• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,842 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Corruption: Norion 1

Once Samus had managed to coax Spike out of hiding to sit at the table - accomplished by having Twilight and Rarity magically bind Gandrayda to her chair, which was moved to the opposite end of the table amongst the CMC with Discord hovering over her - everyone was ready to hear more of the story.

"In answer to your question Rainbow, no I didn't," Spike explained. "Though I did master it partially because of her."

"Mmmhmm," Gandrayda purred. "You most certainly-"

Discord promptly swatted Gandrayda's nose with a rolled up copy of the Foal Free Press. "Bad dog," he scolded. "No biscuit."

When Rundus finally stopped laughing, Samus continued the story. "At any rate, we headed down for Norion to deal with the pirates there..."

As the ship glided into landing on Norion, Spike spied Ridley in the distance. "So he's back," he muttered under his breath. "I guess it's time for a rematch."

"Be careful," Samus chided. "He's probably been training since your last encounter specifically for fighting you."

Spike chuckled and flashed her a smirk. "He's not the only one," he pointed out, gesturing to the well used VR trainer in the back of the ship.

"VR trainer?" Rainbow and Twilight both asked curiously.

"Interstellar flight tends to be very long, even with hyper-light travel," Samus explained. "Before finding Spike, I would alternate the time between planets between cryosleep and using the VR trainer to keep me physically fit. It basically creates a fight simulation in the mind, while using electrical stimulation in response to the simulation so the body experiences the strain and intensity of the training."

"Wait, you mean it's an exercise you can get while napping?" Rainbow asked eagerly, making Twilight face hoof.

"Basically," Samus chuckled. "Spike had been using it since Tallon IV to train against a simulation of Ridley in all sorts of environments. I suggested he train against other opponents, but he claimed Ridley would always give him the greatest challenge, and I had a lot of data on him to build the simulation."

"So I knew I was ready for Ridley when I went after him in the skies of Norion, while Mom went after the generators," Spike explained.

As Spike flew into battle, he saw Ridley had changed his strategy. He wasn't heavily armored as he had been before. However, his scales had been chemically altered to amplify their defensive attribute, taking on a strong blue tinge. Spike assumed that Ridley had experimented with Phazon augmentation the same way the other Pirates seemed to have. He was certain, however, that he was more than a match for the beast. He roared his challenge.

Ridley turned away from assaulting one of the Generators for the Planetary Defense System at the sound, and roared a challenge back. He immediately lunged through the air for the younger dragon.

Spike knew a direct assault wouldn't be a good idea. His armor was restricting his power output to take the planet's lower gravity - only 10Gs - into account, while Ridley was still flying at his peak. Locking claws or teeth wouldn't be a good idea unless he disengaged his armor's limiters, and then he might do more damage to the place than Ridley. However, the environment itself proved an advantage.

Rather than clashing with Ridley directly, he led the old wyrm to chase him, weaving in and out of the buildings. Ridley pursued him with alacrity, plainly determined to destroy the younger drake, blind to everything around them. When Spike dodged around a Pirate transport craft, Ridley blasted right through it, destroying the craft and its passengers. Ridley attempted the same with the buildings at first, but the lack of success and headaches made him decide to do otherwise.

Once he knew Ridley was following his path exactly - too close for breath attacks, since Spike could easily dodge - he put his plan into action. Flying over one of the bridges between buildings, he immediately dove down the other side, coming back under it. Ridley followed his path exactly, but Spike had just enough lead to catch hold of the end of Ridley's tail, catching him where he couldn't easily turn around to face him. Taking advantage, he dug into the lower half of Ridley's body with claws, fangs, and breath, trying to do as much damage as he could.

Ridley eventually managed to break free, and Spike had to give up a good amount of altitude to evade his counter attack, though he didn't come away unscathed. His readouts indicated the energy shields of his armor were down about 20%. He'd pushed the attack too long, and it wouldn't be so easy to lead Ridley into another such attack...which is why he didn't intend to.

Knowing Ridley would be more cautious in the bridge areas, Spike found the one he was looking for and flew through it. As expected, Ridley was slower in his approach of it, expecting Spike to pull the same trick as before. As a result, Ridley made himself a perfect target for the PED Delta marine squad, who happily blasted away at him with their Phazon enhanced weapons.

"PED squad?" Celestia asked curiously.

"Phazon enhanced weapons?" Luna's voice showed her distaste for the very idea.

"With how much the Pirates were making use of Phazon, the Federation had to respond in kind or be completely overwhelmed," Ghor explained. "However, seeing the harm Phazon could work when exposed directly to organic beings, they instead designed power suits that contained a Phazon reserve that could be used to temporarily turbo-charge weapons and armor until the system was disengaged or the Phazon reserve ran out. This was the PED - Phazon Enhancement Device - suits."

"And as I'd thought, the blue color of Ridley's scales was from Phazon enhancement, and Phazon based weaponry like the hypermode of a PED tore right through his scales," Spike explained eagerly. "While he was roaring in pain and getting ready to counter attack, I flew up between him and the marines, doing a fly by attack with claws and breath on the areas his scales had been weakened. Of course, Ridley immediately turned to follow me..."

"Which meant he took a full salvo of Phazon enhanced rounds to his back and wings, knocking him out of the sky!" Rundus finished. "I saw the end of that battle on my way back from Generator C to check on how Samus was doing at Generator B, since she'd already activated Generator A." He held out his closed fist.

Smiling, Spike returned the fist bump. "I admit, I was proud of that strategy."

"As well you should," Luna praised.

"Of course, there wasn't much time to celebrate," Samus explained. "Not only was Ridley not down for the count - we had to deal with him again later - but a massive meteorite filled with Phazon - what we'd later learn was a Leviathan Seed, as we've explained - had come out of a rift in space, and was on a collision course with the planet."

"We all met up at the elevator to the controls," Gandrayda explained. "We needed to activate the defense cannons right away."

"Our decision proved to be...tactically unsound," Ghor admitted.

As Spike came racing into the elevator, he found Samus, Rundus, Ghor in a larger battle body, and Gandrayda waiting for him. He immediately noticed the new upgrade on Samus' left arm, a new modification for the Grapple Beam his scanners identified as the Grapple Lasso, which could be used to latch onto objects for the purpose of yanking them from their moorings.

"Nice flying, Spike," Rundus complimented. "Saw you kick that other dragon's ass."

"I witnessed it myself through the security cameras," Ghor added in a much gruffer voice than normal as the elevator started moving. "I admit, I had my doubts about your abilities...but no longer."

"Not bad at all, big boy," Gandrayda purred.

Spike chuckled nervously at all the praise, but couldn't help but preen as Samus threw him a silent thumbs up.

Once the elevator stopped, the group rushed out to activate the Planetary Defense Cannons...but when they weren't looking, Dark Samus charged in in a blast of Phazon, and surrounded by a Phazon energy shield. The group immediately leapt to the attack, but each of them was felled one by one by a well placed Phazon shot near the center of their bodies.

Spike was the only one who'd had the sense to finish powering up the Defense Cannon before charging to the fight. As a result, Dark Samus' assault did not doom the planet...but it did have long reaching effects for the Hunters.

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