• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,890 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Tallon IV: A Study in Dragon Growth, part 2

After a quick vegetarian lunch - none of the ponies ate meat, and Samus couldn't eat the gems that Twilight had in storage for Spike that he hadn't eaten before going missing - Samus sat back in her chair, putting her helmet back on. "That was delicious," she said softly. "I haven't tasted vegetables so crisp, cheese so delicate, or bread so soft since I was living with the Chozo."

Luna smiled softly. "Based on what I've been able to determine, the Chozo were an agrarian society, much as we are, whereas most of the Federation is industrialized, like the minotaurs. I imagine one of the greatest problems the Federation encounters is environmental pollutants contaminating produce and other food sources?"

"Not to mention causing sickness," Samus agreed. "But this entire planet scans as being free of any pollutants. How do the minotaurs manage that?"

Celestia chuckled. "They don't," she replied simply. "Minotaurs provide most of the industrialized products the world uses. The griffons have the best foundries, where raw materials are broken down into the ores and alloys needed for the minotaurs' manufacturing. The various canine races do most of the mining, providing both gems and ores for the other races." She levitated her tea cup and took a sip. "Many believe the reason Equestria has such a significant role in political realms is my control of the sun, and my sister's control of the moon. They are mistaken. It is the Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns who provide the true political power. Twilight, perhaps you can explain?"

Twilight nodded. "Earth Pony magic is bonded to the land itself. While not all Earth Ponies are farmers or work the land, Earth Pony farm goods are orders of magnitude more fruitful, flavorful, and resistant to natural disasters than produce from any other farm. Pegasi are able to control the weather inside Equestria's borders, but outside they use their abilities to leech pollutants out of the air and water, while Earth Ponies do the same for the land. And unicorn magic possesses spells that can convert the pollutants back into viable resources."

Samus blinked. "So...ponies have political power from recycling?"

"Once, shortly after the tribes united," Luna explained, "the other races attempted to make war on the fledgling Equestria. Those unicorns not focused on controlling the sun and moon worked with the other races to create a boundary that separated Equestria from the rest of the planet, ecologically. Within a month, the dragons - who had stayed out of the conflict - were the only race not suffering from plague, famine, or excessive pollution." She sipped her tea. "There hasn't been a single war between nations since."

"It's not something talked about much," Celestia explained as many of the faces around the table were slackjawed. "The strategy was Clover's, and at Smart Cookie's suggestion, ponies did not beat the other races over the head with what it meant. As soon as peace overtures arrived from all involved, the barrier came down, and ponies returned to cleaning the planet as if nothing had ever happened. Before the week was out, the status quo had been restored. Many races are...unhappy...with how much political power this gives ponies, but they know we're necessary."

"Dragon physiology makes pollutants a non-concern, however," Luna pointed out. "They can adapt to just about any environment, and thrive in ones that are lethal to most other races. Most dragons also consider ponies weak, as we lack any standing army beside the defensive ones, such as the Royal Guards."

Samus chuckled softly. "Your government controls the planet as an economic superpower," she joked. "The other countries need the services you provide, and that keeps the planet stable."

"Basically," Celestia replied. "And we don't flaunt it, which keeps bad feelings down."

"But enough about our planet," Luna countered. "Tell us more about your adventure on Tallon IV." She looked nearly as eager for the story as Rainbow and Twilight.

Samus chuckled. "Alright. There isn't actually that much more to tell in the Chozo Ruins. Some of the morph ball tunnels I had to go through were too small for Spike, so I had to face the incinerator drone without him. Which is a pity, as his flame breath would have been useful against the barbed war wasps."

"...didn't get to taste them, either, since we never encountered them again," Spike pouted, making several of the mares giggle.

"That got me back my Morph Ball bombs," Samus explained. "One of my most useful additional pieces of equipment. The next thing of interest didn't occur until we got to the Sunchamber at the peak of the Chozo Ruins. I went up through some morph ball tunnels, while Spike climbed the walls. When we got there..."

Samus stared up at the massive red flower as it writhed in the center of the sun chamber. Spike stared down from above, as he'd been forced to climb walls to get there. Samus had mentioned dragons had wings, and he was really looking forward to getting his. As the bloom writhed, it unfolded, massive thorns erupting from the ground to seal the path Samus had taken into the Sunchamber. Reflecting mirrors flipped to shine sunlight directly onto the open bloom, and a worm like creature with massive blade arms rose from the bloom's center, roaring as it spewed the venom that had poisoned the waters of the Chozo Ruins and corrupted the plant life.

"What is that thing?" Spike demanded in disgust and a little fear.

Samus raised her hand to her visor, scanning the creature. "It's a Flaahgra," she explained.

"Flaahgra?" Twilight asked curiously.

Tapping a console on the wrist of her power armor, she called up the image her logbook had recorded.

"Eeyugh!" Rarity spat, backing away from the image. "Spike, please tell me you didn't try to eat that!"

"Is...is that a plant or an animal?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"I think it's a plant," Fluttershy replied. "Possibly with an animal symbiosis."

"How big is that compared to, say, us?" Pinkie asked.

"About the size of Town Hall, maybe a little smaller," Spike replied, making Twilight's jaw drop.

"So how'd you fight that thing?" Rainbow demanded.

Spike chuckled. "Well..."

"It's a mutant plant!" she called out. "It's the source of the toxins, but it needs continuous sunlight to survive at this point in its Phazon accelerated development. If we can knock the mirrors out of alignment so it isn't getting direct sunlight, I can attack its nerve center with my bombs. But first we need to stun it, and-"

Spike promptly spat a fireball at the Flaahgra, igniting its uper body and causing it to flail about. He then raced along the stone upper rim of the Sunchamber, using his tail to knock the mirror out of alignment.

The Flaahgra's worm body fell over without the sunlight, and the spiked vines protecting the base withdrew from the tunnels under the plant. Samus quickly delivered a morph ball bomb to its nervous system at the end of one of the tunnels. The worm withdrew to heal, only to come out stronger than before as more mirrors angled to give it direct sunlight.

Spike and Samus repeated this strategy four times; Spike setting the beast on fire and knocking the mirrors out of alignemnt, and Samus setting a bomb at its base. With the last explosion, the worm body dissolved and collapsed into the flower. It slowly died as it burned down, its toxins fading as new plant life burst free of its influence.

With the plant dead, clean water burst forth, overwhelming the toxins as it flowed to fill the whole Ruins. It would take some time for the environment to recover, but they had taken the first step.

At the opposite exit from where Samus had come in, a new upgrade awaited her. Acquiring it, her Varia Suit was restored in a rather flashy light show.

"Are suit upgrades always like that?" Spike asked as he uncovered his eyes.

"In my experience," Samus admitted.

As she started to make her way to the door, Spike stopped her. "Mom...something's here..."

"What?" Samus asked, turning.

"It...it feels like the spirit in the artifact," he said. "But...I feel...madness."

"Wait, what?" Twilight demanded.

"Dragons do have heightened magical sensitivity as compared to other species," Luna pointed out. "While unexpected, it's conceivable Spike could sense the presence of spirits."

"That's what it was," Samus agreed. "And not just spirits. He could also sense the Chozo Artifacts. That proved especially helpful for me before I got ahold of a visor upgrade that let me detect the Chozo Ghosts that had been driven mad by Phazon. He was able to tell me where to aim. And against three Chozo Ghosts that were attacking all at once, knowing where to aim before they phased back in was a huge tactical advantage, especially as I only had my Charge Beam to damage them. My normal missiles were useless."

"Was it the battle that drew them?" Celestia asked.

"No," Samus replied. "As best as I was able to tell from what happened, they attacked because Spike sensed their presence."

"Well, we did beat them," Spike pointed out. "Managed to get another of the 12 artifacts, too. The Artifact of Wild."

Pinkie giggled and snorted. "Fits you in this, Spike!"

Samus chuckled. "After that, we went down into Magmoor Caverns. The Varia Suit allowed me to handle the intense heat, and it didn't seem a problem at all for Spike."

"Yeah," Twilight replied, "dragons tend to ignore temperatures and the weather."

"You have no idea," Samus replied.

As they entered the first cavern filled with magma, Samus cautioned Spike. "Be careful here," she said as she leapt across the platforms to the other side. "Acid was easy to heal from, but I doubt magma would be as easy to recover from."

Spike nodded as he followed. "Right, I'll be-"

At that moment, a gout of flame erupted from the wall, impacting him. It didn't actually cause any damage, but the unexpected blast pushed him off the platform and into the lava.

"Spike!" Samus yelled out in fear, leaping back towards the platform, ready to leap into the magma to pull him back onto the platform.

Spike's head popped up out of the lava. His expression showed no signs of pain, merely confusion. "Huh...this is kinda nice," he said as he began to swim around.

Samus leaned back against the wall as she drew on all her Chozo training to bring her heartrate back to normal.

The ponies around the table struggled to stifle their giggles. "Well, how was I supposed to know dragons were immune to lava?" she demanded. "Ridley certainly wasn't the first time I fought him, even if he liked being around it."

At that, the giggles burst into laughter. "Sorry, Samus!" Twilight managed to say as she wiped her eyes. "It's just..."

"It does show good mothering instincts that you were ready to leap into the magma to save him," Celestia pointed out. "I imagine your power suit would have allowed you to survive for a certain amount of time?"

"It would have," Samus replied. "Not too long, but long enough to get him back on the platform...hopefully."

"It is not your actions we find humorous," Luna promised. "It is just...imagining your face when Spike popped up out of the lava like he was in a swimming pool..." Luna could hold the laughter back no longer.

Samus sighed. "I admit, in hindsight, it is pretty funny..."

Spike patted her shoulder reassuringly.

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