a floating platform that stabilized a 1G gravity field on it, allowing it to ascend, descend, and collect injured troops in extreme conditions. Aboard the platform was a Demolitions squadron, lightly armored Federation Troops carrying packs filled with high grade explosions, along with Admiral Dane himself. His power armor currently had the faceplate retracted, so he could greet Samus and Spike face to face.

"Outstanding work, you two," he stated, a hint of admiration in his voice. "I don't say this often, but I am impressed. It's not every day a pair of bounty hunters can complete their objectives at your level of efficiency...and saving your competition in the process."

"Speaking of, how are they doing?" Samus asked.

"Rundus is fully recovered and eager to help out any way he can," Admiral Dane replied. "Ghor's already researching a way to deal with Phaaze, once we've found a way to get to it. And Gandrayda's well on her way to making a full recovery...physically, anyway. For some reason, she hasn't been talking much."

"Probably feels violated by what Dark Samus did to her," Samus offered.

"Something like that, yeah," Gandrayda interrupted, glancing away.

Samus looked towards her curiously, wondering what could be going through the energy being's mind. In the meantime, Spike continued the story.

"That said," Dane continued, "you've still got work to do. Up ahead is the Pirate cargo line that leads to the seed. There is a large security door located at the end. Four Demolition Troopers are needed to open the final door, so-"

Spike quickly pointed to four of the Demolition Troopers. "On my back," he said bluntly. "There's a reason I'm classified as a cavalry unit."

The Troopers, used to taking unusual orders, quickly clambered onto Spike's back. Dane chuckled. "Good thinking, Spike. I could wish the Federation had 50 of you-"

"So would the Pirates," Samus muttered under her breath.

"-but I'm glad enough to have the two of you on our side," Dane finished. "The two of you are the only ones who can destroy the Seed. We'll help however we can here, but if it's a choice between a Trooper and you, make sure you survive. Understood?"

"Yes sir," Samus said quickly as Spike bridled at the idea.

"What?" every pony save Celestia and Luna shouted in shock.

"Seriously?" Twilight demanded in disbelief. "He...seriously ordered you to sacrifice the Troopers to keep yourselves alive if necessary?"

"Battlefield logic, Twilight Sparkle," Celestia stated sorrowfully. "When it comes to planning a war, you can't think of your troops as individuals. You have to think in terms of numbers."

"And when you have troops with necessary, unique capabilities," Luna continued, "you must prioritize their survival over those whom you have many of. If things went the worst, Dane could always have sent Samus and Spike another Demolitions squad. But if Spike and Samus fell, there would have been none left to destroy the Seed. The Troops were expendable, and they weren't."

"I didn't like that any more than you do, Twilight," Spike growled. "So I made certain it didn't become an issue..."

Once Dane had left, the Demolition Troopers used their bombs to start clearing the path. As soon as the path was open, Spike surged forward. He watched each door as it began to open, and blasted away with his frost breath as soon as they did. Pirate troops often tried to leap to attack as soon as the doors opened, only to get frozen solid. Spike then charged bodily through them.

The combination of frost breath, sheer bulk, and Samus adding her own arsenal not only proved more than the defending Pirates could handle, the sheer ferocity of Spike's assault actually sent some of the weaker Pirates leaping onto active tram tracks rather than face him. The Demolition Troopers on his back were also staring in awe, terrified fascination as he tore through the defenses, sometimes literally.

Samus' own observations were more worried. She always got nervous whenever Spike started becoming too ferocious in battle. With what the Chozo had told her about his nature on Tallon IV and what had happened on Aether, she couldn't help but worry that one day he might not come back from such ferocity, that she'd lose him forever to the beast within.

Not that I could necessarily stop him if I had to, she thought silently as she saw him burst through the second wall by body checking it.

At one point, a Berzerker Lord tried to stop Spike's assault, but Samus was able to lock onto it with the X-Ray visor and take out its brain with her Nova Beam. This cleared the path for Spike to lay waste to the smaller Pirate troops, who stood no chance against his enraged assault.

One last defensive force attempted to stop them, but Spike was able to easily crush them. With that done, the four Demolition Troopers got into position to detonate the final door. Once it was destroyed, Spike and Samus raced ahead.

A pool of Phazon provided a way for Spike and Samus to rejuvenate themselves, but Spike only guzzled half the pool before charging on ahead. Samus had recovered just enough to race after him to keep an eye on him.

She found Spike pacing angrily around before the final door, his eyes glowing as he growled. When Samus moved to open the final gate and the skylight to let her ship in, a Pirate Commando warped in to attack her. Before she had a chance to counterattack, Spike had seized the crimson armored pirate and crushed it in his claws before tearing it in half.

Everyone was staring at Spike in a mix of concern, awe, and a hint of fear. He sighed. "I knew I'd be fighting Ridley soon," he explained. "I...I could feel him, and he could feel me. And my armor had disengaged to let me adapt completely to the world's 40G environment. I...I knew I would need every advantage possible. So...I'd woken the beast inside me to full strength...sinking into it and embracing everything it could give me." He turned sadly to Samus. "Sorry I scared you, Mom...but it was that or risk losing to him."

"I understand," Samus replied. "Still, it would have been nice if you'd waited for me."

Once Samus opened the skylights, she was able to call in the ship to destroy the last door with the ship missiles. As soon as the final door was blasted open, Spike leapt into the path revealed, roaring as he sped down the long tunnel.

"Spike!" Samus shouted out, leaping into the ship and pursuing, not even waiting for her ship to land.

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