• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,142 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Some Lessons Are Painful To Learn. But Yet, We Fight.

Fate was in a grassy field, underneath a bright blue sky. She was young and small, dressed in her favorite dress with her hair in bows. Mother had taken her out for a picnic, since she had the day off from work at the Research Center. It was such a rare treat, getting to spend time with her mother like this.

Mother was smiling as she wove a chain of white flowers by hand, her brow slightly creased with concentration. The flowers were so delicate, their scent so sweet.

Fate watched, enraptured, as she wove the stems together with such ease. She wished her hands were like her mothers; long, elegant and dexterous. More than anything, she wanted to be just like her mother.

“There, all done.” Mother smiled brightly, lifting the chain up. “What do you think, Alicia?”

“It’s so pretty mommy!” Fate replied.

“A crown then, for my precious princess.“ Mother laughed. Her laughter was deep and clear as she reached over, setting the flowers atop her head like a crown. Fate giggled and hugged her mother, her face buried deep in her purple-black hair.

“My Alicia.” Mother whispered in her ear. “My precious little Alicia. Don’t you ever forget that I love you.”


Fate stirred, her eyes cracking open as the dream faded into the ether.

The dream again. The same dream. Fate pushed herself up on her hooves. It’s always the same dream.

She rubbed her face again and sniffled, inhaling through her nose. Her face always felt wet after she woke up, almost like she’d been crying Why does she always call me Alicia in that dream? Why?

Fate shook herself, pushing off the blanket of her bed roll and sitting up. Arf was laying ahead of her, near the entrance to the cavern, her head facing the opening. Her tail swished slowly, dragging across the stone floor.


The wolf glanced over as she heard Fate’s voice, then stood up and plodded over to her. “You’re awake. How’re you feeling? Any pain from the fight yesterday?”

“I’m fine, Arf, really.” She reached a hoof up to stroke Arf’s mane, then blinked as the wolf pulled away, turning to focus on the entrance again.


“We should move today. If they start searching for us, there could be trouble.”

Fate frowned as she stood up. “You’re upset with me.”

“I’m not-”

“You’re not that good at hiding things from me, Arf.” Fate interrupted.

The wolf gave a soft whine, her tail going slack as her ears folded. “Alright, I’ll admit that I’m a little upset with you.”

“Because of last night?” Fate strode over to her familiar, her hooves clip-clopping on the hard ground.

“Yes. We held one of them hostage for the purple one’s Jewel Seeds, Fate. You had your scythe to her throat. You were going to…”

“It was a viable strategy. We were out-numbered…”

“Fate,” Arf glanced over at her. “You’re my master. I’m loyal to you through and through. If I had to, I’d die for you in a heartbeat without a second thought. But you’re better than this, I know you are.”

“Mother would have approved of what I did.”

“Mother.” Arf’s growled in disgust at the word, her ears flattening as her tail bristled. “That woman doesn’t deserved to be called by that name. You‘re nothing like that-”

“Arf, please.” Fate walked around to face her, gently taking the wolf’s muzzle in her hooves. “I know you don’t like Mother. But we’ve had this conversation before, and I don‘t want to have it again.”

Arf looked downwards, whining again softly. “I just don’t see why you have to be the bad guy in all this. You don’t have to be cruel to others…”

Fate sighed, running her hoof through the wolf’s fluffy orange mane. “I know. But Mother’s orders come before everything else. I have my mission and I will complete it, no matter what. Understand?”

“Yes, master.” Arf closed her eyes.

“Good.” Fate turned to glance out of the cavern. “Though I do agree. We should probably move to a more secure location. If I remember correctly, there was some old ruins to the northeast…”


It was the pounding on her front door that woke Twilight up. That and the quiet muffled voices calling from outside. She groaned as she rolled over, running a hoof through her mane to try to get it out of her eyes. It took effort to keep her eyes open, even with the sunlight streaming in through the pulled curtains. Her sleep had been troubled all night, if the rumpled sheets were any indication.

She gave a grunt and rolled back over, her ear twitching as she heard footsteps. Yuuno was up already, as usual. It was weird, having someone who was such an early riser living with her. How he could manage that with his bed being in the basement was something she didn’t quite understand.

The door opened with a chime.

“Hey girls.”

“Hey Yuuno!” Pinkie Pie’s voice. “Is Twilight up? We‘ve got cupcakes!”

“Not yet. I haven’t tried to wake her up yet, though.”

“Figures. That gal has possibly tha worst sleepin’ schedule I’ve ever seen, an’ this is comin’ from somepony that knows Rainbow Dash.” Applejack’s familiar drawl.

“Applejack!” Rarity called out, her voice shocked. “For shame! You remember how Twilight was yesterday evening. The poor dear was simply devastated.”

Twilight rolled over, pulling a pillow over her head. Rarity’s analysis was correct, after all. After their stunning defeat, Twilight had wandered home with the rest of the group in a haze, barely aware of anything anypony had to say. All she wanted to do was crawl into her bed and sleep, but her brain kept running through the events of the battle, trying to find some way she could have done things differently. Nothing came to mind, which in a way was even worse.

“Upsy-daisy sleepy-head!”

The unicorn blinked as she was unceremoniously plucked out of bed by a pair of familiar blue limbs, one hoof wrapped up in gauze. “Ugh! Dash! Lemme go!” Twilight groaned, giving a few weak struggles as she was dragged along down the steps to face her friends. Everypony looked concerned; even Pinkie, who was balancing a container of cupcakes on her head, looked worried.

“G’mornin’ Twi.” Applejack broke the silence as Yuuno took a seat among the ponies. “How ya feelin’?”

“Terrible.” She grumbled. She must have looked like a mess, what with her wild bed-mane and slumped posture.

“You’re still upset about last night?” Rainbow crossed her hooves, shaking her head as Twilight nodded.

“Yeah. I can’t help but feel like I let everypony down. I could have done something different, or tried harder, but I don’t know how. I screwed up the mission big time.“ Twilight sighed. “If I’d just-”

She froze as she felt a pair of warm arms hug her, a familiar mane of rose-pink hair filling her vision. She leaned against Fluttershy, then blushed as the pegasus let her go.

“Twilight, you didn’t screw up anything…” Fluttershy said quietly, a hoof gently touching Twilight’s cheek. “You don’t have to blame yourself for what happened. None of us do. I certainly don‘t.”

“Yeah! It was all the fault of that big mean meanie-pants Fate! She’s the one who tried to hurt Fluttershy after all.” Pinkie Pie stomped a hoof.

“But I had to give up all the Jewel Seeds we…”

“Sugarcube, there’s,” Applejack paused, quietly doing a bit of quick arithmetic, “thirteen of them things still out there. We can find more. And to be honest,” she glanced around the room, then back to Twilight, “I bet everypony here woulda made tha same choice you did.”

“In a heartbeat,” Rarity concurred, slipping an arm around Fluttershy and nuzzling her. “That’s what friends do for each other.”

“I have to agree with them, Twilight,” Yuuno stood, walking around to stand with the other ponies. “No-one here blames you. I certainly don’t. You’re lucky to have such good friends, Twilight.”

Twilight sniffled softly, feeling a few tears start in the corners of her eyes. “I just…I can’t help but feel like I failed.”

“You can’t win every battle Twilight.” Yuuno crouched down, pulling Twilight into a hug.

“Yuuno here’s right,” Applejack nuzzled in. “Ya can’t expect to win everythin’.”

“That’s the first lesson I learned Twilight.” Rainbow Dash floated down, patting the unicorn on the shoulder. “Whenever you crash, you gotta get back up and try again.”

“And we’ll always be there for you Twilight, if you need help.” Fluttershy pushed her way in.

“No matter what happens, we all stick together!” Rarity sniffled as well, pressing in beside Fluttershy.

“So come on Twilight!” Pinkie Pie bounced just outside the group. “Give us a smile! We’re all in this together!”

Twilight snuffled, letting go of Yuuno and wiping her eyes. “Guys…thanks, I mean it.”

“Why do I smell cupcakes?” Spike grumbled, leaning over the edge of the stairwell, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

There was a pause as everyone looked up at the sleepy Spike, right before Twilight broke out into a giggle. The laughter quickly spread throughout the other ponies and their human friend, much to the young dragon’s obvious confusion.


“Well, this is definitely a castle alright.”

Arf slid her fingers along the stony walls of the staircase as Fate trotted up ahead, her pigtails swishing gently in the still air. “Pretty intact, too. I’m surprised those ponies could build something so sturdy with just hooves.”

“They have access to magic as well, it seems.” Fate replied quietly, entering into what appeared to be a throne room. The entire room was constructed of greenish-blue stone, from the smooth floor to the elaborate columns that supported the arched ceiling. Many of the windows were missing, leaving behind slightly rusted cross-bars that once held panes of glass. A low dais sat at the head of the room, back-lit by a round half-circle of windows. Creeping vines wound their way around many of the pillars and over the window sills, their white bark providing further color to the walls.

“Hey, Fate, look!” Arf grinned as she dashed up to the dais and hopped atop it, raising her arms above her head. “My loyal subjects, I, Queen Arf, bid you welcome! Guards, fetch me my royal water dish.”

“Be serious Arf.” The filly grimaced as she looked around, her eyes narrowing. Bardiche? Do you sense anything peculiar about this place?

Yes, sir. I am detecting a large amount of residual energy in this area in particular. It is likely that an extremely high level spell was cast in this vicinity, possibly beyond SSS rank. However, the residual energy does not seem to be affecting the area or you.

A beyond SSS rank spell? Fate paused. SSS rank was the highest known power level of magic. If there was anything beyond that, it would have to be world-shattering in scope.

Correct, The Device replied. The residual energy will likely mask your presence, sir.

That’s a relief. Fate closed her eyes. She could feel it herself; it was like a faint warmth on her skin. In a way, it felt…comforting.

“So, what do you think, Master?”

Fate shook herself, looking up at Arf. “This place will be our new base of operations for the time being.”

“Good. This place looks a lot nicer than that old cave.” Arf hopped off the dais and glanced about again. “Though we’re still pretty isolated. I still don’t see why we couldn’t set up shop somewhere populated. You know, with running water.”

“We’re attempting to avoid detection, Arf. It’s easier to do when we’re away from civilization.” Fate rolled out her bedroll onto the stone floor, trying not to wince as her stomach growled.

“Have you been eating, Fate?” Arf crouched down by her, eyes concerned.

“Yes. I finished the carrots you brought me this morning, remember?”

“Oh, right.” The wolf woman stroked Fate’s mane before standing up. “Then I’ll find us some food, alright? You stay here and try to get settled.”


“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Arf grinned toothily as she transformed into her fully canine form and loped off, disappearing down the stairs as Fate inspected her new surroundings.

What is this strange feeling in the air? Fate thought to herself, scuffing a hoof on the oddly clean floor. What could have happened in these ruins?

A few beams of sunlight slid over Fate as she looked around, and for the briefest of moments, it felt like someone was watching her. But there was no-one there; they’d checked the entire complex.


The cupcakes didn’t last long at all, not with six hungry ponies, a baby dragon, and a human enjoying them.

“...And it was so sweet. Little Spikey-wikey, coming to my rescue like that.” Rarity giggled.

“He didn’t need to. We were all sort of hiding behind Yuuno’s barrier.” Fluttershy quietly pointed out as the young dragon blushed.

“It’s still the thought that counts,” Rarity sniffed. “Besides, it’s only fair to thank Spike for his contributions too.”

“I don‘t want to interrupt, but could I have everypony’s attention?” Twilight announced, standing up from her seat and brushing off a few leftover crumbs. “I do have something I’d like to talk about.”

There was a general mumbling of replies as the other shifted into more comfortable positions.

“Considering what happened yesterday, it’s become more important than before that we locate the Jewel Seeds before they activate.” Twilight paced back and forth slowly. “However, this need is tempered by the realization that our opponent is dangerous, capable, and most of all willing to hurt anypony who gets in her way.”

“Uh, Twi?” Applejack raise a hoof.

“Let me finish.” Twilight resumed her pacing. “We are faced with a magically powerful opponent who can match me spell-for-spell, assisted by a wolf familiar that also possesses magical capabilities. Though it pains me to admit it, I was unprepared for the battle…”

“Hey, Twilight?” Rainbow spoke up.

“Let me finish,” Twilight growled, before resuming her pacing for the third time. “Now, seeing as-”


“What?!” Twilight stomped her hoof as she turned towards Yuuno.

Yuuno winced. “I think you’re blowing things a little out of proportion, that’s all.”

“He’s right, you know.” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. “From where I was sitting, it looked like a pretty even fight.”

“That’s what ‘matched spell-for-spell’ means Dash.” Twilight grumbled.


“Tha’ point is, sugarcube, we get yer not feelin’ all that confidant right now.” Applejack glanced at the others, who nodded in agreement.

“Everypony gets a little shock now and then, darling,” Rarity flipped her hair and re-crossed her hooves. “So please, just come out and say what it is you want to do.”

Twilight sighed. “Okay. I wanted to try to practice magic today. Raising Heart has some sort of training system that she informed me about last night that I want to try using. But I can’t do it if we’re looking for the Seeds. So-”

“Hey Twilight, can I make a suggestion?” Spike raised a hand.

“Sure.” Twilight gave Spike a weary glance.

“Why not just have us go out without you? I mean, it’s not like we’re all helpless. Yuuno was hunting after the seeds before he wound up with us. He knows the sealing spell, and both Rarity and him know how to search for the seeds since all three of you worked on the Area Search dealie. And nearly everyone here knows how to handle themselves in a fight if it comes to that. So it makes sense if we all go out and hunt while you practice or whatever.”


“Spike’s right.” Yuuno interjected. “Besides, if things go out of hand, I can call for you via telepathy. And unlike when I started, I’ll have plenty of backup in case things go wrong.”

“Not to mention you’ll be available in case a Seed does activate near the town and everypony else is too far away.” Fluttershy offered quietly.

“And if we do run into that big bad meanie Fate, we can just run like scared little chickies!” Pinkie grinned, flapping her arms to demonstrate.

“Speak for yourself Pinkie.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Okay, okay…” Twilight waved a hoof to quiet everyone down. “I get it. I get it. That‘s actually what I was going to ask everypony. I could use the practice, but we still have to go looking so…yeah. Was I that obvious?”

“A bit.” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Well, um, I guess there’s not much else to go over.” Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Happy hunting, I guess?”

“Yer sure you’ll be fine on ye rown, sugarcube?” Applejack looked at Twilight as the others began to get up.

“I’ll be fine. After that pick me up I think I’m over my self-pity.”

“Uh, Twilight?” Spike glanced over at Rarity.

“Yes Spike, I think you should go with the group.” She smiled, rubbing a hoof on Spike’s head.

“I just don’t want you to get in trouble without me around.”

“That’s sweet of you Spike, but I think I can manage a single day without my number one assistant.” She then leaned in close. “Besides, you might get to show off for Rarity again,” she whispered playfully.

“Really?” Spike grinned.


Twilight shook her head as Spike giggled softly, giving the baby dragon a gentle nudge.

“We’ll be back this evening Twilight.” Yuuno called out to her. “You just focus on your practice, alright?”

“Believe me Yuuno, if there’s one thing I can focus on, it’s studying.”


“Does Twilight usually get like that?” Yuuno asked aloud as he summoned the Area Search spell into existence, a greenish sphere of light hovering in the air quietly.

“Like what?” Spike replied

“You know…?”

“Moody?” Spike crossed his arms. “Yeah, sometimes. She does tend to get the wrong idea about everypony every so often.”

“Like that time she thought we’d hate her ‘cause of that big-mouthed unicorn that wandered through town all showboatin‘ and such,” Applejack supplied. “What was her name?”

“Trixie.” Spike supplied.

“That’s tha pony. She got all flustered ‘cause she thought we’d think she was showin’ off too.”

“It might be because the Princess charged her with finding the Jewel Seeds.” Rarity continued. “The poor dear does get a bit panicky when it comes to Princess Celestia.”

“She did mention being the Princess’s protégé.” Yuuno frowned. “I can only imagine what that’s like. Must be an awful lot of pressure, being the student of a ruler.”

“You should see her when she actually has real assignments due.” Spike rolled his eyes. “Freak-out doesn’t even begin to describe it. Celestia’s a good teacher, though. Twilight just…overreacts.”

“Yeah. You should have seen her during the parasprite incident!” Pinkie bounced along. “She was a complete wreck. I heard her shouting about building a complete duplicate of Ponyville in less than a minute.”

“Dare I ask why?”

“Well, the parasprites were kinda eating the town, and the Princess was due for a visit. However, I saved the day with the power of polka, so everything turned out alright in the end.”

Yuuno blinked, then glanced over at Applejack. “She’s serious, isn’t she?”

“That’s the honest truth. Saw it wit’ my own two eyes.”

“Speaking about everything being alright, Yuuno.” Rainbow fluttered closer, extending her wrapped-up hoof. “You think you can do that healing thingy from the other day? I was going to ask you last night, but…”

“Oh yeah, sure.” Yuuno reached up, his hands lighting with green energy as he applied the spell. “Just don’t go punching any more shields again.”

“Can’t make any promises on that regard.”

“Um, guys?” Fluttershy spoke up. “I don’t want to cause alarm, but the spell’s getting pretty far ahead. Maybe we should try to keep up, I mean, if that’s alright with you?”

“That’d probably be a good idea.” Yuuno smiled, letting go of Rainbow’s hoof and jogging after the sphere, the other ponies following after him.


“There we go.” Twilight hmmed softly as she shut the door to the library, its new addition swinging gently. The small sign reading ‘Out On Business - Check Back Later’ would be enough to deter most ponies from interrupting her training for the time being.

I have to have complete concentration for this. Twilight’s eyes were narrowed with determination as she took a seat at her desk, lifting Raising Heart from around her neck. I’ve been only lightly studying it with Yuuno, but circumstances have changed. No more foaling around. If I’m going to master this, I’m going to have to go all the way.

“Raising Heart?”

“YES, MY MASTER?” The jewel chimed as it responded.

“I want you to activate your training programs.” Twilight looked deep into the smooth surface of the gem. “I want you to teach me everything you’ve got, understood?”

“YES, MY MASTER.” It might have been Twilight’s imagination, but Raising Heart sounded a little… happy when she responded.

“Alright. Now, how does this work?” She blinked as the jewel began to glow softly.

Beginning training program in three, two, one…

Twilight blinked as the world went hazy, her surroundings changing into a blank white field filled with faintly glowing patterns. She sat there, looking around nervously at the near-infinite expanse. There was something unsettling about it.

Raising Heart? She didn’t so much speak as ‘thought,’ even though she was sure her lips moved.

I am here, my master. The voice seemed to come from every direction.

What…what is this? Where am I? Twilight tried not to panic.

This is the tactical training program. Do not be alarmed, master. This is merely a projection within your conscious mind linked to my internal systems.

So…I’m inside my head?

You are in a shared psychic space, master. In this space you can train your mind to understand magical formulas and develop reflex-level knowledge of spells and tactics via simulated combat.

How long have you had this?

This functionality was built into my core systems. Raising Heart replied. Such a system is common in high-end combat-handling Devices. Are you ready to begin instruction?

I guess so. Twilight rose to her feet, shifting herself around. The place felt real, even if it was in her mind. Though this is a bit weird. I mean, even for the circumstances…

It is understandable, master. What do you wish to learn?

Twilight rested her hoof on her chin, mentally of course. Fate’s current advantage is her ability to fly. Do you have a flight spell you can teach me?

Yes, master. Loading Support-type spell Flier Fin.

Twilight mentally blinked as the spell circle winked into existence before her, the spell itself resolving into a relatively simple set of formulas. This really is just like unicorn magic, she thought to herself as she read over the formulas. This looks like the wing-granting spell I used on Rarity, but a lot simpler. Fascinating!

Do you understand the formula, Master?

I believe so. Twilight concentrated, then blinked as she felt the spell ‘click’ into place, a faint rush of magical energy responding to the spell’s activation. She craned her head back and stared at the set of small pinkish-magenta wings made of solidified energy that hovered just above her withers. Okay, that’s new.

Spell successfully activated. Shall we begin basic tactical flight training?


Understood. Beginning automated training procedure for basic tactical flight.

Twilight stared as glittering, jewel-like shapes popped into existence around her, then yelped as her ‘body’ vaulted into the air, her new wings flapping slowly. This is going to be take a while to get used to…

I expect you will perform quite well, master.

That was encouraging, at least. Alright, sure. Let’s go for it then! Give me your best shot.

Twilight immediately regretted those words as Nightmare Moon appeared in all her black glory, her eyes lit with magic. YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE, SUN-LOVING FOAL! Her voice boomed in Twilights head as lightning flashed.

Raising Heart!?

In order to provide motivation, I have chosen an opponent from your memories that represents a great threat. The Device replied calmly. Please follow my instructions in order to avoid incoming attacks.

Twilight mentally swallowed. Yeah, sure…


Something smelled good. That was the only thing on Arf’s mind at the moment. True, she’d already eaten her fill on the woodland creatures of the forest she was in, but this wasn’t fresh raw meat. No, it was the smell of cooking. Something strong smelling, with herbs and other exotic things.

She was a wolf at heart, but she wasn’t entirely wild. She respected cooking, which was why she was hiding in the bushes outside of what appeared to be a house built into a large, gnarled tree.

What is it about these ponies and building houses inside trees? Her idle thoughts sharpened as the door opened, its inhabitant exiting. It was a pony, but not one like the ones in the town. Her coat was striped, charcoal gray on light gray, with a stiff mane that looked like a mohawk. The gold bangles around her neck and forelimb chimed softly as she walked, her tail swishing as she disappeared into the foliage, pulling on a simple brown cloak as she walked.

Wonder why she doesn’t live in town. No matter. I’ll just sneak in and help myself to whatever’s cooking in there. I’m sure Fate will appreciate something hot for once. Arf crept out of the bushes and slid towards the entrance, the hanging bottles glinting in the sunlight as she nudged the door open.

The inside of the home was an explosion of color. Any areas not covered with low benches and cupboards held painted masks or glittering bottles. Arf’s nose burned slightly from the riot of scents that filled the place. The strongest of the scents emanated from the large, bubbling cauldron in the center of the room.

Whatever it is, it smells good… Arf licked her lips slightly, leaning up and peering into the pot, her tail swishing.

“Though you like the scent of my brew, what is in there’s not meant for you.”

Arf froze at the rhyme, spinning around to face the figure in the doorway. The pony had returned, half silhouetted in the sunlight, her eyes taking on a slightly malevolent golden glow.

“Quite an odd sort of hound you are, I’ve not seen your kind near or far. But if you are looking for a treat, I’m afraid that here you’ll find no meat.”

What’s with the rhyming? Arf growled softly as she turned to face the pony, her fur fluffing as she raised her hackles, only to pause as the pony laughed.

“You think yourself some dreadful foe? There’s a warning that you should know, you’re not the first to try your tooth, against my skills and that’s the truth.” The pony smirked, her hoof slipping over to her cloak.

“I’d like to see you try!” Arf growled, crouching lower. She didn’t exactly want to hurt the pony, but she’d been discovered. If this pony told the ones from last night about her… No, she’d just have to take the chance. Maybe she could intimidate this one into complying.

“A talking wolf, how very rare.” She sounded surprised at that. “I wondered what secrets you’d share.”

“None you’re going to learn.” And with that, Arf pounced, her teeth bared and claws at the ready. Time slowed to a crawl as the pony pulled what looked like a hoof-full of green powder from under her cloak and whipped it into Arf’s face, easily side-stepping around her lunge. Instantly, her nose felt like it was on fire, her eyes teared up and her legs felt like poorly cooked noodles. She collapsed as she landed, whining pitiably as she pawed at her nose.

“Fair warning I gave oh canine friend, now some assistance I just might lend.” The pony flicked her tail as she hauled the crumpled wolf further into the house. “Of quick thought you seem very capable, though your nose my potions can’t quite handle. If you do not try to strike out at me, to you I can supply a remedy.”

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry I tried to attack you!” Arf howled. “Please, just make my everything stop hurting!”

She whined loudly as the striped witch pulled down a ceramic bowl, quickly mixing and crushing what looked like herbs and liquids before crouching down before her, setting the container before Arf‘s face. “Your nose should go within this pail. Do not question, instead inhale.”

Arf didn’t question. Instead, she shoved her nose into the bowl and breathed deep. A rush of cold hit her sinuses as she breathed, the burning slowing and calming.

“Tis not a pleasant mixture I use, but some predators simply refuse, to leave me be on my walk-abouts, so it’s up to me to teach those louts.” The pony wandered over to her cauldron, checking its contents. “Zecora is what I go by. What brings you here wolf, tell me why.”

“I was,” Arf replied in-between deep inhalations of the aromatic mixture, “looking for…some food for…my master.”

“A hunting hound gifted with a voice. I wonder what they’d make of your choice, to attempt to rob my little hut. What do you think, oh curious mutt?” Zecora frowned at Arf.

Arf whined again, her eyes lowering as her ears folded back. “I don’t know. I mean, I don’t think she’d mind too much, considering I stole some food earlier. I think she’d be more upset that you caught me. I’m not supposed to get caught. And I‘m a wolf, not a mutt…”

Zecora clicked her tongue dismissively. “Banditry seems to be unfair. If you had asked, I’d gladly share. What need have you to skulk and take? What cause have you for this mistake?”

Arf closed her eyes. “I’m not sure if I should tell you.”

Zecora nodded. “If you so say, then very well. I will not pressure you to tell.” The zebra turned back to her cauldron, lifting up a spoon and stirring the thick goop within.

“That’s it? No interrogation? No threatening me with the authorities?” Arf blinked.

“Whatever you do, open or sly, there is no reason for me to pry. I bear no ill will upon your head, so long by you I’m unmolested,” Zecora replied, turning back to Arf. “And if I did, what authority, would I invoke here in Everfree?”

“So, what, you’re some kind of outlaw?” Arf blinked

“Though an outlaw I am clearly not, of Pony lands I care not one jot. I much prefer my solitude, the forest provides for my mood. In Everfree I make my home, because the wilds I love to roam.”

“Okay, no offense, but the rhyming is starting to bug me.”

“The cadence of my speech, in fact, is a cultural artifact. In Zebra, much of the time, words are always meant to rhyme. Though some find it to be quite a fuss, I find the practice harmonious.” Zecora smirked, then picked up the bowl. “How fares your muzzle now, my friend? Has the hurting now reached its end?”

“Better. I’m sorry for trying to steal from you. I’m just worried about my master. I kinda wanted to surprise her with a warm meal, and I guess I got carried away.”

Arf’s ear twitched as she watched Zecora reach up, pulling a large gourd from its perched and uncorking its opening. The zebra dipped the container into the cauldron, filling it before closing it and setting it before the wolf.


“A warm meal I will not deny, though your methods I would not try. Take this to your master, pup. Return it when it’s used up.”

Arf glanced at the gourd cautiously, then at the zebra. As though to demonstrate, the zebra spooned up a bit of the stuff and popped it into her mouth. “Mmm, I think, perhaps some other day, I will not use those leaves of bay. The taste does clash with roots I use, perhaps a different herb I‘ll choose.”

“Um…thanks for the soup. But why’re you…”

“Should I now give a reason why? Kindness alone, if you should pry. Now off with you, be on your way. Maybe I’ll see you another day.”

Arf looked down at the gourd, then slowly stood. “It’s Arf, by the way. My name, I mean. Thank you.” She looked down, picking the container up in her jaws before loping out the door.


“Ugh, I can’t believe we’re back to this place again.” Rarity grumbled, looking out to the dry plane. “I swore I would never come back to this place again, no matter how many precious jewels are out here.”

Yuuno glanced around. Aside from the generous coating of dirt that covered the ground and the lack of plant life, this particular chunk of land seemed rather ordinary. “Um… why? Did something happen out here?”

“Only the most horribly traumatizing incident I’ve ever went through in my entire life!” Rarity swooned, a hoof to her brow. “I was assaulted, pony-napped by those disgusting, beastly diamond dogs and made to dig in their horrid mines like a wretched slave. The filth! The dirt! The smell! It was horrible Yuuno, simply horrible! Why, I might faint just from the memories…”

“You’re neglectin’ tah mention tha’ fact your complainin’ made them beg us to take ya’ away an’ they gave us six heapin’ carts fulla jewels for tha‘ trouble.” Applejack deadpanned.

This only caused Rarity to pout. “Must you interrupt my drama with your silly realities, Applejack?”


“Well, if we do run into those dust buckets, we’ll know what to do with them.” Rainbow Dash smirked, punching one hoof into another.

“Hey girls, over here!” Pinkie bounded after the Area Search sphere as it stopped. “The spell’s stopped! But I don’t see any Seeds around here.” The pink party pony took a seat, assuming a thinking position, then squeaked as the earth promptly pushed up underneath her with a violent rumble.

“Oh great.” Rainbow Dash grumbled as the mound Pinkie was sitting on rose up into the air, taking Pinkie with it. “look who it is.”

Yuuno paused as a large, vaguely canine head creature popped out of the ground, its hairless skin stone-gray. It was wearing clothing: a dirty red vest and black, studded collar. The creature landed, then cringed violently at the sight of the ponies. “OH NO!” It screeched in a raspy voice. “The ponies! They’re back!”

It spun around, obviously trying to dive back into the dirt, at least until Pinkie Pie hopped down and landed atop it, pinning it firmly to the ground with a thud. “Gotcha this time, hehe!”

“No! No! Not giving you any gems ponies! Not after last time!” The diamond dog struggled, paws pounding the dirt.

Might be best if I tried to calm him down. Yuuno quickly jogged over, crouching down beside the diamond dog. “Excuse me…”

The diamond dog stared up at him with wide eyes. “Who are you? What are you?”

“I’m Yuuno. Look, we don’t want to do you any harm, we’re just looking for something I lost. Can we ask you some questions?”

“Questions? Questions is all you want?”

“Yeah buster!” Rainbow Dash butted in, her rainbow-colored mane smooshing into Yuuno’s face. “And you better be truthful if you know what’s good for-hey!”

“Sorry about that,” Yuuno apologized as he pushed Rainbow out of the way. “We’re just looking for something very specific. A jewel, two-toned blue and diamond-shaped, about this big.” Yuuno held his fingers out, trying to approximate the size. “It would have been laying around up here somewhere. Have you seen it?”

“Jewel?” The diamond dog rubbed its chin. “Yes, yesss. There was two of them! Strange jewels, never seen before by diamond dogs.”

Yuuno’s face lit up. “Do you think you could show us where they are?”

The diamond dog growled. “No!”


“No!” The dog slammed a fist into the dirt. “You were sent by her! I knows it! She sent you to torment us once again!”

“She?” The other ponies looked at each other.

“The screaming one!”

“Tha… screamin’ one?” Applejack tried not to grin as Rarity’s eyes narrowed

“The whining white witch, whose voice makes caverns shake!”

“The whining white witch?” Rainbow snickered as Rarity began to grit her teeth.

“The snooty demon who complains about everything!” The dog howled, gripping his ears.

Rarity’s teeth were audibly grinding. If it were possible, steam would have been pouring out of her ears, much to the amusement of the other ponies. Even Fluttershy was trying to hide a small smile behind her hooves.

“Hey, that sounds like Ra-mmf!” Pinkie blinked as Spike plugged her mouth shut with one hand.

“She has sent you to steal our jewels once again,” the diamond dog whined. “The one whose name lives on to scare pups when they do not sleep! Oh, why must we be subjected to such horror?!”

“HOW DARE YOU!?” Rarity screeched. The diamond dog froze as the white pony stomped up towards him. “The nerve of you to malign somepony like me for having standards when you’re the one who-”

“IT’S HER!” The diamond dog screamed. Pinkie went flying as he dove into the pile of dirt, the mound vanishing as he tunneled down, leaving a gaping hole behind.

“After him! He knows where-” Yuuno cried out, then paused as another voice overpowered his.

“COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT YOU UNSOPHISTICATED LOW-LIFE!” Rarity dove down into the hole with a battle-cry.

“Rarity! Wait up!” Spike followed close behind.

“-the Jewel Seeds are?” Yuuno blinked, then gave chase, the group rapidly leaping into the hole after the unicorn and dragon.


Twilight was used to difficult instructors. One did not get into Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns and expect an easy education, after all. She had had tough instructors, harsh-but-fair instructors, even intimidating instructors.

Raising Heart, however, was starting to top that list in all three categories.

Maybe it was because she was inside her own head. Maybe it was because she was trying to visualize something she was deeply un-used to. Maybe it was the fact that Raising Heart was making her ‘fly’ against images of an angry Nightmare Moon that was threatening her with unspeakable torments. Or maybe it was because whenever she messed up she got a rather painful zap from one of ”Nightmare Moon’s” lightning bolts. Whatever it was, her mastery of the Flier Fin spell was progressing at a quick, albeit extremely painful, rate.

Twilight flopped onto her side within the mental projection. Her entire head pulsed, and she felt like she was about to keel over from exhaustion.

Course Completed. Score: Eighty-Five Percent (B).

That was her highest score so far.

Yay. She thought tiredly. This was probably the first time she was overjoyed to get a B on a test..

You have progressed quite well in tactical flight, master. The Device noted in a neutral voice. It would be wise to continue training outside of the psychic link for this spell.

Does this mean you’re not going to zap me anymore?

Yes, master.


Deactivating training program now, master.

The world wobbled as the real world returned. Twilight shook her head sharply, a hoof going to her forehead. Her brain still ached, and her entire body had the pins-and-needles sensation of falling asleep. She swore she could hear one or two joints pop as she stretched. How long had she been under? It had felt like days in her head.

But the clock suggested that only a few hours had passed.

She closed her eyes and set Raising Heart on her desk. What she needed was a bit of rest. Rest, a shower, and a sandwich. Then she’d be ready to learn some more.

She paused in mid-step. Raising Heart?

Yes, my master?

You have a lot of spells in your library, right?

Correct, my master.

What if I were to add to it?

The Device paused. That would update my archives, master. I will provide the tools necessary for Mid-Childan spell programming if necessary.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” she said aloud as she arched her spine, then wandered into the bathroom. A hot shower sounded really nice.


“How is it, master?”

Fate took another swallow of the soup contained within the gourd. The taste wasn’t unpleasant, and it was certainly filling. “Mmmf… alright. But I’m more curious about how you got ahold of something like this.” Fate frowned slightly as Arf shrank a little.

“Well, I was in the forest, when I came across this hut with a pony in it. I tried to sneak in, but she caught me. We…um…duked it out, then she gave me some soup.”

“You were caught?”

“Yes…” Arf whined, pawing the ground. “But Fate, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know about you or the Seeds. And I made sure to check behind me and take a really elaborate route back here to make sure I wasn’t followed.”

“…I see.” Fate set the gourd aside, frowning at it. She knew Arf was telling the truth. While she appreciated the soup, something still bothered her. It was the same reason the blue pony just giving her the cookie had bothered her. They had no reason to do what they did, giving things away so freely. Was it pity, or were the ponies here really just that nice?

Her thoughts went back to the fight the night prior.

“Friends stick together, no matter what.”

“Here, take them and let Fluttershy go.”

Friendship. Generosity. Kindness towards others… Fate’s frown deepened. Foolishness.

“Master?” Arf whined softly, nudging her. “Fate?”

“I’m fine, Arf.” A hoof reached up and tousled the wolf’s mane. “Just thinking.”

“Alright. Do you feel like going after the Jewel Seeds now?”

“Yes. Perhaps it’s for the best. If I can manage to find half of the Seeds before I have to report in to mother, it will make her happy.”

Fate rose from her place on her bed roll, her cloak folding out from her back like a curtain. Bardiche floated from his holster at her side, the golden triangle glinting. “Are you ready, Bardiche?”



“I forgot how much of a maze this place can be.” Rainbow Dash glanced around as the group followed the Area Search sphere. “Good thing we have that spell, otherwise we’d be totally lost.”

“Oh, we wouldn’t be lost.” Rarity snorted, the irate unicorn having taken the lead. “My gem-detection spell would lead me right to those unseemly brutes. Call me a whining white witch will you? I’ll show them a snooty demon. Oh yes I will…” Her voice trailed off into dark muttering, which Spike seemed to be nodding along to.

“Poor Rarity. She must be so upset…” Fluttershy whispered quietly to Yuuno, glancing over at her friend.

“To be fair, I’d probably be a little upset too if I was turned into a boogieman.” Yuuno tried not to smile at the sheer silliness of the situation, then blinked as the group entered a large cavern. The group paused for a moment as the sphere swiveled in mid-air, hovering erratically.

“What’s it doin’?” Applejack’s head bobbed as she followed the sphere.

“I’m not sure. Maybe the diamond dogs are moving the Seeds around?”

In the distance, there was a shrill whistle, almost at the edge of hearing.

“Did...did anypony else hear a whistle?” Rainbow Dash cupped a hoof to her ear, trying to listen.

“I did. It sounded like a dog-whistle…” Fluttershy blinked as a soft rumbling echoed from the stone walls surrounding them.

“Eeee! The ground’s vibrating! I love when it vibrates.” Pinkie giggled, her voice distorting slightly as she bounced. “It makes my voice sound funny!”

“What in tarnation is goin’ on?” Applejack stumbled slightly as she looked around..

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound good…” Yuuno backed up slightly, hands raised before him. “Everyone get close in case I need to raise shields.”

The rumbling ceased as diamond dogs began to pour into the caverns. These dogs were much larger than the one Yuuno saw earlier; they were slightly taller and built like gorillas, their blunt muzzles sniffing the air. Each one was wearing armor consisting of a breastplate and a large helmet, and carrying a short, broad-bladed spear in their big paws. They seemed to emerge from every direction, some even clinging to the ceiling as they snarled and howled, surrounding the intruders. There had to be at least two dozen of them all told.

“Ah’ don’t think they’re to happy to see us.” Applejack grumbled, backing up against Yuuno.

“Gee, what gave you that idea?” Rainbow noted blithely, pulling back as the ceiling dogs poked at her with their spears.

“We have you now, pretty ponies!” A shrill voice echoed as the diamond dog from earlier exited one of the tunnels, flanked by two equally dressed compatriots. “And this time, you won’t be leaving with our jewels!”

“Look, I’m sure we can try to-” Yuuno started to say.

“Don’t make me start whining at you!” Rarity shouted, glaring at the trio, causing them to recoil in fear. “I’ll do it! I’ll whine until your ears fall off!”

“Listen, I-”

“We…we’re not scared of you this time, pony!” The dog from earlier shouted back, dusting off his red vest. “We have special anti-whining measures in place. DIG DOGS! ACTIVATE SPECIAL ANTI-WHINING MEASURES!”

The burly, armored dogs reached into their breastplates and pulled out what looked like bits of cork, before lifting up their helmets and stuffing them into their ears.

“Hah! See!” The diamond dog puffed up his chest proudly. “Now whiney pony whining is useless!”

“Why do I get the feeling I’m talking to a brick wall?” Yuuno sighed, rubbing his forehead.

“Ya’ll ain’t the only one.” Applejack followed suit.

“Now ponies and lizard and funny creature will surrender! Or else dig dogs will poke you until you do!” The diamond dog grinned, rubbing his paws together. “Then pretty pony and pretty pony's friends will find gems and dig them up and pull the wagons!”

“Um, excuse me?” Yuuno shouted, raising a hand. “Can we just talk about this for a second?”


“Fine. I‘ve had enough of this silliness.” Yuuno grumbled and thrust his hands upwards, a green spell circle forming under his feet. “Chain Bind!”

Dozens of glowing green chains launched in every direction, rapidly wrapping around the dig dugs like the strands of a great net. The free ends of the chains quickly anchored themselves into the walls, immobilizing the soldier dogs like flies caught in a spider web.

“Ah thought you said you weren’t good at attack spells, Yuuno.” Applejack stared up at him.

“This isn’t an attack spell, it’s a binding spell. Slight difference. I‘m actually pretty good at them.”

“T-they’re not hurt, are they?” Fluttershy nervously poked one of the chains of energy.

“Not unless they struggle. Then it might chafe a bit.”

“And here I was hoping for a dramatic melee against impossible odds.” Spike frowned, crossing his arms and snorting. “I don’t even have a lance. Or a cape.”

“Sorry, but we really don’t have time for this.” Yuuno turned back towards the leaders. “Now can we talk!?” He shouted, then face-palmed as the three leaders turned tail and fled.

“”I guess not. After them!” Rainbow Dash darted down the tunnel after the fleeing hounds, quickly followed by Rarity.

“Wait up!” Yuuno shouted as he and the other ponies gave chase. It didn’t take long to catch up. The trio of diamond dogs were backed up against several carts of precious gems, backed into a corner by Rarity and Rainbow

“We got you now!” Rainbow growled, looming over the dogs from her spot in the air. “and we’ve taken care of your goons. You better apologize right now, or Rarity here will complain at you. Loudly.”

“No! Not complaining!” The shorter of the trio whimpered.

“Just leave us alone!” The broader one howled.

“Um, Rainbow? Doesn’t that seem a bit excessive?” Fluttershy squeaked. “We don’t have to do something like that.”

“Hey, they’re the ones that struck first!”

“To be fair, we did sort of invade their home.”

“Um, girls?” Pinkie Pie spoke up.

“Not now Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash snapped, turning back to the dogs. “Now, are you going to play nice, or is my friend going to have to start with the whining?”

“I’ll do it too. I might have scuffed a hoof on the way down here! And this air is doing nothing for my mane!”


“Not now Pinkie!” Rarity stomped a hoof. “So, are you going to surrender?”

“No! Whine all you like! We will not let you take our gems again!”

“I honestly can’t believe this is happening.” Yuuno sighed.

“G-g-g-g-g-girls!” Pinkie’s voice began to distort as she started to violently vibrate, almost like a jackhammer. “I-I-I-I’m ge-e-e-e-eting a doo-oo-oo-oo-oozy-y-y-y-y!”

“Oh horsefeathers.” Applejack swore as one of the carts began to glow, a high-pitched chime ringing through the air.

“Ahhh! What is this!? What is this pony magic!?” The diamond dog gripped his ears as lightning began to leap from cart to cart, the gems starting to glow brilliantly.

Oh no. I didn’t think they’d activate right here, right now! Yuuno covered his eyes. “Everyone, get back! GET BACK!”


“Everyone, get ya’ll-selves over here next tah Yuuno, hurry!”

The world went brilliant a Yuuno pulled up his barrier, a pillar of blue-white light firing up into the ceiling of the cavern.


Twilight froze, her sandwich mid-way to her mouth. A spike of cold ran up her spine, much stronger than the ones she had felt previously.

“Oh no…” She yanked Raising Heart from her desk and dashed towards the door, pushing it open. Ponies had gathered in the streets to stare at the sky as two beams of light streaked into the clouds above.

“Two? Oh no… oh no oh no. Raising Heart!”



Fate turned in mid-air as she heard the explosion, holding a hoof up to shield her face from the brilliant light.

Two Seeds. And from the looks of things, they’re reacting quite strongly.

“Do you think the ponies set them off or something?” Arf floated closer, squinting as the brilliant light dimmed, the beams thinning.

“Not sure. But with a reaction that strong, something had to trigger them. Come on.” Fate’s cape swirled as she dove downwards towards the beams. “Let’s go.”


“Is everyone alright?” Yuuno winced, opening his eyes. His shield was still stable, thankfully.

“I think so.” Fluttershy slowly got to her feet.

“That was a doozy alright.” Pinkie shook herself.

“GET OFF OF ME!” Rarity squealed , rearing up and away from the cringing diamond dogs.

“If ya’ll are alright, we got somethin’ bigger tah worry about.” Applejack ponted. Yuuno followed the hoof and stared.

“Our gems!” The diamond dogs shouted in despair. The force of the Seeds had fused the massive loads of jewels into a single conglomerate, a multi-colored, burning eyed diamond dog-like creature at least twenty feet tall. Said creature was currently slowly climbing up the wall, the cavern now completely exposed to the sky above.

“What in Equestria IS that thing!?” Rainbow gaped.

“The Jewel Seeds tend to react with substances nearby to form a defensive shell. In this case, the Seeds used the gems…”

“But why does it look like a diamond dog?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Well duh, it’s because the diamond dogs were near them when they went off.” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “They must have heard all the shouting and turned themselves on.”

“Let’s worry about the why later.” Rainbow flexed her wings. “I’m going in!”

“Rainbow, wait! We don’t know what it’s capabilities are!” Yuuno shouted, only to be drowned out by Rainbow Dash’s battle cry.

The blue pegasus streaked upwards as the golem crested the lip of the now exposed cavern, one hoof extended outwards. The beast glittered brilliantly in the sunlight as it climbed up and over the edge. Rainbow closed in at high speed…

…Only to violently rebound off the air several feet away from it, ripples of light spreading out in the empty air.

“Rainbow!” The ponies below shouted, the plummeting flyer shouting in panic, just before she hit something soft. She craned her head back, blinking at the series of spell circles stacked underneath her.

“Next time, Dash,” Yuuno deadpanned as he lowered the Floater Field down, “wait a second before trying something like that.”

“How was I supposed to know it had some sort of kooky force-field? Since when did those things have that kind of trick!?” Dash growled.

“This isn’t a single seed. The defense programs of the two Seeds are interacting, combining to generate a more powerful combat form.” Yuuno glanced upwards. “I think we might be a bit out of our league this time. We’ve got to warn-”

An ear-splitting thunderclap rang out as the beast stumbled back, bolts of lightning spraying out around the monster’s shield. The diamond dogs whined and fled back into their tunnels.

“If that’s who ah think it is, we’re gonna have even more problems…” Applejack winced.


“That didn’t work as well as I’d hoped.”

Fate floated silently in front of the rainbow-colored gorilla-dog thing, Bardiche at the ready. The air stank of ozone and static from her Thunder Smasher, the blast having been wasted on the defense program’s shield.

“Is it me, Master,” Arf tilted her head, rubbing her chin, “or does that thing look like it’s made out of gemstones?”

“It most likely is. That explains things.” Fate paused as the program’s body glittered again, catching the sunlight. “It must be using its constructed body to channel energy for the shield. Clever, if a bit unstable.”

The golem snarled, raising its hands towards Fate.

“Uh oh.” Fate and Arf darted out of the way as a spray of sharp-looking jewels streaked through the air, the stones embedding themselves in the dirt and stone on the ground. The beast’s arm tracked her, the sharp gems firing out machine-gun like behind her.

“Master, we’re going to have to find a way to punch through that barrier.” Arf noted as the golem’s arm re-formed, its blue eyes burning with unnatural fire.

“I know-” Fate paused as a pink torrent of energy collided with the thing’s shield from behind, the shield rippling.


“Twilight!” A shout came up from the pit as a familiar group floated up, stationed atop a spell-circle centered on their human companion. However, Fate’s attention was more focused on the approaching purple unicorn. A pair of brilliant energy wings hovered above her shoulders, flapping every so often as she hovered there.

She didn’t look too happy to see her either.

“What’re you doing here, Twilight Sparkle?” Fate’s voice was neutral. “I warned you-”

“You can warn me all you like Fate, but I’m still going to do my job.” She turned to face the golem as it howled. “Two of them, eh?”

“Yes.” Fate’s frown was tight lipped.

Twilight glanced over at her. “I don’t suppose you’re willing to accept a partnership and split the seeds?”

“Why should she share the seeds with you?” Arf growled. “This is Fate’s mission, not yours!”

“Head’s up.” Twilight winked away as the golem began to fire. Fate and Arf streaked upwards, the rapidly firing jewels following a ballistic trajectory as they whistled through the air. Chunks of stone suddenly found themselves studded with jewels, and anything softer was reduced to small pieces by the passing projectiles.

Fate pulled around as the salvo ceased, Arf hovering just beside her.

“Figure it out yet?” Twilight asked as she winked into existence.


“The trick to beating this thing.” Twilight smirked. “I watched for a little while before I fired my Divine Buster. Pretty impressive shield, isn’t it?”

“It’s probably using the sunlight as a supplementary power source, charging the Seeds with solar power. That’s what’s making the barrier so powerful.”

“True. However, the shield isn’t entirely solid. It’s allowing its projectiles through so that it can attack.”

“…So?” Fate glared at Twilight.

“If we both attack at the same time while it fires on us, we should be able to disable it. Punch a hole through the shields and overload the defense program's armor. Since there are two seeds, we’ll both take one each. Then if you want, we can go our separate ways.”

“You honestly expect me to believe you?” Fate glanced down at the golem as it slowly walked, its footsteps heavy and plodding.

“What’ve you got to lose? Believe it or not Fate, I’m not trying to be your enemy.”

Fate bit her lip, then pulled Bardiche around. “We’ll have to get in close to maximize the chances of breaking through. You take the left side.”

Twilight smiled faintly. “I knew you’d c-”

“Don’t mistake this for me being friendly, Twilight Sparkle,” Fate interrupted, “This is only a temporary truce.”

“Got it.” Twilight swept Raising Heart around. “I’ll take the lead.”


“Are they doin’ what ah think they’re doin?” Applejack shielded her eyes as the two unicorns swept downward, pointedly ignoring Rainbow Dash’s irritated mumbling about wings.

“It looks like it.” Yuuno watched as Twilight and Fate maneuvered around, the former warping rapidly to avoid incoming fire, the latter blurring as she flew at high speed. “Maybe Twilight got through to her…”

“Ooh! This is going to be awesome!” Pinkie grinned as Twilight and Fate stopped, jewels rebounding off their respective shields. They had flanked the golem, keeping it so that it could devote only a single arm’s worth of gems to attack each of them.

“DIVINE BUSTER!” Twilight’s device began to charge its projectile, the tines of Raising Heart’s Shooting Mode glowing.

“THUNDER SMASHER!” Fate’s device glinted ominously as a magic circle formed in front of Fate.

Yuuno frowned as the spells went off, the blasts hammering against the shield, turning the jewels into vapor. The golem gave a scream as the two blasts broke through the shield, clashing into the bejeweled body and pincering it between the beams. His eyes widened, however, as the entire golem began to glow brighter and brighter.

“TWILIGHT!” Yuuno shouted.

“FATE!” Arf screamed.

And then the world went blindingly white.


All images (c) their owners.